v 7 Mtw ? OVWltt'V Ji .'j'4" i j ' r. t ! M r? f :? .vw , . i t i$34$i--t TIIK WIOATIIKIL Medfor united rams abmMCtimm Ffcll Leased Wlro Report. $ yf . Cloudy tonight', possible showers. The only paper la th world published to a city tho"i!in of Medford having u loauM wlr FIPTJIYEAK. MKDJj'OUD, OMXION, WJilDNUKDAY, JUNE 22, 1910. No. 80. u tife raw CH7 BULi A TT XV JLjljlXJLJ H H ..-... r j TRIBUNE , 2.e iTi? vr " ,n " 1 fc. r V r-1 I IJ ..;' KONS AWAY LARGEST IN FROMNURSE HISTORY IS ' AND DOCTOR FRUIT CROP M I fe. aa a a m . . Patient at Southern Orcfion Hospital Escapes From Her Room and Is Gone All Night-Was Located In Jacksonville Early Today Disap pearance Kicked Up Row. Loft by tlio nurso In chnrgo for n few ml mi to In order Mint iluMiIng to jionnlt hor to bo In tho oiitor nlr mlKht bu Hooured, Mm. Stuvons, n piitlonl In (ho Soiitlmrn Oregon hon pltnl, eacnpod from hor room Tues day afternoon iiml mndo Jior wny to Jnckaonvlllu, whuro nlio wan tnkon jam or Tiiesdny ul;lit nml whh flnnl ly located Wednesday mornliig'hy tho offlclnlM of tho honpltnl nftor n nonrch eovurltiK nil of tho city and Kh en virons. Mm. Slovens nvo no Indication of on Intention to oscnpo wlion hIio ro rjnoHtod tho privilege to go Into tho opon nlr, and. hnvlng boon froquut ly Ift nlono without showing audi nymptoiiiB, tho uiitko hnd no HiiHplclon Mint who contemplated flight. Aftor arranging for hor comfort In tho opon nlr, tho ntirao en mo back to got hor patlont nnd found her gone. Tien conitornntlon provnllod, nnd r. aonrch was tnndo for tho womnn nil ovor town, but with no nvnll, nnd It was not until Into this "morning Mint nny word wnn recelvud of tho iiiIhhIiii; pa tlont. "It was not cnrolOMincftri on our pnrt," anld tho mntron nt tho honpltnl, "for alio hnd never before developed nny MytiiptouiB Indicating n mnnln of this kind." VETERANS SLIGHTED ROOSEVELT WELCOME NBW YORK, Juno 22. FoIIowiiik n utntaiuuiit by Oeiiornl 1). Q. Loud, uouimnudor of -17 local posts of the O. A. It., Mint tho Kruno" army wiih iloniod recognition in tlio welcomo to Colonel HooHovelt, thorn is iniieh dis cussion nnd crUidmn today. Geu oral Loud aHHorta lio applied for iop reHentatioii on tho rucoption commit -too nnd Mint it wau denied. More over, thoy woro Riven no plaeo in tho parade or reviewing stands. "Colonel HooBovelt h an Hincerck loved by tho civil war veterans iih any prosldout wo liavo over had, with tho posHiblo exception of Qeuoral Grnnt," RtiSd Qonornl Loud. "Tlio G. A. It, wanted to domonutrnto Mint itn loyally Saturday, but woro not per mitted tho privilege" STANDS IT FOR 50 YEARS THEN QUITS SAN PRANOISCO, C.M., Juno 22.- In poor hoi'.lth r.nd with ft honrt fill ed with Borrow, Miu Ellznboth Solln gor, 7G, la plaintiff In n milt for (II vorco ponding In tho Btiporlor court todny. Fir no yoaru sho hnB homo cruolty from hor lumbnnd, nlio nllogea' In her complnlnt, and now hIio cnu oudtiro It no longor. Sho InolHtB that nlio wnutH to bo flood of tho tie Mint linn bound her to Michael Sollngor bIiico 1801, Tho ngod plaintiff olnlniB Mini Hho hna Hufferod juiWional vlolonco and ahiiBo from hor lumlmud from tho first yonr of tholr mnrrlngo, Sho nlao tinyH ho hnn nlwnyu boon nllugy nnd refiiHod hor tho common npcomiltloH of life. Sollngor Is a night watchman, aUo 75 yoara of ago, Tho couplo woro marrlod In Odooa? Ilustiln, mid camo to San KmnclHco 20 yoaiH ago. DoinoiiBtrnto tho worth of ndvortlR lug by trying It, Professor O'Gara States That Pres ent Crop In Ftojjuc River Valloy Has Never Before Been Equalled Here Says He Was Surprised on Invcstlqatlon. 'Tho fruit crop of th lloguo River vnlley will bo tho Inrgost In Itn his tory," says I'rofovnnr I J. O'tlnrn, "nnd tho quality In I holy to bo cor- rcHpnudlugly splendid. In traveling over Mm vnlley with I'rofenaor Itnvn wo miide juotty cIoko Inaportlon mid I who myself HiirprUod nt the crops. 