Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 15, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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Approximately 33,000,000 Residents
of United Statos Aro Members of
ncllnloiis Denominations 12,000,
of Those Aro Catholics.
WASHINGTON, ). C. Juno lfi.
According to tliu coiihiih hurcnii, at
tho proHout time thoro tiro npproxi
ninloly !l'2,l):iO,'II5 cniunmulcniitrt or
inomhorH of nil rcllgioiiH donoinlun
Uoiih In tlio United Htnlt'H,
Of Hioho. tliu vnrioim I'roloHtunt
hooIh furninh 'J0,'JH7,7-12 mid the Ito
iiiiiii Ciilliolld church V.l7Q,hV2. Kor
purpowcn of oompni'mou tlio htiru'iii
divided llui principal dtion into four
oIiihhoh, tluiHo having n-popiilution of
:iOI),()0() or more ooiiHtitutlng (ho
fii-rit uliiHH. tlioHO of from 100,000 to
DOO.OOO tliu Hooond cIiuih, Uioho from
HO.OOO to 100,000 thu thiid, and
Uioho from 25,000 to 50,000 forming
thu fourth uIiihh.
Of (ho I'roloHtaiil aggregate llioro
wore J,-178,M5, or 7.11 per oont, in
tho firHt-cliiHH uitiim: -1.7 por cent in
thu Hiicoiid and 7.I po rcout in thu
third and fourth oIiihhch coinhinod,
whilo per cent wuro found out
Hido of thu largo citioH.
Of Itomiiu CutholicH thuro wore
a,U70,r)J3, or i!7.l por cont, in tliu
1'itHt-oliiHH citioa; 11.3 pur cent in
thu Hocoud, 13 per cent in thu third
and fourth cIiihhoh combined, and
17.8 pur cunt outHido thu prinoipul
Thin bIiowh that thu number of
iiHMiiliorH of tho ltomaii Calholiu
church repotted in tho citiuH of thu
firtft olnfiH was moro than douhlu
that of tl.o I'rotuHtantn reported;
whilo outHido tho principal oitioB the
number of I'roloHtnut wiih about a
third more than tho number of Cnth
olieH. Only two of the ProtcHlant
ohurehoH reported n majority in thu
priiiuipul citiuH, tho Church of Chriat
.SoicntintH,B'2.tJ pur cent, and the
WAHlllNdTON, Jiiiiu 1). Ah
liiHMOH go ly favor, ho public build
IngH go hy "pull."
That Ih tho opinion of Ireumiry do
tiarltnuut offiuialH, and they havo
pioparud hIiiIIhUoh to hiihIiiIii their
What Ih more, they aro trying to
formulate a plan hy meuiiH of which
Huuatorlal and oougroHHioiinl inl'lii
diico will not bo tho only rcuxon for
thu oxpuuditiiro of public inoiioyn in
thu uoiiHtruotioii of government
buildingH. They thlulc that kiicIi np-
proprialioiiH hboultl ho hiiHed upon
thu praotical iiccuHuilicB of (ho oiiho
rathor than upon tho poHKililo niim
hor of voIch which tho Heouring of
the hullding may bring to thu member
who introduced the hill.
Jiwt iih theru in now an offort (o
hrlnir tho river and htubor appropri
atioiiH out of the dominion of pol
itico, and BVHlomntizo them ho oh to
brim: thu best and mot laBting, ef
fectH for thu eommoreu of the coun
try, ho Khould theru bo, in (heir opin
ion, a woll-dofined program govern
ing the uruetiou of poBtoffiocB and
oouiIIioiihoh in the different states
ami eitieH.
Thu departmuut ban not progrcRHod
far in outlining itn proponed plan,
nor in there any promiHu that, if it
had, thu incinhorH of congroHH would
willingly forego their annual or bi
ennial Huramhlo over th'iH "poik
It in tho opinion of thu trensury
officialH, however, that something
moro than tho population or wealth
of a town Khould ho taken into con
uideratiou when pnKfling upon the
(mention an to whether it ih entitled
to a public building.
vuior tilings uini hiiouw no con-;
Hulnred, according to tho treasury,
men. aro the character of the hiiHi-.crlng a period, nil told, of cloven
iiohh traiiHacted in each placo andjycarfl. Tho record shows thnt 2,235 I
tho government rovenuoB colloctei'. hnttlcB wore fought from Fort Sum-'
TIiiih a manufacturing town oronoi.ijtor In April, 1SG1, to General John
which (hero in u tinning revenue- Mnn'H surrondor near Raleigh, N C,
producing bi!inc, ought to take 'April 2, 18GG, anil thnt In 1,500
precedence ovur n -laid, tiiet, rei- .battles moro eoldlerfl wero hilled In
WASHINGTON, June lfi.- An in
toroHtlug Htiitomcnt of fatalltloB In
tho varloiiH American warn linn boon
prepared by General Kolfor, a rop
ronontntlvo from Ohio and a IiIkIi of
ficer In two wi'.rii.
