- f , u . -A i...iii..ll.lMg;tlWM,mil!miCwH ..iiti... KSi mc w fflv i.'i Medford Mail Tribune UNITE!) !IIKS9 ASSOCIATION Full Leased Wire Itepet U FIRST SECTION hi Tho only paper In the world published In a city the itM et Medford having a loaned wlr. PAGES 1 TO 8 I'MKTJl YI'JAlfc. MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 1910. No. 65. O'GARA TO REMAIN IN VALLEY OF ROGUE r ' f COUNTY AGREES SALARY ASKED Orchnnifst Assured of Services of Palholoiilst Will Relentlessly Contliulo Warfare on Fruit Posts In This Section Wns to Have Bc como Chief Pathologist. The county court nn(l,eoiiiiulnMlon ors hnvo agreed to make tho uccoiv niiry urrniiKunutnls to retain Profotwor I'. J, O'Oara, pnthologlHt of tho do pnrtiiiont or agriculture, and ' plant him In charge of fruit Inspection In Jackson county, ami tit tho next incut lug, Wednesday, tho older will ho of fldlnlly made. Tho delay wih duo to securing legal advice uh tho coinmlM BlonorH wished to ho Hiiro tlicy had tho necessary power. Professor O'Qara hnK been ordered to return to Washington July 1 to hecoine chief pathologist of tho do pnrtinent of agriculture. HIh dopart uro would hnvo left tho valley without a scientific chief at u critical stago, when tho hatllo ntfaliiHt fruit posts wan hut half won and tho campaign to eradicate blight hut half flnluhcd. HIh retention hy tl o county, at tho In- COURT SQUATTERS ON TQ PAY UNSURVEYED NEW SCHOOL IN QUEEN ANNE AS PLANNED GOLDEN DRIFT AT LAST EILE Many People Who Havo Been Rcstd- i Inn on Unsurvevct Nnnr Run Falls Make First EntryIn Year They Will Bo Allowed to Make Proof. (Continued on Pngo fl.) The oat half of township .14, range 2 onHt, waB tie own open for entry Saturday, and 3! people who hnd "squatted" thereon for purlodH rang ing ri uiii three to flvo yearn, untorcd their clnluiH. In tho beginning of tho Hottlomout tho laud wan uiiBiirvoycd, and was settled upon hy homesteaders. After ward It wan taken Into tho Crater national forest. Tho homoHtoadorB, howovor, held tenaclouuly to their rights an "oqunttcrH," at laHt securing a survey of tho Inad and finally nn opportunity to fllo their claims In preference to othern whon tho section wan thrown open to settlement on .Mine I. A nuiuher of tho applicants wont to ItoMohuri; to fllo tholr claims, hut many others filed heforo United States CouiinlHHlouer Canon. (Continued on 1'ngo !.) WORKING FOR BEST PRICES NEW FRUITASSN BIG PRICES FOR GETS VERY BUSY Absorb Ronuo River Frultnrowers' Union Secure Services of Stewart Fruit Company In Marketing Pears Contracts for Supplies. FRUIT OF COAST A "NM Mr t- L t) Atf ..t - i &jr t . ..xl L , '&3&m r-. "k " rjgsrsi,mm ...: A :i . f ' r.Mm i rlls "ic v f " ''"-iri wr 'jzzr. ia? v -. . ' tear1 TSf .PVr .. - l'P3K fTW-. tr-"! , .n " - i -jr vk'3i fj r?. ii i$m k lpM;'iI lrllSfSS:fiT?& I.. Ji 9 - --r SI I V m. J w IrTB rWl WH Li miM (fit - JiiF Tf?fpl IIHtMilii- P r'. ! 1 ;a " EI 31 n StCSJ I4pWS ? HP 'R 'la flEfl It B?Jl 4fl 'LZT TJl ': V -JlK'Spw fc II n I l ai Wil !! Jsgo SI I M iifl HI S fl ilWliiiil zfr -,.... , jEib f Try-. - " i iJjjMtiaii-v 1j ., hi -liiitrifflimP1 MjtiWwr"''. tv T -J troijjj JLIlWl.il mi .3 fs T . -& IP FOREIGNERS IN The aeeoinpnnyinu out hIiows the new Holiool as planned for Queen Anne, work upon which will start in tho near future. Tho school h to he modem in every respect and will be a hnndsome stmcturc. It will con tain '1opii rooiiiH,a KymnaHiuin, laruo linflcmciit and n modem hcatinp plnnt. It will cost in the neichborhood of .:i0.