MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, PREPAY. JUNE 10, 1!)10. !i It?. If Medford Mail Tribune Complete Scries! Tlitrty-nlnth Year; Dally, Firth Tear. PVB&XSXSD DAIX.Y S3COEPT SATUB SAT BY THE MESrO&B PRXirrtNO oo. A cormolldatlon of the Medford Mall, Ubllalicd 1889; the Southern Ore- fjnlnn, established 1902 tho Democratic lines, established 1875: tho Ashland Tribune, established 1896. and tho Med ord Tribune, established 1906. OEOnarc PUTNAM, Editor and Manager Entered ns Bccond-class matter No rember 1, 1909, nt tho Dostofflco at Medford, Oregon, under the act of MSXCn 3, 1878. Official Paper of tho City ofMcdford BtrBSCBXTXION &ATSS. One year by mall , J5.00 One month by mall 50 Per month, delivered by carrier, In Medford, Ashland, Jacksonville, Talent, Phoenix, Central Point, Gold Hill and Woodvlllo 50 Sunday only, by mall, per year.... 2.00 Weekly, per year ... 1.50 tUl SM(d Wire tTnlttd Press Sis patches. The Mall Tribune Is on sale at the Ferry News Stand, San Francisco. Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland. Bowman News Co., Portland, Or. W. O. Whitney, Seattle. Wash. Hotel Spokane News Stand, Spokane, Postage Bates. 8 to 12-pago paper lc 12 to 24-page paper. ................ .2o 24 to 58-paKO paper 3c COURTS AND "INTERESTS." SCTOBBT CmOUJUATIOH. .Average Dally for November, 1909 1,700 December, 1909 1,842 January, 1910 1,925 February, 1910 2,122 March. 1910 2,203 April, 1910 2,301 SKAT CIBCTOATlOir. 17 2560 IS 2560 1 S400 2 2350 S 2350 4 2400 S 2400 ( 2400 8 2400 f 2400 ae 2425 12 2500 IS 2550 35 ,...3300 1 2550 Total 65,100 Xess deduction and special edition 1,400 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 .2550 .2550 35G0 1550 2500 2500 2500 , 2500 ........ .2550 , 2500 2500 63.700 Average net dally. 2450. STATE OF OREGON, County of Jack son, a: On this 1st day of May, 1910. per sonally appeared oeioro me, v. mi num. manager of the Medford Mall Tri bune. who, upon oath, acknowledged that the above figures are true and correct. Seal) H. N. YOCKEY. Notary Public for Oregon. XEOrOBS, OBEOOV. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California and fastest-growing city In Oregon. Population. 1910. 9.000. Bank deposits, $2,750,000. Banner fruit city of Oregon Rogue Silver apples won sweepstakes prize and Ttltle of "Apple Xlngs of the World" it National ..pple Show. Spokane, 1909. Rogue River pears brought highest J (rices in all markets of the world dur ng the past five years. Write Commercial Club, enclosing 6 cents, for postage on finest community pamphlet ever written. A California county lias placed u 'bounty upon bluojays. What a for tune would bo realized if there was a 'bounty on other kinds of jays. A poor way to build up a city is to hold your city property at au ex orbitant fiRue, so no one can afford fto buy and erect a building yet that is what many Medford people are doing. "The New York Evening Post iprinted over one of its dispatches -tljese headlines: "Roosevelt im pressed ox-president silent before before tomb of Napoleon." And the the New York World call this "Na poleon's greatest victory." Tomorrow Ashland votes on the trolley franchise. All profess to want & trolley lino, yet some would sur round the franchise with impossible conditions, and render it impossible ito finance. It is the old struggle be itween progressives and conservatives, ' but Ashland is becoming progressive. The Ashland Tidings is getting yel 'low. It is actually using black type in its news heads and some are as large as 18 point. But its contem porary, the Valley. Reoord, atones for lits sister's sins bv coming out in the smallest typo possiblo and it will isoon require n microscope to read it. The Vision. "Do you know the pull of the wind on tho scat That is the thought of you over my heart; The long, soft breath of the soul drawing back to mo F.rom the desolate home of outer space .At tho dead of night when wo are apart. 