Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 03, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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Worth Doing at All Want Advertise! &r
- --- - 4
Chief Clerk Secretary's Offlco Says
Defects Appear Which Must Do
Clinniicil Coforo They Can Do Con
sidered Lenltlmuto.
SALEM, Or., Juno U. II. II. Co
rey, clilof clork of thu Huorotury of
nlnto'H office, Haiti (otlay Hint prno
tlually all thu potitioiiH for HiiliuiiH
nlon to the votorn of thu ntntowltlo
prohibition UOHtiou do not comply
with (ho law and cannot hu filed,
and thu quoHtlon Hubmlttod until thu
dofoolH Hhnll havu hcun ruinudiud.
Tho IIhIh of naiiioH aru not Hworn
to and nro not copied on tho buck of
llio HhuutH, iih roi;uirod. Mho many
liavo boon Hunt in by mall by un
known poraoiiH and not ooiiHoinilivol.v
numbered, iih tho law roquiroH.
It ih understood that thu patitioiiH
-will bo mado to confonn with tho law
mid thon will bo rcfilod.
NEW YOHK, Juno 3. "Any man
hnn n right to lonvo IiIh wifo for a
few weokH to hoc a big fight, provid
ed ho has left her with ample Hiip
port, I'd go myHclf, if I could."
Magistrate NbhIi Haid thin when ho
diHinlHHod thu chargo of ahaiidon-
tnent ngaitiHt CharloH Adlor of
Brooklyn. Adlor'H wifo said hIio hart
diuoovorod that hor hmdmnd wan
planning to attond tho Jeffrie.
JohiiHon fight in San Franeixro, July
1. ho fihu Hwora to nn abandonment
ooinplnint to keep him homo.
Larno Number of Local People Gath
ered at Home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. Watt to Did Couple Farewell.
Last TuoHdny evening at tho boun
tiful homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. K.
Wntt, on North Hnrtlott Htroct, a ro-
coption wan tendered Mr. and Mrs. U.
'0. Smith on tho vorgo of thoir do-
'parturo to thoir now homo in Albany.
Tbo evening wiih plciiHiiutly pent in
Hocinl communion, intorsporHod with
musio by tho Ladies' Imporial orchos
itra. Light rofrcHluncntB woro sorv--ud
by tbo lndicH of tho city hcIiooIh.
Later in tho evening tho tonohorfl,
as a tOHtificatiou of thoir apprecia
tion of tho work of Superintendent
Smith and esteem wbich tlioy hold
.him, preHoutod a beautiful loving aup
nnd Hot of spreading HpoonH, to
which Mr. Smith responded with np
propriato words.
Following Ih a partial lint of Hioho
present: Mr. and Mrs. J. IL Cochran,
Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Porter, Mr. and
Mm. IL C. Kontnor, Mr. and Mrs.
Oris Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Strain?, Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Tuttle,
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Vawtor, Mr. and
Mm. Dr. l'iokol, Mr. and Mrs. Dr.
Page, Mr. and Mib. F. W. St roots,
Mr. and Mrs. Worrell, Mr. and Mrs.
L. !',. Hoover, Rev. and Mrs. Dol
knap, Hov. and Mrs. Shields, How
and Mrs. Matlock, Hov, and Mrs.
Lucas, Mr. and Mrs, Mitchell, Mrs.
W. T. York, Mrs. Lawson, Professor
Krauso, Professor Lewis, County Su
perintendent J. Percy Wolls, II. D.
Tho list also included tho touchers
of tho city schools nnd tho senior
class of tho high school.
Notion is lioroby givon that tho
undersigned will apply to tho oity
council of tho city of Medford, Ore
gon, nt its noxt rogular mooting, for
a Hcoiiho to Roll spirituous, vinuous
and malt liquors in quantities loss
than a gallon nt thoir place of busi
ness on lots 15 nnd 10 in block
21 In said oity, for a poriod of six
montliH. RYAN & BROWN.
Notico Ih horoby rIvoii that the
undornlgnod will apply to tho city
council of tho city of Medford, Ore
gon, at Its noxt rogular mooting for
a HcoiiBo to Bell nplrltoiiB, vinous and
malt liquors In quantkiou loss than
a gallon at lib placo of buBlnoas on
lot 17, block 20, In snld oity, for a
poriod of six months,
O. M. SELS11Y.
Datod May 25, 1010.
Count Do Lcssops, Who Recently
Crossed Channel, Wires His Con
liratulntlons to Aviator Who Cross
ed and Rciurncd.
