MMMiWirv " i m.i, --", j- 'i rjstfi j?i .'5- v ju . 4. . . 7 "7 ' &' r;:V j- . , v- , ',fA wt Medford mail Tribune UNITED TRESS ASSOCIATION Full Iicftscd Wire Report. SECOND SECTION Tbo onlr paper In the world published In a city tho ilze of Medford having a loaned wlr. PAGES 0 TO 10 JOTT1IYEAB. MEDFORD, OKIiXlON, KINIMY, JUNE 5, 1910 No. 65. IN MEDFORD'S SOCIAL REALM k v 7vrwiwy A reception wiih tondoiod Proles Nor and Mi'H. U. (I, Kiuilli Tuesday evening ly the bomd of education ill tliu residence of Mr. unit Mih. J. K. Watt, on Not tit Mm licit Htreet. Pio fuHHor Smith, who Iiiih been Hiiporiti tondcnl of tint public schools of .Med ford. leaves thin week to innku his homo in Albany, Or., iind the icoop tiou wiih a farewell to liim. Music wiih fiirnlHliod during the evening li.v tliu Imperial Indies' oichustru. To show their appreciation of Professor Smith iiikI the work lie Iiiih iicooiii pIIhIumI huico coming heie the teach ers of (ho eity mcIiooIh presented him with u beautiful loving (sup and n Hot of hpiioiih. Among Ihoho piosoht wure: Mcam-h. and MeHtlnmos .1. II. Coehrnu, L. 0. rotter, II. C. Kcnt ner, Oris CrawJ'oid, Charles Sluing, II. II. Tnltlo. W. I. Vawtor, F. W. Streets, Worrell, L. K, Hoover, Mitchell, Dr. and Mr. Page, )r, utid Mrs. Picket, Itev. and Mr. Hdkiinp, Rev. and .Mih, Shields Itev. and Mrs. Matlock, Itev. and Mr. Lucii, .Mm. W. T. York, .Mr. Ltiwsou, Pro fuHHor ICraiiHe, Professor Lcwii, County Siiperiiitendent J. Percy WcIIh and II. I). Foster. A very pretty breiikfimt win given Thursday morning at tliu Nash grill hy seven of the Indies of the Colon Sal Bridge elnl), to the remaining members. The (aide wiih heaiitifnlly decorated with I.n France roses, and n roHo wiih at each guost'H plaec. Tho color neheiiie wiih pint;, and the place, cards, which were hanilpaiiited, car ried out tho idea, The breakfast wiih perfect in all its iippointnientH, Followinir in tho menu: Fruit cocktail, Hhriinp Nowhtirg, ripe nlivcn; laiuli ehopH, French pcus; potato roses; salad, bread HtickH; frozen oggnog, macaniouri, cafe noir. Tho hostesses were: McHiInmoH Nye, Neff, E. B. Davis, HoIMh, Streets, Kidd and W. II. Hrown, and their guests were MoHdataeH Morriok, Luke, Kentner, lO. II. Smith of St. Louis, Hert Hrown of Iowa, U. O.JSmith, Aycrs, Watt and Charles Hrown, After the hreakfiiHt the beautiful roues which fonned the decoratioiiH were preHented to tho throe ladies who wore out-of-town guests, Mos dameH Smith, Hrown and Anew. Aim. U. 0. Smith, who leaves thin week for Albany, Or., alno received a bouquet. This is tho Inst meeting of tho Bridge club until fall. The death of Mrs. Hugh Hume, wife of Mr. Hugh Hume, editor of the Portland Spectator, and one of the host-known newspaper men on the coast, comes as a Htirpriso to her many friends, although she had been hi ill-health for soveral years. Mrs. Hume was a woman of unusual abil ity and was instrumental in the founding of the Arts & Crafts asso ciation in Portland. She was highly artiHtio and very progressive and will ho mourned by a very largo circle of frionds. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). Olwcll enter tained Friday evening at dinner in honor of Mr. Stewart, of the Stewart Fruit Co. The guests wore; Messrs. Stewart, II. J. Noaley and Wilme roth. Hov. Paul S. Dimity of Salem, Or., is the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Potter at tho Fairdale orchard, That Fe-Mail Tribune (Klamnth Fxpress.) ,'""" Sunday tho Orcntor Medford Club Ladies were givon charge of the Medford Mail Tribune, one of tho largest and best nowspnpors in Or egon. They edited the pnpor, solicited the ads' and collected the pro coeds, which will ho added to tho already largo fund collected by thoin. Kvcry progressive business man in tho eity gavo their undivided support; in fact, they recoived bo much advertising that iM pagos of the edition, including ono-half of tho first page, wiih filled with well written ads. In all, the edition was a grand success from every standpoint, and wo holiovo the Mail Tribune would prosper cuiito well if Putnam and Hicks would go up on the ltogue and have a good time fishing for a weolc or two and lot the ladies of the. Great or Medford club do business for a while. Klamath Falls Iiiih the ladies with tho mime spirit; Klamath Falls Iiiih tho business mon with the same spirit. Now, ladies and gontle moii, get busy nnd beautify the best city in all Oregon, (Central Point Herald.) "Tho Medford Female Tribune" of