I li ! 'Ii I hi MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDJJORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 22, 19J0. wWIMBWBHBBjMiiih iii ii TLiiiiiiiW 2-22!uiB FULLS IB FEET; IS BAGKAT WORK Man Who Plunued From Top of Hlu.li Structure Without Much injury to Himself, Roturna to His Old Job on the Building. ( APOKANM, Wnuli., Juno K.Dnv Id Dnnlolnon, 20 yuum or iiko, who full from tho tot) of tlio now Morrison .thontor bull-Mug hero, u dlMtnnco of 172 foot, without uurlouu Injury on Juno 17, has returned to work on tho triicturo, DanlolHon trlpood over n coll of rojio on tho roof and pitched luwdlotiK to tho ixtvomont, whoru ho luudod lit n whonlbarrow. Iloforo thoio who wiw tho doHCont could riiHh to lila aid ho nroxo to lilo foot nnd wnlked to tho offlco of Dr. Btnnloy II. TUur, whoro ho calmly Htrolchod out on nit ojiorutliii; lublo to nucortuln tho cxtont of hln Injuries. A cursory examination showod tint no boiiou woro broken, and when Dnnlolnou loarnod thlu ho walked to hlo tilntor'a homo nnd Invltod hor to dinner In a rostnurnnt, whoro ho did Jtntlco to n tnaal that would satisfy two inon of ordinary appetite Danlolsou snyu tho Ksh ofor his loft oyo Is tho ouly Hit; that caused pnln, nddliiR that tho sen sation of tho tiurrlod fl'Blit through spato amply renal' tho nftor Incon vunlonco by roaaon of tho cloaod optic. without bolni; thoiouKhly nroiuiud, al tliotiKh ho wnn nwnkonod novoral Union, but would CO back to sloop vhllo bolutj talko dto. Onco ho wnn liulucod to cot out of bod, but whllo droiiHlni; wont to uluop nnd foil over. Friday morning about 1 o'clock ho uwakonod nnd ulnco that tlmo liau foil no bad ronultn from his sloop, although ho Is very weak from luck of food, ., COURT 8AYS GIRLS MAY BE SPANKED AT 10 BY PAS WAYNKSUUIia, I'u., Juno 22. Tlio rod nu n corrootivo iiKont wn hIIII hold logul (ih well iib efficient by it (Jroeno county jury, oven though the judplunt of punishment in JO yearn old, pretty mid a Hooloty belle. Tho jury which lionrd tho caho ngnhiHl Jtlolinrd Kwnrl, n liveryman of the county uoat, who wiih charged by IiIh 10-yoar-oltl daughter, Hohh, witli UHHituJt mid buttery, decided tho prisoner wiih wholly within bin rights mid found liim not guilty. According to the toHtiinony of MIhh Nosb Ewnrt, the girl who wua whipped, tho trou ble occurred on April 27 after sho had attended u skating rink with a party of young pooplo. Sho tOHtifiod her fathor upanked her and whipped her with n cowhido whip. Imincdi utely after tho whipping, tho girl left homo nnd hns uinco been residing with mi undo. JACK LONDON IS GIVEN JOBBING Mixes In Roundhouse With Propri etor of Cafe and Comes Out Much the Worse for Wear. (lorn In tho Uolioinlan colony noutli of Merrill on tho borders of Tulo luko, In In Klamath Falls with a wag on load of BooBoborrloo which ho mow on bin ploco. Mr. Loufok says ho ban picked 2G0 gallons of these berries thin nenso", from 37 bushos which woro Rrowlnc on tho placo ho purcbnRCd whon no wont tboro. Mr. Loufok ctntcn that he has at least 200 gnllgnu of tbeso borrlos still In his patch nnd Is finding n roady inarkot for thorn at 2C cents a gallon. AUTOMOBILES THIS MAN EVIDENTLY TOOK A CORRESPONDENCE COURSE PHILANTHROPIST WANTS TO SEE CHEAP FLOWERS NKW YORK, Juno 22. Flowors nro ouo of tho uovcusltlos of life, nnd shoulr bo brought within reach of tho poorest, bollovos Joseph D. Crliu mlns, n wealthy phllauthroplnt. Mr. Crlmmlns Is at tho head of n com inlttoe urging tho establishment of a city inarkot under tho Quoousboro brldKO. whoro flowers will bo sold at low prices. "At prcsont porsons able to buy