wir it mn wt 'i';gi'y'iy V'P" . r-f ..-. . MEDFORD StAIL TRIBUNE, atEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, .WNK 1H, 19.10. n II )' h 4 V ' . T I 1 m mm II Half A Chance 2 BY FREDERICK S. ISHAM. iAuihor of "Tho Strollors." "Un-i: uder tho Rose." "Tho Ladv of ; mo iuoum. xiio. f CoDyricht. 1909. bv tho Boobs- ..i... Merrill Comrjnnv. t vl - (Continued.) GHAPTER VI. TIDES VAKTTJTO. TTOIIN STEKLB waa rather lata In I arriving at tho booso of Sir f Obarfeo Vray la Piccadilly the following Thursday. But near ly orrery ono clso waa lata, and, per feapo knowing tho fashloaablo foible, "fee bad purposely held back to avoid "soaking himself conspicuous by being .pro apt. Tbe program on tho present occasion included a poet nnd a woman novelist. Tho former, n preraphaellte, led his hearers through dim mazes, Hyrcantan icUda. The novelist, on the other band, was direct In following her there seemed no danger of losing tho "way. At tho conclusion of the pro ram proper an admirer of the poet eked If their young hostess would not play a certain musical something, the theme of ono of the bard's effu sions, and at onco Jocelyn Wray com -plied. Lord Ronsdalo stood sedulously aer, turning tho leaves. Steele watch ed the deft band. It was slim, aris tocratic and suggested possibilities In legerdemain. "An attractive looking palrP whis pered a woman near John Steele to another of her sex during a louder Susage In the number. "Are they I don't know, my dear. Perhaps. She's extremely well off In this world's Yods, and he has largo properties, but a diminishing income." She lowered ker rolce rather abruptly as the ca Aence came to a pause. The music went on again to Its appointed and plrited climax. "Was formerly in tho diplomatic ami Ice, I believe," the voice also went a; "has strong political aspirations, aad, with a wealthy and clever wife" "A girl might do worse. He Is both old and capable an Ideal combination Set a political career might become prime minister with the prestige of TVs family and hers to" -Jokn Steele stirred. The whispering ceased. My lord turned tbe last page. -The girl rose and bent for an Instant Iter fair head. And as Steele looked at Iwr again there came over him this time, it may be, not wittiout a certain Mttemess an impression of life and 4Cs Joys springtide and sunshine, Vrlght, remote so remote for him. A babel of voices replaced melody. The people got up. A number lingered. ICany went after speaking to their hostesses -and Sir Charles. John Steele, at tho rear, looked at the door leading Into tbe main hall toward tho young girl, then stepped across the soft rugs and spoke to her. She answered In tbe customary manner, and others ap proached. He was about to draw back to leave when "Oh, Mr. Steele," she said, "my un 4te wishes to see you beforo you go. He was saying be bad some" "Quito right, my dear!" And Slr 'Obarles, who bad approached, took John Steele's arm. "Some curious old Jaw books I picked up today at a bar gain and want your opinion of," he went on, leading the other into a lofty and restful apartment adjoining tbe Xbrary. Steele looked around him. HU gaze brightened as it rested on Jfce imposing and finely bound vol- "Two brutes tllsngurlngr tlio drawling voice of Lord llonsdnle, who hnd nt that moment stepped lu, In quired. "May I nsk what the talk is about?" Sir Charles turned. "Steelo was dif fering from mo about a good, old hon est English sport the ring, Its tradi tions, its chronicles." "Ah!" Tho speaker looked nt John Steele. The latter was nonchalantly regarding the pages, of n book ho yet held. "For my part," went on Sir Charles in a somewhat disappointed tone, "1 am ono who views with regret the decadence of n great national pas time." "Well, It's over!" tho light tones of Jocelyn Wray Interrupted. Tho girl stood on tho threshold, glancing gayly from one to tho other. "Did you tell my uncle, Mr. Steele, what you thought of his purchase? I sec, while on his favorite subject, ho has forgot ten to offer you a cigar." Sir Charles hastened to repair his remissness. "But how," sho went on, "did It go tho program, I mean? Have you for given mo yet for asking you to come. Mr. Steele?" "Forgiven?" he repeated. Lord Ronsdaie's eyes narrowed ou them. "Confess," she continued, sinking to tho arm of a great chair, "you had your misgivings." He regarded the supple, slender fig ure so airily poised. As sho bent for ward he noticed in her hair several flowers shaped like primroses, but light crimson In hue. "What misgivings was it possible to have?" he replied. "Oh," sho