MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, .TUNE 32, J9.10. 11 Watch This Page for Advertisements of Good Thing's to Eat Things New Just received, u fine as sortment of Glassware, consisting of vanes, tum blers, water sels, gradu ating cups, fountain supplies, pitchers, etc., etc. Exclusive agents for DALLES PATENT FLOUR Allin 6 Allin Phono Main 2691. 132 WEST MAIN STREET. SPOKANE MAY FAVOR HILL LINE If C. M. &. P. S. R. R. Persists In Determination Not to Accept Fran chise Contninlnn Common User Clause.Spokano Will Turn to N. C. SI'OICANK, WiibIi., Juno 11. IT tlm Chicago, Milwaukee & Puel Sound railroad persists in iln mi- nounecd datoniiinution not to accept a fruuehiso ceututiiiuj: u common user oluune, the North CoiiHt. a Mill lino, will lo permitted to Hike up tho union dopot fruneliiHo to liu prepared by tlio council and conslruot a union puHHoiiKor station, which is to ho open for entninoo by other railroads at any future date. This decision was reached at a meeting of tho city council committee of the whole yesterday, and immedi ately followed a conference between all the members of tho council and Hubert K. Strapom, president of tho North CoiiBt. According (o the tcniiH of the res olution, tho roads have HO days to accept the franchises, and if in that time the Milwuukco does not file its acceptance, tho North Coast railroad will he pormitted to filo its accept ance of tho union depot franchise Kingly. Aftor ft protracted conference be tween Milwaukee offieialH it wuh mi nouneod today that tho lino would continue itH refusal of the coinnion user claiiBO. TIiIh practically moans that tho road will not lie allowed to enter tho city, according to city officials CRAB GROWING AND CANNING IS WANTED Fruit NOW IS THE TIME TO SUPPLY YOUR ' NEEDS TIi'ih In tho bent seosoii for all kiudH of Hinall fruit and from now on every housewife should watch tho market for tho boHt goodn at tho most rcu Honablc priccH, (piality coimid ored. Wo can Hiipply your needs. Phono iih for information. TRY OUR COFFEE AND FLOUR Olmstead & Hibbard PHONE MAIN 571 X Jtv x Uij FOR EVERYTHING IN GREEN GOODS Sit down and think of what you like that grows in the garden then call us up and chances arc you arc sure to get it and the nicest, tenderest varieties, too. Just TRY US ONCE. GOLDEN GATE COFFEE PURE WHITE FLOUR Allen & Reagan COR. MAIN AND CENTRAL AVE. A NEW PARTY IS PREDICTED in tho husiness to an oxtent that will insuro filling of doiiiestio orders. Thoro is a fino chance for koiiio live man to put a little capital to good advantage in thin peculiar hut re munerative iudiiHtrv." NOTARIES SHOULD APPLY FOR REGISTRATION BLANKS County Clerk Coleman wants thoe nolnrioH and other judicial officers who wish to make registrations to file their requisitions for blanks with him at once in order that he may Mipply them. The blanks will he forwarded promptly to the properly authorized parties. IlaHkitiH for Iloalth. Horace T. Jones Is Appointed Finan cial Secretary of Orejjon Conser vation Association Was Favorite of Pinchot. PORTLAND, June 11. A ciicl to tho Unllinger-Pinchot controversy ih found in the appointment of Hor ace T. Jones as financial s-ccrctory of the Oregon Conervation asoeia tion. Jones was formerly on Hallin gcr's pay roll as an employe of the department of tho interior. During tho recent investigation at Washing ton Jones was u witness and gave testimony derogatory to his chief. Soon after ho was suspended from the service for an indefinite period, without pay. Tho Oregon Conservation associa tion was formed under tho patronage of Oifford Pinchot, when ho was chief forester. Sinco Pinchot's x litical demise the association has maintained its original status and re mained stendfast to its purpose, which was, and is, as stated in the propaganda distributed about the stntc, "to educate the public in the matter of protection of timber from fires and to promulgate tho doctrines of conservation." The association is nuti-Hulliugcr'aud pro-Pinchot polit ically. Students of politics rend between the lines in tho stated purpose of the association. They seo the upbuilding of a powerful organization that will at tho crucical moment rally to the support of ii now political party perhaps neither republican, democrat nor "insurgent." They nsert tint a movement is now launching, under various guises in various states, to carefully organize Itooscvclt parti alis; that with his wonted prescience Roosevelt will jump into tho gap caused by the republican deflection and the democratic awakening. China, Crockery, Etc., Etc. iMost every woman who has lived in Medford any length of time knows that this is the place to buy all kinds of crockery, jars, jardinieres, etc., china ware, pottery, etc., and she also knows how accommodating wc arc. Oall and. see our line and get prices. REMEMBER CHASE & SANBORN'S COFFEE AND BLUE RIBBON FLOUR. WHEN YOU BUY IT OF WARNER, WORTMAN (& GORE YOU KNOW IT'S GOOD TO EAT. GROCERY PHONE 286 MARKET PHONE 281 BULK TEAS AND COFEES Rogue River