- !,, - i t ! VrV ,r - '4 BEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 19.10. 'Srr -- a-- ;. hj , r in Jf S fs. If t? f ( ? f I Q ! i Medford Mail Tribune Comploto ScrlcB! Thirty-ninth Yenr; Dixlly, Klrth Yenr. mtUISHED DAILY EXCEPT SATUR DAY BY THE MEDrOSO rKINTINO CO. A consolidation of tho McJfonl Mall, Mrtabllshctl 1889; the Southern Ore malui, cntnullshttl 1902; tho Democrntlo Times. cdtnbllMxnl 1872: tho Ashlnml Tribune, established 1896. ami the Med- ford Trlbuno, established 1806. OKOnOK PUTNAM. Kdltor and Manager Bntored n accond-class matter No resiber 1, 1909, at tho postofflce at Medford, Oregon, under the act of March 3. 1879. Official Taper of the City of Medford 8TTBSCRXFTI0H HATES. One year by mall $5.00 One month by mall SO Far month, delivered by carrier, lu Medford. Ashland, Jacksonville, Talent. Phoenix, Central Point, Gold Hill and Woodvlile SO Sunday only, by mall, per year. . . . 2.00 Weekly, per year 1.50 all teastd Wire United patches. Frets Dls- The Mall Tribune Is on sale at the Ferry News Stand, San Knuiclsco. Portland Hotel News. Stand, Portland. Bowman News Co., Portland, Or. W. O. Whitney, Seattle. Wash. Hotel Spokano News Stand, Spokane. Postage Bates. t to 12-pago paper ..lc tl to 24pairo paper 2o 24 to 36-paKe paper 3c A MORAL MENTOR FROM JACKSON COUNTY. SWORIT CXBCU&ATXOIT. Average Dally for November. 1909 . 1,700 December, 1909 1,842 January, 1910 1,925 February, 1910 2,122 March. 1910 2.203 April. 1910 2.301 MAY CX8CTOATXOH. 1 2400i 17 25E0 1 S 4- S t t It 11 11 U 1 ! 2350 2350 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2425 2425 2500 2550 , 3300 2550 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 ...2550 ...3550 ...2560 ...2550 ...2550 ...2500 ...2500 ...2500 ...2500 ...2550 ...2500 ...2500 Total 65,100 Less deduction and special edition 1,400 61.700 Average net dally, 450. BTATR OP OREGON. County of Jack son, ssr On this 1st day of May, 1910, per sonally appeared before me. O. Put Bam, manager of the Medford Mall Trt feune, who, upon oath, acknowledged that ue aDore ugures are irue ana correct. (Seal) H. N. YOCKEY. Notary Public for Oregon. WILLIAM F. UERRIN oi' San Francisco, chief counsel of the Southern Pacific, who was born and raised in Jackson county, was orator of the day at the commence ment exercises of the Oregon Agricultural College at Cor vallis. On his way home he stopped off at Ashland, and the Valley Record,, in a eulogistic article, refers to him as the greatest man yet produced by Jackson coiinty. 3kLr. llcrrin is a remarkable man. Ue has worked his way from the bottom to tho top round of the legal ladder. He is endowed with gifts far beyond the ordinary indi vidual, and yet it is a question whether with all of his won derful abilities, he has ever done anything really worth while. Mr. Hen-ins' Corvallis address was a collection of copy book platitudes, reflecting tho conventional lies of a civiliz ation that loads a Ilerrin with honor and wealth and leaves virtue as its own reward. lie prated of the pursuit of truth for truth's sake of noble sentiments and other ele vating topics, which his own career gives the lie to. Mr. Herrin's chief occupation has for years been the con corruption of popular government for the benefit of a cor poration. He dominates the politics of California inthe in terest of his employer. All the slimy trails of legislative scandal lead to his door. He is the "man higher up" whom Honey tried in vain to rgach, the partner of Abe Ruef in virtue, the mainspring ot debauchery, the louutain head of political depravity. He dominates city, county and state government, nonunates and elects governors, controls courts, corrupts newspapers, in behalf of a railroad corpor ation. He is the fountain head of the "system" Ben Lindsay's "Beast in the Jungle." It is an inspiring sight when such a man .turns moral mentor to college students, and complacent!' babbles of morality when the sham is held up shining with the gilded veneer of success, as an example to the youth ot the country. If this is the greatest that Jackson county can