Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 09, 1910, Image 1

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mV Jit1"""1- "S
Medford Mail
Full Leaned Wire Import.
Tonlithl ami Friday Ka'f
anil cooler.
Tho only papor In tho world
publlshad In a city tho ! of
Medford having a loaned win.
.WltfTIl YEAR.
No. 69.
Duration UnlimitedArticles Provide Wldo Ratine of Activities, Incliullnu
Bullillnn nnd Operating of Electric Lines, Power Plants, Lighting Sys
tems, Realty Transactions, Lumber Operations In Jackson and Josephine
Counties and Other Counties, Clt les and Towns of Oregon.
Articled of Incorporation have boon
approved ly thu secretary of fta(n of
tho Southern Oregon hallway anil
Power company, with John H. Allen,
Joseph H. Vilas ami S. VIIiih Dcclt
wlth an Incorporatorn. Tho capital
stock Ik placml at S5, 000,000 and tho
duration unlimited. Tho purpoKO In
to build and oporato oloctrlo railways
powor pliVtn, etc., through tho Koguo
Itlvor valley and southern Oregon.
John It. Alien, who financed tho
Pacific & Kasturn, started ItH con
Mtructlon nnd sold n controlling Inter
on to tho lllll IntorontH, Im nlrondy
tho holder of trolley frauchlncn tn
Medford nnd Grants I'nsH, and his ap
plication for a frnnchlHo In Anhlnnd
will ho voted upon Saturday. Joseph
8. Vllna In a woJI known Medford
orchnrdlRt and capitalist, who ctimo
hero three years ago from Wlscon
ln. 8. V. Ilcclnvlth Ib n prominent
Now York attorney, who hna recently
coino to Medford, purchnulm: tho Nor-
crooH orchnrd, and forming a lognl
partnership with It. O. Smith, which
firm nro attomeyn for Mr. Alien.
Tho"artlclca of Incorporation pro
vldo; "IMircluiBO, ncn,u!ro hoII and othor
wIho donl In shares of capital ntoclc,
hondH, otc., of corporations, pnrtlc
larly corporations ownlnn rnllwoys,
power and lighting plnntH; ongngo In
construction, purchnHO, ownership,
Improvemont, mnlntunnnco, uro nnd
operation of linen of ntroot railway
and othor rallwayn with rolling tock,
equipment, cnrlmrmi, hIiopb, powor
plants, tlogrnph llnoB, otc, In on,
over, under, along nnd through tho
streets, rondu, alloys and othor pub
DETROIT, Mich., Juno !. Han
JoluiHoii, president of thu American
Longuo, will bring lioforu tho national
commiHsion a plnn In niil 'Mown mid
out" lmnebnll plnyors, according lo
President Frank Noviu of the De
troit olub today.
Johnson's plan is for eaoli club in
the league lo designate one game in
it h schedule eueli season, thu gross
recoiptti of which is Id Iio given to
thu fund for tho needy oternnn nud
others connected with the gnmo who
may bo "up iigaiiiflt it." Tho individ
ual plnyors will probably bo anlud to
donato a small hiiiii annually to (lie
fund also. .IoIiiihimi buliuves $50,000
would bo raised each year in thin
mntiuur, Thu iiutinuul commission
will udmiuiHtor tho fund,
SIOUX FALLS, 8. I)., Juno It.
LuIohI roturiiH today iudiisalu Hint
Genrgu W. Egun, iudupuuduut repub
lican, Huuurud thu guburuutorial
nomination over his opponent, Clov
en i or VoHHoy, l)y 3,000. VoHHoy
olainiH to have boon nominated by a
majority of 800. Tho question prob
ably will not bo decided until nu offi
cial count ia mndo.
lic placet) nnd private places In cltloa
of Medford, AKhland, Grants Pass,
Hold Hill, Phoenix, Talent, Central
Point, .Seattle liar, Mutton nnd Jnck
Honvllle, In thu counties of Jackson
and Josephine, In the state of Oregon,
and In and through othor counties,
cltleH, towns and villages of said state
of Oregon."
