MEDFOttD -MAIL TRIBUNE, ALEDFORD, OTOCION. TU1CSDAY, .TUNIS 7, 1910. 1 1. i? f: .'. Hr ! HOPES TO BE EniHFF John Ballinncr Announces Hts Desire to Run for Nomination on the Re publican Ticket. John W. Bollinger hns announced lils cuidltlncwy for tho nomination for Iho offlco ot sheriff, subject to tho approval of tho republican voters in tho prlmnrlo's. Mr. Bollinger hns been prominent In local politics for many yoars, and his friends claim Is entitled to con sideration at tho hands of his party. This Is tho first time that ho has nslicd tho nomination for a responsi ble office. CONTINUOUS BUILDING. Too Late to Glassify FOR HUNT S-toom houso. McAr thur & Aloxnndor. FOK SAUS Wood box factory blocks; now unloading a carload; $2 per load. Tho Squnro Deal Fuel Co., Gould and Llndloy. Phono 2601. ' G9 (Continued from Pngo 1.) in Wall streot and that ho was in a position to make pood in building a trolley lino and fulfill any promises that he might make. "Tho electric lino will mean a Rrcat deal to Ashland. We must re member that it will be many years beforo such a lino will even pay in terest .on the bonds, and that capital demands certain things iu franchises beforo such money will bo available. I am convinced, from what ifr. Allen hns said, that ho will meet all ob jections half way and that nn nmi cnblo agreement can be fixed up, which will satisfy most of tho ob jections made to tho franchise." To Meet Objections. Captain M. P. Egglcston, city recorder,-stated thalyhile it would be impossible to jnoflb' tho franchise and that it would Have to be voted upon in its presentfform, Jfr. Allen could in Ins nceeotana modifications without mvn gresslonnl campaign would bo well under way. A question of "good pollttca" en ters Into tho attitude of tho houso democrats. Should tho bill bo strip ped of tho Insurgent nmondmonta In conferenco somo of tho democratic leaders bellovo they would bonoflt In tho coming campaign. If they should sido with tho Insurgents and consout to Uio adoptlou of tho senate bill, tho administration bill, they nrguo, would bo embarrassed by tho elimination of tho immediately effective clause. Another factor that enters into tho situation Is tho fact that should tho conferenco committee chango tho bill too freely It might not be concurred In by tho house, and should It bo re jected or cent bapk to conference tho democrats might be in a position to play good politics In the squabblo that would ensue. HOUSE REJECTS RAILROAD BILL By Vote of 162 to 125, Lower Body Refuses to Stand for Senate Meas ure and Asks for a Conference Insurgents Voto for Bill. GIRL COMMITS SUICIDE BECAUSE OF SCOLDING RENO, New, June 7. Becnuso her grandfather reprimanded her for se cretly attending a dance against bis wishes, 17-year-old Lois Holland, daughter of Charles Holland, propri etor of a hotel at Yorrington, is said to have committed suicide, according to a dispatch published hero today. Sho wrote three letters asking for forgiveness and addressed them to her elder sister, her grandfather and a man friend. Lois nnd her sister wero visiting their grandfather, 17 miles from Yer- rington. Sunday they asked permls sion to attend a dance and the nm grandfather .refused to grant it. The JfK cirls retired to their rooms nnd af- tho franchise, and suggested that(cr tho family had gone to bed they such an agreement be made. This (slipped ont and drove to town. Mr. Allen agreed to, and will meet Their grandfather noticed hifcou with the committee nDDointed to ii&5tnf'tlm"finrsi Afnntlnv niornini draw up such an agreement today. and questioned tho girls, who con- W. I. Vawter of Jledford was call-'fesscd to the trip. A reprimand wps el upon to speak, as Avns J. C. En- yart. Both disclaimed any interest in the proposed line other than that of citizens looking to the future de velopment of tho valley. Both pro fessed ignorance of the terms of the franchise, but dwelt upon what