V ivvvr-jcm, mffm&w 'I ft s mo rem JOE 6ANS.6RAND 'Mi BUCK WILL WIN Clover Llplitwoliilit Now Enfimioil In Fliihtlnu Wlillo Plnnue Boticives His Dl(j Dlack Brother Will Win from Joffrlos. MlilDFORD MATT, TRIBUNE, MftDFORP, OHKOON. WBDNKSDAY. JUNE 22, 1910. l'HKHCOTT, Arl8 Juno 33. Jou Oiiiim, (ho old iiutfitor, votoran of , nror.-H of IIkIiIwoIkIiI IjiiIIIuh tlmt lmvo iiimlo piiKlllHtlo Malory, tlilnkii Jack JohiiHon linn u roynl clmiicu to tlufcnt Juffrk'H it Iloiio on July 4. OniiH Ih In thin city NkIiIIiik (ho rnvAKon of (uborjuloRlH. Ho tuiio nuro from I'lioonlx (o uvold iho In tumw hunt of Iho Mioonlx Htiniimir, Ho wnH vory willing to 'oil why ho II InkH IiIh Me blnck brothor will nonl hln clnlm to (ho clmniiloiiHlil) on In lo)ontlonco day. "Tho wholo rniitlor," mild .(hum. "hliiKCH on wholhor or not Joffrlow fun como bnck. Tlinl'M not nn orli; l ojilnlon, but noYortholfHH IIh ii true Blftlomont. I don't tlilnlt ho enn bo tho flnuio ffoiitor bo wiih wlion ho rotlrod, no mnttor whnt woudorH !io 1im ncconipllnhod In IiIh train In. "If JoffrloH woro In IiIh prlmo ho would bo a ton to ono fnvorlto ovor mii iinon. nut nix or hovoii yonrn without n bnttlo mnken moro dlffor nco thnn tho nvornRo mnn can con colvo. "Don't I know? Hnvon't I lin.l 1,11,0 tl"k thin ovor. with doionn of uthur (hliiKii, Mlnco I ennui to Ariz nn to mnku tho hnnloHt flht of my cnreorT Joffrlen mny look Kood on tho oiitalilo, but yonrn of Inactivity nro bound to put tho Innor working to tho bad. Ho mny bo In hln old tliiiti form, but I doubt It. Hnn;or, HurnB, Cornoll mul tho others not wltlintnnillnir. With JoffrloH not In prlmo condition, Johntton hna n roynl chanco to tnck hln tltlo nbovo tho rljihl of nny llvlnir fluhtor. i uii. I could oo tho fIKht. I'd rIvo most nnythliiK If I could," tho winded flRhtnr ald with n fnrnwny look In hla oyoit. After Onna enmo to ProHcott from Phoenix tbroo wceka nr.o ho wna con fined to tifji bod for uovornl dnya. Hla frlonda feared tho end wna nonr. Lnat wock, howovor, ho nppenrod on tho Btroot. Ho aald today bo foola hot ter thnn at nny tlmo nlnco ho camo to Arlsonn, nnd hna hojioa of winning hla fight against tho dlaonso. PEOPLE FORCE JOMITTEE 10 ACT ON REQUEST Plficonholo nosoliilfon, But Thou sands of Letters Force Them to Din It Out anil Report In Favor of It. WAHHINUTON. I). G. Juno 22. Aflor iilRODiihollnif Honronoiitntlvu Mcil.iichhiirH rvaolu Hon domandlnit thul tho wnr doimrtmonl bo rnllod upon to iihow Hh' propnrodnoHB for war, tho houito coiiuiilltoo on military affaliH today decided nnajliiioiiHly to roport In favor of tho ronolutlou. .McUnchlnu'H loHolutlon nnd IiIh upoi'ch, mttdo ut tho tlmo of ltu In- lioiliiclloii, doclni'lni; that tho Jap kiioho could captuio and hold tho I'nclflo Htateu hna roaulted In tliou- hiiikIh of lotterH bolus; soul to military authorltlvH domnudliu; that tho war lepnrtmont miiko n Htatoment on tho matter. DIAZ LOCKS UP HIS OPPONENT FOR PRESIDENCY Mailelro Lotljicil In Jail on Cliarflo of "Insultlnn tho Government" Liberals Declare Elections Next Sunday Will Provo a Great Farce. PEOPLE ASKED TO CREATE FIVE NEW CONTIES JEFF IS GIVEN GREAT. OVATION BY RENO SPORTS Chccrlnii Mob Conducts Hcavywclujit Fi(hter to His Quarters Grouch Has Disappeared Rlckard Is Now Happy. LANGFORD-KETCHELL GO IS 45 ROUNDS 8AN FUANCI8CO, Juno 22. Posl tlvo nnuouncomont wna nmdo today that tho Lnnnford-ICotcliol fight will bo atnged na n -IG-rnund go In Ileno on tho morning of July 4, Sid Hoator ntatod that In tho ovont that Tex Klcknrd will not permit tho utsu of tho Jeffrlea-Johnson arena for tho go, another arena will bo built for tho battle. Hoator