replied, "the usual mas culino ones misgivings, for example, about stepping out of the routine, routine that mnkes slaves of men!" with an accent slightly mocking. "And stepping Into what? Society the bugbear of so many men! Poor society! What flings it has to en dure! By the way, did your convict get off?" "Get off? What" "Tho one you represented Is that the word? when we wero in court." "Yes. He was acquitted." "I am glad. Somehow you made me feel he was innocent." "I believed In him," said John Steele. "And yet the evidence wa3 very strong against him. If some one else had appeared for him Do you think many Innocent people have been hanged or sent out of the country, Mr. Steele?" Her eyes looked brighter, her face more earnest now. "Evidenco can play odd caprices." "Still, your average English jury man is to be depended on," put in Lord Ronsdalo quickly. (To Be Continued. DEFENDS PICKPOCKETS WHO ROB HIM IN RETURN ANGELA MAY (Rosoviow Uovicw. It 13 so seldom tlmt tho really wood j thine' from tho world of mwl" 001110 I this way that it is a genuine treat i o seo and hour a musical artist such as Angola May, who is appear ing at tho Novelty this week. With ' a magnificent, pure ami powerful . contralto voice and a great personal' charm of manner, Angela May sing i with all the temperament and finesse - ---- Medford Iron Works E. B. TROWBRIDGE. Proprietor. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Hoilers and Machinery. Agonts in Southern Ore gon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. SiX I Tou have a superb collection of heoks," he observed, with a sudden jwlck look at his host "Yea. I rather pride myself on my library," said Sir Charles complacent ly. "Lost a good many of the choicest, CkoBgh," be went on In regretful tones, "some years ago as I was re turning to Australia. A rare lot of law books, a library in themselves, as veil as a largo collection of tho clas sics, the world's poets and historians, ivent down with tho ill fated Lord Kelson," Ah? John Steele looked away. "A great mart, London, for fine editions," be Bald absently uftcr a pause. "It is. But here aro those I spoko , And Sir Charles Indicated a num ber of yolumes on a largo center table. John Steele handled them thoughtful Try, and for somo tlmo his host ran on bout them. A choice copy of ono of the Elizabethan poets, Intruding Itself la that august company, then attracted Steele's attention. He picked It up, weighed and caressed it with gentle angers. "Who shall measure the Influence of m little parcel like this?" bo said at length lightly. True." Sir Charles' eyo caught the title. "As Portia says, 'It blesseth Tain that gives and him that takes.' XxoeUast bit of binding too. But," wKh sew zest, "tako any Interest in rare books of tho ring, full of eight eenth century colored prints, and so ear "I can't say at present that tho do tags T the ring or tho history of pugil ists attract mo." That's becnuBo you're never seen nu honest, hard fought battle perhaps?" "A flattering designation, I should ay) of tho spectacle of two brutes die flgurtug their Already repulsive vis-gear CINCINNATI. 0., June 13. At torney A. Strickett todny asked the police to search for six men whom he had defended against charges of picking pockets at the Latonia race track, and who ho alleges robbed him of his fee after they paid him. After the men had been fined and released, one of them paid Strickett $50. The others crowded around him congratulating him on tho man ner in which he had conducted their cases. "When they left the money they had given him was missing. RAILWAYS BACK DOWN FOR THE TIME BEING WASHINGTON, D. C, June,13. The inter-stato commerce commis sion js flooded with applications of eastern railways asking permission to withdraw their schedules of rate increases in accordance with the terms of the president's agreement with President Taft. Tho application in many cases ask for a suspension of tho schedules for the time being. Many roads not participating in the conference are taking this action. Angola May of tho true artist. It is an objoct lesson for any aspirant for vocal honors to hear her. Tho numbers chosen aro diversified so as to please all tastes in song, nnd her clever imi tations of Anna Held and Edna Wallace-Hopper aro gems of mimio art. Assisted by J. Louis ATncEvoy, she gives, operatic sketches that bring roars of laughter and tho comedy is refined. Angela May is a Broadway, New York, favorite aud mado her first 'Tut" in tho Loudon aud New York productions of tho "Silver Slip per" and "Princess of Kensington," playing ten months on tho "Qrcnt Whito Way." These artists will ap pear at tho Isis, giving entire chnnge of program, songs and costumes to night and and again on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guurnnteod PricoB Roasonublu COFFEEN (& PRICE 1 11 North D St.. Medford, Oro. Phono 303 --- --- ---- -- ) l O. IIANHKN TOM MOFFAT Wo make any kind and stylo of Windows. Wo carry Glass ef: any sizo on hand. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Oregon . - - - - - --- ..lii.Mi'ijij.- RESOLVED The best resolution for yon to inako is to oome to us for your nost Buit, if you want somothiog out of the ordinary. Wo do tho best work and chart; the lowest prices. W. W. EIPERT stub FxooKiisarva tajxos NEW NORTHWEST VESSEL ARRIVES FROM ENGLAND SEATTLE, Wash., June 13. Tho new Grand Trunk steamer Prince Ru pert arrived at the end of her jour ney of 10,000 miles from WalisenJ, England, at 9 o'clock Saturday when the vessel tied up at pier B. Tha Prince Rupert wns launched at Walisend in December, and is said to be the finest boat on tho Sound to day. She has developed a speed of 19 knots. Tho engines aro triple ex pansion, with four cylinders. The chief dimensions of tho steam er aro 320 feet over all in length and 42 feet from rail to rail, with a depth of 18 feet to the main deck. There aro accommodations for 220 first class passengers and 1500 excursion ists can be taken enre of. The Prince Rupert will be put on the Vnncouver-Senttlo run. J. E. ENYART, President JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. J. A. PERRY, Vico-Prosidont. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't CnBhier. r The Medford National Bank Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $10,000 SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS - TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. Big Strike Planned. BOSTON, Mass., June 13. Ar rangements are being mado today for a strike of 20,000 to 30,000 cloak makers employed in New York, fol lowing the authorization of tho strike by the Lady Garment Workers' In ternational Union, now in session here. Albert Block is chairman of a special committee appointed to ar range preliminary details for the walkout. Jersey Cow. Wanted First class fresh Jersey giving not less than 12 quarts per day at least: Address Oak Vale Or chards, Larkin Roynolds, supt., Woodville. Or. 72 CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Office of City Treasurer, Medford, Oregon, Juno 11, 1910. Notice Is horoby glvon that there aro funds on band In tho city treas ury for the redemption of warrants Nos. 14 an' 15 Issued against tho trunk Bower fund, protested May 12, 1909. Interest on tho samo will ceaso after tho above dato. I,. L. JACOBS, 72 City Treasurer. Notice. Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned will apply to tho city council of tho City of Medford, Ore gon, at its next regular meeting 011 Juno 21, 1010, for a license to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors in quantities less than a gallon at its place of business on lots 5, 0, 7, 8, block 20, in said city, for a period of six months. nOTEL NASH CO. Juno 10, 1010, LOOK eyery day for something now. Itogu River Flan Co. has tho doop water fish and many other kinds of good things to eat. Wo havo all kinds. Chlckons every day. Call and seo us. Frying chickens, roasters and broil Medford, Oregen: This certifies that wo have Bold Hall's Texas Won der for tho cure of all kidney, blad der and rheumatic troubles for ten years, and have nover had a com plaint. It gives quick nnd permanent elief. Sixty days' treatment in each bottle. Medford Pharmaoy. tf Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath Che finest Sample Rooms m the city. Hotel Moore Fire Proof Rau-Mohr Company Proprietors. European Plan Cleanliness and Polite Treatment Our Motto. A.L. VROMAN PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR No job too small, none too large. Twenty-five years' practical experience. Office 113 South Front Street. Phone 2751. OOODFRIEND HOTEL SAH FRANCISCO I. COO0FRIEND, Mutapr Formally Hotels Stanford and St. Beryl, Powell Street, near Geary, adjoining Hotel Manx. Tako Hotel Manx JJun, or Market btreet Can. traiufer to Powell. Ideal house and location lor ladles vioitlog tho city alone. BATES, $1.09 PER DAY AND UP Toe Only Woman's Collcss on lis Paclfle Coat KxcltuTrtlr tor Young- Women Located among the beautiful LilU aeir Oakland, California, cIom to San Francitco and tin great Universities of tbe Writ. Full collegiate courts leading lo