Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 22, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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    (Vf? "WVKWfvr tjw iffi wrq-f-imiiqp H.'," H T)
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Mbdford Mail Tribune
Compltto Rerlcit: Thirty-ninth Wnr;
Dnlly, Fifth Year.
A cm.notliUllon of the Mcilfortl Mull.
t.itilla)ipil 1SN. tint Southern Or-
fOnlBti, pRtnlillKlirct JS02. llin Doinocmllo 1
Hints. vMabllnliFd 1st:, tno AKiuawi
Tribune ('Ubllalictl IS96. and the Meit
f ird Tribune, putubllshed 11108.
UKOHOK PUTNAM, Kdltor nnd Mmviuvr
Bntered aa second-class mutter No
ranber 1, 180J, at the postofflco at
Medford, Oregon, under the act of
March I, 1179.
Official Paper of tho City of Mcdford
nrasosxrTzoK rates.
One year by mall IS 00
t a
Oaa month by mail
Per month, delivered by carrier. In
Hertford. Ashland, Jacksonville,
Phoenix. Central
till and Woodvtllo..,
unday only, by mall, per year.
weeKiy, per year
Oold HI
nU X.tased
Wlr United
Praia Sla-
The Mall Tribune Is on sale at the
Ferry Nowa Stand. San Francisco.
Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland.
Bowman mows uo., I'oruana. ur.
W. O. Whitney, Seattle. Wash.
Hotel Spokane News Stand, Spokano.
rostaff Xata.
I to ll-pago paper.... lc
II to S4-page paper... "c
14 to 88-pairo paper Sc
iwosxr czaamATzosr.
Average Dally for
November. 1909 1,700
December, 1909 1,841
January, 1910 1,925
February. 1910 !.1
afarch, 1910 ,................... 2,203
April. 1910 ,....., 2,301
. , A99V
1 2400
S 2350
I 2360
4 2400
I 2400
I 2400
19 2425
11 2425
II 2500
II A. ...2550
II 1300
If 2S50
Total 65,100
Lea deduction and special edition 1.400
19 2550
20 2550
22 25S0
23 2550
24 2500
25 2500
28 2500
27 2500
29 2650
30 2500
31 2600
Average net dally, 2150.
STATE OF OREGON. County of Jack
son, aa:
On ttfla 1st day of May, 1910, per
sonally appeared before me, Q. Put
num. manairer of the Mcdford Mall Trl
imne. who, upon oath, acknowledged that
the above figures are true and correct.
(Seal) H. N. YOCKES-.
Notary Public for Oregon.
TVif 13DK0R1)S polieotiion should bo uuifonuod. By uu
' ifonuod it is not numut than any old blue suit with
any old kind of a hat, hut a regulation suit with brass but
tons and a' that, together with a helmet and the other
little things whieh make known a policeman as fat as the
eve ean distinguish form.
Mcdford is taking on metropolitan airs rapidly. A
stranger remarks on this point often on his arrival. But
let one meet ouc of tho membors of tho police force and ho
is suddenlv disillusioned. A vision of vc little countrv
crossroads village flashes across his mind.
Med ford is continually filled with strangers who nat
urally seek information. Instinct bids them turn to a po
liceman, but none can bo found you try and pick one of
the force out of a crowd and see how far you got.
By all means let tho police force bo uniformed. Let
Mcdford cease to boast of her metropolitan airs until it is
-f f
KEsroao, oBsaoir.
MetrODOlls of Southern Oretran and
Northern California and fastest-grow
ing city In Oregon.
PoDulatlon. 1910. 9.000.
Bank deposits. 32.760.000.
Banner fruit city of Oregon Rogue
River apples won sweepstakes prize and
title of
"Apple JClags ot the World"
at National Apple Show, Spokane. 1909
Rogue River pears brought highest
slices In all markets of the world dur
ing the past five years.
Write Commercial Club, enclosing C
eenta. for postage on finest community
pamphlet ever written.
It muy be that Manhattan sky
scrapers will Lave to put in screens
against those Jersey airships.
By dissolving tho Wright injunc
tion the court justified again the use
of the expression "as free as the
The colonel helped the stokers n
little recently. The colonel himself
needs no stoking. He is always un
dcr a full head of steam.
The now science of the air is pro
ceeding at a fast gait, but is not u
congressional bill for carrying the
Wails in aeroplanes a little ahead of
Tho six-year-old boy who rode
horseback from Oklahoma wants to
be a Now York hotel clerk. Thus
does the pinnacle of earthly glory
and splendor lure simple and rustic
youth to high endeavor.
The Montclair citizen who is con
tending for the right to celebrate- the
Fourth noisily in a town which has
ordained that it shall bo noiseless
shows that tho spirit of Independ
ence day is not extinct.
