MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, .TUNE i), .10.10. Half A Chance 4 BY FREDERICK S. ISHAM. lAutlior of "The Strollers." "Un- uder tho Robo." "The Lmlv of Iho Mount." Etc t Copvricht. 1000. bv tho Boobs- .aicrnu VjOuiuuuv. "roar lorrtsUIp tyM pardon mc; tho .human mind tins its aberrations. At tlio moment, by a curious psycholog ical turn, a feature ot another prob lem seised me. It was like playing two games of chess at once. Per il ap your honor has experienced tho sensation." His lordship beamed. "Quite so," fee observed unctuously. Tfea business of tho morning ran on, and John Steele at length concluded Us cross examination. "I think, your lordship, the question of tho reliabil ity of this man as a witness In this or any other case fully established." "Aay other case?' said his lord hip. "We aro not trying any other "Witness may go," said his lordship brusquely. Dandy Joe, a good deal damaged in the world's estimation, stepped down. Hls-erstwhllo well curled mustache- of ferlck dust hnu seemed to droop as ho Junk out of the. box. lie appeared subdued, almost frightened, qulto un like tho Jaunty little cockney that had stepped so blithely forth to giro his testimony. Tho witnesses nil beard. John Steele, -for the defense, spoko briefly, but Ms 'words were well chosen, his sentences f classic purity. As the girl listened It seemed to her not strange that Cap tain Forsythe, as well as others per haps, should be drawn hither on oc casions when this man appeared. Straight direct logic characterized tho 'speech from beginning to end. Only nee did a suggestion of sentiment csrt pity for that gin besotted thing, the prisoner obtrude Itself; then It passed so quickly his lordship forgot to Intervene, and the effect remained. . flash. Illuminating, Rembrandt-like. wheel abruptly nnct retrace nw way lie was not nu nbsentmlmlcd man, jet he hail been striding unconsciously, not toward his customary destination at that hour, tho several chambers at once his otllcc and his home. Kor a moment the strong fnco of the man relaxed ns If in amusement at his own remissness. Gradually, however. It once more resumed Its expression of musing thotightfuluess. Turning into a narrow way not far from tho embankment, ho stopped be fore the door of a solid looking brick building, let himself In and made his way upstairs. On tho third floor be applied another and smaller key to another lock and from a hall entered a large apartment, noteworthy for Its handsome array of books that reached from floor to celling wherever thero was shelf space. Passing through this apartmcut, John Steele stepped into that adjoining, tho sitting and dining room. A discreet rapping at tho door, fol lowed by tho appearance of a round faced Uttlo man with a tray, Interrupt ed further contemplation or revcrio on John Stcelo's part Seating himself at tho table, ho responded negatively to tho servant's inquiry if "anythlnk" elso would bo required and when tho man had withdrawn mechanically turned to his letters and to his simple evening repast Ho ato with no great ovldenco of appetite, soon brushed the missives, half read, asldo and pushed back hla chair. Lighting a pipe, ho picked up one of tho papers. Amid voluminous wastes of type an item in the court and so ciety column had caught his eye: Sir Charles and Lady Wray, who aro Intending- henceforth to reside in Eng land, have returned to tho stately Wray mansion In Piccadilly, where tboy will be for the season. Our well known gov ernor and his lady are accompanied by their niece, the beautiful and accom plished Miss Jocelyn Wray, only child ot Sir Charles younger brother, the lato Hon. Mr. Richard Wray, whose estate In cluded enormous holdings In Australia as well as several thousand acres In Devon shire. This charming young colonial has already captivated London society. John Steele read carefully this bit of news and then reread It lie even found himself guilty of perusing all tho other paragraphs, the comings and goings, the line doings! They related to a world he had thought Uttlo about a world within the world. Just as the people who lived in tunnels and dnrk passages constituted another world within the world. Ilcr name danced In Illustrious company. Ilere were dukes and earls and viscounts, a sprinkling of the foreign clement be gums, emirs, tho nation's guests. He FELL DOWN SHAFT WHILE VIEWING ROSE FESTIVAL PORTLAND, Oe.. Juno O.In her engornosR to view tho "Spirit of tho Goltleu West," held" in connection with tho rose festival parade, Mrs. J. S. Cooper of Independence, Ore, fell down nn elevator shaft last night. At tho Good Samaritan Hos pital today it is said that sho prob ably will die. Both her arms wore broken, and sho sustained a bnsnl frnoturo of tho skull in addition to internal injuries. Sho i9 CO years of ago. With her husband and son Mrs. Cooper camo to Portland to nttend tho roso show. Mrs. Cooper, with her hushnnd. wns standing in tho lobby of tho hotel when tho parade approached. Sho hurried to tho elevator. Tho oper ator had just started ns eho reached tho guard door. Tho womnn, how ever, throw open tho door and plunged down to tho bottom of tho well, a distnnco of 14 feet. SAN FRANCISCO MAYOR IN INDIANAPOLIS HOSPITAL INDIANAPOLIS, Intl., June 8. The