.aMm- u Jt i,lbwAr1hfKf,nrYIIJ'w'ffWar' ' " MWWlMilf 4iWi Mfru-n1 t C4W Wt - ' 8 MEDFORD tATX TRTBUNE, ACEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 19.10. ' U ! Y 'X s.f it I I PIONEER TELLS OF EARLY IRRIGATION L. C. Coleman Was First Man to Aty Water to What Is Known as "Desert Country" Tells of His Experiences. Ij. C. Coleman, ono of tho pioneer merchants ot Southern Oregon, and fit III a largo property ownor lioro, la In Mcdforif looking after his busl snx Interests. "I bollovo," said Mr. Coleman, "that I was among tho first, If not tho first, man to conceive the Idea of Irrigation of what was then known 8 tlio "desert country," comprising at that Umo nearly all the territory cast of Dear Creek from Medford to Eagto Point. I took tho mat ter up personally with tho late Coi ns V. Huntington at tho Umo when tho through connection of tho rail way botween Portland and San Fran cisco was made In 18S6. Mr. Hunt ington was very courteous and seemed Interested In tho Idea of de veloping this valley, but ho had so many things to think ot that ho could not spare tho time. Ho re ferred me, though, to RIchaid Koeh--ler, then president of the Oregon "lines. Upon my representations, Mr. Kochler and Mr. Mills went over tho lands, and wero impressed with tho possibilities of making a garden spot or the Rogue River Valley. They Interviewed ono of tho original knockers, however, and that spoiled the scheme. 'You can't raise a dls tnrbanco on that land,' ho said, 'no saattcr how much water you put on it. All you'll get will be frogs and skceters.' Financial and other matters, along with the knocking, prevented tho Southern Pacific com pany from taking hold of the scheme to irrigate the Roguo River "Valley. I am not saying. that things -are Just as well, if not better than Jf thoy had, but I believe that my conception for the irrigation of the so-called desert lands of Jackson Is the original one." Too Late to Classify TUB PARTY who was soon taking n Back of rice from tho corner of Eighth and Oakdale streets Wednesday evening, will save trouble by returning snmo to tho Medford Wholesale grocery. 63 WANTED- Five-passenger 1910 au tomobile; must bo in porfoct condi tion. Will pny cash. Joo Liggett, Hotol Mooro. WANTED Young lady to assist as partner in the show business. Ad dress G-3, caro of this office. No experience needed. 63 CHOP house, good location; leaso at a bargain. Enqulro 31 Front street, 63 FOR SALE Close in on North Cen tral, modern six-room house with furniture. Prlco $6,000. Address Box 121, city. 6S ARMY TRANSPORT SINKS SAIL SAFE Indianapolis Founders In Twenty Fathoms of Water Excellent Dis cipline Saves All on Board, In Spite of Rapid Sinking. FOR SALE Building formerly occu pied by Snow Flake Bakery. Good location for grocery o- warehouse. This Is to go at any price. En quire 529 South Grape. tf FOR SALE Best bargain in Med ford. New house and barn in best residence section. Will sell with furniture at lowest figure. Terms. Call on owner at 529 South Grape. MANILA, June 2. Tho United States nrmy transport Indianapolis' foundered In twenty fathoniB of vn-, tor off Corregedor Island eighteen j miles from hero today. Tho vessel filled rapidly but cxi cellent dlscinltuo and quick work! with the life boats saved all from tho ! transport before it sank. The Indianapolis is reported io have struck a submerged log and I sprung tier bow plates so uini biio filled rapidly. ' Aviation Meet - , - us? MEDFORD us? Saturday and Sunday, June 4 & 5 Glen H. Curtiss Aeroplanes Whipple Hall Aviator Eugene Ely Aviator AVIATOR KELLY'S FLIGHT. (Continued from Page 1.) WANTED Lot to build on change for auto. About Eastman, P. & E. Junction. In cx- 1700. 