last Sunday, from a "got-tlio-monoy" standpoint, was a oologno water daisy, and in u nows and lit erary way was u "humdinger." Each reporter covorod hor detail thor oughly and in the language of the society reporter, tho edition was both a financial and social huccohs, tho which proves conclusively to uk that there is more wrapped up iu editorial calico than fool man may suppose. The members of the Junior class of the high school kiivo " reception to the senior chins Wednesday ni'lit at the Pierce residence, on Fast Main street. Tin1 house was most artistically decorated with palms and cut flowers and festoons of crepe pa per were used in all the rooms, the colors of the graduating cIiikk, red and while, and the hicli rhool, red and black, heini; used. The lollovv iui; ptouram was given: Selection, High School orelieslia vocal solo, Mif Verva Hammond, violin solo, Miss lone Flynn; two se Icelioiis by the Higli School orches tra; instrumeutal solo, Miss Ituth Woedford: vocal solo, Miss Ma vine Swan: two selections, High School orchestra. After the program games were played, after which a threo-coure supper wiih served. Mrs. York entertained most de lightfully with a luncheon Frida tit honor of Mrs. l 0. Smith, who leaves this week to reside in Albany. The rooms were urtistienllv d"cornt pil, the color scheme being pink throughout, even to the liaudpaiuted place cards, and a most elaborate luncheon of six courses was served. The guests were: Mesdnmes V, 0. Smith, Streets, Lawson, W. II. Hrown, W. I. Hrown, Kentner, Nye, Campbell, Warner and Hert Hrown. Mrs. II. C. Kentner entertained at bridge Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs. U. 0. Smith. The spacious rooms were artistically decorated and bridge was played until a late hour, when dainty refreshments were served. Those present were: Arcs dames C 0. Smith, Streets, W. II. Hrown, K. 11. Davis. Kidd. Hollis, Neff, Nye, Merrick, Luke, Watts, K. II. Smith of St. Louis, Hert Hrown of Des Moines Ageus, Charles Hrown and Kentner. Mrs. Itolnnd Heach of Liberty street entertained at Kensington on Iliiirsilnv afternoon ut honor of Mrs. C. J. Mirer, who is soon to leave the city. Those present were: Mrs. Priic, Mrs, Ainan, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Tinker. Mr. Coleman, Mrs. Dr. Vim Seoyer, Mrs. Heach and Mrs. Mizor. Light refreshments were served and a general gootl time was enjoyed. All pronounced Mrs. Heach a genial hostess. Mr. and Mrs. McNenly, Mr. and Mrs. Oray, Miss Frances Merrill and Mr. Hathaway spent several days camping and fishing on Rogue river. Tltoy loft Medford Saturdny and re turned Mqndny evening. Monday morning Mr. nnd Mrs. Holt of tho Shormati-Clay company joined the party. Every ono had a most en joyable time and hope to repeat the excursion soon. Mrs. Shields, assisted by Mrs. II. C. Maltby, entered the Ladies' Aid society of the Presbyterian church Tuesday afternoon 'at the manse. About 25 IndioB were present and a most enjoyable afternoon was spent. Tho Indies of the Christian church will meet tho last Wednesday in Juno with Mrs. Delia Jones. All who availed themselves of the opportunity of visiting tho art ex hibit displayed at St. Mary's Aead- MRS. ALLEN FEEDING DEER AT HOLLYWOOD gfB !l5 VflflrTEr 1. "T Mkj - m & fOtlfQt2t&j9frf r Tit A y1 ft BHwK W fi ' The accompany ing cut shows Mr. A. C. Allen feeding tho deer in the deer lodge at tho Hollywood orch ards, just west of Medford. The deer park wiih established in the Class of 1910 Graduates With Honors The graduating exercises of the class of 1010 of the Medford high school were held Friday night at tho niiditorium iu the high school build ing, when seven young Indies and threo young men received their dip lomas and arc now ready to take up their duties out iu the great world. The sweet girl graduates made very pretty pictures, all iu their dainty white gowns, as they came forward to receive their hard-canted diplomas, and the young men looked very manly and eager to mako their start in the world. Those receiving their sheepskins were: Misses Cordelia Goff, Joseph ine Riley, Ksthor Phicster, Loretta Snyder, Lcola Kwbnnlc, Crystal Me Nary, Minnie Jackson; Messrs. Les ter Meeker, Frank Farrell and Clif ford Mistier. An unusually good program was cmy during tho past week, enjoyed not only a surprise, but also a rare treat. One could hardly believe that Bitch heights could bo attained by first-yonr students did not the beau tiful picturos prove what diligent