Also to Kennrntn and manufacture
and noil electricity, both as powor
nud light; to acquire nnd construct
and maintain water rlghte and water
syHtems, to manufacture nnd soil gas
and compressed air, otc; to operate
parks and hotels nnd recreation
places; to vngngo in tlmbor business,
In Hhort, to do each nnd ovory act
which may bo neconsnry to accom
plish the purposo expressed In tho ar
ticles of Incorporation.
M. 0. Eldrcdiic of Department nf
Agriculture Arrives, Accompanied
by Judge L. M. Webster Speaks
at Jacksonville Tonlflht.
M. O. Hldrltlgo of Washington, D.
C, export In tho matter of road build
ing, who has been sent out by tho
good roads bureau of tho agricultural
department to Instruct tho people In
tho mattor of road construction, Is In
tho vnlloy In company with former
Judge L. It. Webster of Multnomah
county. Tho two gentlemen will nd
dress tho people of Jncksonvlllo this
(Thursday) evening. Friday they
will be at Ashland, and Saturday aft
ornoon nt 2 o'clock thoy will talk
to tho cltlzotiB of Medford.
Mr. Wobstor Is an enthusiast and
Mr. Hldrldgo an export on tho mnt
tor of ronds,
LONDON, Juvo St. Colonel Thoo
doro HooHovolt will not dollvor tho
"keynote" speech nt tho oponlng of
tho congresHloual campaign. Ho au
thorized tho United Press today to
deny that ho had accepted an Invita
tion to dollvor such a speoch at tho
annual convention of tho republican
clubs, which will bo hold In Now
York In July. Ho furthor nskod tho
United ProsB to dony tho Btory thnt '
ho had planned a political speaking
tour which would Include cities nB
far west iih tho Hooky mountains
uuil Includo Toxns. ,
ltoosovelt has mailo no plans for
delivering political spoochoa. No
Hiich jilauH will bo mailo until after'
ho hna roturnod to Oyator Uayl j
In n lottor wrltton Congrossmnn
Mooro or Philadelphia declining tho
Invitation to nildross tho republican
olubs, tho roport ot tho tour waB do-
uloil by tho colonol. I
Koosovolt'a confidents bollovo that
Many Cities Isolatcdd Three Hun
dred Thousand Property Dcstruc
tlon Convicts Battle Desperately
With Flames
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Juno 0. Many
cltleH of Missouri nro Isolated follow
ing n cyclone that did thousands of
dollars damngo last night. No deaths
hnvu been reported, but the list of
Injured Is large. It Is fenred that ad
ditional details will show loss of life.
Tho damngo throughout Missouri
Is estimated at $300,000. Tho loss
nt Jefferson City, where tho cyclono
apparently centered, Ib set nt $25,000.
Uesldcs tho damngo to transportation,
tiu lighting plnnt of tho city was
Three hundred convicts, righting des
perately under heavy guard, cpnquer
ed a flro that thrcntoned onrly today
to destroy tho factory section or tho
Missouri Btntp penitentiary. Tho tiro
followed n cyclone thnt unroofed
three of tho penitentiary buildings
and dnmaged two others.
"B" hall, a coll building in which
800 men wero confined, was ono of
tho structures unroofed. "A" hall,
also lost its covering and tho building
containing (ho prison kitchen, dining
hull, library and chnpol, lost a sec
tion of Its roof nnd a portion of Its
upper story.
Wednesday morning Frank Payne
was severely Injured by tho explosion
of an air cyllndor in tho nlr compres
sor at tho Opp mine. Pnyno, who
was not familiar with tho working of
tho machine In cutting off tho nlr
from the drills did not cut off tho
electric powor plnnt first, nB a con
sequence ono cyllndor burst nnd put
all tho power drills out ot commis
Pnyno was bndly brulsod, but wob
not dnngerously Injured.