produce, let ns not brag of our output, for great talents put to base and ignoble purposes, are not proper subjects for pride even though wearing the tinsel halo of mug hypocracy. TED'S HOMECOMING. NEW YORK, June 18. Tho Now York World today in n 2000-word editorial says "that tho people's ef forts to 'doify' Roosovolt r not from political prejudice, but from re action." Tho writer adds: "What overy thoughtful American has reason to bo concerned about are not tho plans and purposes of Roosevelt, but tho average oitiron'a attitude toward Democratic- institu tions as revealed by his attitude to ward Roosovolt." Tho Now York American says : "Coincidences will never cease. This day, Juno 38, is tho date of Waterloo. Roosovolt nuts back from Africa, Kuropc and 'Elba.'" Tho Tribune contains tho follow fellow follew ing: "It need not bo feared that a man equally at homo in tho Maza jungle, th German court and a great Brit ish social circlo will lack congenial, profitable employment in his own country." Wall Paper AVe wish to paper. You ful styles. Jiuv your nionev call your at tent ion lo our large assortment of new styles in wall will be surprised to find such a complete lino and such beauti- your wan paper nere and you got a nine more viuuu iur CARPETS, RUGS, ETC. AVo invite you to inspect our largo assortment of carpet and rug styles. You can find what you want here and at a satisfactory price, too. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. East Main St., near S. Bartlett NEGRO WOULD PLEAD GUILTY TO GET OUT OF CRIME JOHN F. STEVENS. jcssroBD, OKxaox. 'Metropolis of Southern Oregan and Northern California and fastest-grow-ln city in Oretron. Population, 1910. 9.000. Bank deposits. $2,750,000. Banner fruit city of Oregon Rogue Stiver apples won sweepstakes prize and title of . Q "Apple King of the World" . ftf Ifatlonal ..pple Show, Spokane, 1909. Somat River pears brought highest VuA nftunnnt tlvs vnr ." PKnv Commercial Club, enclosing 6 jyfc jfeu&tfon postage on finest community cs" JftmKmovex n ; ? ? 1 .. r - V J. K A , r ,V , A. 2 r JP A" V rfi,s per written. s home! fe 3 5" && ? rs for the flag. v :.o . A P o .o " -cr Lo .or .YcflrfFs. in"a ' y . w - r 'sinAa.1,i j5" . .V.a, ft . y2af&&&& K'-t . C TTkS O J-. r- -iwo t, . t ,(? e ? o JTo. i1? o Cj O de? Louis Blot is fighting gaino in '&&$x$iM Cfoi i .5 y C5 oiSUs-fiii F . p & & s ' & itswy biuldinR for Jled- r, i? erth P. 'e S S"i e, .s'-ff; ItS . " ? & o gz? 7y en Js C ol F iible of it isn't loot K ut for Cannon mpromise on 8-.9 Jecision of Speako actiMkhPnrt as omindcuinmiini si id bvlluuloneni CaiMBustnTlias been somew soured ere: ho will help rce it to the front again. It is ot tu. question merely of the rules tht has been m a butRether lecislo ef tlpkc uiaH.ui vo wtoihiCcWitrolIe flHfTnMdy of .stafmltters r5 fwith (epublil Isnunes not li ressivt nnd It Tis yot And it is nuel wcend Is nov? Streums hi tyhJei rolleV fa iri Bt17 L 4Ffixty-yo life hnWbeeun: ts J4t wSyl'nty-lIireei' beKins. once T rroi & ny symer as tlum noarcHtlio sun, jm Aii yuriehter fIiio at eihty-foim ' QOvcr Wqtffell Hoi rirutess losss mtpDy PAMS.sJuno MP-5&ra v,,N- w!fn nf lfW PldJlGfio mayy lwoino efJheayys: Mdpptrap, sum lyaiiiui ninetv-itvo. ? lotildst Uiou nrriw wait onjuod antv work i.. thrive.? A J v r 'T1 BE election of John F. Stevens as president of the Pa- cific & Eastern has tu'oused great interest in Southern Oregon in the personality of the man who has planned the development of Oregon bv the construction of a network of railroads, and who is now, with an army of workmen, car rying into execution his plans. John P. Stevens, still comparatively a young man, ranks as one of the world's greatest engineers. He is a command ing figure in railroad circles in the Northwest second only to James J. Hill, whose able lieutenant he has been for years. Mr. Stevens constructed a large part of the Great North em system. He left railroad work to become chief engi neer for the Panama canal, the greatest engineering feat ever undertaken. His plans are being carried out by his suc cessors, his