Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 05, 1910, FIRST SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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fcM8Rtlfffe01$9IW'lff$ft IfMpflVMfmnilHtBJf Wr '
'vi v- nn yt
Mr. mill MiH. Joint Jones of Hain't
ViJIny bIiokh! in Hie city .Saturday,
kiiomIh (if Mr, mill Mih, Do Itoboum,
Hoyii ittiil girlH, did you wrSlo your
idory on "Why Home Medford Mor
cIiiiiiIh Don't Atlvoi tltio" 7 Got ll Into
1 1 1 i h office by Tuesday Htiro.
Alius Grace .lomm mill hImIiii', lnrn
dol, of lUuigln, fiiiiio over Thursday,
GouitHoo Hoofing awarded gold
mcilnl nt A. Y. I exposition. Mado
from Trinidad Lnko iiHplmlt anil
guaranteed. No uxpiuiHloii or con
traction. 08
J. II. ltodgorB mid wife of Autioob
emtio ovur Thursday, oxolinnglug a
fiuo lot of poultry for Moilfonl sup
plies. , 8. F. KloniH of tliti Vnlluy Kin
.Advertising company, Iiiih loft for
timi Francisco oh business.
Tliu party who took an Ivor John
non whool from in front of Allen &
llongan'n utoro anil left it Huoyclu
. Instead can liuvo 1i!h whool by ml
dressing "Wheel," oaro IIiIh office,
nnil pitying fr thin advertisement. 01
, 1'iuil TIiuihh of Ninth Hunlty
Htreet In excavating ground for a
inovod into thuir now residence, just
mir of North Central avoniio mid
JSruplu street.
Tim old Castle Crag property, lo
cated throe inlloH below DuiiHinuir
and consisting of the lowor Bodii
Boring, the Cottages, CiiHtlu Crag
nuiali, nnd the two Crookor rosi
(lencoH, wnii purchased hiHt Friday
by 0. II. Kim; of Saoramimto and
K. C. Newell of Oakland. The per
sonal property, thu 2500 acres of
virgin timber laud and location aw
mi old Hummer resort probably in ml o
the price, which in unknown, a very
lurue figure. It wiih ii favorite re
norl for Medford pooplo.
I'nved streets, cement sidownlkH,
water, cower, electric lightn and nil
Improvement will bo found in tbo
Oucen Anno addition; only eight
iniuutoH' walk from tbo PoHtoffico.
Choice lotH $050. 18 North Front
Malilou Purdin and family have
moved into their now rcKideuuc, jtiBt
completed, on North Central avenue.
Forest Supervisor 11. U Froinmu,
of the Klamath reserve, will appoint
mtvernl extra guards for the Klnm
ntb reserve during the Hummer an an
exirn precaution uguiiiHt fire. A few
forestry students in the universities
of the state have made application
ho an to become iicnuuintcd with
their lino of work.
All Bons of Veterans, U. S. A.,
please meet for regular mooting on
Tuesday owning, Juno 7, at 8 o'clock
in Smith'H ball, North Grape Htreet.
Per uommiltce.
All atyloH of legal blanks at tbo
Mail Tribune offico. Over a hun
dred fornin.
Glenn Kddings of Gold Hill, who
!h taking a ubort vacation from bin
dutioH iih Soutboni Pacific fireman,
wiib in Medford Friday for a short
A. h. Woolam returned to bin
homo on North Central avenue Mon
day from liiH two months' Htay in
Klmnath county, where bo wns en
gaged pitttititc in 100 acres of wheat
and barley. Ho Htartcd Saturday
by team with his family for Khun
nth Fulls, their future Hummer home,
and will return at the beginning f
Hohool year.
S. W. MuClendon of Gold Hill wiih
' in Motlford on business Friday.
Those lota on Quoon Anno avenue
nro going rapidly; bottor got in bo
foro valuos advnnoo. Easy tonus.
18 North Front etroot. "
Mm. Lizzie Molvonzio leaves to
il ay for her homo in Spokane, hav
ing spout a most delightful two
weeks' visit with hor parontH, Mr.
nnd Mrs. C. 1 Puck, of North Ho
atty Htreet.
