MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDITORD, OIIEGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1910. - - & If the Quest Is at All Important, Want-Ad vertise ! & " -- , -- 4 EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS KDICN I'HICGINCT ,. . J. I'J. Roberts took thi) first logan- ImrrloH for himself nml 0. Caroy to Medford Tuesday, MIhh Hfflo DWIko loft I'lioonlx for Iior Ikiiiio nt Duiiiiniulr, Cnl Monilay. Mrs. Loan IIIkIioh of Fern Valley wont down to Medford Saturday to linvo noino dm.tnl work done Mr, and Mm. Ilono Htoddnrd worn Tnlunt vlflltorn Bundny. Mm, W, H, Htnnollff. vloltod Phou nix attending tlio Lndlon' Aid ho cloty Wodnomlny. Mm, Llllto Illiickwood wan In North Tnlont InHt Wednesday. Talent linn n box fnctory now which will ho of grot convenience to fruit and berry itrowura, Mm. B. F. McDonald and Iior Hon James woro Modrord iiliopporn Wod noMdny, Mm. T. F. Hnwlonn wiih n Riiont nt tlio jilittihunt homo of Mrn. Ooorgo Mc Clnln of North Tnlont Bundny. JoiiIiuii 1'nttomon wiih nt tlio coun ty wnt Wudnomlny attending county coiumlniilonorn' court. J. 10. Holinlo linn finished moving household goods to Anhlnnd from North Tnlont nnd will roaldo nt tlmt plnco for tlio summer. Andy Wldnor of Tnlont wnn n Mod ford bunlnouu Tlnltor Wodnoiidny. Orchnrd inon In thin part of tlio valley nro hooping cloiio wntch for nlgns of blight nnd nro rondy to copo with tlio dlnonHo should It mnlco Itn apponrnnci. Tlio Indies of tlio Prenby'torlnn Aid of I'lioonlx will glvo tin ornnno foto Tuesday, Juno 14, nt Woodmon'n hnll, nftoruoon nnd o von lug. Proceeds to lio lined for lighting nnd wiring tlio church. Lumber In liolug hntitod for tlio now hnrn nnd Iiuugnlow noon to ho orcclod on Mr. Hndor's sovontoon nnro trnct In North Tnlont. Mm. M. L. I'ollott, n former Tnlont riiHllnut, Ih horo from I.on AiiroIch on hiiHlnoHH. Iior daughter, MlnH Mn hel, nnd two hoiih, Edgar nnd Mnrtln, nrcompnny her. Your correspondent took a wnlk ovrtr In tho nuwly clonrod lauds of tlio Colvor'n horo Inst Tuesday nnd i Fine Watch Repairing Splendid Jewelry Assortments J. W. DIAMOND 115 E. Main St. Excursion Ratesto the East DURING 1910 Southern Pacific (LINES IN OREGON) TO RATES Chicago $72.50 Council Bluffs Omaha Kansas City St. Joseph .. MwtiM St. Paul MlfWtltMMM St. Paul via Council Bluffs .. Minneapolis direct Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs $63.90 .Duluth, direct $66.90 Duluth, via Council Bluffs $67.50 Tickets will ho on salo May 2d and 9th; Juno 2d, 17th and 24th; July 5th and 22d; August 3d; Soptorabor 8th. The above rates apply from Portland only. From points south of Portland, add ONE WAY local rate to Port land, to make through rate via Portland. One way through California, add $15.00 to above rates. Except that faros to St. Paul and Minneapolis one way via Cal ifornia will be $2175 higher, and fare to Duluth $24.75 higher than fares via direct routes. Ton days providod for tho going trip. Stop-overs within limits in oithor direc tion, Final return limit three months from date of sale, but not later than Oc tober 31st. Inquire of any S. P. Agent for complete information, or WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon iiny, did you evor hoo ji flold of per fectly clout), hr.ld liurloy? Louie Col vor Iiiih nhout four ncroii, nnd In tho whole field you could not find n hun dred stalks that hIiow any boards. It Htntnlii nhout four foot tnll nnd will throHh 00 liuiiholH to tho ncro, Tho nd Hint tho other nownpnpor render merely glanced nt mny ho tho ono you're looking for. In two in I ii u ton you enn find In tho Home fnct that Is Importnnt to you, Tho "bargain hunter" who studios tho ndn la nlso n bargain flnderl Every dny In thin city a few moro people Join tho lists of thoiio who buy ndvertlHod thlngH who pntronlxo nd vertlHed Htorosl Ctuntem of HghtH nlong the curha would prove n thousand fold more nttrnctlve thnn the p runout ovorhond llghtH. Why not chnngo tho systom, at leant on Main otroot? Art and Craft Mottoes BIRTHDAY CARDS, ETC. Have you seen thoHe beautiful hmid designed and linud color ed curds, mottoes, Iiirtlulny re membrances, etc.? We earry stamp nnd letter Iki.xck and ti thoiiHiind other lit tie things. TRY A BOX OF Merrivold Shop y7 a) V PROM ALL POINTS ON THE $60.00 $60.00 .....