MISPFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEPFORD, OREOON, MONDAY, JCJNE 13, 3910. 1 - $ THE POWERS TWIT BE T nN RHT M--K'tv ..iHFrk: li . k -vlt mo.- THIS SERMON' IS A REGULAR WEEKLY FEATURE (A OO OOO' ' hl ' ' ' PEOPLE'S PULPIT... Scnnon by CHARLES T. RUSSELL, Potior Brooklyn Tabernacle Pastor Russell's Discourse On Jerusalem n ;; dmm MIhh Dorothy I)In, Koioixl Woinnn, Tonli;hl ut 8:. TO o'clock sharp tho .'tnont plcawmt BtirprlHO In ntoro for curtain will bo ruin up on tho flrnt ilium from n iconic nnd dramatic porforiiianco of thu Athon Htoclc Hlnmtpolnt tlio opening piny to bo rompnny In "Tho I'owora Thnt llo." itlvon lioro will coinparo most fnvor Froin ovury rollnliln rtnourco wo nlily with tho hem attrnctlonH Mort Ktitlior tlio "flrat nlRhtorH" hnvo n ford Iiiih ha I during tho pant scanon THE LESSER PEACH BORER By A. A. Glrault, Engaged In Deciduous Fruit Insect Invcstlga tlon for tho Department of Aolcul-lurc. Itocunt rccorila of thlH hurt'iiu hIiow ilint thlH boror Iiiih a decided prof oronco for poach. For Instance. In (lnornln, whoro lari?o plum nnd peach orchnrdii aro rown nidi! liy ldu, an Virginia nn J Oo-iraln, It hnB been re rordod nu common mid locally In-, JurloiiH In "ow York ststo nnd lu O' . Th" nec-(!s rf ililfl bureau fQualntiinre ) report In common In examination of ench kind of troo I Mnrylnid, western New York nnd rlr Mhowed thnt It wim common on tholrnmjicont te-ritory. end In Gcorgt.n, latter nnd Hcnrco on tho former, wo hnvo lieon unnblo to find It numeroiiH on wild plum nnd cherry In thnt Mate, nor hnvo additional food plant been found. In Maryland wo hnvo found tho Inrvn In n knotty growth on poach nnmn flvo feet nbnvo tho ground. Mr. W. F. Fluko, of thin hiiro.iu, renrod ndultH from Klrd'ed CliuHtntit trecn (Cnntnncn deutntn), nt Tryon, N. C, Mny 28, 1904. Tho limed Ih evidently Increanlug nu peach, nnd nt jiroitent In certnlu localities cntiHcrf roatly, nnd, In tho rnao of Individual troex, fntnl Injury. Ilnlley (1870) recordii n fntnl attack on n plum tree In Now York; nnd an nu exnmplo of such concontrntod nt tnckii on Individual trocn In orchnrdn mention mny bo mndo of tho enso of u nenrly Klrdlod 3-year-old Otooiih boro pench troo In Georgia, from tho nlondor trunk of which woro tnkon 14 pupno, 1 Inrvn In cocoon, nnd 28 Inrvno of vnr.ouu alzes. Tho nttnek of thin InHect In Homo wliat almllnr to thnt of tho pench bor or, but dlffom In innny reapecta. Ap parently It nttneka nono but Injured trees, whoro tho bark bnH boon Injur ed In various wnyn nnd It Ih thoroforo umially found In old trccn whoro UiIh condition la moro likely to occur. Fur ther, tho Inrvno occur upon tho trunk na n rule, mako mora IrroRiilnr nnd loiiKor burrowB, nnd Ronornlly follow tho outllncB of wnundH or iiIoiik tho odKon of tho cracked linrk. Thoy may bo found, howovor, nt or Bllghtly bolow tho aurfneo of tho soil nnd nbovo tho crotch or fork of tho troo In tho Inrgor branches. Tho Inrvno food on tho noft tlflHiioa of tho HvlriR bnrk, nnd nn lnfestod troo oxudca n conBld ornblo nmount of gum from tho nron In which thoy nro working. In Home of tho OoorKla'and Mnrylnnd ponch orchnrdH grmipn of old, ernrrod trcoa hnvo beon found with their trunlcH lltornlly bnnoyconibod by tho chnnuolH of thoHO Inrvno, nnd this Ih llkoly to ho tho condition In any noglocted or chnrd In which tho treuH hnvo ronchod somo hIzo. An nvorngo of two Inrvno to tho treo wan found In H-yonr-old troofl In (leorgln In 1000, but occnnlon nlly Individual trcoa woro dlacovorod hnrhorlug na ninny na 40 or CO spoc lnionn of tho limoct In vnrlouu atngos, DlNtrllmtlon Tho lonBor poach horor la rnthor wldoly dlfltrlbutod In tho United Stntefl, to which It Is n untlvo. n hla Hat If North Aniorlcnn I.opldnp torn, Dynr (1002) Hlmply rIvoh "U.S." donntlug Iho gonornl dlHtrlbutlnii, noutonnuillor (1001), In hla mon ogrnph of tho Soalldon of America North of Mexico, glvoa from Ciinnda to Florida and Toxaa, woatwnrd to tho Pacific It Iiiih boon recorded