Si-Vrtv. i fcv X0& wtoto m t! m 1 i'lllC WIIATIIICU. Medford Mail Tribune UNITED PllBSft ASSOCIATION Full Lcjucd WIro Report. Tonight mid Tuesday Cloudy; possible nhowurH. Tho only paper In tha world published In a chy tho ilia et Medford having a Iqaied wire. iottu YEAB. MED1TORD, OltECJON, MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1910. No. 72. MAY COMPLETE SYSTEM BY JULY 15 Contractors Rushing Work on Grav ity Water System, But Encounter Difficulty In Scctirinn Teams With Which to Haul Plpo From Eagle Point. Tho contractors who uru complet ing tlio gravity water system are rtiHhing thu work ninl expect to have It completed liy July 115. Nearly f)0 mon urv now employed in trundling. Thu coiitrautorK aro mooting with tiousidornblo hard luck in tlioir ef forts to secure teams for hauling thu )ipu from Kuglu Point to thu Ilanluy ranoh. Thoro is a scarcity of tuauiH ami thu contractors mo consentient ly retarded. Tho meadows on thu ranch at prctiont aro flooded, keeping thu tronohiiu; uruwH at work on thu hill HidoH. hut it !h not thought thin will delay tho work to any extent. ALLEN SAKS HE IS Will Never Again Apply for Fran chise In Neighboring City De clines to Discuss His Futuro Plans In. Valley Leaves Soon for New York. "I filiall novor apply for anotlior franchlHu In Ah) land," Hinted John It. Alton (IiIh morning whim naked na to IiIh futuro plnun. "I think tho ituo plo of Ashland' mmlo n HorlotiB mis take, and will realize It In a very short tlmu. No ouo wnntH to InvoHt money In n town whuru ho Ih not wnntcd thoro nro ho many locnlltloB anvloiiH to Hucuro capital. I ,am not prepared to make any nnnouncoinont of futuro plniiB," Mr. Allen would not way whether ho would rrop tho proposed lntorur lum lino or continue It, without AHh lnnd, making Tnlont tho terminal. Ho expccti! to return to Now York within n wook nnd will probably mnko an nnnouncoinont beforo his dopnrturo. GRECO-TURK WAR SAID TO 8E INEVITABLE Such Is View in Government Circles Army Favors Hostilities, Al thouflh Khifl Gcorflo is Strlvinn to Keep Out of Fighting- CONSTANTINOPLE, Juno 13. It Ih regarded In gnvormnont clrcloa horo tlmt war botwoon Turkoy nnd (iieeco Ih almost lnovltablo. Itl a believed that Qrooco luslBta on having war, and that tho Orotnu dispute will bo tho pretext. This Hint tor Ih no nearer a Bottlomont than when It first aroHO. Although tho Crooks Insist on possessing tho Is land, tho TurltB will nut glvo It up. Fooling that a Btrugglo would bo fatnl to his country, King George oh Jocta to war at this tlmo, Tho army still rnvoru hostilities, Tho niaRHOs of tho Turks on tho cldo of tho Grook army loaguo, which, fnlthough dissolved, Is still In control of tho govornraont, having finally takon offonso at tho attitude of tho QroukH and now vant to fli;ht. This fooling provnlls In tho army and on tho outside. THROUGH ASHLAND BUICK CAR IS FIRST THIS YEAR TO MAKE TRIP TOCRATER LAKE Charncs Railroad With Violating, the Fish Laws Says Oil Is Allowed to Float Into River, Killing Trout and Salmon Case Will Soon Bo Tried. A Htiiiik; driven fiy K. L. Itotli, containing fivo passengers, in (iltuliiiif tin driver I' K. Martin, ". (.'