mi ii imMi'H'rin' .j.-v-.- "xsr"0 TIIIC WEATHER. Medford Mail Tribune UNITED PRK8S ASSOCIATION Fall Leaned Wlro Report, 'I'diilfcht tmil Hutiinliiy Cloudy, occunloiml iihowcm. Tho only paper In tho wort published in a city the alia of Medford having a loaned wire. lOTl'H YEAR. MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, .JUNE 10, 1910. No. 70. it I ANSWERS' CRITICS OF FRANCHISE John R. Alien Replies to Objections to Ashlnntl Application Mailc by Councilman Moore nntl Explains Conditions Affcctln nConstruotlon of Proposed Trolley Line. John 1(. Allun Iiiik vriteii tho fol lowing open letter to tho people of Ashland in reply to nttiiekH made upon liiH frunchiho application ly Councilinitii V. V. Monro of Ashland: To tliu People of Anhlnud: Permit mo to reply to tho objection to grunting mo n I'muchine in your city iih wot forth by your council tniin, Mr. V, W. Monro, in recent is sues of your local papers. Replying to the first portion of .Mr. Muoro's iirliclc. I bog to wiv tliut I ninl inv attorneys tittemleil several meetings of tbu council for (lie pur pose of ficcuriui; tho passage of the ordinance granting snid franchise. It became apparent to iih that there might be more time coiihuiiilmI in the council's giuiitiiig tho franchise than under ordinary oiroiunstiiiiccs, and, furthermore, w rcachoil the conclu hion that a new franchise, drawn by the council anil presented for my con sideration, would be of kiicIi a na ture, iih to make it an iiudcsiruhlu cn teniriMi into which to put one's cai (Contlmjed on I'ngo B.) NEGRO PLEADS NOT GUILTY iotous Soldier Who Saused Trouble at Fort Lawton Chnnp.es Front at Last Minute and Refuses to Plead as Promised. 3BATTLE, Wash., Juno 10. Na thnt.lel Uledser, negro soldier, con feHHod assailant of Mrs. J. W. Hod ding, suddenly changed front whon arrnlgnod In court on n chnrga of second degree nsunult today and ro fusod to plead guilty no ho had an nounced ho would do. Tho court Inquired if ho had n Inw yer. UlodHor said that ho had not, but would llko to huvo one. Tho court ordered thnt tho prlsonor bo fiirnluhed an attorney's services nnd tho enso was postponed until Mon day. Yosterday Illcdser told both tho po lice nnd nowBpnpormon that ho would ploud guilty nnd hoped he would bo sentenced to tho ponltontlnry Imme diately, even requesting tho maxi mum Hcntouco, which Is flvo to ten yenrs t hard labor. GOVERNMENT EXPERT TO EXPLAIN GOOD ROADS Kor years Jackson county has talk ed good roads. Mcotlnga and conven tions have boon hold and huvo usually wound up by agreeing that wo have no roads In tho county built on any thing llko scientific inothodu. Tliero aro now horo two men who can toll ninny things worth hearing about good roads, and nil you nro aslcod to do Is to turn out and hoar Eugluorr Eldrldgo of tho uovorumout good rondn department In his Illus trated lecture on tho proper method of building highways. Mr, Eldrldgo has a picture machlno and moro than 100 colored slides with which ho lllustrntcH his locturo. Ho has plcturofl of roads built by tho Egyptians for tho purposo of trans porting mntorlnl for tho building of tho pyrnmlds, pIctuioB of tho famous Applnn Wny built by Applim Claud dtus 300 yours boforo Christ; also tho famous rond built by Napoleon across tho Alps nnd plcturos of tho first LITTLE WILL TRY TO ST0PBIG FIGHT Former Manager for Jack Johnson to Fllo Writ Rcstralnlnn Prin cipals or Backers From Col lecting Receipts. HAN.KUANC1HCO, Juno 10. Thnt another effort to slop tho big brittle between Jeffries and Johnson mny tnho place, this tlmo backed up by ono of the men Intimately connected with tho fight, wnH learned toilny, when It becntno known thnt George