Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 07, 1910, Image 1

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Medtord Mail Tribune
Full Tx;Mcd Wlro Ilcport.
Tonight una V,.(nuH(lnv -Clmir
and wiuiuor.
Tho only papor In tho world
published in a city tho ilia at
Mod (or d having n loasod wirn. I
No. 67.
John n. Allen Anrccs With Aslilnml Commercial Club to Mnko Supplc
mcntnl Aiircciucnt Ovcrcomlnn Objcctionablo Features and to Rush
Work Throunh When Started Co mmltteo Named to Draft Protocol
Club Votes Down Resolution Opposlnn Granting of Franchise What
Stevens Said About Allen antl Electric Line.
"I am willing to uiitur into any
l.i in of ni cement deemed jo'cesdaiv
to guarantee continuous woik on tho
ititorurhun lino in Ashland until its
completion, mill to incut tint people
half way in a settlement HiiliKfiiotoij
to them, of tlio objections rnihud
ngauiMl (hu franchise," staled John
It Allen to tlio Ashland Coiiunoicml
cluh Monday night.
"1 could not ohtaiu, nor could any
ouo else ohtaiu, tho amount ol'
monoy iiucvoHiiry to construct tho
lino on anything less than n f)0-yciir
franchise, hut I mil willing to I'm nihil
a guarantee that thuru will ho no
uniicccHHury delay in coiiHtruction
mid oporntioit of tho lino, mid to giu
HHHiirauco that it will not ho oon
htruotcd upon certain struotH or
drivcH ohjuotioiiahlo to tho puoplo,"
continued Mr. Allen.
Ah a result of tho meeting, n coin
mittoo, consisting of K. V. Cnrtor,
chairman, M. F. KggloHtou mid Olio
Winter, wns named to draft mi
agreement with Mr. Allen Hiitisfnu
tory to thorn in safeguarding tho city
upon points in tho proposed fran
chise. Allen Atisucrs Queries.
Tho nicotian wns n woll-nttondod
ono mid was presided over by J. F.
Itocho itH cliainnan of tho evening. '
Mr. Itocho led tho opposition to tho
franchise, mid championed a resold
tion introduced putting tho Commer
cial cluh on record iih unalterably
opposed to tho franchise. After ni
lengthy debate, during which Mr. Al
len answered all questions put to
him upon the franchise, the resolu
tion was lost by a vote of l.'l to '2'2,
and in itH place a committee was
named to reach nn agreement with
WASHINGTON, I). 0 Juno 7.
A resolution Is ponding In tho liouso
today, Introduced by Representative
Italney of Illluolo, ashelng that, Attor
ney CJenoral Wlckortihmii ho summon
ed to answer Knluol'H charge that
Wlrltorsham propared a speech for
KoprcHcutntlvo McKluloy of Califor
nia. Italney first nindo tho charge Sat
urday nnd It wau tltilil by MoKlnlny.
Tho speech In question v;an dellvorod
by MoKlnlny In answer to provloim
HtateinentH by Itnlnoy concerning
WlckuishamV) norvlccH iih attornoy
for tho "sugir trust."
Italnoy'H resolution hi doslgnod to
iiHCortnln If Wlclcoridiuin wrote tho an
swers for MoKlulny's uuo on tho floor
of tho liouso.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Juno 7. -United
States District Attornoy HoiiIh said
that he had received no instructions
from Atlornoy-Oeneral Wiokorslinni
rogarding tho procedure government
suit filod at Hannibal to proveut
woslorn rnilromla from raising rates
especially with roforonco to the
ngroomont bolwoon railroad officials
mid President Tuft. Houts said?
"I luivo no doubt that tho roads
are sinooro nnd will kcop tlieir ngroo
mont, T do not known whoa tho suit;
will bo dismissed."
Air. Allen, which should ho satisfac
tory in tho main points, to thu fran
chise opponents.
An attempt to railroad tho reso
lution upturning tho franchise through
without debate was headed off bv
Mr, Carter, who held that iih u mat
ter of common courtesy Mr. Allcu
should be allowed to discus (he
franchise. In (he debate following
Mr. Carter stated that his objections
were principally to thu clause in
which il stated that while work was
to be begun within a year, there was
no provision that it ho continuous,
mid that it might ho possiblo that
the five years' time given would
elapse before two miles would be
completed mid in operation, to hold
tho franchise mid block some future
enterprise which meant business.
Oilier Opponent Hok.
Councilman Monru also opened
the franchise on tho ground of its
.10 years' duration. Mr. Winters also
spoke against it, iih did Mr. Ifocho,
who drew n comparison of tho value
of franchises in Denver, mid held
that Ashland would bo giving away
vnluablo rights.