PAHIS, Juno .1. Count Jncquos
Do LcHHops, thu aviator who recent
ly flow across thu KiigliHh channol
from Calais, lauding near Dover, to
day wired bin congratulations to
Captain Charles Stewart Rolls, who
yesterday How auross thu channel
and back again on one continuous
"Tho huccohh of Captain Holls,"
said Do Loshups, "leaves nothing In
tho way of channol aviation. Tho
captain was successful in what I
mysolf attempted to do, tho crossing
nnd recroHHiug of the channol in one
flight. Hu is entitled to every praise
tho feat dosorvos.
"Tho next attempt probably will
bo a flight from Kngland to Ger
many across tho North sea. That Ih
something well worth Hlriving for and
I oxpeot to sco it accomplished with
in a yonr."
Crater Lake Roosters.
Messrs. Hoot and Wcstorlund of
Medford woro in town Tuesday can
vassing tho field in behalf of thu
Crator Lnko highway movement, in
tho aid of which Kovornl citizens
cuiiio to thoir ussistniico in tho sum
of $100 each. Tho lnmp still holds
out to burn for contributions in that
nmoimt or multiples thereof. Tid
Wife of Portland Editor Dies at San
itarium In Pasadena Has Many
Friends In Regno River Valley.
PORTLAND, Or., Juno 3. Mrs.
Hugh Ilumo, wifo of Hugh Hume,
former editor of tho Snu Francisco
Post, and now editor of tho Portland
Spectator, one of tho best-known so
ciety women of San Francisco, died
yesterday in a sanitarium at Pasa
dena, Cal., according to private dis
patches rocoived bore.
Mrs. Hutno is tho Bistor of Qoorgo
Do Forest Brush, a woll-kiiown
pnin tor. Sho had been ill for sovernl
Mrs. Ilumo waB of a highly artis
tio nature horsolf, and was consid
ered tho first authority on art in tho
circlo in which sho moved. Sho was
largely instrumental in founding tho
Arts nnd Crafts dug, nnd most of
tho bonutiful displays of craftsman
ship brought horo from othor citios
woro Holootod by Mrs. Ilumo.
Hor husband nnd brother nro tho
only immodinto rclntivos that Hiirvivo.
It is not known at present whether
thu remains will bo brought to Port
land for burial or iutorred in Cali
fornia. Mra. Ilumo was well known in tbo
Hoguo River valloy and has n host of
friends hero who mourn hor untime
ly end.
Most of today's roal ostato doals
aro tho result of rocont classlflod nds.
MoHt of tomorrow's will bo, too!
1 IOI.COM H At Grants Pass, Sun
day, May 22, 1910, Mrs. R. A. Hol
conib, mother of Mrs. John Lnnco,
aged G2 yoaru.
SPENCER At Grants Paoj Friday,
May 20, 1910, Isaac Sponcor, ngod 78
yonrs, of cancor of tho stomach.
CONINE-nOGGlCSS At tho homo
of Ilomor F. Rlchnrds, in Portland,
May 28, 1910, W. S. Conlno nnd Miss
!Annn Bdggoaa, Rov. Sharp of tho Proa-
bytorlnn ohurch officiating,
Mr, Conlno recently of Columbus,
0 Is a formor rosldout of South Door
Crook, whoro his ostlmablo biido, a
daughtor of Mra. Martha A. Roagan,
haa Uvod tho groator'part of hor llfo.
Mr. ami Mrs, Conlno will mako thoir
homo la no near Roaoburg.
AHLBTIIOM In AHhlniul, May 20,
1010, to tho wifo of T. J, Ahlstrom,
a daughtor.
It is Important to
a uooa Aaveruser jdui 11 is aiso very imponani
to His Patrons That He Should Be!
Tho buying public has a distinct interest in whether or not a merchant advertises. For it is nn econ
omic truth that only tho morchant who advertises can afford to offor actual values to mako price-concessions
that aru rually competitive to do business on tho smallest possiblo pcr-sale profit.
Tho buying public has como to know this to know that tho buyer has a direct interest in tho ques
tion of whether tho seller advertises. Tho buying public has cotno to know that tho buyer pays tho pen
alty of patronizing tho non-progrcBBivo store, where Binall volumo of Hales makes lnrgo pcr-sale profits in
evitable. It has como, therefore, to bo n matter of pcrsonnl interest to a prospective buyer an to whether ho or
slio is dealing with a progressive or with a non-progressive merchant. This porsonnl interest is a purao
intorost (no, wo didn't Hiiy "purHC-onnl" interest) ; and therefore comes nearer homo than the raoro mat
ter of prido in preferring to buy at a LIVE STORE.