San Francisco mayor's office is being conducted in n wnrd of St. Vincent's hospital here today. Mnyor McCarthy, bedridden, with n broken nnklc, daily receives and answers scores of letters and telegrams. Time slipped by. The Judge looked saw also "Sir Charles, Lady Wray and t his watch, bethought him of a big tlrer dish filled with amber bued spe cialty of the Ship and Turtle and ad journed court His address Interrupt d by the exigencies of the moment John Steele began mechanically to gather up hla books. He absently sep arated them again. At tho same tine Sir Charles and his party walked to ward the bench. They wcro met by &ls lordship nnd cordially greeted. "A privilege. Sir Charles, to meet se wo have heard of so often In tho BBtlpodes." "Thank you. His lordship, Jndge Seeson, m'dear, whose decisions" "Allow mo to congratulate you, slrl" Sho enthusiastic voice was that of Captain Forsythe, addressing John Steele. "Your cross examination was aasterly. Had you been in a certain ether case years ago when the evi dence of that very person on the stand today in the main convicted a man of Biurdcr I fancy the result then wonld have been different" John Steele seemed not to bear. His yes were turned toward tho beautiful glrL She was standing quite close to him now. He could detect the fra grance of the violets she wore, a fresh weet smell so welcome in that close, austy atmosphere. "My niece, your lordship. Miss ;Wray." Steele saw her bow and heard her speak to that august court personage. Then as the latter, after further brief talk, hurried away "Sir Charles, let mo present to you 3Lt. Steele," said Captain Forsytho. "Lady Wray"- "Happy to know you, sir," said the governor heartily. "Miss Jocelyn Wray," added tho mil itary man, "who," with a laugh, "expe rienced sorao doubts about a visit of this kind being conducive to pleas ure!" John Steele took the small gloved hand she gavo him. Her eyes wero very bright "I enjoyed I don't mean that I am o glad I came," said tho girl "and heard you!" she added. lie thanked her in n low tone, look ing at her band ns be dropped it 'You you aro making Englaud your home?" His volco was singularly hes itating. "Yes." Sho looked nt him a Uttlo surprised. "At least for the present! But how" she broko off. "I suppose, though, you could tell my accent I've lived nearly all my life in Australia, nd"- Slr Charles, interrupting reminded them of nn appointment. Tho party turned. A slender flguro inclined Itself very slightly toward John Steele. A Tolco wished him good morning, Tho man stood with his hands on his books. It did not occur to him to ac company her to the door. Suddenly ho looked over his choulder. At the threshold she. too. bad turned her bend. An instant their glances met The next she was gone, CIIAPTER V. AT THE OI'EIIA. WnEN John Stcelo left tho court toward tho end of tho day be held his bead as a wan who thinks deeply. Jtoiu the door he directed his stops Miss Wray" among the long list of box holders for that night at the opera, a gala occasion, commanded by 'royalty for the entertainment of roy alty and Incidentally of certain bar barian personages who had come across tbo seas to be diplomatically coddled and fed. Folding bis newspaper. John Steele turned to bis legal papers, strove to replace idleness by industry, but the spirit of work failed to respond. He looked at his watch, rang sharply a belL "Put out my clothes." he said to tho servant who appeared with a lamp, "and have a cab at the door." The opera hod already begun, but pandemonium still reigned about the box office. A thunder of applause from within. Indicating that the first act had come to an end. was followed by the usual egress of black and white figures impatient for cigarettes and light lobby gossip. "Divine, eh? The opera. I mean!" A volco accosted John Steele, nnd. turn ing, ho beheld a familiar face with black whiskers, that of Captain For sythe. "This Is somewhat different from the morning's environment?" "Yes." snld the other. "But your first question," with n smile. "I'm afraid 1 can't answer. I've Just rome, and if I hadn't well. I'm no Judge of music." A bell sounded. John Steele, excus ing himself, entered the auditorium and was shown to Ids seat (To Bo Continued.) STOMACH DEAD MAN STILL LIVES I. 0. 0. F. Notice. All members of Rogue River en campment, No. 30, nre requested 10 be present nt tho regular meeting Saturday, June 11. Work in degrees and banquet nt close of meeting. Vis iting brothers always welcome. WM. A. MILER. Scribe. Medford, Oregen: This cortifies that wo have sold Hall's Texas Won der for tho euro of all kidney, blad der nnd rheumatic troubles for ten years, nnd have novor hnd n com plaint. It gives quick and permanent elief. Sixty days' treatment in each bottle. Medford Pharmacy. tf AUTOMOBILES O. W. Murphy. O. M. Murphy. MURPHY BROS. AUTO LIVERY. 