$&ipp&Mtyx VI ;Ti " " a " &" 5 ht ' ij MEDFORD 1MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREClON, FRIDAY, JUJOTD 10, .1910. 4: "V 1 x. i -'? ta. w f&V , I Half A Chance X BY FREDERICK S. ISHAM. t lAuthor of "Tho Strollers," "Un- uder the Rose." "Tho Lndv ot tho Mount" Etc. 1 Coovricht. 1909. by tho Boobs- iuernu uomuuii' . (Continued.) Tk curtain went up at last tbe mu sic began, and melodies that seemed feora la the springtime succeeded one another. Perennial In freshness, theme feUawed theme; what joy. what glad nren, what merriment, what madness! How Ion? was tho act; how short? It came to a sudden end. After ap plause and bravos men again got up and walked out He, too, left hU seat and strolled toward the back. "Mr. Steele! One moment!" He Tound himself once moro addressed by the good humored Captain Forsythe. Behold In me n Mercury, committed to as Imperative mission. Sou are commanded to appear not In tbe royal box, but in Sir Charles'." Sir Charles Wray'sr John Steele regarded the speaker quickly. "Yea." laughed the other. "You see, 1 happened to mention I had seen you. 'Why didn't you bring him with you to tho box? queried Sir Charles. He, by the by, went In for law hlm lf before he became governor. 'Only had time to shake hands this sornlng.' 'Yes; why didn't you? poke up Miss Jocelyn. You coai onand mo to bring him? I inqalrcd. "By all means.' bh laughed. 'I com mand.' So hero 1 am." John Steele did not answer, but Captain Forsythe without waiting for a reply turned and started up tho broad stairway. Tbe other, after a was drowned, however, in a renewed outbreak ot applause. "Old friend, don't you know," went on tho voice of Sir Charles. "Had one rnrc ntlventuro together, ono of tho kind that cements n man to you." As he npoku tho light in tho theater flnrod up. John Steele, no longer hes itating, uncertain, rose. His face bad regained Its composure. Ho regarded tho slender, aristocratic flguro of the nobleman in tho background. Fault lessly dressed, I.ord ltonsdnlo carrjed himself with bis habitual languid air of assurance. The two bowed. The stony glauco of tho lord met tho Im passive one of the man. Then n puz zled look carao Into tho nobleman's eyes. He gazed at Steele more close ly. His glance cleared. "Thought for nn Instant I'd seen you somewhere before, by Jove!" ho drawl ed in his metallic tone. "But of course I haven't Never forget a face, don't you know." "I may not say so much, may not have tho diplomat's gift of always re membering people to the extent your lordship possesses it, but I nm equally certain I have uever before enjoyed tho honor of belug presented to your lordship!" said John Steele. Steele turned and, holding out his band, thanked Sir Charles and bis wife for their courtesy. Jocelyn "VYray gazed around. "Yon aro leaving before the last net." she said, with nn accent of surprise. "Our day at home, Mr. Steele, is Thursday," put In the governor's lady, majestically gracious. His face, which had been contained, impassive, now betrayed in tho slight est degree nn expression of irresolu tion. Her quick look cnught it be came more whimsical. Ho seemed ac tually for an Instant asking himself if he should come. She laughed ever so slightly. The experience was novel. "Who before had ever weighed tho pros and cons when extended this privilege Then the next moment the bluo eyes lost some of their mirth. Perhaps his manner made bcr feel the frank Informality she hnd unconsciously been guilty of. She regarded him more coldly. "Thank you." he said. "You are very good. I shall bo most glad." And, bowing to her and to the oth ers, be once moro turned. As he pass- ANNUAL TENNIS II MAMENT Second Yearly Event Opened This Morning on Oakdale Courts Grants Pass, Ashland, Jackson ville and Talent Represented. mompnt'R hf!tntlnn. followed, ritilr entered one of the larger boxes, spoke Ij0ra Lonsdale tho eyes of the two to Sir Charles and his wife and re- men "S01" met Those of tho noble- Xurned tho bow of their niece. Amid mnn suaaen y uuateu, anu ne started, Tarlcd platitudes Stcele'n glance turn- TUs P120 followed the retreating fig- d oftenest to the girl. She was ure. Creased in white; n snowy boa droop cd from the slender bare shoulders as tf It might any moment slip off; a a-trlng ot pearls, each one with a pearl f pure light in the center, clasped "bcr throat. She waved her hand to tho seat next Ho her and as bo sat down, "Isn't it plendid!" Irrelevantly. "Tho spectacle or the opera?" he asked slowly, looking into bine eyes. "It was the opera I meant I sup pose the spectacle is very grand; but" enthusiastically, "It was tho music I was thinking of. How it grips one! Tell me what you think of Tho Bar ter Mr. Steele." "I'm afraid my views wouldn't bo very Interesting," he answered. "I now nothing whatever about music." "Nothing?" Her eyes widened a lit tle. In her accent was mild wonder. He looked 'down at the shimmering white folds near his feet "In earlier eays'my environment was not exactly a musical one." "No? I suppose you were engaged a more practical concerns?" He did not answer directly. "Per aaps you wouldn't mind telling mo aomethlng about Itosslnl's music, Miss ."Wray?" "I tell you?" Her light silvery laugh aang out "And Captain Forsythe has nly been telling me all of us that you wero one of tbe best informed aaen he had ever met" "Yon see how wrong he was." Tbe abrupt appearance of tho mu atcians and the dissonances attendant a tuning interrupted her response. 