MISDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MliiDFORD, ORKCJON, MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1910. -- -- - - a ----- ------ -- -- :-: If It Is Worth Doing at All Want-Advertise! X --- - - i----J --- ---- 10,000,000 BOXES OF APPLES NORTHWEST CROP THIS YEAR Buyers for Commission Houses of New York Estimate 15,000 enrs of Apples Will Oo Shipped From .Herthwcstcrn Stntos. 'SPOKANE, WiihIi., Jiiiiu 20. Huy wm fur coinmiriHioii houscm in Now York, Chicago, ItoMtmi, 1'hiliidelphln ninl other largo distributing centoiM traveling in I lie uortljwt'Mlerii nud Pacific idiiles, intimate tlml 15,01)0 ar, or from 0,500,000 lo 10,000,000 liii.xnti of tii)l('M, suitable for uiixtorii inuikriN, will li' shipped fiimi- oin tncrelal orchards in Washington, Cal ifornia, Colorado, Oregon, Idaho, .Montana and Utah thin huiihoii, It is iiIko ctiliinuloil that between 11.000 and 4,000 earn will liu required to iitipply tlio local ami European tradu. Tho market valnu of tint crop In thn Hnvarnl states in placed al from $27,000,000 to $211,000,000 at pros cnt prices, whirh nro likely to ad vance ticriiimn of tho diti'iuiisuil Drops in Ohio. Missouri and othur contral apple ritnli", Buyer Hay that tho LIBIT OFFERING AS YET OFJBARTLETTS Wlthlno Ten Days, However, Califor nia Pears Will Bo In Considerable Sapjily Many Plums Shipped. .The California Fruit Distributors, under latu of Juno 18, issued tho fol lowing Market letter: to tho trade: TTmi following gives tiiunbor of enni of dueiduous fruit shipped from nil point in California for tho week (seven !) outline Friday morning, Juno 17, 11)10: Ckfirricrt.'Wi cars. Shipment of thin variety in now nearly ooiieludud unil will i-ul very little figure frii'i iliia time on. AuricolH-Hl'j ours. Ah will be Mern by reference to our hint letter the movement of aprieot i lilitc'V than that of latit week. Early sec tion hnvo finished shipping nnr. there nro no coiiKiderablo uim'ititioH now available for eastern shipment. High prieea for tho dried produvl has had a deprcHHUiK offeot on oaHloni Hbipnient, owinjj to tlio fact that tho fmit jh worth ns much for ilriiiK nrt for Jihipiiiiu;, with no ehaneeH to be taken. Thoro will bo fair ouniititiu of thia variety available durinu' the umine week, but that will piactieal ly clow) tlio Hoason. reachoH 50 ears. Thoro ban been a alight inoreiiHo in tho shjpuient of thia variety during the pnii week nir.nnntinc to praetinally 10 per cent. .Alr.xnnderri are entirely irono and Ilalea will bo available in but limited fluimlien. Triumph pcacho nro eom Iitp: in in eoiiHiderablo vnlun.o mid the bhipmont for tlio next ton d.ij wil' conaiat montly of th'm vnvloty and St. Johni!. rinmH--80!i cars. The plum ship- mcntH have noarly doubled in tho laat wok. Early varieties arc fin iahed and tho later variotioH of hot ter nnnlit-V "re now jjoinj; forward. Climax, He.d Juno and Abundnnoo aro now near'uiK tlioir eloso and will ho followed by Tragedy, llurimnlf, Si moni. etc. Thoro has boon a jnn tcrinl impmvomont in quality since tho bettor varietios have been of fered. Pears 1 curs. Shipment of this variety is composed almost oxelusivo ly of Comet, Wilder and Lnwsou. An occasional box of Uarlletts has made its appearance, but this variety will not be in considerable supply (luring' tho next ten days. QrapoB Previous favornblo con ditionn continue Tho crop is look ing fine and developing fast. Should nothing unforeseen occur tho present mp of this fruit will bo ono of tho finest in point of epmlity that Cali fornia has over grown. Weather conditions have general ly been good. High winds have pre vailed in some soetions and consider able damage has resulted, owing to fmit, both green and ripo, boing blown from the trees, The damage, liowovor, was not widespread and will not appreciably affoot shipments. The fiuo demand reported last week in tho f. . b. soetion has con tinned and largo ipuintities have gono forward into Ibis territory, whom it is mooting with vnrv cordial reception and giving