. Kinvon, C. C. Garrison and Fred Viuouut, made the trip from Mcdiord over tho Sinkiyous to Iloruhrook up thu Klamath to Klamath Fulls, thoiicu to Fort Klamath and over tho Itoguo river road via Crater Luko to Medford from Wednesday at 2 '10 p. m. to Saturday night at 10 o'clock. Tho party spent 'J I hour in KJnm ath Fulls and fivu hour- ut Crater Lake, ho that' thu actual running timu for tho 'M0 miles was some thing Iuhb than 21 hour. Thu roilds were not of tho hcKt, enpoeially over thu inoiintaiiiH, hut thu travelers found even loss diffi oulty than tjicy expected. Thu flnow on both sides of tlie di vide from Fort Ivlamath over wan deep and soft, though, by careful driving tho deepest drifts could ho avoided. When tho miow lino was reached on this side of the inoui taiiiH tlio wheels of the machine weio filled with packed hiiow. The roads were not nearly an had n llipv - I penel them to lit1, hut it wan ucco- Isarv that the Huielc ear should kec.i its record. The first iiutomobilo that introduced llio gnoliuw smell to tlio tip of Crater Lake wiih a Huick and thu first one to come over the hill this venr wan of the same brand. JAPAN MAY BACK DOWN ON TREATY WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 13. Ulplomatu nro dlHCiiasIng toi'ay tho Riidduu recall of Prince nnd PrlnccBB Kimhlml of Japan, who nro touring America. T'.oro Is n speculation as to whotho" tho order has any connec tion with Ja'irr.'H Intention to ro nounco tho existing trcnly with Amor Ica. It Ib hollovcd tho trcnty will bo formplly renounced next Friday. While Jnpnn'a anticipated net Is no Hlr.ii of hostility, thcro It a fooling Hint Japan .'I.I not desire to plnco tho prluco In nn oinbnrriiBsInf position Hhould treaty negotiations result In acrimony. Tho prosont tronty was no.totlntod In tho last ndinfnlBtratlon of Prcaldont Clovolnnd. Japan desires to obtnln nn up-to-dnto nsroomont with Amorlcn. Prince and Prlncesa Fuel Iml hnvo cnnvollod sovoral trips, Including thoso planned to Niagara Falls nnd Cilcngo. T'loy will Htnrt for Sonttlo tomorrow and call for Japan within a fow days. L RESIGNS HIS POST LONDON, Fmglnnd, Juno 13. Tlio resignation of I.onP Kitehouor comes ut a timu when tho government is considering cliungcs in India. Lord Minto is reported to bo ready to givo way to a man who would deal witli tho nativos with a firmer hand. Sir ChntloH llardiuge, who favors a moro forcible policy in India, wiih reported to ho pockod for tho posi tion, but tho retirement of Kitchener givos rise to tlio rumor Hint tlio horo of Khartoum is slated for tho post. IS FROM AUTOMOBILE LOS ANGIOLKS, Juno 13. Tho 3-yoar-ohl Inffit of Charles A. Uon nott In Biifforlng, today from bruises nnd cuts rocolvcd whon It wns hurlod through tho kImbs windshield of Ilon nott's nutomnbllo. It wns stated tho child will recover and will not bo ilHflBiirod permanently. FOURTEEN OIE MONTREAL FIRE Fifteen Employes of Herald Are Missing and It Is Believed That They Wero Cremated When Build Inn Burn. MONTH EAL, Que, Juno 13. Fourteen porfioim woro killed and 10 injured in an explosion and firn which destroyed the Herald building here today. It in definitely known that 1-1 aro dead and tho authorities admit that tho of lifo may reach a total of HO. i William Taylor, foreman of the compoHinj,' room, nyB ho helicvcH timt fully fiO pcoplo lost their liven. Many of tho victiniH were jrls wiio worked in tlio bindery depart ment, it is. declared. Tho accident wiih canned by tho collapse of timbers that held a tank on tho roof. Tho tank fell three stories, forcing tho walls outward. Oiik pipes wero broken and nn ex plosion followed. A second Inter tnc whole bulldinc war a mass of flnmcH. Tho falling tank carried persopH from tho top' floor to tho crotmd. Heavy mucliiiicry was enr ricd down with tlicin nnd crashed tkrouch tho other floors. Sixly cixiit eiiinioyes wero nt work on tho top floor when the accident occur icd. Tho bindery department was on this floor and it U believed that mitotic the employes there the henv ioit loss of lifo occurred. The tank crnhiui.' down through tho building wrecked the job print