Irl r, 2 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 1910. HARD LUCK STILL FOLLOWS TRAIL JIMjOFFROTH Sporting Gossip for Rabid Fans Reception of Johnson in Frisco Rather Peeves Him Fans Jeer Him at Exhibition. AD MOVMN SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., June 4. Old Kid Hard Luck is still camping on Promotor Jim Coffroth's trail. To cap tho climax of tho scries of dis asters that have befallen him since tho biff fight was grabbed away from him, Jem Driscoll, the English feath erweight champion, who was matched by Coffroth to fight Abe Attell for tho world's title, has taken a run-out powder, claiming illness, and sails today for England. Thero is n suspicion that the ill ness is feigned and that the real cause of the Englishman's change of ' hoart is due to tho miserablo show ing against Tal Moore," the 17-year-of-ago Philadelphia bantam, who made Driscoll look like a ring tailed monkey in a 10-round bout in New York about two weeks ago. The verdict of the New York papers in favor of Moore for a slaughter at tho hands of Jem evidcntlv sent the Britisher into a blue funk and the cancellation of tho match followed. Coffroth has not yet decided upon a card for the Saturday before the Fourth, but it is not unlikely that Driscoll's stable mate, Owen Moran, who fights Frankie Conley iu Los Angeles in tho nenr future, will be offered tho place made vacant by Driscoll. Sam Langford journeyed out to Millett's todav and by tomorrow tho much dreaded negro will bo in the full swing of preparation for his fight with Al Kaufman in Blot's arena on the afternoon of Juno 18. Langford, who has been fighting steadily ever since tho beginning of the year, docs not need much work, but, ho intends to put himself into the very best of shape for his meet ing with tho local giant. Sam is about as light even now as ho cares to be, scaling around 163 pounds, which is fully 40 pounds lighter than Kaufman will weigh when he enters tho ring. Langford has heard n good dcnl about Al's punch and ability to ussimiluto punishment, but doesn't seem to bo worrying about it Jack Johnson is pleased rather than peeved over tho reception given him at Dreamland last night, whore he sparred four founds with Marty Cutler and two rounds with Kid Cot ton boforo a crowd that was very much smaller that tho ono that saw Jim Jeffries go through his paces last week. Barring a fow hisses from tho gallery and several interruptions while making a speech, Jack was given quite a nice reception. His exhibition was a good ono and he caught the crowd by permitting Cut ler, who has a good punch, to whale away at his stomach without at tempting to block him. Johnson also showed some ability iu tho forensic line, but when ho tried tho trained orator's trick of pausing just before tho peroration to give tho audience an opportunity to sot itself for the ginud finals ho tumbled into a trap. "Gentlemen," said Jack, "on the Fourth of next July you will see " The negro paused, looked around the house to sco what effect his talk was having and was about to resume when an unfeeling gink in tho gallery, seeing a grand chanco to put one right over tho pinto, yelled eut: "A nigger's funeral." The sally hit Johnson on tho fun-ny-bono and for several seconds the golden smile was on exhibition. Af- that tho directors try to put the ter the laughter had subsided, Jack company in shapo to pay dividends, out one himself, saying: I Tho rniso will take effect July 1 and "For the sake of the well-educated tho company stated in its communi centlcmnn in tho gallery, I do hope cation that an effort would be made that when the people from all parts to get dividends for the stockhold of tho world come here they will see ers. who have had no returns since two men well trained and a fight they invested their money two years CONGRESS MAY FORWORLD PEACE WASHINGTON, R C, Juno !. That congress will resolve to aid la eslabrhlng n world's peaco commis sion with Colonel Theodore Roosovolt as chairman, Is generally understood hero today. Tho way has been paved for tho commission by tho proposal