Natchez, with a treasury deficit
due to tho expense incurred in enter
taining President Taft, has the sat
isfaction of knowing that it went
broke in tho good cause of maintain
ing southern traditions of hospital
In sleep I turned tho volumo of my
Tho leaves were many, rough and
soiled and marred,
And hero nnd thoro a lino was
blurred and scarred,
Where- to erase it I had tried with
No page was porfect, but through all
thoro ran
Fair lines and many spaces white
and clear;
Ah, small thoy were, tho blotted
linos too near,
But each showed whore n
thought began.
OOOKS could be written about the power of persisloit
cy in advertising.
It is a subject of which the advertising enthusiast never
grows weary.
The other day an advertising man was talking to a well
known merchant. Naturally the conversation drifted to
business-getting methods.
This reminded the wholesaler of some follow-up let
ters he had received from an eastern manufacturer. He
showed them to the advertising man, saying: "What do
you think of them?"
The advertising man read them over and vouchsafed
the opinion that they were pretty good.
"Pretty good! "Well, I guess they arc!" replied the
wholesaler. ' 'If you want to know just how they are I will
tell you.
"Those people have been sending me letters now for
several months. I didn't pay much attention to them at
first, but finally I became interested in them. I certainly
admired their persistency. In fact, I admired it so much
that the other day I sat down and sent them an order for
a large amount of goods."
Mighty strong argument on the persuasive force of
sticktoitiveness, isn't it? A striking illustration for the
man who expects to build up a business on a one-time ad
vertisement. The merchant who stays with the advertising day after
day and year after year is the one who wins the prizo mon
ey. It isn't necessary that he write follow-up letters, but
it's essential that he make use of the columns of the daily
The late Mark Twain's story of the spider is apropos
at tins point. Twain was a newspaper man during several
years of his life and was a strong believer in advertising.
While addressing an association of advertisement writers
one day, he said:
' 'It pays to advertise. "When I was editing the Virginia
City Enterprise, writing copy one day and mining the
next, I tried to force this truth in many ways.
"A superstitious subscriber one day wrote and said he
had found a spider on his paper; was this good or bad
luck? 1 replied to huu in our answers-to-correspondents'
column as follews: i
tt tm,l a,, K.. :i,.. mi. . . t -i
viu. Kjuuaunuuj. iue iincung 01 a spicier in your copy
of the Enterprise was neither good luck nor bad. The
spider was merely looking over the pages to find out what
merchant was not advertising, so it could spin its web
across the door and lead a free and undisturbed existence
forever after.' "
It is wonderful, when -you stop to think of it, that you
ean talk to every thinking man and woman in your city
every day. You can do this very thing. It is made possible
through the daily newspaper, a modern institution that for
greatness ranks with the telephone, tho telegraph and
the electric railway.
You can't expee'e a salesman to solicit business from
more than a few d.ozen people a day at best, and yet,
through newspapers and magazines, you can solicit trade
from millions of .'people in the same length of time, if you
so choose.
Every intelligent American will sooner or later make
a study of advertising, because every man who would suc
ceed must know about advertising. It is the most power
ful force of moriern business. Its field, has only been pros
pected. Its possibilities are unlimited.
C. Pollnrd, tho greatest traveling
willow worker In tho United Status,
was refused n glass ot boor at No.
ai south Front street and at M. &
U. Co. saloon on account ot being col
ored. The pnloon looked llko It was
worth about 3Ge, but yot It wnu too
flno for a nocro to tako a drink, nnd
on tho same- morning I was roftiBcd
service In tho llttlo restaurant noxt
door, In about tho catno shape.
I hnvo boon travollnu for two yearn
and 1 have never been rofused In
such a placo as that koloro. I have
boon In tlio stato of Washington,
wlro tho pecplo aro civilized, and
oiio man's icouoy Is Just aa good as
another one, so now I pick out a good
uatno for Ft out street Hebo nvo
nuo). I do think that It Is a alintno
that thoro nro but threo onloons In
town where a negro can got a drink.
Nobody but fools could stay horo,
nnd they but a short tlmo. So tho
snmo night I canto out tho saloon
door nnd asked n policeman what ho
thought about It. DM ho think tho
law allowed a man who had a public
p'.nco to refuse to nervo anyone as
long as ho acted tho gontloiuan with
out bavins up a sign "No colored
trado solicited"? Ho said no, ho had
to hnvo up this sign. So I think tho
peoplu of Mcdford need moro knowl
edg ot tho law. 1 will probably havo
tho matter investigated yot. I havo
got to meet my brother In San Fran
cisco on July 4, and may call back
at Mcdford on a later dnto and see
what kind ot law thoy nro having
here. I Just want to show thorn that
nil negroes are not fiolo.
