W NEAR CUT GLASS JUST IN MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, .TUNE 3, 1910. , ' MEN'S HOSIERY Silk finish, drop Hlitch and plain colored silk finished Hose; 35e and flOo values most stores; here 25c PA1.R and iho best, 2 pail's for 215c I lose in town. LADIES' HOSIERY L i g h t weight silk lisle finish, linen heel, and too; BEST YET; black, tan, plain or lace stripe 25c J? AIR, and h best 2 pairs for 25c lloso in town. Ladies'Underwear Summer weight; long or short sleoves; low or high nock; all well made, neatly trimmed and well finished Ladies' Vests, 10c to 35c; Union Suits to $1.00. DO YOU WANT TO SEE THE SWELLEST LINE OF IMITATION CUT GLASS EVER SHOWN IN MEDFORD? SEE OUR EAST WINDOW TOMORROW. PRICES, 25c TO $6.00 EACH. GOLD EDGE, LEAD BLOWN GLASSES, SPECIAL FOR TOMORROW SIX FOR 50c. CHOICE, 50 CENTS. Want a bargain'? See our west window tomor row; 75c to $1.25 values in faijcy China at, your choice, each 50c HAND PAINTED CHINA PLATES 50c, 75c, $1.00 EACH JUST IN The swellest line of plain and needle etched MISSES' HOSIERY If you want the finest little Hose in t heytic, little Hose in the city, try our misses' lisle thread Hose; black, tan or white; any size; 25c PAIR; our 2 pairs for 25c Hose is the best in town. BOYS' SCHOOL HOSE HOSE 15c A PAIR 25c A PAIR In all sizes from 6 to 10. If you want the beet for the least money, try them. Glasses or Tumblers ever shown in Medford. Ask to see them toraor- rnw: nil sizns from 1-nz. A .3 m Look like the regular cordiale up to li-oz. ZLIltT)f Cl- UISCOIIHl $2.50 to $5.00 qualities, lemonades. J1 V r'VaiI HUSSEYS We are closing out about 400 boxes of Fancy Box Paper; our regular 50c. 75c and $1.00 quality; just 40 per cent off that price tomorrow. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL How Paul S. linmly of Salem, Or., in visiting over Sunday at Faiulalo orchards with Iiih friends, Mr. ami Mrn. C. W. Potior. "Huh Dry" towolB al Hooker's only. 01 Hoys and girls, did you writo your Htory on "Why Somo Medford Mor ohnntH Don't Advertise"? Clot it into this office hy Tuesday sure. ."Chnutoolor" ties, the latcHt Puria iau novelty, at DaniolH for DudH, ex clusively, f)0 cents. 03 C-H Corsets at Mookor'ii only, 01 G. A. Hovor of Phoenix was a Medford viaitor Thursday. If you own a kodak or camera visit tho Kodak Show. 01 Joo Hundrix, tho votoran hunter and inouutaiiioor of tho Itutto Falls Hi'ution, waa in Medford Friday on business. Guuzo lioso nt Mookor's. O'l If you do not owu a kodak and never expect to, visit tho Froo Ko dak Show. Of "Chuntoolor" ties, tho latest Paris ian novelty, at Daniels for Duda, ex clusively; fit) cents. 03 New ono-picco drosHos nt Meek er. 01 C. C. Scott of Phoenix waa in Medford Thursday and wnB among those who were before the county court in the iutereHt of Professor O'Gara. Kodak Show froo, 'Audio's opera , hotiKo, Friday nnd Saturday. (It O. W. Myors, county fruit in spector, wna in Medford Thursday on offioial businoss. "I am getting a grout iiiniiy of tho diseased trees olonnod up," ho said, "but Home of the owners are working very slowly. I may bo compelled to take hold "of tho cutting mysolf, nnd if I do thinirs will ho hnpponing nil along tho lino." Trunks, Mookor's, 111 Qenusoo Hoofing awnrdod gold modal at A. Y. P. exposition. Mado from Trinidad Lake nsphnlt and guurantood. No oxpansion or con tra tit ion. 08 Tho party who took an Ivor John sou wheel from in front of Allen & Itongnn's storo nnd loft a Haeyole instead can havo hia wheol hy ad dressing "Whool," onro this offieo, and paying for this ndvortisomont. 04 Latest Horims at Mookor's. 01 "Chanteolor" ties, tho latest Pnris inn novelty, at Daniols for Duds, ox ohiHivelyj fiO oontH. 03 Kodak Show froo Friday and Snt urday. 04 A strawborry shortcako luuohoou will ho given in the Presbytoriau church parlor Saturday, Juno !, from 11 to 2 o'clock, by tho Girl's olid. Prico cents. Silk Halo, Mookor's. 04 Paved stroots, comout sidawnlks, water, cower, olootrio lights and all improvements will bo found in tho Queen Anno addition; only oight iniiiutoH' walk from tho Postoffioo. Choice lots $050. 