Although that sort of prido, somowhat generally held by tho people of a city, is what makes tho town
worth living in worth doing business in worth believing in I
FOK SALE Two acres noar ctty
limits, $700.
Cornor lot, Oakdale and Tontb,
Corner lot on Wont Main street;
aldownlk laid nnd paid for, $1000.
Two D-room cottages and three
largo lots, ono lot containing throo
quartor of an aero, 10 blocks out,
Othor bargains In land and bear
ing orchards.
Opposite Hotel Mooro.
FOIl BALE 20 acres of fruit land
In tho valloy two miles from poat
offlco, ono mllo from city limits;
good liouoo and barn; span of mules
and wagon; two holfers and over
GOO chlckona. A bargain as an In
vestment or homo. Inquire J. II.
Croagor, G39 W. Palm ot., Medford.
FOR SALE 48 acres of flno land,
3 acres a flno garden as you over
saw, moot all In potatoes, all can
bo cultivated easily; GO tlors of
wood cut; wator right; can bo Irri
gated tho your round; prlco only
$2000; $1G00 cash, balanco In G
months. Address II. H. Iloxlo, R. F.
D. No. 1.
FOR SALE 10 acres good gardon
land, on main road 1 1-2 miles from
Main Btreot; all undor ditch. Prlco
$3, GOO. Will tako $1,000 in city
property as part paymont. Aylor &
Harnett, noxt to Mail Trlbuno of
flco. tf
FOR SALE 498 acres land in Scott
Vallo, ono of tho most beautiful and
foitllo spoU in California, mostly in
alfalfa, and n bo Irrigated; well
Improved, good foncos, am" first
class buildings; $45,000. ror fur
thor particulars addrecs Walker
Bros., Etnn Mills, Slokiyou county,
California. 70
ALFALFA lands In ton and twonty
ncro tracts, whoro six crops aro cut
por yoar and 10 to 12 tons tho ylold.
Irrigated by gravity wator supply.
A. A. Martin, agont, Los Mollnos
Land Co. of California, Mooro
Hotol. tf
FOR 8ALE 5 and 10-noro trnots
just within and adjoining city lim
its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay
monts. AddrosB Condor Water
Power Co.
FOlt SALE City lots, $zu; for a
small, safe lavostment coo th city
lots I offor at $300 and $250 por
lot; $20 caBh paymont. balanco $10
por month; no IntoroH. H. C. Malt
by, Palm MdK.
Farms and OrchnnH.
FOR SALE Fruit rami in Douglus
county; a bargain; 36 acres; 23
acroa In full boarlng orchard; 3
ncros Spltzorborg apples; 4 acres
poachos; 16 acres prunes; 1 aero
chorrtos nnd pears; 2 ncros gardon;
3 acres hay, balanco paaturo; aomo
tlmbor, ouough for wood; Joining
city llfmtls; bonutiful location; largo
fruit dryor and small ennnory on
plncoj 8-room houso, barn and out
buildings; 3 wolls; nlso good spring
on placo; on county road; cldowalk
to town; crop, team, wagon, buggy,
now disc and nil tools go with placo;
prlco $250 por aero; placo will bo
worth doublo this Inside 6 yoaro;
Blmllar land Jiut sold fo. $600 por
aero. I want to go bnck Into IiubI
nosa roaoo' fir soiling. Address E.
Hollwtll, ownti, Yoncnlla, Or.
FOR SALE Nfuoty uens. 30 tn oaft
yoar old apple and pear trocs, 100
Inohos of wator, 2 1-2 mllos from
railroad station. For terms wrlto
"Ownor," caro Mall Trlbuno. 2 OX
FOR SALE About 30 acreB of good
orchard land 1 1-2 mllos oaat of
Phoonlx, Ono-half is In orchard.
Tolophono, Medford, 1199, or nd
dross C. T. Pnyno, Phoonlx, Oro.
iOR BALE 60 acres, nnoet building
clto In the alley, Incltidh g 30 ncros
good fruit land; cheap and torms
right, H. O. Mnlthy, Palm Bldg.,
Main nnd Front.
the Merchant That He Should Be j;
FOR BALE G-room house, 31 South
Orango street, $2000; houso nnd lot
on Bonnott avonuo for $1100. En
quire of owner on promises. J. A.
