I n MED3T0R1) MAIL TRIDUNE, MEP3TORD, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1910, 3 THIS SERMON IS f)...lii...,.Ht...t.t..t,,MQQQ PEOPLE'S Sermon ly CHARLES T. RUSSELL, Psitor Brooklyn Tnliemnclc. HHMM.-t.t.tMtHfMHflOQ I'lilliuloliihlii, i'ii Juiui 11!. 1'iwtor UuhnoII of Thu llruuktyii Tiilwriiuolo pwiiclii'tl ln-iv twlci) tuiliiy to liirKu ami nttcntlv(. niMlk'iicei. Wo report III (IImcoiiiho from Hit text, "I, llni Lord thy (luil tun ii Jcnloim (loil, vIhIiIiik Uih IlllqillllfH f till) flltlllTH upon tliu dill- (Iron iinio tlu t liti tl mill fourth wnorii tloti of t limit that Imlo mi; and hIiow ItiK inorcy nolo iIkiiihuiuIk of thorn that lovo nit and keep my coiiiinumliuwitM" (Doiitoroiiomy v, l, 10). A roport of tho dlMconrno followH;- No out) of (xMrliH,f mil ipiititlou thu fact that our lext In corroborated hy all our c-xpurhuiccii In llfo. How ever tiiiJiiHl Hituio limy cliiliii It to ho that thu children should Inherit tho wi'mIciiohmch rcHiiltliK; from parental (tlmdpiitloux and vlohitloim of tho !)! vino law, (ho fact iciiutlim that how ever atlii'lmii tuny ipii'itlon tho oxlnt rnco of it (iuil or Infidelity doulit tho tiiHptriitlou of IiIh Word, no ouu can qucMllou tho two fnctH of thin text, (1), that Hlu mid IIh peuiilty can 1)0 Inherit ed mid ('J) tho fact that Cod In merci ful to Hiieli an renounce hIii mid turn to him and Heel; to walk according to hi direction. Ilowover Uiono UIchh Iiikh upon evil doerx and their children and these IiIwhIukh upon well doern ond tliclr poHtvrlly may ho termed natural lawn mid Iiiwh of heredity, It doc not alter tho fact, hecaimo tho Al mighty U tho ono who miido theno Iiiwh of heredity Under the delusion handed down to uh from tho "dark ngi" that Owl hml rnndi'iuued to eternal torment all the children of Adam lieeauxo of IiIh hIii wo are all Inclined properly enough to feel rehelllnux ngnlimt miy Mich mntter mid to anxert that from tho Htaiidpolut of hiiuimi reiiHonlnt; It would he entirely unjust to torture tho MHterlty of Adam eternally for IiIh trmiH(,reMHlon "orlclnal nln." Hut ih wo gi-t tint oyon of our underHtand lug opened to new what 'M l'10 r,'", penalty for nIii, that It Ih death, ex tinction, mid Hint our perfect parent, fully Informed respecting tho dlvlno -will, were eulpahle, worthy of death, and when we learn further that whnt over Ih enjoyed Ity AiIiim'n jKwtcrlty In tho wny of life, however dtand vantitKeouH Hie coiidltloiiH, Ih ho much of dlvlno leniency and mercy mid comcH ho much Hhort of fonlng tho full penalty, death, extinction then we begin to hcc that llfo under ntiy eoudltloiiH mid dlmidvnntngcH l Htlll a hooii, hotter than extinction. In Wrath Hnvo Mercy, Lord. Itecognlr.lng the Xvrnlh of flod n miinlfeHted In tho death penalty (not In mi eternity of torture) wo can nee that the Scripture everywhere do clnre Hint the wrath or flod Ih renting upon our race; that every memher of It Ih Hiihjoct to thin very penalty which cniuo upon father Adam mid him been entailed upon all of IiIh posterity. Tho Almighty Crciitor did not wait for uh to cry out for IiIh pity and compiiHHlon, but from tho very be ginning, foreknowing our full Into hIii, ho had the plan arranged for our re demption mid ultimate recovery from tltlH condition of wrath, curse, death. Wo aro Informed that our Lord Jchhh wiih tho Lmnh of flod Hlaln fn)in tho foundation of tho world In tho IMvlne purpose nnd nrrimgeinont though only now being made maiilfeHt to tho Church and shortly to tho world. TIiuh lowed there Iiiih been no Injustice practised ngnlimt our race In permit tint; the children to Hharo with their father Adam In IiIh penalty. Ituthor they had esteemed It and do esteem It better than tho sentence Itnelf, and furthermore In tho Iird'H provldencoH tho world's present experlenceH In tho fall and later on In tho recovery from tho fall In tho hmids of the great Ho dcemcr during tho Millennial Abo, Is to provo n lesson, a hcIiooIIiib, In tho exceeding sinfulness of hIii, which the rnco mi ii whole will never forgot and out of which many (now tho Church, later on the world) will draw lessons of wlBdoin and Brace, Looking Htlll more deeply Into tho Dlvlno I'hiu an It Ih revealed