from tho following Btatea: Now York and ndjacont portlona of Cnnndn, PoniiBylvniila, Now Ilampahlro, Maea nchiiflottH, Illinois, Now JorHoy, Ohio, California, North Carolina, Mlnno auta, Mnrylnnd, Dlatrlct of Columbia, where It Ih especially nbundant. It Is known to occur on peach In Now Jersey, Ohio, Now York, Vlrglnln, eternnl forgiveness nnd reconciliation HoorKln. District of Columbia, nnd i yet to be accomplished. Nevertheless 0 " ' ooo Drooklyii, N. Y Juno B. Pastor Una sell returned from hla European trip JiiNt In time to keep IiIh nppolntmcnt to speak In Ilrooklyn'H largest auditorium, tho Academy of MunIc. Ills topic wiih "JKKUBAIiUM," from the text, "Com fort ye, comfort yo my people, miltli I your God. Hpeak yo comfortnbly to I JcniNiilem, nnd cry unto her that her nppolutcd tlmo Ih iiccompllsbed, that her Iniquity Is pardoned; for she tint tt received of tho Ixird'a band doublo for nil her sins" (Isalnh xl, 1, 2). As had been anticipated, tho crowdH were too great for accommodation nt Uio Tnb ernaclu. Tho Hpnclous Acndctny of Music was crowded, with n Inrgo num ber of mlnlstero nnd other men on tho platform. After announcing hla text tho speaker mild: Christendom, with united voice, ad mits that nil of tho Divine Itcvclntlon en mo to nnd through tho Hebrew peo ple. Listen to tho argument of the Apostlo Paul, "What ndvnntugo then liatli tho Jew? or what profit la there of circumcision? Much every way: chiefly, because thnt unto them were committed tho oracles of God" the Divine message respecting thu Divine purposes, present ncd to come. The Apostlo again Informs us thnt tho entire Gospel message waa briefly comprehended In tho Creator's promise to Abraham. "In thy Seed shall nil the families of tho earth bo blessed" (Gala thins III, 8). "To the Jaw First." It wns tho most natural thing Imagi nable for tho Jewish Nation to suppose thnt tho giving to them of tho Law at Mount Slnni, through tho mcdlatorshlp of Moses, wns the fulfilment of the promise to Abraham. Nevertheless they were tnlstnken, Isrncl'a Mediator, nnd tho sacrificing priests, nnd tho sacrifices they offered, and their Tnbcrnnclc, with Its floly ni d Most Holy, nnd tho Temple, and nit tho features of tho Law Covenant were types or foreshadows of tho "bet ter sacrifices." hlcher Priesthood, bet ter Mediator, and glorious blessings of OOQ' ' Maryland. Literature. Tho iltor. ruro on this Insect la not extensive, llalloy (1879) alves the only norount of Its. llfo h'atory yet published, nnd his description of tho character of Injury la especially good. From tlmo to tlmo It has been treated systematically nnd figured, or llfltod nnd for audi trontmentn reforonco should bo made ti tho bibliography given nt tho close of this nrtlclu. Llko History anil Habit. Tho winter Is passed In various atngeH of larval development under tho bnrk of tho trunk of tho trees. Upon tho approach of wnrm wenther. nnd during warm spells In tho winter, In tho South, Inrven feed, nnd na thoy reach full growtl construct full co- coona and pupnto (In March nnd in April In Georgia nnd Mnrylnnd, res pectively). About a month nftor warda tho moth begins to omergo and mate, and tho fomnlo nt onco rommonccB to deposit tholr oggs nlong tho treo trunks, on account of tho un equal dovolopmont of tho hibernat ing larvea, tho porold of pupation emergence o" tho ndulto lasts for sev eral months. Tho eggs hatch nftor about ton days, and tho young lnrvon ontor tlio bark through crovlcea and bogln to fod. In Georuia, In tho courso of several months, thoso Inrven roath full growth and pupate, nnd tho roaultlng moth eatnblloh nuothor gouorntlon in tho early fall, which hlbornntea no larvea. Tho two gon orntloiiB oro conaldorably mlxod. Tho seasonal history of thiu boror Is thoroforo very unllko that of tho peach boror, In dlffora markedly In tho fnct of n second gonorntlon.nnd tho further facts of spring pupation. (To bo continued.) NOTIOIO OP ANNUAL SCHOOL MKIJTINO. Notlco ia horoby glvon to tho lognl votora of achool district No, 40 of JnckBon county, Stnto of Orogon, that tho annual achool mooting of said dlatrlct will bo hold nt hlrjh school building, to bogln at tho hour of 2 o'clock p, m. on tho third Monday of Juno, being tho 20th day of Juno, A. 1). 