$60.00 ...... .....tpOU.UU ........ .Spud. aJ $60.00 Would the Fact that Somebody Wanted to Pay You More Money Than You're Now Earning INTEREST YOU? Ill bo nml thoro'fl probably no reason to ubj tho word "it" then tho help wanted ads uhould loom up ih llin most important tiling in town for you. You Rhould watch them with a watchfulness that is not to bo deniod. You should answer and inves tigate every ono of them that LOOKS GOOD TO YOU for it ib in this wny that you will finally find tho right ono tho ono that will mean everything to you that will nltor and change and redirect the course of your comings nnd goings, of your aspirings, your accomplishing3l WANT ADS ONE CBNT A WORD. MEDFORD MARKETS. (Pricos paid by Medford merchants.) Potatoes, now, $2.402.75 owt; onions, $2 owl.; cabbage, '2(u)2ijic. flutter, Eggs and Poultry. (PricoB paid by Medford morchants.) Ranch butter, 2G27,2c; fancy creamery, 30c. Fresh ranch eggs, 25o. Mixed poultry, 1014c; spring cJiickonB, lC18o; turkeys, 17o. Borrios Strawborrics, local, $1.50 Green unions, -10a dozen bunches; radishes, -10o dozen bunches; rhubarb 4 to Co lb.; lettuce, 40o dozen; pens, lo lb.; turiiips, IV2C lb. (Pricos paid producors.) Hay Timothy, $10; nlfalfa, $15; grass, $14; grain hay, $10. Grain Whont, $1.15 bushel; oats, $32 ton; burloy, $30 ton. Beef Cows, 44V6 0; steers, 5 5 Vic; pork, Oo; mutton, G5Vc; lambs, Gc; vcnl, dressed, 8c. (Selling prices.) Rolled bnrloy, $1.00 owt., $35 ton; brnu, $1.70; middlings, $1.851.00; shorts, $1.801.85. THE PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL Portland Host for Thousands All Parts of Country Extensive Dec orations Many Stranjjcrs Visit City Livestock Show Continued. PORTLAND, Ore., Juno 0. Port ami is host this week for thousands of visitors from all parts of tho country who are in attendance at tho annual Roso Festival. Never before did Portland look so handsome, tho extensive ilccorntiouu put up gener ally about tho city boiug unusually elaborate Tho nttcudauco is greater than at uny former fostivnl, and the parados nro outdoing anything pre viously attempted. Business cares nro generally boiug relegated during tho week. Tho peo plo of tho city aro devoting their at tention to entertaining out-of-town visitors and nro pnrtioipnting in the wock's festivities to tho fullest ex tent. As usual, tlio parades nnd tho compettivo roso show are tho big ovonts, attracting tho most attention. Many people of tho Northwest visit Portland during tho Roso Festival if at no other time during tho year, and to theso tho tremendous growth of tho city during tho past year is mora impressive oven thnn the festival pageants. Tho oity'B progress moro ly roflooto tho genornl prosperity of tho wholo Pnoifio Northwest, and is iuuronsiug in population nnd wealth becnuso tho sumo is truo of tho trib utary uouutry. Livestock Show. of tho annual fair and livestock show on thu Country Club grounds near tliis uity was dispelled during tho week, when stockholders decided to uoeossity surrounding (ho futuro oontiuuo tho organization. The usual exposition will ho hold this fall. Tho Portland Fair nnd Livestock Asso ciation has not yet beeomo a money imikor, and some doubted that tho annual show and racing meet would bo continued, A special mooting of stockholder was hold to consider this ourstiou, and it was decided to not allow tho project to lapse, Big plans are boing made for tho coming show this fall, and it is tho intention of tlioso bohiud tho affair to make it as big an nt I motion for that season of tho year as tho Roo Fostivnl is in I ho spring. It will cortninly bo n giont benefit for tho wholo North wost to havo tho livestook show con tinued annually. You nro protty safe In assuming that If n storo has anything to soil which will "stand boing ndvortlsod" It will bo ndvortlsod, FOR SALE. ItKAL ESTATE. ALFALFA lands lu ten and twenty acro tracts, where six crops are cut per year and 10 to 12 tons tho ylold. Irrigated by gravity water supply. A. A. Martin, agent, Los MoIlnos'poR SALE Land Co. of California, Mooroi Hotol. tt I FOR SALE 30 acres, most regular bearing orchard in Josephine county; no falluro slno It came Into bearing Bovcn years ago; second beuch, red land, well .rotectcd from frost; no smudging necessary; 10 acres young peach trees; balance mostly Spltzen berg nnd Nowtown Pippin apples; 8 miles south of Grants I'acs, near Ap plcgato rlvor; price for tho 80 acres with present crop of fruit $22, GOO, without tho fruit $18,000. John H. Uoblsou, Grants Pass, Or., routo 2. 