'Do you know tho sound of the surf ' , on tho shore .. rAt the Hlnc close of a soft spring day! That "is tho fairy music I hear once more -As I remember your last farewell 'In tho blue still night when you are . away. And the wondrous round of thi moon on tho hill. When tho blue dusk covers Hut rim of tho sea? Moro dosired and strange and loved and lovelies still Js "tho vision that comes with lovo in her eyes Your wondorful eyes forever to me, -Bliss Carman. Ur-pILE time has oomo," says tho Stalcm Joiii'iinl, "to liberate the supreme court from selfish interests, political, or capitalistic, or socialistic." Then it adds: "The two republicans and two democrats whose terms expire this year should bo re-elected." The Journal is malting an argument for a non-partisan judiciary, and therefore, because two of the members of the present supreme court are labeled republicans and two are labeled democrats, calls it a "non-partisan" court and urges its retention. There is so little difference between republicans and democrats nowadays that it is doubtful if oven the su preme court could define it. What is a democrat? "What is a republican1? Each party is split in irreconcilable fac tions, and tho factious of each have more in common with factions of the other party than with each other. A greater danger in Oregon than partisan control (for there are no party organizations in the state) is mossbaclt control, and that is what's the trouble with the present supreme court. It is a greater misfortune to the progress of the state to have small-minded men on the bench than it is to have all of them wearing the label of one party. It is a greater evil to have justices who will construe the law one way one time to favor certain localities, and reverse themselves a few days later by construing it an other way for another locality, than it is to have all repub licans or all democrats on the bench. It is worse for Oregon to have a supreme bench that will construe the constitution broadly to increase its own membership and raise the salaries of its members, and the next month construe it narrowly to block the development of the state, than it is to have a court chosen from one po litical party. There is a greater danger in a court that will decide in accord with the. prejudice of a reactionary environment apparently to strengthen itself politically, than it is to have one whose members all wear a common party label. Not only should the supreme court be liberated from selfish interests, political, capitalistic, or socialistic, as the Journal suggests, but it should also be liberated from mossbackism. The way to eliminate the supreme court from selfish interests and mossbackism is to elect a new set of justices and it makes little difference what party they profess allegiance to, if they are big, broad-minded men, capable of growing with the natural expansion of Oregon. The kind of a supreme court needed is one that inter prets the law intelligently and fearlessly, one that be lieves in equality before the law, one uninfluenced by sel fish motives or public clamor, one that construes a narrow constitution broadly to meet the needs of a growing state, and, above all, always interprets the law so as to do justice, despite the mazes of technicalities. The present supreme court showed that it was actuated by selfish motives when it interpreted the constitution so as to permit of five justices at $4000 a year, when the con stitution says three at $1500. The present supreme court showed that it was unfair and prejudiced when it sustained violations of the consti tution permitting appropriations in the vicinity of the Wil lamette valley sections and held illegal appropriations for public improvement in southern Oregon, as in the Crater Lake highwaj" case. The present supreme court proved that it was unfit for re-election when, in the language of one of its own mem bers, it established one law for northwestern Oregon and another law for southern Oregon. Only one member of tho present supreme court proved himself big enough for the job, Justice King, who has on many occasions had to differ from his associates. No mat ter what his politics are, he alone is big enough for the job and should be re-elected. Mossbackism has long been the curse of Oregon. There is no better way to perpetuate it than by re-electing the present court as a whole. Yes, the time has come to liberate the supreme court and the people as well, and the way to do it is to elect three new justices. MACHINE GUNS FORMERS Attempts by Japs to Raid Seal Rook eries on Prlbytoff Island Will Do Mot by Fusllado From Undo Sam's Forces. VlCTOKIA. 