:sssw;5ssSii.' MEDlTOftD MAIL 'J.'niBTJNB, MlSDgOBD, OltHQON, FRIDAY, JONE 10, 3910. T SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Col. floors P. Mima o Tolo wiui u Muilfont vlnlior Kriiluy. Hiiimoii Iioho, Mookor'H. 70 l'niiloiiuii Imvo lii'im Knuiloil to Iho following iiooplo of fcioutlmm OrKJ Find JIuiihoii, of MiiilolYil, nuklio;K. K. Hodfiolil, of GImhIiiIo, hhmIkhot to J. Stuvuim Ann anil Tool Co., of Clii oopoo KuIIh, Miihh., two pulmilH on io poling i'i ihiii-h; (Iohi-ko Jlrwlloy of OriintH 1'iiKH, plpo V. 0. Oil unit wifo of Hugo, clotlum Ioiikh. MIhh ihth l''rnHoii h viHilliiK In Mudi'onl. TrtiukH ut HjKKilul piicoH. Mook oi'h. 70' A. llinlt of AhIiIuiuI wiih in Motl ' ford Tlinrmluy in tho InturoBt of tlio noniial Huhool ut that pluco. Don't work yonrnolf to duatli. Huy a typuwrilor at tliu Afarrivold . uhop, 70 Mrn. Clino and hur alrtlor, Mm. Arnold, loft Wednesday ovoniiiK fr l'ortlmuJ. Mru. Clino will conllnno her jonrnoy to her homo In Canada after Hooinir tho toho hIiow, whilo Mrn. Arnold will nittirn to Mudford. Curtain nuln for tho bunuulowjit Mookur'n. 70 Tho addition of quality and homo oomfortrt will bo Qiiuoii Anno water, Howor and paved HtroolH building ro fioiiHtruoliouH. Heo MoUiiIIiiiii, Hotel Niuh. tf Iloriiory Hpecials at Mcukor'H Juno olearanco Halo. 70 Don't you want u box of Whit iiiuii'rf cumlvf Oh, my! H'b lino. Tho Morrivold hIiod hoIIh it. 70 C-H corsotn in all tho now modolH at M-kor'8. 70 MtiiuiKur Itoblo of iho California Ho.v Kaotory uunounocB that tho f au to ry will Ktart up about tho l'ili of thiH month with a fill foroo of men and will run full time for tho re mainder of tho HOIIHOII. Xuw Koodrt every day at Mooker'ii. 70 Visit tho Morrivold Bhop for niiigii tiuoH, bookH, Btationery, eto. Whoro in Medford can you not hot ter values than in Queen Anno addi tion 1 Did you notion tho out of tho now puhlio school to bo erected in Queen AimuT Got busy. Tho pres ent prico won't last long, tf See those beautiful ouo-piee'e dresses. Meeker's. 70 Oakdale Park addition is popular. Kmil Huhr and Walter .1. linn just purehased block 1 and will Imme diately erect two $.'1,000 huui;alnw8 on Bitiue. Hotter uet a block in Oak dale Park addition. Spocial prices on all white em broidery dresses. Meeker's. 70 Monduy morning Chief Clerk Mne dtiff of tho forest service of this city and O. 0. Oiuin went lo the Oregon cava and will srrvoy the name and look over the posihiliticsof a power site to furnish electric light for tho oaves. It la likely that the caves will be put into good shape and arrange inents made to put in experienced guides to conduct visitors through tho wondoroiiB caverns. Grunts Pass Ohsorver. Seo Meeker's windows. 70 Itichard Travonv , one of tho most successful prospectors in Southern Oregon, was in Medford Thursday from his claims on tho head of Little Applegate. Seo tho auto hair nets at the Spi rella Corset Parlors. Q. E, Nouber of .Jacksonville was a Medford visitor Tuesday. All silk skirts to $8.G0, sale $5.00. Mookoc's. 70 O. W. llarrou of Ashland was in Medford Thursday on hufliuoss. Have you seen tho now hair wavorsT Qivoa tho marcel wavo without boat. Spirolln Corset Par lors, John Doosou of Talent was in town Friday morning, nooompauiod by A. P. Talent. 2000 yards fancy ribbons, 35o val ues, snlo 10c Meokois. 