Henderson. 64
FOR SALE G-room now bungalow;
cast front, $700. Easy terms. Ay
lor & Barnott. 64
FOR SALE Cloao In on North Cen
tral, modern six-room houso with
furniture Prlco $G,000. Address
Dox 121, city. 68
FOR SALE Best bargain in Med
ford. New houso and barn In best
resldonce section. Will Bell with
furniture at lowest figure. Terms.
Call on owner at 529 South Grape.
Business Property.
FOR SALE Choice business prop
erty at a bargain, on long time;
easy torms. Address Condor Wa
ter Power Co. "
FOR 8ALE Building formerly occu
pied by Snow Flnko Bakery. Good
location for grocery o- warehouse.
This Is to go at any price. En
quire 529 South Grape. tf
Business Opportunities.
FOR SALE I have for salo a hotel
with 30 rooms. Strictly European;
no dining room. Tho furnlturo and
carpets aro now and tho placo at tho
present timo nets $300 per month.
Cnn bo made moro profitable Will
sell for cash or trado for country
homo near Medford. If Interested,
Investigate. Address 35, caro Mall
FOR SALE: Good riding pony;
weighs 800 pounds; young. H. F.
Caton. Central Point, or Hclmroth
placo. 66
FOR SALE: A full Una of Old Hamp
shiro and Oak Bonds, plain and cloth
finish; lettor beads and envelopes.
Matl Trlbuno office.
FOR SALE Legal blanks of all
kinds trespass and other notices,
at Mall Tribune office.
FOR SALE Wall paper, paints, oils,
brushes, a vory comploto lino; in
formation cneorfuily glvon by an
exparloncea painter. M. J. Motcnlf,
318 E. Main st
FOR SALE Chandler & Prlco Gor
don Jobbor, 11x14 press; a bargain.
Inqulro Mnil Trlbuno office.
FOR SALE For good wood and good
meaaiiro, try tho Bunkor Hill
Wood Yard, at North ond of C
street. Phono 841. J. A. McLeod,
FOR SALE Or will trado for alfal
fa hay, a $G5 Columbia grand con
cert graphophono, with nearly 100
records in two casos; pneo $30. Ad
dross 810 Oakdale avonuo, South
Medford, G5
TO EXCHANGE lncomo property
In Los Angolos, valued tit $27,500;
mortgaged for $3,500; ownor's
equity $24,000. Will oxchango for
proporty of oqvnl valuo In or near
Medford. Th?o proporty Is In flrst
claas condlt'on and Is bringing In
a good ro.ital. It will .itand close
lnspoction. W. T, York & Co.
WANTED Salesmen In ovory local
ity of tho northwost; money ad
vanced wookly; many mako ovor
$100 month; cholco of territory.
Ynklmn Valloy Niirsft'j- Co., Top-
SOR SALE At a bargain; light
housokooplug outfit, including good
cook Btovo with rosorvolr. Address
A. C, enro ot this offlco.
FOR SALE Two flno cockorol
spnnlols, 8 months old; mnlo, $15;
fomnlo, $8. Inqulro 21 South Poach
Btroot. 64
FOR SALE Threo good milk cows.
Jno. II, Shophord, 128 East Main
FOR SALE IJlcyclo with gooi oqiil p-
mont. Box 51, Medford, Oro. G5
FOR SALE Choap, 14 tons of hay
In stack. Addresa Box 361, Med
ford. 69
KOH KENT A now modern six-room
bungalow, well furnished; will rent
until September 1. No email chil
dren. 614 S. Holly.
TO LET Now bungalow, nicely
furnished. For particular- call at
No. 10 Front street. Roguo River
Orchard Land Co. 65
FOR RENT Now 5-room bungalow,
$10 por month. Aylor & Bar
nott. 64
FOR RENT Furnished housekeep
ing rooms, 125 S. Oakdale Ave 65
Fare In tied Rooms.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room
for two gentlemen or man and wifo.
228 North Holly.
FOR RENT Modern furnished
reoms nt 604 West 10th or 124 King
FOR RENT Two new and nicely
furnished sleeping rooms; easy walk
ing distance; modern; bath on same
floor; reasonable prices. Phone
Main 4474.
FOR RENTVFurnlshed room at 128
South Holly. 66
FOR RENT Now modern furnished
room at 128 South Holly St. 66
FOIl RENT Furnished rooms for
transients, No. 10 North Grape
street, next to Farmera' and Fruit
growers' Bank. Coolest place in
FOR RENT Room suitable for two
gentlemen; also board. Inquire at
322 South Central avenue: 6G
FURNISHED rooms and board; also
table boarders. 325 Riverside ave
nue, South. 66
Office Rooms.
