.... ...w , a..... .w rfHnfil Mn- fc.hfl.m.JMlWllfrtwiifrWi 'kn i. . y I""" ', boeWtVii ,Wrt . Mf M.-tM If ' 4 ) TIIIC WHATIIim. Medford Mail Tribune UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATION Full Leaned Wire Iloport. 'A Tonight and Thuruiliiy ('1111(1 Vi DOHhIIiIq hIiowohi. Tho only paper in the world published In a city the ilEo.e! Medford having u loaned wlr. t ! t A vf F FLITT.!! YEAJl. MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1910. No. 74. j i GOVERNOR ORDERS BIG FIGHT STOPPED ; I A i .Mi Wtl mm ATTORNEY GENERAL TOLD TO SEEK RESTRAINING ORDERS Gillette Assures tho Attorncy-Gcncrnl of tho Co-operation of tho Gov ernor's Office If Courts Rofuso to Grant Injunctions Governor Di rects Attorney-General to Proceed Analnst Fighters, Promoters and Others Interested Under Section of Penal Code Making Prlzcflnhtinn a Felony. SACHAMKNTO, Ciil., Juno J5. Governor Gillott has notified Attorney-General Webb 1 tulcu stop to prevent tliu JoffrioH-JohiiHon fight. Tlio iufoiniutiou concerning tltt governor's fiction ik contained in a closely typewritten letter In parties in San Frnuoitioo intoroHled in pro anting tho hit: fight. Tho governor oxprcHHCH si long opinions against tin fight and call upon Attorney-General Webb to se cure' restraining orders from the coin t to prevent tho content. In en no tho courtH refuse to grant tho hijunc tii'iiM llui governor directs tin attor- THOUSANDS ARE ARRIVING IN NEW Y0RK6REET L R. Many Visitors Will Join In Monster Welcomo to Theodore Roosevelt on Saturday Governor Hunhcs May Not Attend. NBW YORK. Juno If.. Thousand of visitors are arriving today to join in tlio mounter woloomc to Thoodoro Hoosovclt when ho arrives hero Sat urday. Buttery I'ark will ho tho Mecca for tho crowds, us Mayor Oaynor will re eoivo Hooaovolt thoro and woleonie him home Park employes today bo Kan work of creeling stands and when HooHovolt arrivoH a Npaee will ho roped off fur tho noeommodatioii of tho reception officials. Members of visiting elvie orgiin-J iratioiiH to tho numhor of 21,000 will lino hoth sides of Fifth aveniio ho twoon Highlit and Forty-lifth sheets. After the welcome wiih to he a gtont parade, hut Huh wan ahaudoncn when It waH found that so many or gutiiufions desired representation thai tho parade would have taken a day in which to pass (ho reviewing' Htnud. Therefore, tho official do ei'ded to have Roosevelt pass in io vlow before tho assembled thousands. ''Governor Hughes pmhahly will not ntteud on account of "business," hut it is rumored that he Iiiih not been urged ery strongly to attend the le eeptiou. WILL DEFER ACTION ON RAILROAD DILI WASHINGTON, D. 0., Juno 1C It wna decided today to dofor notion on tho confo'-onco report on tho rail road hill until tho uonntoru familiar ize thomuolvoH with tho nioaauro as It Iiiih boon loportod to tliom. Undor tho mica, tho houno cannot tnko up tho uieaHiiro until It luta heen pnssod upon by tho souato. Sonntor llovorldgo of ladliiiia Ih ploasod with tho nioaHuio as report ed by tho confoioa. "I think, on tho wholo, It la a good nioaHiiro," ho mild. "Ah It now HtaudH, It Is a progroBHlvo nioaHiiro. I do not like tho long and short hnul elaiiHo oh It In now phrnsod, and I bollovo tho court a will hold It uncon stitutional." Senator Ouniintua of Iowa doolnrod lio thought tho bill wuh n "good bill." noygencnil to proceed against tlio promotorH, fitthtorn and others inter ested undor Hcellon JI- of tho punnl code, which makes prizefighting a felony. In tho lottor Oillolt hiivh (hat the (lint riot attoruoy of San FranoiBon Iiiik notified him that ho cannot take action in the mattor, and Oillolt has notified tho attorney-general to hii poreedo tho San Francisco district attoruoy and talo aotivo pergonal part in preventing tlio fight. Tho governor assures tho