Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 17, 1910, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
vmrsD pnxm association
Pnll Leased Wlro Reports
Tonight mid Saturday
Cloudy; posslblo bIiowomt.
Tho only paper In the world
published In a city the i!f of
Medford having a loaned wlr,
itolii year.
No. 76.
Will JIB
mm state troops io phot
Is Glad of Opportunity to Glvo to So
Worthy a Movement Points Out
Great Benefits to Be Dcrlvcr by
Entire State From Construction of
Highway to World's Wonder.
John If. Allon Iiiih given $1000 (o
tliu Crater Lake highway fund. TIiim
ih tliu largest subscription as yet
inadu to the fund by any individual
or firm.
In subscribing to tho fund, Mr. At
Ion stated that ho wan glad of an op
portunity to aid in a movement
whiuh would prove of Hiioh grout bun
efit to tliu state at large. Making
accessible the world's greatest nn
tural wonder, he Mated, menus more
to the stale than any one thing pos
sible. Mr. Allen assured the committee
that ho would at all limes bo ready
to further the movement and that he
did not wish them io consider ht.H
usefulness at an end with bin enutri
liutiou of .f 1(100.
SAN KUANCIHCO, Juno 17.- Governor Glllott ordered Adjutant Gcnornl
Lnuck to liavo two companion of inllltlu in UiIh city to prevent n
prlzo fight between Knufmun and Lnngford tomorrow.
The governor's order, dated Ban Francisco, follewfl:
"Adjutant General l.nuclc, Bacrnmento, Ca.: Mako necessary arrango
mcntH at once to havo two companies of mllltla In San Francisco at 2 p. m.
to provont a prize fjht between Knufmnn and lnngford, If pollco of city do
not Interfere. (Signed) "J. X. GIU.ETT."
"Wo liavo had onotiKh of prlio ffshta and prlzo fight promotorfl," Bald
(lovoruor J. N. Olllott today, commenting on IiIh nctlon In calling out tho
mllltla to lirovent the Lnntfonl-Kiliftnnn linttln inmnrrnu'
"They havo been breaking tho law long enough, and wo will havo no
more of It.
"When thoy lick tho Htato of California they can go ahead and lick
each other, but not before. I don't caro what thoy do or what thoy say:
tho law Ih not to bo broken again In California. Wo will atop tho fight to
morrow and every other one.
"Thoro will l)o no moro of it."
dovornor Glllett wan In conference with Adjutant General Lnuck at
tho 1'alaco hotel and at noon decided to order out ntnto troops to prevent tho
fight. Mo thereupon Hcnt a formal telegram to General Lnuck nt tho ndju
tnnt general's office In Sacramento ordering that tho nctlon bo taken.
j no iroopH win no nolil In readluesH all day tomorrow to rush to tho
Mlot arona at Eighth and Howard streets, whoro tho fight Is scheduled to
take place. Tho Htato mllltla Is In encampment nt various presidios In Cal
ifornia, nnd It Is probablo that two companies stationed hero will bo used.
Patholoflist Mapplnrj Out Work for
Waging Warfare on Pests and Dis
eases In Valley Back From Trip
Through California Tis Moving
Time for Him.
On .Monday, Juno 120, the minimi
Hohool meeting for District No. It)
will ho held, at which time a direc
tor will ho eloetod for five yearn to
Hiieeeod J. II. Couhrau, whoso term
Other matters will probably count
up before tho nicotine; and nil legal
voters should ho present.
The present school hoard consists
of Mossrs. Cochran, Walt, Porter,
Keutner and Marshall, whoso terms
expire in the order named.
Tho nicotine; will bo hold nt 2
o'clock in tho high school building.
Leonard Auergasty Is Belloveti to Be
Youngest Aeronaut in America
Crawls on Lower Piano of Machlno
and Soars Aloft.
Troops if Necessary, Says Webb.
SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Juno 17. Tho state mllltla will bo called out
If necessary to provont tho Kaufman-Langford fight Saturday, according
to Attorney General Webb. Webb today drew attention to tho fact Hurt
tho govornor Is tho conimaridor-ln-chlof of tho mllltla with power to ordor
It Into service at any time. Ho said ho had been promised tho support of
tho governor's office nnd would call for troops If necessary to ennblo him
to do his official duty.
"No Fight in California." Gillett.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Juno 17. "I mn Informed that mnny men
liavo arranged to como to California to see Jeffries and Johnson In the ring.
I want to say to them thoy need havo no doubt nbout tho situation. Thoro
will bo no fight between Jeffries and Johnson In California."