Little, formor mnnngor for Jack Johu- hoii, linn asked an attorney hero to preparo a mill restraining tho prlncl- nnln or their backers from collecting any of tho monoy tnkon In At any fight pnrtlclpntod In by Johnson. Little's cnntemplntod suit In direct ed against JohnHon, Jeffries, Boruor, Itlcknrd. Glanuaon nnd Timothy D. Hulllvnn of Now York, tho Htnkohold er of tho big fight, Tho troublo utnrtod whon Johnnon discharged I.Htlo last Sunday. I.lt tlo took bin contract to Attorney Ach and said ho wanted to collect tho money duo him. Ach considered tho matter and ndlsod I.lttlo thnt tho best method of procedure was to fllo n Kiilt restraining nil Interested por tions from collecting monoy tnken in at any fight In which Johnson par ticipated, until tho romnlnlng monoy duo I.lttlo linn been pnld. 8oparnto suit will probably bo filed against JohnHon flecking to collect tho monoy nllcgod by Littlo to bo duo. FIVE INJURED IN PORTLAND, Or., Juno 10. Flvo peruoiiH aro seriously Injured nnd n number aro treating minor bruises and abrasions today as tho result of n head-on collision of northbound nnd southbound electric enra of tho Port hind Ilnllwuy company nt Lnkewood Inst night. Tho Injured: Conductor Black, northbound car. W, K. Strango, Pnrk plnco; loft kni'o severely spralnod. Motoruinn J. A. Vnnhnm, 1507 East 15th street; eorlous Bcalp wound. Conductor C. S. Mullens, G19 Mnln otroot; scalp wounds nnd oyo out. M. J. Strong. Gladstone; right k'neo slightly wronchod and intornal inju-;,.. . Tho four most seriously Injured I... I, ... I)n.lln,1 ., n unnolnl n in u tiMMthiib j a uiiiiiiiu j uj'vvmi car. Nonu of thorn Is fatally hurt. NINE-YEAR-OLD BOY PREFERS DEATH TO SCHOOL NKWAKK, N. J., Juno 10. An in vestigation may he iiimle into the ilonth of nino-vcar-ohl Charles Chad- wick, who iB said to liavo committed Kuioiile by luuiKiiiK hiniRolf in tho col-1 lar of liiH fhther'H homo. The reason given for tho IikI'h act was his hatred of Hchool nnd tho dotonniniition o Tho QtZOns wnnt tho offlclnls to his pnronts to compel him to nttond nKrC0 (0 n comm0u H80r provision an.l study. Ho iiIko disliked his ma ihoy ln8,Ht 1)0n ft terminal rato. tcaohora, wlio complninod to his I Tho Mllwnukoo thus far has rofus fathor Hint the liov was misHioou.01 to (loal ,, tllH i,aB8i Engineer Eldrldgo to Deliver Two Il lustrated Lectures Free at Med ford on Highways Judge Wobster to Talk. attempt of tho macadam rond built by tjio famous Scotchman of that land. Ho brings us down to modern rond building, showing by Illustrated pic tures tho propor method of road build ing from tho foundation to tho top dressing. To Jiear Mr, Eldrldgo loc turo Is a schooling that no ono can r.ffnnl to iiiIho. Ho spoko at Jack sonville last night to a good crowd and thoy wore so (ntoroatod that thoy Insisted upon hearing moro until It was closo to midnight, Mr, Eldrldgo tolls how to build tho roadi and Judgo Lionel WobBtor tolls how to ralso tho monoy, Thoy hold SENT NEWS T Western Union Indicted by Federal Grand Jury for Violatinn Laws Against Bucket Shops Forty-two Charlies Fifed Owners Also Must Answer for Conductlnn Shops. WASHINGTON, I). C., Juno 10. Tho federal grand Jury roturned In dictments against tho Western Union Telegraph company on 42 charges of having violated tho federal laws ngnlnst bucket shops on Mnrch 1. Tho wlro sorvlco of tho Wcstorn Union In nllcged to have supplied data to tho offices of Edward Alte mun nnd Lewis Colin, who nro alleg ed to have operated as standard stock nnd grain dcalcrn In tho District of Columbia an.l other cities. Tho William Prlco company, with offices In several eaatorn cities, was again Indicted today by tho grand Jury