MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, QRltiQON, WEDNESDAY, .TUNE 8, 1910. ft v . tt'.'V'.j' H dm MMMMMMBEEGMM Rom," A long Umo ho battered and batter ed In rain with his rocks; but, after an tour or bo, ho succeeded In splintering Mb -way through the tough pine. In klfl befuddled, half crazed condition ho tod thought only of bottles. What ho fosad proved a different sort of mer chandise. Maddened, bo tossed and scattered tbe contents of the box on the beach. The ocean had deceived him, laughed at him, cheated him. Ho turned from the shore unsteadily, walked back to bis camp and knocked the neck from bo of tho two remaining bottles. A. Sew hours later, Bodden, sottish, he lay without motion, face to the sky. JLad as ho breathed thickly, one bleed ing kand still holding the empty bot tle, a bird from an overhanging branch looked down upon him a tiny bird, lit tle bigger than his thumb, that carried a bright, beautiful spot of red on Its kreast, cocked Its head questioning. CHAPTER IV. THK WHEELS OF JT7STICZ. 1 ONDON In the spring! Sunshine, L tho Thames agleam with all Ter ripples, singing as It flews: red Balls I Joyous Lon don that has emerged from fogs and "basks beneath blue sides I On such a ar about 10 o'clock In the morning "threo persons whose, appearance dlstln- j sby turned Into n narrow thorough fare not far from the Strand. "Quito worth while going to hear John Steele conduct for his client, I assure you. Lord Ronsdale," observed one, a tall, military looking man, who .'walked with-a slight limp and carried a cane. "Bo's a new man, but he's inaklng his mark. When he asked to e admitted to the English bar he sur prised even his examiners. His sum siing up In the Doughertie murder case was, I heard his lordship remark, ae of tho most masterly efforts he ever listened to. Just tore the clrcum ataatial evidence to pieces and freed "als man! Besides bis profession at the bar, ho is an unnsually gifted criminologist, takes a strong personal Interest In the lowest riffraff. Is writ ing a book, I understand one of the kind that will throw a new light on tho subject" "Just what Is a criminologist?" The speaker, a girl of about eighteen, turn ed as slio lightly asked the question to Clanco over her shoulder toward sev eral persons who followed them. "One "who seeks to apply to the crim inal tho methods of psychology, psy chiatry and anthropology." he answer ad, with jesting lmpresslvcness. "When one Is only a sort of country cousin," the girl waved a small, dain tily gloved hand to the little group of friends who now approached and Joined them. "Captain Forsytbo Is trying to persuade mo It Is a legiti mate part of our slumming plan to take in murder trials, uncle," she said lightly, addressing the foremost of the newcomers, "Just because it's a fad of Us. Speaking of this ncqunlntanco or 'friend of yours, Mr. Steele you are something of a criminologist, too. are ;you not. Captain Forsythe?" "Well, every man should have a lobby," returned that Individual, "and, although I don't nspiro to tho long same you call me, 1 confess to a slight amateur Interest." . "Slight!" sho lepeated. "Would you bellevo it, aunt" to a portly lady among those who had approached "ho uever misses a murder trial? 1 believe ho likes to watch tho poor fel ' Iowa fighting for their lives, to study their faces, their expressions when they'ro being sentenced perhaps to one of those horrible convict ships!" "Don't speak of them, my dear Joce Jyul" returned that worthy person, with a shudder. "When I think of the Xiord Nelson and thut awful night" "You were three days In an open boat before being sighted and picked up, I believe, Lady Wray?" observed Captain Forsythe. "Every one behaved splendidly," In terposed Sir Charles. "You," gazing contemplatively at tho girl, "were but a child then, Jocelyn." Sho did not answer. Tho beautiful face had abruptly changed. All laugh ter had, gono from the clear blue eyes. "Sho Is thinking of tho convict who saved her," observed Sir Chorion In an explanatory tone to Captain Forsythe. "And tho amazing part of It Is tho fellow looked like n brute, had the low, Ignorant face of an ex-brulser." "You must not speak of htm that way!" Tho girl's bauds were clasped; tho slender, shapely llguro was very straight, Her beuutlful blue eyes, full f varying lights, Hushed, then beenme dimmed. A suspicion of mist blurred the long, sweeping lashes. "IIo had a big, noblo spark in his soul, and I think him many, many times," sho re peated, tho sweet, gay lips trembling Measltlrely. "Bravo fellow! Brave fellow!" 