O. F. Hillings advocated a confer
ence with Mr. Allen with a view to
settling tho existing differences. He
said :
What HIcxciiH Bnld.
"It 18 not ovory day thnt h man
comes along with capital ready 10
invest in mi iutorurhan lino. John
F. Slovens, inanagor of the Hill lino
in Oregon, is mi old schoolmate of
mine. When ho examined tho pro
posed iutorurhan lino he spout half
a day with mo. lie told me that Mr
Allen bad the ear of men with inoiiov
(Continued on Page Eight.)
WASHINGTON, I). 0., Juno 7.
Itnllroad officials today aro claiming
that tho railroads havo won n victory
by "diverting tl o question nt issue
from ono of locality to ono of reason
ableness." Tl ey point out that tho govornmont
suit filed nt Hnnnllml alleges that tho
railroads conspired to Incroano ratCH,
hut doos nol el logo thnt tho rates to
bo Imposed aro unreasont bio, Thoy
add thnt under thofr ngroomont with
President Taft, tho Intorstnto com
merce commlsclnu will only bo em
powered to dotorm'no tho reasonable
noim of tho ritos.
HNIthIN, June 7. The resignation
of Horuliardl Dornburg, secrolary of
stale for the colonies, is in the bauds
of Kmporor Willhun today mid it is
reported the Hoorotnrv took tluK no
tion beenuso ho disapproved of the
order of tho reielistag, which levies a
tax on companies developing (lie Af
rican colonies. The objoel of the tax
is to rocovor nbout $50,000,000,
which tho Qormna govornniout spout
in Biipprossing colonial insurrootions.
ITorr Dornliurg is of the opinion
that tho tax will disoourngo invest
ors. Tlio omporor has not nnnounecd
his deoision to nooopt or rojoot tlio
President Requests Congress to Make
Effective at Once the Clauso in
Railroad Bill Emnowcrlnn. Commis
sion to Suspend Rates Pending In
vestigation Controversy Outlined.
WASHINGTON, I). C. Juno 7.
ProHldont Tfvft today sont a special
message to congress urging thnt tho
milium hill provision empowering
tho Intorstnto commerce commission
to s. spend rates poiidliis Investiga
tion becomo hnir.cil lately effective.
Tho message outlined thn controversy
between tho mll-onils and tho ulmln
lHtrr.tloii. ' i
The mousngo was propared after
Tnfi had conferred with Ropreccntn-
tlvo Mann (Illinois) and Senator
Crane Mtiss..c' uotUi). Tho subject
of tho conference was tho most effec
tive method of securing tho desired
nine jdnicut. Doth Crane nnd Mann
declared they bollovod tho most ef
fective method of altering tho bill
would ho to sond tho mensiiro to tho
fonfrccoe, who could Insert n clauso
making tho bill Immediately effective.
Tho mcrongo recites tho I ietory of
tho Hannibal suit and tho conference
with tho r.illrod presidents yestor-
day and tho ag- cement that had been
"I hopo al' other railroads will tako
111(0 action," tho message continues.
"In order that should havo the
benefit of tipoody determination
whether tho proposed Increases aro
(Continued on Pngo Five.)
Following Uio oxposuro of n coun
terfeiting plant In tho state poniton-
tinry horo, Govomor Hadloy today
decldod to pardon Loo Jayno and
Joseph Vnll 8o that tho convicts may
bo prosecuted for countorfoltlng,
Tlio plant had boon In tho prison
for 20 yoars nnd wno passed from
prlsonor to prisoner. DIscovory enmo
when four moa operating tho plant
(lumrolcd ovor division of monoy.
Tho inon will bo prosecuted by tho
government. Inspector Edward Mc
llugh raided tho plant and solzod tho
molting pots, molds and counterfoil
NKW YOUK, Juno 7 -ItnlK
f roads woro strong at tho
opening of tho stock mnrkot -f
today following tho confor- -f
f onco yostordny hotwoon Proa-
Ident Taft and tho ropreson -f
f, tatlvos of tho western rail- -f
4- roads. Tho trading was of con- -f
f sldorablo volume. At a ro- -f
f suit of tho sfongth shown by
f railroads tho whole 1W moved -f
f up from two to four points.
f A sharp reaction followed -f
tho onrly advances and prlcos -f
-f dlumpod, finally stoadylng nt -f
-f about throo polntB ovor yos- -f
f torday's closo. -f
Ilrnwno, McOroa and Underwood
havo nlroady ondorsod oponly tho
ponco pnot roaohed yostordny and It
Is bollovod there will bo no hitch in
tho procoodings.