1010, nnd polls to romaln opon until 6 o'clock p. m. This mooting Is cnllod for tho pur pose of oloctlnt ono director for tho torm of flvo yoars and tho transac tion of buBlnosa usual at auc'a moot ing. Dated thin OUi day of Juno, 1910, J. II. COOIinAN, Ghalrmnn llqard of Dlroctora. Atteat: ORIS OHAWFOUD, 72 Olorlc. ITnskinB for IToalth. the period of Israel's types waa not wasted. Not only woro the types there given, but nt the same tlmo a special class of ngents were selected; Abra ham. Isaac. Jncob. nnd all tho Proph ets and worthy ours of thnt nge. holy, consecrated to God. nnd accepted as agents qualified for the Kingdom con ditions. Of these the Scriptures de clare. "They foil nsleep." They uro still asleep lu the dust of tho earth, awaiting tho glorious resurrection morning, nnd a grand share then with Messlnh lu tho work then to bo ac complished. In their lifetime, they were styled the Fathers, becauso Mes siah waa foretold to be of tho iwster Ity of Abraham, nnd also "David's Son." Hut other Scriptures, without con tradicting these statements, show us distinctly thnt "Dnvld's Son" nnd "Abraham's Seed" is to be Lord and Father of both David and Abraham. Thus wo road. "Instead of thy fathers shall bo thy children, whom thou innyest make princes In till tho earth" (Psalm xlv, 10). David's sou. Messiah, will bo Dnvld'a father, or llfo-glver. when ho will ralso David from tho dead. Similarly ho will be the father of all of thoso ancient worthies; and as David's Lord, and "Lord of lords." it will bo his plcnsuro to appoint to Abraham, Isnac, Jacob and all of tho Ancient Worthies, and Prophets, and faithful ones a glorious aharo with hlmsolf in tho groat Messianic King dom, which ho Is about to Bet up for tho ruling and blessing of Israel and all tho nations of tho earth. Will not this bo a grand honor to Abraham and his Sccdl Could wo expect that the Almighty would honor and uso lu such n high position any oxcept tho faith ful? Suroly not When Messiah shall mnko these Ancient Worthies "Princes lu nil tho earth." as representatives of his Invisible Kingdom, will not this mean honor and dignity to tho Jews tlrst? "Comfort Yo My Pooplo." Our toxt Is ono of three declarations lu tho Old Testament, which assure us that there la a "doublo" connected with Israel's history. That la to say, Jewish history naturally divides Itself Into two exactly equal parts; tho drat of which waa a tlmo of favor, Inter mingled with disciplines, but favor nevertheless, Tho accond of these parts has been one of disfavor mid oxcluslou from Dlviuo fellowship. Ah foretold by tho Prophet, Israol for mnny countries has been without prophot, or priest, mid without cphod nnd without communion with God; whorens, at ono time they woro God's favored people. They now. nccordlng to thou own ndmlsslon, nro bo thor oughly rejected that they hnvo no com muuloiitlon whatever, no light to shine upon their pathway. The prophet's words hnvo boon fulfilled, "Let their table bocomo a snare before them; ami that which should hnvo been for their wolfaro, let It bgeome a trap. Let their eyes bo darkened, thnt they see not" (Psalm lxlx, 'J2, Jilt. Thoy have stumbled; thoy are blinded: but thank God their blindness la not to be per petual. Tho period of their blindness la thu second part of tho "double;" with the fulfilment of that "double" their blindness will begin to vanish, nnd "All tho blind eyes shall bo open ed." Of that tlmo tho Lord declares (hat "He who scattered Israel will gather them." Wo are Impressed, not by fancy, but by the Word of God. that Israel's "double" Is now fulfilled, thnt Israel's blessing has already begun, that tho opening of Israel's eyes Is now In progress. For this reason wo hnvo chosen for our