FOR RENT Offlco rooms, up
stairs. 133 W. Main. 64
FOR LEASE Fully equipped gold
mine; ten-stamp mill and concen
trator, all orerated by electric pow
oi. Ownor will furnish froe elec
tric power for sharo in proceeds. See
Smith, at Condor Water & Power
FOR RENT Hotol, medium elzo,
furnished comploto; doing fine
business in a live town. See owner
at this offlco for two days, or ad
dress "T," Mail Tribune.
Help Wanted Male.
WANTED First-class surveyor.
Call at offlco of Rogue River Elec
tric Company.
WANTED Paper carrlors. Apply at
Mail Trlbuno, between 3:30 and
WANTED A good steady, mlddlo-
agod man who understands tho can.
of cows and gardon work. Good
wages to tho right man. Addrora
F. P., Eaglo Point. 66
WA.N'IED Experienced stone cutter
and quarry man. Call at Condor
Water and Powor Co's. offlco.
WANTED Compotont stenogra
pher; ono with somo knowledge ot
bookkooplng preferred. Must bo
ready to begin nt onco. Apply R. R.
Fruit Produco Assn., 16 Main St.
WANTED Al lathor; married",
sobor, rollablo, wants contract
work. Address Lathor, Park Vlow
Hotol. 67
WANTED Lady of business ability
also good liousokeopor, wants po
sition in a rospoctablo gontloman's
homo or somo trustworthy placo
whoro work Is not too hard. Wrlto
or call, 414 North Front St. 65
WANTED A bualnoss woman with
rond team and buggy la at liberty
for ongagomonts. What havo you
to offor? Addroa3, J. L., caro of
this offlco. 68
Help Wanted Female.
WANTED Woman to do washing
for small family. Phono A. O.
Alien, 70G1 Farmers.
WANTED Modorn 8-room house.
Call Main 1771.
WANfEDSctting hona and little
chickens. Call up Main 441. tf
WANTED To borrow $1300 for ono
year; will pay 10 per cont. Address
P. O. Box 172. First-class secur
ity. WANTED Furnished housekeeping
rooms, 125 8, Oakdale
WANTED A mulo, weight botwoon
110-111 pounds. Cbarlos W.
Isaacs, 115 N. Oakdata Ave. tf
WANTED To ront on shares a placo
for this year,
caro this office.
Address Brown,
WANTED Five-passengor 1910 an
tomobilo; must be In perfect condi
tion. Will pay cash. Joe Liggett,
Hotel Mooro.
WANTED in central location, office
with show window, or good desk
room. A. A. Mnrtin, Hotel Moore.
WANTED A mule, -weight between
1000 nnd 1100 pounds. Charles W.
Isaacs, 115 N. Oakdale avonuo. tf
t.0ST A kodak, on the road be
tween JacksonvVlo and Col. Waah-h
burn ranch. Ploase roturn to this
l-OST A roll ot film tor kodak on
road between Jacksonville and Col.
Washburn's ranch. Finder please
return to C. W. Wllmeroth, care
LOST A receipt booK belonging to
Cbas. Palm. Finder please return
to Brown & Wakeflold's office, Palm
LOST Black curly dog, with tan feet.
Reward by returning the same room
22, Jackson County Bank bldg. 65
FOIl SALE: Or exchange for coun
try property, 2 3-4 acres, 10-room
houso; pumping plant, 40 fruit
trees; 5 blocks from Main street;
on North Riverside; Bear Creek
bottom. Inquire at 317 E. Main "
WE have a ranch to trado for Med
ford or Portland city property. Mc
Arthur & Alexander, P. O. block. 64
FOR EXCHANGE A six-cylinder
Ford auto In good condition. Will
trado for Medford real estate; town
lots or acreage. Walter McCallam,
Nash Hotel. 67
Palm building.
A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Over Post
office. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA
LEY Attorneys-nt-law. No. 9 D
Btreot, ground floor.
vig, C. L. Hoamcs. Lawyers. Of
fice Medford National Ban!: build
ing, second floor.
B. F. MULKEY Attornoy-at-law.
Offices room 30, Jackson County
Bank building. Medford.
JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and
Builders, office 7-8, 235 Main.
Phone Main 3471. Residenoe phone
dertakers. Day phone 351. Night
phenes: C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H.
Butler 3571.
Maokoy and dio with joy." Over Al
len & Reagan's store; entrance on
Seventh street.