71 FOH SALE Two acres near city limits, $700. Corner lot, Oakdale and Tenth, $1150. Cornor lot on West Main street; sldownllc laid and paid lor, $1000. Two 5-room cottages and three largo lots, ono lot containing threo quartorj of nn aero, 10 blocks out. $3500. Other bargains In land and bear ing orchards. D. H. JACK30N & CO. Opposito Hotol Moore. FOR SALE Tolo lands; 56 acres In Tolo, doecrlbcd aa lot 1 nnd tho northwest quarter of tho north east Quarter of vectlon thirty, all In township thirty-six south, rango two, In Jackson county, Ore gon, aro for salo at ono hundred and fifty dollars per aero. Enqutro of H. W. Dlkoman, Gold Hill, Or. 70 FOR SALE 498 acres land In Scott Vnllo, ono of tho most beautiful and f 01 tlio epot-i In California, mostly In alfalfa, and can bo Irrigated; well improved, good fonces, nai". first class buildings; $45,000. For fur thor particulars addrocs Walker Bros., Etna Mills, Siskiyou county, California. 70 Acreage. FOR SALE 5 ond 10-aore traots just within nnd adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Water Power Co. FO HSALE Ono half aero with well and small barn on It; flvo blocks from Washington school; good placo to koop cow and chickens. Address W. B. Harris, 132 N. Ivy. 70 Farms and Orchards. FOR SALEP-Nfnotj acres. 30 in one year old applo and pear trees, 100 Inches of water, 2 1-2 milos from railroad station. For terms wrlto "Owner," caro Mall Trlbuno. 261 FOR SALE About 30 acres of good orchard land 1 1-2 milos oast of Phooalx. Ono-half is la orchard. Tolophono, Medford, 1199, or ad dress C. T. Payno, Phoenix, Ore. tOR SALE 60 acres, nnost building clto in tho alloy, tncludli g 30 acres good fruit land; cheap and terms right. H. O. Maltby, Palm Bldg., Main nnd Front. Houses. FOR SALE Best bargain In Mod- ford. Now houso and barn in host residence soctlon. Will sell with furnlturo nt lowoat tlguro. Torms. Cnll on ownor nt 529 South Grapo. FOH SALE Bungalow, 6 rooms nnd bath, on oast front lot, In best neigh borhood; etroot to bo pavod; sowor and city wntor connoctod; comont walks; bulltln buffet and bookcases, window aoats, flroplaco; also oloc trlo flroplaco; boamod ceilings and panolod wainscoting In 3,. rooms window shndoa, 37 olectrlc lights, host fixtures, scroonod porch, com ploto plumbing, including laundry trays j bargain If sold to a quick buyor; tlmo glvon on part. Inquire at 202 S, Orango st. Whoro It's sold moro cheaply is usually known to nd roadorsl FOR SALE. Lota. FOH SALE City lots, I2U; for a small, safe Investment eeo th city lots I offer at $300 and $250 per lot; $20 cash payment, balance $10 per month; no InteroM. H. C. Malt- by, Palm lidK. Good lot two blocks off paving on West Seventh ctreot; price $350. Address P. O. Box 838. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE A full line of Old Hamp shire and Oak Bonds, plain and cloth finish; letter heads and envelopes. Mall Trlbuno office. FOR SALE Legal blanks of all kinds trespass and other notices, at Mall Tribune office. FOR 8ALE: Wall paper, paints, oils. brushes, a Tory comploto line; In formation cneerfuily given by an exporlencea painter. M. J. Metcalf, 318 E. Main st. FOK SALE Chandler & Price Gor don Jobbor, 11x14 press; a bargain. Inquire Mail Tribune office. FOFt SALE For good wood and good measure, try tho Bunker Hill Wood Yard, at North end of C street. Phone 841. J. A. McLeod, Prop. TO EXCHANGE Income property In Los AngJles, valued at $27,500; mortgaged for $3,500; ownor's equity $24,000. Will exchange for property of cqrnl valuo in or near Medford. This property is in tlrst class condlt'on and lj bringing In a good ro.ttal. It will .it and close Inspection. W. T, York & Co. FOH SALE Three good milk cows. Jno. H. Shepherd, 128 East Main street. FOR SALE Cheap, 14 tons of hay In stack. Address Box 361, Med ford. 69 FOH SALE Or exchange, two-cly-Inder Heo automobllo, model 1908, In good condition; will soil or trade for city property. Address X4, Mall Tribune. FOR SALE 400 angora goats, 400, as our rangog Is overstocked wo must sell carao at once. Address Blass Bros., Eaglo Point, Or., or call nt Roguo Rlvor ferry. FOR SALE Wood box factory blocks; now unloading a carload; $3 per load. Tho Square Deal Fuel Co., Gould and Llndloy. Phono 2601. 