oxoolloiil sat 1 isfnutiou. Paoifiu and Now England hIuIoh will Hiipply tho bulk of tho applo crop this year. Tho MhI HtuWiuonl is borne out hy United Slates govern muiit nipoi'tH lor Juno, just received in Spokane. Washington Ih given first place, with an output oNtiinatod at '1,850 cars, of which Yakima valloy will roiilribute between 2,000 and 2,250 ciii-h; Woiwilehi'e valloy, 1,800 to 2,001) curs; other districts in oust ciii Washington, including Walla Walla and Spoknuo valloyH, 801) ears; wextorn Washington, .'100 earn; Colo rado, including 2,000 oars in tho Grand valloy, 1,000 earn; California, 1,000 cars; Oregon, 1,200 mini; Ida ho, 750 oarn; Utah anil Montana. 750 cam. Eastern Washington, is credited with tho largest increase in acreage ami crop in tho country. Arrangements nro being made in various purls of tho district to hold several thoiiHiind carH in cold stor age until early next spring. Four warehouses am being equipped in Spokane, the shipors Haying there will ho sharp advances in prices all over tho country before the Christ mas lioliilayH. LOCAL MARKET SHOWS LITTLD CHANGE Local Produce Is Crowtllnn Califor nia Product out Berries In Good Demand and Prices Steady. The local produce market hIiowb little chnago outside of tlio opponr niicu of omo now local products. lllackborrloa aro sliowluc In fair (liiantltlcH and aru brliiKtag $1.25 to ll.no per crate, Tho Mammoth niacks nro etrong at tho latter fit; are. Young oiiIoiih. now potatoes, young carrota and beets still hob! at the for mer prlcos, the difference boing only la quality. TtxluyV Quotations. (Pricos paid by aledford merchants.) Potatoes, now, $1.75 per cwt;; onions, $2 owt.; cabbage, 2'-V4c. Ilerries Strawberries, local, $1.50 niaekberries. $1.25 to $1.50. Loganberries, $l(ri)1.25 crate. Cborrios, G8o lb. Green onions, 40a dozon bunchos-; radishes, 10o dozen bunches; rhubarb 4 to 5o lb.; lottuco, 40a dozon; pens, 4e lb,; turnips, lV-jo lb.; beets, 40c dozen bunched; carrots, 40o dozen bunches. Under, Kggs and Poultry. (Prices paid by Medford morchants.) Ilnnclt buttor, 2527Vio; fancy oronmory, 210c. Fresh ranch eggs, 25c. Mixod poultrj, 10(Ji14o; spring chickens, 1518c; turkeys, 17o. (Pricos paid producers.) liny Timothy, $10; nlfalfn, $15; gross, $14; grain hay, $10. Qraia Whoat, $1,15 bushel; oats, $32 ton; linrloy. $30 ton. Hoof Cows, 44V4 oj Htoors, 5 GViio; pork, Oo; mutton, SQOVo; lambs, Oo; veal, drosscd, 8o. (Selling prices.) Rolled barley, $1.00 cwt., $33 ton; bran, $1.70; middlings, $1.851.00; shorts. $1.801.85. CATTLE MARKET IN PORTLAND, Ore., Juno 120. Ro eoipts al this market for tho week have boen: Cattle 2142, calves 100, hogs fl-lfi, sheop .'1011, II. & M. and goats 180. The cattle market has boon slight ly druggy; sheop have sold briskly on uu ascending market and tlio hog markot recovered about 20c from tho low point of last wook. A good many California eattlo were among tho rucoiptti and whilo the cows ami butcher stuff sold at high prices tho steer ninrkot was slow and sellors found difieulty in disposing of their offerings. A great many moro cowh could have been sold without ufootiug prices, but tho ovor-produetion of good quality steors militated nguiust nu ovonly bulaneed markot, Thoro was a brisk, demand for sheep and nnything that was fat brought good prices. Tn tho offer ings there were not many shoep of good quality in tho matter of flosh Furnished Rooms May Be Rented Profitably! Just to hnvo "furnished rooms to rent" is no groat feat or novelty. It is said that ono in every thrco families in tho city rent furniched rooms. Tho number of peoplo whoso homes nro in furnished rooms, "homos within homes," is very largo. And nmong tho peoplo who livo in "ono-room homes" arc nn increasing number who like to have things a lilllo belter THAN USUAL. They like lo hnvo a pleasant room, and thoy liko to have it fitted up DISTINCTIVELY, with taste. Thoy will cheerfully, eagerly pay for SOMETHING- BETTER in tho way of a furnished room. Fiz yours up to please the particular