2 MEDFORD ALA1L TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, .TUNIS 9, 1910. m.t V. c ttil' S. . ;' H W $ EAGLE POINT EAGLETS I By A C. Howlctt J. T. YoHiipi ouo of the Medford their bnRRKO and M, C. Mathony carpenters, cntno out to the Sunny and Iru Tungnlo up to Butte Falls. Sido to spend the JURht last Fridny, Speaking of. my trip to Butto Falls, and then wont to Mr. Panic's ranch I wish to speak u word of praiso for on Horuo river, tho Alfalfa Garden those who havo had charge of the patch, to put a track in his bnrn and road work on that route, and cspo to have an outing and enteh some cially tho Inst three piiles of tho fish, wad that has boon under the super- Win. MoClnnnlinn of California, vision of W. W. l'arker, for where father of tho saw mill man by that tho road was made over a. tract of namo on Elk creek, called on his ro- l" covered with largo boulders he turn trip from Elk creok to his homo has removed them and made a fine, iu Siskiyou oonntv. smooth road, so that unyouo can Henry Meyers of Lake Creek re- riJc K th 8?,u Plensu- " ports having sold 17 head of hogs, c9 to bo tho nht mttn r tho Tt TSZC?ot IB- William, came up from v $ "11 ZtZ y Quants Pass tho last of the week to him scarcely nothing. nftw proj)jrty Our neighbor who bought the Eh Pnrf p H Da,oy wct to E,k Dahock place. Mr. Pnlonze, lost a Gre(jk ,0 pond tho smmuon Ho wiu fine horso last week. tcacU n smaU school up lbore nis Mr. Huddlo, ono of tho rangers, family vwill follow iu a few days, camo out last Saturday evening, s. B. Holmes and wife have gone iook supper and then applied for n, back to Illinois to visit his relntivcs. rig to cocm out and got him to go ;o nnj nu Browu uud wifo havo gone Mcdford, leaving his horse here, re- to Portland to visit Mrs. Brown's turning Tuesday morning, and then mother and sister and brother, went back to Prospect tho same day. w,n Ulriek and wife were out tho Last Saturday evening Miko Ilan- last of tho week to make bonds and loy applied to Mrs. Howlett to know deeds to tho lots he has sold in our if three or four could get breakfast town. by six o'clock the next morning, and Tho Earlo Point ball team went she answered yes. Tho next morn- over to Stickoy (Hilcrist) and met mg Mr. iianioy ana win. v lustier, tno inicnst team, aim tue result was Tho stores that do not udvortlso can't Bell bo cheaply as theso that do for they inako fowcr isalo9, and their por-salo profit must bo laroor. SLOW REGISTRATION Hnsklns for Hoalth. For Sale 34 acres under ditch, close in; $7000. 1G0 acres, close in, fine dairy and stock ranch, oasy tonus. 4 homesteads. Restaurant, a snap. Bnkory, fine buv. 24 horses, from $75 up. West Walnut Park lots, torms. G-Room bungalow, $500 off price for quick salo. 2 lots and 2-room house, $S50. 100 aoros, $1000. Rooming house, a monoy-mnkor. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 10 nores. income $750 this year. 4 automobiles. Fruit land ,oloso in. 7 horses. with n chauffeur, came out at 6:15 a. in. and found that there had al ready nineteen eaten breakfast, but thoy wore satisfied with what they had and -went on their way rejoicing up to tho Hnnloy ranch on Little' Butte. Sunday evening there was n crowd of tho citizens of Dudley come out and stopped at tho Sunny Side over night and tho next day. S. H. Ilar nish took a load up and your corre spondent took two to Butte Falls. Among tho callers were Messrs. G. 12 to 10 in favor of the Hilcrist team. Mr. Ruylin, one of the Medford architects, was out viewing Mr. Vandehellen's and P. H. Doloys new houses tho first of tho week. Clinc and Marguorita Holmes of Central Point came into the S. S. for supper bunuay nignt. Mrs. Joff Matney and son of Shnle. Cal., called here for dinner Tuesday, and your correspondent took them up to her sister's, Mrs. is 5 st o FOR RENT. Housekeeping rooms. 6 rooms, bath,- modorn, $35. 5 rooms, modorn, $12. 7 rooms. $20. 4 rooms, modorn, $12.50. 5 rooms, modorn, $15. 2 furnished houses, $25 and $35. T Tho registration books for tho kou ernt election next November were opened Tuesday, but tho prospective voters Boomed In no hurry to avail themselves of the privilege of en rolling their names upon tho "great register." County Clork Coloman reports that ho had rogiatorod "seven or eight" and a enrefU canvass of tho local notaries fnllod to rovoal a single ap plicant for tho right to voto on tho first day of tho opening of tho regis tration books. Tho registration for tho primarlos Is Just as Important, porhaps moro so, than that for tho goneral oloctton. It does not require any moro oxortlou atid auswor a dou ble purpoBo, giving tho applicant a vote nt both elections. Ono reason for tho slow registra tion In Medford Ik the chnngo In the boundaries of tho precincts. WAGERS ON JEFFRIES AT TEN TO SIX ODDS buggy: W. Albert, E. Spencer, M. Spencer, B. Pharos, A. J. Smoot, Wm. Spen cer, H. B. Reed, John Moore, M. C. Mahony and Mrs. Mary Albert, and later Harry and Jess Spencer. All are from the neighborhood of Dudley, and thoy hnd.been to Roeburg lo make filings on claims. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin who arrived from California Satur day evening on tho train, got a rig at the S. S. Stable and went to Butte Falls to visit their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Morris, and on Monday your correspondent took Finley, that afternoon. Mr. C. W. Rollius of Paso Rubles, Cal., traveling salesmanfo r Boo ghcr, Forco & Good Bar Hat Co., spent tho night here Monday, ne remarked that Jio had been in the habit of going through this valley twice a year for several years but that it was the first time he had ever Clark, t been over here, and that he thought that wo were in the omuth of a can yon, and wns surprised to find such a large country, and when I told him that there were four school districts above here he was more surprised than ever. WANTED. Young horse, harness and must bo a bargain. 15 men for ditch work, $2.50. Men, $2.50 per day, and board $4.50. Chicken ranches. Ranch hands. $35 per month. Hay men, $1.50 per day. Girl for general housework. 25 wood choppers, $1.50 eord. Wood cutters. $1 tier. CHICAGO, 111., June 8. "I havo plenty moro money to bet on Jim Jef fries at 10 to (1 odds," sunt Andy Craig today iu discussing his bet of $15,000 to $0000 with Edward Dick inson that Jeffrie would defeat Johnson. Raskins for Health. REVENUES OF cirr FOR MAY Recorder's Report Shows Balance in Most Funds $325 for Auto Li censes and $800 for Saloon Li censesWater Rentals $904. The city recordei's report for the month of May vas filed with the council Tuesday evening. The gen eral fund chows receipts for the month of $2095 and expenditures of $1631 with a balance on hand of $0408. Liquor licenses yielded the city the sum of $800, auto licenses the sum of $325. Taxes brought In $845 and miscellaneous receipts $123. The library fund showed receipts from taxes of $21 and expenditures of $147, leaving a balance on hand of $21. The water fund showed rental re ceipts totaling $904 and taps of $884. Tho park fund exhibits receipts of $106 and expenditures of $63.40, leaving $1057 on hand. Tho gravity water fund shows a balance on hand of $15,243, after paying Hanley $2000 and legal ex pense of $140, and tho contractors' 12th estimate of $7010. MANY MILES IMPROVEMENTS City Engineer's Report for May Shows Nearly Mile of Cement Side walks and Miles of Streets Sur veyed for Paving and Sewer. J. 0. 0. F. MEMORIAL SERVICES SUNDAY City Engineer H. E. Foster's report for March shows 4109 feet of grades established for cement sidewalks and 11,002 feet of streets connected for paving and grading estimates. Curb stakes wero set for paving on Genesseo street, West Tenth, Fourth treet West and North Holly, totaling 8038 feet. Sewer grades woro set in the alloy from Eighth .to Ninth be tween Bartlett and Contral avenuo. Survoys were made of North Holly, S. Holly, W. Tenth, W. Fourth, Fir street North and South, W. Sixth, Laurel street. North and South; Or ange street, N. Peach and Jacson streets, and tho streets measured and monuments placed, Surveys and estimates were made for a reinforced concrete wall cast! of the Bear street bridge. Tho rock piles of the Warren Construction Co. woro measured and contents computed. Forty pormist for sower connec tions woro recoived and made, and I other work done, showing that tho month has been an extremely busy one. L F. A. BITTNER Medford Employment Bureau. Business chances, real estate, all kinds of hJp furnished and business chances handlod. Room 203. Taylor & Phlpps Bldg. Phone 4141 Main. f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f A BARGAIN 3-R00M HOUSE, CHICK EN HOUSE AND YARD, WOODSHED, ETC.; LOT 50 XI00. 