'Pity ho should have been drowned, tJpHjfk." Cupula romypie went on, 1 HALF A CHANCE By Frederic S. Isham? Aatto ( "The Strollers," "Under tb "The Lady of the Mount," Etc 1969, BT THE BOBBS-NEXRIUL CONFAinr "tie would, 1 am sure, bavo maao n most Interesting study In contrasts." Here Ronsdale lifted his hat. "May happen back this way," ho observed. "That Is," looking at Jocelyn Wray, "If you don't object." "I? Not at all. Of course It would boro you a trial! You aro so easily bored. Is It tho club?" "No, another engagement. Thank you so much for permission to return for you. Very kind. Hopo you will find It amusing. Good mornlngl" And Lord Ronsdale vanished down the nnr row way. Tho others of tho party entered the courtroom and were shown to the seats that Captain Forsythe had taken par ticular pains to reserve for them. "That's John Steele cross examlnlug now," Captain Forsythe whispered to the girl. And the wltncss-that's Dandy Joe. as he's called, one of the police spies, cheap race track man and so on. In the box. He came to the front In a murder trial quite celebrat ed In Its day and one 1 always had my own little theory about. Not that It matters now." he added, with a sigh. But the girl was listening to another voice, a clear voice, a quiet voice, a voice capable of the strongest varying accents. She looked at tho speaker, ne held himself with the assurance of one certain of his ground. His shoulders were straight and broad. He stood like an athlete, and when be moved It was Impossible to be uncon scious of a certain physlml grace that came from well trained muscles. He rarried his head high, as If from ft habit of thought of looking up. not down, when he turned from tho pages of the heavy tomes In his study. His faco conveyed an Impression of Intel ligence and Intensity. His eyes, dark and deep, searched fully those they rested on. He had reached a point In bis cross examination where be bad almost thoroughly discredited this witness for tho prosecution when, turning to ward a table to take up a paper, his glance, casually lifting, rested on the distinguished party In the rear of the room, or, rather, It rested on ono of them. Against the dark background tho girl's golden hair was well calcu lated to catch the wandering gaze. The flowers In her bat, the great bunch of violets in her dress added insistent alluring bits of color In the dim spot where she sat. Erect as a Illy stem. she looked oddly out of place In that large, somber room. There, where the harsh requiem of bruised and broken lives unceasingly sounded, she seemed like some presence typical of spring, wafted thither by mistake. The man continued to regard her. Suddenly be started, and bis eyes almost eagerly searched the lovely, proud face. His back was turned to the Judge, who stirred nervously, but waited a fraction of a becond before be( spoke. "If the cross examination is Unbill ed" he began! John Steele wheeled; his face chang ed; a smile of singular charm accom panied his ans.wcr. (To Be Continued.) Medford, Oregen: This certifies that wc have sold Hall's Texas Won der for tho euro of nil kidney, blad der and rheumntio troubles for ten years, and have nover had a com plaint. It gives quick and permanent elicf. Sixty days' treatment in each bottle. Medford Pharmacy. tf NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will bo recelvod by S. M. Nealon, Table Rock, Oregon, until Juno 17th, 1910, for tho erection of a frame public school building, ac cording to plans and specifications prapered by Charlos D. Lyon, archi tect, Medford, Oregon. All bids must ho accompanied by a certified check payable to "school