ap plication can do utidor tho guidance of u master hand. Love of Oregon scenory was certainly manifested iu tho subjects chosen, Mount Hood, Rooster Rock and Crater Luke be ing strikingly prominent among the oil paintings. Tho coloring was oxquisitc, exhib iting raro tasto and defying the most critical eye, Tho lossor oils were mainly subjects from nature in the lino of fruits and flowers. Large sections of the spacious walls wore covered with various charcoal sketches and all elicited much praise for tho students. Among those that have won great distinction iu the art department nro, ..Miss Alice btreots ol iileulorit and Miss Doryl Lithorland of Portland. Tho latter, through attachment to the Medford convont, proforrod to pur sue her studios hero rather than iu Portland, devoting tho ontiro year to painting and music. Varied and beautiful wore the jnany pioeos of noedlowork artistic ally arranged throughout tho audi torium. The exhibit consisted of all kinds of otnbroidory, including suits, aprons, doilies, centerpieces, bureau covers, cushions, towels nnd niono gramed tablo linen, Miss Sadie Sturgiss dosorves special mention for hor exquisitely ombroidored silk dress, nnd Missos Alliouo Kingsbury, Anita Dodge and Vorna Griffin for thoiv porfootly worked undorsults. Through tho courtosy of tho ladies of tho Civio Improvement club of Ashland, tho ladies of tho Greater Medford club wero invited to attend tho rose show, which took plaoo in that city Thursday and Friday of .large grow near Mr. Allen's re-i- deuce when he first purchased the plncc, nnd siuco then he has been adding deer to the herd until they now number eleven. Two elk were recently purchased, and during the given. The salutation by Mis Kw hank was very good and well done. Tho class history, by Miss Riley, was terse nnd to the point and was very interesting. Mr. Meeker's oration, "The Great Importance of Little Things," showed good thought and was well delivered, showing that Mr. Meeker has great promNp of being a good orator. Tho cluss prophecy by Mr. Farrell was very bright and witty. MUs Jackson's rendition of "Tho Judg ment Day" was particularly good and .shows that her ability iu that line i- marked. The class planted an ivy Fridny morning and Mr. Mizer gave a very eloquent oration for the "Ivy." The class will, by which tho belong ings of the class of 1010 wore be queathed to tho school, was a very clover article by Miss Snyder, and tho parting address by Miss Goff was very good and very well ren-. last week, and quite a number of the ladies took advantage of the invi tation and motored there. A very creditable showing of flowers was tnado and a cordial reception given to tho visiting Indies. Mr. Henry J. Ruinsey of the Unit ed States department of agricultme has been the guest of Mr. mid Mr. Kdw. Jnnney this past week. Mrs. William Aldonhagen leave-, this evening for Portland, where she will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Turner during the rose carnival. Mrs. Ditulop entertained at bridge Thursday aftornoon. Her guests were Mr, llafer, Mrs. Stokes and Mr. Charles Hrown. Mrs. A, A. Dnvis and Mrs. Scott Davis leave Sunday night for Port land, whore thoy go to attend tho rose carnival. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Hoidoaux left Tuosday evening for Vancouver, H. C, whoro Mr. Hordoaux has accepted a position. Judge William M. Colvig tendered Hon. P. II. D'Arcy an informal din ner at tho Nash grill Tuosday eve ning. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilafor, Mosbrs. Dttd loy, Harkdull and Leo Uoot motored to Ashland Tuosday and lunched (bore. Mr, and Mrs. Bon Garnet and fam ily leave for Portland today and will stay for tho rose festival. Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Sears have re turned from nn oxtonded trip through tho Willamette valley. Miss Marian Whito has roturned to past week tw law. s were bom. The park borders on the road be tween Medford and Jacksonville, nnd the deer romping beneath the trees attract much attention from the passing throng. dercd. The music which was ren dered by the High School Orchestra and the Mandolin club, under the able direction of Professor Collins, was very good, and the class song, dedicated to this class, is from the pen of the professor, both words and music. The Mandolin club deserves special praise and is composed al most entirely of members of the eighth grade, nnd they were forced to givo an encore to their number. Superintendent Smith made his fare well speech and gave n very affect ing nddre?s, after which came the presentation of tho diplomas. The class of 1010 has done more for the school than any previous class and leave behind them as me mentoes a picture which they purch ased. "The Custlo of Chnillon," and the class uennant, which is tho first pennant to adorn the walls of the auditorium. Jacksonville, where she bus been tho guest of Mrs. M. Petor. Miss Jcuuess Butler is spending the week iu Portland and will stay for the roo festival. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and a party of friends spent last Sunday on Rogue river, fishing. The Knights of Pythias will hold I memorial services at the opera houe bunda.v atternoon. Mrs. Clara Moulden and Miss Ha zel Fnynrt wero the week-end guests of Mrs. Merrick. Dr. and Mrs. Haibor leave the first of this week for Portland to see the robe festival. Mrs. Ollio Butler Norton is tho guest of her parents, Mr. and Mr. B. N. Butler. The Misses Knid and Vcnita Ham ilton were week-end visitors in Ash land last week. Mrs. Porter will spend soveral days iu Portland during the roso festival. Mrs. Ed Pierce will bo n visitor iu Poitland during the rose festival. SUMMARY EXECUTIONS FOR TWENTY REBELS CONSTANTINOPLE, Juno 3. Summary oxecution is awaiting 20 lenders of tho recent Albanian ro volt today. Tho Albanian chiefs and rebellious Turks who led tho oppo sition neninst tho Young Turk rule woro arrostod today iu Constanti nople, Monnstir and Salonika. Othor arrests aro imminent and swift oxo cution probable A reception was held at the resi dence of Mrs. Leonard on Cottage avenue Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Mizer, who leaves Medford this week. About 30 ladies were present and u very delightful after noon was spent. A very good pro gram was given by sovcrul of the guests, Miss Crawford and Mr. Holmes each giving a very' delightful vocal solo, Miss Elsie Brondly nn in strumental solo, Mrs. Webster and Mrs. Acre each gave a chnnninjy recitation. A mo&e interesting au tobiography was also reud by one of the guests. The ladies presented Mrs. Mizer with some very handsomo .silverware and expressed their regret at her leaving. She will travel nnd spend tho winter in California, go ing from there to Michigan, where the will reside. The sophomore class of the Med ford high school hud a unique and enjoyable parly Monday night They met at the residence of Miss Tess Marshall, on Onkdalo avenue, and went from there to the homo of Miss Jessie Purdy, where refreshments were, served. The lawn was gaily decorated with lanterns and rugs, pil lows and cozy-corners were nrrauged under the trees. The young peoptc then journeyed to tho homo of Miss Ruby Burke, nnd had n jolly time on the lawn, which was lighted by Chi nese lanterns and pillows and rugs were fixed for tho comfort of tho gucots. After spending some time with Miss Burke the young lady left for McBrido's. where tho evening's entertainment ended and dainty re freshments were served. The Wednesday club met at the residence of Mrs. II. C. Kentnor Inst week nnd planned the line of -work which the club will follow during the coming year. Mrs. Luwson of Berk eley, who was a guest of the club nnd a very active club member, gave a very interesting talk on clubs of Berkeley and their work. Mrs. Smith of St. Louis, Mrs. Kentner's sister, also talked and gave new ideas on clubs and their work. Mrs. U. G. Smith, who has been the seerotary of the club for tho past year, and who Ipavcs Medford this wceK, was given :v vote oi uinnKS lor her interest in the club and the act ive work she hns done. The club will meet Wednesday at the residence of Mrs. W. I. Vnwter, when the an nual election will be held. A very successful strawberry shortcake luncheon was held Satur day by tho members of tho girls club of the Presbyterian church in the church parlors. It was very well patronized and a most dainty and appetizing luncheon was served. The 1G young ladies belonging to tho or ganization nre: Misses Frances and Lueilo York. Ruth nnd Esthor War ner, Mnrio Eifort, Ruth Nye, Laura Page, Hazel Antic, Olivo Johnson, Jean Budge, Vera Lane, Wilma Bar-1 nson, Ruth Wolf, Mildred Blitou, Margaret Roberts and Millio Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cranfill left Thursday for Portland to nttend the Roso festival. Mrs. J. Meoker is visitincr her dnughtor. Mrs. P. M. Shndduok. in Portland. Tennis and BY J. D. In 1008 tho South Medford