63 will appear Saturday and Sunday at ' tho aviation meet, entering Ins tun- chines iiL'ainst the two of Glen II ! Curtiss. IXUilJ UiUUU I1U piViliilllltt.J ..- nounccment regarding the flight, elsoi tho crowd would liavo been larger. The fortunnto few who witnessed the FOR SALEI have for salo a hotel fi:ht nmnotinee it the best vet. Jeff with 36 rooms. Strictly European; j Heard says Kelly lias PnulhnnJ no dining room. Tho furniture and j crowded off tho map. carpets are new and tho place at tho i Kelly mado bis start from the, present time nets $300 por month. j Southern Pacific depot and began to, Can bo made more profitable. Will j,, 5nto tj,e nr nt tn0 West corner sell for cash or trade for country, of tho Nash hotel. Straight tin he homo near Medford. If Interested, Investigate. Address 35, caro Mall Tribune. - - For the Benefit of the Crater Lake Highway. - - See the Men Birds Fly Auspices of the Crater Lake Highway Commission Tickets 50c, Children 25c 2:30 Every Day Oakdale Park AFTER RATE-ABUSERS. (Continued from Page l.'i WANTED In central location, office ; with show window, or good desk! room. A. A. Martin, Hotol Moore. in ninldng tho went, then on n level and then de-i scended. Owing to a slight miscal-l culntion ho hit the ground rather hard, but without injury to himself or tho machine. The machine used , flight was an Over-' 5-room bungalow, AJIor & Bar- 64 land. I ! For the ttnitinted it may be added that Kelly forgot that a deep trench FOR RENT New $10 per month, netr. FOR-SALE5.room now buSialSw; l,1d bee" du across boventu by the I teiepnone men. ne uu an uimmiiK ! ment with his nutomobiSc first, which ' hurled him elenr of the ditch. Pull TO LET New bungalow, nicely on - . . ..;n,.i ri, t, nmn east front, $700. lor & Barnctt. Easy terms. Ay-64 nicely lurnisuea. ror parucuui ,.. , onc whec, Wg . ft whcclbnrrow No. 10 Front street. Roguo River I , .. .. . n ,,. w The Overland lived up to its nntne. Orchard Land Co. 65 Commuters between New Eng land and Now Jersey points have complained at the action of the rall Toads in Increasing the rates so that tho citkets cost from $2 to $5 more monthly than the former rate. A suit 1b apt to follow. Attorney-General Wlckcrsham to day declared the administration had 4 been urging a law which gives the Interstate commerce commission power to investigate rates before they become effective. He declared that the roads already cued had en deavored to keep the rate in creases Becret until too late for the shippers to act. When tho resolution offered by La lolletto urging Wickersham to en join tho Western Trunk Lines from Increasing their rates, was filed camo up in the senate today. La Fol letto was not present and action was deferred. It is probable that the resolution will bo withdrawn. STOCK EXCHANGE IN TROUBLE .- (Continued from Page 1.) xnerec commission increasing rates .from G to 31 per cent and becoming effective July !. Increased com modity rales effective July 1 were also filed by tho Now York Central railroad, the West Shore and the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western. That government notion may fol low these filings is not considered beyond tho possible here, nnd should further suits bo filed nnd the- ques tions of rates become involved in -furthor litigation, it is believed that "railroads" as a stock market fac tor would Ijavo a detrimental effect ou financial conditions. PROGRAM FRIDAY, JUNE 3f 2 to 4 p. m. Velox Printing, Re developing. 4 to 6 p. m. Velox Enlarging, Dry Ifounting Tissue. . 8 to 0 p. m. Film Developing, Wet Hegativo Printing. 9 to 10 p. in. Postcard Printing, Double Printing. SATURDAY, JUNE 4. 