Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 16, 1910, Image 6

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    wmwwmWT' wfitrpwf nfy,1
,"T 'f
A Chance
quiry otlice," snt ot tnc morning fol
lowing John Steele's rhlo In tho park
n llttlo man with ferroMlke eyes nt n
dusty desk near i dusty window, lie
did not seem to bo very busy was en
Raged nt tho moment lu drawlug
meaningless cnlmllstlc signs ou a
lAutkor of "Tho Strollors." "Un-
f uder tbe lioso." "Tho Lndv of
tho Mount." Etc.
CoDYricht. 1909. bv tho Boobs-
Merrill ComDanr.
aB might naTe sho returned, a
KcM la her eyes, "but for a timely
HiumL, My horse apparently does not
a$tmciate Scotch airs."
"Ugly brutcl" JLord Ronsdale, a dla
eMtMled expression on his handsome
goimtenance, approached. "A little of
b whip" The words were arrest
ee Tho nobleman stared at John
te) or rather at the bare arm which
I the torn ulcere rcTcalcd well abovo
taa lfeow.
Tk -white, uplifted arm suddenly
rpped. Steele drew tho cloth quick
ly aboat It, but not before his eyes
Aad met those of Lord Ronsdalo and
caught the amazement. Incredulity,
eddea terror was it terror? in their
Aeptha. The nobleman's face looked
4rawa and gray. With one hand he
seemed almost clinging to his saddle.
Joha Steele turned his back. lie was
btsAtAg orer the girth of his saddle,
Bd hia features could not be seen.
feBt the hand, so firm and assured a
sioawat before, seemed a little uncer
ala as it made pretext to readjust a
tasteaing or buckle.
Way, man. oe look llir Captain
Jrorsythe, tarn!rg to X4rA Gonsdale.
eacdaiwed suddenly.
Ut"a nothing much." With Tacant
xpression the nobleman regarded the
-speaker, then lifted his hand and
jvecsed it an Instant to his breast.
"Heart," he murmured mechanically
'Beastly bad heart, you know, and
aeeaetimes a little thing slight shock
Miss Wray's danger"
Take some of this" 23o captain,
wHa solicitude, pressed a flat on him.
n nobleman drank deeply. "There.
-4hfttll pick yon up."
"JLn you ready, Mr. Steele?" Joceiyn
"Affray -waited a moment as the others
aArtea, looked down at that gentle
'lata. Her toIcc was gracious, its
oft accents seemed to say: "You may
zida wRa me. It is your reward."
Ter one restored so quickly to favor,
-with a felicitous prospect of gay words
.& bright glances. John Steele seem
vta BJBgnlsrty dull and apathetic. It
-Bras Impossible she should not notice
Us want of attention. She bit her
Vps obc. Then she laughed.
"Do yon know. Mr. Steele, if I were
Tate I shoald feel hurt Sou haven't
lte&nl what I fauTe been saying."
"Havea't IT
Again she looked, at blm merrily.
"Of coarse 1 can't afford to be harsh
V. K. Dyriuu nml his ilmightor,
pleco of pajwr when n step in tho hall-! Miss Hnzol Dynun, of. Tablo Hook,
way and a low tnpplug at the door J woro in town on business Weilnos
causcd hltn to throw down his pen Jny,
and straighten expectantly. A client M!SSoa Huth mid Anttio Kusloy
perhaps a woman no, n manl With
momuntnry surprise he gazed on tho
delicately chiseled features of his call
er, n gentleman faultlessly dressed
nud wearing n spring flower In his
omuo up from Medford Suturdny
evening to spend Sunday with their
parents, Mi nud Mrs. J. E. Ens'ioy,
of this city.
.Ross Cliuo and wife, who disposed
"Mr. Glllctt?" Tho visitor's glance i of thoir property interests hero n
veiled an expression of restlessness. I fow months ago, went to Medfoid
Ills face, although mask-like, was tint
ed with a faint tlush.