text. "Comfort ye, com fort yo my people salth your God. Cry unto Jerusalem and say unto her that hor appointed tlmo Is accomplish ed, for alio hath received at tho Lord's hand double tho two parts of her chastisement for nil her sins." Be cause tho "doublo" Is completed, wo may speak the words of comfort. Thirty-four years ago wo called at tention to these facts, but fow had cars to hear. When eighteen years ago wo visited Jerusalem, having In mind chiefly tho fact that tho time for tho regnthcrlng of Israel was nigh at hand, nnd that tho set tlmo to favor Zlon had come, wo found no bearing cars amongst tho Jewish people; and Zionism had not then been dreamed of. Onr communications with tho rep resentatives of the Baron Illrsch Im migration Fund, and also with tho ex ecutors of tho Sir Moses Montcfloro Jewish Relief Fund met with scant recognition. Nevertheless, wo felt suro that Israel's "doublo" bad been ful filled, nnd thnt her morning of Joy would soon break. Mcnntltno how much has happened during thoso eighteen years! Zionism has risen and engendered the hope of tho "chosen people" In every land, nnd turned their eyes townrd the land of premise: not thnt nil nro thinking of returning thither, but that every Jew who retains faith lu the God of his fathers, aud in tho Abrnhamlc prom ise, Is now looking nnd hoping for tho tlmo of blcssln?. long foretold. They know not ntout their "double"; they have not been studying tho Holy Scrip tures, but the teachings of their an cients, as presented .y .the Talmud. They hnvo been making a very similar mistake to that of Christian people, who have been studying the creeda of tho "dark ages" Instead of tho Word of God. Tho Throo "Doubles." Glance with me nt three different statements by tho Lord through the rrophets of Israel respecting Israel's "doublo" of experience: the first, an experience of God's faver: the second, nn experience of equal length without dlvtno favor. Notice first Jeremiah's prophecy (Jeremiah xvl. IS). After telling of Israel's disfavor, and then of their rognthcring, tho Lord declares, "And first I will recompense their In iquity and their sin double" somo of tho recompense with favor, and some without favor. Jeremiah's prophecy looks down to the "doublo" from his own day, which was moro than six buudrcd years beforo tho second part of their "doublo" begun. Turn now to Zechnrlah's prophecy. aud note that prophetically he takes his standpoint nt tho very time when tho second part of tho "double" be gan. Ills words are, "Even to-day do I declare that I will render dou&fa unto thco (Zechnrlah lx. 12). Come uoxt to our toxt, nnd noto thnt tho Prophet Isaiah stands with us, nnd views the matter from tho standpoint that the "double" of oxpcrlcuco has been fulfilled: "Speak comfortably unto Jerusalem, cry unto tier that her ap pointed time Is accomplished, because she hath received at the Lord's hand double two equal parts for her sins." It Is our understanding thnt this "doublo" reached fulfilment In tho year 1878 A. D nnd since that dnto wo have been declaring to tho best of our abil ity, as tho Lord granted opportunity, these comforting words to Israel, as suring God's chosen people that their period of disfavor hns ended, nnd that they nro gradually returning to pros perity; that Dlvlno favor began with them In 187R Yea, moro than this, our sermons which to somo extent re flect this fenturoof tho Dlvlno program relating to Israel's restoration to Dl vlno favor, nro being rend to a consld. crablo extent by Hebrews as woll ns by Christians; tholr eyes nro gradually opening, na the Scriptures foretell thoy shall do. But how mny we know when the turning point of Isrnol's "double" took place? How mny wo know thnt the "double" was completed in 1S7S? We reply that tho nnswer to tho question necessitates nn acknowledgment of Jesus ns the Messiah. Israel's rejec tion of him ns their King, marks the turning point of God'a favor, ns the prophecy of Zechnrlah, just quoted, distinctly shows, Neither Christians nor Jews have appreciated the full Im port of the Incident montloned In the Gospel; that live days before his cruci fixion, Jesus rode upon nu ns. after tho manner of Jewish kings, Into the city of .lerusnloin, n umltltudo sur rounding him, and going beforo htm. shouting, "Ilosaniia to tho Son of Dn vldl Blessed is he that comoth In tho namo of Johovnhl" Tho Prophet Zechnrlnh called attention to this In cident centuries beforo It occurred, and then gives the LordV words, "Even t dny do I declare. 