2 to 4 p. m. Film Developing, Wet Negative Printing. 4 to 6 p. m. Velox Enlarging, Dry Mounting Tissue. 8 to 9 p. m. Postcard Printing, Double Printing. 9 to 10 p. ra. 'Velox Printing, Re developing. AT-FREE KODAK SIIOW, ANGLE OPERA HOUSE. MEDFORD BOOK STORE, s Exclusive Agents. PORTLAND HAS A STRIKE EPIDEMIC With 400 Transfer Teamsters on a Strike, City Is Threatened With Walkout of Skilled Mechanics Want Higher Wages. AUTO CATCHES FIRE WHILE FILLING TANK PORTLAND, Or., June 2. With 400 transfer teamsters on strike, Portland is threatened today with a strike of 300 skilled mechanics em ployed in local machine shops. The Machinists' union, one of the most aggressive in the city, has de manded an eight-hour day and an increase of 10 cents a day in the minimum wage scale. This has been submitted to tho employers, who are expected to reply today. The men now work nine hours n day and receive $3.50. The machinists assert that in oth er Pacific coast cities there is now paid a minimum wage of $3.G0 a day. Thoy ask that the increase be made to equal all other Pacific coast cit ies. The question of a closed shop is not mentioned. NO MORE JUNKETING VACATIONS, SAYS WILSON WASHINGTON, D. C, June 2. "Vacation junkets" to tho national parks and forest reserves, combined with business supervision, no longer are the prizes held before the eyes of tho men in tho forest service here. Under the old regimo, Chief Forester Gifford Pinchot inaugurated a policy of combining tho men's vacation with an inspection tour of tho for est reserves to give them practical knowledge of the service. This year Secretary of Agriculture Wilson has issued an order that the men must stay at their desks. When vacations are allowed the secretary will supervise all traveling expens6s, and tho word has gone out that the supervision will ho a close ono. WOMEN PULL HAIR. (Continued from page 1.) of her relations with Erdor. It was determined definitely late yesterday that she would bo put on tho stand in lior own behalf and tho announce ment of this decision brought tho frenzied crowd of spectators to the courthouse. While filling the gasoline tank of G. Corura's car at tho Lyons garage on South Riverside last evening, the fluid overflowed nnd caught fire from tho side lamps. The machine was standing in tho street nt the time nnd the fire was quickly sub dued by a liberal application of earth. A firo alarm was turned in, however, as there was considerable danger of the tank exploding nnd setting fire to tho wooden structures adjacent. 1500 MEN ARE OUT 1 STRIKE Metalworkers in Los Angeles Quit Believed 2800 Will Be Out by End of the Week Wanted Higher Wage Scale. Send a Messenger that will meet with the ap proval of the recipient of your message. Any old kind of a messenger won't answer. The best should always be sent "if" you wish the re cipient to pass a favorable verdict. What you think about busi ness stationery isn't quite so important as what your corre spondent thinks. Don't buy Tkt iland.xrj fafir fr butiiutt ttaliontry ll5)(?Mnfp) LOS ANGELES, Cal., Juno 2. Officials of tho Metal Workers' coun cil declared today thut 1500 men hnvo joined tho strike which went into effect yesterday. They predict that beforo tho end of tho week practically all of the 2800 workmen connected with their craft in the city will hnvo left work. Managers of the several foundries and iron works nffected arc firm in their statement that the number of strikers docs not exceed 500. They profess to feel certain that tho men will return to work next week. Tho strike wns called following the reported refusal of tho foundrymen to considor demands of their em ployes