70 D. L. Day wbb nt Cold Hill Friday, looking aftor businoss mutters. WoIIb dug, wallod nnd jugged. Rook woIIb a spooialty. Tims. Mo Halo, 320 North Holly St. Phono No. 2103. T. W. llookett of Talons was in Medford Friday looking aftor busi ness interests. All men's straw hats. Meeker's. 70 Mrs. O. II. HitHkius was at Wood villo Friday looking after hov orchard interests there. Tho vote for goddoss of liberty ut Jacksonville on July 4' is now open. Tickets on salo ut Russell's oonfoo tionory store and Nash Hotel and llaskius' drug store. Coutost closes Juno 28 at (I p. m. Mrs. T. C. Stuart of Oakland, Cal., is in Medford looking over tho coun try. Dig values in Hummer parasols, Mookor's. - 70 W. r. Vawtor, Portor J. Noff and District Allornoy Mulkey were at Ashland Friday taking testimony in chambers in tho divorce cass of High vs. High. R, F. Colo of OoloB, Cal., wuh a Medford visitor Thursday. nnflkiiiB tov noulth. J. II, Chambui'H of Cottage ClroVo is in Medford looking afler busiucHB matters. Win, Jones, Jr., and family of Bea gle wore in Medford tthis week visit ing friend and laying in slimmer sup plies. J. I). FoiihIoiib of Sacramento is registered at the Moore. Tho Junior Uiblo society meets at the homo of Until and Ksther Warner Saturday afternoon at 2:110 o'clock. Tho LudioH' Aid society of tho Presbyterian church will bo enter tained by Mrs. Farrar at Gold Way next Tuesday, They will leave Med ford on tho 8:04 a. in, train and re turn at H.'IIO, All tho ladies are in vited. C-H corsets, Meeker's only, 70 P. A. Itotbroek of Ios AngcloB, Cal., is visiting business acquaint ances in Medford. Mrs. Minnio Kelly of Jacksonville visited relatives in Medford this wook. 1). W. Mooro of Toledo. Ohio, is hero on a visit to relatives and friends. A. M. Holms of Antelope Creek was in Medford Friday on business. Theo. Cameron of Jacksonville was at- Ashland Friday and Saturday on a business trip. Jeff Hamlin of Climax district was in Medford Friday on business. David Ittuiiloy lenves Saturday for Ft. Klamath, where he will spend the summer. Hnjnb Bilk, 7fic value o0c, Mook or's. 70 h. It. Anderson of Eugene is in the Itogue Itiver valley examining tho country. Mr. Anderson is looking for an ideal location, and has certainly found tho ideal spot. E. C. Pomeroy of Meadows spent Thursday night in Medford. Mrs. J. F, Roddy is visiting Miss Juno Howling at the hitter's homo in Sacramento. Lawn waists, $1.W) valueB 00c, Meeker's. 70 Mrs. Hurrv Foster is among thoho who lire taking in the rose carnival. A. W, Lacey and wifo start Satur day for an overland trip to Klamath Falls, expecting to bo gone for a month. O. E. Hissell is rapidly pushing his new residence on North Central avo iiiio -to completion, and it will soon bo ready for oocupnney. Hargains at Meeker's June clear ance. 70 F. A. Smith has resigned from the Rogue River Fleet rio company to be come hecrojary to John It. Allen. H. It. Patterson is oxpeeting the ar rival of oGorge Woodbury and fam ily of Chicago, who are coming to make their homo in tho Rogue River valley. Mr. and Mrs. I'd Nichols of Loin wore in Medford this week looking after business affairs. Reddisodc bats at Meeker's. 70 Tom Miles, who has been visiting in Jackson county for tho past week, loft Friday for Klamnth Fnlls. Dr. J. F. Roddy has returned from Portland, whoro ho was a dofendnut in tho civil suit brought against Ore gon Trust officials and himself bv Receiver T. C. Devlin. Tho decision will not bo announced for some time. Ho states that ho not only had tho prosecution but the threo uowspucrs of Portland to fight. Seeo silk on sale. 30c, MookorV. 