Tho custom railroads, it sooiub cor-
Kentucky's $2,000,000 Capitol,
Dedicated June 2 by
Accused Senator, lndlccA.for Brib
ery In Lorimcr Scandal, Loses Ap
peal for Writ of Habeas Corpus
Case Set for Hearing.
CHICAGO, III., June 7. Lcc
O'Neil Browne must stand trial for
bribery in connection with tho elec
tion of William Lorimcr to tho Unit
ed Stntcs Semite. Judgo Scanlnn
today denied tho writ of habeas cor
pus sought by Browne's attorneys.
Tho decision is based on two points,
ono being thnt tho Chicago court
luivo jurisdiction in tho enso because
it is alleged in tho indictment that
tho monov said to have been paid to
sccuro n voto for Lorimor was paid
in Chicago. Tho second point is that
tho election of n United Stntcs sen
ator docs not change tho stnto leg
islnturo into a federal department,
freeing its meinbors from nay obli
gation to nbido by the stnto law..
Browno's trial for bribory, which
wns sot for yesterday, but which was
postponed because of tho nrgumont
nn tho habeas corpus case, will be
sot for hearing nt ouco. District
Attorney Wnymnn will nsk tho court
to begin tho trial ns soon as pos
sible Agreement Reached With Western
Roads and One With Eastern
Roads Under Way Stocks
in Wall Street Advance.
tain, will fall Into Uuo and ngivo to
hold off any rate lucroaso, or with
draw any thnt havo ham filed until
tho now railroad law becomes offec
tlvo and tho rat) 'ucrcasts como an
dor tho jurisdiction of the iatoi state
commorco conunlsion.
It la understood thnt the president
uuo tho throat of a suit olmllar to
that filed at Hnuallml against .ho
eastern rntlioads should thoro bo an
d.'ff!ci.!v la bring m: in rntlronas
tormB. It Is not bollovod hero, how
over that any each club will bo
Incivases Aro Held Up.
Tho agroomont renchod botwoon tho
railroads nnd tho administration pro
vides thnt tho into Increases will bo
Mexican Army Ordered to Yucatan
to Crush Rebellion Hundreds of
Refugees Flee for Lives Natives
Sacking Towns.
-MEXICO CITY, Mex., June 7.-
Gcnernl orders to the nnny to pre
paro for nctive duty in Yucatan in
suppressing the revolt of 10,000
Maya Indians were issued today. The
entiro htanding nnny of Mexico will
bo used to. crush out the rebollion,
if noeessnry.
Varying reports indicate thnt hun
dreds of persons in Yucntnn have
been massacred nnd that thousands
of nntives nro joining in tho revolt.
Tho government is rushing troops
to Meridn to protect hundreds of
.Mexican refugee who hae fled lor
their lives from towns which the re
bellious Indians havo sacked.
Tho gunboat Morelos, with o00
soldiers aboard, is under forced
drnught for Cnmpeche, whero tho
force will lonvo for Meridn. The
gunboat Zarngozn is at Vera Crua.
taking on supplies, mmuuuitiou and
pecho and Meridn.
Tho Indians nro reported to have
destroyed the telegraph nnd rail
road communication between Cam
troops for Yucatan.
hold ap aatll tho now railroad regu
lation bill goes Into effect. Tho bill,
which has reached tho conference
stngo but which has not yet finally
bcon ncted upon by congress, hns been
held up for tho past fow days ponding
conferenco nctlon. Tho bill provides
thnt it shall becomo offcctlvo within
GO days after it Is signed by tho pres
ident. It was tacitly understood nt
tho conferenco thnt if tho rnllronds
held up thblr rates tho provision
of tho bill giving tho intorstnto com
morco commission power to suspend
Increases ponding their investigation
of Increases would bo mado linmedl
ntoly offoctlvo. It wns hinted by tho
president that It would bo necessary
for tho conference conunltteo to In
corporate this idea. President Tnft
nnd somu of tho lenders of both
houses nro expected to confor today
rogarding tho matter, nad tho bill
amy sooa bo rushed to tho coafihonco
conunltteo In order to nllow tho provi
sion to bo Insortod.
Tho administration's doslro to hnvo
(Continuod on Pnge 8.)
Governor Willson.
The Material Is to Be Furnished by,
Colonel Ray and the Big Pines
Lumber Co. $600 Subscribed by
Mrs. Dana and Mr. Allen.
The ladies of the Greater Medford
club can always be depended upon
to "bring home the bncou" when they
start for anything in the way of
public improvement.
When tho club wus organized, tho
park was a potato patch; the club
concluded that it should be made a
park "ns wns a park." It was made
so. Afterward the club wanted a
public library. They got it. They
wanted trees set oat oa the resideaee
street. Tho trees are being set oat.
