USDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE C. 3910. - ---- X - ------- ---" If It Is Worth Doing; at All Want Advertise! &r - ---- - LOCAL MARKET IS Produce Comlnn In But Dcmnntl Mnkos Market Stronn Dry Onions and Old Potatoes Practically Out- Many Dcrrlos Offered. Tli u locnl market shows n dacldod upward tendency In tliu way of i;reon produce, Now potntooi am strong nt 2.40 nml 12.75 a hjudrod, with tho old crop practically out of tlio mnrkot. Struwborrlon In good demand nt 1. SO u crate, but will porluya rulo lower by tlio lnt of tlio weolc. Cherries aro 'not plentiful na yot and readily bring from 8 to 10c. Aprlcotu from local orclmrdH nro expected In tlio niurkot within n few days, anil tlio loganberry crop Ih about duo. Today' Quotation. (Pricoti paid by Medford merchants.) Potatoes, now, $2.402.7G owl onions. $2 owt.; cuhhugu. '2(n21 Butter, Kgg mid Poultry. (Prices paid by Medford morchnnta.) Itnuoh butler, '260,1)270', fancy creamery, 30o. Fresh ranch eggs, 25a. Mixed poultry, 1014o; spring ohickuuii, 1518o; turkoys, 17o. Berries StrnwborrioH, looul, $1.00 Green onions, 40o dozen buuehoK radishes, 40o dozou bunches; rhuburb 4 to Ou lb.; lettuce, 40o dozen; pons, 4o lb.; turnips, l'ao lb. (Prices paid producers.) Hay Timothy, $10; alfalfa, $10; RraHH, $M; grain liny, $10. Grain Whoat, $1.10 IjukIioI; oatw, $32 ton ; barley, $30 ton. Ueof Cowh, 44V& c; steers, 0 GVc; iork, Do; mutton, 0GVo; Iambs, Oo; venl, dressed, 8c. (Selling prices.) Rolled hurley, $1.00 owt., $30 ton; brnu, $1.70; middlings, $1.651.00; uliorts, $1.80()1.85. INTERNATIONAL HORSE SHOW IS OPENED IN LONDON LONDON, Juno 0. Tho Interna tional llorsn Show with tea thousand entries and a list of prizes aggregat ing $70,000 opened today. It was planned to have Colonel Koosovolt preside at tho opening, hut all cere monies were eliminated because of th recent death of King Edward. Three Americans aro entered in the military horsemanship's competition for which thoro aro offorod twenty fivo prizes. Alfrod Vnudorbilt, Judgo Moore, Paul Soron and Walter Winaus, Am ericans, will drive- in tho coaching marathons of fourteen and seven miles each for the Corinthian cup. WILL DEMAND RECOUNT OF PRIMARY VOTE PITTSllUKO, Pa., Juno 0. Dr. Robert J. Black who opposod John Dalzell for eleotion to tho house of representatives, auoiiuuocd today that he will demand a recount of the primary vote, lllaek olaimu ho has won tho congressional nomination from Dalzell. Daloll and his supoprtors zolaini a majority of 402 votes. Black charged that a great number of tho Dalzell votes woro fraudulent nnd demands that they bo thrown out. Tho offi cial voto will not bo mndo known for fiovoral days. Closo contests were ou in western Penusylvnuia whoro Cannonism was an issue. Greece Fears Turkey. ATHENS, Greece, June fl. T.tu Greek govorumont has summonod 10, 00 rosorves because of fear that Turkoy contemplates invading Croto and ThoBsnly. This action lias not boon explained by tho officials at Athens, but it is known Grooco will Intorforo if tho Turks nttompt 10 enter Thossaly or Croto. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notlco Is horoby glvon that tho annual mooting of stockholders of tho Paclfla and Eastern Railway will bo hold at tho offlco of tho company, In Medford, Oregon, on Monday, Juno , 1910, at 10 o'clock a. m. I)y ordor of tho Proaldont. O. P. HUMPHREY, Socrotary. Tho routing of your furnlahod rooms Is as Important a business matter with to you as "tho day's alon" aro to a morchnnt. And want Advertising Is as lmportnnt to you ns storo advertising la to tho morchnnt. BULLISH IlaBkina for Health. GREATDEMANDFOR FANCY SHEEP Cattle arket Weakens Slowly and Good Stoers Arc SoWi for $5.90 Hou Market Fairly Well Supplied NORTH PORTLAND, Juno 0. Receipts for (ho week lmvu been: Cattle, 10H8; calves, 70; hogs, 3707 and shoup, 1731. A feature of tlio market lias been the strength shown both in demand and prices for slieop. The uattlo mar ket has weakened slowly under pros sure and good steers were sold for $0.00 to $0.70. A choice lot sold for $0.00 but the market on hay fed steers is about at the lesser figure quocd above. Tlio cow market has been strong and high and the demand for light butcher stuff was not supplied. Tim demand for calves is strong at 7o for tops and $0.00 to $0.00 for tlio heavier classes. Tlio slieop market rallied from the depression that has lately applied and showed considerable strength. Prices were from 10 to 10c better than the week before and tlio move ment was brisk. Tlio hog inarkol was fairly well supplied, both with contracted deliv eries from Missouri river torritory and from local points. Prices haw declined slowly until 10c can ho con sidered the high point. GOLD HILL ITEMS. (Tho News.) .Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hnmmorsloy returned Sunday from n 30-duy trip to Lnkovlow, 100 miles west of Klam. nth Kails, and a thriving town ol several thousand people, ns yot with out a rnilroni'. Thoy woro taken from Klamath Kails to Lakovlow acd back In an nutomobllo owned azd drlvon by Andrew Hnmmorslcy, t prominent business man of Lnkovlow nnd a couoln of J. L. Hommorsloy. On tho return trip ho completed tho Journey to Gold Hill, and medo his undo, G, A. Hnmmorsloy, and his other cousins, Riley, Jolin and Krci, a vIhIi of covorai days. A. N. Hulbort nnd wlfo roturncd Tuesday from Plncor county, Califor nia, whoro thoy vlBltcd sons at Roso vlllo and Auburn, nnd a brother whom Mr. Hulbort had not seen for mnny yearn. Thnt soctlon in a groat small fruit region, and tho chorry crop, which wns good this year, was very profitable ns high prices pre vailed. Honry Wong, whoso nnmo gives an Inkling ns to IiIb nationality, has tak en a poaltlon as chof do culslno at tho Gold Hill hotel. Landlord Jones Is congratulating hlmaolf on having bo curod Mr. Wong's aorvlcoo, ns this particular son of tho Klowory King dom is a cook of ability who haB served Mr. Jorcs In tho sarao capac ity uovoral times boforo. Will Wothoroll hns roalgnod ns na slatnnt nt tho Southern Pacific do pot and has taken a poosltlon at tho non Ton, succoodlng Chnillo Tylor, wh orcalgnod Inst weok. Ho will con tlnuo to handle tho dally pnpors, which will bo on anlo both nt tho dopot and nt tho Ron Ton. Georjjo Andorson, wlfo and llttlo girl arrived rocontly from Snlom nnd nro vlBltlng at tholr Parndlso rnncho In Sama Valloy. Mr. Andorson ox pocta to bo benefited In hoalth by tho stay In southorn Oregon. Mrs. Andorson Is a ulstor of Mrs. Dowors and n cousin of J. Q. Jarvls. A. J. Olscon mndo a trip Inst weok to northeastern Oregon, his homo of nonr 20 yonrs ago. Whon ho reach ed IJi Grande In Union county It was raining nnd whon ho got to Josopb, In Wallowa county, whoro his slstor, Mrs, Martin Lowls, llvon, ho found It snowing. No wondor ho waa glad to got back to Gold Hill nnd southorn Oregon, tho lnud of Biinahlno. Evldouco thnt Sams Valloy can and dooa produeo tho flnnost of fruit comes Into toym with noarly ovory ranchor's wagon, and tho local mnr- kot hns boon woll supplied with lus cious utrawborrloB and ohorrlos. Tho News housohold can toatlfy ns to tho excellence of Snm'B Valloy cherries by reason of having rovolod In thorn for Bovornl days, having boon romom- borod with a big pall by G, E. Mlllbr on Wednesday, Tho ohorrlos nro of tho black Tartarian variety and nro now fully rlpo nnd of dollcloua flavor, Did you ovor doubt your ability to wrlto a tologriun to say brlofly nnd clonrly what you wlshod to Bay? Woll, writing n good wnnt ad Is much tho enmo sort of tnBk nnd you can do It, nnd do It woll. Haokins for Hoalth. It is Important to a Good Advertiser But it is Also Very Important to His Patrons That He Should Be! Tlio buying public has a distinct interest in whether or not a merchant advertises. For it is an econ omic" truth that only tho morchnnt who advertises can afford to offer actual values to make price-concessions that are roally competitive) to do business ou tho smallest possiblo per-sale profit. Tho buying public Iuib como to know this to know that tho buyer has a direct interest in tho ques tion of whether tho seller advertises. Tho buying public has como to know that tho buyer pays tho pen alty of patronizing tho non-progrcssivo store, where small volurno of sales makes largo pcr-salo profits inevitable. It has como, therefore, to bo sho in dealing with a progressive