the trolley line would mean to the entire country. They recounted Mr. Al len's efforts in Southern Oregon, how he had always made good and what n benefit it would be to Ash land to have him, interested in the community. Other Club Business. The club voted to table the matter of a display at the Chicago land show. Telegrams were authorized sent to Washington protesting against tho cutting of timber in the reserve as destroying the beauty of the Asblnnd canyon. Bills incurred in the entertainment of Lewis Hill were ordered paid, and committees appointed to push the Normal school campaign were ordered to report as to their efforts. A shortage in the required funds was commented upon and efforts will be made to increase the contributions. TAFT MAKES PEACE PACT. (Continued from Page 1.) tho bill become Immediately effective has added a complication. Tho senate Insurgents yesterday asked tho house Insurgents to accept tho senate bill as It stands instead of sending tho two bills to conference. If this should bo dono tho conferenco would be un necessary and tho senate bill would become tho measure finally sont to tho president. If the houso agreed to this idea there would bo no chanco of making any amendment whatever and tho president's immediately effective clause could not bo Inserted. Tho sonata insurgents planned to move, fearful that the conference com mittee would make radical changes in the measure and that tho force of tho administration would bo strong enough to send it through without tho amendments for which tho Insur gents fought desporntoly in tho sen ate. Tho plan appealed to tho houBO in surgents and today 25 of them are lined up for tho senato bill in the houso. As in othor house insurgent tights, howevor, tho concurrence of tho democrats must bo secured, and It Is not yet mado evident what atti tude they will take. Should they side with tho insunrgents tho senato reg ulars and tho houso organization mon -who aro believed by tho democrats to havo planned to remove tho In surgent amendments in conferenco would be defeated, tho rnto Increase would be suspended for at loast GO daya by tho president's agreement and the suit against tho railroads, which would still bo ponding, would he in effect up to tho tlrao tho con- given them and later in the day the sound of a shot brought members of the family to Lois' dead body back of the house. CURTISS TO AVIATE FOR MOVING PICTURES NEW YORK, June 7. Aviator Glen H. Curtisa is planning to du plicate a portion of his record-making flight from Albany to New York to enable moving picture agents to get photographs. If weather conditions aro favorable the latter part of this week he will fly from Spuytenduyvll creek down the North river, around the statue of Liberty and up the Man hattan side of the river. He will en deavor to remalr. in th air half an hour. WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 7. By a oto of 102 to 125 tho houso vot ed to reject tho senato railroad regu lation bill and asked for a conference. Most ot tho Insurgouts voted In fa vor of accepting tho senato bill. When debate- began Mnnn took tho floor. "Tho senato amendments," ho snld, "make changes in the bill that would mako a mulo laugh. In ouo placo tho senato declared its intention of amending the original bill by adding a 'paragraph' and then it went it ono better and ndded two paragraphs. "Tho bill absolutely opens tho door to r bates and absolutely repeals ex isting rebate laws." Mann also declared that the su premo court has hold that no courts can pass on tho reasonableness of rates, hence the sennte bill ompowor Ing court3 to do so would mako end less litigation. Lonroot, who spoke In favor of tho senato bill, declared thnt tho sonnto bill was hotter than any that tho con ference could bo expected to roport. "Tho sonata bill provisions In tho Interests of the public probably will not remain In the bill after confer ence," ho said. TIME FOR WASH SUITS Exceptionally Fine Values to Show You Say, but wo have sold an enormous amount of Wash Suits this spring so manv that wo Celt compelled to re-order. OUR ASSORTMENTS aro in I'ino condition for mak ing a satisfactory choice. Almost all the wanted colors and while and linen. Still show a goodly line of thoso plain, durable and very desirable wash suiis (hat wo (A Q C are offering special at flTb0 Como and allow us to show these Wash Suits. You'll find most any price from $4.85 AND ALL ALONG UP TO $12.50. 