m tvW"WnIAs' ' if MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDffORD, OttEClON. TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1910. ,,.- ,, . ...-. .,--.. If the Quest Is at All Important, Want-Advertise ! &r --------- -4 -- ----- NAME PRICE FORPRUMES Salem Peel Is Formed and Thrco and a Half Cents Askctl for Fortius mill Fifties Crop Fnr Shorter Than a Year Arjo. BALKM, Juno 7. At n mooting of tlio prtino grovoni of tlilu vicinity nt tho Hnlum Fruit Union it pool wiih formed anil iiubHiHiuimtly nainoil 3 1-2 coiUh mi tliolr prlco on -t On to 5 Oh, with u tiunrtor of u cunt drop for tlio Hiiiullciit, and with a promlum for tlio Inrgitr prunes. Throo and a fourth cents In tlio prlco not for PO tltOH. I'runw men at tlio muutliiK yeiitor day I'Htliiuitod that tlio pruuo crop this year would lio far nhortor than expected nud that roportH of u flinntl Inmost tli lu iionHou woro bauml on nctiiul coudltlotiH that oxlut In tlio or chimin, lu thin section of tlio country. However, iih tho crop will bo Hhort, tint fruit Ih ipilti) lnri;o and dovolnp Ing In oxcullont Hhapo with tlio sugar oloiuiml heavier than liutt yoar. Tho MhortiwuH of tho crop will nlno cut down shipment of "green" prunon nud tho growers nro not lUponod to hoII thor stock n tliH Hhapo, profor rng to dry mid 1 old tliolr fruit for later dovolopmuuts. HERRINTOSPEAKAT OREGON AGRICULTURE COLEGE When William II. Horrin, recently inndo vice-president of tlio Southern Pacific company, nud for ninny yours head of tlio law department of tlio Harrimnii system, comes to Corvnllis to deliver a lecture, Juno 14 to tho HtiidcntH of tho college, from which lie graduated in 1871), tlio people of Ore gon will meet one of tho moHt force ful men of tho state of California, whoa influence Iiiih Iiocii felt not oulv in tho Htnte, hut throughout tho Pn cifio coiiHt nud extended oast to the Atlantic. Associated with Mr. Horrin uh prin cipal speaker on tho program of tho Quarter Centeniul Colehratioii will ho two other men who have attained Croat prouiiuoiiro,hut in different fieldrt. James M. Ilainliton, president of tho Monennii State college, who will deliver the commoucenieut ad dress, Iiiih been u grout lender in the work of industrial education for ma ny yonrH nnd iH coiiHidered one of tlio nhltmt man in educational work today Rev. I)r. F. W. Campott, Hector of Trinity church of San Francisco, !h one of tho most elo(iient orators on tho Pacific coast. Besides these sev eral graduates of tho institution, who havo become promiunul in many fields of activity, will appear on tho pro gram. WO0DVILLE AGAIN. Ah n mutter of fact, tho oily oloa tidn to incorporate Woodvillo wan not a (U0Htion of saloon, but strictly u ipiofltinu of incorporation. Of courso thero woro porhnps a few radicals who made tho saloon an is sue, but tho majority and tho more conservative element were working for tho bettor conditions, for the more rapid development of the town ftouurully. No doubt there wero Home who honestly believed that it t vrh not n good policy to incorporate nnd consequently vntod against it, but tho paramount consideration was n oity goverumout to havo a corpo ration that wo might expect and ro coivo consideration from other like cities nud corporations generally, nud, in foot, someone to do things, TIIOS. II. B. TAYLOR, .Soorolury Woodvillo Coiiiiuomiul .club, Woodvillo, Or, Hotol Arrivals. Tho Nash II. L. Ilugor, Butto; K. r. Fiook, Porthilid; F. 15. Sengravo, Sontllo; J. I. Olpsido, Portland; Geo. King, Portlund; W. W. Spunglor, So nltlo; R. Ii. Well, P. J. Koko, Loh Angolon; M. F. Ilnnloy, Luke Crook; 0. II, UrubHou, Speuoor Grant, II, Moffalt, Mi-h. R. Ilenery, Sun Frnn oisco; II, A, Dane, Sacramento; (' "W. Rollinii, St. Louis; C. W. Perkins) San Frnnoiuoo; C. E. S. Wood, Port land; J, D, Farroll, San Francisco. Tho Mooro II. S. Wont, Council Bluffs; S. Mayors, Loh Angeles; I. A, Fisher, San Franeisoo; W. A. CIiubo and family, Portland; Paul Smith, city; F. M. Alexander, Port innd; I). Montgomery, II. 0. Tits wortli, Weed; If. 0. Case, KVnno'.t Cal.; S. S. Pontz, Butto FallH; W. F. Until, Chieago; S. T. Pnlmor, Tii comti; W. A. Potter, oity; Paul S. Sooloy, Montroso; Mr. and Mrs. Hob ortooti, Portland. MUCH FRUIT BEINHHIPPEO California Fruit Distributors Report 48 Cars of Cherries, 25 Cars of Apricots, 12 Cars of Peaches anil 8 Cars of Plums. The California Fruit Distributors, under date of Juno '1, issuod tlio fol lowing miirkol letter to tho tin de: Tho following givcH the number of cars of deciduous fruit shipped from nil pointn in California for tho week (seven days) ending Friday morning, Juno .'). 