CDJES Will euro rheumatism,
asthma, paralysis, sores and pri
vato diseases. These remedies may
bo procured at the Sing Lee laun
dry, 123 S. Riverside avenue, Med
ford, Or., whoro they will bn sold
by tho proprietor.
Dr. Chow Young has treated sev
eral sovero oases with his reniodies
since ooming to Medford and had
for reference somo of the bost
kuowu nnd most intelligent citizens
in Southorn Oregon. Call on him
Messenger Service.
gers furnished nt nil houso of day
nnd till 9 p. ra. to any pari of city,
from lOo to 25o. Phono Main 1812.
Pointers nnd Paperhonsora.
GERWOLF & WARD, contracting
paintors, paporhangers and deco
rators; signs. Estimates given on
nil kinds of day and job work. Park
View notel. Phono Main 1801.
Legal Blanks.
LEGAL BLANKS All stylos of le
gal blanks for salo, a hundred dlf
foront forms. Medford Printing P
Tin Shops.
J. A. SMITn Tin shop. Tin
sho-t iron ware on hand and made
to order. 128 North G Street.
344 South C St., Medford, Or. E.
W. Hisoy, Matron. Offioinl kospitaJ.
P. & E. R. R.
1)111 Posters,
VERNE T. CANON Bill Potr anil
Distributor. All orders promptly
filled. Room 20, Jaokuot County;
Bank building, Meiforl Or
Ital Estate.
some of the choicest bargains in
real estate in this valloy. Also Brit
ish Columbia and Alberta, B. C, and
other parts. Call on bim at Bitnar'a
office, Phipps building, or at tba
Medford Auto company's garage,
where we start out our wsti for
the Aladdon Mantle Lamp ana bid
den window screen. We will treat
yon right. Come and see.
Printers aad Publishers.
best-equipped job office bl South
ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37.
South Central avenue.
Billiard Parlors.
S. T. BROWN ft CO. BUliaraa, Ci
gars and Soft Drinks. Up stair
Young & Hall building. A nice, cool
place to spend the hot afternoons.
Carriage and Aato PaJattag.
WORKS High-class work guaraa
teea. Signs. Riverside aranns
Phone 80L
Fare! tare.
H. F. WILSON & Co., dealers in new
and second-hand furniture and
hardware. Agents for Mouad City
kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st
Corner 8th and Holly sts., Medford.
Mission Furniture made to order.
Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial
order solicited.
and Ranges. New and Second-Baud
Furniture. Eads' old stand, 18 W.
F Bt. South. Phone 91, Medford. Or.
are budded, not grafted. Our stock
is not irrigated. We guarantee ev
erything put out. We are not in 'the
trust H. B. Patterson, office in
Hotel Nash.
CO., Inc. Growers of high-grnda
nursery stock. Office 25 W. Main.
Tel. 1201.
DR. W. M VAN SCOYOC, Dentist
Office in rooms 203-204, Farmera'
& Fruitgrowers' bank building, 7est
of the traokc.
Physicians nad Surgeons.
R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite
Jackson County bank. Night calls
promptly answered. Office and resi
dence phone Main 3432.
Stewart building Physicians and
Surgeons. Office phone Main 341;
, private phene Main 012.
cians and Surgeons, Taylor &
Phipps bldg., rooms 210, 211, 212.
Office phono 501, residence phono
612. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m.
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia
Physicians. Mission block. Phone
201. Medford.
Cigars and Tobacco.
HtELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse
Dealers in tobacco, cigars and smok
ers' supplies. Exolusive agents of
Lewis Single Binder, El Merito and
El Palencia. 212 Wofit Mam street.
Building Contractor.
ALEX. TAYLOR, Building Con
tractor Houses, bungalows, alter
ations, repairs. 31 North Central
avouue, opposite poatoffice.
Brick Companies.
Priddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo. T. O'Brien
Contractors and manufacturers
of brick; dealers in pressed brick
and lime. Office in Postoffioo
block, room 5. Phono No. 3181.
Brick Layers.
Smokohouse, first-class bricklayer,
stoneworkor, cement stepping
stueoo and moulding, fireplaces and
tilo work a specialty, European
plan; dny or con traot.
Llfo Scientist.
entist Privato instruction In "Now
Psychology" nnd "Now Thought"
principles. Cnllors received Wed
nesdaya. 127 South Grapo Btreot.
ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm blook.
Stonogrnphio work done quickly
nnd well.
M. FORTESCUE Stenographer, If
N. Front st. Phone 231.