11. C'Jimo 10. If the Jnnuneso poachers or any othors at tempt to raid tho Prlbylott Island sonl rookeries this yonr thoy will got a warm reception. Nowa was receiv ed hero today that tho United States government Is mounting machine guns at tho rookorlos nnd nnyouo attempting to land will bo treated to n fusllnde. Attomnts to raid tho rookorlos havo boon inado nt differ ent times and sometimes with suc cess. This year Bpecinl preparations are being matlo nnd It will go hard with anyone attempting to tako tho skins. No orders havo yot boon recolvod at EsqulmnI City In rognrd olthor of tho sloops of war going to Dohrlng sen tills year, neither lias Captain Vlvlnn, who la in chnrgo of tho sta tion, been notified whether tho Boh- rlng sen award Is still In forco. It is not customary for tho Drltlsh boats to go to sea until tho onon aenson commences in August, tholr object then being to provont tho Drltlsh seniors from doing nnythlng In con travention of tho awards. AGED KANSAS WIDOW KILLED-H0USE DURNED liKAVKNWORTII, lCun., ,111110 10. Tho discovery of finger prims early today, on tho window puuu of tho partially burned house whieh was tho homo of Mrs. Kiilhoiiu vScliiilr., an aged recluse who was inurduiod, lias given tho police a elow by which they hope to run down Hie layer of tho wealthy widow, Photographs havo boon imulo of Iho i'iiiKor prints, and thoso will lie compared with Ihoo of all known oriniinnls in tho Unitod'Slnlcs. KOHT ST. JAMKS, OX IiAKK 8TU AUT, nitlTISIl IHHiUMIUA. LOCATE GUANO CLAIMS ON KLAMATH ISLANDS Klamath Falls, Ore.. Juno 10. - Guano claims havo been located on numerous flouting islands in lower Klninnth lake by W. C. Smith nnd Georuo Harriman of Klamath Fall, who will develop them If tho govern ment does not interfere. Tho islands are included in the 7.".000 aero bird reserve of the United States. Tho islands vary in size from fraction of an acre to fifteen uorcn. Thoy rise and sink with tho action of the water. Millions of birds, most ly pelicans, blue herons, cranes nnd sea gulU. nest in the islands each winter. This Is destined to bo tho Portland of llrltlBh Columbia, on a naviga ble rlvor and deep water lako with two trains running In next fall, IiOttors pour Into our offlco all dny with applications for lota. To thoHo who cannot come In wo would do our utmost to mnko a Reed noloctlon. Prlcoa. $100 and ?200 each; cash $25, balanco $10 a month. A fow 10-ncro farms Joining lort St. Jnmoa townslto and Lake Stuart, $50 cntdi and 10 a month. You need not he a Canadian cltl- xen to hold this. You need not Im prove It, nor you need not retddo on It. All this land Is on or near tho rall-oads, Qrand Trunk Pacific, Alas ka Yukon and Canadian Northern railroads. Rich farm lands, $8.50 por acre, $3.00 cash, bnlnnco $1,00 per aero per year until paid. Apply Canadian Northern Land Company, 304, 305 nnd 300 Lowls building, Portland, Orogo t. tf Iste Theatre js? TO-NIGHT j& i - --4--- -" liihg' ClassVaudevill -- - -- --- --- ------ J SEYMOUR & MAY t JOLLY OHINAMAN AND SOUBRETTE Moving' Pictures LATEST ANIMATED MOVING PICTURES 1 THE UNMALLED LETTISH 2 PALEKAOE PRINCESS H CAPTAIN O.K THE GUARD t-CUEESE BOX ILLUSTRATED SONG, "SAY, BOYS, I'VE FOUND A GIRL." - --- ----- - A First-Olass Show Houso, Now, Oool, Clean, Delightful. MODKItX WOODMKV, ATTKNTION. Camp CO 13 will hold picnic at Lit tle Ilutte. tin P. & K. nt railroad bridge, Saturday. June 11. Drlng your family or beat girl; o,Uo a woll- fllled lunch box and come with tho crowd. Train leaves at 8 a. in., re turns at G p. in. Don't forgot the date. Invite your friends. Sixty cents roundtrlp fnro and children half faro, 70 (Signed) COMMITTEE. Singlo rooms or on suito also rooms with bath Uho finest Snmplo Rooms m tho city. Hotel Moore Firo Proof Rau-Mohr Company Proprietors. European Plan Cleanliness nnd Polite Treatment Our Motto. ltAHEIIAIiL. MEXICAN TROOPS WIN VICTORY IN YUCATAN MERIDA. Yucntnn, Juno 10. The federal troops dispntched to Yucatan to suppress tho rebellious JHiya In dians hnve won n decisive victory near vallndoliu, according to dis patches which reached hero today. Tho trovornment soldiers attacked the Indians on tho outskirts of Vnlla dolid, the city which the rebels pil laged after killing forty of its in habitants. Tho Indinns wore driven from trenches thoy hnd dug, into tho hills. They suffered sovoro losses. I. O. O. P. NOTICE. All Odd FVIInwH nnd Uubeknhs nro requested to meet at the hall nt 10:15 Sunday morning. Thoy will go fiom there In a body to the South Methodist e' urrh. where Itiv. Ooul- Tho baseball Kiitno Sunday butwoon der will deliver tho Memorial ad- Jacksonville and Medford