Valley Canal Company Medford National Bank Building (Successor) FISH LAKE WATER COMPANY. P. WELCH, Spokane, Washington. President. R. K. NEILL, Spokane, Washington, Vice-President. PORTLAND, Juno 11. Recont shipment to this city by Portland and Asiatic Steamship company's steamer of 200 cases of canned erab, packed at Osara, Japan, has aroused a disuussiou among local packers rolative to tho purchase abroad of goods that could just as easily he bought in the United States if our manufacturers Avero alivo to their op portunities. Tho 1200 casos of tho imported deliuaoy were in part in tended for Chicago. Thoro is said to ho a growing demand for tho lux ury and an oxtonivo business is be ing worked up by tho active little brown men. The article is all that is claimed for it, but here is tho question its introduction into Ameri can markets provekes: Are there any packers on the Pacific coast who have over given this industry consideration? If they are with us wo have never heard of them, and their output must he small, The fin est crabs in the world are found in Paget Sound waters and excellent varieties thrive along the Oregon and California coasts, Speaking of the shipment a business man who was one of tho promoters of tho shipment from tho Orient said: "Tho Pacific Northwest can can crab moat just an successfully as any part of tho world, and the won- FRED N. CUMMINGS, IRVING WORTHINGTON, General Manager. Chief Engineer. Rog'uelands, Inc. Medford National Bank Building JOHMUB. MANLEY, Manager Sails Department. 6500 ACRES Irrigated Orchard Tracts Seven miles North of Med ford Perpetual Water Right with every acre Plowed, Leveled, fenced and planted to trees Orchards cared for for a period of five years on Orchard Development Con tractsFor further information call at our office or ad dress: Roguolands Incorporated, Medford Nat. Bank Bldg., Medford, Oregon. PHONE 3031 Did you over stop to reason about the matter? Don't you know that you can buy a better quality of most anything by buying in bulk? It's n fact that an article put up in bulk is bound to be good to be a little better than the average. Two" of tho West Side grocers handle ex clusive lines of bulk goods and both will tell you that what you have just read is absolutely true. You save money by buying exclusive bulk goods. Look up the stores on the West Side which advertise and they will give you the- best tho market affords. If they couldn't givo you tho best they wouldn't advertise. The people who don't advertise don't want the people to know too much about their goods they'd rather j-ou would just buy anything they happen to of fer, whether it is good or not. Pure food laws were made to hold in check the fellow thnt would ell anything. You can't afford to buy anything hut the best. If you patronize the merchant, gro cery or market that advertises you are sure to get good things to eat. Good tea and coffee can bo bought from TWO WEST SIDE GROCERS ONLY. Jersey Cow. Wanted First class fresh Jersey giving not less than 12 quarts per day at least. Address Oak Vale Or chards, Larkin Reynolds, supt., Woodvillc. Or. 72 Land for Sale I hare a few choice tracts of good orchard land for sale. Tracts from twenty (20) to one hundred and sixty (ICO) acres. The land is situated in tho famous apple belt, near the world-famed Tronson & Guthrie orchard, near Eaglo Point, Or. Sonie of the land is improved and some unimproved. I also have property in the town of Eagle Point for sale. Those intending to purchase please give me a call in person or call Eagle Point central by phone. A. B. Zimmerman Something Original Who Ever Heard of a Mid-Summer Sale of Silverware and Cut Glass IrToRDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW LINE OF GOODS SOON TO AR RIVE, I WILL DISPOSE OF MY ENTIRE STOCK OF SILVER PLAT ED WARE AND CUT GLASS AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE QUOTED IN SOUTHERN OREGON. Read the list you are sure to find something you need: Rogers Bros.' 1847 Triple Plate Teaspoons, $2.00 per set, at ..$1.15 Teaspoons, $2.50 per set, at.. .$1.25 Dessert Spoons, $4.50 per set, at $2.25 Dessert Forks, at $4.50 per set, at $2.30 Dessert Forks, $4.50 per set, at $2.55 Cold Meat Forks, $1.25, at 70c Berry Spoons, $1.50, at $1.10 Butter Knives, $1.00, at 50c Sugar Shells, $1.00, at 45c Children's sets, $2.50 $1.15 Knives, per sot, $5.50 $3.60 One set in case of 26 pieces, $20.00 $12.20 Surprising values in the famous Unger Bros.' Cut Glass. Nappies, $1.50, at 95c Nappies, $2.50, at $1.30 Nappies, $3.50, at $1.95 Nappies, $2.75, at $1.55 Sugar and Cream Sets, $5.50, at $3.00 Berry Bowls, $9.00 $5.75 Berry Bowls, $5.00 $3.00 Arase, $4.50 $2.75 "Water Sot, $13.00, at 7.10 Celery Dishes, $4.50, at $2.65 Comports, $4.50, at $2.70 Comports, $5.50, at $3.60 Water Bottle, $5.00, at $2.90 THIS SALE WILL RUN SATURDAY AND MONDAY, JUNE 11TH AND 13TH, WATCH WINDOW DISPLAY. GEORGE A. BUTT The Jeweler 206 West Main - Medford, Or. i dor is that no one has over ongagod 4 jl -ffeW- ayV'gWf'M M i f ild