18 North Front etroot. Mrs. Anna Mansfield of Murphy was a rucon t visitor in Medford. Nowost curtain nets, Mookor's, (11 C. D. Watson of Ashland was in Medford roeontly on business. "Clmnteelor" this, the latest Paris ian novolty, nt Daniols for Duds, ex clusively ; fiO eonls. (Ill All stylos of legal blanks at tho Mail Trihuno offioo. Ovor a hun dred forms. "Chai.teclor" ties, tho latest Paris ian novelty, at Daniels for Duds, ex clusively; f0 cents. 03 Now shipment of ono-piuco drcssos Mocker's. 0 1 Those lota on Qucon Anno avenue nro going rapidly; bottor got in be foro vnluos ndvanco. Easy torma. 18 North Front Btroot, Miss Corinuo Linn has returned from a thrco months' visit in Eu gone. Unir switches nt Mookor's. 04 Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Ilcrriu of Ashland havo bocn visiting Mrs. H. 1). Dow in Jacksonville. "Soco silk" on snlo, 31)c. Mookor's 04 "Clmnteelor" lies, the latest Paris inn uoveltv, nt Daniels for Duds, ex clusively; r0 cents. 03 Can you estimate tho vnluo of a Quoou Anno avenue lot a year from nowt Only $050, at present, onsh or terms. 18 North Front atrcot. Silk gloves, Mookor's. 01 The Colonial club gave a farewell luncheon to Mrs. U. G. Smith at tho Msti grill Thursday, wlitcu was greatly enjoyed. "Chnutcclor" ties, tho latest Paris ian novolty, at Daniels for Duds, ex clusively; 50 conts. 03 Sam Look wishes to sell tho Can non Restaurant for $100,000,000. Low prices on shootings, Meek County Suporiutondont of Schools J. Poroy Wolls is down for an ad dress on "Rural School Supervision nnd Administration" at tho Unlvora ity of Oregon educational ('(inference at Kugeno, Juno 23 and 24. or's. 04 Scalp treatment given by appoint ment at homos of patrons. Telophouo Main 3873. 08 John II. Carkin, attorney nt law, vor jackson County Bnnk "Chanteolor" ties, the latost Paris ian novelty, at Daniels for Duds, ex clusively; 50 cents. 03 "Rnjah silk" on salo, Mookor's, GOo. 04 A cednr chost mnkos nn idonl gift for tho Juno brido. Drop in nnd lot us show you a sample Mission Fur niture Works, comer Eighth nnd IIollv stroots. Forris waists at Meeker's. 01 All Knights of Pythias nro urged to attend tho niomorial servicos in tho opora houso Sunday nftornoou, nnd ask your friouds to bo pfosout also. Good speaking nnd ritualistic progrnm. "Chnntoolor" tios, tho latost Paris inn novelty, at Daniels for Duds, ex clusively; 50 cents. 03 Gilbert linings at Mookor's. 01 Kodak Show froo Friday and Sat urday. 04 If you want a now sleeping room or two, cool and easy walk, anil up Mnlu 4474. Hoasnnnblo prices. Good goods nt Mookor's. 04 All Knights of Pythias nro urged to attend the momorial sorviaos in tho opora houso Suudny nftornoou, nnd nsk your frionds to bo present nlso, Good spanking nnd ritualistic progrnm. O. E. Roso of Jacksonville wuh a rooont Medford visitor. Kodnk nnd Print Exhibition at An glo opora houso Friday nnd Snturday nftornoou nnd ovoning. Freo. 01 Knysor gloves at Mookor's. 04 Mrs, Louisa Muller and Mrs. Otis KVouso wore rooont "visitors at Jnok Houvillo, Roddisodo bnts nt Mookor's. 04 All nuostions nusworod nt tho Ko dnk Show. 04 , Mr. and Mrs. L. It. Cnrdwcll of Gold Hill wcro Medford visitors Fri day. "Chanteolor" tics, tho latest Fnris inu novelty, nt Daniels for Duds, ex clusively; 50 conts. 03 A trip to tho Morrivold Shop will solve the book problem. G3 Late parasols, Mookor's. 01 Chorrics for salo Hoynl Ann?, Black Republicans, Ulnck Tarlarians and Ox Hearts. Wnltcr R. Stokes, phono Formers 7003. 