Tho police ngent nt onco rose. "Tho
same, sir. at your service. I but I beg
your pardon. Unless I am mistaken
haven't we"
HVfl n mutlfmr nt rrtilN nm er !,
Lord Nelson," said tho caller In a hard, I charming Sacramento girl, has been
tone. "Wo were fellow visitmg'nt tho homo ot J. W. Mer
lins week nml will hereafter make
their homo in that city.
Mrs. .Minnie Fruit of Medford
spent Tuesday with her friend, Mrs.
M. M. Cooksey, of Central Point.
Miss Isabel Curtis, n pretty and
matter of fact
passengers on her until"
"We became fellow occupants of ono
of her small boats. An nglng experi
ence! But won't you," with that def
crenco for rank and position those ot
his typo are pleased to assume, "hon
or mo by being seated. Lord Rons-
Tho visitor looked nt tho tnhlo. tho probably leavo for Sncrr.mcnto on
window, anywhere save at tho pro- Thursday morning, much to tho dis
prietor of the establishment, then said, ! appointment of the many friends she
"I saw by an advertisement In tho
morning papers that you had severed
day with Miss N'ellio Pnyne, return
ing Into in tho afternoon.
Misses Snru, Hurel and Mary
Hohb of (his cit went to Ashland
Wednesday morning to vioit thoir
mint, Mrs. Jennie Mco.
Tho business men's prayer meet
ings hold uauh morning in thu tabor
naelo at 10:30 nro being well at
tended and will bo n regular feature
of tho evangelistic work until the
close of tho meetings.
Dr. Lookridgo of Grants Pass was
in town on Wednesday.
A fish dealer from .Medford now
makos regular twico-n-weok trips to
Central Point, calling on tho house
keopors ovory Wednesday and Sat
urday, and the opportunity to get
fresh halibut, salmon, cod, elntus nun
oysters is ono that tho housekeeper
guest of Miss Esther Morntt. He-iof this city aro not slow to nnpro
cent letters received from Saern-'ciato.
mento announce serious illness in the1 C. S. Hampton, II. A. Starr and
family of Miss Curtis, which neces- j Frank Woodnrd of Portland regislor
sitates her return home a little earlier led nt tho Central Point hotel on
than sho had planned, and sho will ! Wednesday.
Robert II. Murdock nnd wife, par
ents of Mrs. Kiln Wisdom, n recent
ritt for tho past two weeks, as tho
your connection with tho force and
"Quite so." The other looked mo
mentarily embarrassed. "A little fric
tionaccount of some case unreliable
nrrivnl, came this (Wednesday)
has mndo during her visit hero. .morning from Portland, whore they
Mrs. Fred Yoetun, who gave birth , have been spending u week en route
from Macon, Ga. They are sur
prised and delighted with the signs
in 11 littlo ilimt'lilnr in tliiu i-ilv in t
had opened thls-a private consulta- Tucsdny mornillRf is critically ill with
uuu uuiuuu. f .... . i n i . .. . . r -e !... i .... .
wnni inreaicns 10 oe sepuc lever, ml pnispeniy siiown everywnere on
Tho leeturo on "Booze," delivered the Pacific eont, and nro particu-
at the tabernaelo Tuesday evening by ' lnrly plensed with the Itogue Ilivcr
witness that got tangled up. They un- j Evangelist Johnson, was largely nt-! valloy. They leavo on Saturday to
dertook to criticise mo after all my
faithful service" He broko off.
"Besides, tho time comes when a man
realizes he can do better for himself
by himself. I am now devoting my
self to a small but strictly high class,"
with an accent, "clientele."
Lord Ronsdale considered. When ho
tended, tho tabernacle being, in tact,' visit another daughter living in Ah
crowded with both men and women, 'land.
although the posters scattered over r
town rend, "men oniy," this being Attention. Elksl
dono to insure a larco attendance of i All members of Medford Lodge.
tho sterner sex. I- 1108. B. P. 0. E.. and visiting
A party of four young pcoplo from
spoke his volco was low, but it did not ! Grants Pass, including Mr. nnd Miss
caress tho car. "You know John Drake, Mr. Bishop and Miss Pat-
Steele, of course?"
Elks residing m Medford. nro re
aucsted to mnil their address (street
and number) to tho secrctarv.