for a general $ a day wage, and a working day of eight hours. It was voted at a meeting of the local metal workers' council Tuesday evening. G. A. R. POST THANKS PEOPLE OF MEDFORD Haskins tor Health. "Lockjtr I hi luattr.mark" because it pleases you, but because it influences the man you write in your favor. Old HAMrsHmt Bend Is a clean, crlp fiaptr, made for clean, crisp business oiks. Il is sold on the assumption ibat here's economy in quality, A handsome specimen book given upon request, show, in; letterheads and other business forms, printed, lithographed and engraved on the white and fourteen colors.. Made ly Hah mi in: Pafkk CoufANV, the inly paper makers in :he world malting bond paper exclusively. Medford Printing Co. 38 SOUTH CENTRAL AVE Chester A. Arthur Post, G. A. It., and tho W. It. O. desiro to extend their sincere thank, to tho pcoplo of Medford who so loyally assisted in the observance of Memorial day. This includes every one, from tho lit tle tots who represented tho states in the morning ceremonies to tho civic nnd municipal organizations, and es pecially to Rev. Iiendcr, chaplain of the post, for liis address, and to Itov, Bclknnp of the Haptist church for his sermon on Memorial Sunday. D. It. ANDRUS, Adjutant. Boys and Girls Attention ON ACCOUNT OF THIS BEING THE LAST WEEK OP SCHOOL AND MOST BOYS AND GIRLS ARE BUSY WITH EXAMINATIONS, WE HAVE DECIDED TO EXTEND THE TIME LIMIT FOR .WRITING THE ESSAY FOR THE "REWARD" TO TUESDAY, JUNE 7. ALL STORIES ON "WHY THE MERCHANTS DON'T ADVERTISE" SHOULD BE HANDED INTO THE OFFICE BY THAT TIME. WE WANT EVERY BOY AND GIRL TO WRITE A STORY. FOR FULL PARTICULARS SEE STORY ENTITLED "REWARD" IN ANOTHER PART OF THIS PAPER. AUTOMOBILES 0. V. Murphy. O. M. Murphy. MURl'IIY UROS. AUTO MVKRY. 1010 Chalmers Detroit. Phono 1801, Valley Auto Company, Medford, Or. BEFORE a. shirt can carry a CLUJGTT Label, it must come pretty near to being a perfect shirt. The label in a Quick Sorvico. Easy Hiding. Prices Right. j PARRY AUTO LI VERY PIIONK MAIN Mil. Agonoy for tho Parry Cam. Roguo River Auto Co., Frank II. Hull, Prop., Medford, Or. ... ITaokins for ITc-iilth. wkSmf OFFICE SUPPLIES You'll find all tho little need ed supplies hero mid tho rea sonableness of the prices will surprise you. See our line of TYPEWRITERS. Chocolates and Confections Dclidoiuly flavoied, temptingly boxed FOR DALE UY THE MERMV0LD SHOP, 134 West Main. SHIRT is your guarantee thai; everything in the shirt, is right. All you have to look for is the pat tern you like $1.50 and more in white or in color. Everything handled in this store will stand tho same test as tho Oluott. You will confer n favor by mon fiouing that you tmw thin udvurtiuo ment. DANIELS FOR DUDS sir rrftc Or AMERICA LANCAfTf1,FA, We aredistributors for this High, gradel watch, both ladies (EL mens sizes. J. W. Diamond 115 East Main St. GREEN GOODS If you want to hu Hiiro to get tho very vIhiIcqmI "ORKKN STUFFS" and a complete vari ety to cliooHo from, call horo or phone tiH your order and we'll do tho rt'Ht. You ean get in KUESII FRUIT, tho ohniucHt cherries, NtrawhorrioH, ImnauuH, oranges, lomoiiH, etc. In GAItUKN TRUCK, tho choIcoHt urtichokoH, Htring hoatiH, groou puaH, new pnta Ioch, ciibhagc, houd lettuce, Hiiiniiinr Htiuiuih, lomutooH, on ioiiH, i'imUhIicm, (MKMimhorH, etc., mid all al low market priocH, Olmstead & Hibbard WKST MAIN STRUCT. PIIONK MAIN fi7J. Want to go to work without any moro "como-nround-a-llttlo later?" Want-advortlBo, Always rSold Upon Honor W iUnd behind avry roll, You risk nothing. We know Itt Quality, becaut w luva Droved ii...uBM (HiL Rex Flintkote luuOxWJV DAAf:nM IIUUIIIIlj I WOODS LUMBER CO. w J .-nA