on n charge of operating a buck et shop. Tho nctlon of tho grand Jury fol lown tho indictment of 29 brokers, members of firms in Now York, Bos ton, Baltimore, Philadelphia, St. Lou Is, Cincinnati, Jorcoy City, nnd Wash ington, on charges of operating buck et shops. Tho companies wcro in dicted April 2. HILL PROTESTS RIVAL ROAD Entrance of Milwaukee Into Spokane Again Checked, This Time by Op position From Great Northern In terests to Using Same Street. SPOKANE, Wnsh., Juno 10. With l'"" ttJ, "''",tlo fPotano oppos- .. . ,,, ,t ' ,... ...u uiunuu mini ib ,i vva iu a cT"n T" "roT,,0n11ow,"R oth- "' "'"" " ' "" 'h -l 'I'ltRII, 1111 othor obstaclo In tho wny of securing n frnnchlso stands today In tho form of n protest by tho Hill rond ngalnut tho construction of any moro tracks along Domard sreot, whoro tho Mll waukeo wants to build. Tho protest by tho Hill rond fol lowed the filing of a pint by tho Mil- iwnukeo engineers of a grndu cross jnj. Kvor Blnco tl(0 Mwaukco filed nn ini)n,lontiOI1 ,OP trnnpMRn tn onr lll0 clty .,. 00,.!o hnvo onnoHOIi ... n mooting tonight nt Ashland and n largo number of Medford peoplo nro going down, Tomorrow In tho aftor noon at 2 o'clock they vlll bold a meeting in tho Medford oporn houso fe: tho purpobo of spoaklng to tho farmors, who cannot bo present at night, nnd In tho ovonlng tho locturo vll bo ropontod. There wero a lnrgo number of la dlCH In nttondniico at Jacksonville nnd It Is a locturo so entertaining that tho ladles of Medford should turn nut to on mnsso. Every bustnoss man and farmor Intorootod In good rondo ought to nttond thooo mootlngo. Mr, Eldrldgo In Bont hero by tho United SUitos tood roada department at Washington nnd Is a man of wldo oxporlonco, has travolod all ovor tho world and studlot". road construction nnd has had 17 years' practical ox- tini'tnnnii In tlin nmmtiMint Inn nf ltlf.li. w'ays In this country. Ho will toll (you what thoy nro doing In othor states. HUKKFT PA Helen Taft, President Taft and Some of the Members of Bryn Mawr Graduating Class. PRESIDENT TAFT $5 FOR BATH IN BEAR CREEK Three Men Who Take Plunge in the Costume Designed by Moiher.Nature Are Mulcted by Mayor Canon in the Cauo of Decency. Flvo dollars each was what it cost threo men for tho prlvllcgo of bath ing In "tho altogether" Just above tho near creek bridgo yesterday, nnd, it Id nllcged, In plain sight of eovoral ladies, Tho men gavo their names as Oscar Andorson, Martin Nelson nnd J. V. Johnson, and disclaimed any Intention of violating tho law. Tho men were arrested by Pollco ninn Kincnid and denied that they wore "nu natural ' when they took their bath. Judgo Canon took tho view that whilo a mlsdoinoanor undor tho stntuto might have been commit ted, a small flno might bo a gentle romindor ngalnst futuro transgres sions, as n lnrgo one, and bosldos the small flno could bo collected, whilo tho big ono would not bo, nnd It wns so ordorod. THREE DEAD FROM CYCLONE IN ARKANSAS PINE 11LUFP, Ark., June 10. - Three persons nro doad and many In jured according to a list hastily com piled today following a tornado which swept eastern Arkansas Inst night. Many buildings woro unroofed horo nnd reports from tho surrounding plantations Indicate that tho cotton crop sustained damage estimated nt $1,000,000. Tho Arkansas rlvor and Its tribu taries roso rapidly after tho storm and a flood Is foarod. Tlio cities of Ft. Smith. Yanhuren nnd Little Hock were daiunyeil by tho heaviest rainfall in many years. Tho rain continued with such fury that tho basomouts of offico build ings and residences wero flooded and tho streots woro ankle deep with water. The farmers lost hoimlv through out Kastorn Arkansas. The tornado