IilllUY, Mont., Juno 1(5.- 1'ropar
atloiiR aro being mndo today for tho
funorahi ot flvo vlctlina ot a ferry
boat accident horo yontordny nftor
noon lu which threo persons woro
drownod and two killed when tho ca
ble attached to tho forry brolto under
tho strain nnd swept, a number ot
persons Into tho Kootenai rlvor.
Tho forry was lu midstream when
It cupulzcd. Six persons were aboard
and threo escaped.
A largo number of persons gathered
on tho bank, whoro thoy woro watch
ing tho struggles ot tho victims, whon
the forry cable snapped under tho
strain. It curled ovor tho crowd and
lashed them, hurling a score Into tho
rlvor. John Mullluox and Theodore
Wall were killed outright. Several
wero badly hurt.
DETROIT, Juno 1(1. The police
hauled Sam Niosmau, 1-1, from under
tho bleachers in Bennett Park yes
terday. Sain has been missing from
his home tea daye. IIu explained
that ho wanted to see tho Dotmit
Aiuoricuns in ovory game, but had
only tho price of ono ndmissiou '
ticket. Ho thought it would bo u -good
Bchumo to hunk under the
bleachers all the season. Ho lived
on scraps of food picked up about '
tho nark. .
' r
Swccdcnbur Block, Ashland, Ore.
Commercial, Shorthand and En
glish Training Courses.
Up-to-date method of graded dic
tation to secure accuracy and
Special facilities for teachers ami hlnlt school nratluatcs
P. RITNER, A. M., Prosidont.
Wo mnko nuy kind and stylo of Windows.
Wo carry Glass of any sizo on hand.
MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO,, Medford, Oregon.
The ferret eyes snapped, "That I
do, your lordship. What of him?"
"Ever think much about the Lord
Nelson. Glllctt?"
"Sho Isn't a boat one's apt to for
get after what happened, your lord
ship," was tho answer. "And, If I do
tmv lf hnr nnssenpors were of tho kind
to leave pleasant recollections." tho po-1
lice agent diplomatically added.
u pauuSi. twelve setae. In two groups of
lips compressed. "Among them. If three ench on each side of tho meson.
memory serves me. wero a number of , nil separated, and tho caudal ono of
tello. came down on the motor Sun- j Secretary Medford LoiLmj. Xo. hS.
day morning and meit most of the B. P. O. E. 73
By A. A. Glrault, Engaged In Deciduous Fruit Insect Investlga
tlon for the Department of Agricul-ture.
No job too small, nono tooj
largo. Twenty-five yea re '
practical experience.
Office 113 South Front Street.
Phone 2751.
I Cervical shield palo yellow, bear-
"A job lot of precious jailbirds that
I was acting as escort of, your lord
ship." "But who never reached Australian
"Drowned ovory mother's son of
them!" observed Mr. Glllctt, with a
possible trace of complacency,
the head
If seeking casual information on some
the first group separated by a suturo;
laterad ot the shield, cephalad of
spiracle, a group of threo from a cal
loused tubercle, of which tho cephalic
two aro much tho longer; directly
dor, tho outer next In length, tho
third one-third shorter thnn tho sec
ond, nnd obtusely rounded, tho fourth ,
a distinct tooth, but abruptly shorter, '
approaching tho fifth, which Is a moro'
serration; tho two mandibular sctno ,
aro larger. Tho latoral margins of
tho clypeus nro straight, each ono
chnnging angle nt Its basal third,
laterad a group of two from a fleshy making the clypeus Bhnped llko front
elongate tubercle, the caudal setn tho .elevations of a house. Instead of trl
larger; between these setlgerous tu- nugulnr; tho basal corners of It nro
bercles, caudad and opposite tho splr-(truncate. Tho parclypeal pieces nro
ucie, i iiurro uuiihuukltuiih muqr- Koncrnlly straight, but curving basnlly
Irlf" much narrower thnn tho Hnrnnd ,r. n.... i. ..,..-..! . i... i....
visitor's white hand held closer, setlcerous one fono next to tho foro thnv r ,,unJL ,, i'1 , I.
of his cane. "Were they all ee - .miracle oval, brewnish: "vll" t. ,.nin nn.i .. ivM.' .