1 will render double . unto thee." Israel's history as a nation began I with the death of Jacob, when ho gave his blessing to the twelve tribes. The period from thnt time to the death i Jesus, according to the Scripture, wan 1 18-15 yeara: and a like period of dlsfn i ror, meiiHiirltig from the day of Jesus' . rejection marks the year 1878. nn the j end' of Israel' disfavor, tho time when the message of comfort should go forth However. Divine fnvor wns only gradually taken from Israel, and altogether a period of thirty-six yearn Intervene between tho death of .lesui and the utter destruction of Jerusa lem. Similarly we should expect that tho iCturn of favor would bo gradual, a like period of 30 yenrs; nnd this would bring no to tho year 11)14. as tho tlmo when God'a fnvor for his people will bo publicly nnd openly manifested. X Jtv JL Ukio If tho storo ads woro not worth your whllo thoy would not bo pub lished at all. WRIGHTS INVESTMENTS STKICTLY MODEBN 6-room bun galow in fine locality. A high-class homo for $3850. Modern 7-room house, an elcgat.t home, with fino improvements, for less than it will cost you to build one. LOOK THIS UP. IT WILL PLEASE YOU. 8-room house, modern improve ments, woll locnted; $3200. EASY TERMS. fi-room cottage, well improved, 50xl-10-foot lot; some apple trees. A bargain at $1500. Three fino lots close to Newtown, for n short timo nt $365 each; $110 cash. THEY ARE MONEY MAK ERS. BARGAIN Four nice lots in cood locnlity for a fow days for $C00. DONT PROCRASTINATE J. Bruce Wright & Co. 132 WEST MAIN. PHONE 2691. icazxx'rz.'r.r- nv FOR EVERYTHING IN GREEN GOODS -" V 54 Sit down and think of what you like that grows in the garden then call us up and chances are you are sure to get it and the nicest, tenderest varieties, too. Just TRY US ONCE. GOLDEN GATE COFFEE PURE WHITE FLOUR Allen & Reagan COR. MAIN AND CENTRAL AVE. AUTOMOBILES O. W. Murphy. O. M. Murphy. MURPHY BROS. AUTO LIVERY. 1010 Chalmers Detroits. Phono 1861, Vnlloy Auto Company, Medford, Or. Are You A Prospective Investor? Rogue River valley land is good for you. It will make you good money. Purchase a bearing orchard or land for development.. Quick Service. Easy Riding. Prices Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONE MAIN 3141. Agency for the Parry Cars. Roguo River Auto Co., Frank H. Hull, Prop., Medford, Or. We have a large number of very desirable tracts, both for homes and income property. 40 ACRES Very choice land, all in cultivation; 30 acres 3-year trees; very choice and vigorous growers; 10 acres very fine grain hay; fine corn crop in orchard; fine elevation; good house. This will double in value in two years. Price, $400 per acre. " 20 ACRES Very choice silt soil for garden, alfalfa or fruit; near Central Point; $375 per acre; good terms. 37 ACRES Mostly fine creek bottom land; all good pear land; 12 acres 5-year trees; 5 acres first year; all subject to irrigation. This will be cultivated for two years. Price, $9500; terms. 20 ACRES Pull bearing orchard; very fine; $800 per acre. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. J. W. Dressier Agency 101 WEST MAIN STREET FOR SALE CHEAP . SECOND HAND N AUTO In Good Condition Just the machine to go anywhere in a proven car that will go on any passable road.. A bargain if taken at once. Gash or Realty VALLEY AUTO CO. $2400 BUYS A WHOLE BLOCK IN - - - W DO If You Want a Block of This Addition See Any Agent or W. H. EVERHARD HOTEL MOORE, MEF0RD, OREGON, to