mtorost (no, wo didn't say "purso-onnl" interest) ; nnd therefore comes nearer homo than tho mere mat tor of prido in preferring to buy nt a LIVE STOKE. Although that sort of prido, somowhat generally held by tho people of n city, is what makes tho town worth living in wortli doing business in worth believing in! PROSPECT ITEMS. W. L. Sownrd and Frank Moonoy, who nro from Wyoming, loft laBt Sat urday morning for Silver camp, 10 miles nbovo ProBpect, whoro Mr. Hol- dol and his crow of nurvoyors nro at work Burvoylng tho proposed Crntor Lake rond. Luther Eant, tho team- Bter took all tho crow up to Crntor Lake last Sutlay, thoy being tho first to visit tho lako this yenr. They roport hnvlng'n flno tlmo, ns tho snow Is nlmosa gono on tho summit. Thoro Is less snow on tho mountains this yenr at tho present tlmo than there has boon for a number of years. George West was through horo tho othor day on his way to Sllvor camp to l.olp on tho survoySnc with Mr. Hcldcl. Thoy roport that thoy will bo through with that section of tho country by tomorrow. They will then move camp botween horo and Trail. Honry Gordon was through horo Inst weok with a flno looking bnnd of cattle on his way over tho moun tains. Messrs. Polton nnd Hannan woro through horo last Sunday morning with a bnnd of about 400 head of cat tle for tho :at go. George Daniels nnd John Oliver, both of tho Gray ranch, loft tho other dny for tho valloy after two moro loads of Biiyppllcs for tho store. Tho Prospect Btoro has changed hnnds nnd they intend to try and fill tho bill for cupplles, such as tourists nnd enmpors uno. Thoy Intend to try nnd accommodnto each and ovory ono who goea through horo oa tholr wny to Crater Lake and othor parts. Mrs. M. Hollenbcck of tho Prospect liotol 1ms boon making moro room for tho tourlots this year. Sho has orectod toata for thoso who would rather-sleep outdoors. Wo look for ward to a moro busy season than has ovor been boforo. Sho hns put on nentor appearances about tho hotel, huch as painting floors and lining walls. Most of today's real ostato deals aro tho result of rccont classified ads. Moat of tomorrow's will bo, tool Raskins for Hoalth. FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE Two acroa near city limits, 700. Cornor lot, Onkdalo and Tenth, fllGO. Cornor lot on West Main street; Bldownlk laid and paid lor, 11000. Two G-room cottages and throo Inrgo lots, ono lot containing throo quartora of an aero, 10 blocks out, $3500. Othor bargains In land and boar Ing orchards. D. II. JACKSON & CO. Opposlto Hotol Mooro. FOR SALE Tolo landa; 55 acroa In Tolo, doscrlbod ns lot 1 nnd tho northeast qunrtor of section thirty, all In township thlrty-Blx south, rango two, In Jackson county, Oro gon, nro for salo at ono hundred nnd fifty dollars por aero. Enqutro of II. W, Dlkoman, Gold Hill, Or. 70 ALFALFA lands in ton and twonty acro tracts, whoro six crops aro cut per yoar and 10 to 12 tons the yield. Irrlgatod by gravity water supply. A. A. Martin, ngout, Lob Mollnos Land Co, of California, Mooro Hotol. tf FOR SALE 48 acres of flno land, 3 acros a flno gardou ao you ovor saw, moat nil In potatoes, nil can bo cultivated oaslly; 50 tlors of wood cut; walor right; can bo Irri gated tho your round; prlco only $2000; $1500 cash, balanco in 0 months, Address II, II, Hoxlo, R. F, D. No. 1. FOR SALE 498 acros land In 8cott Vallo, ono of tho most beautiful nnd foitllo apoU In California, mostly in alfalfa, and can bo Irrlgatod; woll Improvod, good foncps, am' first class buildings; $45,000. Ivor fur thor particulars nddroca Walker Bros., Etna Mills, Siskiyou county, California. 70 the Merchant That He Should Be a matter of personal interest to a prospective buyer as to whether ho or I or with a non-progrcssivo merchant. This personal interest is a purse- t FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE. Acreage, FOR SALE 5 and 10-acro tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 0 annual pay ments. Address Condor Water Power Co. FOR SALE Ono half aero with woll and small barn on It; five blocks from Washington echool; good placo to keep bow and chickens. Address W. D. Harrlc. 