This was Governor Olllott'a anBwor today to tho statements that his
ordor to Attorney General Wobb has loft many mon throughout tho east In
doubt whether to como to San Francisco to seo tho fight.
Arranging for Reno Quarters.
RENO, Nov., Juno 17. Ordors were recolvod todny by W. L. McCarnoy,
roproBonllng tho fight promoters horo, to mako arrangomonts for training
quarters for both Jeffries and Johnson. Jeffries probably will train at
Moana Springs nnd Johnson nt Laughton's Hot Springs, Hoth locntlons aro
a few miles outsldo Itono,
McCarnoy nrrlved late yesterday. Today, with tho morchants commit
too that is endeavoring to got tho fight horo. ho visited Stato Park nnd
found It ndmlrnbly suited for an arenn. Manager Hnrk of tho Reno Trac
tion company was ono of tho Inspection pnrty.
McCarnoy expects to loavo for San Francisco tonight. Ho will doubt
less bo notified boforo leaving whothor tho offor of tho business mon to
grant frco fight pormlts Is to bo accepted.
TOWACO, N. J., Juno 17. Leon
ard Aborguaty, aged I, Is bollovod to
bo tho youngost norouaut In America,
Tliu baby, who Is tho son of Charles
Aborgnsty, an amateur aviator, Is re
covering today from brutscn ho recolv
od whon ho made a perilous sky trip
In a machlno his father was testing,
Tho child crawlod on tho lowor
piano of tho craft Just as liis fathor
sent it aloft. When tho noroplano was
200 foot above tho ground Aborgasty
was torrlflod to seo his baby's faco
poorlng from tho plnno.
Aborgasty hurriedly pulled tho
piano back to earth. Whon within
110 foot of tho ground tho craft over
turned and tho baby foil In a clump
of hushes, Ho was slightly brutsod,
hut sustained no serious Injury,
LOS ANdKLES, Cal., Juno 37,
Bandy Ferguson of Huston and Jim
Harry of Chicago nro scheduled Io
moot tonight In, tho first glovo con
test In California bIuco flovornor GH
lott'fl niiddou injootion as a factor in
tho fight game.
"On to Reno," Slogan in Jeff's Camp.
ROWARDJ5NNAN TRAINING CAMP, Cal., Juno 17. "On to Reno,"
Is tho slognn In enmp todny, Uoforo nlghtfnll It Is gonoraliy bollovod word
will havo boon recolvod from Promoter Rlcknrd to pack up and stnrt for
tho sngobruBh.
Whon Snm Ilorgor arrlvod In camp It was protty plain that ho had loft
bohlnd all hopo so far as San Francisco is concerned. It sooms to bo tho
gonornl belief horo that thoro Is about ono chnnco In a thousnnd of boat
Ing tho attornoy gonornl nnd tho govornor, nnd that's a protty long Bhot.
To his Intlmntos Rorgor confided his bollof that tho fight would not bo
hold In Snn Francisco, and on tho otrongth of this tip thoy nro propnrod to
loavo nt protty Bhort notice
fontntlvo training (lunrtors havo boon -offorod norgor nt Reno nnd thoy
havo boon conditionally accepted. A doflnlto nccoptanco, it Is undrstood,
will bo wlrod todny.
P. J. O'Onrn, pathologist, who has
been retained by tho Rogue Jliver
vullcy to conduct the wnrfnro
nguinst fruit pests nud diseases of
nil kinds, has returned from a tnp
to California, where he was ordered
by tho department of agriculture nnd
is now engaged in moving his office
to tho building arranged for by tho
Roguo River Fruit & Produco as
sociation, known ns tho J. A. Perry
building, nenr the depot. After tins
week Professor O'Gurn will bo found
in his new quarters.
Tho professor is already planning
his enmpnign in tho Rogue River, vnl
loy nud tho next year will bo a. most
busy one. Ho is forced to leave in
n few days for Wnducgton to ar
rnngo his temporary' withdrawal
from tho government's son-ice, but
will return in n few wcoks to continue
tho wnrfnro in this vnlloy on posts.
Ono of tho most important works
which Professor O'Oarn will under
take will bo tho compilation of a
book on Roguo river pests and dis
eases, as applied to ngrieulturo. Not
ulono will ho treat of fruit disenses,
but of thoso which attack vegetables,
grains, etc. It will be most complete.
Professor O'Gnra made n trip of
mnny hundreds of miles throughout
California. Ho reports tho orchards
healthier than for years past ani
states that grower nro again plant
ing additional norongo. Ho reports
about f)0 per cent of a pear crop and
about CO per cent of apples.