1300 SLAIN YUCATAN EL PASO, Tex., Juno 7. The slaughter of 1300 Mexicans in tho Yu catan peninsula Is recounted in a ro- port-today over railroad telegraph wires. The reports havo not been con firmed. The reported massacro Is said to have been carried on by Maya In dians and their Mexican allies. Among the slain are sail to bo many women and children. The towns of Valladolld, Miguel and Chama are reported to havo been attacked, looted and thlr inhabitants slain or dispersed. Lingerie Dresses SEE THE WINDOW. Don't stop a moment there, just como in and have a closer look at these beauti ful, dainty and yet durable onc-pieec dresses for summer, .1910. PRICES EASY $5.00 TO $25.00 "" Wash Skirts, Etc. A very neat assortment of beautiful AVash Skirts, lvhaki Skirts, etc. Wo in vito you to call and examino the values. They aro tho best wo ever saw and wo firmly beliovo they are tho best in tho niarkot. PRICES ALONG UP TO $6.00. mm Mm h 1 I W6T35 Bargain Tables Stretching from tho front door to the rear of the store you will no tice a row of tables filled with the best bargains to bo found in the city. Don't fail to look on these tables every day for tho exception al POWERFUL SNAPS. Mens Half Hose DR. HUGO'S ANTISEPTIC BRAND The best Hosiery over shown over the counter for tho price in fact, wo doubt if you over saw bet ter to retail at 35c a pair. Come and buy hosiery that needs no guaran tee only $1.50 FOR A BOX OF 6 PAIRS. The Parasol is as necessary in summer as most anything ono could imagine. Every lady knows that her toilet is not complete on a bright day without a pretty parasol. See our values at $1.00 AND UP TO $5.00. We Can Shoe the Family BErs V .Just received, all tho late OXFORDS, PUMPS, ETC., for men, women and children, suede, patent, gunmetal, tans, etc., for women and children; tans, patents, soft fin ish, gunmetals lor men and boys. T1IK LADY who looks for tho. correct last nnd tho proper width to exactly fit hor foot will do well to try here. Prices from JJW.OO TO $.1.00. TIIH .mAn who appreciates a Htyllsh shoo that is at onco com fortable will find what ho wants hero. Come In nnd try on then you will know thnt wo show tho aluos at from $:i.oo TO $0.00. I The Store that will treat you right VAN DYKES LATE LOCAL ?fEWS. SOUTH DAKOTA VOTING UPON PARTY NOMINEES SIOUX PALLS, S. D., June 7. Nominations for state offices and for congress aro being made at a preliminary throughout South Da kota. Weather conditions are per fect and heavy vote is reported. Principal interest centers in the con test between Former Senator Kitt redge and Senator Gamble, both of whom are seeking a senatorial re nomination. M0RAN IS FAVORITE IN FIGHT WITH CONLEY LOS ANGELES, Cal., June 7. Owen 3Ioran is a 2 to 1 favorite over Frankio Conley in their ten round match tonight at McCaroy's Naud Junction pavilion. Tho hoys will weigh in at 124 pounds at j o'clock this afternoon. Conley is far below that weight and Mbrnn will not ho troubled by any rising henm when ho steps on tho scales. EUROPEAN BANKERS BUY SOUTHERN PACIFIC BEHLIN, Juno 7. Negotiations are being consummated today where by a group of European hankers will take .1125,000,000 of the Southern Pa cific railway bonds. The deal is be ing made through Kuhii, Loch & Co. of New York. Details of the purch ase will not bo made public for sev eral days. Governor McGraw Improves. SEATTLE, Wash., Juno 