. by the way?" he observed as .and "vill" small, on tho venter (?) tlcallv nlirmontleHs. Tho Jiloli urn
With my rescuer. Perhaps" In the subject that had partly passed from
is minu.
"No doubt of It They were not re
leased until tho second boat got off,
and then there was no time to get
overbpard the llfo rafts."
"True." Lord Ronsdale gazed ab
sently out of tho window. "Recall tho
flay on that memorable voyage you
wero telling us about them who they
were, nnd so on?
"One, If I recall rightly," went on
Lord Rousdate, "was known as let
me see" the elastic stick described a
sharper curve "tho Frisco Pet? Re
member?" lie bent slightly nearer.
(To Bo Continued.?
Ashland Commercial College.
This institution closes tho school
year June 15. The term of 1001' and
1010 has been the most successful
in its history, with enrollment larger
than ever.
Professor Ritner recently pur
chased the equipment, together with
Ins of th business school formerly
connected with tho College Prepara
tory, and with increased advantages
in all respects, with a thorough ana
complete courao.of training, and with
unsurpassed facilities for assisting
students to success, tho mnnagemnt
gos forward into the new year with
tho greatest confidence.
Appreciating the liberal patronage
of tho pnst, wo will use every en
endeavor to merit a continuance.
aara tone "yon really did 8a ve my
Hfet Have you ever really saved any
e any ono else, shall I say you.
"who are so strong?"
A Bpssm of pain passed over his
:fae. His look, however, was not for
Aer, and the girl's eyes, too, had now
fcecome suddenly set afar. Was she
thinking of another scene, some one
'Aer own words conjured to mind? Her
-cod seemed to gain in seriousness.
She also became very quiet, and so,
mltsost in silence, they went on to the
uUance, down the street to her borne
Ab rerolr, and thank yon."
Goodby at least for the present,"
0a added. "I am leaving London,"
"Leaving! To bo gone long?"
Jt Is difficult to say. Perhaps."
"But you must bavo decided sud
enlyr "Yes."
"While we have been riding home?
3m It Is It serious?"
"A Httle."
"Men make so much of business now
aftays," she observed. "It It always
Mfms serious, I suppose. Wo we are
Hxrrlag luto tho country In a few
weeks. Shall 1 shall wo see you bo
:for then?"
To my regret, I nm afraid not"
"And after" in a volco matter of
rfact "I think aunt has put you down
:fer July. A bouse party. I don't re
call the exact dates. You will como?"
"Shall -we say circumstances permit
ttaujr "Certainly," n little Btlflly, "circum
stances permitting." She gavo him
Jer band. "An revolr, or goodby if
area prefer It" lie held tho litUe
j(Wrd lingers, let them drop.
"Good luck In your business," sho
jfeuad herself saying, half gayly, half
.He answered hoarsely something
waatT-rodo off. With color naming
Alga, the girl looked after him until
Xord Ronsdale's horse, clattering near,
&Bsed her to turn quickly.
THE bookworms' row, hardly a
street, more a Bhort cut pas
sage between two Important
thoroughfares, had through
the coarHe of many years exercised a
ctubtle fascination for pedant, peda
Sogpa r itinerant litterateur. Higher,
abovo tuo llttlo shops, smnll rooms,
Kwcfced by rickety stairways, offered
alt comers for divers and sundry
aonQaronn whoso occupations called
far discreet and retired nooks.
la ose of these places, described on
taW steer as "a privute confidential In
Subdivision Snap.