declared that at tlrat Hick nrd agreed to permit tho iiho of tho big arena for tho morning fight, but has alnco oxporloncod a chango of heart. Ho ntlll hopoa, howovor, to Induce Hlcknrd to rolont. CUTS HIS PALS MOAT; IS STILL AT LARGE CHI.llAl.18, WiihIi., .Tuna 22. J')hu Sullivan, anoiiHod of tlio'iimi'clor of ltin pal, Alvln W. Ulaek, by Hluok ub lie was dying, Iiiih not boon oap turod today. Hlnok't. throat wiih out yosl onlay whilo ho slop, by tho Qront Norlhorn railroad trnokH nonr Winloclc. IIo nnd Sullivan woro truvoliiik to Win look to find work. Rapidly blooding to den Hi, bin wiudpipo out nnd uuablo to tulle, Hluok draped hiniRolC to the rail road track and riigimllod a piishiiik work train. Ho wiih pieked up by tho (now and carried bade to Win lock, whuro he died. Ah ho lay dy ing in the eabooHo ho told what ho know with tho help of pnpor and ponoil and nods and kohIiuoh. lie wrolo tlmt ho mot Kullivan at Viim oouvor, Wiuih.; that they had no (liiarrol and that ho know no motive , for Sulllvnn'H ntlauk. Rlnuk hud only 8 oouts. Hluok eanivd a Hiiit ouho, beariiiK tho name, A. 1 ltuh ortH, Ho kiivo tho iiiinio of his I'ulli or as Potor lllnok of Wolvorino, Midi. 11KSO, Nov., .Juno 22. Jiiiikm J. loffrioH nnd his party reached hero ui JU it. m. today. 'J ho train wiih met ut tho Htation by a crowd that numbered hundreds. Jeffries was given an ovation nu ho stepped from tho (rain. Jim Corbel t was received with ItiHty cheers mid there wiih a Hondoff for every member of (he big follow'n training Htaff. JoffricK tried to dodge tho cheer ing panplo, but thero wiih no chance. He dropped off ut Iho rear of the train, but a crowd of outhuBiasth Hiirrouuded him and shouted well wIhIioh at him. ' Tho cheering mob led him (o To Kickard'H automobile, which hml boon waiting to take him to hiri new training ipiarters at .Moauti SpriugH. Tho crowd followed Iho automobile all tho way out (o tho training quar ters. Tho Joffries party was in high i.piritfl when tho train rolled into tho Million. Tho uueortni.ity of tho past few dayu in at an end. Tho wile of Iho big battle haw boon seleeted and there in nothing to it hut hard work for tho next few days. Joffries in ready for (ho grind, his (minora say, and tho trainers themselves are mighty anxious to get back at (lie roal work again. Jim Coibott, Hob Armstrong, Hec tor AlolConzio, Farmer Hums and linger Cornell all woro hrond nnd gloaming cinilos when Keuo was reached. Tho opirilH of (ho parly roso as tho train ueared the Nevada city, and it wnn n mighty cheerful party that wiih ready li swing off wlion tho I rain stopped. Tho J jf fries "grauoh" jms been vanquished, his trainers say, and now that Iho big fellow's disappoint ment at nut being allowed to fight in San Francisco has disappeared, (hoy boliovo (ho work ho will do in (ho fow dayo tlmt yet remain of (ho hard grind hoforo (ho big battle will as tonish oven his most nrdeat ndmirors. Tho wholo party scouted woll sat isfied with tho now training quarters and it is nnnouncod that tho hard work will begin ut onco. Nono of the traiuors Ixdiovoa that tho change in altitude will uffoot Jeffries, and tlioy expect him to rosuino hia training as though thero had boon no break. Even if tho alliludo has noma offcol, they fmy, it will only tnko n couple of days lo gut him comiilotolv nonl!. muted. llcno is Biiro oxoitcd uhoul tho fight. Tho greeting JoffrioR e-ol to. day would niuko Now York eheoriiiL' for a returning lion hunter feel a triflo ashaniod of (ho uoinnnrativo noino produol, Iliokurd was ovidcnlly pleased at Iho enthusiasm llono in showinur ovor gi'lling'Jho figlit. Ho is HkowUo planned