Tennis club was organized with n member ship of four. Tho following year tho membership was increased to eight, with their court on tho grounds of the Medford Ico & Storago plant. At tho beginning of tho tennis season for 1010, finding tho interest for ten nis growing, thoy began to look for larger grounds. Mr. English gave tho club tho use of his lot on South Onkdalo nvenuo. On account of tho location, tho nnnio was changed from tho South Medford club to tho Oakdale Tennis club of Medford, whioh club began the improvement of their grounds. At tho present timo thoy havo two well-appointed grounds with a mem bership of 25, Tho first tennis tournament hold in tho Roguo River vnlloy was on tho 5th of July, 1000, at tho South Med ford grounds. Tho second was at Jacksonville, August fl and 7, when Tho wedding of Miss Grnco An drews and Mr. A. Cnnrn Finrn wna solemnized at high noon Wednesday. ino, nnntr was n quiet homo wadding and only tho immediate relatives and intimuto friends of tho contracting parlies were present. Miss Andrews, who is a fnscinntincr brunette, nnuln a most chnnning bride, iu nn elabo rate gown of white chiffon nvor white satin. Her attondnnls wnm Mrs. P. W. Ilnmil as matron of honor; Miss Em'tlie Ficro, maid of honor. Both wero hcautifullv frown ed in whito lingcrio gowns made of pink silk. Mr. P. W. Ilnmil acted as best man. After tho ceremony nn elaboratly wedding breakfast was held, and tho hapn.- cduplo left on tho afternoon train for Shasta Springs, whoro thoy win spenu their honeymoon, return ing in about ten days, when tlmv wilt reside on Mr. Fiero's ranch. Thoso present were: Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilnmil, Mrs. Harvey, Captain and Mrs. Voorhies. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D. Olwcll, Mr. and Mrs. William Andrews, Mrs. Ficro, Mrs. James Stevens, Mrs. Caroline Andrews, Miss Emilio Fioro and Rev. Lucus. The concert given by Miss Grace Brown and Mrs. Irene Isaacs Thurs day night was a most decided suc cess. Tho house was well filled und very enthusiastic, showing that tho exceptional ubilitv of tho vonni In dies was thoroughly appreciated. lne program was a clufesio one. most of the numbers beincr verv heavy, but tho manner of Miss Urowir8 interpretation of them show ed her nbUity as an artist, without a doubt. The last numbers on tho program wero light and dainty and. showed that Miss Brown is equally at home jn the light as well as tho dramatic numbers. Mrs. Isaacs showed that sho is a. thorough artist and oven her admir ers were surprised by tho advance she has made in hor interpretations. Medford mnj- be proud to count Miss Brown nnd Mrs. Isaacs us members of their local talent. The Young K. of P.'s wero hosts Tuesday evening whon thoy enter tained a number of their friends most royally. Tho ovening was spent in dancing and having u good time generally. Those on tho committee were: Messrs. Haswcll. Enckson. Gregory", Stevenson, Dent and Phnl egnr. .Mrs. E. D. Ehvood and Mrs. Maud Swan Jcnvo Sunday night for Port land, whoro thoy will nttend tho roso festival. Mrs. Swan will visit in Salt Lake City after spending u week iu Portland. Tho Ladies' Missionary soeioty of tho Prosbytorian church will moot at tho residence of Mrs. Jnunoy on South Central nvenuo Tuesday after noon at 2:30 o'clock, The regular mooting of tho Eastern Star will bo held Wednesday ovening. There will also bo initiation nnd a full attendance is desired, .Mrs. nnrry II. Hicks and son leave Sunday night to spend tho summer months with her parents in Olympia, Wash. Its Growth BEESON. tho Southorn Oregon Tennis associ ation was organized temporarily. Tho organization was comploted at Grants Pass. September 0 and 7, where tho third tournumont was hold. The nssocintion is composed of tho following clubs: Jacksonville), Grant a Pass, Ashland, Tnlont und tho Oak daeo club of Medford. At tho pres ent timo all tho clubs aro at hard practice for tho first tournament, Juno 10 and 11. tho meet to ho held at tho Onkdalo club grounds in Med ford. Any club wishing to join tho association may do so by writing id Miss C. McLean, seerotary of tho association at Grants Pass, and com plying to tho rules of tho organiza tion. There will bo fivo tournaments hold this yonr. Any locul club wish ing to tuko part will have ample time to do so. In addition to tho nbovo named court thoro nro soveral pri vuto courts in tho eity, showing the increasing interest in the greatest of outdoor frports, A A