of Secre tary of State Knox to establish an ar bitration court of justice at Tho Hague by enlarging tho powers of tho peace court already established. HOME PHONE RATES RAISED IN HOOD RIVER HOOD RIVER, Or., June 4. The Home Telephone company has an nounced a raise in rates which has been expected hero for sovcrul months since tho stockholders asked in which the best man will win." HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY IN MONTHLY SESSION The Rogue River Valley Horticul tural society met in regular session Saturday afternoon with President C. W. Potter in the chair. The meeting took tho character of an informal discussion of matters pertaining to the growing of fruit. A special meeting was ordered for June 18, at which Professor O'Garn will be asked to speak, the date of ago. Jlam line business puoues were raised from $2.50 to $3.25 per month, party lino business and main line residence phones from $1.75 to $2.25 per month, party line city residence phones from $1.25 to $1.50, and party line rural phones from $1.50 to $l-.75. It is expected by the innn- neement that the raise in rates will cansc many subscribers to have their phones removed, and already orders have been received to that effect from several patrons, but as the sys tem is now heavily loaded with 1220 phones tho company hopes by this means to get ahead of tho constant ly growing business. Over 100 the meetinc. however, beinc RnlnVnf to tho convenience of Prof. O'Garn. phones have been installed by the un motion tne regular meetings for company in the valley since the first July and August were ordered omit ted, and a vote of thanks was ex tended to the Pacific States Tele phone Co. for tho co-ODeration with the orchardmen in fighting the frost. of the year, and many applications are cominjr in for service which can not bo given. " Haskins for Health. 1 i i '- i -j . is vt,. Shi t (Hf.J ... ' ,1 JV ,k I !,.;, . J .. .. " J4K r i c t'"1 ft , i tL&r . 'sk W, f ' ,-v 1 v v A TKM I'Olt AUY LOCATION WKST MAIN' ST., NKXT TI1K WASHINGTON SCHOOIi f 7 iffi TICMM'IIONr. MAIN lift! " 4 7f rry JT r' 4 Comploto Houso Furnishors SAVE YOU MONEY on 4 ?"' Y Rugs Carpets , Furniture Linoleum Lace Curtains Window Shades Solo Agents Monarch Range also Complete lines of other Stoves and Ranges in all sizes and prices ' f, REMEMBER Wo glvo our personal attention to ovory order. Deliveries promptly and properly made by our own toain and wagon, A visit will bo appreciated. Courteous trcatmont whothor you como to buy or Just to look. We Are Here to Stay COH..WKST MAIN AND LAUHKL BTS. I!. TKIilCPIlONK i-ini RECOVERS HIS HORSES, BUT CANT LOCATE TAKER KLAMATH FALLS, Juno 4. Jack Mooro is homo from Mcdford, whero ho has bcon for tho past several days gathering up some horses which woro disposed of by Frank Benson, jhorso which belonged to tho latter. Bonson hnd bcon working for Going to tho Rogue river country Mooro here for somo time. Moore Benson disposed of nil of Ilia unimulx hnd business iu tho Fort Klnmnth and fled. Mooro followed him and country and whilo away Benson took' wns about two days behind time thrco head of horses on which Mooro whon ho would havo overtaken tho had a mortgago as well as a saddle culprit boforo he got away. Tho horsoH woro all rocovored by Mr. Mooro nnd n warrant wan Hworn out for tho nrrcut of Bcuhoii, but to tin to nothing has bcon heard from him. A. C. Hough of Grunts 1'ann waa in Mcdford Saturday. A Very Desireable and Certainly the - Be& Built Bunsralow Medford i v v 5, Y ' - ' ,, J . " r' . j ' SIX BOOMS, BATH, CLOSETS, PANTRY, REAR PORCH SCREENED, CEMENT CELLAR, FIRE PLACE, BUILT-IN BUFFET AND BOOKCASES, DOUBLE FLOORS (PART HARD MAPLE). THIS PROPERTY HAS JUST BEEN COMPLETED BY DAY LABOR (NO CHEAP CONTRACT), IS ONLY A SHORT DISTANCE FROM BUSINESS CENTER, AND IF SOLD THIS WEEK $3750.00 WILL BUY IT, AND VERY REASONABLE TERMS GIVEN. Here are Two Exceptionaly Good Buys ,- ?"!" . w , I HAVE 18 ACRES 3 MILES SOUTH, NEAR THE BURRELL ORCHARD, $3000.00 15 FINE BUILDING LOTS VERY CHEAP. J i f. MAT TRY Pakn Building, Exclusive Agent MIIMUI . v ' 4 u