Delegates Refuse to Pass Resolu
tions Denouncing Payne-Aldrich
Tariff Bill Roosevelt Policies Arc
Also Turned Down.
ST. PAUL, Minn., Juno 22. Taft
Republicans nro today deriving much
satisfaction from tho refusal of the
delegates to tho Republican state
convention to pass resolutions de
nouucini: the Pnyno-Aldrich tariff as
a repudiation pf Republican platform
pledges and commending tho action
of tho MinncHota representatives and
senators who voted ugaiust that
The resolutions which wcro defeat
ed by u largo majority also contain
ed n clause proclaiming unalterable
support of tho "policies promulgat
ed by Theodore Roosevelt."
The progressives in tho conven
tion, however, secured easily tho
passage of resolutions commending
tho pursuit of conservation as out
lined by Roosevelt.
Howover, Ho Falls to Wako Up
Suffers Torments for Years nt Not1
Boinn Able to Closo His Eyes and
(Crtutinund from page 1.)
1IACKKTT8TOWN, N. J., Juno 22.
Alonro Wire, oiico chief of police,
tell nslcc( two liightu ago for the
first time in 20 years. Today ho In
dead, not having rctimiud to con
sciousness since his eyes closed.
The cud oaino last uveuiug, appar
ently from an affection of tho lungs
ami the bronchial tubus. Up to the
time ho became ill, about three weeks
ago, Wire was in perfect health.
Thirty years ago Wire was em
ployed as a futm hand and one day
was struck by a stroke of lightning.
He soon became deaf. Ho wont to
many ear specialists, but none ol
them could relieve his deafness, So
ho resigned himself to his fate and
learned tho deaf and dumb alphabet
By tho time lie reached tho letter
his deafness had disappeared, and
his hearing has been porfect since.
Then the insomnia began. Year af
ter year it increased, and for ten
yearn Wire suffered torments from
being unable to sleep. Hut, strange
ly, his health remained unimpaired.
His sleeping hours gtew shorter and
shorter, and again lie consulted
many specialists. Almost every phy
sician had a different theory about
what the electric stroke had done to
his system, but none could suggest a
Finally Wire learned to do without
any sleep. To rest his body hu would
lie for soveral hours on n couch, but
his oyes always remained wide open
and Ifis brain apparently always was
active, lie frankly told his friends
ol his affliction and several pliysi
eians who doubted his word put huu
to extreme tests. Those tests, how-
over, novor served to make the man
Iwo nights ago, just boforo his
eyes closed for tho last' time, ho call
ed his wifo to his side. "Tho Lord
bo praised," ho whispered, "I'm go
ing to sleep at last.
f t ttltiHH
-r"r-f -f-r4 -f
Tho Columbia Park Hoys, forty
strong, arrived in town thiB morning.
head by Major Peixotto, to whose
efforts tho club owes its existence.
This afternoon tho boys aro playing
baseball with our fast Mcdford tenm
and tonight thoy nppoar at tho Mod
ford theater in a program of artis
tic musical selections varied with
athlotio and vandevillo numbers. Tho
boys hnvo beon gelling splendid no
tices everywhere thoy nppoar and
will no doubt bo greeted by tho us
ual Mcdford big house
IfnflkinB for ITonlth.
GALVESTON, Tex. 22. Ton thou
sand rlfloa and plenty of ammunition
havo beon secretly takoa luto Mexico
and distributed among tho revolution
ists during tho past yoar, according
to a special dispatch received hero
todr.y from Hormonlllo, Mexico, Most
of tho guns hovo been shipped Into
Sonora and Chlhuachua. Thoy wcro
sent In small consignments.
Tho dispatch cays that most of tho
guns solzed by tho govornmont offi
cials last week woro old onog and
that tho now rifles smuggled in dur
ing tho past yo:ir aro otlll In tho pos
session of tho nntl-DIaz mon,
It Is further assorted that tho alarm
caused tho govornmont at Cananea
was only a ruso and that Instead ot
that pluco being tho hoadtiuarters of
revolutionaries, thoy. aro scattorod all
over Moxico.
For Sale
10 acres, out, $700.
Homesteads, 'call room 207.
CJoao-in proporty, income- $08 per
month; $1500 if tnkon nt onco.
Lots on West Main, n bargain.
Lota Went Walnut Park addition.
Oak tioi wood, well seasoned.
Restaurant for nuick sale, $275.
Rooming houso nnd rostnuraut at in
voice Hotel with 10 rooms, a fine buy.
Two acres, closo in, $050.