1010 Chnlmers Detroits. Phone 1801, Vnlley Auto Company, Medford, Or. Quick Service. Ensy Riding. Prices Right. PARRY AUTO LIVERY PHONE MAIN 3141. Agency for tho Parry Cars. Rogue River Auto Co., Frank II. Hull, Prop., Medford, Or. 9war4 People who suffer from sour stom ch, fermentation of food, distress alt er eating and Indigestion, and cook relief in largo chunks of artificial dlgestors, are killing thou stomachs by inaction Just as surely as tho vic tim of morphine is deadonlng and Injuring beyond repair every nervo in his body. "What tho stomach of every suffer er from indigestion needs is a good prescription that will build up his stomach, put strength, energy and elasticity Into St, and make it sturdy enough to digest a hearty meal with out artificial aid. Tho best prescription for Indiges tion over written is sold by druggists ovorywhoro and by Chns. Strang and Is rigidly guaranteed to build up tho Etomach and euro lndlgection, or mon ey back. This prescjrtption Is named Ml-o-nn, and is sold in small tablet form In largo boxes for only 60 cents. Re member tho name, Ml-o-na stomach tablets. They never fall. They con tain ingredients that give quick re llof (other than strong digesters), but they aro compounded for the pur pose of making the stomach strong and energetic enough to do its work without tbo aid ot harmful drugs. Canton RESTAURANT SAM LOCK, Prop. The former famous chef at the Nnsh Grill, Mr. Sam Lock, has opened a first-class restaurant above Kennedy's saloon, No. S3 South Front street. Entrance at both sides. Only first-clans meals served, and just tho nnmo of the proprietor is the best guarantee. OPEN EVERY DAY AND NIGHT. NOODLES, CHOP SUEY. This is the only place where will bo served chop auoy and China nood les. Come and see me and you and I aro both sure you will como back. Remember, I am willing nnd I preach what I promise. Yours truly, SAM LOCK. Charlnff Cross, but .only ' Woodville. Or. Jersey Cow. Wanted First class fresh Jersey giving not less than 12 quarts per day at least. Address Oak Vale Or chards, Larkin Roynolds, supt.,1 72 SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER Siskiyou Natural Mineral Water, bottled at tho spring by J. M. Wagner a clear, sparkling, health-giving drink. Delivered to your homo by B. C. BIGHAM, Agent. ( For the Finest Bakery Products Staple & Fancy Groceries TRY US Wo can boast of hundreds of satisfied customers pcoplo who know that they aro getting full vnluo for every cont spent in this Btoro. ARE YOU ONE? Qivo us a trial and you'll bocomo ono. Allen 6 Reagan CORNER MAIN AND CENTRAL AVENUES. Medford Iron Works E. E. TROWBRIDGE, Propriotor. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pump3, Boilers and Machinery. Agonts in Southern Ore gon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. J. E. ENYART, Presidont JOHN S. ORTn, Cashier. J. A. PERRY, Vico-Prosident. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cnshicr. The Medford National Bank Capital, $50,000 Surplus, 910,000 SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS - TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. HCTTB PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN . PRICE 11 North D St.. Medford. Ore. Phone 303 Buy Where Yo . Get Your Moneys Worth When wanting high-grade Ice Orcam or Sherbets in any quantity we are at your service. QUALITY is our -vyatchword. You remember the QUALITY long after the price is forgotten. We have our own delivery and can supply you with milk, cream and buttermilk. Ask your grocer for our Creamory Butter. Rogue River Creamery L V. O. IIANtbcN TOM MOFFAT J Wo niako any kind and stylo of Windows. Wo carry GIobs of any sizo on hand. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Oregon, - - For Sale Land that will out six crops of alfalfa a year. U. S. Govornmont irrigation. If you aro interested, address S. F EHORN & SON OKLAND, CALIF. c-f - c iMrlr RESOLVED Th 8 boat roHolution for you to make is to oonio to uu for your noxt suit, if you want Homothitw out of tho ordinary. Wo do tho best work nu4 ahnrgf Iho lonent priced. W. W. EIFERT YIEB FXOOKJtlBflrVB TAIXOI Roanoke Roanoke One of the Most Beauti ful Resident Sections of Medford Roanoke Addition is just far enough out to elim inate all noise and bustle of the business section and yet it is just right for the man who is in business. Only ten minutes' walk from the railroad. This is becoming one of the most finished residence districts of Medford. Tho lots all faco on Main street and Roso avenue. Cement sidewalk all in. Sewer and water mains laid The lots are high and sightly, which gives them a great advantage. Building re strictions $2000. There aro already several fine now cottages on tho property. These lots aro quite largo, boing 50x137, which gives plonty of room for garden and garage and othor necessary buildings.' Come and make your selections early.' Prices $735 to $750 for cast and west front lots. J. W. DRESSLER AGENCY Selling Agents Roanoke Roanoke PHONE NO 2681 134 N. RIVERSIDE AVENUE Special Rates for tho GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 209 West Mnin St., Mcdfoid, Ore. Operating Quarry at Cold Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED- GRANITE Portland Rose Festival JUNE 6TH TO 11TH on tho Southern Pacific Comp'y (Linos in Oregon) ONE and ONE-THIRD FARE PROM ALL POINTS IN OREGON Sale Dates From Roseburg and all stations north thereof, including all branches, Juno Gth, 8th and 10th. From all stations south of Roseburg, Juno 5th 6th and 8th. Pinal return limit .Tune 15th. For further particulars as to rates, etc., apply to any S. P. Agent or to WM. MoMURRAY, Genoral Passenger Agent. Portland, Oregon.