Mrs. OUio Strom;, who has been
visiting relatives nud friends in Med
ford, has returned homo to Seattle,
tho roport b woro circulated by tho
republican regulars to glvo tho Im
pression that Roosovolt would aid
In tho fight on tho Insurgents. Tho
rogulara control tho republican clubs.
Uoosovolt'a addresses to tho Hough
Hldur association, his speech boforo
tho conservation congress nnd his
John llrown dny address will bo non
polltlcal, Tho HoosovoltB nro with tho oxcop
tlon of tho colonol spondlng tho dny
nt tho country homo of Sir Edwnrd
(liny, forolgn sccrotnry. A special
train tomorrow will carry Mrs,
ltoosovelt, Kormlt, Kthol Roosovolt
and Alice Longworth to Southamp
ton, where tho colonol will Join them.
' Tho party snlls tor Amorlca tomor
row on tho ICnlsorln Auguoto Victoria.
noosovolt and Mrs. Roosovolt will
occupy tho Imperial sulto ot four
rooms. Tho othor momborB of tho
Roosovolt family haYo'a sopnrato
throe-room sulto.
County Court Appropriates Money to
Keep Pathologists fn Charge of Or
chards In Jackson County Other
Counties May Borrow His Services
If They Pay Pro Rata for Them.
La to Wednesday afternoon tho
county commlssloncro' court agreed to
appropriate tho sura ot J5000 for
the purposo or retaining tho services
or ProrcBBor P. J. CGara, pathol
ogist of tho department of agricul
ture, for tho year ending June 30,
It was agreed that this salary
should bo paid In monthly Install
ments nt the end of each month, and
that Professor O'Garn ia consider
ation of this salary should dovotu his
entire attention to the orchard In
terests ot Jackson county, taking o
rurlough from the department of ag
riculture. ,
Should other localities demand his
services they will bo expected to pny
to Jackson county tho pro rata ot
his salary whilo so employed.
Tho nrrancement is satisfactory to
Mr. O'Garn, and eminently so to the
fruit growers of the Rogue Hirer val
ley, as tho latter feel that Mr.
O'Gara'B sorvlces will bo worth many
thousands of dollars more than his
salary to tho fruit Industry during
tho next 12 months.
Whilo tho county court was slow in
tanking the appropriation, It was not
that tho majority opposed It, but tho
delay was mndo In order that tho
members of tho board might becomo
thoroughly conversant with tho facts
and that they might be enabled to
act Intelligently in making tho appro
priation nnd devising ways and means
for securing tho funds.
Gallagher, the Grafting Alderman',
Says Prosecution Is Glad to Lose
Him so as to Have an Excuse for
Not Prosecutlnn Calhoun.
VANCOUVER, H. C, June J). -James
L. Gallagher, who was "dis
covered" yestorday in his retreat at
North Vancouver, visited Vancouver
today. When interviewed he Miid:
"There is nothing in the statement
that certain overtures hnve been
mndo by frionda of either lttief or
tho prosecution with a viow lo mv
return. I have never been ap
proached; in fact, have been beyond
the palo of my friends. Regarding
thu prosecutions which are now hold
up, my candid opinion is that tho
prosecution has used my nbsonco ns
nu excuse to drop out of the ileal.
If what they contend is true, there
is sufficient ovidenco to convict Ruof
and u whole lot more whoso names
lioro tho stignm of 'graft' somo years
ago. The man responsible for tho
present I angle finds a beautiful sub
terfuge in my absence, nnd I bolieve
he is willing to rest his case there
and eloso up shop on the whole dis
agreonblo nffair."
flallaglior bears all t lit emiunrks
of tribulations, but says he tinils so
lace in his now home uiuoutr tho tall
pines of Hritish Columbia, Mrs. Gal
lagher nnd daughter are lesidiug with
LONDON, Juno 0. Sir George
Nownos, a well-known English edit
or, diod today. ITo wns tho foundor
of thu Wostminstor Gazette, Tdh-Rits
and tho Strand uingnEiiio.