Bearing orchard trncts at $100 por
34 acres under ditch, closo ins
100 acres, closo in, fino dniry and
stock ranch, ousy terms.
Solent in the couttol litu milking is a
power thai numl ho ovoilluown with
out dolnv.
"Tluno cannot ho relief while the
interests piofiliug tlnoiigh-tlio liuiff
InwH nro allowed to friiiuo them, as
thus far lliev hnc done, II hui lieeli
shown strongly that tlieq control the
Rcpuhllcaii party.
"Insurgency is a mere protest Tim
cgulnrH scoff nt it. Tlui oiity agency
by which it imii no uisiouguu ia,uu
lidiiiuoralli) paily. (hind government
means llm snmo ipi Washington as it
(loos in Columbus. If. the dlsoiiHstoii
which tlio Niiilo campaign Involves
shall hulp voters lo elcuilc piihliu
service nt both capitals I shall on
doubly glad to have had putt in It."
Tho "bargain hunter" who studied
tho nds Is also a bargain finder!
HnsklnH f..f II i.lth
MiehtUn was the first to manufacture pneumatic
automobile tires and now produces more than sotfo
of all the tires made in the world.
114 v VfaDt
In Stock by
Isis Theatre
-- --- -- ---- '
Mtitche II Dueo
Wednesday Ni&ht
Singing & Musical Sketches
1 THE CLOSED DOOR a drama.
----"-------"- -
Illustrated Song "Night and Day" by Miss
Kennody. ,
Good Music. Clean, Cool and Comfortable
- - For Sale - -
" -------- --4
428 ACRES "Rogue River bottom land, suitable
for fruit aud general fanning purposes.
300 ACRES Alfalfa land, covered with irrigation
ditch and perpetual water right, lias coal outcrop
ping. At a bargain on long time, easy payments.
Gold Ray Realty Comp'y.
Unknowingly, I traced these
I thought them but Jooso leaves
soon torn nnd lost;
I know not thon tho tears whieh
thoy should cost
When in tho western sky my sun
Could I but write them now, how
fair they all should look
When tho Groat Angel oomos to closo
and seal my book,
xxuiene J, jjowuicr j
N. S. Bennett . of tho Eden Vnliov
Nursory, has ho g tin n special nrize
of $20 worth o. i nursory stock at tho
third nnnuaf r exhibition of tho Na
tional Apple- 3how at Spokano, for
tho best box of "Jonathan ntmles
grown in Oregon." This is a "state
wide" compv litioi i und should stimu
late compel ition among those grow
ers who hftvo Jon athnns in thoir or
Mr. Beunott hni i roeoived tho fol
lowing roply to h is offer from the
management of tin 3 show;
. o, uenuett,. Eden Valloy Nurs
ery Co., Mcdford, Or. Dear Sir:
Wo note your offor of n upecial
prizo of $20 worth of nursory stock
for tho best box of Jonathans grown
in Oregon. This will bo a satisfac
tory irpze and wo shall lake pleasure
in making tho announcement. I be
lieve your offer will stimulate com
petition' and it is certainly a gener
ous donation on your part,
"Yours yory truly.
"I3y Hon II. nieo."
Tho ad that tho othor nowspapor
roador moroly glanced at may bo the
ono you're looking for.
(Continuod from Paso 1.)
aro to bo given any oredonce.
Tito detectives admit that thoy aro
baffled concerning tho whereabouts
of Johnson's monoy, although they
doclnre that they aro sure that he
hnd moro than $1000,
liert Kersh, htiubaud of the woman
imdor arrost hero with Webb, is ex
pected to urrivo today from Soattlo
to claim possession of his 7-year-old
son, William,
I Uaokins for Hoalth.
Girls for gouornl housework.
Second cook.
Log drivers.
Mon, $2.50 por day, and board $1J0
25 wood choppors, $1,50 cord.
Girls for gonoral housowork, $5 to
$7 por wook.
Itailroad mon, $2.25,
Man to cut tior wood, $1 tier.
Woman to cook on ranch.
Mcdford Employment Bureau,
Business ohnucos, real estate, all
kinds of help furnished.
Room 207 Taylor & Phlpps Blthj.
Phono 4141 Mniu.
We Fix It
"Our machino responsibility
does not end with tho lnnohino'H
sale. Anything wrong wo fix
II. If anything breaks wo fix
if. Anything woiu'h out wo fix
it. If it's your faultwo fix
it. If il'ri tho iimchiiiu'H fault
wo fix it. If H'h our fault
wo fix it. No unit lor wIiiiI'h the
mailer wo fix it,
Call Main 1711.
C. S. LUPT0N, M(r.
Lawton Bulltllnn.
Motlfortl, Or.
- -- kJV iT