In tho Lord'H Word for tho.se who aro hN (I'hiiIih xxv. 11), wo llnd u partleular reiiHon why It wim not only advisable hut iieceHHiiry (hut thin law of heredity Hhould operate In our race, oven though It brought In IIh train n terrlhlo lint of experiences to our race. Tho reason for thin Is lmHod upon one elomont of tho Dlvlno eharactor-.IUHtlco-thever,v oloment which at onu tlmo wo Hup. posed wmh violated 'by this law of heredity. An our eyes open to the teaching of tlio Rerlptures wo perceive that If flod had not permitted his law of horedlly to operate, but had per milled each Individual of tho two to come forth to perfection and to Htand nn Individual trial nucli an father Adam was subject to. It would doubtless have mount that at least one-half of tho race, possibly more, would have dellberiitelv elio-n a course of hIii iih father Adam chose II. To o-pec moro than one-half to bo obedient would be unretiHonable. Ituthor. from what wo boo about us In the experiences of llfo, Wo would hnvo been liable to conclude that onlv n very sniall majority, per haps oiuVlenth, would have boon olio, dlent to flod, while tho remaining Jilno tenths would Imvo boon disobedient. Sift Qv. A REGULAR WEEKLY FEATURE PULPI1 t i 0 0 0 The Law of Retribution Sowing and Reaping Visit ing Sins of Parents Upon Their ChildrenJustice of the Divine Arrangement---Grace So Much More Abounds Else Were Your Children Unholy. o oO'' """ '""""0 i Home might uslc, Would not oven that have been hotter than the Dlvlno arrangement iih wo hco It operating now, that tho whole race should stir rer for one iiiiui'h disobedience? We answer, No Not aceordlng to the ten tlmony of tho Herlplurcs. The Illhle slums uh that while thin law o.f retri bution Iiiih worked Milch terrlhlo havoc In Adam mid IiIh race for now (I.OiiO yeaiH-whlle iiO.OOO.OOO.OQO have been horn In sin and sorrow and palu mid after ii tvw yearn of trouble have died In Mirrow mid pain, nevertheless In Anil's due time all or these shall have moro favorable opportunities of know ing of God's true character and of at taining to a full diameter development In his likeness during the .Millennial Ago. TIiIm means that jirobnbly more will gain eternal life mid blessing un der the divine arrangement nn we have It than we could reasonably expect would have been saved had the Lord not provided this law of heredity mid condemnation of all, but on the con trary had permitted each to ho born In perfection and to Htand h!s trial as between loyalty to (Sod with the re ward of eternal llfo or disobedience punished with death. XI tit we shall hco that It means much moro than this. Condomned In One Redeemed by One. A. great economic law Is connected with thi divine arrangement: Tho condemnation of a race In one man's lolim because of his transgression made possible tho dlvlno arrangement that a Second Man should pay the penalty for tho llrst and redeem both him and all who were In him at tho time of IiIh condemnation. This Is at onco n demonstration of Dlvlno Wis dom and of Dlvlno Justice. Suppose, for Instance, that the law of heredity had not prevailed, hud not been In stltuted by our Lord, but that each Individual had come forth perfect and had been personally placed on trial nml been personally condemned to death. Would It not hnve required nn Individual savior for each one. con demned under hucIi nn nrrntigemcnt? Surely It would. Hence, hml one-half of the race proven thoumclvcs sinners and been personally condemned It would either Imvo been ucccMinry to avoid redemption altogether or to re deem the sinner half of the race, by giving a life for a life n perfect be ing's Hncrlllee for or Instead of each Imperfect life. Intimating the total number of our race at liO.OOO.OOO.OOO, .lustleo would Imvo been obliged to reijulro lO.ooo.OOO.OOO of perfect be ings to bo offered us the ransom price for Kin in,)0(),(XlO,0()0 of sinners. Under the very best estimate that we can possibly make, thla would have required the death of nil the perfect ones of the race as redeemers for all the Imperfect ineuibers of the race, and what a havoc that would hnvo linplled-wlth Just as ninny dy ing as under present conditions, name ly, one-half iih