stocks all
Market Fluctuates But Advances
Steadily Nearly All List Shows
Improvement Bonds Irregular
Market Closes Firm-
NEW YORK, June 9. In the enrly
morning tho price fluctuated 'but ad
vanced steadily later, and before
noon prices were booming. Amnl
gaaintcd Copper declined 3-8, declin
ing early, and International Harvest
er rose 5-8. Later St. Paul re-acted
and jumped up 1, Union Pacific also
gained 1, American Steel foundries
nnd Northern Pacific rose 1-4, Great
Northern preferred nnd Colorado
Southern gained lYst American
Sugar 5-8, United States Steel nnd
Consolidated Gns rose 1. nnd Kansas
& Texas preferred 1 1-4.
Bonds were irregular.
Tho mnrkct closed firm.
WORCESTER, Eng., June 9. One
woman wns killed and many persons
injured by Aviator D'Artignn's nero
plane, which became unmnnngablo
lioro this afternoon during a flight.
Tho machine swooped down upon n
crowd nnd many persons wero struck
by tho whirling propcllor.
D'Artigan was not hurt. The nir
fdiip wns demolished.
Ropresontntlves of several railroads
conform! with tho Interstato com
merco commission todny regarding
tho methods of fulfilling tho agree
ment with President Tnft to tempora
rily withhold the proposed Increase
la rates.
It wns agreed that tho railroads i
would f llo supplementary tariff sched
ules and would suspend tho proposed
Increases until August 1. If tho rail-1
road bill Is not passed by that tlmoi
tho Increase will bo further postponed.
WASHINGTON, I). ('.. June 0.
Ohiirges that President Diaz of Mex
ico has been using officers of the
United States and tho federal courts
as tools in prosecuting political ene
mies will be made tomorrow befora
tho house, committee on rules, which
is considering a resolution by Rep
rosontativo Wilson (Pennsylvania)
demanding an investigation.
John Kenneth Turner, magazino
writer, who has recontly published
a numbor of articles about conditions
in Mexico, nnd Guitorroz do Lara, a
leader of tho Mexican liberal party,
will appear before the committee.
Thoy declare tfhat they havo docu
mentary evidence to submit that will
show Mint Wnll street interests havo
forced American officials to proo
cutu Diaz's eimnies in America. It
is alloged that the American holdings
in Mexico amount to $900,000,000.
Tho allegations declaro thnt tho Gug
genhoims control thu Mexican copper
output, that the Continental Rubber
Allen Promises Continuous Construction and Agrees to Designate Only
Streets Actually Used and Not to Build Around Plaza Messrs. Car
ter, Eggleston and Winter Sign Request Recommending That Fran
chise be Voted for Welfare and Best Interests of City.
The special committee of the Ash
land Commrccinl club, appointed to
investigate the application of John It.
Allen for an intcrurbnn electric line,
reported as follows today, recom
mending the granting of the- fran
chise. The members of the commit
tee have heretofore npproved the
Ashland, Ore., June 9th, 1910 .
To the Ashland Commercial Club:
Gentlemen: Your committee ap
pointed to confer with Mr. J. R. Al
len in tho matter of his application
to the voters of Ashland for a street
railway franchise have respectfully
to repert:
We have had full and free confer
ence with Mr. Allen as to the several
objections raised to certain provi
sions of tho proposed franchise.
As to the objection that there is
no specific requirement that Mr. Al
len shall carry the work of construc
tion to completion with reasonable
expedition where it has once begun
on n particular street within the
tirao limit of one year from date of
adoption of the franchise, Mr. A.llen
has given us satisfactory assurances
as to his intentions and good faith
in the efforts ho will make to build
a road as soon ns possible, and has
furnished us the following signed
statement, which is in agreement with
the statement he made at the club
meeting Monday night.
"Ashland, Ore., June 7, 1910.