03 Tho fnmoiiB Tnxis extracts aro made from pure fruits tho best in tho world. Spirclla Shop. Tho Morrivold Shop offers Whit-J ed to Mr. Miller's attention, but ho declared that different conditions had to bo mot In different localities, la basing railroad class rates. Dis cussing canned goods, as an Illus tration, ho Bald that on tho O. It. & N. competition by eastern houses had been a factor in fixing tho rates from Portland, whllo on tho South ern Pacific tho chief competition was with San Francleco and other California points. In roply to a question, Mr. Miller Bald ho did not belle'ro that a "spread" applied botween fourth and fifth-class rates equivalent to and Portland terminals was also raised, but Mr. Miller declared ho was unablo orcn to hazard a guess, saying that such figures would have to bo obtained from other officials. Tho commission Indicated a desire to ascertain this difference in terminal charges at a succeeding meeting. Mr. Miller, In reply to an inquiry, stated that up to Juno 1, the totil freight receipts by tho Southern Pa cific in Oregon on state and inter state business was greater than for All members of the chorus for "Frn Diavolo," etc., are urged to be present nt the opera house at 7:30 p. m., sharp, tonight. A very pleas ant surprise is in storo for all who come. RARD0N IS SERVING SIS- KIYOU MINERAL WATER EXCLUSIVELY THROUGH HIS ICELESS FOUNTAIN. man's pure fresh candies for snlo.!15 cr cent of tho tint-clou rate Q3 , was a just one, and his attention MoCnU ,,nUnra NfnnL-nr'c. U ! w8 thereupon called by Mr. Lang -..-...-, -..-- . . -. .1,1. Trj' "Snpogcn," tho finest shampoo10 B"c" a ""-"" n "' , preparation on tho market. Spirclla Shop. ier In effect or ordered by commis sions in Iowa, Nebraska nnd Kansas. Kvnrv iinn.ni in Afn.lfnr.l will fin.1 For Instance, whoro tho first-class tilings of interest nt tho Freo Kodak irat0 waa $1 tho ""P" or differ gj10W q onco botween fourth nnd fifth-class Visit Mookor's suit department. 04;ratos wou,d bo jscnta or 15 per ceni oi i. .ir. .uuiur asvrii'u muv Mrs. Mouldon nnd Miss Hazel En- yart motored in from tho Rogue Rivor ranch Fridnj. I Ladies' summer underwear nt Mookor's. 04 Men, try a cako of Fox's shaving soap (only ono Inthoring necessary). Spirclla Shop. Tako imporfeot prints or negatives to Kodnk Show nnd nsk for infor mation; freo. 64" Juno snlo on table linens, Mook or's, 04 Fred J. Blnkoloy of Roeoburg spout Friday in Medford. Kodak Show freo Friday and Snt urday. 04 Tonnossoo Smith is preparing to make nn extended trip north nnd onst. Tho exhibition of art pictures will interest every one nt tho Kodak Show. 04 Dr. J, W. Robinson of Jacksonville wns. in this city Friday morning. Suit cases at Mookor's. 04 Mrs. Josephine Russell wns in Medford from Jncksonvillo Friday. All those little offieo supplies nnd homo needfuls in tho stationery line at tho Morrivold Shop. 03 Emil Ilritt of Jncksonvillo was in Medford on business Fridny. Everybody is invited to tho straw horry short enko luncheon given by tho girls' club in tho Presbyterian church pnrlor, Saturday, Juno 4, from 11 to 2 o'clock. Prico 35 cents. tho conditions in no two states could bo used as a basis for fixing rates In any other part of tho country. An effort was also mado to havo Mr. Miller stato what conditions led to tho granting of terminal rates to Marysvlllo, Call., and why if Marys vlllo was entitled to terminals, Al bany, Or., was not. Knouicdgo Is Disclaimed. Mr. Miller disclaimed all know! edga of conditions in California, but expressed tho opinion that Albany wns not entitled to torralnal rates. Tho question of tho ditferenco in cost of hauling freight in Medford NOTICE TO bTOCKHOLDERS. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of stockholders of the Pacific and Eastern Railway will be held at the office of the company, In Medford, Oregon, on Monday, June G. P. HUMPHREY, Secretary. LOWER RATES ASKED. (Continuod from Page 1.) sustained by tho commission. Mr. Milder donlod i"protoctIon" of any spoelal luterost, declaring that rates woro fixed In what was doomod tho host lntorests of tho rallrond and country aorvod. An Indication was glvon also that tho shlppors of southern Oregon bo llovo thnt tho valuo or tho land grant to tho Oregon & California railroad, now tho Southorn Pactflo, should bo considered In tho making of rates. In roply to a quostlon, Mr, Miller assorted that tho valuo of tho grant was novor considered In establish ing rates and that ho did not know tho vnluo of tho lands. Mr. Lang nskod If It wns not about $50,000, 000, but tho quostlon was not nl lowod. Differences Pointed Out, Dltforoncoa in class rntoa out off Portland on tho O. 11...