"In tho Hovon yearn' war of tho
Amoilcan Revolution," ho nayit,
"hoiiio flfly-flvo battlen and Bhlr
mlHhoH trnnnplrod, or nn avorngo of
olght por year. In tho Civil War of
four yearn tlioro wan fought 2,235
lmttlen, or an avornRo of 559 a yenr.
In tho iioven yearn' war of tho Amer
ican Revolution tho ontlro list of
hilled In buttle woro 01,302; dlqd of
wo 1 1 ml h and dlnenno. 183.287.
Seventeen lmttlen of tho Rovolu-
tlonnry War nhow a Iohk In killed of
917. Tho total Ioksoh, numhorlng.a
818, occurred In Indiana maBnacrcn
and varlnun BklrinlHlicn In tho othor
38 hatllOn wn nklrtnlRhon of tho
hovoii yearn' war, from Lexington to
"In tho war of 1812 wo had, all'
told, 171,000 men onlfntcd. Tho of-j
iiciai reporm in mo war oiiico biiow
tho entire list of fntalltlon to ho
1,878 killed 'In battle; wounded,
"In tho Mexican war, 1846 to
1818, tho wholo number of men en
gaged on cnllnted wan 101,282;
killed In battle, alt told, 1,049. i
"In the tin eo notablo warn tho
Revolution, tho v ar of 1812 and tho1
Mexican wnr tho cntlro loss of
killed In hnttlo wnn 4,502. i
"In tho battlo of Gcttyoburg alone'
tho Iobb In killed wnn 3,072 on tho
Union Bldo, and died of wounds,
about 750 moro; wounded and miss-'
leg, 14,440. I let cc tho fatalities of1
that ono battlo wore 3,822, or within
740 of tho entire battle loan In all1
our provlouB threo great wars, cov- j
Swtyedenburfj BlocK, Ashland, Ore,
Commercial, Shorthand and En
glish Training Courses.
Up-to-date method of graded dic
tation to secure accuracy and
Special facilities for teachers and hinh school rjraduates
P. RITNER, A. M., President.
I wibJi to Jiiiiiounco that I have purchased the
Union Livery Stables
and will conduct a general food and boarding establishment. Horses
boarded by tbo day, week or month. I guarantee a square deal
to all.
TRY US..,.
Sit down and think of what you like that grows in
the garden then call us up and chances aro you nro
sure to get it and the nicest, tendcrcst varieties, too.
Allen & Reagan
All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable
11 North D St., Medford. Ore.
Phone 303
rrotoHtant KpiMcopal clinrcli fil.'J por' ai(tit!nl town or Mibnrb, vcn though 'each battle than at tho famoufThat-
cent. Ul tlio lotai nuinner oi com-(. at,,.r ,. hinv a preponderance IK' of Hunker II
inunicantH reporloil for tlio larger ci-l0f Wenlth. April. 1875."
tioH by all ileiioiniuiitioiiK, l),.iU(,(iJii
HI, MasKCcl usctts, In
or 00 por cent belonging to the Itn
man Catholic Church, nail :,l)35,!Ul
or 37.1 por cent to tho I'mlcnlnul
Churches. Tlio uities showing tho
largest number of l'rotestant com
inuuicatitH are Memphis, 8I.-I per ct;
Toledo 70 por cent; Washington 1).
0 0.0 per ejiil; ICaimau City, Mo.,
00,'J per edit; ImlinunpoliK, 02.1 uer
cent. The cities showing tho largest
porportion of Itomnn (.'atholics tiro
Fait ltiver, H0..r) per cent; Now York,
70.0 por cut; San Francisco, 81.1
per oont; Now Orleans, 70. per ct.;
l'rovideiioj, por cent; St. Louis,
00 per cent; Boston, 08.7 per cent;
By A. A. Girault, Enuagctl in Dc clduous Fruit Insect Investing
tlon for the Department of Agrlcul-turc.