70 Thos. 1). Ross of Control Point wus in Medford Thursday afternoon on business. Manager C. W. Wilmoroth of tho Fruit Growors' exchange hnB returned from a businoss trip to Grants Pass. Ho slates that all but ono growor in that section has agreed to join tho association. June clearance at Mookors's. 70 II. D. Newton of Kugono wuh in Medford on business Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hoook have re turned from their trip to tho Port land Rose Carnival. Mrs. M, E. Yaokoy is visiting Mrs. h. E. Whittiug at tho Riverside ranch on Roguo rivor. GOVENORVESSEYWINS i OUT IN SOUTH DAKOTA BIOUX KAMA 8. 1)., Juno 10. ( Alt factious today concodo tho ropub-l llcan gubernatorial nomination to! Governor Vosney. IIIb nrogroBHlvo ropubllean opponent was Q. W. Egan, who ran well. Tlio romnlndor of tho Htato ticket was clouoly contested. Young Folks MERRICK APPOINTED PORTLAND POSTMASTER f f WASHINflTON. D. C Juno IT ---- ' --- - --F .10. Charles II. Merrick to- day wiib nominated poatmnB- ler at Portland, Ore, by Prnawl.ml Tuff. YOUTH IS DROWNED IN COOS BAY TODAY MAKSIIFIELD. Or., Juno 10. fll liort Martin, Aged 13, of San Joso, Cal., was drained In Coob Bay thla forenoon and Eclirln Dolplia, a young nmn whoso homo Is at 3C3 Douglas street, Son Francisco, who was with Martin, narrowly escaped with his lift.. Tho young men had ventured far out In tho buy In a leaky rowboat. Neither of them know how to han dle the craft to gain tho uhoro when It began to flit with wator. Ab a ro Btilt they Jumped ovorboard and at tempted to swim to land. Martin soon grow weak and iiurod o sink. Dolph attempted to take him to shore, but after Martin line! pulled him under wator several Huicb ho was compelled to lo go his hold to uavo bin own life. Tho body was washed toward tho ocean by tho outgoing tide. It Iiob not been recovered. HAMILTON WILL FLY ABOUT GOVERNORS ISLE NEW YORK, Juno 10. Aviator Hamilton will attempt a round trip from Governors Island, New Yoric, to Philadelphia tomorrow if weather conditions are favorable, The total distance is ISO miles. All records will be broken if ho succeeds. Hamilton's ucroplano has been taken to tho island an nrraucments are completed for the fliht. Ho ex poets to rench Philadelphia at 0 o'clock and reach Governors Island on tho return trip nt noon. CANADIAN PACIFIC CRASHES INTO ROCK WINNIPEG. Man.. Juno 10. A Canadian Pacific freight train crash ed into a boulder on tho mnln lino near Port Coldwoll, 200 miles oast of Port Arthur today. Tho train piling ed Into Luko Superior, carrying with It freight train and crow. Tho doad are: Englneor Whoatly. Flroman Clark. Urnkoinnn McMillan. Tho moil all llvod at Schrolbor, Out. TWO CENT FARE IS BLOCKED IN OKLAHOMA CUSTOMS RECEIPTS ARE LARGER UNDER TARIFF WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 10. Customs receipts for tho first nine mouths under tho now tariff law havo been greator than ovor before in a like period, according to a statement issuod today by tho bureau of sta tistics, department of commerce and labor, Tho rooeipts ainouiitod to $2.r)0,l 12,000. Merchandise valued at $001,630,000 was admitted. This was also tho greatest amount ad mitted to tho United States in a pe riod of nino months. JURY IN LEAVITT CASE CANNOT REACH VERDICT SEATTLE, Wash., Jiuio 10. Tho jury In tho easo of Ralph Loavltt of I,ob Angoles, chargod with inan- slaughtor for tho killing of ltaphaol Sogo, u sthroot owoopor, In Soptombor, 1008, failed to ngroo on a vordlct and was dlsohar&od thla noon, Tho mou stood 10 to 2 for acquit tal on tho final ballot. Thoy had been out bIuco G o'clnok last night. Tho cuso will bo trlod again In Sop tombor. OUTimiE. Okla., Juno 10. An Injunction restraining tho operation of tho Oklahoma two-cont paesongor ruto wub obtained today by tho Rock Island and St. Louts and San Fran cisco railroads from J ml go Hock of tho United Statos court of appeals. Tho companies will ro-cstabllah tho thrco-cout rato, It Is bollovod. Tho Santa Fo, Midland Vnlloy and Kaunas City Southern roads havo ob talnod Blmllar Injunctions. POSSE IS PURSUING LONE TRAIN ROBBER DALIIART, Texas, Juno 10.