Mra. N. 1). MoDowoll and hor sis-
ter, Miss Lillian Lookott, the latter
of whom has been visiting Mrs. Mc
Dowell for tbo past Hoveral months,
loft Friday for Pasadena, Cal., to
spend tbo summer,
Can you ostimnto tbo vnluo of a
Quoon Anno nvonuo lot a yoar from
nowf Only fftlfiO, at prosont, cash
or torniH. 18 NortJi Front Htroot.
George M. Hordonux left Friday
evening for F.ugono, whero ho will
Hpond a fow days visiting. From
thoro ho will go to Vancouver, II, C,
to take a position with the Hudson
Hay Co.
Solid block of 20 lots, within block
of paving, at a bargain if taken at
onco. Avlor & Uurnott. 07
Sam Look wishes to soil tbo Can
non Restaurant for $100,000,000.
Tbo II. C. Koutnor Co. just iu
Hlallud a fine olootrio sign on (ho
front of their big department store.
With a four-Htory building acrosH tbo
Htreet this part of town will have
much the appoarauoo of Stnto stroot,
Chicago. The Kentuor Co. aro en
terprising. First annual reduction Halo of all
millinery goods, now and up-to-date
RlyloH. Mrs, W. T. Drown, Hocoud
floor, Kenlner Co. building. (10
Suporintondont F. II. Farrar of the
Gold Day power plant, spout Sat
urday in Medford on businoss,
C, W. Wiliiiorolh, mmiiigor of thu
Hoguo Illvor Valley Fruit & Produce
association, wiih at Ashland Satur
day at a mooting of I ho Ashland
Pencil-Growers' association, An
other mooting will be held next Hnl
uiVliiy, at which time the matter of
merging with the big association will
bo more thoroughly gouo into.
Mr. and Mrs. .1, I. Ilammersly of
Gold Hill were in Medford Saturday.
Mr. IlammorHly Iiiih just returned
from a trip of several weeks to
Lakeview and used the Tribune ,ih
an educator in that section with good'
Scalp treatment given by appoint
ment at homos of patrons. Telephone
Main 387U. (J8
Dr. V. V. WatkitiH, of Prosser,
Wash,, mid daughter, aro ill Medford
with a view to locating in the valley
for the practice of his profession.
Harry T. Findley left Saturday for
Now York for a Htay of several
T. 11. It, Taylor of Woudvillo Hpcnt
Fridav in business in Medford. Ho
reports grunt activity in his newly
incorporated city.
A beautiful Victrofa wiih just plac
ed in thu homo of J. C. Kmurick by
the Whelsel Music Co. Thoro is one
left for von. 05
John II. Carkin, attorney nt luw,
jvor jackson County Dank
Harry A. Young left for his homo
near Urownwboro yesterday after a
visit of Hoveral days in the city.
M. J. Anderson of the forest ser
vice was in Medford Saturday on
George D. Lindley wiib at Wood
villa Saturday on a biminoss trip.
Mrs. A. C. Snyder of Glendale
wiih in Medford Friday attending thu
graduating exorcises of the high
school, her daughter, Miss Ijruttn
being one of tbo graduates.
A cednr chest makes an ideal gift
for the Juno bride. Drop in and lot
iih show you a sample. Mission Fur
niture Works, conior Eighth and
Holly streots.
Mrs. J. H. Dueuimi of Gold Hill
was a Medford visitor Saturday.
JoMiph Morris of Central Point
was in Medford on businetis Satur
day. All Knights of PythiiiH aro urged
to attend the memorial services in
tbo opora bouso Sunday aftantoon,
nnd nulc your friends to bo prosont
also. Good speaking and ritualistic
Charles .1. Howard of Waldo was
in Medford Saturday on a short
visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
S. Howard. Mr. Howard is one of
tbo "oldest Peltiers" of this city, but
lolt here Miveral ycar ago to reside
in Southern .Josephine county. "I
see more rapid progress every time
I visit Medford," be said. "If any
ono bad expressed the opinion 'Jo
yoars ago that Medford would ever
bo a city like it is now it would have
been the insane asylum for him."