()00. It will he of mission style. WIND PREVENTS FLIGHT AI AVIATION ICT Tho old ltojjuo Klvor Valley Fruit Crowors' union consod to exist as a corporation Saturday afternoon by a vote of tho majority of tho stockhold ers. This action was taken In order that tho Hok'tio lllver Fruit and Pro duce association mlht hnvo n clonr field In Its endeavor to upbuild tho fruit Industry of couthoru Oregon and (Continuod from Pnjo 1.) Eastern Market Men Believe Banner Prices Will Bo Paid for Coast Fruit Owlnn to Shortage in East ern States. ALLEN FINED 30 CENTS; GIVES 81 00 New York Man Haled Before Mock Court In Ashland and Writes Lib eral Check for Benefit of Civic improvement Club. ELY WILL TRY iFRED COLVIG OUT AGAIN TODAY! FOR RECORDER CHICAGO, June 1. Failure of many enstoru and middle western fruit crops will insure u great do maud for fruit h of tho Pacific const. Nover in the history of tho market has thoro been such a domitud for early first-class fiuits. Good prices will nrevail when the hulk of &hip mcutK come through from the coast. This is tho verdict of local and Now York buyers. RAILROAD MEASURE AS REPORTED WILL PROBABLY NOT BE HACKED FURTHER WASHINGTON, 1). C, Juno d. Tho number of identical provisions of the administration railroad bill in both hoiiHo and somite d rafts of the administration railroad bill nmUos it probable that tho bill will bo altered but little by tho joint couforouco uommilteo to which it will bo sub mitted. Hotli bills permit the railioads to issue pasflos to tho families of train aooidont viotims, Both, provide that if tho railroads lowor their rates to kill computilion by water they can not bo raisod without tho consent of tho iutorstnto commoroo commission. Hnth bills provide for tho estab lishment of n oommorco court and tho oommorco court on appealing' from doeisious of the iutorstnto oom morco commission. Other identical piovisions are that railroads cannot make tho thiough rato that shall bo greater than the aggrogato of local rates; a hoavy penalty to provont railroad einployes from falsifying to shippers ' asking intos; in ease of competitive routes, shippers may dictate tho route over which his goods are to bo scut. Tho iutorstnto oommorco commis sion is givon widor gouoral authority and is empowered to suspend now rutos. This provision is in both bills, tho sonato making tho suspension po riod ton months and tho houso four months. Tho commission mny es tablish through rntos, joint classifi cations nnd joint rntos. ASHLAND, Or., Juno 1. The roBo carnival parade yesterday was tho great attraction. It presented a splendid spectacle and surprised tho city itself by its lnrgo siro and fine features, Tho two carnival days were sp suc cessful that expressions are heard ovorywhoro that tho roso carnival has come to stay as an annual entertain ment for Ashland. Tho crowds on tho stieots woro largo, but tho lowor valloy was not largoly represented, owing to limited advertisement. Tho Into hours of tho evening woro given to gala times and funmaking incidents, tho "Moot" court being tho cluof plnco of interest. Many promi nent oitirons woro haled boforo the court and fined to swoll tho treas ury of tho Lndios' Improvement club. Among tho prisoners brought into court wns John R. Allon of Now York and Medford. Mr. Allen was fined HO cents. When asked to state Hall Falls to Leave Ground at All, But Ely Makes Two Short Flights Largo Crowd is Disappointed All Who Were Present Saturday to Get In Free Today. (Continued on Page 8.) All tho,o that attended tbo avia tion moot Saturday afternoonn, will ho admitted free to tho park this nf tornoon, nnd If no successful flight is in ado at that time, their money will ho refunded. Tho meet this rJternoon is schedul ed for 5:30 o'clock to allow the, wind to dio down. Although Eugene Ely mado a vali ent attempt to muko a flight in a Curtlss aoroplano .it tho Aviation moot Saturday afternoon, tho hlsh wlml provonted Mm from soaring any dlstanco, and a hue crowd wont homo dlBsapoiutcd. WMpplo Hj.Il did not attempt a