70 FOR SALE Choap; ono cook wagon; also ono camp wagon. In quiro Room 33, Jackson Co, Bank bldg. 72 FOH SALE A 6 H. P. and a 2 H. P. gnBollno engines, flrst-clas3 condi tion, at bargain prices. Soo Medford Iron Works. 73 FOR RENT. Houses. FOH RENT S-room thur & Alexander. house. McAr- Housekeeping Rooms. FOR RENT A suite of light houso koplng rooms; ao children. 222 S. Holly streot. 81 Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT Nicely furnlshod room for two gontlomon or man and wlfo. 228 North Holly. tt FOR RENT Modern furnished raoms nt 604 West 10th or 124 King Btroot. FOH RENT Two now r.nd nlcoly furnished slcoptng rooms; easy walk ing dtstanco; medem: bath on Bamo floor; reasonable prices. Phono Main 4474. FOH RENT Furnished rooms for transients, No. 10 North Grnpo streot, noxt to Farmora' and Frult growors' Bank. Coolest plnco in town. FOR RENT Furnished; slooplng rooms and light housokooptng rooms 327 South Oakdale nvonue. 71 Business Property, FOR SALE Clioleo business prop erty nt n bargain, on long timoj ousy tonus. Address Condor Wa tor Powor Co. FOR RENT. Horses. ton hale uauulo maro, o years old; wolght about 950 pound, James Bowling, No. 20 S. Poach at. 60 Miscellaneous. ' FOH LBA8E Fully equlrpod gold mine; ten-stamp mill and concen trator, all oreratcd by olectrlc pow ei. Owner will furnish froo elec tric power for share In proceeds. See Smith, at Condor Water & Power Co. FOH KENT Barn, room for four horses. 141 South Holly street. 73 WANTED. Help Wanted Male. WANTED Flrst-closa aurvbyor. Call at office of Roguo River Elec tric Company. WANTED Salosmon In every local ity of tho northwest; money ad vanced weekly; many mako over $1000 month; choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Tcp penlsh, Wash. WANTED Experienced stone cutter and quarry man. Call at Condor Water and Power Co's. office. Help Wanted Female. WANTED Woman to do washing for small family. Phono A. C Allen, 7061 Farmers. WANTED Girls to work on ironing and pressing machines In the now laundry. Apply just east of 603 N. Central avenue or phono 4461. WANTED Competent woman for houBowork; good wages; two la fam ily. Apply mornings. 219 North Oakdale avenue. Miscellaneous. WANTED Setting hens and little chickens. Call up Main 441. tf WANTED In central location, office with show window, or good desk room. A. A. Martin, Hotel Moore. WANTED A mule, weight between 1000 and 1100 pounds. Charles W. Isaacs, 115 N. Oakdale avenue, tf FOR EXCHANGE. FOR SALE Or excb.-.nge for coun try property, 2 3-4 acres, 10-room house; pumping plant, 40 fruit trees; 5 blocks from Main streot; on North Riverside; Bear Creek bottom. Inquire at 317 E. Main . BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm building. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Over Post- offica. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attorneys-at-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M, Col- vig, C. L. Roames. Lawyers. Of fico Medford National Bonk build ing, jsecond floor. B. F. MULKEY Attornoy-at-law. Offices room 30, Jackson County Bank building. Medford. Architects. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and Builders, office 7-8, 235 Main. Phono Main 347L Residence phone 2471. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO.-Undertakers. Day phono 351. Night phenes: C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H. Butler 3571. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Poso with Mackoy and dio with joy." Over Al len & Reagan's storo; entrance on Seventh street. Medicines. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will cure rheumatism, asthma, paralysis, sores and pri vato diseases. Theso remedies may be proourod at tho Sing Leo laun dry, 123 S. Riverside avenue, Mod ford, Or., whero thoy will bo sold by the proprietor. Dr, Chow Young has treated sev eral sovoro oases with his remedies since coming to Medford and has for reforouco some of the best known and most intelligent oitizons in Southern Oregon. Cnll on him. Messenger Service, MESSENGER SERVICE Messen gers furnishod at all houso of day and till 9 p. m. to any pare of city, from lOo to 25o. Phone Main 1812. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. h(. tho best-oquippod job office in South em Oregon; Portland prioes. 37 South Central nvpnnn. rilllliml Parlors, S. T. BROWN & CO.-BUlinrJs. Ci cnv and Soft Drinks. Up tairB Youijg & Hnll building. A nice, cool plnco to spend the hot aftornoone, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Tin Shops. J, A. SMITH Tin shop. Tia Bhot iron waro on hand and SMda to ordor. 128 North G Stmt, Hospitals. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 341 South C St., Medford, Or. . W. Hisey, Matron. Official kospital P. & E. R. R. DIU Fosten. VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster ni Distributor. All orders areiaUy filled. Room 29, Jackson Ceaaty Bank building, Medford, Or. Ital Estate. SEE WM. E. 8TACEY & CO. far some of tho choicest barcaias m real estate in this valley. Also Brit ish Colombia and Alberta, B. &, jmL other parts. Call on him at Biteec office, Phipps building, or at tkm Medford Anto company'a garage, where we start out oar acaata fa the Aladden Mantle Laaap and Mi den window screen. We will treat: yon right. Come and aee. , Cigars and Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehoaae Dealers in tobacco, oujrara and smok ers' supplies. Exclusive agents o Lewis Single Binder, El Merito sad El Palencia, 212 West Main street.' Painters and Paperhaagers. GERWOLF & WARD, contractisr painters, paperhangers and deeo rators; signs. Estimates gives ea all kinds of day and job work. Park View Hotel. Phone Main 1801. Farnltare. H. F. WILSON & Co., dealers i and second-hand fornitBra aad hardware. Agents for Monad Cky kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Comer 8th and Holly sts., Medferd. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial ordor solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stoves and Ranges. New and Second-Haad Furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 W. F at. Sonth. Phone 91. Medford. Or. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees aro budded, not grafted. Oar steak is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not ia tke trust H. B. Patterson, office ia Hotel Nnsh. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grade nursery stock. Office 25 W. Main. Tel. 120L Dentists. DR. W. M VAN SCOYOC, Dentist Office in rooms 203-204, Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' bank building, west of the tracks. Physicians and Sargeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Offica and resi dence phone Main 3432. CONROY & CLANCY Office ia Stewart building Physicians and Surgeons. Office phone Main 341; privato phono Main 612. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY, Physi cians and Surgeons, Taylor db Phipps bldg., rooms 210, 211, 213. Office phono 501, residence phone 612. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopatkia PhysicianB. Mission block. Phone 292. Medford. Building Contractor. ALEX. TAYLOR. Buildin Con tractor Housas, bungalows, alter ations, repairs. 31 North Central avenue, opposito poBtoffico. Brick Companies. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Priddy, O. D. Naglo, Goo. T. O'Brien Contractors nnd manufacturers of brick; dealers in pressod brick and lime. Offico in Postoffice block, room 5. Phono No. 3181. llrlclc Layers. BRICKLAYERS K. Kuxin. at Smokehouse, first-class bricklayer, stonoworkor, cement steppiasj stucco nnd moulding, fireplaoos and tile work a specialty, Europe plan: dnv or nontract. Llfo Scientist. MRS. LILLIAN A. ELDER, Life Bcir ontist Privato instruction in "New Psychology" and "Now Thought' principles. Cnllora received Wd ncsdays, 127 South Grape stref. Stenographers, ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm blooL. Stenogrnphio work done quickly and well. M. FORTESCUE Stenographer, j N. Front st. Phono 231 Legal Blank. LEGAL BLANKS All styles of le gal blanks for sale, a hundred dif ferent forms. Medford Printing Ce, , l M 1 .t.j'ja(.i-ti ltk'j.,,,iMa,iv'--. . . ,.,;