organization still survives. After two vears of canal work, Sir. Stevens resigned to re-enter railroading, this time as vice-president of the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad, from which posi tion he resigned to plan and execute the invasion of Oregon. Mr. Stevens is quiet, unostentatious and extremely mod est. He fights shy of publicity, content to let his work speak for him, and liis enduring monuments are scattered ' all over the country from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from Panama into Canada. To have such a man interested in Southern Oregon means much for this section. He comprehends the possibilities of the future. His powerful genius of prganization, his com mand of immense capital, and his realization of the coun try's destiny auger the rapid development or resources. bMr. Hfccvens is the organizer and executive head of all I'ojects m Oregon. The' are perhaps more Ste- fofcts than Hill's, for Stevens has been over every ftiground and knows the country, while Hill has rW'11 depends almost entirely upon Stevens' iisd?. jgti fitter man, no better equipped man, could ctMiSoitfflwtL &haiC&ii& 4u opportunity have come together and iFrr7iees. & rc s'r' O ? jfr XrwiT -prcnTn-n DtanTTT?riw .ESlS'SybSf'Set that Southern Orecron is. one of the iTT.S-V 'itJffl:. OI " - - . - . j . -- - iiStegg'jcTields iTthe world and has jielded over qmnai'etijWiiHieins in goit is still tne most neglected or SEATTLE. Wash.. Juno IS. "1 am not guilty of this crime, but I'll plornt KttUty to got out of It." Tthl8 wns tho queer nlc:i ontored by N'nthnnlol niedsor, tho negro sol dier charged with a criminal nemuilt upon Mrc. Amanda Kcddlng at her homo at Intorbay when callod upon to plead today. 'Do I undoratand.d" snldJuduoi lakey, "that you aro not guilty of this crlme that you did not commit It but that you want to get off easy by pleading guilty?" "That's It," answered tho negro. Crawford E. White, appointed by tho court ns attornoy for Uledsor, broke Into tho conversation with tho following statement: "Your honor, this negro thinks that If ho pleads ciillty ho wllll get a short sentence in the jail and wilt bo out In a few months. Uo keops tolling mo that ho docs not want to stay In jail until fall. "I have repeatedly told him thnt your honor would probably sontenco. him to .ot less than .ten years In prison, but I can't mako him under- stand dlt. I bellcvo that tho only tiling that tho court can Justly do Is to .ntur a plea of not guilty for him and put him on trial." Judugc Vakoy ordered that such a plea of not guilty be entered. CLEAN Is Our Exclusive ING Business If you have any "WEARABLE" about the house bring here to be cleaned and pressed. Wo clean and fix up all kinds of clothing, etc., and guarantee everything to be satisfactory. Just started. New Auto Delivery to Jacksonville and Central Point MEXICAN TROOPS ARE RUSHED TO QUELL RIOTS I'ilON'i: MAIN 2(11 EL PASO, Tex., Juno 18. Troops arc marching overland today from Hormoslllo to Cananea, whoro 75 armed Mexicans wero arrested Thurs day night. Two hundred rifles and a quantity ot ammunition wero seized. Flvo hundred troops nro al- readdy in Cananen, but it Is believed moro aro needed to provont an out break against tho Government. . .4.x...x. x.x. .l . x JtlotliiK Is roared. ' I A special dispatch received hcro' DR. GOBLE'S OPTICAL n notes a man onnosoil to President PARI OR RFMOUFn Til 23R mm - --- bvw-b vw r Ol'K WAHO.V IS AT Y OUH HKKVICi: H Kilt ST. SOUTH nevi Diaz ns saying: "General Torres had hotter keep his troops nt Hermlsilo. because ho will need them there. Yucatan is not tho only placo whoro Diaz will need troops," E. MAIN STREET. OVER STRANG'S DRUG STORE. -t- f-t- ---- CANADA HAS 9,300,000 ACRES IN .WHEAT For Sale 'T(prSin'ereeWkjie attem &-&$? ih'fodclopedlrtfimvllerc. TJsu? ? ih'tpqvcloi. iilg peases ivnerfit is t cr cj 71h?2Ji 5 rj J "- KftdsJWno fliccSrtliy knd (Ssorted ISr. W essCjsnid thnPItioc heKbf cnrrjSijr $ z if'l rui jftnotent tiSard i a ' j .O fec!j'edoHon f nk; 7- rrio fardiiSfK Ch-i-JTfl f" HipCSS Tt xr$LW9W