'i'lio young orehnrdB evon, which or dinarily would produce little or noth ing nt their ago, nro well filled. One mnn hnd natlmnlcd IiIh crop it 2000 boxoH. Aftor wo hnd fjono over tho orrhnrd nnd ho hnd looked n llttlo inoui cloudy ho thought -TiOO about the figure. Tl tnko enro of Mint or- chnrd from now until picking tlmo,' nld one of tho party, an experienced fruit mini, 'for nil oer 3000 boxen I get off It, nnd then mnlto good mon ey ' Tho offer wnmi't nccoptcd, but given nn Ide.i of whnt tho crops will bo." SIGNAL HONOR IS PAIO EIFERT Local Man Is Elected Grand Prelate of Knlnjits of Pythias Has Lonj) Been Earnest Worker in the Order for Many Years. The grand convention of tho ICulghta of lytlil:iB now In session In Portland hux pnld n olgnnl honor to W. Klfert of thla city by oloctlng him grand prolate of tho order In thla Btnto. Mr. Klfort htm long boon nn onrn- eflt worker In tho ranks of tho ordor mid deserves recognition. Expect Battle Soon. NACO, Ariz., Juno 22. Qonornl TorrcB, Kovornor of Souora, is en route to fnuaucn with 200 troops, according to advicos roeeixed horo. (louoral Torres denios that ho Iiiih boon ndviHpd that trouble will occur thero. General Kostorlitsky, eom- mnndiiu; tho Souora ruralos, arrived at Naeo, Souora today and is guard ing tho custom hotiso. Troops are heiiiK liurried to Manzanilo to pre vent upriHingri thoro. JAP AND BRIDE NOW LIVE IN LOS ANGELES LOS ANCII3LKS, Cnl., Juno 22. OtinJIro Aold mid lila Amoilcnn wlfo, Holon Glndya Emory Aold, havo rout ed n cottauo on tho Haat Stdo mid nro oEtubllBhlng tholr homo thoro. Wlion t-pproachod by Intorviowra AoUt KiuoBted Mint llttlo publicity bo given tho matter, na ho nnd hla wlfo wlnhed to live in peaco nnd sUirt llfo anovf. t , Smith Makes Good. NKW YORK, Juiiu 22. Kiihtom fight fans today me piedieting that Jim Smith will make u reeoid in the middloweight elass and may some day oapluro tho holt, following IiIk Hplondid nliowiiig Innt night when ho won from Sailor Hurko in u ten round bout. , Smith floorud the Nuiloi' with u light swing in tho fifth loiiud mid Hurko took the count of uiiiUr lie stalled through the remaining five roundu, C. S. Rolls, Who And WEBB SAYS HE KILLED JOHNSON IN HOTEL ROOM Police Now Worklnn to Learn What Became of $25,000 Which John son Had When He Went to Port land to Meet His Death. PORTLAND, Or.,' Juno 22. Fol lowing tho confession of Jesse V. Webb Mint ho murdered William A. Johnson, tho police today nro work ing to useeitaiu what became of the $25,000 which .lohiwon secured by tho salo of his farm near Kenton, Wash., sovoral mouths ago. With tho exception of $1000 found iu tho slocking of Mrs. Uort W, Koi'hh, all tho monoy has disap ponrcd. The police suspect thai Johnson was lurod lo Portland from Spoknuo for tho purpoho of robbery, and that Webb and his femalo companion hud deliberated on tho ninttor boforo she came to Portland with Johnson. Dotoetivos nro not satisfied with Webb's plon of solf-defenso. Webb said that ho and Johnson fought In room 111) ovor Mrs. Korsh; that Johnson drow a slugshot from his pookot and struck at Wobb mid that Webb, being tlio strongor, took the shot away from him mid heal John sou to death. The police beliovo that robbory, not jealousy, was tho motive. The, deolaro that Wobb nnd tho woman plnnuod tlio rohbory, just us lhe. planned for the disposal of tho body, us Webb uluted in his confession. In jail today Mrs. Koiv.li eontiii nod to tell conflicting Hlmioa of hoi ni'lioiiH with both Wehh mid John sou, Sho said that JoluiMin spent money lavishly on her, but tho police assort Mint he could not have pos sibly expended VJU.OOO in m month., if her stoiies of the uiuiuuh' iu which Johnson spent his money nnd lied (Continuod on Page !.) M n i if 0"jv 'i f ' .v . pjt&ii' - 'iixj"vrtv I J a. W Vfe. "Nfcv mi t j-,- '; v&ttZ- s&jagz miMMt m sipiip-iiff-t WBmmK mzzu;m m,w m ftimzxtt'. ' . mEJ'3mKmzmR.