district No. 44, Ta ble Rock, Jackson county, Oregon," for the sum of $75.00 as a guarantee that tho contractor will furnish an approved bond equal to 35 por cent of tho contract within fifteen days after tho awarding of tho contract. All bids must bo mado out on blank proposals for tho same. Blanks fur nished upon application by tho clerk or architect. Plans and specifications may ho had at the architect's office, Tho board reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. By order of school board, district No. 44. tww S. M. NEALON, Chairman. A. J. STEVENS, Clerk. Jersey Cow. Wanted First class fresh Jersey giving not less than 12 quarts por day at least. Address Oak Vale Or chards, Larkin Roynolds, supt., Woodville, Or, 72 TO RECOVER TIB LAND Government Starts Ninety-ono Stilts to Get Title to Claims Valued at Half Million, Which Were Illegally Acquired. SAN FRANCISCO, Juno S. Nlnety soven suits to recovor tltlo to 31 tim ber claims valued at halt n million dollars, aro pending today In tho Unit ed States circuit court hero alleged that the Curtis-Collins and Holbrook company of Now York nn.l tho Penn sylvania Lumber company obtained tl tlo to tho lands by fraudulent moth ods. United States District Attorney Devlin, nsslsted by Frank Hall, an nsslGtnnt of Attorney Gonoral Wlclt ersham, prepared tho sultn. Eric Lydcf!, In charge of tho field division of tho United States gonoral land office, discovered tho alleged frauds and reported tho matter to Devlin. Lydeia asserts that tho de fendants proved up on tlmbor lands In Plumas county six years ago, after obtaining tltlo through dummies. Tho statuto of limitations In criminal mat tors being threo years, civil procedure was the government's only recourse MANY IMPROVEMENTS MADE IN GRANTS PASS GRANTS PASS, Or., Juno 7. This city is rapidly advancing Ma terial improvements aro being made. Petitions are pouring in on the coun cil from nil parts of tho city asking for improvements, such as paved streets, sowers, tho opening of streets and building permits. Paving contractors now have more flinn 100 nnn nt work. Alrendv there have been lnid more than 4000 feet i straight curb, and 180 feet of curved ' curb, and 12,000 feet of cement Avnlk. j Paving is expected to begin within a snort ume. The electric light company has many workmen plnoing its wires in underground conduits preparatory to installing the cluster light system on Sixth street. The telephone compnny is also taking an interest in general improvements nnd is hastening to re mpvo its wires from tho streets where paving has been begun. Activity in building begun in the early spring. Hnndsome residences and smaller cottages nre springing up nil over the city nnd the busincs. section is growing. Many brick bus iness blocks are nnder construction. KEN0 PROPERTY OUT OF KLAMATH PROJECT KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Juno 7. Sccretary Ballinger hns sent word to tho Klamath Water-Users' associa tion that 5000 acres in tho Keno part of the Klamth project hnd been released from tho project. This Is practically all of the lands embraced in this part of tho original aroject and is in response to numerously signed petitions asking for release. The land owners in this part of tin; project aro much pleased at this no tion of the secretary of the interior. They will now go ahead with plans which are already under way for tho reclamation of these lnrids and put ting water thereon by privnto cupi- tal. XOTICK OP FIKST MEETING OF CREDITORS. In the district court of tho United States for tho district of Oregon. In tho matter of Dakor-Hutchason Company, an Oregon corporation and tho Hutchason Company, a partner ship, composed of J, P. Hutchason, C. W Zorn and Kugler, bankrupts. In bankruptcy. To the creditors of the Baker Hutchason Company, an Oregon cor poration, and tho Ilutchcson Com pany, a partnership composed of J. P. Hutchason, C. W. Zorn and Ku gler, bankrupts, of Oregon, in Jack son county, and district aferecald: Notice is hereby given that on tbo 2Cth day of April, 1910, tho said Ba-kor-IIutchason Company, an Oregon corporation, and