If you want a now sleoping room
or two, cool and easy walk, call up
Main -11 71. Itoasonnblo prices.
II. It. Nye of Gold Hill was in
Medford Saturday looking after
business matters. Mr. Nye Boys that
the Gold Hill section is taking on
now life and improvements are going
fonvnrd with an appearance of vim
and determination which indicate .
big step forward for the town and
thu country contiguous.
All Knights of Pythias nro urged
to attend tho moinorinl services in
tbo opora house Sunday afternoon,
and ask your friends to bo prosont
nlso. Good sponkiug mid ritualistic
Mrs. Julia Summer and sous of
lluft'alo, N. Y., bavo bought block
21, Oakdale Park addition, and will
prooeed to build a $3000 bungalow
and will make Medford their home.
Chorrios for salo Hoyal Anns,
Dlnck Republicans, Dlaok Tartarinus
and Ox Hearts. Walter R, Stokes,
phono Fnrmors 700U. 03
Dr. W. F. Dyer will preach on
"Tho Ascension of Christ" at the
morning service at tho First Metho
dist Episcopal church. Ah this is
in tho nature of a farowoll sormon
before he leaves for bis homo at
Clinton, la., his legion of friends will
grasp tho opportunity of listening
onco rrioro to ono of his able dis
courses. Tho choir will sing, "In
clino Thiuo Ear to Mo," by Ilimmol.
Tho famoiiH Taxis oxtraots aro
mado from puro fruits tho host in
tho world. Spirolla Shop.
Thomas Ilammersly, deputy Unit
oil States marshal, was in tho valley
from Portland on offioinl business
Try "Snpogon," tbo finost shampoo
preparation on tho markot. Spirolla
MIbs Ninn Caviar of Gold Hill was
a Medford visitor Saturday.
II. E. Galo of Merlin, ono of tho
progroBsivo fruitgrowers of that.soo
tion, was in Medford Saturday at
tonding (bo mooting of (ho directors
of tho Fruit & Produoo association.
Mon, try a onko of Fox's shaving
sonp (only ono lathoring nocossary).
Spivolla Shop.
F. W. Dodge of Gold Hill was in
Medford on businoss Saturday.
A. II. Ilammorsly of Lnkoviow is
in tho valloy visiting volntivos nnd
frionds and sizing up tho improve
ments mado Bince his last visit sov
ovnl years ago,
ut ',
Tickets Purchased Saturday
For Today
M. Maboiioy, one of tho pioneer
settlers of thu unsurveyed lauds in
township 3-1, 2 east, was in Medford
Saturday. Mr. Mahonoy hns follow
ed the frontier all his lifo. Ho fought
on the winning side in tbo war, which
Mark Twain onco called tho "lata
unpleasantness"; also did a few
things on "tho plains" after tho war,
and finally in bis old ago hits set
tled in Jackson county, hoping that
the country ho has helped lo preserve
and develop will allow him to 'build
n homo for his old ago in what was
a wilderness when bo cut tho first
logs for bis cabin.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wcsterlund
loavo Sunday evening for Portland to
tnko in the rose carnival.
Judge Colvig is among those leav
ing today for Portland.
Mrs. Scott Davis leaves today foi
Mrs. G. M. Robinson of Ashland
enme down in her new Buick nutoino
bilo with a parly of friends to wit
ness tho avintion meet.
Rex II. Lampinan, editor of tho
Gold Hill News, spout Saturduy in
M. C. Hnnlcy came in Saturday
from bis Littlo Butte ranch and re
ports that unknown parties are dy
namiting fish in tho Littlo Butte
nbovo tbo proposed intake of the
city's water system.
A. C. Hough of Grants Pass was
n Medford visitor Saturday.
(Continued from Page 1.)