flowers from high-priced dcnlern on Fifth nvonuo can obtain all tliey do elro," ho said, "but It should bo pos alblo for n poor child to buy a flow er for 2 or 3 cents or a wild flowor for n ponny." TAFT AND ROOSEVELT MAY MEET GOVERNORS FIIANKFOIIT, Ky., Juno 22. Tho national couforonco of governors, which was Inaugurated an a, regular annual event during tlio Hoouovolt administration, will bo hold this year nt Frankfort nnd LouUvlllo. Tho gOYornera will moot In Frankfort No vetnbor 29 to dlicunn conservation, prison roform nnd othor topics that com to call for concerted action, Tho second day's session will bo hold In Loulsvlllo. l'resldont Tatt nnd ox I'roildont Itoosovolt probably will at tend. Tho official call will bo Issued soon by Govornor Wilson of Kentucky. FISH COMMISSION TO APPOINT NEW WARDEN 8ALKM, Or., Juno 22, Mastor Fish Warden II. II. McAllister affirm od tho roport of his resignation from offlco today, nnd Is proparod to ontor upon his campaign In the Interest of tho antl-probtbltlon movemont on tho first of July. In tho ntoantlmo tho fish commloslon, consisting of Act ing Qovornor Nowormon, tSato Trc.iB uror 8tool and tho socrotary of ctato, will hold a mooting for tho purposo of appointing a now fish wnrdon. Qov ornor Bousou hns rocommondod a man for tho position. HORSE DEALER MAKES KICK ON FREIGHT RATES 8ALBM Or., Juno 22. A. 0, Ruby, a Portland horso donlor, filed a com plaint against tho Bouthorn Pncltlo railroad nnd tho O. R. & N. company with tho rJraad commission todny, In which ho clnlma ho hns boon dis criminated against by bolng compell ed to pay high ratoa for Bhlpmonts of UHIons and hns had yroat dolny In unloading thorn ns thoy arrived In Portland, Tho complainant claims that ha Is charged $52 por bond for hipping to Klamath Falls from Port land, and togothor with a flrst-clnos pessongor faro, tho oxponso amounts to ovor $100. HAMMOND, Inu, June 22. Vic tor Molnudor, n fonnor clerk, who evidently utudicd agriculture by mail, was engaged by John NolHon, u truck fanner of Clark Station, as head gardener. Nelson turned Molaudur looso in n big tomnto and potuto patch iih a Htartor, to hoo out weeds. At tho cloiio of tho day Nelson iu Hpectod Moluiidor'H work. Nelson Hiiys ho found that tho man had cut all tomnto mid potato plnnlH in n five-acre patch ami hail tenderly cured for burdock, mustard nnd othor weeds. Nelson says the next gnrdenor ho engages must have a certificate from tlio ijchool of experience. Ho will hitvo no more applicants whono knowlodgo of tomatoes mid potatoes was gained from correspondence or tho dinner table. OAKLAND, Cat., Juno 22. Jack London, author and oxploror, Is today tho complaining witness In a bnltory cuso pending In tho pollco court. Ho Is chief witness for tho prosecution and his strcugcfll ovldcnco Is n black oyo and other facial dlsflguromontii. Whllo In a downtown cafo Into last night London got tnuglod up In a fist ic nrgumont with Timothy Muldow noy, tho proprietor, nnd Tlrnothoy had nil tho best of It. Tho troublo began when London started to ontor a "privnio room ror ia.no3 nnu wns ordorod to bait by Muldownoy. Tho lltorary man disliked Muldownoy'u tono nnd announced that ho was a tlghtr. A fast round followed, ending whon London left tho placo tc find a pollco man. Later Loudon nuked tho author ities to postpono action, as ho desired to nttond tho Joffrloz-Johnson fight nt Reno. $8,000,000 GOES FOR GENERAL DEFICIENCY WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 22. Tho general deficiency bill, tho last of tho rogi Inr supply measures to rccclvo tho npprovnl of tho two houces of congress nt tho prcsont session, wan passed by tho sonalo todny. It carries appropriations aggregating nearly $8,000,000, nn Increase of nboul $1,800,000 over tho houso mensuro. O. W. Murphy. O. M. Murphy. MURPHY BROS. AUTO LIVEItY. 