-.c 1'tu.tiM br Anicriraa l'trtt AssocUUon. Flew From England Back Again, Coming to America. aaab rSFiSm ypBy. HARMON GIVEN NOMINATION AND GREATjVAIION Governor of Ohio Is Renominated by Acclamation Says He Will Make Phrase "Set ing the Pcoplo" Mean Something DAYTON, 0., Juno 22. Governor Jiidsou lrnrmou was rcnominnted by ncolnmnlion today nt tho Democrntio state convention. Harmon was given a groat ovation following tho nomin ation. in lesponso to continued cans lor a speech, Qoornor Harmon smd: "1 shall endeavor to coutimio try ing to mako tho phrase, "serving the pcoplo" a true description mid not a false pretense. It is a figure of speoch with a cliiof uiagistiato who doos not serve the peoplo, who uses his powers to ndvanco his own inter ests or other iutorcsts Minn thoso of tho public, or who fails to uso his powers to safeguard tho gonoral wol fnro. A porfunotory porfoiinnnco of routiuo duties is not enough. "I confess that I would liko to oontinuo my work and that I should not rolish leaving it unfinished. "Nocdod reforms iu tho federal go eminent nro greater than can he mot in tho olootion of congressmen. A waste in publio funds to the ox tont of .fMO.OOO.OOO is oponly con fessed and tliis is worth investigat ing, especially when the peoplo are struggling to moot tho cost of living. Neither economy nor wntohful io gard of the publio welfare is possible at Washington whilo tho leign of tho favored few continues, "Tho votors havo boon imposed up on by tariff luxes, loiod ostonsibl lo gain publio rovouue, but really io pvovont profit, Novor before hav tliev heen fooled by tho promiso ol -.uhst.inlml reduotious which has been broken in their faces wlion theii voIcb woro soourod. A power so iu (Continuod From Page Four.) to France $60,000 IS PAID FOR 320 ACRES BYWESTERLUND Purchases L. C. Coleman Tract and Adds It to Holdings of Western Oregon Orchards Company, Mak ing a Total Acreage of 3323. J. A. Westerlund has purchased tho plnco of L. C. Coloinnn, between Hillcrost nud tho Western Oregon Orchurda tract, consisting of 320 acres, paying $00,000. This makes tho total norengo in Mr. Wester lund's holdings 3323 neros. Tho tract is to bo improved and contains some vory fiuo land. NO ROUGH STUFF TO BE ALLOWED IN RENO KENO. Nov., Juuo 22. Shoriff C. P. Forroll will ponnit no intoxicating liquors to bo sold or brought into the grounds whoro tho Jeffries-Johnson fight will bo hold July 4. "I iutcud to ouforco hnt ordor by promptly arrosting ovory offonder,'' said tho sheriff. Extra doputios will bo appointed mid ordor will bo maintained if pos sible Shoriff Forroll says ho will protect Mio fight, as it is legally li censed, "Thoro is an impression abroad that ltouo is u frontier town mid tln.l everything goos," said Ferrell. "Hut those who como horo July -1 will find that tho laws aro strictly eufoieed,' Fleet to Sail South. WASHINGTON. D. C, Juno 22. Ordors havo boon issued for tho fiibt division of tho Pacifio fleet to sail from Los Angeles, August 1, for Valparaiso, Chilo, to partioipato in tho Chilean centennial, which begins in September. Tho first division oonsists of tho California, Colorado, Washington and Pennsylvania, com iu,undod by Horn- Admiral G, lluibor, 31 DEATHS IN CHICAGO FROM HEAT Temperature Began to Rise Again Today and More Fatalities Are Predicted Humidity Is Intense Maximum of 90 Degrees Is Regis tered. CHICAGO, 111., Juno 22. A iota! of 31 deaths is recorded today since the beginning of the hot wav Mint has carried the mercury to the top of the tube in Chicago nnd vicinity. The temperature began to rise again today and more fatalities were predicted. Tho humidity is intense. TJte maximum registered yesterday was 90 degrees. KX'W YORK, Juno 22. FIvo deaths nnd 40 prostrations Is tho rec ord of Ahe heat wave hero today In the Inst 24 hours. PHILADELPHIA, Pa., June 22 Sixteen deaths In two days and scores of persons prostrated In the streets Is tho total of the heat wave In Phila delphia to date. No relief Is In sight PIPE WILL BE LAID BY AUG. 1 The Pipe Line Over Hanley Ranch Will Be In Place by August I at Least, Says Hamilton, Who Holds the Contract. In spite of hard luck. Injudicious, leeal proceedings and a few other llttlo things liko that, "Shorty" Ham ilton has never lost hio norve, and is now forcing tho work of laying the city pipeline acrocs tho Hanley ranch. Tho matter of securing teams to haul tho plpo Is still somewhat of a .hand icap, but that handicap is rapidly be ing overcome. "I might say that I will complete tho laylnc of tho plpo by tho middle of July," sa,d Mr. Hamilton, "but I