They wanted more ground for tho
park and the grounds fixed up. Thoy
hnvo it.
Now they want to erect n band
stand in tho park with n solid grna
ito foundation with a basement be
neath ia which will be a storeroom
for tools used ia enring for tho park
and lavatories for the accommoda
tion of tho visitors. They hnvo it
now nenrly.
Mrs. Susan Lawrence Dana ot
Springfield, 111., who is visiting Mr.
nnd Mrs. Edgar Hnfer, contributed
$300 for tho project. Jolni'lt. Allen
duplicated this contribution, Colonel
J. II. Kay has agreed to give the
granite, and tho Big Pines. Lumhc
Co. will furnisdi the lumber neceMir.y
in tho construction.
nowever, it is estimnted that tho
catting of tho stone, digging tho
basement, lnying tho cement floors
in tho bnsoment, electric wiring and
other e.pont.e of construction will
cost in tho neighborhood of $1000,
thoroforo, in spito of tho goaerous
contributions of Mrs. Dana and Mr.
Allen, tho club is $400 short.
Nobody who knows the ladies of
tho club doubt for a moment but
that they will get the monoy. They
never start work except ia a good
cause, nnd when thoy do start they
finis.h strong.
imUANAPOLIS, Juno 7. Tho
Wright brothers with a crow of six
aviators nnd a carload of biplanes nr
rlvcd horo today to participate In tho
Irst llceasod aoroplnno moot ovor hold
In America. Tho meet begins noxt
Trlnl flights woro mnde today. Pnr
ninn, Mnrquot and Shnw-Curtlss bl
planos also aro ontorod In tho moot.
Tremblor, Volcanic in Its Nature,
Lifting, Then Subsiding Prev
fnces of Campania, Basilicata aatf
Calabria in Ruins Refugees Are
Camping in Country.
NAPLES, Juno 7. Two hundred
persons aro reported killed and &,
property lono of more than 12,000
000 Inflicted by an earthqucko In tho
provinces of Campania, Basilicata and
Calabria today.
Ten bodies tavo been rccovorcd at
San Sossa. Eleven persons are knows
to havo been killed at Castel Baroola.
Scores of killed aro reported frost
other, cities.
Hundreds of wounded refugees are
camping in tho open country, having
abandoned tLeir homes through fear
of recurrent shocks.
Cine Emmanuel left Rome todxy
for the sceno of tho disaster. Th
Italian Red Cross already has take
action and forwarding supplies
food and clothing and seeding de
tachments ot doctors and nurses.
Cathedral Damaged.
Tho great cathedral at Foggla sae
tained serious damago and other
buildings wo-e shaken. The tremblor
was volcanic In its nature, apparently
lifting and then subsiding. Tho vi
brations lasted only seven seconds,
but the damago done is second oalr '
to that of the earthquake at Messina
nearly two years ago.
Tho towns of Gnlatri, Avelleaa,
Benevento, Castellamare di St. Dos
and Rotenza euffored tho most se
rous damage.
Thirty persons were killed and
scores wounded at Galatrl, where
many buildings were wrecked by the
tremblor, ac ordlag to dispatches.
Casualties aro reported at Vallata.
and many of tho towns In tho moun
tains of Campaaia.
Communication has bcon interrupt
ed. Tho government is sending troops
to tho stricken region.
Purl lament Sends Aid.
ROME, Juno 7. Tho Italian par
liament today voted $100,000 for re
lief of sufferers from the earthquake
in southern Italy. Tho monoy will be
placed at tho disposal of government
agents in the stricken region for the
purchase of supplies of clothing, aned
iclnes and of lumber for tomporarr
shelters for tho homeless.
WASHINGTON, D. C., Juno 7.
Insurgents and regulars clashod today
when Reprosonlatlvo Maun of Illinois
(Republican) asked uuanlmous con
cent to tako the railroad regulation
bill from tho speaker's table and sondw
It to conference. Ropresontntlve Pen
root of Wisconsin (Republican) ob
jected. Cannon ordered tho sonata
nmondmonts rord. '
Not stneo March 17, whon tho in
surgents made tholr fight against the
rules commlttoo dofoatlnts tho speak
er and regulars, havo tho republican
whips boon as nctlvo as thoy woro this
afternoon whon tho rallrond fight
Lonroot moved that tho houso. con
cur in tho sounto bill. He claimed
that his motion hud procodonco over
Mann's motion, Tho speaker ruled 'la
favor of Mr uk. DIsorlor followed, '
and for a fow minutes tho session
was stormy, Finally tho speaker's
banning gavol restored semblance ot
t i
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