sinners nnd the other half as redeemers, ransoms. Hesldes, wo perceive that It would not have been Just on thu part of tho Almighty to compel tho rlgliteoiiH ones to suf fer for tho unrlithteous uh their re deemerH, hence there would have been no assurance even then that any but a fraction of tho sinner race would have been redeemed. On the contrary, how wise, conservative and econom ical was tho Dlvlno arrangement that hy one man's dlsobedlouco under tho Iiiwh of heredity the many would be born sinners and sharers In his pen alty, death, and that then In duo time oiio Savior, one perfect one, tlio "man Christ .lesus," might redeem Adam nnd, redeeming him, redeem all of his race from tho death sentence, the curse, tho wrath or flod, and as a result of tho redemption obtain the right, tho authority, tho power during his Millennial Kingdom and In asso ciation with his glorluod Church of tho flospel Age, to bless all tho fam ilies of the earth and to uplift an nuiny as would bo willing out of nil their Ignorance, weakness and sinful and dying conditions to all that was lost In Adam. Wo have seen that in harmony with the Dlvlno law It would not have been Just for tho Heavenly father to obligate tho righteous to dlo for hIii ners and that houco the redemption of tho Blnnois would Imvo been problematical-very doubtful. Hut on the contrary tho Heavenly Father well know In ndvuneo the loyalty of his First'llegotten, his only llogotton, who Is deduced lo Imvo beoil the "begin ning of the creation of flod" (llovela tlou III, 11). lie knew not only of Jesus' loyalty but that his experiences with htm In glory would every way qualify our Lord for the tests mid thoHiieiitlees necessary for tho redumption of the race with his own precious blood. Tho Scriptures assure us furthermore that tho Father set before lilm some certain Joys, certain blessings, certain promises, In connect Ion with this work of man's redemption; as wo read, "Who for tho Joy set before lilm en dured the cross, despising thu shame, and Is now set down on tho right hand of thu majesty on high" (Hebrews xll, 2). Rotrlbutlvo Joys and Rewards, Wo are to remember, too. that tho i BcrlpluroH distinctly teach Hint tho condition of tho nlfiilrs of our world -sin, iKtrlbutlvo punishment, tho re domptlou through Jesus, tho call of tho Church nnd their sufferings with lliolr Itedeeiner and tho promises of future blessing and glory both for tho Church mid for tho world nro sub jects In which the angels of flod nro Interested. Ah tlio Apostle I'cterBnyH, "Of which HMlvatlon tho prophets hnvo enquired mid searched diligently. . . . fieiirelilng what or what manner of tlmo tho Spirit of Christ which was In them did signify, when it test I (led be forehand tlio sufferings of Christ, nnd tho glory that should follow. , . . 'Which things thu angels dcslro to look Into" (I I'etcr, I. 10-12), They won dered when all tho sufferings of Jesus nnd tho Church would bo completed nnd when tho glory tlmo would como nnd recovery from sin and death con ditions; when (mil's purpose would thus ripen mid bear fruit In thu recov ery of those who fell from his favor In Adnin'H disobedience but were re deemed by tho precious blood. The great lesson of what constitutes disobedience, ami how serious a sin It Is, nnd what It would lend to If allowed to tnko Its course, was Illustrated In man's experiences; and nil the host of angels looked on with ninn7.emcnt, no doubt, flod's Justice was fully dem onHtrated In the liillictlon of tho death penalty and tho permission of lw in roads upon the mental, moral and physical perfection of his erentures. bringing ninny of the race down al most to brutality. Cod's I,ovo was manifested lu tho gift of his Son, In tho arrangement of his plan by which for the Joy set before him, Jesus might become Adam's itedeeiner, nnd the Itrldegroom of tho Klect Church and ultimately the gral King of Glory who, during tho Millennial Age, Is to restore, revive and n!c" and test Adnm nml nil his race. BROKEN ROD COMES UP THROUGH FLOOR OF CAB LAKE CKYSTAL, Minn., Juno 20. Omaha train No. -12 on tho Eltnoro branch camo lu two hours Into, pre Hcmtlng a sorry spectacle Whon tho train was running nt a