Tho Egg Tho egg is a sinnll,
couiprchsed, elliptical-oal, reddibli
biown object, similar in general to
the eggs of the peach borer and other
mombers of tho family Aegeriidae.
It harmonizes in color with the bark
of the trees upon which it is depot
ited. and on this account so difti
Chicago, 08.1 per cont; and l'hili- cult to find. Seen from tlio side, the
dolphin ftl.O per cent.
Everybody In Mctiforcl Ellrjible.
Old pcoplo stooped with suffering;
Middle ago, couragoouly fighting;
Youth protesting impatiently;
Children, unable to oxplaiu;
All in misery from their kidnoys.
Only a littlo hnokncho first.
Coiiioh when you catch cold.
Or when you strain tho back.
Many complications follow.
Urinary disorders, diabotos,
Hrighl'u diioaso.
Dean's ICidnoy Pills euro back
ache. Curo ovory form of kidnoy ills.
W. P. Gould. 110 W. Jackson
stroet, Mcdford, Ore., says: "I nsod
Douii'h Kidney Pills and I am ploasod
to say that thoy havo given mo moro
roliof thnn any othor kidnoy modioiuo
I havo over takou. Othor membom
of my family havo also used Doan's
Kiduv Pilln nnd tho rcHiilts havo
boon so satisfactory that I do not
hesitate ono moment in giving this
For sale hy nil doalors. Prioo GO
cents. FoBtor-Milbum Co., Buffalo,
N. Y boIo agents for tho United
Hoiiiu bor tho namo Doan'a nnd
take no othor.
Ashland Commercial Collotie.
This institution closes tho school
yoar Juno 15, Tho torm of 1000 and
101 0 has boon tho most successful
in its history, with enrollment larger
than over. '
Professor Hltnor recently pur
chased tho equipment, togotltor with
las of th business school formerly
oonuootod with tho Collogo Prepara
tory, and with inoroasod advantages
In all respects, with a thorough aim
complete course of training, and with
unsurpassed facilities for assisting
students to success, tho mnuagomnt
gos forward into the new year with
tlio groatost confidoneo.
Approoiating tho libornl patronngo
of tho past, wo will uso ovory on
ondeavor to morit a continuance.
but thero wcro present many unde
veloped ones. Until more directions
nro made tho evidence on this point
remains inconclusive.
Tho larva When
f $1.00 A
1 TO 1
V $600 J
All Styles and Sizes
Martin J. Reddy
Near P. O.
the larva -
hatches it is very Miiull and espooi-,
ally hard to detect with tho naked
eye because of its dull white color.
It is an ordinary caterpillar, hearing
tho usual setae and number of pro- j
legs, and in its earlier stages is al
most indistinguishable from I no
young larvao of tho peach borer.
However, after molting onco or twice
it acquires u different uspeot, which,
together with a moro pinkish and
translucout color, makes it somewhat
moro distinct. Throughout all its.
life it remains about the same color
various shades of creamy white
and lives concealed under tho bark.
Tho following is ti description of a I
full-grown lnrva, or instar VI: !
Length, 120.5 mm., average. Great
anterior end is truncate, hut viewed
from in front it is found to ho con
cave, the micropylo situated in the
center of the concavity. Tho upper
side of tho egg, as seeu when in po
sition on a tree, is compressed ami
concave, the hollow being oval and
following tho outline of tho margins;
tho bottom side or base is flat. The
surface is rough and sculptured into
irregular polygons with from threo
to six sides. Tho eggs nro adhesive,
hard, visible to tho naked eye, hut
minute, measuring 0.03 by 0.38 mm.,
and are denosited sinirlv. Thev dif
fer in aspoet from those of tho , est width. 3.-1 mm. Width of head,
poach borer, and also are usually A.u-1 mm., average. XNormai lor mo
lighter in color and not as largo and' family: Body solid cream color, iin-,
stout. Thoy aro rathor moro dif-' maoulnto, with tho usual moro or
fioult to find in nature. 1 1-'3S generalized characters. Head ,
At present tho length of tho po-; yollowish brown, darker at haso of
riod of incubation is not well known. , clypous and on labrum and mindi-
Mr. Qitaintaneo records it us seven ' M-'. d blackish at tho lower dutorl
and ouo-hnlf days in tho month of !" f tho paraclypeal pieces,,
Sopteinber, latitudo of Washington, , edges of clypous, and tips of tho
D. C. Upon hatching, the littlo larva ;mandiblos; palo at vertical triangle,
outs its way through tho imtorior,t' edeos oE pnraclypeal pioeey,
end of tho egg, leaving quite a largo ' K'nr surfaces, epistoma, palpi and
exit hulo in tho egg shell, which re- "uteimno, the last two bomewhat
(ninu iiu nliMim mill nliifit until it darkened; mandibles broad and
Tbo best resolution for yon
to make is to come to as for
your next suit, if you want
something out of tho ordinary.