1010 Chalmers Dotroits. Phono 1801, Vnlloy Auto Company, Medford, Or. GIRL WHO MARRIED MOTHER'S STEPFATHER WANTS DIVORCE TOPKKA, Kan.. Juno 22. Mrs. Qlenora Decker, 15 years old, who married her Htopgroudfnthor nt Lnw rcuco Mny 2 lust, consulted County Attorney Schcuuk hero recently with a view of obtaining n divorce "I just don't want to live with him any longer," Haiti tdio. "Ho has been divorced twice before, bo ho will know how to tako unothor ouo." The girl'H maiden name wns Qlen ora FrmiHiio and sho lived near Wil liauiHport, When fiho married her mother'H Htepfatlior nho beenmo hor own 8to)-grmidmothor. ST. LOUIS. Mo., Juno 22. John Scullln, Foetus J. Wndo, James Gay Ilutlor and W. F. Carter, bankers nnd capitalists, will start on nn ntttomo bllo trip to Now York Thursdny. Thoy oxpect to nrrlvo at tholr dostlnntlon Juno 30. Interest In tho forthcoming trip arises from tho fact thct two of the party nro mofo tlinn 70 years old. Mr. Scullln la 71 yenrs old end Colonol Ilutlor wns 70 years old Inst January. VIOLENT THUNDER STORM RAGES OVER ILWAC0 ILWACO, Wash., Juno 22. Ihvnco nnd neighboring points wcro visited with torrifio wind, rain, hail nnd thunder early Sunday afternoon. Some little damngo has boon done to Higuu nnd loosely attached building fixtures. Strnwborry growors fonr that tho ruin hits dono damngo to their early crop, which hns just come nicoly into bearing. This is ono of tho worst storms experienced in this saolioit for it numbor of yenrs, tlio wind nt times reaching a velocity of 75 miles nn hour. Fourth of July at Jacksonville. Watch our smoko on that auto pageant July 4, 1010. Do sure and ontor your enr mid win ouo of those onnh prir.es offered, Mr. or Mrs. Au toint. Got in lino, oven if you only have n ono-lungor, Compoto for that $100. Itomombor n fifty in gold will bo givon ns a second prize Couio. Mr. Auto Owuor, nnd ontor your car July 4. THE JACKSONVILLE FOURTII OF JULY COMMITTEE. WOMAN'S SKULL .FRACTURED BY STUMP ' ' R08I3BURQ, Or., Juno 22. Mrs. Albert Willis, wlfo of a farraor of Wolf Crook, Josopblno county, lies In a precarious condition at Morcy hospital, In this city, cs tho result of an unusual rccldont that occurrod at hor homo last Saturday morning whllo hor husband wab blasting out stumps. A root from a stump was hurled by tho forco of an oxploslon 1G0 fcot to whoro sho was standing, striking her on tho head, fracturing bor skull. Sho was picked up unconscious and was still In that condition last nfght. OLD MEN. BOTH OVER 70. TAKE LONG AUTO TRIP Good Berry Yield. WLAMATH FALLS, Or., Juno 22. F. J. Ioufok, ono of tho now sot- "M DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. fn 4 Another Story Haskins for Health. CIVIL WAR VETERAN SLEEPS FIFTY-FIVE HOURS KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Juno 22. 13. II. Rnmsby, a civil wnr votornn and pioneer of Klnmnth county, has Just awakouod from t sloop which lratod GG hours. Lnst Wodnosday eve ning ho wont to hod nt 0 o'clock. Whon his wlfo trlod to awaken hint noxt niornlag nho wns ttnnblo to iirouso him moro than to open his oyos nnd answer hor In mouoaylln blos, Attempts woro mndo during tho day lo awaken him, but to no avail. Mr. Rnmsby slop on through until 1 o'clock Saturday morning NOTIOM TO CONTRACTORS. Scaled bids will be rocotvod nt tho district clork's offlco In district No, 13, Jackson county, Oregon, for tho nroctlon of n school building accord ing to plans nnd spoclltcntlons now on fllo In his offlco, boforo July 2, 1010, Each bid must bo accompanied by sufficient bond to oocuro tlio on ttrauco of a contract, QI30. 