on tho homo dress. In the afternoon tho graves In grounds promlno.i to bo one of tho the cemetery will be decorated. Thoso hardest fought games of tho season, going to the cemetery are requested Jacksonville bau two now players to meet at the hall at 2:30 p. in. 71 from Seattle, and havo beaten Central Point with case twlco In succession, nud are confident of winning Sun day's game from Medford. Tho Med ford plnyors claim that Jacksonville will have to play some ball to beat us. Don't uilcs this gnmo, tho best of tho noanos. r CUT OFF FOREST LAND BEST KNOWN FOR FRUIT SISSON, Cnl June 10. "Tho cut over land at the base of Mt. Shasta, extending from a few miles north of Sisson south almost to Dunsmuir, is the finest orchard lund in tho state," says J, M. Schulor, an old-timo mer chant of this place. "The people are beginning to find It out ,nnd I pre dict that in ten years these lands will be in as groat demand as that on Hood river in Oregon 'and near Grand Junction in Colorndo. "Only tho favored spots near Sis son havo been utilized," continued Mr. Schulor, "That is where- water was easily accessible whore tho land can bo covered by a ditch nt little expense, uiit water is cioso to tno surface all around hero, Pumping is a small item of expense compared to tho great profit to bo derived from orchard farming or truck farming," ANTI-COERCION LAW HELD UNCONSTITUTIONAL DENVER, Col., June 10. Tho anti-coercion law, which provides that no employer in Colorndo shall discharge an cmployo beemts'j ho is a member of a labor union has been dcclnred invalid by Judge Sullivan of Mesu county when rendering a de cision in tho suit of Lnbor Commis sioner Brack against Neill Bros., who operate a coal mine near Cameo. The mine operators had discharged 23 union men. The tntute was passed 20 years ago. Judgo Sullivan held that tho coer cion act was unconstitutional. Ho uphold the eight-hour dny, however, Leaders of labor unions sny today that the law was ono of tho strongest protection against unfairness to union men mat tney ever enjoyed within tho state flunking tor Eloalth For Sale 34 acres uudor ditch, close in; $7000. 100 acres, closo in, fine dairy nnd stock ranch, easy terms. 4 homesteads. Restaurant, a snap. Bakery, fine buy. 24 horses, from $75 up. West Walnut Park lots, tonus. 0-Itoom bungalow, $500 off price for quick sale. 2 lots and 2-room house, $850. 100 acros, $1000. Rooming houso, a money-maker. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 10 acres, incoino $750 this year. 4 automobilos. Fruit land ,closo in. 7 horses. FOR RENT. Housekeeping rooms. 0 rooms, bath, modern, $35, 5 rooms, modorn, $12, 7 rooms, $20. 4 rooms, modern, $12.50. 5 roohiB, modern, $15. 2 furnished houses, $25 and $35. WANTED. Young horse, harness and buggy; must bo a bargain. 15 men for ditch work, $2.50, Men, $2.50 per dny, and boaid $4.50, Chicken ranches. Ranch hands, $35 por month. Hay men, $1.50 por day. Girl for general housework. 25 wood clioppors, $1.50 cord, Wood cutters, $1 tier. E. F. ATllTTNER Medford Employment Bureau. Business chances, real estate, all kinds of hjp funiistiod nnd husinos.t chances handlod. Room 20fl, Taylor & Phlpps Bltlp. Phono 4141 Main. If You Are Looking for a Money Maker INVESTIGATE THIS 50 Acres of the finest hillside land in tho valley, ono mile from .Tnckson ville on main road and every inch can be utilized. Sightly building spot. Price $225. Good terms. The Best Low Price Proposition 1160 Acres on tho Antelope Creek, in ono body. This is a great bargain for the price asked. You'll havo to hurry to got this at $35 por acre. Investigate This Before You Buy 19 Acres adjoining Burroll Orchard on tho south. 5 Acres bearing peaches. 1 1-2 Acres bearing pears. 1 Acre bearing Spits. 9 1-2 Acres 1-yoar-old Bartlotta. 2 Acres bearing Bon Davis. 9 1-2 Acres poach fillers. House 6 rooms; barn, good condition; ono span fino mares, wagon, hack and buggy; all implemonts.including spraying machine This is the best buy on the market barring none. If interested, call for price and terms, which cannot bo boat. How is this' for a mid-season bargain? How is This for a Mid-Season Bargain? 19 Acres, 11-4 mile from Phoenix dopot; soil slightly gravol; 6-year-old apples and peaches; 2 houses, ono built of concrete; good barn, somo alfalfa. Price, $4500; $2000 cash, balance good terms. Walter L. McCallum HOTEL, NASH LOBBY , 1MHMBip,,,,! 'WlM. KM UUM'