7. For mer Governor John McGraw, who has been near death with typhoid fever, passed tho crisis in his illness during tho night nn-1 Is expected to recover, according to his physicians today. A weok ago tho physicians practically abandoned hope for tho ox-covornor'o recovery on account of weak vitality and tho severe chills accompanying tho fever. C. E. Bade, of the Jacobsen-Bndc Co., is registered at tho Nash. E. L. C. Farrier is registered at the Moore from Coos Bay. S. T. Palmer of Tacoma is one of the new arrivals in Medford. J. L. Mac Evoy, with Angela May, who will open at tho Isis theater on Sunday, was in town today nnd clos ed -a contract for a week starting Sunday, Juno 12. J. A. Cunningham of Spokano is registered at the Nash. F. L. Cranfill was at Roseburg on business last week. Where It's Bold moro cheaply Is usually known to nd readers! I Hasldna for Health. Excursion Ratesto the East DURING 1910 PROM ALL POINTS ON THE Southern Pacitic (LINES IN OREGON) TO RATES Chicago $72.50 Council Bluffs -... $60.00 Omaha $60.00 KflT?flfl City ..... ...-"$60.00 St. Joseph ..-. . $60.00 St. Paul .......-...... .. $60.00 St. Paul via Council Bluffs $63.90 'Minneapolis direct $60.00 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs $63.90 Duluth, direct ...., $66.90 Duluth, via Council Bluffs $67.50 St. Louis $67.50 Tickets will bo on sale May 2d and 9th; June 2'1, 17th and 24th; July 5th and 22d; August 3d; September 8th. The above rates apply from Portland only. From points south of Portland, add ONE WAY local rate to Port land, to make through rate via Portland. Ono way through California, add $15.00 to above rates. Except that fares to St. Paul and Minneapolis one way via Cal ifornia will be $2175 higher, and fare to Duluth $24.75 higher than fares via direct routes. MRS. A0KI FILES HER SUIT FOR A DIVORCE CARSON CITY, Nov., Juno 7. Tho predicted suit for dlvorco of Mrs. Helen Glndys Ooki, whoso wedding with GunJIro Ookl, a Japnncsa sorv nnt, attracted nation wldo nttcntlon n Uttlo moro than n year ago. is pond ing in tho district court hero today. Ookl Is In Seattle and it is bolloved ho will not contest tho suit. Mrs. Aokl has bcon In Cnrnon City with her mother for tho past two weoks. ATLANTIC CITY OFFERS PRIZE TO AVIATORS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Juno 7. Hotel men of Atlantic City will give a prlzo of $25,000 to any aviator who breaks tho con flight record by fly ing over tho osenu so that tho flight may bo viewed from tho broad walk. If a number of avlr.tors ontor the con test it Is estimated half n million peo ple will wltncmi tho race. Tho flight will bo hold In July. (lion Curt Iuh nno already nnnouurcd his Intentlo-.i to compoto for tho prize. Raising Kaiser's Salary. BERLIN, Juno 7. With tho Soci alists crying "wnato and oxtrnvn gnnco," tho Prussian diet today passed to tho first reading the hill to increano tho kaiser's salary from $1,000,000 to $5,000,000. .JIU..UML X I- l ar . I u l-Ui ) I Haskins for Health. Ten days provided for the going trip. Stop-overs within limits in either direc tion. Final return limit three months from date of sale, but not later than Oc tober 31st. Inquire of any S. P. Agent for complete information, or WM. McMTJRRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon I Do You Own a Block in H M DIN If You Want a Block of This Addition Seo Any Arjcnt or W. H. EVERHARD HOTEL MOORE, MEF0RD, OREGON. .. is - ., n nr.. t j sz Boys and Girls Attention $, WE HAVE DECIDED TO EXTEND THE TIME LIMIT FOR WRITING THE EpAY FOR THE "REWARD" TO TUESDAY, JUNE 7. ALL STORIES ON"""WHY THE MERCHANTS DON'T ADVERTISE" SHOULD BE HANDED INTO THE OFFICE BY THAT TIME. WE WANT EVERY BOY AND GIRL TO WRITE A STORY. FOR FULL PARTICULARS SEE STORY ENTITLED "REWARD" IN ANOTHER PART OF THIS PAPER. I asww n , p t J3$ WKmutmimMmiiHMi mtn. tmnum numrimtmn .,.. ,-.' I it-- .i tu .iilltidb taiflttfr.,. jr&.4fcft&4u