About five acres, nonrly nil in
bearing orchard, good soil, house and
bam, fino building site with oak
trees; will cut 25 first-class lots or
has fruit enough to pay good interest
on investment; chonp for cash if sold
within next few days. See owner on
place at 522 Peach street south. 74
- - - 4
and base of fore leg. On sogmonts relatively larger, ns nro also tho ac
II and m. i In the dorsal region con,- cessory warts and tho setae. Thoro
sisting of two setae, the laterad lnr- (a a less number of crotchets in tho
ger; 11 the same, slightly advanced, prologs, ranKlng from 8 to 10, nnd in
dorso-lateral aspect; III single, ml- tho nnal proleg from 5 to 3.
nute, caudad between II nml lv, near- Though theso technical dlfferopces
er the latter; iv single, lnrge. In a 0Xst, they can not bo recognized In
line laterad with ill. advanced sightly an points without consldornblo study,
beyond 1. and in the stigmata! lino; ,nnd nn examination of a series of
v small, Its setae larger than 111, sin- arvao, Tne moat conspicuous dlffor
glo. much advanced, cephn o- aterad onco ,a tho Bro,aor sIz0 of tho ,nrvn
of iv; vi some distance caudo-laterad of sannlnoldea exltlosn and Its dlf
of v, about in a lino transversely with i for0at nspect
i, single, equal to iv, nbovo baso of nurine tho course of its crowth tho
leg; all in the second annulet. A
calloused spot behind Hi, and a small
er one abovo vl, some dlstanco cau
dad of v. Segment IV, single, 1 ce
phalad, small, in first annulet; II lar
ger, caudo-laterad of I; 1 and II from
dorsal aspect, forming a trapezoid; 111
some distance from l In a transverse
line, equal to II, apparently In tho
first annulet, Just abovo spiracle; lv
and v combined Just below tho spir
acle, the seta of v larger; vl caudad,
nearer to vll than to iv nnd v; vll
consisting of two setae In tho ventro
lateral line, and vii of one sotne In
tho ventral region, mlnuto; a mlnuto
calloused dspot behind iv and v. Seg
ment V, tho samo, vii consisting of
threo setae, ono of which may bo ob
solete. Segments VI, VII, VIII and
IX, tho samo; vll, threo sotao on
cophalo-latoral aspect at tho baso of
proleg; vill, mlnuto and single, Inner
sldo baBO of proleg; tho intormodlnto
seta of vll longest. On segment X,
il caudad of 1, vll consisting of two
setae, tho inner tho largor, vl nearer
to vll. Segment XI, I and it closer,
tho latter also closor togcthor trans
versely, III cophalo-mesad of tho spir
acle; v small, against, and cephalad
of lv in a transverso lino, HI and Iv
combined; v mlnuto, between lv nnd
vl, slightly cephalo-laterad of lv; vl
largo, cephalad; vll and vill single.
Anal shield Bubobsoloto, pale, boarlng
four largo sotao on each side, mlnuto
ly maculate. Segmont XIII, four mi
nute cubercles across tho vontor (vll
and vill ?), in front of each proleg,
and Just below tho shield, n lino of
flvo on each sldo of tho sogmont, of
unequal size,
Splraclo oval, Inconspicuous,
brown; that of segmont VI largor;
somewhat obliqued, and farthor dor
sad. Tho crotchets of tho logs aro
varlablo In number, often unsymmot
rlcaU , ..
For the first four prologs, tho
crotchets vary from 11 to 18 in num
ber; for tho anal prolog thoy vary
from 8 to 9. Thoro nro generally
more present thnn In Sannlnoldea ox
Itlosa, As compared technically with tho
full-grown larva of tho peach borer,
tho latter Is 34 mm. long, 0 mm. In
greatest width, with tho width of tho
head at least 3 mm. Tho head of S.
oxltlosa la slightly darlcpr In color,
with a distinct, though variable, sub
triangular pale area on each epicra
nial lobo, whoro thoy Join bolow tho
vertical triangle; tho mnndlblo Is rel
atively moro robust, durkor at tho
teeth, four of tho lattor distinct, tho
second tooth longost and moro slon-
larva molts several times, ench cast
ing of tho skin marking tho end of a ,
separate period of larval development,
called nn Instar. Thero Is no dlrert,
evidence by rearing to show how
many of these instnrs thero aro, but
It has boon shown that the heads of
lopldopterous larvao aro of cortaln
limited sizes In ench Instnr, and ,
theroforo by mensuromonls of a
large series of tho heads ot theso
larvae, tho conclusion is reached I
that thoro aro six, as shown In tnblo'
I. Tho larva molts flvo.tlmes. Tho
longth of tho soparnto Instnrs has ,
not been determined, but Mr. Qualii-,
tanco records n llttlo over soven
months as tho longth of tho larval '
stago for an Individual reared on
peach out of doors, from Soptombor
to tho following April, In tho latl
tudo of Washington, D, C.