8. STEVENS, District Clerk, nrowusboro, Or, 84 What do you think of this coun try? Don't liko it I Can't sco any hopo for fttrthor progress T All right, don't let mo taken uny of your valuable timo. I nm looking for thoso who, like myBolf, sco opportunities, honlth, ploasuro and proBponly tit this grow ing community. If you nro a boliovor nnd wish to bocomo a rosidont of tho Koguo Itivor country I nm nt your servico to show you whatovor you mny wish to oxnmino. 'I havo no "gold bricks" to soil, but houses nnd Innda which will bring you returns of gold dollars if you will invest and sottlo down to businosa. Fruit, nlfnlfn, borrios nnd othor roculnr fnnn nroduots bring returns. but I would not rocommond you to tho growing of moss. This fungus nlnnt hns a wnv of trotting on tho (rrownr'n bnak nnd a man with tho 'moBsbnok" oomplnint is worso tlinn dond. Geo. F. Dyer Room 11, P. O. block, Medford. (Rnisod in Now Shnron, Mo.) We Want to Talk $ to Men Who Work For Themielvcv Conic and see us and get our figures you will be in terested at once. Go with .us to Los Molinos, where small acreage pro duces big crops and where you have a long growing sea son where your partner NATURE works every month in the year. Ask about our irrigated lands at $150.00 per acre, where 6 crops of al falfa yield 10 to 12 tons an nually. LOS MOLINOS LAND CO. FRANK G. ANDREWS, Agent, 6 FIR ST., aLEDFORD. Quick Sorvico. Easy Riding. Pricos Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONE MAIN 3141. Agency for the Parry Cars. Roguo River Auto Co., Frank II. Hull, Prop., Medford, Or. I : "! A.L. VROMAN PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR No job too small, none tor large. Twenty-five years' practical experience. Office 113 South Front Street. Phone 2751. Invalid Utilities SUPPORTERS TRUSSES CRUTCHES CUSHIONS and everything else needed in the sick room. The advantages of buying hero come from the high quality nnd an assortment large enough to admit of suitable selection for any demand. Prices right, too. All Night Phone Service. MEDFORD PHARMACY Near Post Office WANTED! Thinners to thin fruit Talent Orchard Co. Talent Oregon. QOODFRIEND HOTEL SAN FRANCISCO I. OOOOmiEND, Minr Formerly IToUU Stanford and Ht. Beryl, rbwell Street, near Geary, adjoining Hotel llanx. Take Hotel Manx Hu, or Market Street Can, transfer to ItoweU. Ideal houso and location for ladka rioitins tho city alone, SATES, $1.00 FES DAT AND UP When You Need Eye Glasses You may take a bowl of drugs and not be curbed of nervousness, headache and depression. I sell you glasses that give the clearest vision, making it a pleasuro to boo; rolioving eyo strain, tax on tho brain and allowing the nervous system to re cover its normal condition. Let mo demonstrate it to your satisfaction. DR. RICKERT Room 2, 308 East Main Street. Over IContnorV Medford. Or I P. O. HANSEN TOM MOSTAW 1 Wo make any kind and style of Windows. We carry Glass of any size on hand. i MEDFORD SASH & DOOR OO., Medford, Oregon. .ANL" ,.Ssfc '? WSHUY-S f $1.00 A V $600 J RINGS AH Styles and Sizes Martin IReddv X5hQ JEWELER. I Near P. O. A BARGAIN Good lot, two blocks from paving, just off West Seventh street, on Columbus avenue, $325 if aken soon. Terms. Address C. D., care of Mail Tribune office. ssxa. 1 with to ai.ncui ct Unit 1 have purcluit-ed the Union Livery Sables and will conduct a general feed and boarding establishment. Hurson boarded by the day, wock or month. I guarantee a square ;le;il to all. . R. GUANYAW UNION LIVEIIY BARN. 1UVEUSIDE AYENUB, HBRnaOSafiKKWHi PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN & PRICE 11 North D St., Medford Ore. Phone 303 Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridgde, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon" for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & OO. Hnokins for ITonlth. f -f -f -f - -f DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. 