tho Hutchinson Com pany, a partnership composed of J, P, Hutchason, C. W. Zorn and Ku gler, woro duly adjudicator bankrupt, and that tho first meeting of tho creditors of thorn or either of thorn will ho hold at tho Jackaon County Bank, at Medford, Orogon, on tho 17th day of Juno, 1910, at two o'clock In tho afternoon, at which tlmo tho said creditors may attond, provo thoir claims, appoint a trustoo, examine tho bankrupt, and transact such othor business as may proporly como boforo said meeting. Juno 4, 1910. HOLBROOK WITHINGTON, C9 Heforeo In Bankruptcy. Tho ad that tho other nowspapor roador moroly glanced at may bo tho ono you're looking for. nankin b for Hoalth. --- Souvenir Spoons The Largest and Most Complete Stock Ever Seen in Medford. MARTIN J. REDDY Jeweler, near P. O. I wish to announoo that I hnvo purohuBud tho Union Livery Stables and will conduct n general fcod and boarding establishment. Ilorsos boarded by tho day, wook or month. I Rimrantoo n square doal to all. R. GUANYAW UNION LIVERY BARN. RIVERSIDE AVENUE. Medford Iron Works E. E. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in Southern Oro gon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & OO. J. E. ENYART, President JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. The Medford Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $10,000 SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN & PRICE 11 North D St.. Medford. Ore. Phone 303 Buy Where You Get Your Moneys Worth When wanting high-grade Ice Cream or Shorhcts in any quantity we are at your service. QUALITY is our watchword. You remember the QUALITY long after the price is forgotten. "We have our own delivery and can Bupply you with milk, cream and buttermilk. Ask your grocer for our Creamery Butter. Rogue River Creamery PHONE NO 2681 134 GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 209 West Main St., Medfoid, Ore. Operating Quarry at DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED, GRANITE -- ------ J. A. PERRY, Vico-Presidcnt. W. B. JACKSON, Asa't Cashior. National Bank N. RIVERSIDE AVENUE Gold Ray, Oregon m.t.ttn - - 1 O. IIANBUN Wo nmlco any kind -lir ni .... wo curry uiass 01 any bizo on mum. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO., Medford, Orogon, For Land that will out six crops of alfalfa a year. U. S. Government irrigation. If you aro interested, address S. F, EHORN & SON ORLAND, OALIP. v iirs a$t 'x Roanoke One of the Most Beauti ful Resident Sections of Medford Roanoke Addition is just far enough out to elim inate all noise and bustle of the business section and yet it is just right for the man who is in business. Only ten minutes' walk from tho railroad. This is becoming one of tho most finished residence districts of Medford. The lots all face on Main street and Rose avenue. Cement sidewalk all in. Sower and water mains laid Tho lots aro high and sightly, which gives them a great advantage. Building re strictions $2000. Thero are already several fine now cottages on the property. Tbcse lots aro quite large, being 50x137, which gives plenty of room for gardon and garage and othor necessary buildings. Come and mako your selections early. Prices $735 to $750 for east and west front lots. J, W. DRESSLER AGENCY Selling Agents Roanoke m Special for Portland Rose Festival JUNE 6TH TO 11TH on tho Southern Pacific Comp'y (Lines in Oregon) of ONE and ONE-THIRD FARE FROM ALL POINTS IN OREGON Salo Dates "From Roseburg and all stations north thereof, including all branches, Juno Gth, 8th and 10th. From all stations south of Roseburg, Juuo 5th, Gth and 8th. Final return limit Juno 15th. For further particulars as to rates, otc., apply to any S. P. Agont or to WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent. Portland, Oregon. m n - - TOM MOFFAT and stylo of Windows. I ..1 ----------- Sale RESOLVED Thu bout resolution for yon to make is to uomo to tt for your next suit, if you want Honiothiiig out of tho orJInary. Wo do tho bent work nnd ohnrfr tho loTt prices. W. W. EIFERT TUB PKOQKfcSaiVB TA1X.01 Roanoke Roanoke Rates tho i-YVV vfcyr6tfilstfi?-riiilL .tA