1010: ChorrioB, '18 cars There are u few cherries still going forward from Placer county districts, but the bulk of them nro going from Hnn Jose as reported in our last lettor. The crop at San Joso is much lighter than last year nud probably there will not ho its many by fit) cars shipped from this locality iih in 1H0U. Fruit continues to bo of excellent ipiality. Apricots, 2.1 't cars Ah indicated in our last letter, there has been a marked improvement in the shipment of this vnrioly. Cool weather during tho Inst two or three days has again retarded ripening, but by tho middlo of next week tho movement will be heavy nud will ho continue until the close of tho goiiBou. Peaches, 12V enrs Tho Alexan der is practically the only variety that has been shipped in any quan tity. Triumphs havo mado their ap pearance, but will not cut much fig ure for Jiovorul days yet. Probably they will ho coming in in fairly good shape the hitter part of the week, as will bo tho cano also with Hale's. Plums, 84 oars The plum ship ment of this last week has been of fair volume and has consisted utmost entirely of Clyman's. A few of the bettor variotios aro coming in now, but will not ho of any amount for an other week or ten days. Rnrtlott pears No change to ic port in this vnrioty. Grapes flrapos continue to look well, except in Home of the earlier districts, where a slight damage wns done by three dnys of vory hot weather nt tho beginning of tho woek and in Frosno tho raisin crop has boon injured ubout 10 por cent. The weather nt the present time is very pleasant, being reasonably cool and good for tho development of fruit. Last Saturday, buiulay nnd Monday, however, were very warm, thu mercury in Rome plaeos reaching 110, the result of which was tho burning of many Civilian plums nud checking tho growth of both (his va riety and apricots. Considerable duuiuge wns done which will certain ly show in tho output. Auction markets have bona taking fruit at satiofaetory prices, especi ally cherries. We have boon experi encing a splendid f. o. b. demand, and largo quantities of fruit will bo distributed in tho westoni torritory ns fnst uh cars onn bo loaded. We aro looking forward to a continued fino demand in tho wentorn torritory throughout the season. SCRIBER ASKS FORJEPREIVE La Grantlo Banker to Mako Firjht for Freedom Rcflalnlnrj Shattered Health and Evidence of Insanity, Displayed at Trial, Disappear. PORTLAND, Or., Juno 7. Attor neys for J. W. Soribor, former cash ier of tho dofuuet Fiumors' & Trad ers' National bank of La Grande, Or., recently conviotcd of forgery and misappropriation in tho sum of $130,000, experienced a sudden ohiingo of heart during tho night and announced that a reprieve of .'10 days wiH I'o naked for whon the hanker comes for sentence today. Previous ly thoy assorted that Soulier's fight for liberty had ended. As United Clatos District Attorney John McCourt is absent, it is not probablo that tho request for re prieve will he resisted, Since his conviction Soribor lias been living on u little farm on tho east side, He is reported to ho re gaining his shattered health nnd tho symptoms of insanity, so prominent ly displayed by tho accused nnd so froolv oommontod upon by his nt torneyH during the trial, nro said to havo disappeared. ;; Would the Fact More Money Than You're Now Earning INTEREST YOU? If bo and Micro's probably no roiiHon to usj tho word "if then tho help wanted ads should loom up iih tho moHt important things in town foryou. You should wntcli them with n watchfulness that is not to be denied. You should answer nnd inves tigate every ono of them that LOOKS GOOD TO YOU for it is in