flight until Into In the af ternoon, and failed to leave tho ground. Mr. llnll's attompt was followed hy another on Uio part of Mr. Ely nnd, although ho was in tho air for a great- or dlstanco thnn during tho earlier flight, tho flight was not a success. Tills afternoon at 5:30 o'clock tho men birds will again ossay a flight. Member of Well-Known Pioneer Family Announces His Candidacy on Republican Ticket for Office of County Recorder. CASE HALTED C. W. Ament Refuses to Answer Questions and Attorney Reames Refuses to Go On With Case Until Court Rules on Matter of Compell ing Promoter to Talk. . The receivership case of tho Gold en Drift Mining company camo to a sudden halt Saturday when C. W. Ament, promoter of tho company, re fused to answer question regarding the disposal of tho proceeds of tho bond and ctock sales propounded by X. E. Reames, attorney for tbo stock holders. Mr. Reames stated that un til the subject was ruled upon by tho court and Mr. Ament either compell ed to answer or excused from it, ho would refuse to proceed. Tho coifrt will not meet here until tho 20th, when a ruling will bo made upon the question. Attorneys were propared for a lengthy hearing, having data and rec ords enough for a continuous week of Investigation and probing and the sudden halt ta tho caso came as a surprise to both sides. Mr. Ament is accused by tho stock holders of having misappropriated funds of the company. CHINA ARE IN GRAVE DANGER Indications That Uprising on Larger Scale Than Famous Boxer War It ' Imminent Revolt Rapidly Spread ingConcerted Effort to Drive AH ' Foreigners Out. PEKING, Juno 4. Stroong dotach ments of loyal Chinese troops aro being rushed from Shanghai to Nnn klng today by tho govoranent in an- k ticipation of an outbreak at Nan king. Reports from sevoral of tha Interior provinces indicato that a. great uprising on a larger scale than tho famous Boxer war Is imminent. . Starting In Hua Nan, tho rovolt Is spreading rapidly througt Klangsu, nnd Chi LI. Revolutionary organiza tions supplied with arms tand money are enlisting thousands of natives and urging them to rise against the Manchu. Foreigners Flee. Foreigners are fleeing fro mtho in terior forthelr lives and so great Is the danger that foreign residents oC seaport towns havo been warned to prepare for embarking aboard, ves cels at a moment's notlco. (Continued on Page 5.)- .j I INCORPORATED (Continuod on Page Eight.) After constant urgiug on tho part of his friends during .the past two months, Fred L. Colvig hns an nounced his eandidney for tho re corderfcbip of this county. Mr. Col vig will make tho race on the Repub lican ticket. It is not known whether Mr. Colvig will meet with any opposition or not nt tho primaries, as R. T. Burnott, present recorder, who has held tho offico for tho past two terms, has not announced whethor ho will ngain bo n candidate or not. Mr. Colvig has been a resident of Southorn Oregon nil his life and at tended school in Jacksonville nnd la ter graduated from Oregon Agricul tural college. Ho is now connected with the Ilnskins Drug company of this city. Mr. Colvig hns been connected with tho Republican party over sinco lie attained his majority, and during tho last presidential campaign ho wns tho president of tho Tuft-Sherman club of this city. PULLMANS FOR E 0 CARNIVA L Two Extra Cars on No. 16 Sunday and Monday Reservations on No. 14 Also to Accommodate the New port Tourists. Commencing on Tuesday next Med ford -will havo two standard sections on train No. 14 from Medford daily nt 8:39 p. m. There has been con sidernblo travel on this train from here, it being a convenient train for Salem, Albany and Eugene. This YOUNG CITY rW GO DRY By Close Vote of 24 to 19, Wood vllle Votes to Be Incorporated as a City Samuel Mathls