tenants, and ADVERTISE ACCORDINGLY, and you'll get back your in vestment with profit in a very brief time I Want Ads One Cent a Word. and the demand for lambs and fnt mutton was only supplied in part. Receipts of local territory hogs woro next to nothing and prices ad vanced 15 to 25 por cent ovor tho low point registered Inst week. CliiRtors or llgbtB along tho curbs would provo a thousand fold moro attrnctlvo than tho prcsout ovorhoad lights. Why not cbnngo tho syBtom, nt least on Main iitroot? FOItT BT. JAMK8, OX IjAKK 8TU AHT, IMlITIHil COiUMIHA. This Is destined to bo tho Portland of Ilrltlsh Colun.bln, on n navlga blo rlvor nnd doop wntor lalto with two trains running In next fall. Letters pour Into our offlco all day wtth applications for lots. To Uiobo who cannot como In wo would do our utmost to malco n good oolcctlon. PrlccB. $100 and J200 each; cash $2C, bnlnnco $10 n month. A fow 40-ncro farms Joining lort St. James townsito nnd Lnko Stuart, $50 cash and S10 a month. You need not bo n Canadian cltl zon to hold this. You ncod not lm- proro It, nor you need not reside on It. All this land Is on or near tho rnlIrond8, Grand Trunk Pacific, Alas ka Yukon and Canadian Northern rnllronds. Rich farm lands, S8.G0 por aero, 13.00 cash, balanco $1.00 per aero per year until paid. Apply Canadian Northern Lnnd ) Company, 804, 305 and 30C Lowls building, Portland, Orogo . tf REAL ESTATE WANTED. REAL ESTATE WANTED. List vour orchard tracts, fruit and ranch lnnd with our snlcs dc tmrtmont. ROQUELANDS. INC.. Third Floor. Medford Nntionnl Bank bldir. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE Two acroo near city limits, $700. Corner lot, Oakdale and Tonth, $1150. Cornor lot on West Main street; sldownlk laid and paid tor, $1000. Two 6-room cottages and throo largo lots, ono lot containing throe qunrtors of nn aero, 10 blocks out. $3500. Other bnrgalns In land and boar Ing orchards. D. II. JACK80N & CO. Opposlto Hotol Mooro. FOR SALE Good tlmbor claim. Douglas Co, Addrozs W. Thoo. Matlock, box G-JC, Medford. 79 FOR SALE 18 ncrcB foothill land ono mllo from Englo Point; prlco $750. Torms, $250 cash, long tlmo on balanco, Addross II. C. Stoddard, Medford, Or. 102 FOR SALE I am going to soil my city property; a good buy for somo ono; prlco $2300; tho prlco drops $5 ovory dny until sold; no agonts; boo ownor. Bob Taylor, 815 Myrtle stroot. 79 FOR SALE Two Slno alfalfa farms. Dyor, ovor P. O. YS FOR "SALE Land of host quality, only 6 mllos from Medford, at $35 por ncro. Dyor, ovor P. O. 78 Acreage. FOR SALE 5 and 10-nore traots just within and adjoining city lim its, nt a bargain, on 5 'annual pny monts. Addross Condor Wnter Power Co; Farms nnd Orchards. FTJTt BALfi-Nlnoty acres, 30 in one yoar old applo and poar trees, 100 Indies of wntor, 2 1-2 miles from railroad station. For torms wrlto "Ownor," enro Mall Tribune, a 61 i'OR SALE GO acrofl, nneet Tmlldlngj clto in tho alloy, Inoludh g 30 acres I good fruit land; choap and torms j right. II. O. Mnltby, Palm Bldg.,i Mnln and Front. FOR SALE. Houficn. FOR BALIS Now bungalow, ono block west of Oakdale, flvo rooms nnd bath, stono foundation, largo porch both front and side, corner lot 59x163, with 19 applo trees In full bearing, S25G0, half each, bnl nnco easy terms If desired. Sco own er at Shorraan Clay & Co. Piano houBO. 78 FOR SALE New modorn bungalo, thrco blocks from Mnln street and close to bunlnCEs part of town; bos modern plumbing, Mission electri cal fixtures, built-in refrigerator, buffet and chiffoniers, lawn, cemont walks and park strip In; street will bo paved; will bo sold for actual cost to build. Inquire at 240 Bo. Grnpo street. 99 FOR SALE Acout 30 acres of good orchard land 1 1-2 miles east of Phoenix. Ono-half is in orchard. Tolophono, Medford, 1199,- or ad dress C. T. Payne, Phoenix, Ore. FOR SALE Will soon raovo from our residence at 70G S. Oakdale avenue, and offor It for sale at a bargain. Houso has eight rooms with full bIzo cement tllo-dralnod basement. Can give torms. Harry H. Tuttlc. 