this way Hint you will finally find the right ono tlio ono that will meun everything to you that will alter nnd change nnd redirect the course of your comings and goings, of your aspirings, your accomplishing! WANT ADS-ONE CENT A WOHD. ALBANY SECTION WILL HAVE BIG FRUIT CROP ALBANY, Or., June 7. Prospects for n big fruit yield in this pari of tho Htnto nro now bettor than for mnny yonrs. From present indica tions thero will bo a big crop of nil kinds of fruit. Tho yield of apples will bo especi ally largo nnd tho quulily of tho fruit will also bo unoxcollcd. Tho same ih truo of prunes, peaches and othor fruits. Tho yields of penrs nnd cherries will bo lighter than in some former yearn, but tho crop of each of thoso fruits will bo good. In fact, thero nro no failures this yoar in any kind of fruits. Tho crops of berries of various kinds is also a racord-brenkcr. Tho strawberry crop, now almost entire ly nmiju'ted, was n big one, nud blackborrics, Logan berries, goose berries and other small fruits aro yielding woll nil throughout this part of the slnte. Tho berries ripened much earlier than usual this your. STATISTICS 11KAL KSTATI3 TIIAN8FKIW. H. II. Harris to Myrtle M. Harris, lot (I, block 11, Hutto Falls $ 10 E. N. Warner to J. F. Law rence, lot 4, block 1; lot 2. block 2, Wolter's nddi- tion to Mcdford 100 C. W. Palm to W. Hockenyos, lot 20, block 2, Whitman ..Purk 350 Elmer Patrick to Mnrciu I. Mitchell, lot 0, nnd othor property in Ashland 1,500 J. F. Hiitchason to E. C. Way, lot 2, block 2, Olson nddition to Ashlnnd 750 MAlUUKI). ANDNUSON-COUON At tho homo of tho bride's pr.ronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. C. Core,", on Wednesday, Juno 1, 1910, Vornon Andoraon and MIbb Georgln Coroa, both of Grants Pnss. ADAMS-UEYMERS At tho homo of tho brldo's paronta In Grants Pass, Wodnofldny, Juno 1, 1910, Robort Adnma of KlntnMh FnllB and Miss Vera IteymorB of Grants Pass, Rov. Robort McLeai. officiating. UOItN. GOODALL, At Snlom, Saturday, Mny 28, 1910, to tho wlfo of George O. Goodnll, n sou. Mrs. Goodall was formerly Miss Margnrot Bannnrd, dauchtor of Mr. au" Mrs. A. U. Ban nnrd of Grants Pass. FOR SALE. UISAIj KSTATK. FOR SALE Two ncrea near city limits, $700. Cornor lot, Onkdnlo nnd Tonth, S11C0. Cornor lot on West Main atroot; sldownlk laid and paid tor, $1000. Two C-room cottngos and throo Inrgo Iota, ono lot containing throo quartora of an aero, 10 blocks out, $3500. Othor bargains in land nnd boar Ing orchards. D. II. JACKSON & CO. Opposlto Hotol Mooro, FOR SALE Tolo lands; 65 ncrcs In Tolo, described as lot 1 nnd tho nortlionst qunrtor of section thirty, nil In township thirty-six south, rnngo two, In Jackson cduny, Ore gon, nro for salo nt ono hundred nnd fifty dollars por aero, Enqulro of II. W. Dlkoman, Gold Hill, Or. 70 FOR SALE 48 ncros of flno land, 3 acres a flno gardon aa you ovor saw, most all In potatoes, all can bo cultlvatod easily; 50 tlors of wood out; wnlor right; can bo Irrl gatod tho your round; prlco only $2000; $1500 cash, bnlanco in 0 months. Address II. II, Hoxlo, R, P. D. No. 1, FOR SALE -198 ncros lnnd In Bcott Vnllo, ono of tho moBt boautltul nnd f oi tlio spot-i In California, mostly In alfalfa, and can bo Irrigated; woll Improvod, good foncos, nui flrat olnsa buildings; $45,000. l'or fur ther pnrMeulnra nddroca Wnllcor llros,, Etna Mills, Sluklyou county, California, 70 that Somebody Wanted to Pay You i FOR SALE. ALFALFA lnndiTIn ton and twenty- J ncro tracts, where six crops aro cut per year and 10 to 12 tons tho yield. Irrigated by gravity water supply. A. A. Martin, ngent, Los Mollnos Land Co. of California, Mooro Hotol. tf Acreage. FOR SALE 5 and 10-nore tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, nt a burgain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Water Power Co. ' FOR8ALE Ono half aero with well and small barn on It; flvo blocks from Washington school; good place to kcop cow and chickens. Address W. B. Harris, 132 N. Ivy. 70 Farms and Orchards. FOR SALE Fruit farm In Douglus county; a bargain; 3G acres; 23 acres In full bearing orchard; 3 acros Spltzonbcrg apples; 4 acres poaches; 15 acres