Is Elected Mayor. (Continued on Page 4.) By a close vote of 24 to 19, Wood vlllo voted to Incorporate as a city, Thursday and elected a full set of of ficials. As a result of tho election. tho new corporation may bo dry, which will bo sad news to tho poo plo of Grants Pass, who havo been (Continued on Page Fivo.) (Continued on Pngo Fivo.) COMMERCE COMMISSION DELicvc nunxnunn en FREIGHT RATE INCREASE EIGHT BECOMING TITANIC NEW YORK, Juno I. Tho frolght rnto Increaso fight botwoon tho at tornoyB for tho govornmont nnd those of tho lendlni; railroads of tho Unltod States Is hocomliiK Titanic. Oroat iutorcsts In all lines of trado and commerce aro lining up on each sldo and tho effect on tho country at largo Is problematical, Tho first big mooting of tho rail road IntorontB is schedulod to bo hold at tho Ilotol Bolmont noxt Wednes day, whon tho railway biiBlnoss as sociation moots. Tho mooting will ropresont tho deliberations of manu facturers of railway oqulpmont In 25 Btntos to consldor plans iov aiding tho rnllroado in ordor to provont can- collation of ordors tor oqulpmont. Great Interest in All Lines of Trado and Commerco Are Lining Up. on Each Sldo and Effect on Country at Largo Is Problematical. Tho railway officials doclaro that thoy cannot opornto tho ronds at a profit If tho freight rates aro not ln croasod to moot, cortain conditions. Thoy hnvo announced that elthor tho ratos must bo lncroased ir tholr or dors for additional oqulpmont must bo cnncollod and oxponscs In nil de partments curtallod, thoroby causing tho dtschargo of hundrods of em ployes In all do;:nrtmonts of tho serv-Ico. Tho action of tho railway business association is awaitod with iutorost, for it is 'boliovod that oi Its -action dopeuds tho decision of numbers of organizations whoso interests aro al lied with tho railroad business. Tho gathorlng of tho forces of tho railroads is bolloved to foreshadow a concortod movoinent to oxort pros suro upon Prosldont Taft to compel Attoinoy Uenorol Wickers! am to withdraw tho Hannibal, Mo., suit tor Injunction which at presont provonts 25 wostom railroads from enforcing an Increased roto. In tho moautimo tho chambers of commerco In tho cities within a ra dius of 75 mlloo of Now York aro combining to tight tho iucroaso of transportation ratos on commutation tlckots, TALK IS ALL BIG BLUFF WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 1.--That officials of tho interstate oom morco commission boliovo tho rail- roods aro bluffing in their talk of retrenchment was strongly intimnt ed today. It is intimated hero that tho offioials of tho commission do not oxpoot tho roads to abandon im provements or dischargo employes wholosalo on account of tho Hannibnl suit. Thoy doclaro that many roads havo reported iuoronsos in gross oarnings in most railroad centers. Thoy also point to James J. Hill's statement that tho railroads nro doing tho grontost business in thoir histqry. It is understood tho administration will not prooood further against tho rail roads until President Taft's interview Monday with tho railroad prosidonts, In tho statement roferred to by tho committoo, James J. Hill said: "Tho businoss of tho United States is too big for ti littlo muttor liko this to disturb it." Tho railway maguato oxprossed tho opinion that thoro was no causo for alarm. lie said ho thought tho "shower" would bo light and no washouts would occur. Hill said his company had no intention of cancel ling any ordors for equipment, but declared that railroads need hotter torminal facilities, moro than in creased equipment and extensions. Personally, ho said, ho didn't bolievo any of tho railroads were cancelling ordors. "The situation is not causing me any alarm, and I don't seo why it should anybody else," said Hill. iipwj.-'