- Though a posso todny is pursuing tho lono bandit who hold up and robbed tho Pullman passongors on a train of tho El Paso Southwestern!! rail road near Carrizo, Ariz., last night, no traoo of him has boon found to day. Tho robbor is boliov(d to havo fled to tho mountains. Tho railroad officials todny offer u reward of $200 for tho capturo of tho bandit. According to offioinla of tho road, tho robbor soourod $21 in money and a largo amount of jowolry. BR0DIE DUKE TO WED FOR THE FOURTH TIME WASHINGTON, 1). C, Jno 10. Hrodio L. Duke, millionaire tobacco magnate, obtained a license today to marry Mylanta Roseholle, 22. This will bo Duko's fourth marriage. Clusters of lights along tho curbs would provo a thousand fold moro attractlvo than tho prosont ovorhoad lights, Why not chnngo tho systom, nt least on Main ntroot? It tho Htoro ada woro not worth your whilo thoy would not bo pub- llahod at all. CAPTURING WHALES. Prlmlllvo Molhodi Employed by In dian at Cape Flattery. Tho Indian whaling biiKluesM at Cape Flattery 1h ono of the lldilng Indus tries of Washington, and the capturo In carried on la the most primitive fashion. Thoy go out from tho shore In canoes whenever a whnle Is sighted. Tho harpoons aro fitted with u Docket, Into which tho harpoon stntr of solid yow Ib inserted. A lanyard Ave fath oms long has ono end fastened to tho harpoon head find tliu other end se cured to a buoy made of a hair seal skin taken off whole with the halrsldo in. Tho holes mn'do by the (Uppers and neck havo hollow wooden plugs, through which the Indian blown up tho nklu whilo fresh and hoft till It Is full of nlr, and when dried It la on tight as a drum and ns buoyant as a blndder. In attacking u whnle the harpoon Is driven into the blubber with great force, and tho Htaff of tho liarpoon comes out of tho socket, leaving tho barbed head firmly flxod In the whale's carcass, with tho sklu buoy floating at the other oud of the lanyard. Tho In dians get as many haritoons into tho whale us they can, and tho buoys pre vent his sinking. They then kill tho whale with their long lances, and when dead he Is towed ashore and the blub ber and meat teken off and divided. How to Make a Fire Balloon. Small Ore balloons arc easily made of tissue paper cdt into gores and then pasted together In tho shape of a bal loon, no silt: or hole being left by which any air might escape except ono at the mouth. A ring of thin wire is fastened to the mouth of tho balloon, .,. ii. . -frr5 Something Original Who Ever Heard of a Mid-Summer Sale of Silverware and Cut Glass IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW LINE OF GOODS SOON TO AR RIVE, I WILL DISPOSE OF MY ENTIRE STOCK OF SILVER PLAT ED WARE AND CUT GLASS AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE QUOTED and ucroHH this wire two other wires arc fastened In the bhape of the letter X. TlicM? wires nhould be a little de pressed where they cross each other. V. piece of cotton dipped In alcohol is placed In the depressed center of tho crossed wires, a light is applied, and directly the air Inside becomes heated tho balloon ascends. IN SOUTHERN OREGON. Read the list you are sure to find something you need: Rogers Bros.' 1847 Triple Plate Teaspoons, $2.00 per set, at ..