struck the Flat Hook eieek bridge near heie ami the htrueturo oollap.M'd, Jiopping a Frisco line freight train of nino cars into tho creok. Nouo of tho train men, howovor, woro killed or sriously iujurd. You aro protty safo In assuming that if a stdro has anything to soil which will "stand bolng advortlsed" It will bo advertised. STARTS UNWELCOME GUEST CLUB PRESIDENT WON'T SEE MAN WHO CRITICISED Hi Burton Harrison Barred From Ad mission to White House on Ac count of Newspaper In terview. WASHINGTON, D. C. Juno 10. Tho "Unwelcome Guest" club with Congressman Francis Burton Harri son of Now York as its first rnembor, is thriving. Harrison, a democrat, was denied an audlcnco with President Taft yes terday whon he escorted a party of Now York ra'jbis to the White House, partly to alio,.' thorn to tell tea pref'- dent of Jewish oppression In Russia. Tho president received the delega tion, but refused to allow Secretary Norton to admit tho congressman. Ex-Secretary Fred Carpenter is blamed today for making tho Harri son appointment which tho president refused to keep. Carpenter, then sec rotary, now minister to Morocco, not knowing thnt Harrison was "In bad" with Taft, did not consult tho presi dent when ho made tho appointment. Secretary Norton today admitted that Harrison is persona non grata bo cause of an lntervlow Hnrrlson gavo tho newspapers in which ho charged President Taft and Attornoy Genoral WIckersham with "misleading con gress in sending tho nnte-dnted Wlck- orshnm-GlavIa report. Representatives and senntors aro carefully reviewing their recent ut terances to detormlno whether they bolong unofficially to tho "Unwelcome Guest" club. Harrison ,'ntonds to rlso to a ques tion of pcrsounl privilege In tho houso nnd roply to President Tait. "Of course, If tho White Houso does anything furthor against mo I will defend myseir," snld tho New York congressman today. PHILADELPHIA MAN CURED OF LOCKJAW PHILADELPHIA, Pa Juno 10. John Smith, 12, returned to his homo today from the Philadelphia Ilotno pathio hospital cuicd of lockjaw, wliicli threatened him with deatli for two months. The hoy was cured by n new method of treatment, which tried t lip first time nt the hospital horo, after all hope of savins his life iiad been given up by othor phy sieinns, Tho now method coiibists of injec tions of magnesium sulphnto in con junction with the nntitoxiu treatment. Tho uijootious nro mado in tho spinal column to roach tho nerve center. Forty drops of mngnosiuni sulphnto woro given the boy. PORTUGUESE ARIHTSTRIKES General Meetinq Among Troops Re ported Scarcely Enough Soldiers Left Loyal to Guard Royal Palace King May Abdicate. BADAJOS, Spain, Juno 10. A mu tiny in the Portuguese army involv ing nearly every army corps Is re ported today in secret dispatches from Lisbon. A strict censorship Is in forco and tho report cannot bo con firmed at this time. That thq fact that a censorship is established Is re garded as Indicating that a gravo crisis In Portuguese affairs Is at hand. According to tho reports, scarcely enough loyal troops aro left to ade quately guard the palace. That King .Manuel Is preparing to abandon the throne to placato popu lar wrath was partially confirmed to day. It is reported that tho royal family Is preparing to fleo from the palace and take rofugo In Spain. BALLINGER BRIEFS SUBMITTED MONDAY WASHINGTON. D. C, Juno 10, Briefs in the Ballingor-Plnchot con troversy will bo submitted to tho spo clay investigating committee Monday. The briefs will be presonted by ;c tomeys representing Glnvls, Plnchot nnd Balllnger. The committee will then begin tho preparation of Its de cision. It Is generally believed hero that there