do not consider that I cm safo In such an assertion. Something might turn up to overset my plana. JSy Auguat 1, however, the pipe will bo laid and roady to bo rocolvcd. I havo beon hnndlcapped by lack of tcaraa to haul tho pipe. A carload of plpo wont out on tho P. & E. this morning and more Is to follow. Tho pipe laid trom now on will cost us $1000 moro for haul ing than it would If we hnd not been held up by tho lltlgr.tion over tho r'ght of way." RICKARD TO QUIT " AFTER THIS FIGHT RENO, Nov., Juno 22. Tox Iliok ard is determined today to havo nothing moro to do with pugilism af tor tho Joffries-Johnson fight. , "I am a miner nnd I will give all my attention to my mines nftor July 4," said Ricknrd. "I will novor mix iu tho fight gmno again." liieknrd is disgusted boonuso ol the number of cotbneks ho has had iu an attempt to stngo tho big fight. Ho has boon put to unoxpoctod ox pouso and n groat doal of trouble. Prosecution Concluded. CHICAGO, 111., Juno 22. Stnto's Attorney Wayman today concluded nrgumont for tho prosecution in tho trial of Leo O'Neil Brown, charged with bribory in connoction with tho olootion of United Statos Sountor Lorimor, and Attornoy Erbstoin bo gan final nrgumont for tho dofonso. It is probnblo Mint tho caso will not go to tbo jury until Friday. HI WITH TO GET VIEWS Representative of Selig Polyscope Company, Accompanied by 25 Per sons, Arrive to Spend a .Month In Southern Oregon Taking Views of Pictures. Director Bogga of tho Sellg Poly scope company, accompanied b7 26 persons and a car ol equipment ar rived in Medford this morning for a month's stay la tho valley. All points of interest In sojthorn Oregon ma to be taken and later will be exhibited i to thousands of people in tho mov ing picture world. Some time ago a number of views were taken In this section and tho company promised at that tlmo to send someone In later when vlows of Crater Lake could bo obtained. The party Is here for that purposo now. The largo number of people with the representative of tho company consists of actors and actresses who will stage plays In tho mountains with natural scenery for the back ground. One set of views era to bo secured In tho neighborhood, of tho Mill creek falls. The' films will prove a great ad vertisement to' this section, and It was through the efforts of E. C. Hubbard, manager of tho Savoy theater, that they wcro Interested in southern Ore gon. TWO LIES NAILED BY THE COLONEL NEW YORK. June 22. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt today angrily denied a rumor that Miss Ethel Roosovelt was engaged to marry J. T. Williams, a newspaper man and a favorite with tho colonel. Roosovelt said: "Tho rumor is such a scandalous infamy that it is foolish to deny it. The report was started by soma scoundrel." Roosovelt also denied tho report Ihut ho was opposed to tho Hughes direct primary bill, saying: ult looks like someopo was crowd ing tho membership of tho Ananias club." Tho .colonel declared incidentally that he bad not considered tho coun try's political condition "to speak of." In tho course of his remarks ho begged newspaper men to stay away from Oystor Bay, saying there was "no news there. LEAVES HOME FOR DEATH III SEA TjOS ANGELES, Cal., Juno 22. 8onrch f bolng mado today for Mar- gu-rlte Ward, 17, who Is missing. from her bomo, Tho following note, which she .ont to Jphu Ward, hor father, by HJMJdal delivery, has causod tho pollco t? wr slio was onuoa uoi llfe: " 'Ere you Tocolve this my bodj will bo la Mio vox and Abo sharks wll, devour mo. N vor again will you so your daughter, and I ask i(orgvonos( for my action. I bollovo I mado over offort to occur o work and "have full, od. I could nc 't keep up wy oourngs nnd could not ftorgwt the awiul attac) that was mado o n mo throo yeara agq I nm leaving for iM ocwn, and goodi byo." i In April, 100G, Mia girl was fotiu bound and gagged la ier home, AJ" though tho police sou.rcUed dlllgontt her assailant was aertf found. B cniiso. of hor uorvouuneH nmilMn from tho mysterious attack she w' sent to relatives In Sacramento. 8b, roturped to Lob AngeVw a yoar agd FIT nv? . .. J&&&W