ing department, tho art rooms mid tho editorial rooms. Tho liinderv machinery fell with thu tank nnd it is thought crushed some of tho em ployes working on the lower floors. fish coiimsn rovinifTiHE II. O'Mnlloy, of tho United States fish commission, litis been investi gating tho situation on tho upper Kuguo nnd measures will ho taken to elenr tho stream of logs, so that fish may bo takon at' tho hatchory. Mr. O'Malloy, who lias always ovinced .1 decided intorest in the fishiuir Btrcnms of Oregon, is preparing to visit tho Ump(iin and Fisli Lake with a view to studying conditions there mid collooting spawn of rainbow trout for hatching in lower altitudes mid planting in other streams. Tho Umpqun Fish lnko is actually alive witii big trout, ouo of the great est collection of tlio fresh wntor fish on tho coast, mid the hardest to get. Tlio wotor is 60 olonr that ouo can sco a fish nt a depth of 30 feet, and tlio fish apparently can soo you as well. Thoy will como slowly up, ox mnino a fly from each sido and thou with an impertinent flirt of tlioir tails dopnrt for tho lowor depths. But if n breozo happens to rufflo tho waters ouo can hnvo tho fishing of his lifo. I hoy como in schools at the fly. No sooner does tlio fly striku tho water than tlio hungry trout grabs it. Ono gets "tired pulling thorn out." THROWS UP JOB John 1'nukoy has thrown up his contract for driving logs oil tlio up por Ftoguo for tlio Condor Water & F'owor company, owing to tlio trou ble in getting mon to do tlio work of driving logs ovor the dangerous rap ids in tlio rivor. Since Connors lost his life above tho Tuokor ranch log gers havo boon diffident about get ting out ou tlio logs. Mr. Pankoy has worked hunt in tho endeavor to drive tlio rivor, hut, finding it a monoy-losing proposition, has for feited tlio job, Tho logs aro soattorod along tlio rivor from tlio falls at Prospoot to Trail, so thickly that it will bo im possible to opornto tub hatchory this year unless moasuros aro takon tq, remove tlio logs. SAW AFTER S.P. Party of Fivo Drive Over Sisklyous to Klamath Falls and Back to Medford Via Crater Lake Road Is In Fair Condition. Deputy Outno mid Fish Warden S. S. Sundry lias filed papers in n suit against tlio Southern Pacific com pany to prevent tlio company's em ployes from dumping oil in Gilbert crcok, which stroma empties into the Ftoguo river within the city Hints of Grants Pass. Mr. Sandry conceived the idea that the oil was fatnl to fish mid to demonstrate that fact in tho pres ence of witnesses plnccd two f-mnll trout in n bucket of water, where they would ordinarily linvc lived for several hours, then he poured uu ounce of crude oil into the water mid in "just 30 minutes," Paid Mr. San dry, "those fish wero dead. While the swift current of the river might eliminate home of tlio trouble, the fact remains that the oil will kill the fish and care should he taken to provent the oil from getting to the river. For that reason F have starU ed these proceedings." SAY ROOSEVELT WILL NOT TAKE PART IN FIGHT f Many Men Return From Abroad With Word That Former President Will Not Take Part in Connres sional Campalfln. NEW YORK, Juno 13. That Col. Itoosovolt will not tako part In tho coming congressional campaign Is tho statomont mudo by several mon who havo Just roturnod from abroad and who havo recontly talked with tho formor president. Iloo3ovolt's pro gram, thoy say, will Include a rest nt Oyster flvy. until August. Ho will not, during this time, mnko any po litical upocches, It Is declnrod. IlooBovolt has not Indicated wheth er ho will help Governor Hughes in his oftort to sccuro an adequate pri mary election