After hatching tho young Inrva en
tors tho treo by tho way of a crovlco
and soon begins to feed on tho soft
living tissues. It grows rather rap
idly and makos an irregular burrow
between tho living bark a'nd wood of
tho tree. This chnnnol, .In tlmo, be
comes filled with seml-llquld, gummy
exudations and tho reddish frnss of
tho larva. Whoro tho larva enters
thoro Is loft a small pllo of flno rod
dish wood dust. It Is partial to'
wounds or diseased areas on tho
trunk, but, ns formerly otnted, innyi
occur nnywlioro on tho tteo, from
tho crown of tho root to tho largor
branches, and thus may bo found
feeding sldo by sldo with tho pencil
In confinement tho lnrvno will
feed readily and grow on fresh pieces
of peach bark; Mr. Qunlntanco has
fed ono for sovoral days on peach
leaves. Whon young, thoy aro ablo
to suspend thomsolves with silk, and
Bailey (1879) has observed them
"drinking" molsturo.
After tho larva attains full growth
and Ih ready to pupnto, if some dls
tanco from tho edge of a wound or
crack, It cuts a nolo through, or.
nearly through, tho outer bark, and I
constricts a cocoon undor this In a
sultnblo cavity, so that Its anterior
end Is against tho opening. If It Is
nonr tho edgo of ruptured bark,
which Is moro commonly tho case,
tho cocoon i mndo Just within tho
boundary of tho wounded area, ho
that tho pupa easily pushes out whon
ready to Ikhiio us an acinic, in old
peach ticos with cracked bark tho
cocoonu aro usually found in this
(To Bo Continued.)
Ladies' we want you to
enow that wc carry a
complete line of Sewing
Machines, White and
New Tronic and other
makes; also second hand
machines of all makes.
"Wc repair and rent ma
chines and keep the
parts for all machines
made. Old machines
traded in on new ones.
Cash or EASY PAY
No. 32 Bartlett St.
C. S .LUPTON, Mgr.
Phone Main 1711.
All Work Guaranteed.
Wo will dolivcr to your homo
on 30 days' free trial ono of
our celebrated pianos. Uho it,
try it and tlion buy it, if it's to
your satisfaction. Wo aro go
inif to givo away frco ono $150
piano in Soptombor. Any onu
buying a piano from us (luring
this time, should you have tho
piano uwnnlcd you wo will
givo you a bill of salo and will
refund nil money paid by you.
Tho abovo will bo dono from
n publicity standpoint. Wo rout
pianos. Wo tuno pianos. Wo
store pianos. Wo buy pianos.
Wo do tho piano business.
It MeiuiB SatiHfnction
Piano House
611 N. Central Ave
Single rooms or en suite
also rooms with bath
The finest
Sample Rooms
in the city.
Hotel Moore
Fire Proof
Rau-Mohr Company
European Plan
Cleanliness and
Polito Treatment
Our Motto.
J. E. ENYAKT, Prosidont J. A. FEKKY, Vioo-I'reHitlont.
JOHN S. OltTII. Cashier. W. II. JACKSON, Ass't CiiHbior.
The Medford National Bank
Capital, $50,000
Surplus, $10,000
Olfice: 209 West Main St., Midfoid, Ore.
Operating Quarry at Cold Ray, Oregon
my Jm mw AW AW Mm W JP-Z -- 3fcy y f m
It Is bad onough to
of tho yonr, but to bo bundlod up In bod during tho
Bummor Is unboarablo. An Elootrlo fan allovlntoo
part of tho troublo by kooplng tho patlont oool and
moro conton'tod. Tho fan can bo so pfaood that
thoro Is no draught, Just a gontlo oloarlng broozo
In tho room. An Eloctrlo fan makos elcknoaa looa
formldablo both for tho sufforor and tho nurno and
adds materially to tho comfort of convaloBoonco.
Every houao should havo at least ono fan
-k-J. L l