"I intend to accept the Ashland
franchise, if granted, in good faith
and promise ns part of my accept
ance to Tile an agreement in writing
to begin construction within one
year, as provided, and to prosecute
tho work in good faith continuously
and complete same in a reasonable
time unavoidable delays beyond my
control not to be charged against nitr.
As to tho furthor objoction that
the franchise would permit Mr. Allen
to make r. blanket filing on nil tho
streets nnd alloys of Ashland, we
are satisfied by assurances from
him that ho has no purpofo to make
nnv reservations of streets and al-
company, John D. Rockefeller, Jr.,
IniminH ilAnmilli ilin ATil V if fl II lllllKnl
company, which is a virtual rubb'r
monopoly; that tho Sntaudard Oil
company controls tho oil producing
lands, thnt thu 'Southern Pacific rail
road and tho Ilarrinian heirs control
two-thirds of the Mexican railroads,
that the sugar trust monopolizes tho
sugar business, nnd that the Wells
Forgo Express company has a mon
opoly of tho Moxican express busi
ness. Thoso interests, it is alleged, aie
"protootod" through concossioiis
mndo by Prosidont Diaz, and that
consequently the iutorcsts ue their
powerful influence in America for
Diaz. Tinner assorts that financial
intorosts nro paying Diaz for those
concessions bv using pressure with
tho federal government to accomplish
Diaz's ends, and pleading that if his
wishes nro not carried out "capital"
would bo jeopardized,
leys except snch as thero is reason
able prospect of being used and oc
"In filing plat designating the
streets and alleys which I wish to use
for street railway purposes, I wish
to assuic the committee that suck
reservation will only bo made of such
streets and alleys as there is a rea
sonable prospect of being used and
occupied for street railway purposes,
and that it is not my purposo or in
tent to filo a blanket reservation cov
ering streets or alleys not needed.
Certainly I shall not want to use the
street aiound the Plaza and the nar
row section of Main street between,
Water street and tho Plaza,
rait the following signed statement
of Mr. Allen) which is specific ns ib
the criticisms we have heard, and
seems to meet them fully:
I'lnzn Left Unmolested.
"Ashland,, Ore., Juno 8, 1910.
"To tho Cemmittee:
cupicd for railroad purposes. Neither
docs he intend to use tho narrow
portion of Main strcot running in
front of tho Ashland House block,
nor will he enter tho Plaza with his
line. As to this objection, we sub
IteroiumeiHl the Approval.
After carefully rcviowiug the pro
visions of this franchise and consid
ering tho question of grunting it in
every aspect in which it is presented,
to us, tho commttco bus docided tc
recommend its approval by tho vot
ers at the special election to bo held
thereon next Saturday, the 11th inst.
In reaching this decision wo have
been impressed by the evident good
faith and earnest professions of the
applicant for such franchise and the
assurances which scorn to us woll
founded, that tho road will bo built
within a reasonable time, tho money
being already arranged for. Having
due regard to the best interests of
our city as this mattor is now pre
sented and undestood by us, wo roc-
ommond Mr. Allen's proposition and
lecommend to the voters that his
franchise bo granted.
E. V. CARTER, ' f
Committee of Ashland Commercial'
DES MOINES, la., Juno O.-Gov.
B. F. Carroll will bo ro-nominuted by
a majority of 3,500 ovor his oppo
nent, Warren Garst, progressive re
publican, accoidiug to returns from
8(1 counties. Tho stand-patters
claim thoy will control tho stato con
vention by a majority of 150 dele
gates. Tho progressives assort that
thoy will control tho convention by
Cardinal Rompolla- III.
ROME, Juno 0. Cardinal Rom
polla's condition today is alarming.
Tho prolate suffered a numbor of at
tacks of fainting recently, The na
ture of his illuoss is not made, public.
" --wvii i n .mi )p any
JtfHijL a WjJcTW ik ,- 'TmrtftfiBPMa