& N nnd on tho Southorn Pnolflo woro nlso call- For sale by the FollowingGrocars AY. Stringer, "West Main street. Olmstcad and Hibbard, West Main street. B. & O. Cash Storo, West Main street. Warner, Wortman & Gore, East Main street. Fonts Co., East Main street. IT. O. Kontner Co., East Main street. Geo. Poyser, East Main street. O. M. Boardman, Court street. W. H, Yydinrd, Jackson street. W .G. Davidson, West Elev enth streot. Rardon's Bakery, Main and Grapo streets. the same period In 1909, but did not givo the figures. Teal Is Called Upon. J. N. Toil, who is attorney for 1 6. 1910. at 10 o'clock a. m. the transportation commltteo of the I By order of tho President. Portland chamber of commerce. waBJ also called by Mr. Lang, but Mr. Tool refused to admit that ho was a rate expert and testimony sought from him was barred by tho com mission on the ground that It would reveal privileged communications between attorney nnd client. Mr. Teal was asked If the Port land Jobbors would not oppose any reduction in less than carload rates that would reduce tho difference be- I PROGRAM FRIDAY, JUNE 3. 2 to 4 p. m. Vclox Printing, Re developing. 4 to 0 p. m. Velox Enlarging, Dry tweon loss than carload and carload , Mounting Tissue. rates. An objection by Judge Fen ton was sustained. Mr. Teal and Mr. Miller were the only witnesses examined before the commission yesterday and an ad-1 journment was taken In the after noon, tho hearing to bo resumed subject to flvo days' nptlco. At tho next hearing It Is expected that cer tain exhibits callod for by the com 8 to 0 p. m. Film Developing, Wet Negntivo Printing. 9 to 10 p. in. Postcard Printing, Double Printing. SATURDAY, JUNE 4. 2 to 4 p. m. Film Developing, Wet Negative Printing. 4 to 0 p. m. Velox Enlarging, Dry Mounting Tissue. 8 to 0 p. m. Postcard Printing, mlsolou will bo presentod by tho I DoubI Printing. railroad company. Chief of these Is v lo .AU m' vcwx rnnunz, e a statoment based on an average of . Je!?S?5: , nrrr . ,,.,. two months' business showing a seg- AT raEE KODAK SHOW, ANGLE MEDFORD BOOK STORE, Exclusive Agents. regatlon of the Intrastate and Inter state Pacific lines In Oregon. Many New Goods WE now have In stock tho "oil wool" Hercules line of boys cloth ing; sizes 8 to 16 years. Wo con sider this the best lino of boys clothing we have ovor neon. Our new line of men's and boys' "Porosknit" combination Union Suits for hot weather give com fort to the wearer. Wo are showing many now things this week in golf and neg ligee Shirts, fino Hosiery and Neckwear, men's two-plee cash mere Suits, light weight crushed Hats, alpaca Coats, etc. Another cargo of the men's famous K. O. $5.00 Oxfords, made wide and comfortable. The Wardrobe tub noME of good snois r I Oxfords We are recognized headquarters for Ox fords, pumps, slippers and low shoes for men, women and children. We invite you to look here before you pur chase; our new shipmens will interest you. FOR. WOMEN See these new style Oxfords, in Suedes, patent, gunmetal, tans, etc. The proper heel; the very latest shape, all sizes and widths; prico right. $1.50 and up to $4.00 FOR MEN Wo are showing a very fine assortment of form fitting Oxfords and shoes... All sizes, all widths; the newest styles and solid leather $3.50, 94.00. 95.00 a,nd $0.00 FOR CHILDREN And tho small toddlers, wo are handling a very pretty, durable lino of Oxfords, sandals, etc. Call and examine our stock and you'll need to look no further. Van Dyke's A 1 1