Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 05, 1910, FIRST SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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    A"." i IW&
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Poonlo Who Will Not Cut Out the
Dllnht Should Do Forced to Do So
Law Covers Cnso Fully.
"Tlio tlmo Iiiui coiuo whon lit iiolf
urntoctlnu dinullc tnunitiircH iiuwt bo
latum by tlio nrclinnl moil to pravnnt
tlio Infection of tliolr orclinnln by lln
onfio carrloil by ItiHoctn or tlio wIikIh
from tlioiio of tliolr cnrolonn nml nocll
Kmt milnhburn. Our orcbnnlii iitnnd
In tlio mi in o relation to tlio illiionnoil
ono nH ilocii tlio bonltliful community
nml thnt wlioro a coiiIiiijIoiih dlHonno
In provnlont. To navo liiiinan Ufa wo
(iinrntitluo tlio tllnuaiiml community.
To navo plant llfo It may bu noconwtry
to ilnntroy tlio tiourco from which tlio
Infection comoN. Whi'iovor noconnary
thlH mimt bo ilono If wo a ro to rotnln
our proHtigo an u fruit growing noc
t ton. If tlio ownor vlll not do tlio
work. It ran bo clono for hi in tinilnr'
tlio law and tlio nxpoiiHO nntlo n Hon
upon tlio property. A fow oxnmplon
of thin nnturo nml tho rocnlcltrnnt
ownorn would hco tliolr orror nnd bo
Tlio nbnvo romarltn woro mndo by
a promlnont orchardman nnd but ro
floct tlio opinion of many otliom who
woro Intorvlawod In rojcnrd to tho ro
toutlon of Profcnftor O'Clara nnd tlio
need thorofor.
"Could I porriimdo Profotmor O'Onrn
o ntay horo nnd tnlco enro of my or
chard nlono Hnld ono, "for tho prlco
tho county In nnlccd to pay, I would
bo moro than willing to do It, and I
would renllno 100 por cont on tho !n
vuntinnnt, but ho won't ntny thnt wny.
Wo tmiKt hnvo n cIobo nyntom of In-
uportlon nnd a ronrorttul fltflit ai;aliiiit
tho blight nnd other dlnoncon, nnd tho
only wny to nchlovo rcmiltH l to hnvo
a mnn llko O'Clnrs. nt tho bond of It."
Tho law of 1907 rendu ntibstnntlnlly
nn follewn:
Root Ion 2 of tho net nmondltiK oe
tlon 4 1 S r. or HollliiKor nnd Cotton'ii
Code provldeii thnt It Bhnll bo tho
duty of tho hoard of fruit conunlfl
itlonerH nnd tho Innpoctorn undor tliolr
direction to cnuno nn ItiHpoctlon of
treen or fru't to bo mndo nt nny tlmo
they deem It nocoHnnry. Thnt notlco
hall ho eorvod upon tho ownom of
mich Infested trocn or fruit, together!
with luntructlonn nn to tho treatment!
nocotuinry to orndlrnto tho dlsonno or
pflHtn. Tlio Hoolion fnrtlior Hnyn: "Any
nnd nil ntich plncoH, orchnrdu, nur
BorloH, troofl. plnntn, shrubs, veRotn
bloH, vlneN, fruits or nrtlclos tliUH In
fated nro hereby declnred to bo n
public niiluanco, nnd whunover nny
Hitch iniimmco sliall exist nt any plneo
in tho Htato on tho proporty of nny
owner or owncrH upon whom or upon
tho pornou In chnro or pohborsIoii of
tho proporty notlco hnB boon served
nH nforesnld, and who i.onli lavo fail
ed or rofuuod to nhato tho natno with
in C tho tlmo ffiicclfled in such notlco
. . . It Bhnll ho tlio duty of tho
hoard ... to cnuno such nui
sance to bo nt onco abated by eradi
cating or tloiUrnylug wild Insects or
peats, or by treating or (Uninfecting or
dcHtroyltiK tho Infostod or dlscnaod nr
tlcles. . . . Tlio oxpoiiHO thorcof
ohall bo n county chargo nnd tho coun
ty court Hhnll allow nnd pny tho anmo
out of tho i;enernl fund of tho county.
Any nml nil sums bo paid Hhnll bo
nnd becomo n lion on tho proporty
nnd promlseo from which nnld mil
Banco Hhatl hnvo boon loinoved or
nbnted. . . . nnd may bo rocov
erod by n Hiiit In equity :.galiiHt such
proporty nnd promlHos, wlilc suit to
forecloHo such lions Hhnll bo brought
lu tho circuit court of tho county
whore tho promises nro attunto. . . .
Tho procoodlucB In such cicos to bo
Bovornod by tho oanio rules, so fnr no
npplicnblo, nH suits to foreclose me
chanics lions. ..."
VANCOUVHK, Wash., Juno !.
Still weak from tho toniblo heating
ho received from tho irate mothor of
hia finneo, Nov. C. M. Smytho, min
ister of tho First Mothodist Episcopal
church of Itidgofield, is in Vancou
ver today for tho first timo since uo
was bonton,
Smvtha said that ho would filo in
formation against Hook Sndon, tho
man who held him, and Mrs. Marion
L. Liuio, who wielded (ho club, charg
ing them with assault with u dan
gerous weapon.