$1.15 Teaspoons, $2.50 per set, at.. .$1.25 Dessert Spoons, $4.50 per set, at $2.25 Dessert Forks, at $4.50 per set, at $2.30 Dessert Forks, $4.50 per set, at : $2.55 Cold Meat Forks, $1.25, at 70c Berry Spoons, $1.50, at $1.10 Butter Knives, $1.00, at 50c Sugar Shells, $1.00, at 45c Children's sets, $2.50 ..,....$1.15 Knives, per set, $5.50 $3.60 One set in case of 26 pieces, $20.00 $12.20 Surprising values in the famous linger Bros.' Cut Glass. Nappies, $1.50, at 95c Nappies, $2.50, at $1.30 Nappies, $3.50, at '.'. $1.96 Nappies, $2.75, at $1.55 Sugar and Cream Sets, $5.50, at $3.00 Berry Bowls, $9.00 $5.75 Berry Bowls, $5.00 $3.00 Vase, $4.50 $2.75 Water Set, $13.00, at 7.10 Celery Dishes, $4.50, at $2.65 Comforts, $4.50, at :. $2.70 Comforts, $5.50, at $3.60 Water Bottle, $5.00, at $2.90 THIS SALE WILL RUN SATURDAY AND MONDAY, JUNE 11TH AND 13TH. WATCH WINDOW DISPLAY. GEORGE A. BUTT The Jeweler 206 West Main - - - Medford, Or. I Stool of Repentance. Tho players sit In a circle, In the center of which a stool is placed. One of the company goes out of tho room, and tho rest say all sorts of things about him. Ior Instance, one will say ho Is handsome, another that he is clever or stupid or vain. The "cul prit" is then called back into the room and seats himself ou the stool, which Is called "the stool of repentance," and ono of the players begins to tell him tho different charges which have been nrndo against him. "Some one said you were vnln. Can you guess who It was?" If tho culprit guesses correct ly he takes his scat in tho circle, and the person who made the accusation becomes tho "culprit" In his stead. If, however, tho "culprit" Is unablo to guess correctly ho must go out of the room again whilo fresh charges aro mado against him. LOCUSTS DESTROYING CROPS OF YUCATAN EL PASO, Tex.. Jne 10. The crops of Ycntnn aro threatened with de duction by locusts. In some places thoy havo come in dark clouds suf ficient to obscuro tho sun. The olnnters aro uunblo to combat this because of the uprising of the Maya Indians and tho necessity of protecting their land. Many of the young men aro enlisting with the main nrmy, whilo others aro joining tho rebels, who hopo to throw off tho Mexican yoke. 250 structural workers will have joined the strikers before the end of the week. The majority of those who struck today were einployad by j tho Llewellyn Iron Works. STRUCTURAL MEN JOIN METAL WORKERS' STRIKE The Chlneie Tea Table. This Is a game to amuse small chil dren. The players Bit in u circle, aud each ono takes tho namo of somo ar tlclo used at the tea table, such as tea, sugar, cream, cake, etc. Tea begins. Sho rises and turns round and round lu her place, saying: "I turn Tea. Who turns Sugar?" Then Sugar begins to turn, saying: "I turn Sugar. Who turns Milk? Milk begins to turn, saying: "I turn Milk. Who turns OrcauiT" Cream turns, saying: "I turn Cream. Who turns Hot Water V" And bo ou with rolls, Jam, mutlius, cako or auythlug that can bo thought of for tea, even to napkins and dishes, if there aro many playing, till all are turning. Thoy must continue till tho leader claps her hands and calls out "Clean tho table!" when all sit down In their chairs again. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Juno 10. Fifty structural iron workers today joined tho motnl workers' strike. They walked out in compliance with an order issued by tho structural iron workers' union. Lnbor lenders predicted today that DALZELLCRIES FRAUD IN PRIMARY ELECTION Just a Story Riddle.. Who Is tho oldest lunatic on record? Time out of mind. Why Is a doctor llko a woodcock? Boeauso ho presents a long bill. Whoa does a farmer double up a aheep without hurting It? When ho folds It. Which Is tho rudest bird In exist ouco? Tho mocking bird. At what ago should a man marry? At tho parsonage. Why Is a eoiichman llko tho clouds? nocnuHe ho holds tho reins Valley Forge, Oh. that cruel winter In Valley Forge, wnero wnsmiik'iotra nrmy loy! For houses they Imllt them lm(s of logs Ana n u oil tiiflin m with clay. Thoy had few lilankote ana fow clothes Atnl Hpnrt'A nnntlirh In nut Anil ofton In tho snow thoy tramped Willi Dtiro nan im'emnff roet, But cheerfully thoso hardy men isndured ench ton ana euro When Wushlnulon lioglde the- stood And nobly Dors ins uliaro. Iluskins .for Health. (Continued.) In my last I told you whero I came from nnd my reasons for ontoring tho ronl cstato business, but maybe you do not euro what my roasons nro. If so, it may interest you to know what my roasons aro in regard to just nnd honest dealing. That may intorest you. I hopo so, anyway. I am iu this gamo to stay. All tho land in this valloy must bo out just as you would do with a big wedding cako, and nil those outs must bo sold ovor and over again. So you seo that a man who establishes a reputation for squaro dealing is going to got a part of this business, and I am forming my plans accordingly, so you'll find mo looking out for your interest as woll ns my own, and nil tho timo trying to bo closo to date and a liv ing member of our growing popula tion. If you don't wish to buy, send your friends to mo just to bo shown. George F. Dyer Room II, P. 0. Block, Medford. (Ruisod in Now Sharon, Me,) PITTSBURG, Pa., June 10. Rep resentative John Dalzcll today pre sented a4petitiou to the county com missioners charging fraud nnd irreg ularities in twenty-five precincts dur ing Saturday's primary election. It is believed the commissioners wll or der n recount iu 00 out of the ICG election districts in Dalzell's district. A hot contest betweeu Dalzell and Dr. Robert J. Black for tho congres sional nomination was fought out to day nt tho primaries. Dalzell was nominated. His action iu charging irregularities came as a surprise Rardon's Specials for SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ICE CREAMS PINEAPPLE STRAWBERRY VANILLA CHOCOLATE MAPLE NUT BISQUE PINEAPPLE AND LEMON ICE SPECIAL FANCY DISHES AT THE FOUNTAIN CHOP SUEY SUNDAE CANTALOUPE SUNDAE PEACH MELBA SUNDAE APRICOT N0UGET SUN DAE FRUIT SALAD SUNDAE MARASCHINO SUNDAE WALNUT CREAM SUNDAE FANCY EGG DRINKS AND FROZEN NOVELTIES. -" - FOR SATURDAY BAR- DON'S BAKERY WILL OF- FER THE GREATEST AS- S0RTMENT OF FANCY CAKES AND APPETIZING NOVELTIES EVER SHOWN IN MEDFORD. Send a Messenger that will meet with the ap proval of the recipient of your message. Any old kind of a messenger won't answer. Tho hest should always be sent "if" you wish the re cipient to pass a favorable verdict. What you think about busi ness stationery isn't quite so important as what your corre spondent thinks. Don't buy Tit Uau Jar J fiifar fr btiitl liatumtry n mkr( wm "Leetjtr tki vmlirutark" because it pleases you, but because it influences the man you write in your favor. Old KAurnimi Bono U a clean, crUp Piper, mde lor clean, crop butlnui folki. It i wld on lit ajumptlon that theru't economy in quality. A nandsuoM pecimn book given upon rrquctt, how. inz letterheads and other buiineit forms, printed, lithographed and engraved oo the white and lourteen colore. Made bv If auhhibk PArax CoMrANV, the nly paper makers in die world making bond ?apcr excliuively. Medford Printing Co. 38 SOUTH CENTRAL ATX H