Mr. Colvig hns been in business for
himsolf in Jackson county fov many
years nnd enjoys a wido ncqunin-
f ilfim.fillitv Ilia frinndc nr.i nlt-nndv
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Root aro k, tho ricd for him- Hc -3 ,ho son
among those who will take, m thu of Georj;e w Colv;K nnd ft meml)er
rose carnival of ono of Jackson C0Ullty8 foremost
Charles Colo leaves this morning 'pioneer families.
lor Portland.
before tho matter Is decided, as tbo
present county license will not expire
until next November. A majority of
tho new council is said to favor pro
hibition for tbo city, and the Incor
poration was fought by the single
saloon now there.
There was littlo contest over the
offices and tho following were elect
ed: Mayor Samuel Mathla.
Recorder E. D. Thompson.
Marshal S, L. Sandry.
Treasurer C. O. Seaman.
Aldermen Charles Hatch, G. F.
Wortz, E. B. O'Halr, W. It. Gor
l.nm, W. A. Beck, L. B. Ellis.
(Continued on Page Five.)
Hiram Doublcday of Butte Falls
spent Saturday in Medford.
Jack Robertson and wife left Fri
day evening to visit his old homo in
E. A. Hicks and William Duncan
loft Saturday evening for tho Apple
gate on u fishing excursion.
Dr. F. A. Bnrber loft Saturday
evening for Portland on a short
business trip.
W. R. Pittiuger loft Friday eve
ning for Evanston, Can., to locato
Vanco Anderson camo in from
Jacksonville nnd left in a 1910 four-
(Continued from page 1.)
A soriona aspect is givoi to the re
bollion because of Its changing char
actor from ono of attack upon tho
Mnnchu dynast7 to a concortcd effort
to drive all foreigners from China.
Grave Crisis.
Princo Chun, regent of China and
father of tho emperor, has called tho council into cession to con
sider tho problom of checking tho
uprising, Tho regent realizes that
tho govornment Is menaced by a
cylinder Rambler for St. Helena, I lg not cneckei, boforo ,t BproadB for.
.,." . '.""" " I"" '"I'lolgn intervention may bo necossary.
this spring in tho samo cnr. i , , , , , ,, , .,
t..i .. -ii i . 1 Prince Chun Is doing all In his pow
Jnoksonvillo is panning an auto- L- . ... .,. .. ". , i
nml.lln nn,n,U V.. ,1... 1.1 II. - T T..I. . " "' l' "" "'" !'"" UIM BIU
...uuitu I'ttiiiuu iui iuu xuiiriii ui iuiv
R. R. Ramoth of Now York City
will favor with a tenor solo at tho
Prosbytorian church at 11 a. m. to
day. Evory ono should make a spo
eial offort to bo present.
Miss Drury will bo with tho choir
at tho Presbyterian church Sunday
and will favor with a solo in tbo
ovoning. A lnrgo nttendanco is re
K. of P. momorinl sonicos at 3 :30
p. m. today at Medford opora bouse.
All Knights roquostod to congregato
at the hall at 2:-lf p. m. Urge your
lnonits to attend tho mooting.
K. of P. momorial sorvicos 3:30
)). in. today at Medford opora bouso.
All Knights requested to coiurrojiato
at tho hall at 2:15 p. m. Urgo your
ineiins io aueiiu mo meeting.
C. S. Nowhall of North Jaokson
villo was a Medford visitor Saturday.
Sheriff Wilbur Jones spoilt Satur
day in Ashland.
Chnrlos Doreloin and familv loavo
Monday for thoir now homo in Eu
gene. Thoy will go overland in a
Chnlmors -10.
L. W. Evans loft Saturday fov
Povllaud, going overland in an auto.
II, U. Liuusdou and family wore
Ashland carnival visitors Friday.
Tennessee Smith leaves today for
Novthport, Wash., wboro bo oxpoots
to liuiko nn oxtondod visit looking
after mining intorosts.
Mrs. Susie Iligiiibolliain of Pros-1
poot was a Medford visitor Saturday.
E. F. Graham, tbo gonsing king of
Prospoot, spent Friday in Medford,
occupying tho cities of tho flowery
kingdom and tho gates of tho for
biddon city.