80 nusinoss Opportunities. FOR SALE Or exchange, two-cly-indor Rco automobile, model 1908, in good condition; will sell or trado for city property. Addrcso X4, Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Old established busi ness In tho farmers' fruit belt of tho Roguo Rlvor valloy, at Phoenix, Oro., on S. P. R. R. Stock at pres ent $10,000; all clean, well select ed and free from encumbrances. Two lots, storo, building with all modern conveniences, warohousea, poBtoftlco in ctoro, nnd everything nocessnry for conducllns tho busi ness. Last year's Bales $39,000. Inquiro of llearu, Flshor & Co., Phoenix, Oro., for torms. FOR SALE 1 havo paying business, Lock Box 16G, Medford. 78 FOR SALE At n bargain, n busi ness that pays big money must go within a fow days, as ownor must lonvo town, $600 cash, balanco on time, no Interest, Address H. A. E., Mall offlco. 82 Business Property. FOR SALE Choico business prop- orty nt n bargain, on long tuno; easy terms. Address Condor Wa ter ower Co. Lota. FOR SALE City lots, $20; for a small, safe lavestmont ceo th city lots I offor at $300 and $250 per lot; $20 cash payment, balance $10 por month; no Intercut. H. C. Malt by, Palm Mug. FOR SALE Choico oast front lots, ono block from Onkdalo avonuo, threo blocks from city park. These closo In lots will bo sold at a bar gain. Wrlto or Inquiro at 240 South Grapo street. 99 FOR SALE Fiuo lot, onlly $300; worth $400; nlco oak trees; noar pavomont. Eastman, P. & E. Junc tion. 78 Horses. FOR SALE Slnglo team, $125. G. F. Dyor. 78 FOR SALE Young woll brod, gon tlo horso, buggy nnd hnrnocs, works slnglo, doublo nnd saddlo; good roadstor. Inquire West Sldo Sta blos. 82 FOR SALE Small Indian pony, gon tlo as n kitten; just tho thing for your youngstor; 3 yoars old and wolght about G25; prlco $35. At tho Vinson's food stablo. 77 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE A full lino of Old Hntnp shlro and Oak Bonds, plain nnd cloth finish; lottor bonds and onvolopos. Mall Tribune offlco. FOR SALE Legal blanks of all kinds trespass and other notices, at Mall Tribune offlco. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE VTall paper, patnto, oils, brushes, a very comploto line; In formation e.noerfuily given by an experienced palntor. M. J. Metcalf, 318 E. Main si. FOR SALE Chandler & Price Gor don Jobber, 11x14 press; a bargain. Inquire Mali Tribune office. FOR SALE 400 angora goats, 400, as our rancog Is overstocked wo ruuBt sell came at once. Address B1.188 Bros., Eagle Point, Or., or call at Rogue River ferry. OR SALE Separator, 650-pound ca pacity, now, $35. 630 West Elev enth street. 78 FOR SALE Good second-hand sin gle buggy and harness. 618 West Main street. FOR SALE Second-hand cook stove, in good condition. Inquire 511 W. Hamilton St. 78 FOR SALE Tent house, 11x15, fly and porch, with kitchen, complete ly furnished for housekeeping and sleeping. 723 Bennett avenue, East Side. 82 FOR SALE For good wood and good measure, try the Bunker Hill Wood Yard, at North end of C street. Phono 841. J. A. MoLood, Prop. FOR SALE Two pedigreed dogs, ono English setter, well fiold broken. Both females. Phone 14S2. 93 FOR SALE A Molme wagon nnd heavy harness, almost new. 723 13th street, W. 81 FOR REST. Famished Rooms. FOR RENT 2 large rooms furnished for light housekeeping; modern con veniences. Inquire at AUIn & Allln, 132 West .ilaln. tf FOR RENT Modorn furnished rtoms at 604 West 10th or 124 King street. FOR RENT Two now and nlcoly furnished sleeping rooms; easy walk ing distanco; modern; bath on samo floor; reasonable prices. Phono Mnln 4474. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for transients, No. 10 North Grape street, next to Farmers' and Fruit growers' bank. FoTTTlENTA suite of rooms one block from Main st. 127 Couth Grape st. 82 Office Rooms. FOR RENT Good office room, largo and light. 331 East Main street, sec ond floor. 