Unit Jeffries is on (he ground and (hat wotk on tho aroua is under way. 11 looks to him as I hough (he big mill is now n per luinlv, and his worry of Iho past fow days is gono. MONTKHKV, Mex., Juno 22. KranelH Mudolro, cnndldnto for tho presldoncy. was today lodged In tho penitentiary ut tho Inutmico of tho Diaz, administration, Tho charge of 'liiHUltlug tho gnvcrnmonl" which wna jilnced agalnal him Juno 18, when ho was flrnt put In Jnlf, wna changed lo "Inciting riot." Tho now move, which tho liberals decline hi confirmation by tho gov ernment that tho oleUlona Sunday will bo a farce, has arouaod tho rnv- mIiiUoiiIhIh throughout .Mexico. Tho spirit of revolt which hns been con fined to tho border cities had spread to the Interior nnd today Moxlco Is under liiteimo political excitement. Revolution preparations are spread ing and It Is believed that tho elec tion Hundny will bo tho bloodiest. In tho history of tho republic. Tho liberals nro openly declaring Hint Madeira was arrested olmply be cause he la n cnndldnto for tho pres ldoncy. MoetlngH called to denounco tho government's nctlou aro being broken up by tho pollco, and rurnles and government troops nro patroll ing tho border nnd guarding border CltlOH. Kvory liberal lender thnt could bo found has been banished and the au thorities nro searching for others con nected with tho party. In N'uovo Leon, tho heme of Ma deira, excitement Is moat Intense. General Hernnrdo Iloyes, who wna nnmed no a candidate for tho vlco presldoncy against Ilnmou Corral, ad ministration cnndldnto. wns formorly governor of N'uovo Loon and wns n mnn of wonderful popularity. Ho wns deposed nnd virtually exiled, though ostensibly ho wont to Europe to ctudy military nrgnnlznllons. His oxllo caused great excitement throughout tho stato, mid his follow ers flockod to tho Mndlro standard when ho wns nominated for tho pres idency. Tho pccplo of Xuevo I.oon nro particularly against Diaz for having exiled Iloyes and Jailed Mndolro, nnd It la believed thero will bo sorloua rioting when tho elections begin. Initiative Petitions Are Bcinp. Circu lated Asklnn for the Enactment of Many New Laws Dallot Will Be a Lotifj One. TAR'S "BIG STICK" HAS ITS EFFECT WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 22. Although tho Insurgents and tho dem ocrats In the scunto protested against tho nccoptanco of tho house postal savings bank bill, n teal voto today ladlcatoa that Tnft's "big stick" meth ods havo forced enough regulars Into lino to iu8uro tho ndoptlon of tho measure. Tho Insurgents nnd democrats will mnko a bard fight ngnlnst tho adop tion of tho bill, but It Is oxpectod that It will bo forced through with little delay. Thoro will bo no filibuster, londors of tho opposition to tho bill declare VOTE FOR GODDESS OF . LIBERTY AT JACKSONVILLE Following is the voto for Goddess of Liberty at Jacksonville up to dale. Tho contost closes Tuesday, Juno 2S: Nina Wall 130 Delhi Hood ... FrnncoB Kinnoy Minn Woltors . . Josephine Noma Laura Ncuber . . ) HAM3M, Or , Juno 22, Though In llatlvo petitions bavo already been presented at tho office of tho secre tary of stato which by direct enact- men proposo to crcnto flvo now Oro gon counties next Novcmbor. nolltlons nro Btlil being circulated In different parts of tbo stnto asking tho electo rate to create at leaBt two r.ddltlonnl ones, nicking tho Hut of now counties to bo created by tho neonlo at tho next genornl election a total of seven. Four of theso now counties nro to bo located In eastern Oregon nnd three In western Oregon, If thoy all carry, tbo map of Oregon will bo so badly mutilated tho state's own sons will