law for Now York, de clare Mb friends. That ho will not outer tho senato rial race and becomo a cnndldnto to succeed Dopow and that ho will an nouueo that ho will not bo a can didate s also predicted by thOso who havo talked to him whllo abroad. BRADSHAW CASE FINALLY SETTLED Amicable Settlement Is Reached Out side of Court Compromise Car ried Out Along Line of Late W. H. Bradshaw's Wishes. An uuiioablo settlement has been reached in tlio case of Effie May Torrill ot al. vs. Ijoo liradshaw ot al. in tho matter of tho disposition of tlio estate of tho luto W. II. llrnd- shaw. Tho sottloment was mado by stipu lation between tlio pnrtios from each sido and in effect carries out tlio ideas of tlio doceasod. Mrs. W. 11. liradsliaw, widow of tho deeoased, gets tho proporty known as the Diamond rooming house, tho homo ou Fast Main street and some 14 acres adjoining tlio Queen Anno addition. Tho other hoirs receive practically what they wore given before Mr. Bradshaw's death and that which ho afterward booueuthod to thorn and in tlio stipu lations prepared tho right of appeal is wnivod by all tho pnrtios intor-ostcd. COMPANY Justice Moody, May WHBKMImilBB81lBlBBtS j""BiBK J lNEE2iAniflENliH jHNNNNBBININNNNINHNNIiNNEBEtf it VNNH&. r HKJtwCStNNNi J1iBnnnHiRblB'iInniKB3 m - .r.SsBUNNNNrlSB JNNNBNNNNBflNNNNNNNNNHNNVAIHviBHIINNNNNNI W. $ irjmHK&Mm zmBKBrJmm aNHIINNNNNNNk. JmBBmJw -0' JnnnnnnnnnnnnT NlNNNNNNr 2iNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNPiillNNlBB''''NINNNNNNNNNNNNNPV Associate Justice Moody of the United State suprcmexcHrt, who has been 111 for several months, is no better, and If Improvement does not come by next October he may retire, nccordlug to letters which have been received from him by friends in Washington. A recent trip to springs In Virginia did not result in an Improvement in his condition, it is reported, and he has re turned to his home In Haverhill, Mass. UNPRECEDENTED HONOR FOR I. R. ; ON HIS RETURN1 Will Be Greeted With Presidential Salute of Twenty-one Guns Honor Is Ordered by President Taft Warship to Escort Him. WASHINGTON, D. C. June 13. Tho presidential salute of 21 guns will boom out when tho Kaisorin Au gnsto Victoria, bonring Former Pres ident Roosevelt, reaches Ambrose Light, just outside tho chnnnel, into New York harbor. Tho unprecedent ed honor will be paid tho former president nt tho porsonnl order of President Tnft. Tho South Carolina and fivo tor pedo boats will announce her off Ambrose Light nnd tho big guns of tho South Cnrolinn will fire tho sa lute. Tho warships will then escort tho linor to minrnutine. Tlio Dolphin, bearing Secretary Wilson and Moyor nnd Captain Putt, will accompany tlio war vessels to meet tho Kniseriu Augiisto Victoria. JOHNSON LEAVES WORK FOR AUTO Colored Champion Mounts Front Seat of His Buzz Wagon and Speeds Off to Keep Dinner Engagement With Chief of Police. SAN FRANCISCO, Juno 13. Jnck Johnson Old not work today. IJnrly in the morning ho mounted tho front scat of his buzz wagon nud hendod for Situ Joso to keep a din ner ongngomont with tho chlof of po llco of that city. Tho glniit black do clarod that slnco ho was Just whoro ho wanted to bo, as far ns his con dition goes, tad slnco ho had doao a good day's work Sunday, thoro wns no nocd ot ropentlug tho dolly grind again todny, 111, Quit the .Bench. CUNgtXKJfl SIX DEAD, 17 HURT: STRUCK BY LIGHTNING Crowd Takes Refuge in Iron Fenced Building From Storm and Are Struck by Bolt of Lightning- Seven Killed in Another Spot. BERLIN, Jure 13. Six perse ns aro dead today, seventeen aro severely In jured and elsht slightly hurt as n re sult of being struck by lightning