"If Not 'Frisco, Then Reno," Says Gleason.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Juno 17. "If tho unexpected happonB tho big
fight will bo hold In Reno and nowhoro olso," snld Promotor Jnck GlenBon
today. Gleason, however, roltorntod his formor statomont that lio firmly
bollovos tho big mill will bo hold horo.
''Wo havo boon advised by our own competent nttornoys, by loading
attorneys of tho Btnto and county who havo como to us voluntarily with
thoir opinion rogardlng tho tight laws, that wo aro within tho law and
within our rights In holding tho contest,
"Wo havo boon offorod lnducomonts to go to nutto, Mont., nnd sovornl
othor towns, but If wo loso out in court wo will go to Rono. Wo will con
tost tho attornoy gonornl's suits and mako ovory offort to protect our
Thousands Flock to City to Partici
pate In Welcome to Be Extended
Tomorrow to Colonel Roosevelt
Aviators Expect to Circle Steamer.
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Phoiu ty Amorlcun Press Association.
-f-f-f-r-r-f-f-f-f 4- ----
Reno Is Jubilant; Prepares for Fight,
R10NO, Nov., Juno 1. Rono Is wild ovor tho prospoct of gottlng tho
Jeffries-Johnson fight, with a chanco for tho liangford-Knufnian bnttlo
thrown In. Iluslnoss mon horo todny aro doing ovorythlng in thoir powor
to got tho two big boutB staged in Rono.
A commlttoo of hiiBlnoss mon hnvo agreod to pay for two llconsoa cov
ering both contosts, to oroct an onormouB nrona la tho contor of tho city
or whorovor Rlcknrd and Glonaon mny doslro. Tho buslnoss mon will nttond
to scouring apodal railroad ratos and do whatovor olso tho prouiotora and
principals may domnud,
Arrangomonts havo boon mado with a big lumbor corporation nnd with
locnl coutrnctora Insuring tho oroctlon of an nronn that will soat 30,000
porsons nnd bo rondy Juno 20. Evory nssurnnco of jiotoctlon Is gunrnntood.
NEW YORK, Juno 17. Lowor
Now York is beginning to sag today
with tho thousands waiting to give
Thoodoro Roosovolt an onthusiastio
wolcomo homo. Roosovolt will ro-
coivo offers of positions of prustigo
from various organizations through
out tho country. Among tho offers
is an editorship of a Now York nows
papor. C. W. Post sent n wireless
mossago to Roosovolt offoring him
$100,000 a year to become hoad of
tho National Trndes-workors' asso
ciation, organizud to arbitrato labor
Charles K. llamiltou, tho aviator,
oxjioots to fly out to moot tho Kai
sorin Augusto Victoria and oirclo
ovor tho ship ns it ooinos into tho
harbor boaring tho formor president.
Aviator Prank Goodnlo will attompt
a liko font.
Tho city is placarded with posters
and signs of greeting. Street fakirs
aro doing a thriving -business in
"Roosovolt woloomo souvonirs."
The Rough Ridors nro tho idols of
tho hour. Warren Crookott, n Rough
Rider from Mariotta, Gn booamo ill
and was taken to tho hospital today.
Ho was told ho had appoudioitis and
(hat an immediato oporatiou would bo
ueeossnrv to save his lift SLU,
Degrees conferred upon him by University of Egypt, University
of Leipsic, Sorbonne, University of Berlin, University of Christi
ana, Cnmbridgo and Oxford.
Received in nudionee by the kings of Ugnndn, Italy, Belgium,
Norway and England, tho emperors of Austria nnd Germany,
Queen Wilholminn, President Fallieres of Franco nnd tho Crown
princes of Dcnmnrk and Sweden.
Represented tho United States ns special ambassador at tho
fuuoral of King Edward.
Cancelled engagement to pay his respects to tho Popo owing
to restrictions that wero sought to bo imposed upon him.
Mado startling speeches in Khartoum. Cniro and London that
called forth tho wrath of tho Egyptian Nationalists and a largo
part of tho English public.
Honored by specinl roviews of tho flower of tho French nnd
Gorman nrmies, being tho first civilinn over given this distinction.
Mado a now record in tho amount and variety of game killed
in Africa, scouring sovornl now specimens.
Had two narrow escapes from denth from wild animals in tho
African jungle.
Rotraveled with Mrs. Roosovolt tho route of their honoymoon
in Italy.