bo unablo to rccognlzo It. Petitions bavo already been pre sented for tho creation of He-smith and Umpniia counties. Thoao Mnn. ties nro to bo located In tho upper Wlllnmotto valley and will depend for tholr territory on tho present counties of Lnno and Douglas. Petitions nro being circulated that havo for their object tho enactment of an net to crcnto Williams county, In tho same vlcln'ty and overlapping tho bounda ries of tho proposed Umpqua nnd No am I th counties. In eastern Oregon already proposals bavo been so far consummated as lo bring about tho filing r' potltions for tho creation of Otis county from parlo of Malheur, Hnrnoy and Grant: Or chard county, mainly from northeast ern Umatilla, nnd Clnrko county, mainly from tho north portion of Grant county. Petitions aro being circulated for the creation of Des chutes county out of tho north portion of Crook. Redmond will bo mnde tho county sent of Deschutes county, tho boundary excludes I3ond by about six mllos nnd Prinovlllc about four miles. Such is tho county situation as pro sorted by tho initiative. All peti tions must bo filed by July 7 and arguments In their favor by July 4. Tho indications nro that by that tlmo thoro will bo at least 31 measures on tbo ballot of tho general election to bo bold Tuesday, Novcmbor 8, ana now county propositions bid fair not to bo tho least item ot tho long bal lot. NInotoen measures havo already boon filed. Among tho 19 nlrcady filed aro tho flvo county projects nnmed; two other proposals to annex portions of Wash ington and Clackamas county to Mult nomah county, making coven county Chnni'CS nnd with Mm Iwn r.inrn anrn to bo filed, a total of nine: a snlary. bill enacted by the legislature and m r n mil in n . .. ..i. . '"""'"' wiu u;ujiiu, which provlU-' ed for tho increaso of the salary of ui circuit jucigo who sits In Unkor county; two taxation amendments to tho constitution, referred by tho leg islature; mi nmendmont allowing tho stnto to build Its own railreads: a bill for a constitutional convention and a bill for redlstrLtlng tho slato for representation purposes In tho I03- lelaturo, all proposed or roforred by tho 1009 legislature; a bill for tho establishment of a branch honnltal in eastern Orogon, also rcfo;rod by tho legislature; a woman's suffrago amendmont; a slato wldo prohibition bill; nn employers' liability act: a bill to abolish tbo poll tar and making othor reforms In taxation; an act pro posing to cllow cities (fid towns to regulato tho salo of liquors, and ono measure providing for tho mainten ance and support of c utato normal school at Monmouth, all by Initiative potltlon. W. 8. U'Rcn. throuKh tho l'conlo's Power leaguo, is contemplating the Initiation of several nets relating to I appeals to tho supremo court and a general centralization and simplifica tion of tho present governmental sys tem In tho utate and counties. Thero will also probably bo other normal school proposals which tho people will havo to meet la Novombor. A bill to regulato fishing in tho Roguo river is being circulated and will bo filed In a day or two. That is tho situation that confronfs tho voters at this dato, with moro pe titions probably coming not yet made known. Tho bcllot tvo yeara ago vas long, with 19 measures, but will bo longer tHla year, with no less than 31 measures, -which tho people will bo called upon carefully to consider when they cast their ballot Novomber 8. lYOUR CBOIC t 4 100 pieces of fancy decorated and hand painted Chaina Plates, Bowls, Chocolate Jugs, Nut Bowls, etc. 1 r .tT if Just as a Flyer Thursday- Friday The rumor that President Taft will practically take tho stump in suppon 01 ins policies, 11 it proves to bo cor rect, may make it still harder to cet appropriations for presidential trav eling. It was never intended that tho president should be an officio, stump-speaker. Plain tfj'cen Mat Jardin ieres; regular $1.25 and $1.50 sizes; Thursday and Prida-. HANGING FLOWER BASKETS Made of good heavy wire, painted green; salts prices, DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. 