will be a majority and a minor ity report. Tho commltteo will hold n short meeting tomorrow. NEW YORK, June 10. Herbort O.J Barron, exiled republican-democratic candidate for the presidency of Mexi co, today wroto President Taft aBklng tho president to uso his luiluonco to permit his roturn to Mexico. Barron In writing to President Taft denounced President Profiro Dlnz of Mexico ns a. tyrant. Ho wrote: "I wns not exiled for heading u ro- volt or for anything unconstitutional, but for being a candidate for tho prea- Idoncy." In 190G Presldont Diaz said that he welcomod any opposition and promised to foster tho snmo. Tho par EXILED CANDIDAfEDFNOUNCES DIAZ ROOSEVELT ; SAYS ADIEU AND SAILS Former President Given Hearty Send-Off on Boarding Kalserln Augusta Victoria by Vast Crowd in Which Were Many Notable En glishmenWill Arrive June 18. SOUTHAMPTON, Juno 10. Col onel Theodore Kooaevolt, Mrs. Roose velt, Miss Ethel and Kermit sailed ' this afternoon at 2 o'clock fo; Now York on tho steamer Kalserln Auguste V.ctoria. The Roosevelts aro due to arrive at New York Juno 18. A great crowd was at tho pier to give the Roosevelts a seed-off. In the throng were many notable Eng lishmen, and in splto of tho fact that the period of mourning for the death of King Edward has not expired, the farewell to tho Roosevelts took on A gay appearance. The Roosevelts occupy two flower- decked suites forward of the prome nade deck. Other Passengers. Among the Kalserin's passengers are Frank B. Kellogg, the govern ment's trust-busting attorney; Mrs. George Vanderbllt, Mrs. Mary Thaw, Joseph and Miss Thaw and Baron Henry von Sternberg, nephew of tho late Speck von Sternberg ambassa dor to the United States, with whom Roosevelt was o.ulte friendly when president. ' Roosevelt spent last night at' the home of Sir Edward Gray and went aboard the steamship this morning,. As he went aboard he said: "Now for home. I tell you I am glad. I have had a great time. It couldn't have been finer, and I on Joyed ovory minute of It, but I will bo glad to get home." Colonel Roosevelt did not look as vigorous today as whon he left Afri ca. "I feel run down and nearly wreck ed, but tho voyage to America I ex pect to restore me to my accustomed good health,'' he said. Forgot Their Rancor. LONDON. Juno 10. Their rancor over Colonel Roosevelt's Guild Hall' speech criticising tho British admin istration In ELTpt was forgotten by the press here today, which united In praising tho American ex-president. The Telegraph said: "Roosevelt's Btay was a liberal edu cation In energy, courage and modern politics." Hundreds of porsons gathered at Waterloo station to bid Roosovolt farewell nnd woro disappointed when they learned that Roosevelt had pro ceeded to Southampton from tho country homo of Sir Edward Gray, without returning to Londou. .. RECOIL DEVICE PERMITS FIRING TEN TIMES LONDON. Juno 10. A recoil do-- vico hns been porfectod today by a local nrnis company which will per mit the firinir of n gnu ten consecu tive times without magazine injection after each shot, Tho device consists of extra chambers of patent liquid nnd air. ty was organized and I, not of my own seeking, was chosen a candi date "Tho result was that I was exiled, my business waa rulnod, tho party was disorganized and tho leaders Jailed, I am not nn agitator, I am not a revo lutionist. I rofused to causa a rovolt which would result in tho sacrifice or life nnd tho interruption of business, "Tho Mexican ambassador at Wash ington has ndUscd that I could not roturn to Mexico whilo Diaz lived. Diaz fears my roturn, knowing that many there only need a leader to make their demands plnl'i." i t I r T J ' -M ya&Ai..- x.