69 Miscellaneous. FOR LEASE Fully equipped gold nilno; ten-stamp mill and concen trator, all operated by electric pow oi. Owner will furnish freo elec tric power for share In proceeds. See Smith, at Condor Water & Power Co. FOR RENT I will havo 160 acres of first-class pasturo after Juno 25. C. W. Isaacs. tf HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Female. WANTED Girls to work on Ironing nnd pressing machines in tho now laundry. Apply just east of 603 N. Central avenue or phono 4451. VANTED A girl to do gonoral houso work. Apply Mrs. H. Lumsdon, cor nor 6th and Bartlett streets, tf WANTED Thoro is an opportunity for a fow young ladles to learn tolophono operating. Inquiro of chlof operator, Tho Pacific Tele phono & Tolosraph Co., next door to postotfico. W7Nf ED A good lady cook to cook for ranch hands; wages $30 por month to tho "Isht person. Addross A. L. Gall, Tolo, Or. 82 Help Wanted Male, WANTED Exporloncod stono cutter and quarry man, Call at Condor Water and Powor Co'i. office. WANTED. Help Wanted Male. WANTED Man and wlfo, wlfo to keep 4 to C boarders, man to work In quarry. Apply 103 E. Sixth St. VANTED Salosmon In every local lty of tho northwest; money ad vanced weekly; many make ovor 11000 month; choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top penlsh, Wash. WANTED Young boy to assist about ranch; light work. Apply E. V. Foster, ono mllo south of South Oakdale avo. limits. 78 Positions. WANTED Four young men to rent a large, well ventilated, nicely fur nished room. Call 004 W. 10th St. tf WANTED Expert orchardlst wants responslblo position, young orchards a specialty. Address XYZ, this of fice. 79 Miscellaneous. WANTED Good, clean regs at the Mall Tribgno office. WANTED To borrow, $1250 one year on $3500 house. Box 118, Med ford, Or. 78 WANTED To lease, a small bunga low, either built or under construc tion. H. W. Grunaky, Phono 1451. WANTED Wells, sewers and base ments to dig Tom McHale, 326 North Holly. Phono 2103. 81 WANTED To rent for 6 months, a five, six or seven room modem house by young couple; no children. Ad dress 429 North Central ave. 78 WANTED Thousand head of tur keys to pasture; cat grasshoppers. L. Neldormoyer, Jacksonville. 81 LOST. .OST White horse, long rope around neck, scar on breast, wire cut on loft front foot; last seen near ico plant. Return to A. L. Vroman, South Tripp. Reward. FOR EXCHANGE. FOR SALE Or exchange for coun try property, 2 3-4 acres, 10-room house; pumping plant, 40 fruit trees; 5 blocks from Main street; on North Riverside; Bear Creok bottom. Inquire at 317 E. Main TO EXCHANGE Income, Chicago Evanston) storo and residence prop erty, also acreage in Washington, for farm property In southwestern Oregon. Address ownor, B. F. DeVoe, 5572 30th ave., N. E., Seattle, Wash. 78 WILL exchange good orchard land for Portland property or will sell on easy terms. B. F. Benson, at Moro Hotel. 6 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm building. A. E. REAMES- -Lawyer. Over Post- office. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attornoys-at-law. No. 0 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vip, C. L. Ronmes. Lawyers. Of fico Medford National Bank build inp, second floor. B. F. MULKEY Attorncy-at-law. Offices room 30, Jackson County Bank building. Medford. Architects. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects nni Builders, office 7-8, 235 Main. Phone Main 3-171. Residence pnouc 2471. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phono 351. Night phenes: C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H. Butlor 3571. . . Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Poso with Mackoy nnd dio with joy." Over Al len & Rengan's storo; entrance on Seventh stroot. . Stenographers. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm blooi. Stenographic work done quickly nnd well. M. FORTESCUE Stonognipher, !8 N. Front st. Phono 231. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the bost-oquipped job offioe in South ern Oregon; Portland prioet. 37 South Central avenue. Brick Companies. