MEDFORD LAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFQRD, OKttQON, SUNDAY, JUNTO 5, 1910. ------------- ----..-.-..4.4.4..4 .. .4 4.. - - -. --- -- -- --- - r 16 n I i 4 a r' t Get busy and Win a PRIZE Three Prizes This Year "We will give away three prizes this year for the three largest fish caught with our Special Rogue River Trout Plies. You are as likely to secure a prize as anyone if you get busy and go in for the sport. First Prize A $50.00 Fly Rod to the person catching the largest steelhead on one of our Spe cial Rogue River Trout Fifes this season. Second Prize A $20.00 Hardy Reel to the person catching the sec ond largest fish during the season. Third Prize A $10.00 Fly Rod will he given to the person catching the third largest fish this season. t Rules of Con test ? The fish must be caught on one of our Special Rogue River Trout Flies and weigh ed after being dressed. If possible, the fish must be de livered at our store and weighed, otherwise the party catching the fish must have two reliable witnesses to prove that the fish was caught on one of our flies. We can Fur nish the Right TACKLE You'll Catch 'Em We have been particular in choosing our stock of tackle and have gathered here and the best and proven tackle known to bo the best for trout fishing. You must have the proper kind -of tackle in order to r catch the gamy Rogue River Trout. Our Special ties THOMAS RODS, KEWELL FLIES, HARDY REELS, REELS, LEADERS, FLY BOOKS, FISH BASKETS, LANDING NETS, ETC., ETC, Grand Sport No grander sport was ever known to civilized man. The joy and excitement attend ant upon the landing of a beautiful steelhead or cut throat trout cannot be des cribed by mere human. 5 1 A Popular Trading Place We want a share of your business and will'get it it you once start trading hove.. We only need about ono third of the people in Mcdford to get in the habit of coining here tho other two-thirds have already gotten acquainted and are giving us our share of their business. Dpfnpfnhpr we sell only the very best guaranteed goods and always at a close margin of profit. Wo AUUiGlllUUl give you full value for your money. Our increasing business is proof that our customers appreciate this store. I you have a hardware need, come to Mcdford's most up-to-date hardware store and get supplied. 1 0 prct. Discount on Lawn Mowers "We will offer our entire stock of Lawn Mowers at a special discount of w0 per cent in order to dispose of them quickly. You will find almost all sizes and tho best and most satisfactory mowers on tho market. Come iir early if you desire to share hi the saving. Big Variety of Washing Machines Sound Reasoning' We show probably ten different styles or washing machines irom tne various hand power to the motor, and you will find every style a good one sure to do the work required with less trouble and labor and with no injuiy to the clothes. With one of these machines washing becomes pleasant work. Now is the time to get our prices. gfc Wringers & Acessoreis We handle a complete assortment of wringers and other wash day necessities and can fit you out completely. Wo have made a special effort to securo the very best goods in this line that the best fac tories of the world produce. Oome hero for your buckets, tubs, wringers, lines, etc. and we'll save 'on money and please you, too. Satisfactory Oil Stoves Oil stoves will have their inning for the balance of this summer, and we are prepared to supply your needs with the truly satisfactory kind. All sizes from the one burner up; all guaranteed safe and sure. Orchard Supplies We arc headquarters for thinning and pruning shoal's, everything that goes with spraying, and can help you in your orchard work by suggestions as to the proper tools and their uses. F V"?" Medford Hardware Go , t . K 4 tefc. '.'' Lorain Ranges Beforo buying a range or oil stove we invito you to call and allow us to show you tho superior advantages of the "LORAIN." Wo givo you a froo trial and-once you got a Lorain in your homo you'll sco that it stays. Most Desirable. Carpenter Tools A first-class carpenter knows a first-class tool, and our sales in this section prove that wo arc handling tho kind the carpenters want. If you don't know us we'll bo pleased to SHOW YOU. Chisels and Bits Even though you are not a carponter a complete set of chisels and bits will come handy. Tf you buy them you'll soon wonder how you over managed without them. We can furnish chisels and bits in all sizes, made of tho most satisfactory steel and guaranteed to prove worthy. Garden & Lawn Tools Mowers, rakes, shears, scythes, sickles, hoes, grass catchers, etc., etc., can bo bought here assortments of sizes and grades aro in good condi tion to supply your needs and PRICES ARE RIGHT. Complete Line of Sportsmans' Goods Guns of all descriptions; revolvers, hunting knives, hatchets, otc., and all tho necessary accessories. Wo aro headquarters for supplies for sports men and carry very complete lines of guns and amnumition at all times. VISIT THIS SECTION. Fishing Tackle Our Specialty Our success with tho spocial Roguo River Trout My last season has in duced us to carry a larger assortment this season. You can find anything that is good in Rods, Reols, Hooks, Plies, etc., otc. A TEST WILL PROVE. Ice Cream Freezer Wo show ovory sio in Ico Cream Freezers from tho tiny quart to tho 8 quart si'o and find a ready sale. Once you own a freezer you'll find that you can and will have tho richest, purest ico cream and ices and for about one third what it would cost from ,a regu lar doalor. n HHHMB 'At, u i fcAll,