XerJif fad aelSy? OaUto! itriajiyh njjfflwMx? liofii Or iMfp poi air eenbr ras only aor taytrm nas y stoiklTVdei,s vmmi pine i BMS. prop has n vei it gu Ther a all t they attempt to develop a mine Jljynvnerc. Usually in Southern Ore helfass roots, unless a chimney is tops witn its exnaus- lters. If they caA 'no must pay from ujMvith extensive a on it is the ljvelopment nke paid from the iirl And has paid lew years ago tne work was ana won s Cf LLUl -.mm ii a cjon bb W 6W Y& aMJVAWi'W mmimv : 6oiiufetK J. Jr-i 'ikrM. tezrw.suvivw) n ?njrdcmisg tnoat-cowm moi'S are noc; ease worl is madCi hich has In jeplmie s- wsA'ecenMy le.'ise m: WJFW l rtfiyi l!l I TnHftOWnrliMill i oVfrjXiifiiTjuBPt n arxfnurrnlLml k tluWoi andm CLV,r r 'ViSr W"u M "-viiy" Thit I 'ore saidgo Ue soricir-nuT k c mLaay anfLingm. . o fnarr nrBectg-anisoiflnevn Urc t. 7" fin i . w MU IHO UIIU1K") S-tlU lmt HeoulJ not' ' - " --i.rt VDUi gooaTmym )nca up ana t ept on. dav anc es or tenth oWlie aiiuntif Sorg cj&tqfriar sewhere, would prove 063 a"Srga&U. mines ack, IjphMpil mojlencrcntific niiiimg meth- voguOjyjro mines ot41iccouiitBr -yjjll rShain 1. .H..i.Z.. .u 1 1 .- . a M i. ' ,x; Aw 1' aM 4.- 11 uvismiiiiW uiBr iiwatuivuxiff nut - v-T IZJ Cl 8 y s OTTAWA, Juno 18. Canada has a million and a half acres moro wheat planted this year than evor boforo. Complete census bureau reports show tho total area to ho 9,295,000 ncro3. Tho condition Is regorted good. Another Story What do you think of this coun try? Don't like it! Cnn't nee nny hopo for further progress? All richt; don't let mo taken any of your valuable time. I nni looking for those who, like myself, see opportunitiefl, health, pleasure and prosperity in this grow ing community. If yon uro u believer nnd wish to become a resident of the HoKiio Hiver country I am ut'your servico to show you whatever yon may wish to examine, "I liavo no "gold bricks" to sell, but houses and lands which will bring you returns of gold dollars if you will invest and settle down to business. Fruit, alfalfa, borrics and othor egtilar farm products bring returns, would not recommend you to growing of moss. This fungus plnt has a way of gotting 011 tho grom-rta back and a mnn with the "mgssljabk" complaint i MM Ge is worse than err . fOT k...t -"- -MO :1,SW t mil 11. HHa$ed in Now Sh Dyer lock, Medford. oi, me.) Restaurant for quick sale, $275. Hostaurant for quick Rale, long leaso. Rooming house and restaurant nt in voice Hotel with 10 rooms, u fino buy. Two acres, closo in, $050. Bearing orchard tracts at $100 per aero. Wo have a number of homesteads and relinquishments; call and see us boforo you buy. 38 acres good fruit land, 8 noros cleared; $800 if sold now. 34 acros uudor ditch, eloso in; $0,800 100 acres, closa in, 'fino dairy and stock ranch, oasy tortus. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 10 acres, income $750 this yoar. Fruit land ,eloso in, A BARGAIN Good lot, two blocks from paving, just off West Seventh street, on Columbus avenue, $1120 if aken soon. Terms. Address 0. )., care of Mail Tribune office. WANTED. Men, $2.60 per day, nnd board $4.60. Chicken ranches Ranch bands, $35 per mouth. Hay mon, $1.50 por day. 25 wood choppers, $1.50 cord. Men for mill work, out. Girls for general liousowork, $5 to $7 por woek. Two ranch hnnds, $2.60, without board. Railroad mon, $2.25, Man to cut tior wood, $1 tior. Woman to cook on ranch. E. F. A. BITTNER Medford Employment Bureau. Business chaucos, real cstato, ' a) kinds of hJp furnished and businocs ohanooB handled, Room 207 Taylor & Philips Bldij, Phono 4141 Main, I sis Theatre - SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT Gibson Concert Orchestra Of Medford, Ore. Introducing tho latest popular music novor heard before in Medford, under the direction of Br. Ohas. Hoot. Special pictures and illustrated song. THREE REELS Joseph Told His Brothron. Mica Mining. An Affair of tho Heart. Song by Miss Kennedy. "indiscretion of uotty." nTv"' H1 V fjLWmW 9m9mTwtL- pfe IS iL, rMIWWCVi virmnv.1 Wtf T oitpuio.. a v xy nr 5 s 1W fr 5) O o & & . vk) ca Tt t 7 S