near here Inst night. Thoy were returning from a picnic and took rotugo from the storm In nu Iron-fenced building. At Breslau seven persons wero killed by lightning. PROMINENT SURGEON FATALLY WOUNDED ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Juno 13. Dr. John M. Grant, one of tho most prominent surgeons in America, was shot nnd fatally wounded today by nn unidentified man. Dr. Grant's as sailant entered his offico and shot him twice. MINING REVOLT MEXICO CITY, Mow, Juno 13 Indians In tho state of Chiapas aro threatening open rovolt becauso ot tho confiscation of tholr lnnds by tho government, nccordlng to rocolvcd hero today. "Officials hero aro excited becauso of tho shooting of a promlnont law yer by tho Indians, tho attomptod murder of n survoyor and threats to assnsslnato nnny publlo officials." Another d'spatch to n dr.lly pnpor says n goneral uprising among tho Indians Is fearod,' and sussoits thnt troops bo sout to protect llvos and proporty, AM ON SETS NEW RECORD FLIGHT Fltes Frofli New York to Philadelphia Without Landing Is in the Air One Hmh ami Fifty Minutes Has Seme Difficulty on His Re turn Trip. SOUTH AMBOY. N. J., Juno 13. After repairing his ongino, which broko down just boforo ho could complete his rouna. trip flight be tween New York and Philadelphia, Charle3 K. Hamilton, tho aviator, was compelled to abandon tho flight this afternoon because of a broke propollor. NEW YORK, Juno 13. Charles K. Hamilton, tho aviator, today loft hero at 7:3S a. m. and arrived at Philadelphia at 9:28, completing the first half of his roun trip journey; between Now York and Philadelphia, in ono hour and fifty minutes, es- tabllshlng tho longest sustained flight without stepping made In the history of American aviation. Hamilton started on his return, journey at 11:35 a. in., but failure of the spark plugs to act proporly, caused the engine to miss fire. Ham ilton landed in a marsh and was compelled to trundlo his machine for somo distance to firm ground. Ho expected to renew his flight at 3 o'clock. Slight Accident. The start was marred by an ac cident to tho propellor of tho bt p'sno. The propellor was started at 7:05 and allowed to run Zor several minutes. "Let 'er go!" shouted Hamilton. The aviator's assistants released tho airship and It swerved, t:t:uclc a tree and tumbled to tho ground with the propellor shattered. "Oh, hell!" was Hamilton's com ment, although tho accident placed him in imminent danger ot death. After a Httlo delay tho aviator se cured tho propellor which Glenn H. (Continued on Page Five.) PAVING STARTS ONJENTH ST. All Who Wish Driveway Curbs Should Notify Curb Inspector Be fore Contractors Reach Them Actual Pavement Laying Starts. Tho Clnrke-Ifcnory Construction, corapnny has started tho work of! laying pavement ou Tenth street and. has somo GOO or 700 foot of founda tion laid, Thoy will soon start lay ing tho top dressing. All of tho persons wiio dosire to. hnvo driveways loft into their prop erty should notify tho curb inspector,. Fay Canon, boforo their proporty is. reached. VOTERS ASK STUBBS WHY HE DOESN'T WORK . TOPEKA, Kan., Juno 13. Politi cal opponents of Govorhor Stubba are declaring today that tho governor and sovoral othor stato officials and omployos aro rot giving propor at tention to tholr dutlos. They allogo that most of tholr tlmo is given to campaigning, Governor Stubbs' onomles point out that ono of tho planks of the platform on which ho was olectod Inst year was "a dollar's worth ot work for u dollar's worth of pay." In opoa lottoro thoy usk him to ex plain to tho voters why he does not pay moro attontlou to his dutltw. SUSTAINED i )