Tho homecoming of Colonel Rooso
volt tomorrow will comploto what is
gonoraliy considered tho most ro
markablo trip, other than explora
tion ventures, ovor mado by an in
dividual, whether in public or privato
Sailing from Now York on tho
stonmor Hamburg on March 211, 1001),
amid scenes of unprecedented en
thusiasm, tho colonel returns just
152 days later, after a journey ot
nearly 110,000 milos, laden with hon
ors and almost universal acclaim, io
find tho plans for his welcoming far
outrivaling thoso that marked tho
scudoff upon his departure.
A world-figure boforo ho loft, ho
returns probably tho most tnlkod-of
man of tho prosont day, duo to tho
fact that ho has travor&ed two con
tinents, Hourly all tho capitals of
which and millions of tho people of
which havo como into oloso touch
with him and learned what manner
of man ho is,
That this journoy through a part
of Africa and through Italy, France,
Austria, Belgium, I loll and, Germany,
Denmark, Norway, Sweden nnd Eng
land was nothing short of a tri
uuihpnl marchj is plainly attested by
a moro unadorned recital of his
movements. Whether It was whon
Daudi Chwa, tho 12-year-old king of
Uganda, did him honor at Kaupala,
or when Emporor Willinm of Ger
many enthusiastically called him
"mein fround Roosovolt" nt a special
roviow of tho flower of tho Gorman
army; whothor it was in tho thatch
ed villages of interior Africa, or rid
ing in tho imposing funeral cortege
of tho Into King Edward of England
as the snecial ambassador of the
United Statos, it is no exaggeration
to bay that ho was tho central figure,
nddiug a noto of oxpootnnoy and
dcopost intorest to ovory gathoring
in which ho mingled.
Four othor ox-presidonts of tho
United States mado trips abroad
Van Duron, Fillmoro, Grant and Ben
jamin Harrison and while thoir
journoys, particularly that of Gon
ornl Grant, woro memorable ih many
ways, thov woro liardlv to bo com-
Representative Who Recently Con
fessed He Received Bribes to Vote
For William Lorimer, Repudiates
His Statement When He Is Placed
on Stand in Browne's Trial.
CinCAGO, 111., Juno 17. Repre
sentative Link, who recently con
fessed that ho rcdeived bribes from
Leo O'Neil Browne to voto for tho
election of William Lorimor to tho
United States senate, today gave tho
prosecution a hard blow when ha
went on the stand nnd repudiated tho
confession. Link said ho had been
haled before tho grand jury and had
made his statements under duress.
Link testified that when Brown
requested him to vote for Lorimer ho
said ho would, as ho had already,
promised Lorimer his support. H
denied emphatically ithnt he wn3
On cross-examination Link charg
ed that the state's attorney and tho
polico "bullyragged" him and that
when he asked to co his wife thoy
told him to "choose between his
wife and tho penitentiary."
The statements of Link crented a
great sensation.
Declaring that ho did not consider
tho money paid him for his voto for
Lorimer was a bribe, J. C. H. Beck
mcyer testified today in tho trial of
Leo O'Neil Browne, churd with
"I was willing to vote for any one
to defeat Hopkins for tho senato. I
even promised Browho that I would
support Speaker Shurtliff if it wera
necessnry," snid Bcckmoyer.
Representative Link
Beckmoyer on tho stand.
knox Mir my
Nomination Has Been Offered and
Secretary Is Considering It Will
Make His Decision Efcforo Next
(Continued on Page Five.)
WASHINGTON, D.' C, Juno 17.
Secretary of Stato Philnndor C.
Knox may rotiro from Prosidont
Taft's cabinet to becomo tho Repub
lican candidato for govornor of
Pennsylvania, according to a woll-
nuthenticntod rumor horo today.
Tho hccrotary returned from Phil
adelphia last ovoning, whoro it ia
said ho discussed tho coming cam
paign nud tho possibility of his ac
cepting tho Ropublicnn nomination,
This, it is said, already has boon of
fered. Knox conforrcd with Senator
Penroso in Philadolphiu. Tho son
ator, according to tho report, urgod
upon him tho necessity of a strong
candidato at tho coming election,
Knox will decide upon his courso bo
foro next Wodnosday.
Balloon Soars High.
Dr. George If, Zimmormau and Dr.
Thomas E. Eldridgo today aro joint
holders of all local balloon rooords
for height. In tho gas bag Phila
delphia II thoy mounted to a height
of 17,000 foot, which is but 000 foot
less than tho American record.
Neither man felt nny ilUoffcota froat
tho trip.
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