attor-uoy-gnuoml of tlio v. operation of the governor's office. IS 10 CUIUS OTHER SECTIONSATONCE Larflo Committee Will Leave for Portland, Salem and Other Points Sunday to Work for Crater Lake Highway Commission At u meeting of tho Orator Lnko highway couuuIhbIoii of tho Medford Commorelal club hold Tuoedny, It was decided to bogln tho nctlvo cnnvnB of other sections of tho Btnto nt once, and on Sunday n largo committee will leavo for Portland, Snlom and othor j)olntH. Within a fow wookR Engineer Holdlo will finish prelim inary Hurvoya niul estimates, and con tractH enn bo let for countructlon, Bo foro any contracts nro awarded, tho money must bo la tho four Medford bankH, mid tho banks nro authorized to begin tho collection of subscrip tions nt onto. So far no monoy ban boon oxpond od by tho conunlsHlon, oxcopt upon Engineer Holdlo'a reqiilaltloa In con nection with tho aurvoy, nnd only n Hiuall amount hna boon paid out, Nnno of tho RiibBcrlptlona hnvo ai yot boon collected. However, thoy nro duo and It la expected that, with tho pow Bubflcrlptlonn to bo secured In othor hocUolh, thoro will bo auffl clout finida on hand to lot a $25,000 contract. Tho aoctlnn of tho road It Is planned to conntruct flrat will bb that part eliminating Pumlco hill grado. At tho tlino tho commlHalon's con tract la lot, tho forostry bureau will also lot tho contract for tho road throiiKh tho rosorvo. All monoya colloctod by tho com mltiBlon will bo dopoaltod equally In tho four Medford bankH. Nena of It will bo oxpomlod until oxpondltures nro nppnivod by tho auditing coni- inlttoo, compoBOd of Messrs. Vawtor, Davla and Putnam, and authorized by tho commission, Ohecka must bo bIbiioiI by both prosldont nnd trons uror, and a full report mndo rogu larly to tho Commorelal club. SHASTA LIMITED HELD UP BY BIG BOULDER The SluiHta Limited wiik over an hour behind Wednesday morning. The delay wuh caused from an oliKtuie tiou on tho truck soon after the train had loft Seattle, Some laborers hhiHliug in a out had allowed a boul der tho hIzo of a hoxear to ret upon tho track. Tl roquirod several hours to removo tho obfitruolion. All hut an honr had been mudo up by tho lime (ho train readied Medford. commiss Senator William LSE O'NEILL The Investigation of tlio charges of bnbet.x iigiiliiNt 'iiutor William Lorluicr ha- not bt-on ioikIuiKhI and will not bo until State Attorney Wayman.lias time to consider Mnn new points that have been presented to him. Sen. ntur I.orlmer Is due to make his hpcix-Ii In the scmitc .uww' i''m ;In liarges within a fuw davn WOMAN, LOVELY WOMAN, FORGOT TO FLAG TRAIN Party of Medford Ladles, After Spending Day at Gold Ray, Sud denly Found That No. 13 Had Passed So They Phoned Thoro wo wore, wnitinc at Gold Kay; waitinn for a wny, just to come nwny. When wo found (hat wo would lime to stay. Lord I how it did upset us! All nt oneo thoro wan n little toot, a rapid little (scoot, that left us in tho soup. Wo couldn't Ret away to much our homes that day Tho train had left inn Adapted. Wank eonetornation reigned Tues day afternoon nmong n crowd of '2') women standing on tho platfoim nt Gold Hay awaiting the 3:30 train, when they realized that thoy had al lowed tho engineer to pass them by without bo much as the wave of a handkorehiof. Tho merry clattor ot busy (onguos was hushed only when tho onr ear disuppctuing around the curve made apparent that, the Inst opportunity for reluming to .Med ford before the midnight local came thiough had flown, .Mrs. F, II. Farrar had invited the ladies of the Presbyterian church to bo her guests for (ho day, (ho trip being made on tho Southern Faeifio niptor ear in tho morning, and the io turn plannod for tho jegular passon ger (rain in (he nltornoon. The la- (Continued on Page 8.) Lorimer of Illinois And Some of the Witnesses. BROWN LORIMER