Ho has boon in conference with
Prosoouting Attoruoy Stapleton con
cerning tho assault,
Aftor Smytho was bonton ho was
confined to his bed for soveral
wooks, sufforiug from concussion of
tho brain nnd favor.
Mrs. Lauo and Sodon, who is a
rolntivo of tho woman, already hnvo
boon conviolod of battery for boat
ing tho olorgymau.
Mrs. Lauo Bilid sho ohnstisod tlio
minister boonuso ha hnd boon not
proporly treating hor doughto!1, to
whom ho was ongngod.
Old Settler Philosophizes Upon tho
Rapidity of Modern MotionOld
Photoiimph Drlnp Memories.
An uulqiio Mori ford hcuiio is on ex
hibition in Aylor & Unmolt'H win
dow, Hliowing Kmit Main Nlreet hh il
nppoiired Home 20 yours ago. No date ' I'roHHor 5h being held under cjIoho
in on tlio photograph, hut from (lie
gonornl nppotirnuco of IhiriKH the
viow must have been taken in Feb
runry, 1800, wliuii the ImhI "Ihk snow"! bund, escortod by Oeoro W. Miller
melted and flooded the valley. It "1 A. G. Scbaofor of Seattle nro
ilopiotH Hear creek hh a Kood-sized on tho way to I'roHsor'H boyhood
river anil hIiowh the wooilun bridwo j homo at Lisbon, O. There aro no
which spanned it at that timo par-! women'H iiarterH in tho county jail
tlnlly washed away. f Lincoln county here, bo tho wo-
Hut (he feature which eauxcH the 'iau must bo kept at the hotel.
BtraiiKor to doubt that tho view cnir Tho impicst camo to a closo Into
be one of the eitHt side ia the entire ' yesterdny afternoon, the jury finding
absence of rcsidonceH of any kind on 'hat "1'rosHcr mot death by a gun
eilber side of the Htreet for a con-, shot wound inflicted by his divorced
Htdorablo distance eastward from the wife," and recommending that alio bo
bridge. It wuh just open country held to answer for tho crime, bhc
then, ono house, tho Skeeter' place, . was arrnimiod boforo Justice of tho
on tho north side of tho road, and ' 1' iMillor last night, whero Coun
tho Nob Hill lioiiso on tho south. ty Attorney Maidon filed information
"I remember what tho creek look
ed liko that year," said one old
timer, "and I also remember that I
could hnvo bought most of thnt prop.
erty over there for a very little , court
money, and just put part of it up. Hminnw hearing.
Now a follor has to interview the! '' C Arlington, who nays bo "ih a
cashier of tho bank before ho can Philadelphia police officer, a pitH
hardly look at that ground with ujfiongor on tho train at tho time of
viow to buying. Well, us old fellers ' the Bhooting, was tho principal wit
can't help it. We started when tho m'8 ngoiiiHt Mrs. Prosscr.
world traveled like an ox wagon and ' '''ho negro porter, witli whom it in
you could seo things oasilv before j claimed Mrs. Prossor pawned her
you got to them. Now, with nindiipH, Jewels to got tho gun with which she
automobiles and sich like, you havo'shot her husband, strenuously denies
to set your alarm clock for dav af-! that ho furnished tho weapon. Ho Is
tor tomorrow in order to get up in m
time to see things before they get
Baseball Sunday.
Sunday, Juno , the Mcdford sec
ond baseball team will cross bnts
with tho second team of Central
Point. This promises to bo a good
gnmo, as thoro is good mnterinl on
I ill Ml uitlna Tti.i Intiil 1. ,,..... 1 i
. . . v f mi cement floor to bo placed In tho
eon practicing jmnl for Uns game , North gcll00, , nida to bo por
iiiui mo tiuiuniinieo ui win, as tlio
Central Point tonm took them into
camp tho last timo they olayed by
thu score of -1 to 1, and tlio local
boya say they uro going after them
thin time.
So'd With Running Water on the Land
Orchard Tracts
Tor further information call at our office or address '
Manager Sales Department
Medford National BanK Building Medford, Oregon.
Mrs. Vera Prosscr In Tolls, Accused
of Murclcrlnn Her Hushand Was
Divorced Recently From Him -Is
Said to Havo Used Shot Gun.
LlUljy, Mont., Juno 4. Mrn. Vum
guard lit tlio Richards hotel today,
charged with murder in the first de
while tlio remuiiiH of lior Iiiih-
against her charging her with firxt
I degree murder.
Mrs. Pressor plondcd not guilty
and was bound over to tho district
without bail, waiving a pre-
J1"' hero.
When seen today Mrs. Prosscr said
had been instructed not to talk
j by her attorneys, Long and Iticc. She
; showed no signs of nervousness and
she had passed a comfortable
HldB will bo received by tho board
directors of district No. 40, for
ng. HldB to no per
squnre foot. All bids to bo filed with
Oris Crawford, clork, by 3 p. m. Juno
20, 11)10. Ilonrd rcserve.i tho right
to reject nny and nil bids.