70 Farms and Orchards. FOR SALE Fruit farm In Douglas . county; a bargain; 36 acres; 23 acrc3 In full bearing orchard; 3 acres Spltzorbcrg apples; 4 acres peaches; 15 acres prunes; 1 acre cherries and pears; 2 acros garden; 3 acres hay, balance pasture; some timber, chough for wood; Joining city llfmtls; beautiful location; large fruit dryer end small cannery en place; 8-room houso, barn and out buildings; 3-wells; also good spring on placo; on county road; cldowalk to town; crop, team, wagon, buggy, now disc and nil tools go with placo; prlco $250 por aero; placo will bo worth doublo this lnsldo 5 years; similar land just sold fo. f600 per acre. I want to go back Into busi ness reaoo Kr soiling. Address E. Hollwlll, ownu, Yoncalla, Or. FOR SALE Nnotj acres. 30 tn one year old apple and pear trees, 100 Inches of water, 2 1-2 miles from railroad station. For terms write "Owner." care Mall Tribune. 261" FOR SALE About 30 acres of good orchard land 1 1-2 miles east of Phoenix. Ono-half Is In orchard. Tolophono, Mcdford, 1199, or ad dresfl C. T. Payno, Phoenix, Ore. t"Ott SALE 60 acres, nncet building clto in tho alloy, lncludh g 30 acrca good fruit land; choap and terms right. H. C. Maltby, Palm Bldg., Main and Front. Ilonsca. FOR SALE Closo In on North Con tral, modern six-room house with furniture Prlco $6,000. Address Dox 121, city. 68 FOR SALE Uest Dargnln In Med ford. Now houso nnd barn in best resldonco section. Will soil with furniture at lowest figure. Terms. Call on ownor at 529 South Grapo. FOR SALE Now house and ten acros land In city of Woodvlllo; worth $3500; $3200 buys It for next ton days. G. F, Dyor, ovor Medford P. O.. 67 Lots. FOR SALE Otty lota, $2U; for a small, eafu Investment eco th city lots I offer at $300 and $260 per lot; $20 cbhIi payment, balance $10 por month; no Interest. II, C. Malt by, Palm 1 lag. FOR SALE Good lot two blocks off paving on West Seventh ctroot; price $350. Address P. O. Box S38. Business Property. FOR SALE Choice business prop erty at a bargain, on long time; easy forms. Address Condor Wa ter Power Co. FOR SALE Building formerly occu- plod by Snow Flako Bakery, Good location for grocery o" warehouse. This Is to go at any prlco. En quire 529 South Grapo. tt Horses. FOR SALE Good riding pony; wolghs 800 pounds; young. H. F. Cnton, Contral Point, or Holmroth plnco, 66 Miscellaneous, FOR SALE Six tonB of alfalfa In tho fiold, 1 1-4 miles north of Tal ont, at $9 por ton. Room 25, Jack Bon County Bank bldg. 66 FOR SALE A full lino of Old Hamp shire and Oak Bonds, plain and cloth finish; lottor heads and onvelopos. Mall Trlbuno office. FOR SALE Legal blanks of all kinds trespues and other notices, at Mall Tribune office. " FOR SALE. FOR SALE Wall paper, paints, oils, brushes, a very complote line; In formation encorfuily glvon by an cxporlonceor palntor. M. J. Me teal f, 318 E. Main st. FOR SALE Chandler Price Gor don Jobber, 11x14 press; a bargain. Inquire Mall Tribune office. FOR SALE For good wood and good measure, try the Bunker Hill Wood Yard, at North end of C street. Phono 841. J. A. McLeod, Prop. TO EXCHANGE lncomo property In Los Angeles, valued at $27,500; mortgaged for $3,600; owner's equity $24,000. Will exchange for property of oqcal value In or near Modfbrd. Tuto property Is In first- class condlt'on and Is bringing in a good ro.ttal. It will ,itand close Inspection. W. T, Yorfc & Co. WANTED Salesmen In every local ity of the northwest; money ad vanced weekly; many make over $100 month; choice of territory. Yakima Valloy Nursfl'7 Co., Top- FOR SALE Three good milk cows. Jno. H. Shepherd, 128 East Main street. FOR SALE Cheap, 14 tons of hay In stack. Address Box 361, Mcd ford. 69 FOR SALE Or exchange, two-cly-Inder Rco automobile, model 1908, In good condition; will soil or trado for city property. Add-css X4, Mail Tribune. FOR RENT. Houses. FOR RENT A new modern six-room bungalow, well furnished; will rent until September 1. No small chil dren. 514 S. Holly. FOR RENT Now 6-room furnished bungalow, $20. Apply 334 Sixth street. 66 Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT Furnished loom. Call at 734 Sherman 6treot. 