MAY BE A WITNESS BRIBERY CASE Believed That Illinois Solon Will Testify That Browne Is Victim of Gigantic Political Plot White Denies That He Sold Confession CHICAGO, III., Juno 15. Senalor William Lorimer probably will bo a witness for (ho dofonso in tho trinl of Leo O'Neil Urowuo, charged with bribery in connection with the elec tion of Lorimer to tho Tinted States senate. It is believed that Loiimer will testify that Hiowue K tho ie tim ot a gigautio political plot. Clonics A. White, member of tho lowor houso of tho Illinois legislature and principal witness against Hrowno undor orops-o.Muninntioii to day denied that ho had sold his con fession to tho Chioago Tribuuo, ho- causo ho was hostile to Lorimer and Hrowno, -f CONGRESS MAY ORDER POSTMASTER GENERAL LOOK UP AEROPLANES f -f WASHINGTON, I). C, June l.l. A losolutiou i, awaiting consideration in eongiesb today which calls upon tlio postmaster general to investigate tho feasibility of establishing aoroplauo mail louto. Tho resolution was introduced by Uopresoutntivo Shoppard of Tonus. ii' CHARLES ?. WHITE ETO COMPLETE HIS ORCHARD DEAL Compromise Effected by Bradshaw Heirs Make It Possible for Com pletion of Deal Practically Made Over Year Ago, But Delayed K. G. Wilson, a real estate dealer of Snlt Lake City, who ovor n year ago mado n deal for tho Bradshaw orchard, has again arrived in Med ford to coneludo tho deal which has boon mado possiblo by tho compro mise arrived at by tho Bradshaw hotrs of litigation into which tho estate was plunged. Mr. Wilon placed tho monoy in escrow until a deed could bo delivered. Tlio orohard, comprising 1220 acres of fine 'fruit land, was purchased by Mr. Wilson for Austin & Lipscuni, a Now York publishing fiim. Tho property was purchased for $U),lU0 on condition that a deed bo given to tho purchaser when the court mndo a decision. Of tho 2:20 noros, 100 nro now producing, while (10 nores we'ro but recontly planted to apples. Tho remaining 80 is raw land. Mr. Wilson states that lto was lecently offered ovor twieo whnt lio paid for tho land, but declined the offer. Directors Meet. Tho icgular monthly meeting ol (ho Koguo Hivor Fruit & Pioduee nssooialion was hold Tuosdav aftor- 110011. Tlio queslions disposod of woro of a routine nature. Doitninin? to tho placing of tho organization upon n WLSON R business basis. Of NEW STATES IS TAR'S DEMAND President Tells Senators That He Will Insist on Passage Statehood Bills for Arizona and New Mexico Beveridge Urged to Present the Cause. WASHINGTON. D. C, Juno 15. Hefore going to Jlhrietta, O., where he will deliver an address on tho an niversary of the founding of Slubld nnra academy this afternoon and re ceive an honorary degree, President Tnft informed several members of congress that he will insist upon the passage of the New Mexico and Ari zona statehood bills before adjourn ment of congress. This may pre vent adjournment on Saturday of next week, as is now planned. President Tnft summoned Senator Beveridge of Indiann, chairman of the territories committee, and stated that he wanted the statehood bills made laws at this session of the con gress. Beveridgo will endeavor to get action by both houses. It is understood that the lower house, which nlready pnssed one statehood bill, is willing to ncccpt and ,'iss n substitute from the sen- ntor, providiligthe senate takes the house postal savings bill. FALL FROM MOLE CAUSED DEATH OF J. H. HART Coroner's Jury Arrives at Under standing Regarding Death of Pio neer on Trail Creek, Above Eagle Point, Whose Body Was Found GOLD HILL, Ore., June 13. Cor oner Kellogg has returned from tho nort': fork cf Butte creok, two miles above McAllister Springs, where ho bad been to recovor tho boJy of the late John H. Hart, who disappeared Thursday and was found Saturday by Milo Coiloy at a crossing