fast clip hotweon Ultlo Enrth nnd WlnnohnKo, to make-up lost time, a. Hido rod beenmo looo from tho ronr driver and tho honvy plcco of steel began to whirl nrotind. It camo up through tho floor of tho cab nt Engi neer A. I). Coy's feet, throwing him from his sent. Ills feet caught In tho rovorso lovor nnd tils arm becamo on tnugled in tho door chain of tho flro box. Flroman Frank DroBtinn re leased lilm. Tho train ran nlmost half a mllo before being brought to n stop. Ono rod was bent double, tho air pump and nil of tho piping was strlp"pod from tho engine, and tho cnb was completely demolished. j . Swallows Ink, Turns Blue. AUSTIN, Tex., Juno 20. After Bwnllowlng Indelible Ink, Arthur Floyd, two yci.rs old, eon of J. C. Floydd, living on San Jacinto streot, hns turned blue His enso is tlio first of its kind to como to tlio notice of local physicians. Tho skin of tho body turned bluo within three days after swallowing tho Ink nnd according to medical the ory will remain thnt color as long as ho lives. Tho physician diagnosed his afflic tion na nrgyrln, produced with a poi soning of tho skin with nlt-nto of sil ver, contained In tho Ink ho drank. Tho child vas found playing with a hcttlo of Ink by his pnronts threo dnys ago and tho physlclnn called In. Soon ho hognn changing color nnd bc- foru night his skin was a shade be tweon bluo and black. FIiiBkitiB for IToaltli. AUTOMOBILES 0. W. Murphy. 0. M. Murphy. MURPIIV BROS. AUTO LTVERY. 1010 Chnlmors Dotvoits. Phono 18(11, Vnlloy Auto Company, Mcdford, Or. Quick Sorvioo. Easy Riding. Pricos Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONE MAIN 3M1. Agcnoy for tho Parry Cars. Roguo River Auto Co., Frank II. Hull, Prop., Medford, Or. WANTED! Thinners to thin fruit i i i - - - - ..--.. Talent Orchard Co. Talent Oregon. OREGON RING i GAME IS DEAD Governor Glllett's Action Is Respon sible for Puttlnfi End to All "Box Inn Exhibitions" In Orcpn Which Havo Been Winked At. Oovornor fllllctt of California not only put a crimp in thu prlzo fight gmno lu California hut sounded the denth knoll of tho boxing contests In Oregon. The local "exhibitions" will ceiisu nnd tho state law stands bo tween thom and the men who looks tho other wny will hereafter remain unbroken. Portland brought about a number of contests of tho no-do-clslon variety that developed Into knockouts and then the Municipal lenguo got busy nnd naked for Indict ments. Some of thu promoters, ono of whom Is out of town, convenient ly, smiled, and said: "It will all blow over; Just wait." Result Is that tho Glllett decision camo llko a wot blanket nnd not a promotor In Ore gon would dare present a fight prop osition for tho state laws of Oregon nre even moro clearly defined than thoso of California relative to prlzo fights, and everyone hero knows that they wcro flngrantly violated for months. There is soino good, after all, may coino from tho stand of Governor Gll lett. Ho has killed the plug-ugly matches and made tho professional prize fighters go back to work. SPLENDID ORE FOUND IN 0RE0NT0 MINE) DovclopracntB nt tho C.eonto minu tho past week have been of a very I encournpiiK character. Somo of the i finest rock yet found has been taken out, says tho News. A cross cut was recently completed which showed tho lode to bo -13 feet in width, 11 feet wider than it had be fore shown, and much wider than usual. Sinco completing the cross cut tho work has consisted in drift ing on the footwnll for a distance of 20 feet. Mnny large quartz boul ders aro encountered. They nre heavily mineralized. Tho vein mnt ter js what is known us dissolved nmirtz, lying in a ribbon formation, and is also highly mineralized. "These conditions point conclus ivelv to rich mineral deposits and a WRIGHTS INVESTMENTS Nico 7-room house, 127x147 -fool) lot, bnrn, 25 fruit trees, close to pavement, a nice home, for $3600, i tenns. fi-room house nnd one-lmlf acre I fino soil, one block from Main, only I ?2000, easy tonns. ' Cozy 5-room cottnge, furnished,, bnrn, buggy nnd gontlo horse, 50x110 foot lot, with npplo trees in benring; for quick snlo at ?1C50. 