Foreigners throughout tho empire
bavo been notified that protection
will bo granted thorn at tlio consul
ates, but havo been urged to Issue
to securo the prices for the products
to which tho growers are entitled.
The Rogue River Fruit and Pro
duce association has, os has been re
ported, secured the services of C.
W. Wilraeroth, as manager, than
whom thoro Is no better Judge of
market conditions In the west. The
association has contracted for boxes
and wrapping paper sufficient to han
dle the estimated crop, and is pre
pared to furnitli everyone In or out
sido tho association with orchard
supplies. It has purchased tho Perry
warehouses and will fit up Its of
fices In tho rooms now occupied by
J. A. Perry, and it Is now ready to
do business with fruit men.
Through tho efforts of this or
ganization Professor O'Gara will re
main in Rogue Rivor valloy for an
other year at least, and tho matter
of tho distribution of the pear crop
has been arranged with tho Stewart
Fruit compnuy. It io believed by
tho officers of the now association
that in securing the Stewart Fruit
company to handle the pear crop that
a splendid step has been taken, as
this company is paramount In tho
lino of markotiug Roguo River fruit,
and that they will make tho greatest
offorts In securing top prices for tho
local output.
(Continned from Page 1.)
stance of the united fruitgrowing In
terests, insures a compulsory clean
up of orchards and tho elimination
of fruit tree diseases, for he Is ac
knowledged the foremost authority on
blight and other diseases in the world.
To remain here, Professor O'Gara
must resign from the department.
This ho has agreed to do.
The promise to secure the services
of Professor O'Gara was made Friday
aitcrnoon, Judge Neil and Commis
sioner Owens favoring It and Commis
sioner Patterson agreeing not to op
pose it, providing ho was assured of
Its legality.
Teddy, Jr., Gets License.
NEW YORK, Juno 4. Theodore
Roosevelt, Jr., and Miss Eleanor Al
exander today obtained a licens to
wed. Roosevelt gavo his age aa 22
and his business as "manufacturer."
Miss Alexander gave her age as 21.
Elgin Watches
are famous the world over
as perfect timekeepers.
We sell a 7-jewel Elgin
Watch for $5.00
A 15-jewel Elgin Watch,
only $8.00
A I7-jewel Elgin Watch,
only $12.00
Full and complete line of
Howard and Hamilton
Watches. A very large as
sortment, including all
makes of cases. A fine as
sortment of all styles of
high grade quality.
Successor to Van De Gar & Jasmann.
notices warning foroignors to loavo.
Chlncso soil Immediately. American
Minister Calhoun frankly oxpressod
his alarm today nt tho situation.
Feeling Bitter.
Tho fooling against foroiguors Is
liios'. blttor at Nanking, whoro nn out
break Is probablo nt any moment. Tho
govornment foars tho ngonts of tbo
"Triad," tho coalesced 'revolutionary
party, will tr.ko advantv.go of tho
oponlng of tho Nanking exposition
tomorrow to begin nn nttcck. Tho
exposition, which dlsplnys tho prod
ucts and rosources of tho IS prov
inces of China nnd contains n few
foreign exhibits, is drawing hun
dreds of foroignors to tho city. Tho
goxornmont foars that tlieso visitors
may bo marked for massnero and is
tnklng precautions to protect thorn.
Tho Porklug authorities lonrnod to
day that forolgn nations aro rush
ing warships to Chlncso wators tor
tho purposo of protection to forolgu
nors. Tho loagatlons havo boon In-
formod that an additional fleot of war
slil 'pswlll bo sent to soaports of Chl-no.
(Continued From Pngo Ono.)
flocking to Woodvillo for liquid ro
froshmout8. It will bo lato In tho fall .
Going Camping?
fv T T TT supply of Tents and other camp necessities is in fine condition
for choosing. You'll soon want a tent, some fishing tackle, a
good gun, some ammunition and probably a few other articles along this line.
Don't forget to call hero and see our lines and get prices before you buy. No
one over regretted a trip to this store, and more aro coming every day than
used to come. Aro you one?
tjp -yi?