6 FRUIT TREES, 6 BLOCKS FROM DEPOT, STREET TO BE PAVED; IF TAKEN AT ONCE, $750 CASH. CALL ON OR AD DRESS OWNER, 528 SOUTH FIR STREET. - f f I I A. L. VROMAN WRIGHTS INVESTMENTS PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR No job too small, none too large. Twenty-five years' practical experience. Office 113 South Front Street. Phone 2751. Tho regular annual services of the 'Odd Follows and ebokah lodges will bo hold at tho South Methodist church Sunday at 11 a. m. In tho afternoon at 2:30 o'clock tho graves of tho dop.irted will ho decorated. MARRIED. "HINKLE-COTTON In Jackson ville, Juno 8, 1910, by J. It. Nell, county judge, Charles G. Hinkle, and Martha J. Cotton. If tho store ads wero not worth your whllo thoy would not bo pub lished at all'. Haskins for Hoalth. PIANOS We will deliver to your home on 30 days' free trial ono of our celebrated pianos. Use it, try' it and then buy it, if it's to your satisfaction. We are go ing to give away free one $450 piano in September. Any one buying a piano from us during this time, should you have the piano awarded you wo will givo you a bill of sale and will refund all money paid by you. Tho above will bo dono from a publicity standpoint. Wo rent pianos. We tuno pianos. Wo storo pianos. Wo buy pianos. Wo do tho pinno business. DEAL AT HALE'S It Means Satisfaction HALE'S Piano. House 611 N. Central Ave. 20 acres fine land, .set to apples and pears, yearlings; one milo from Central Point; $6000, hnlf cash, easy terms on balance 3 acres adjoining city, neat house and outbuildings, fino irriga tion plant, splendid truck farm and subdivision proposition, at a bargain price for a fow days. Modern 7-room house on choice street, finely finished and n choice homo for less than it will cost you to build. If you want a choice home let ns bhow you this one. 3-room house, nice lot and fruit t-ees, in fino location; for quick sale, $850. Fino corner lot, close to Oakdale, in good location, for fow days at $450; it's a bargain. Oak Ridge is tho now addition where you got fino lots, with shade trees, and at right prices; 10 per cent cash and 10 por cent per month. Don't fail to "get in" on this and get your lotB reserved. 3 fine lots, 50xll22, in fino loca tion, a monoy-mnking buy nt $305 each; $100 aash will h andlo them. J. Bruce Wright & Co. 132 WEST MAIN. PnONE 2091. Circuit Court. Application ot Kate McAndrows to resistor tltlo; decree granted. JoBephlno High vs. Edward High, sot for trial at 10 o'clock Juno 10 In chambors, by stipulation of attor noyu, Fred Harty vs. Martha and Sher man L. Conoj writ of habeas corpus In tho mattor of Molvla Harty; cus tody of said child awarded to Fred Harty. A Wonderful Discovery for Medford. "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." Mr. Allen's Portablo Bath Ap paratus is a marvel. It combines in ono simple, inexpensive appa ratus all tho advantages known to modern bathing. Heats sufficient water within six minutes at tho cost of only 1 cent. A bath can bo taken in any room without tho possibility of soiling enrpots or rugs. Only ono cun understand tho real merits of this bnthjng apparatus by having it demonstrated to you. Mr. II. Fox, who has tho exclusive igenoy for Jackson county, will visit tho homos of Medford and vi cinity and demonstrate it. When ho comes to your home, invite him in, and ho will show you tho merits of this 20th century invention. It is on oxhibltlon at Strang's drug storo. QO AND SEE IT. WANTED! Thinners to thin fruit Talent Talent Orchard Co. Oregon. I WEST MAIN ST., COR. LAUREL. NEXT TO THE WASHINGTON SCHOOL. TELEPHONE 1451. "OUTSIDE THE "WONT YOU TAKE THIS COMFORTABLE ROCKER?" Says Courtesy and there's tho Welcome sense of being lit homo Ah soon ns tlu guest is hc ntod. The iihovo rnokor iH right ly deigned. Wo invito you to call and let us show oti one of our nmuv comfoitiiblo chain and rockers. Thoy combine tho porfoot balance thai rucks iiwuv your troublo with the iudividunlit Hint uddx to llm rotini'incnl of mi v room. Complete House Furnishers Do You Own a Block in D m 0 ON If You Want a Block of This Addition Sec Any Aoont or . H. EVERHARD HOTEL MOORE. MEF0RD, OREGON. : rwMrw w FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. iH fni- 1 M For Store Lighting MAZDA Lamps Are Unrivaled They enable any store to use electric light at a cost which is less than would have to be paid for any other illuminant on the market. We Furnish MAZDA Lamp to our central station custom ers at very liberal terms. The General Electric Company is supplying us with the GE MAZDA lamp in all sizes . suitable for all lighting needs. Every merchant should look into this question of more light for his business. We have several interesting propositions , for merchants. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY I g FIRE LIMITS OUT INSIDE ON PRICES." J