We do tho best work and charg
the lowest prices.
weathers off,
Tho eggs wero first ohsorved in
nature by Bailoy (1870); ho found a
olustor of them on tho under surface
of loosened plum bark, about six
inches above the roots. Usually,
however, they aro deposited singly
along tho trunk of tho tree, being
placed in orovices, openings or
roughened places, Sometimes a
fow aro placed on the ground or high
iin in the tree on' twigs or leavos.
hut tho majority aro deposited on
the uiniu trunk of tho troes. The
number deposited, by a single femnle
is unknown. Moths kept in confine
ment refuso to mate, and tho femnle
deposits fow eggs or none at all. To
determine the number resort is
therefore made to distention. Mr.
Quaiiitnnoo dissected two fertile fe
males after death and found 305 per
fect eggs in one and 'J00 in another,
in addition to numbers of small un
developed ones. Kaeh moth had de
posited a few eggs before dying,,
which wero included in the count,
Dissootion of tho ovarios of a ster
ile moth yiolded hut 5B perfect oggs,
J. E. ENYART, President J. A. PERRY, Vice-President.
JOHN S. ORTn, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier.
The Medford National Bank
Capital, $50,000
Surplus, $10,000
short, indistinctly fie-too(hed, the
two inner tooth moro serrations, tho "
third tooth short, truncate and
broad, one-half shorter than tho sec
ond, which is shorter and broader
than the first, which is also obtuso;
cutting edge of mandiblo oblique;
two sotao present, arising together
from middle of inner edge. Clypous
long, acutely triangular, its lateral
margins sinuate, not distinctly truu
oato at basal corners, which aro im
pressed and boar two sotae, one
oaudad of tho othor; paraolyponl
pioces long, narrowed centrally, in
cluding tho clypous; on tho inner side
of each paraolyponl piece near tho
postorior end is u slight depression
from which arises a small sotn, near
tho apex of tho clypous. Ocolli 0,
weak, pale, the first four in a quad
rangle, each with a dUtinct lateral
pigment spot; the fifth more ceph
alad, ventro-laterad of antenna, also
with pigmentation; tho sixth smaller,
caudo-latorad of the fifth, and with
out pigmentation; tho group protect
ed hy sotao.
(To Bo Continued.)
Olfice: 209 West Main St., Mcdfoid, Ore.
Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon
w Mnmwwin tmt m.
Are You A Prospective
Eogue River valley land is good for you. It will
make you good money. Purchase a bearing orchard or
land for development..
"We have a large number of very desirable tracts,
both for homes and income property.
40 ACRES Very choice land, all in cultivation; 30
acres 3-year trees; very choice and vigorous growers;
10 acres very fine grain hay; fine corn crop in orchard;
fine elevation; good house. This will double in value
in two years. Price, $400 per acre. "
20 ACRES Very choice silt soil for garden, alfalfa
or fruit; near Central Point; $375 per acre; good terms.
37 ACRES Mostly fine creek bottom land; all good
pear Jand; 12 acres 5-year trees; 5 acres first year; all
subject to irrigation. This will be cultivated for two
years. Price, $9500; terms.
20 ACRES Pull bearing orchard; very fine; $800
per acre.
J. W. Dressler Agency
Little Giant
Vacuum Cleaner
The Littlo Giant is a very powerful machine
mounted so as to be easily moved from placo to placo
cleans everything thoroughly. If you have it do
your house cleaning once, you will never have any
other. Call us up and we will gladly call and give
you prices.
Medford Vacuum Hoase Gleaning Company.
STEWART & EEAULIEU, Proprietors.
Phone Main 2944.
Buy Where Yo j Get
Your Moneys Worth
When wanting high-grade Ice Cream or Sherbets in
any quantit)' we aro at your service. QUALITY is.
our watchword.
You remember the QUALITY long after the price
is forgotten.
We have our own delivery and can supply you with
milk, cream and buttermilk.
Ask your grocer for our Creamery Butter.
Rogue River Creamery