4ttecle rose and was about to tako his departure when Sir Charles inter Tened. "Why don't you stay?" he asked, (with truo colonial heartiness. "Plenty f room! Unless you'vo a better place! Two vacant chairs!" John Steele looked around. He saw three vacant chairs and took one a lit 'tie aside and slightly behind tho young girl, while the governor's wife, who bad moved from tho front at tho con clusion of tbo previous act now re turned to her place next her niece. During tire act sonio ono enmo In and took a seat In tho background. If Btoelo heard ho did not look around. His gaze remained fastened on tbo stage. Between him and It or them, arfs gayly attired illusions a tress of soldon hair sometimes Intervened, but be did not move. Through threads Hke woven flashes of light he regarded the scene of tho poet's fantasy. Did they make her n part of It did they com to tho man tho fautnuy's Intangi ble medium, Its Imagery? Threads of gold, threads of melodyl Ho saw tho former, heard tho latter. He seemed content with a partial view of tho stage and so remained until tho cur tain went down, Tho girl turned. In fcer eyes was a question. "Beautiful!" said tho man, looking at SmM "Charming! What coloratura! And tbe bravura 1" Captain Forsythe ap plauded vigorously. "You've never piet Lord Ronsdalo, I believe, Mr. SteeloV" Sir Charles' voice, close to his car, inquired. "Ird Itonsdalor John Steele look ed perfunctorily around townrd tho back of tho box and saw thero a face faintly Illumined in the light from tbe Uge, a cynical fnqo, white, mask-like, Had his own features not been set frew the partial glow that sifted up ward the sudden omotlon that swept teelVa countenance would have been (To Be Continued.) SPECIAL NOTICE People of Of Importance to the Medford. Charles Strang desires to an nounce to the renders of tho Mai Tribune that he has been able to secure the agency for Parisian Snpe, the marvelous dandruff euro and de lightful hair dressing. Charles Strang is glad to state that Parisian Snge is a rigidly guar anteed hair invigorator. It cures dandruff in two weeks by killing the dandruff microbes; it stops falling hair, itching scalp and splitting hair or money back. It is a most pleasant hair dressing, especially for Indies, as it causes the hair to grow in thickly and makes it luxuriant and lustrous. The price is only 50 cents a large bottle at Chas. Strang's. AND NOTICE TO CONTKAOTOJRS BUILDERS. Notice is hereby given that the board of directors of school district No. 49, Jackson county, Oregon, will receive bids for the erection of an annex to tho Washington school, In cluding a heating plant to he install ed in the whole building, as per plans and specifications now on file In my office; Also will receive bids for tho erec tion of an East Sldo ward school building as per plans and specifi cations now on file in my office; all bids to be given separately on mason work, woodwork, electric work, plumbing and heating. All bids to bo accompanied with certified check for G per cent of amount of bid. Board reserves tbe right to reject any , and all bids. Bids to bo filed by Juno 22 bj 7:30 p. m. ORIS CRAWFORD, Tho second nuntml series of tour naments held by tho Southern Ore gon Tennis association opened this morning at 9:30 o'clock on tbo Onk dnlo courts. Tho following clubs aro cempeting: Grants Pnss Tennis club, Ashland Tennis club, Jacksonville Tennis club, Tnlent Tennis club ami tho Oukdnlo Tenuis club of iTcdford. Tbe program is us follews: Friday Fornoon. 9:30 Tnlent vs. Medford, Indies singles; Grants Pnss vs. Jacksonville, Indies' singles. 11:00 -Ashland vs. Grants Pnss, meu's siugles; Medford vs. Talent, men's singles. Friday Aftrnuon. 2:00 Ashland vs. Jacksonville, men's singles; Ashland vs. Grants Pnss, Indies' singles. 3:00 Seini-finnls, men's siuglos; semi-finals, Indies' singles. 4:00 finals, men's singles, Indies' singles. Saturday Forenoon, 9:00 Grants Pass vs. Medford, ladies' doubles; Ashland vs. Tnlent, ladies' doubles. 10:00 Ashland vs. Tnlent, men's doubles; Grants Pnss vs. Jackson ville, men's doubles. 11:00 Medford vs. Grants Pass, men's doubles; Jacksonville vs. Ash land, ladies' doubles. Saturday Afternoon. 1:30 Scmi-f innls, men's doubles; Grants' Pass vs. Jacksonville, mixed doubles. 2:30 Medford vs. Ashland, mixed doubles; Grants Pnss vs. Tnlent, mixed doubles. 3:30 Semi-finals, mixed doubles; finals, mixed doubles. . 4:30 Finnls, mixed doubles. For the Finest Bakery Products Staple & Fancy Groceries TRY US Wo enn boast of hundrods of untisfiod ouatomors pcoplo who know that thoy aro gotting full vnluo for ovory cent spent in this store. ARE YOU ONE? Givo us a trial and you'll bocomo ono. Allen 6 Reagan CORNER MAIN AND CENTRAL AVENUES. Medford Iron Works E. E. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinory. Agonts in Southern Ore gon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. V. V, MANHKN ------ TOM MOFFAT Wo nuiko nny kind and stylo of Windowo. Wo carry Glass of any sizo on hand. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Oregon, t For Sale Land that will out six crops of alfalfa a year. U. S. Govornmont irrigation. If you aro intorostod, address S. F, EHORN & SON ORLAND, CALIF. RESOLVED Tbo best rouolutlon for you to innko In to oonio to (or your next milt, if you want something out of the ordinary. Wo do tho boHt work and ohargf the lovrent prices. W. W. EIFERT TKB FROaRtlBsIVB TAILOl Haskins for Health WRIGHTS INVESTMENTS 20 acres fine land, set to apples and pears, yearlings; one milo from Central Point; $0000, half cash, easy terms on balance. 3 acres adjoining city, neat house nnd outbuildings, fine irriga tion plant, splendid track farm nnd subdivision proposition, at a bargain price for a fow days. Modern 7-room house on choice street, finely finished and a choice homo for less than it will cost you to build. If you want a choice home let us show you this one. 3-room house, nico lot and fruit trees, in fine location; for quick sale, $850. Fine corner lot, close to Oakdale, in good location, for fow days at $450; it's a bargain. Oak Ridge is the new addition where yda get fino lots, with shade trees, and at right prices; 10 per cent cash and 10 per cent per month. Don't fail to "get in" on this and get your lots reserved. 3 fino lots, SQxl&Vo, in fine loca tion, a money-making buy at $305 each; $100 sash will h andlo them. J. Bruce Wright & Co. 132 WEST MAIN. PHONE 2691. J. E. ENYART, President JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. J. A. PERRY, Vico-Prosidcnt. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't CnBhior. The Medford National Bank Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $10,000 SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS " TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. Roanoke Roanoke PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Rensonnblo COFFEEN . PRICE jj 11 North D St.. Medford, Ore. Phone 303 70 Clerk. XOTICE OP AXNUAIi SCHOOL MEETING. Notice la hereby given to tho legal voters of school district No. 49 of Jackson county, State ot Oregon, that, tho annual school meeting of said district will bo held at high school building, to begin at tbo Lour of 2 o'clock p. m. on tho third Monday of June, being tbe 20th day of Juno, A.. D. 1010, and polls to remain open) until G o'clock p. m. j This meeting Is called for tho pur poso of electing ono director for tho torm of flvo years and tho transac tion of business usual at such meet ing. Dated this Gih day of Juno, 1910. J. H. COCHRAN, Chairman Board of Directors. Attest; ORIS CRAWFORD, 72 Clerk. ViT2W vllC,W rjlHMHBpppV FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. Jersey Cow. Wanted First class fresh Jersey giving not less than 12 quurts per day at least. Address Oak Vale Or- ohards, Larkin Roynolds, supt.. WANTED! Thinners to thin fruit Talent Orchard Co. Talent Oregon. Buy Where Yon Get Your Moneys Worth When wanting high-grade Ice Cream or Sherbets in any quantity we are at your service. QUALITY is our watchword. You remember the QUALITY long after the price is forgotten. We have our own delivery and can supply you with milk, cream and buttermilk. Ask your grocer for our Creamery Butter. Rogue River Creamery PHONE NO 2681 134 N. RIVERSIDE AVENUE One of the Most Beauti ful Resident Sections of Medford Roanoke Addition is just far enough out to elim inate all noise and bustle of tho business section and yet it is just right for tho man who is in business. Only ten minutes' walk from tho railroad. This is becoming ono of tho most finished residence districts of Medford. Tho lots all face on Main streot and Roso avenue. Ccmont sidewalk nil in. Sewer nnd wntor mains laid Tho lots aro high and sightly, which gives them a great advantage. Building re strictions $2000. There are already several fino now cottages on tho property. These lots are quite large, being 50x137, which gives plonty of room for garden and garage and other necessary buildings. Come and make your sqlcctions early. Prices $735 to $750 for east nnd west front lots. J. W, DRESSIER AGENCY Selling Agents Roanoke Roanoke i-.. Special Rates GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 209 West Mnin St., Medfoid, Ore. Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED- GRANITE for tho Portland Rose Festival JUNE 6THTO 11TH on tho Southern Pacific Comp'y (Lines in Oregon) of ONE and ONE-THIRD FARE PROM ALL POINTS IN OREGON Salo Bates TJVom Roseburg and all stations north thereof, including all branches, Juno 6th, 8th and 10th. From all stntions south of Roseburg, Juno 5th, 6th and 8th. Final return limit Juno 15th, For further particulars as to rates, etc, apply to any S. P. Agont or to WM. MoMURRAY, General Passenger Agent. Portland, Oregon. sound MCpd kU lip- Woodville, Or, 72 I. ,.n-fc.Vl-W-jWM.- v.