07 Cleric
Seven miles North of Medford.
Perpetual water right with every acre.
In any size to suit the purchaser.
Plowed, leveled, fenced and planted to trees.
Orchards cared for for a period of five years on
Orchard Development Contraot.
Water contracts for sale for all lands covered
by the Rogue River Valley Canal Company's
Improvement Bonds of District
Mcdford, Sold to Chlcarjo Firm
for $283 Above Par Bidders Fur
nlsh Bonds.
At a meeting of the board of di
rectors of District No. 40, hold Fri
day afternoon, tho bid of Woodin,
McNcnr & Mooro of Chicago for
$.r0,000 in bonds was accented.
Tho bonds arc issued for tho pur
pose of erecting a school on tho site
n East Mcdford purchased several
months ngo paying for tho site nnd
mnking somo additions to the Wash
ington school on West Mnin.
Tlio flticcessful bidders offered
upon tho twenty-year, fl per cent
bonds ii premium of $283, and be
sides ngrecd to assume tho expense
of printing the bonds. This latter
provision is something unusual, uh
in similar cases the issuer of the
bonds is expected to pny this cost,
amounting to between $7fi nnd $100.
At tho lower figure tho district has
actually sold its bonds at a premium
of .$358.
Hnukins for IJoalth.
You'll find nil tho little need
ed supplies hero and the rea
sonableness of tho prices will
surprise you.
Sco our lino of
and Confections
Oelkaoutly BtvoroJ, temptingly bared
134 West Main.
Wo can flivo Immediate, delivery on two CHALMERS-DETROIT
The last two cars of the 1910 model. These will positively
he sold Monday.
Our long-overdue order for Hudson Touring Cars has been
filled complete and we are now in a position to demonstrate
and give immediate delivery on same.
Hudson Touring Car
Body Up-to-date btrainht lino de
sign. Five passenger. Touring
type, best prade ash frame; No. 1
poplar panels and scat backs.
Large, rootny tonneau, extra room
in front.
Colors Hudson blno all over. Op
tion blue body, cream running
cear, wheels with black striping.
Blue-black upholstering.
Horsepower 20-25.
Wheel Base 110 inches.
Weight 2000 pounds.
Motor Long stroke, vertical, four
cylinder, four cycle, water cooled,
Renault type. Cylinders cast en
bloc. Bore, 3 inches. Stroke,
4V inches. Valves, all located on
ono side; bevel seated, poppet de
sign. Crank shaft exceptionally
large, having tensile strength of
over 100,000 pounds.
Transmission Sliding gear, selec
tive type; three speeds forward
and ono reverse; located directly
beneath removable floor board and
easily accessible; inclosed in alum
inum case.
Radiator Extra large; vertical
tubes, horizontal fins; very effi
cient. Oiling System (Motor) Circulated
splash system. Oil forced into
crank caso by means of plungar
Clutch Leather faced cone, slip
springs under leather, providing
easy engagement
Frame Pressed steel; best open
hearth stock; 3VxlV-inch sec
tion; extra strong sub-frame, to
which transmission and motor aro
Front Axle One-piece, 1-Beam drop
forging of most approved design.
Rear Axle Semi-floating typo and
shaft driven; equipped with bovel
compensating gear. Torque taken
on a tube, concentric with the driv
ing shaft.
Phone 1861
We Do Perfect Cleaning'
If you hnvo fine plumes, gloves, lawn, liigerie or mull 'dresses, bring thoin hero.
All work guaranteed.
Mr. Prospect
Brakes External and internal, op
erating on drums secured to hubs
of rear wheels.
Bearings Front wheels, largo size,
ball type. Rear wheels, roller,
with ball thrusts.
Springs Front, semi-elliptic, 30
inch. Rear, three-quarter elliptic,
Steering Gear Worm and gear
type, with exceptionally largo bear
ings and 18-inch steering wheel.
Wheels 32-inch; built of best se
lected second-growth hickory, to
our own special order.
Tires 32x3 inches on front and
rear wheels.
Dash Rich mahogany, with coil box
to match. Protected on edges
with brass moulding, channeled out
to fit over edges of tho woodwork,
providing protection from tho
Control Control is of accepted
standard type, i. e., steering by
large 18-inch wheel, selective gear;
shifting by lever at right hand;
emergency brako lever with ratchet
at right hand; clutch by pedal at
left foot; service brako on pedal at
right foot; throttle and spark ad
vance by levers on top of steering
wheel; self -graduating accelerator
pedal between foot lovers; steering
post, sharp rako and most con
venient position for driving; large
size steering wheel.
Electric Source Spark coil; dry
cells. (Provision mado for mag
neto.) Upholstering Best pebble grain
blue-black leather with good grade
hair filling.
Gasoline Capacity Ten gallons.
Water Capacitv Four gallons.
Equipment Two gas headlights;
generator. Two sido square oil
lamps; tail lamp. Full set of tools,
horn and jack.
N. Holly St., near Main