prunes; 1 aero cherries and pears; 2 ncrsa garden; 3 acres hay, balance pasture; some timber, oiiough for wood; joining city llfmtls; beautiful location; largo fruit dryer end small cannery on place; 8-room houso, bnrn and out buildings; 3 wolls; also good spring on placo; on county road; cldowalk to town; crop, team, wagon, buggy, now disc and all tools go with placo; prlco $250 per aero; placo will bo worth double this Inaldo 5 years; alrallnr lnnd""JuBt sold fo. $G00 por ncro. I want to go back Into busi ness ronno fir selling. Address E. Hollwlll, ownti, Yoncalla, Or. ( FZJIFSALE-Nfnet? acrs. 30 in one yonr old applo and pear trees, 100 Inches of water, 2 1-2 miles from railroad station. For terms write "Owner," caro Mall Tribune. 261 FOR SALE Afcout 3bncrea-of good orchard land 1 1-2 miles east of Phoenix. One-half la In orchard. Telephone, Medford, 1199, or ad dress C. T. Payno, Phoenix, Ore. KOR SALE 60 acres, lancet building etto In the elley, lncludh g 30 acres good fruit land; cheap and terms right. H. O. Maltby, Palm Bldg., Mnln nnd Front. Houses. FOR SALE Closo In on North Cen tral, modern six-room houso with furniture Prlco $6,000. Address Box 121, city. 68 FOR SALE Best bargain in Mod ford. Now houso nnd barn In best residence section. Will soil with furniture nt lowest figure. Terms. Call on ownor nt 629 South Grape FOR SALE Now houso and ton acres land In city of Woodvllle; worth $3500; $3200 buys It for noxt ton days. G. F. Dyor, over Medford P. O.. 67 FOR SALE Bungalow, 0 rooms nnd bath, on enst front lot, In best neigh borhood; street to bo pnved; sowor and city water connected; cement walks; bulltln buffet nnd bookcases, window seats, flroplaco; also olec trlo flroplnco; beamed ceilings nnd paneled wainscoting lu 3 . . rooms window shndoa, 37 olectrlc lights, best flxturos, screened porch, com ploto plumbing, Including laundry trays; bargain If sold to a quick buyer; tlino given on part. Inqulro nt 202 S. Orange st. Lots. FOR SALE Oity lots, $30; for a suml), safe lnvostmout ceo th city lots I offer at $300 ami $350 por lot; $20 c3Hb pnymont. balance $10 por month; no Interest. H, C. Malt it., Ylnlm I Mtf "J, ' "?. FOR SALE Good lot two blocks o'ff paving on West Sovonth ctroot; price $350. Addross P. O. Box 838. Business Property. FOR SALE Clioioo businoss prop erty nt n bargain, on long time; onsy torms, Addross Condor Wn tor Power Co. FOR SALE Building formorly occu pied by Snow Flnko Bnkory. Good location for grocory o warehouse. This Is to go nt any prlco. En qulro 529 South Grapo. tf FOR SALE. Horses. FOR SALE Saddle maro, 6 years old; weight about 950 pounds. James Bowling, No. 20 S. Peach at. C9 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE: A full lino of Old Hamp shire and Oak Bonds, plain and cloth finish; letter heads and envelopes. Mall Tribune office. FOR SALE Legal blanks of all kinds trespass and other notices, at Mall Tribune office. FOR SALE Wall paper, palnta, oils, brushes, a very complete line; in formation cneerfuily given by an experloncea painter. M. J. Motcalf, 318 E. Main ct. FOR SALE Chandler & Price Gor don Jobber, 11x14 press; a bargain. Inquire Mall Tribune office. FOR SALE For good wood and good measure, try the Bunker Hill Wood Yard, at North end of C street. Phono 841. J. A. McLcod, Prop. TO EXCHANGE Income property In Los Angles, valued at $27,500; mortgaged for $3,600; owner's equity $24,000. Will exchange for property of cqral valuo In or near Mcdford. TIic property is in flrst- clasa condlt'on and Is bringing in a good rc.'.tal. It will .itand close Inspection. W. T, Yo-k & Co. FOR SALE Threo good milk cows Jno. H. Sbopherd, 128 East Main street. FOR SALE Cheep, 14 tons of hay In stack. Address Box 361, Med ford. 69 FOR SALE Or exchange, two-cly Indor Rco automobile, model 1908, In good condition; will soil or trade for city proporty. Add-css X4, Mall Tribune. FOR REH7. Housekeeping Rooms. FOR RENT A suite of light house keping rooms; no children. 222 S. Holly streot. SI Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT Furnished loom. Call at 734 Sherman street. 