66 FOR RENT Nicely furnished room for two gentlemen or man and wife. 228 North Holly. tf FOR RENT Modora furnished raoniB at 604 West 10th or 124 King street. FOR RENT Two now and nicely furnished sleeping rooms; easy walk ing distance; modern; bath on same floor; rcasonablo prices. Phone Main 4474. FOR RENT Furnlshod room at 128 South Holly. 66 FOR RENT Now modern furnished room nt 128 South Holly St. 66 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for transients, No. 10 North Grape street, next to. Farmers' and Frult gruwors' Bank. Coolest place In town. FOR RENT Room sultablo for two gontlomen; also board. Inquire at 322 South Ctutrnl avonuo. 66 FURNISHED roumB nnd board; also table boarders. 325 Rlvoraldo avo nuo, South. 66 Miscellaneous. FOR LEASE Fully equipped gold in I no; ten-stamp mill and concen trator, all ororated by electric pow oi, Ownor will furnish froe oloc trlo power for sharo in proceeds. See Smith, at Condor Water & Power Co. HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Male, WANTED First-class surveyor. Call at office of Roguo River Elec tric Company. WANTED A good Btoady, niiddlo ngod man who understands the cart, of cows and garden work. Good wngoa to tho right man, Addrecs F. P., Eaglo Point, 66 WANTED Experienced stone cutter nnd quarry man. Call at Condor Water and Powor Go's, office, WANTEDA.1 lather; ' married, sobor, rollablo, wants contract work. Addroca Lather, Park View Hotel. 7 WANTED. Help Wanted Female. WANTED Woman to do washing for small family. Phono A. C. Allen, 7001 Farmors. WANTED Olrls to work on Ironing and pressing machines la tho new laundry. Apply just east of 603 N. Central avonuo or phono 4451. WANTED Competent woman for housework; good wages; two In fam ily. Apply mornings. 2X9 North Oakdale avonuc. Positions. WANTED A business woman with road team and buggy Is at liberty for engagements. What havo you to offer? Address, J. L., caro of this office. 68 Miscellaneous. WANTED Clean laundry for gentle men and mendiLg for family. 734 Sherman street. 66 WANTED Modern 8-room house. Call Main 1771. WANTED Setting hens and little chickens. Call up Main 441. tf WANTED In central location, office with show window, or good desk room, A. A. Martin, Hotel Mooro." WANTED A mule, weight between 1000 and 1100 pounds. Charles W. Isaacs, 115 N. Oakdale avenue, tf LOST. LOST A receipt book belonging to Chas. Palm. Finder please return to Brown & Wakefield's office, l'alm Block. LOST Last Tuesday night, either on motor or at depot, lady's long black coat. Finder pleaso write or send notice of find to 106 Sixth street, Medford. 66 FOR EXCHANGE. FOR SALE Or excn.-.nge for coun try property, 2 3-4 acres, 10-room bouse; pumping plant, 40 fruit trees; 5 blocks from Main street; on North Riverside; Bear Creek bottom. Inquire at 317 E. Main FOR EXCHANGE A six-cylinder Ford auto in good condition. Will trade for Medford real estate; town lots or acreage. Walter McCallam, Nash Hotel. 67 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm buildintr. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Over Post- office. PORTER J. NEFP, WM. P. MEA LEY Attorneys-nt-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Roames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank build ing, second floor. B. F. MULKEY Attornoy-at-law. Offices room 30, Jackson County Bank building. Medford. Architects. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects ond Builders, office 7-8, 235 Main. Phone Main 3471. Residence phon 2471. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phone 351. Night phenes: C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H. Butlor 3571. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Maokoy and dio with joy." Over Al len & Reagan's storo; entrance on Sovcnth street. Medicines. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CDJES Will oure rheumatism, asthma, paralysis, sores and pri vate diseases. These remedies may be procured at the Sing Lee laun dry, 123 S. Riverside avenue, Med ford, Or., whore they will bo sold by tho proprietor. Dr. Chow Young has treated sev eral severe cases with his remedies since coming to Medford and has for reference some of the best known nnd most intelligent citizens in Southorn Oreeron. Call on him. Messenger Service, MESSENGER SERVICE Messon gors furnished at all houso of day and till 0 p. ra. to any pare of city, from lOo to 25o. Phono Mnin 1812. Painters and Paporhangers. GERWOLF & WARD, contracting painters, paporhangers and deco rators; signs. Estimates given on all kinds of dny and job work. Park View Hotol. Phone Mnin 1R01. Legal Blanks. LEGAL BLANKS All stylos of le gal blanks for sale, a hundred dif ferent forms. Mpdford Printing Cc Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin sho-.t iron wnre on hand and made to order. 128 North G Street. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hospitals. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C st, Medford, Or. &. W. Hisoy, Matron. Official kcwpitoL P. & E. R. R. Bill Potters. VERNE T. CANON BUI Poator Distributor. All orders prowpUj filled. Room 20, Jackson Cwwty Bank building, Medford, Or. Ital Estate. SEE WM. E. STACEY ft CO. for some of the .choicest barguM fat. real estate in this valley. Also Brit ish Columbia and Alberta, B. C, aa& other parts. Call on him at Bitertt office, Phipps building, or at tk Medford Auto company's f rqgo where we start oat oar at to far the Aladden Mantle Lamp asd hid den window screen. Wo will yon right. Command see. Printers and PabUsfeen. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. fcu tW best-equipped job office ia florth era Oregon; Portland prieea. 3T 8onth Central avenue. Billiard Potion. S. T. BROWN ft CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stoic. Young ft Hall building. A niee, moI place to spend the hot afternoogq. Carriage and Aato Polatiag. VALLEY SIGN AND CARRLTO WORKS High-class work teed. Signs. Riverside Phone SOL FarnitHre. H. F. WILSON ft Co., dealers k and second-hand foraitare aadl hardware. Agents for Monsd City kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh at. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Comer 8th and Holly sts., Medfeed. Mission Furniture mode to ordor. Cabinet work of all kinds. trial order solicited. MORDOFF ft WOLFF Cook Storov and Ranges. New and Second-HaadL Furniture. Eads' old stand, 18 W. F Bt. Sonth. Phone 91, Medford. Or. Naneriea. QUAKER NURSERIES Our troos are budded, not grafted. Our stock. is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We ore not ia Um trust. H. B. Patterson, offieo ia Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grado nursery stock. Office 25 W. Moia. Tel. 1201. Dentists. DR. W. M VAN SCOYOC, Dentist Office in rooms 203-204, Farmers & Fruitgrowers' bank building, Treat, of the tracks. Physicians and Sargeoas. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night caHa promptly answored. Office and ms- 'dence phone Main 3432. CONROY & CLANCY Office ia Stewart building Physicians aadl Surgeons. Office phone Main 341;. private phane Main 012. DR8. CONROY & CLANCY, Physi cians and Surgeons, Taylor ft Phipps bldg., rooms 210, 211, 212. Offieo phono 501, residence phone 612. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. ra. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians. Mission block. Pkoaa 201. Medford. Cigars and Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse Dealers in tobacco, cigars and smok ers' supplies. Exclusive agents of Lewis Single Binder, El Merito aad El Pnloncin. 212 West Main street.. Building Contractor. ALEX. TAYLOR, BuUdhg Con tractor Houses, bungalo.WB, alter ations, repairs. 31 North Central avenue, opposite post off ice. Brick Companies. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Goo. W. Priddy, O. D. Nagle, Geo. T. O'Briea Contractors and manufacturers of brick; dealers in pressed brick and lime. Offieo in Postoffico block, room 5. Phone No. 3181. Brick Layers. BRICKLAYERS K. Kuim, at Smokohouse, first-class brioklsjor, stoneworkor, cement steppias stucco and moulding, fireplaoes aid tile work a specialty, Euro t plan; day or contract. Llfo Scientist. MRS. LILLIAN A. ELDER, Life Bei ontist Privato instruction in "New Psychology" nnd "Now ThoBaV principles. Callers received WW nesdays, 127 South Grape strtt. Stenographers. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Pola peek, Stenographic work done qaiekrj nnd woll. M. FORTESCUE Stenographer, 21 N. Front st Phone 2SL