1-room house, OOxlOO-foot lot, one block from pavement; for ono week at $1100. Fino lot in Siskiyou, CGxlCG feet, in choico location; $750, terms. BUY OAK RIDGE LOTS on easy tonns. J. Bruce Wright & Co. 132 WEST MAIN. PHONE 2091. Sewing Machines Ladies' we want you to snow that wo cany a complete line of Sowing Machines, White and Now TJoine and other makes; also second hand machines of all makes. AVo ropaiv and rent ma chines and keop the parts for all machines made. Old machines traded in on now ones. Cash or EASY PAY MENTS. LAWTON BUILDING, No. 32 Bartlett St. C. S .LUPTON, Mgr. Phono Main 1711. All Work Guaranteed. HAIR WHITE AS SNOW Restored to Natural Color with One Bottle o WYETH'S SAGE AMD SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY The Only True Hair Restorer, Tonic and Rejuvenator ALMOST A MIRACLE . My hair was as white as snow when I commenced using Wycth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy. One bottle re stored my hair to its natural dark brown color. A3 1 am now 70 years old, I consider the result most remarkable. It i3 an agreeable and refreshing hair dressing, keeping the hair soft nnd glosuy, without being in the least greasy or sticky. WM. WESTLAKE, 210 West Main Street, Rochester, N. Y. Wyeth Chemical Company, HASKINS DRUG continuous lode," said W. A. Mar vin, the engineer in charge of the work. "Wo will continue drifting for CO feet more, when we expect to be under an old shaft that was sunk sorao time ago. As soon as this is accomplished wo will go around on the cast side of the hill and drive a Suits $25. T. Y. Grant, Mgr. "UNITED TAILORS" of Portland, Or., will be in Med ford from FRIDAY, JONE 17th, TO WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, and will have on display at 32 SOUTH CENTRAL AYE., the finest line of MEN'S SUITINGS ever shown in your city. Suits made up in any style desired with first-class workmanship and trimmings, for $25.00 or $30.00 from the best im ported tweeds, worsteds and .cheviots. Don't forget the number, 32 S. Central avenue, next door to Medford Mail Tribune. Open evenings to 8:30. United Tailors (Incorporated) FOR SALE CHEAP SECOND HAND AUTO In Good Condition Just tho machine to no anywhere Ina proven car that will no on any passablo road.. A bargain If taken at once. Cash or Realty VALLEY AUTO CO. Why hesitate when WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY is daily producing Just such results? After years of study and analysis of thcrhafr, we have been able to produce nn ideal Hair Tonic and Restorer, which contains an actual constituent of hair, combined with ingredients of recognized merit for treatment of hair and scalp diseases. It makes and keeps the scalp clean and healthy, gives life, strength and lustre to the hair, and restores laded and gray hair to natural color. No matter how long and thick your hair is, WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REM EDY will make it longer and thicker. It will re move every trace of dandruff in a few days, stop falling in one week, and start a new growth in from one to three months. These are Sacts that have been proven in scores of cases. WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY is guar anteed to do all that it is claimed to do or the price will be refunded. COc. AND 1.00 A BOTTLE AT ALL DRUGGISTS If Your Drutfglat Doeo Hot Keep It Send 50o. In Stamp (xnd Wo Will Send Vou n. Lores Dottlo, Express PreptUd working tunnel to tap the main lode, which will give us a depth of about COO feet." The rock which has been taken out the past week is what is known as shipping oro. There nre several tons on the dump, with more coming out every day. to Measure T O vsssmmi EMEJCEGHia r MMtltlKirl ' III! AN mCAL 5Hair Tunica Dressing t'4tm,mt .h i. f.iJ m4 mir Hiir Sbrnvbl. tfc f""fc 4i! i kvf H.r.K, 4tj u4 M it 1 mh fix. bi)M t.4 IT fAI.T. iHlwif u4 iul ll UtUrt to Idhftg Ujf. (PRICEWc. AND Jl.Wi vimfen tm imt wrrni cnwiCAtcay MW TOOK CITY 74 COR1XANDT STREET NEW YORK CTTYp N. V. STORE DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL PARLOR REMOVED TO 235 E. MAIN STREET, OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. f -f 4- $35 n n.i M ii it t M I rl I ?l Ml (1. i i Al. Jj - -K- - Ju t- m wtopil'lfcli ii'i'i Wm magyy iir-. .IB.. nmtewNlllftn . i wratf sjTmmuBMLw