on tho creek on Conley's homestead lying dead nt tho edge of the water with a largo scalp wound on tho top of the head, which tho coroner and Dr. Holt of Easlo Point, the coroner's physician, mado an examination and found death was caused by concus sion of tho brain and cerebral hemor rhage, death probably bolag Instantly attor receiving tho blow. Saturday evening tho mulo the old gentle man usually rode was fo md en tho range near by with saddle and brldlo on, which solved tho problem of how tho deceased mot his death. The Tho mulo evidently became fright ened in crossing tho ford, tb rowing Mr. Hnrt. In falling his head struck a sharp root whoro ho foil, causing tho wound on his head. Tho coroner Impinollod a jury nt Mr. Frey's place Sunday ovonlng, whlcb found death was puiely accidental after examin ing sovoral wltnoebcs. Tho Jury was composed of G. W. Frey, C. E. Tor rlll, E. W. Frey, J. G. McAllicter, Mllo Conley and Dr. W. W. P. Holt. Tho deceased was a blacksmith by trade, a natlvo of Scotland, aged GS years, and had been la Jackson county about 14 years, nn.l nt tho ilmo of his doath was rosidlng with his son-in-law, R, II. Bradahaw, who resides on a homested in tho resorvo e.bovo Mc Allister's Sprlug. Tho deceaso.i was a nionbor lu good standing In tho A. O. U. W. at Wood Lake, Nob., holding a policy of $2000, payable to his family. In tormont was mado Juno 12 In tho Brownsboro rorootory. ADMISSION ROADS ORDER CONSTRUCTION WORK STOPPED Railroads of Northwest With Of fices In St. Paul Stop Practically All Construction Over 12,009 Men Are Let Out Elliott af Northern Pacific Gives Reason. ST. PAUL, Minn., Juno 15. The railroads of tho northwest with of fices hero issued orders today stop ping practically all construction ivork. Tho Northorn Pacific road dis charged 2500 men, tho Great North ern 3000. tho Northwestern 000 nnd the Milwnukee system 1200. Later tho offices of tho Sa'nja Fc announced the discharge of 4000 and the Rock Island 1500 men. President Elliott of the Northern Pacific, cavo as causes for the re trenchment policy of tho roads- in creased taxes, wages, cost of mate rials and tho bettor service demand ed by the public; also tho increased power of the state nnd nntionnl rail way commissions with reference to ratcs. ENNUI WEARS ON COLONEL SO HE SHOVELS COAL Strenuous One Visits Stokehold, Shakes Hands All Around and Then Replaces Fireman at Moulh. of Heated Furnace ABOARD STEAMSHIP KAISEUIN AUGUSTE VICTORIA, Juno 15. Col. Roosevolt spent part of hla day ' In visiting tho stoke-hold of the steamship, where ho chatted with the stokers. The colonel repined one of tho stokors fe: n tlmo onJ sont sev eral shovelfuls of coal Into one of tho furnaces. A, tho conciliator of his visit ho shook hands with the grimy mon and asconded to his quar ters. Later Roosevelt formally addrossed tho socond-clnss passongors. NEGRO STRUNG UP; TOWN CELEBRATES HOT SPRINGS, Ark., Juno 15'. Star City, a village near here, today Is holding tho biggest colobration in its history bocauso of tho lynching oC William Hiu.tor, a negro, last night. Evorybody Is out for a glorious time, parading tho streets, cheering, play ing musical Instruments and making; all sorts of nolso. School did not convono this raornt tng and nil tho youngsters are having tho tlmo of their lives. Hunter was dramatically strung upi last night bccaiiBo ho wns ticcusod of ontorlng tho homo of Rosa Johnson and assaulting tor, Tho entire coun ty was Invited to participate In to day's Jollification, Autos in Race. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Juno 15. The automobiles ontorod In the sovonth annual Gllddon tour roaumod tholr journoy hero today. Nineteen cars of tho 25 ontorod hnvo porfect scores. i j I t,i i i i tt! l t -1 !vfi 4: : rt-' . . , V :U -,(. vt " A 'A 1 $ I i m