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Priddy, O. D. Nngle, Goo. T. O'Brien Contractors and mnnufnoturors of brick; denlors in pressed brick nnd lime. Offico in Postoffice block, room 5. Phono No. 3181. Brick Layers. BRICKLAYERS K. Kuiin, at Smokohouse, first-olass bricklayer, stonoworkor, coment stepping stucco nnd moulding, fireplaces n J tilo work u spooialty, Europe' plan; day or contract. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Tin Shop. J. A. SMITH Tk chop. Tin shoot iron ware on hand s4 to order. 128 North Q BtiM. Hasp Rata. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C St., Weiifonl, Or. 1L W. Eisey, Matron. OffieMl I P. & E. B. B. Bill l"otra. VERNE T. CANON-BUI Potr a Distributor. All order prowMy filled. Boom 20, Jackson Ciamgi Bank building, Medford, Or. Ital Eatete.' SEB WM. E. STACEY ft CO. Utr some of the choicest bargain m real estate in this valley. Also Brit ish Colombia and Alberta, B. C, matL other parts. Call on him at Miamfmf office, Phipps building, or at she Medford Auto oompaay'a parang where we start oat oar iiwh fmt the Aladden Mantle Lasp aa4 hid den window screes. We will ireofc yon right. Come and nee. Cira aad Tobacee. IRELAND & ANTLE, Smofceheaett Dealers in tobacco, cigars and tak ers' supplies. Exclusive affaatB at Lewis Single Binder, El Merits El Palencia. 212 West Main atraat.. Painters and Paperti !. GERWOLF & WARD, eoatraue painters, papezhangerB aad rators; signs. Estimate all kinds' of day and job work. Faait View Hotel. Phone Mab 1891. Furakar. H. F. WILSON & Co- dealers m : and second-hand fareitw hardware. Agents for Mob4 Citjt kil-chen cabinet. 323 E. Seveatk at. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sta., MadfexvL Mission Furniture made te ssatae. Cabinet work of all kind. JL tnal order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook 8toe. and Ranges. New aad Seecwd-Haaal Furniture. EaaV old ataad. 18 WL F st: South. Phone 91, Medforc. Or. Naneriea. QUAKER NURSERIES Our are budded, not grafted. Oar is not irrigated. Wo gaaraatea -erything put ont. We are not ia taw trust H. B. Patterson, offia ml Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSEBT CO., Inc. Growers of high-grade nursery Block. Office 25 W. TcL 120L Physicians and Bargcont. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Oppeait Jackson County bank. Night eaSat promptly answered. Office aad ree denco phono Main 3432. CONROY & CLANCY Offkse w Stewart building: Physicians moi Surgeons. Office phone Main 341; private phone Main B12. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY, Physi cians and Surgeons, Taylor J, Phipps bldg., rooms 210, 211, 312. Office phone 501, residence 612. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. : DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. XVA. MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia Physicians. Mission block. Phas 202. Medford. Llfo Scientist. MRS. LILLIAN A. ELDER, Life Sai- entist Privato instruction ia "New Psychology" and "Now Thoag4i"r principles. Callers received VTmA nesdny8, 127 South Grapo street. Mediciaca. HOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will euro rheuaatiuB, asthma, paralysis, sores and pri vate diseases. Theso remedies asayi be procured at the Sing Lee law dry, 123 S. Riverside avenue, MmC ford, Or., where they will he BeMt by tho proprietor. Dr. Chow Young has treated bv oral sovoro easos with his remadlea since coming to Medford asd htm for reference some of the beat known and most intelligent eitkea in Southern Oregon. Call on nilUard Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. BUliarda, C gara and Soft Drinks. Up atairtt, Young & Hall building. A niee, oaal place to spend the hot af temoona. Deatlsta. DR. W. M VAN SCOYOC, Daatiat Offico in rooms 203-204, Faraoaraf & Fruitgrowers' bank buildiag, waat 'of the traoks. Legal Blanks. LEGAL BLANKS All atyloa ojf la gal blanks for Bale, a hoadrad dif ferent forms. Medford Printlnr C., Messenger Service. MESSENGER SERVICE gors furnished at all house ef day, and till 0 p. n. to any pare ei aily, from lOo to Xe. Phone JUim 1HS.