66 FOR RENT Nicely furnished room for two gentlemen or man and wife. 228 North Holly. U FOR RENT Modorn furnished rooms nt 604 West 10th or 124 King street. FOR RENT Two now end nlcoly furnished sleeping rooms; easy walk ing dlatanco; modern; bath on same floor; roasonablo prices. Phono Main 4474. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for transients, No. 10 North Grape street, noxt to Farmers' and Fruit growers' Bank. Coolest placo In town. FOR RENT Furnished sleoplng rooms and light housekeeping rooms 327 South Oakdale nvonuo. 71 FOR RENT Furnlshod rooms, $1.26 por weok. 811 N. Rlvorsldo. 68 Miscellaneous. FOR LEASE Fully equlrpod gold mine; ten-stamp mill and concen trator, ull orerated by eloctrlo pow oi. Ownor will furnish free elec tric power tor share In proceeds. Seo Smith, at Condor Wator & Powor Co. HELP WANTED. Help Wnnted Mule. WANTED-" First-class auFvoyor. Call nt office of Rogue Rlvor Eloc trlo Company. WANTED Sulosmon In ovory local ity of tho nortuwost; monoy ad vanced weekly; mauy make ovor $1000 month; cholco of torritory. Ynklmn Vnlloy Nursory Co., Top ponlsh, Wash. . WANTED Experienced stono cutter nnd quarry man. Call at Condor Wator and Power do's, otflco. WANTEDAl fatliorj married, sober, roliablo, wants contract work, Address Lnthor, Park Vlow Hotol. 67 WANTED. Help Wanted Female. WANTED Woman to do washing for smalt family. Phono A. C. Allen, 7061 Farmors. WANTED Girls to work on Ironing and pressing machlnos in tho now laundry. Apply just east of 603 N. Central avenuo or phono 4451, WANTED Compotont woman for housowork; good wages; two In fam ily. Apply mornings. 219 North Oakdnlo avenue. Positloni), WANTED A business woman with road team and baggy is at llborty for engagements. "What havo you to offer? Address, J. L., care of this office. 68 Miscellaneous. WANTED Setting bens and little chickens. Call up Main 441. tf WANTED In central location, office with show window, or good desk room. A. A. Martin, Hotel Moore. WANTED A mule, weight between 1000 and 1100 pounds. Charles W. Isaacs, 115 N. Oakdale avenue, tf WANTED To sell or fxchango for city property, a 300-acro ranch; jonly owners need apply. Call be tween 5 and 8 p. m. 429 N. Central avenue. 68 LOST. LOST A receipt boet: belonging to Cbas. Palm. Finder please return to Brown & Wakefield's office, Palm Block. LOST Piece of steel shafting, Inch and quarter diameter, about eight feet long; tost from wagon about mile nnd half south of Mcdford. Finder please notify Wo. Altkcn, Medford. 68 FOR EXCHANGE. FOR SALE Or exch. nge for coun try property, 2 3-4 acres, 10-room house; pumping plant, 40 fruit trees; 5 blocks from Main street; on North Riverside; Bear Creek bottom. Inqulro at 317 E. Alain FOR EXCHANGE A six-cylinder Ford auto In good condition. Will trade for Medford real estate; town lots or acreage. Walter McCallam, Nash Hotol. 67 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys. WITHLNGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm building. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Over Post office. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attomeys-nt-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank build ing, second floor. B. F. MULKEY Attornoy-at-lnw. Offices room 30, Jackson County Bnnk building. Medford. Architects. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and Builders, office 7-8, 235 Main Phone Main 3471. Residence phoni 2471. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phone 351. Night phones: C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H. Butler 3571. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mnckoy nnd die with joy." Ovor Al len & Reagan's store; entrance on Sovonth street. Medicines. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will cure rheumatism, nsthmu, paralysis, sores and pri vnto disonses. Theso remodios may bo procured nt tho Sing Lee laun dry, 123 S. Riverside nvonuo, Med ford, Or., whero thoy will bn sold by tho proprietor. Dr. Chow Youug hns troated sev ornl sovoro enses with his remedios sinco coming to Medford and has for reference some of tho bost 1'tiown nnd most intelligent citizens in Routhprn Orecon Cnll on him. Messenger Service. MESSENGER SERVICE Messen gers furnished ut nil houso of day nnd till 9 p. in. to any pan of city, from 10o to 2.rie. Phono Main 1812. Painters nud Paperhuugera. GERWOLF & WARD, coutruoting painters, pnporhangers and deco rators; signs. Estimates giveu ot nil kinds of dny nnd job work. Pari View notel. Phone Main 1801 Legal Blanks. LEGAL BLANKS All stylos of lo gal blanks for salo, n hundred dif forcnt forms MnHforfl P 'intintf P Tin Shops. J. A. SMITnTin Bhop. Tin sho-t iron ware on hand and made to order. 128 North G Street, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hospitals. SOUTHERN OREQON HOSPITAL 344 South C nt., Medford, Or. E. W. Hisoy, Matron. Official hospital P. & E. R. R. BUI rosters. VERNE T. CANON Bill PosUr an Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29, Jaokson County Bank building, Medford, Or. Hal Estate. SEE WM. E. 8TACEY & CO. for some of the choicest bargains in real estato in this valley. Also Brit ish Columbia and Alberta, B. C, and other parts. Call on him at Bitnr'g office, Phipps building, or at the Medford Auto company's ffarxjee, where we start ont oar agMit for the Aladdon Mantle Lamp and hid den window screen. Wo will treat you right. Come and see. Printers and Pabltehera. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. hu the best-equipped job office m South ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37 South Central avenue. Billiard Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A nice, cool place to spend the hot afternoons. Carriage and Aato Palatlag. VALLEY SIGN AND CAKRlAOH WORKS High-class work guaran teed. Signs. Riverside aro Phone 80L Furniture. H. F. WILSON k Co., dealers in new and second-hand furniture and hardware. Agents for Monad City kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., Medford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stoves and Ranges. New and Second-Hand Furniture. Ends' old Btand, 18 W. F st. South. Phone 01, Medford, Or. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERDSS Onr trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not La the trust H. B. Patterson, office in Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers, of high-grade nursory stock. Offico 25 W. Main. Tel. 1201. Dentists. DR. W. M VAN SCOYOC, Dentist Office in rooms 203-204, Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' bank building, west of the tracks. Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. STEAHNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Office and resi dence phono Main 3432. CONROY & CLANCY Office in Stewart building Physicians and Surgeons. Offico phono Main 341; private phane Main 612. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY, Physi cians and Surgeons, Taylor & Phipps bldg., rooms 210, 211, 212. Offico phone 501, residence phono 012. Offico hours 0 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Ostoopathio Physicians. Mission block. Phone 291. Medford. Cigars and Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse- Dealers in tobacco, cigars and smok ers' supplios. Exclusive ngents of Lewis Singlo Binder, El Merito and El Pnloncia. 212 West Main street. Building Contractor. ALEX. TAYLOR, Building Con tractor Houses, bungalows, alter ations, repairs. 31 North Ceutral avonuo, opposite postofficp. Brick Companies. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Priddy, O. D. Naglo, Goo. T. O'Brien Contractors and rannufnoturers of brick; denlors in pressed brick nnd lime. Offico in Postoffice block, room 5. Phono No. 3181. Brick Layers. BRICKLAYERS K. Rutin, at Smokohouse, first-class bricklayer, stoneworkor, cement stepping stucco nud moulding, fireplaces and tilo work a. specialty, Europe plan; dny or contract. Llfo Scientist. MRS. LILLIAN A. ELDER, Life Sci entist Privnto instruction in "New Psychology" nnd "Now Thought" principles, Cnllors rqcoived Wnd- , nosdays, 127 South Grapo stn-t. Stenographers. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Pnlui block, Stenographic work done quieklj nnd well. M. FORTESCUE Stenographer, II N. Front st. Phone 231. , ,a ,. ! P A i J WtiMI jjj