4 - The Unlr Woman'a Collra on lh facine coati r.icimnti forYouiutWomtn Looted among the. bnutiful Kill near Oalland, Catiforuii, clo to San Frauciaco and tt grtat Univr!tie of tte Vat. Pull onlldt.fM pmir.A IfaJltlii M ....- . to Jrrt, Eotrenea and graduation requirements tquivaltnt to thoM o( Stanford and University of California. Training fit atudenta for teaching regular linea of academic worV, and oflera apecisl advantage for muaic. art. library atudy and boua economic. Well equipped laboratorie for acience. Special attention to health of (tudent. Modern gymnaeium thoroughly equ'PP'd. Out door life nd amuiement in the ideal California cli. Blte. Alumna in every city on the Pacitic Coaat, ron OATALoaua Aooaaaa PriKBIOINT LUKLLA CLAY CARSON. LL. P. HILL COULKOK P. O., CAUirORNIA Dr. GOBLE'S Optical Parlor - Removed to - 235 EAST MAIN OVER STRANG'S DRUGSTORE. Sacramento Valley Lands Where Land Values Are Increasing Dally and Where You Have a Sound Basis for the Values. Never Failing Crops CHEAP LANDS ARE GETTING SCAhUE THE II ME TO BUY THEM IS NOW. 320 acres, ndjomitiK tho Orlaiul irrigation project nntl iidjoiijuijj tho main lino of tho Southern Pacific railroad; 210 acres of this Jnnd will bo irrigated by tho government system within two lyents u.ud wSJl command a price of 150 por aero; lands not so good as tint no w under tho system aro soiling nt from $150 per aore nud up; I can deliver this nt $25 por aero, und it is n buy; easy tonus. V00 ncros of the finest land in Solano county, near the town bf Di'son, all lovol land, adapted to the growth oi altnU'ii; nil ttd joiniiu t lands held at $100 por aero and up; this placo him no wa.io, is frco from hnrdpnn, alkali, adobo nnd grnol nnd is quo uf the finest ranches in Solano county; easily worth $100 per aoro ut tho minute, but I can deliver it at $00 por aero, with easy tenntj, ami it is a' bvy. Battor soo this ono if you want n swell lunch for your self. 3Q0 mures of tho finest land in Sutter county, all fine land fwi alfalfa, inlmomls, peaches, prunes, almonds or any orop you vuui to grovr; oasily worth $150 por aoro; I can deliver it to you lot $75 por nt're, nnd it's worth doublo; touns. This is a buy. 08 a era s, near the Stnto University farm at Davisvillo, on Putah creek, tho finost land in tho stnto of California; all in alfalfa, u, under h'Tiga'tion, that will out 12 tons to tho aero every your; tim barn, cost .1 3000, houso not much, but there is u world of slock ami imploutents t hat go with the placo; uioso to aan l'rnumsco turn out ramonto, and an ideal ranch in ovory respect; just huge enough, will mnko a swell fancy stock ranoh. Tho Jirico is $25,000, will! tonus,; tho liu a nlono is easily worth tlio money; tnmit oi a, aiuui-t adjoins tho sti to faun nud is all in alfalfa; tins is a snap if ym want Bomotkiui ? 00' . BUY A RANCfiv1 IN THE SACRAMENTO VALLEY AND BE SURE OF HEALTH, VVEALTH AND COMFORT IN YOUR OLD AGE; LAND Wit "'NEVER BE CHEAPER. THE BEST-POSTED MAN IN CALIF" JRNIA ON SACRAMENTO VALLEY LANDS. GEORGE X. FLEMING 505 JAY STREET, SACRAMENTO, CAL, ! ! i r m M 1 'ill H I i I f - "f - -f -f -f -f t- Wj iffqjflat