4 f HOW TO STOP DltlNKlNrt It was formorly customary for tho habitual drink -r to tnko n plodgo ro gularly, sometimes onco a year and sometimes lu ovory fit or romorso that followed his dobnuohos, and thon nreak It. hut now It Is gradualyy dawning on tho world thntt plodgoa do not stop druukonncss, Tho uorvous sys torn of tho habitual drlnkod Is dis eased and ho must havo trontmont thnat will euro his condition, Ortino Is sold undor posltlvo guarantoo to euro tho drink hnblt or tho monoy will bo rofundod. Can ho glvon so- orotly. Wrlto for froo booklet on tho Curo of Alcohllam to tho Onino Co.. C32 Orrlno building, Washington D. O, Mnllod sonled. Orrlno costs but ono dollar por box, Sold In this city by Leon 11. Uasklns, Send a Messenger that will meet with the ap proval of the recipient of your iuessag6. Any old kind of a messenger wont answer. The hest should always be sent ''if" j'ou wish the re cipient to pass a favorable verdict. What you think about busi ness stationery isn't quite so important as what your corre spondent thinks. Don't buy HAMPSHIRE BOHD "Letitr tkt uvttr.mari" because it pleases you, but because it influences the man you write in your favor. Old llAMrsiitst Bend la clean, crbp apr, tmdo for (.loan, cnp kutincu ulkt. It u oIJ en III' uoumpllon that thfrc' economy in quality, A nandftoms iprclmen UxA uirn upon rrnuex, how. ine Irdf rliraJi ami oilier butinen formi, prlnicJ, lnlipfraplieJ nnd engruved on Iht wlutu und luuilcci cqlor Madaliy IIamiiikk I'.MKK COMI'ANV, Ills inly piper innlm in lit orld mukiiiE bond yapcrexcluiively Medford Printing f -f -f -f--f4- -f -f4 $1.00 Each 25 to 35c Each 20 dozen pure lead blown, gold edge, Tamble Tum blers; very best qvality; per set of 6 50c HUSSEY'S If You Are Looking for a Money Maker INVESTIGATE THIS 50 Acres of the finest hillside land in the valley, one mile from Jackson-' ville on main road and every inch can be utilized. Sightly building spot. Price $225. Good terms. ?h "ar- "f The Best Low Price Prorosition -.. .i( Mf 1160 Acres on the Antelope creek, in one body. This is a great bargaitf for e price askod. You'll have to hurry to get this at $35 per acre. . , . . l j- the Investigate This Before You Buy 19 Acres adjoinhag Buxcrell Orchai'd on tho south. 5 Acres bearing peaches. 1 1-2 Acres be;tring pears. 1 Aero bearincr Sntts. 9 1-2 Acres 1-year-old Bar 2 Acres bearing Bon Daviii. 9 1-2 Acres peach fillers. House 6 rooms; bairn, gooii condition; one span fine mares, wagon, .hack, Jf 1 1 P I . ,-. ,- -.- n. ana ouggy; an lmpiomonts. lttciuamg spraying ui.uui. This is the best buy on tho market barring none. If interested, call for prAco and terms, which cannot be beat. How is this for a mid-aeason bargain? ij . ih- 'f . 4 How is This for a MLd-Season Bargain? 19 Acres, 11-4 milo from Phoc. nix depot; soil slightly gravel; 6-year-old apples and peaches; 2 houses, ono built of concrete; good barn, some alfalfa. Price, $4500; $2000 cash, balance gyood terms. Walter it McCallum L. HOTEL NjHSSH LOBBY Co. 38 SOUTH CENTRAL AVE Haokina for Iloalth. IlnBktnB for Hoftlth. Haskins for Health. .' fj,A !'$ . ' yp5i. ,niyilMDiHimitjWIfl"r ) 'WK, 1 1- lyUlflrj 'THtHBlf" zpmi mgt )M.2 tfbMMV' ''ff 'iM