degree. Entrance and graduation requirements equivalent to those o Stanford and University of California. Training fits students for teaching regular lints o( academic work, and offers special advantages or music, srt, library stndy and home economics. Well equipped laboratories for science. Special attention to health of students. Modern gymnssium thoroughly equipped. Out" door life and smueements In the ideal California cli taste. Alumnae in every city on tbe Pacific Cosit. Van Cataloouc addbiss i President Uuella clay carbon. LL. D. MILLS COLLEOK f. O., CALlrORNIA GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 209 Ve8t Main St., Medfoid, Ore. Operating Quarry at Gold Ray. Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED- GRANITE Buy Where Yon Get Your Moneys Worth When wanting high-grade Ice Oream or Sherbets in any quantity wc aro at your service. QUALITY is our watchword. You remember the QTJ.AXITY long after tho price is forgotte. We have our own delivery and can supply you with milk, cream and buttermilk. Ask your grocer for our Creamery Butter. Rogue River Creamery PHONE NO 2681 134 N. RIVERSIDE AVENUE 48S8& . r L 7iUA I M Vt a Jsl . f $1.00 A V $600 J RINGS I I !! I -HV I I I I Ml ! All Styles and Sizes Martin J. Reddy Eftc JEWELER Nnr P. O. Land for Sale I hrtvo n four cholco trnctfl of good orohnrtl land fur nnlo. Trnotn from twenty (20) to ono hundred nttd sixty (100) aorou. Tho Innd 1h ultuatod in tho fnmoun npplo bolt, near tho world-famed Tronnon & Quthrlo orolmrd, near EorIo Point. Or. Somo of the land u improved nnd somo unimproved. I nlBO havo property in tho town of KiikIo Point for Bitlo. Thoso Intending to pnrehnso ploaoo givo me ti cull in pornon or call Eagle Point central by phono. A. B. Zimmerman Sacramento Valley Lands Where Land Values Aro Increasing Dally and Whcro You Have a Sound Basis for tho Values. Never Failing Crops CHEAP LANDS ARE GETTING SCARCE THE TIME TO BUY THEM IS NOW. 320 ncrefl, adjoining tho Orlnnd irrigation projoot nnd adjoining tho mum lino of tho .Southern I'ncifio ruilrond; 210 iicrcn of this Innd will bo irrigated by tho govorntnont syHtom within two yearn ind will command 11 price of 150 per aero; IuikIh not ho good ttH thiti now under tho uyntum aro bulling nt from $1G0 per ncro and up; I can deliver thiu nt $25 por aero, nnd it in it buy; cany tonnti. 400 ncrca of the finout Innd in Solano county, near tho town of Dixon, nil level Innd, adapted to tho growth of alfalfa; all ad joining lands hold nt $100 por aero aud tip; thix place ban no waHto, is frco from hardpnn, alkali, adobo nnd gravel nnd ix ono of the fitiCHt ranches in Solano county; easily worth $100 por aero nt the minute, but I can deliver it nt $00 por ncro, with ensy torniH, and it ik n buy. iiottor see this 0110 if you want a swell ranch for your Rolf. 300 acres of tho finest Innd in Suitor county, all fino Innd for alfalfa, almonds, poaches, prunes, almonds or tiny crop you want to grow; easily worth $150 por ncro; I can deliver it to you for $75 por acre, aud it's worth double, terms. This is n buy. 08 ncrcs, near the State University fnnn nt Davisvillo, on I'utali crook, the finest Innd in tho stato of California; all in alfalfa, now undor irrigation, that will out 32 tons to tho noro ovory year; fino bam, cost $3000, house not much, but thoro is n world of stock and implements that go with tho plnco; clone to Sau Frnncisco nnd Sac ramento, nnd nn ideal ranch iu ovory respect; just largo onouglt; will make a swell fancy stock ranch. Tho prico is $25,000, with terms; tho land alone is easily worth tho money; think of it, almost ndjoins tho stato fnnn and is nil in alfalfa; this is a snap if you want Homothing nioo. BUY A RANCH IN THE SACRAMENTO VALLEY AND BE SURE OF HEALTH, WEALTH AND COMFORT IN YOUR OLD AGE; LAND WILL NEVER BE CHEAPER. THE BEST-POSTED MAN IN CALIFORNIA ON SACRAMENTO VALLEY LANDS. GEORGE X. FLEMING 505 JAY STREET, SACRAMENTO, CAL. f, THE INVALID W fi I J i I C It Is bad onough to bo olok at any tlmo of tho yoar, but to bo bundlod up In bod during tho oummor Is unboarablo. An Elootrlo fan allovlatoa part of tho troublo by kooplng tho patlont oool and moro oontontod. Tho fan can bo so placed that thoro Is no draught, Just a gontlo oloarlng broozo In tho room. An Eloctrlo fan makos sloknoss loss formidable both for tho sufforor and tho nurso and adds materially to tho oom'fort of oonvalosoonoo. Evory houso should havo at loast ono fan. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO jrjr j ers, J&j -U&J&& gssfHiwr ntitt. ,-ittgg e 1 1 'inw ..bjW li