MflDIfORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDITORP, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1910. - --- fH ----- If You Want to Buy, Sell, Hire, lease or Find-Want-Advertise! - --- ---- -- NEW YORK'S MARKET FIRM Recent Cold Weather Stimulates De mand for Box Fruit Barrel Ap litcs In Lllit Surjply and Domand Dull. (Special Mm hut Lollor.) OSWEGO, N. V May 11(1. It. M. Piurcu of I'Vult Vnlloy, uiiu of tliu largoHt (ircluinlihtH in thin Hcctiou, ntiyH (liul tliu Iliu Hot t ponr crop throughout Omvogo 1h ruined, and that tliu Iohm lo tlio groworn iihmiih "thouHundH of dollars. Mr. Pierce hii.vh tliat li Iiiih inndo tents of tlio truHH on Iliu plnco anil lii'cti in neigh boring orohnrdH, ami (lint these teats havn convinced liim (hat tliu orop thin vim r will ho a failure Tlio plum orop, like I ho poarn, Iiiih a I ho boon ruinoil, tin doolaroH, par ticularly tlio Burlmnk varioty. Ho hIho HtiyH that tlio applo orop Iiiih boon HorioiiHly nffootoil. Thin is pnr tioularly true, ho HtiyH, of Baldwins. Greenings give promiHo of a fairly good orop, hut Hut fainoiiH KaldwiiiR, for which this district in notoil, nro gono, nccordinc to thin grower. Tlio ori'luiid hloom, hoth an to up ploH nnd pcarH, was more than pro fiiHo this Hprinir. owing to tho wann wonthor which ontno in tho lattar part of March and oarly in April. To inako pear IiIohmoiiih fruitful, Mr. Pioroo hiivh they must ho fertilized !by tho Iiooh Koine from troo to tree mud blossom to hloimom. Somo of tho enrly bloHHoniH may Imvo roroivod th'iH fortilir.iug, hut tho cold woathor that characterized tho oarly days of May made it impoRHihlo for tho Iicoh to carry on their work, tho roMiilt bo iittr that (hero will ho few, if any, jponrs. Jerry Hongorly, who is tho rin oipnl haudlor of Ilnrtlott poars hero, hiivh that anvnorngo enm of poarH Jh worth to tho growers of Oswego town from $2.r,000 to $30,000, and that if tho condition)! are iih Mr. Tiorco nays, tho loss will ho npprov imntoly that amount. Baldwins, ho hhj'h, nro not ftft much in cvidonco horo as tlii'v wore before Sp.Vfl wcro introdueod, and while tho fruit in mont dofdrnhlo and always commandH n good prieo, it ia found tuoHtly in tho older orchards. COMPLIMENTS FROM CORBETT !Ex-Champlon Declares Johnson Has a Yellow Streak and That It Will Be on Exhibition July 4, So That .Pictures Can Catch All Details. . UOWAKDKNNAN, Cal., Juno 2. 'Coiiiob JaincH J. Corbett to bat nnd tho uizxler that ho putH over tho plate in reply to JoIiiihoh'h reply to Jim'n reply to Jack's nnswor to tho ox-eliiiinpioii'H fimt shot at tho prca ent champion Iiiih whiskcrH 011 it, and fiory iiiiiiH, at that. JoluiHoti in a Ntutomant cited Cor bott'H two l'ighta with Tom Shnrkoy uh proof that ho (Coihott) pohhchh od in marked dogree what Jiii) de clined of huviiiif done. Said Jim over tho loinr-di.stnnco telephone, iti'lor having read Mr. JoIhihod'h HtatomeutH: "I am tint explaining my yellow Btreak. Evorvhody knows I have ono, don't thoyY But why dmoitHS it. I am not going to fight JoffrioH on July -I. JohiiKou will ho tho big fel Iow'h opponent, thorol'ore it in a high yellow Htruiik that Kliould bo din ouHHud mid not miuo, and bolievo mo, Iiih will 'bo on oxhibition on Iudopen douco day. I hope It in a nice day, ho Unit llm pioturcH will ' catch all tho dotailH, Iuuldontally, 1 might men tion tho fact (hat there aro no mov ing pioturoH of my yellow Hlroak in existence." Coihott doolaroH that ho will bo in fllmpo to put on (ho gloves with Jof frioH in u few diyH poHHihly Satur day morning. JoffrioH has decided to do all Ii'ih boxing in the morning lioroaftor to avoid tho boat of tho af ternoon. NOTIOH TOSTOOKlioLDKKS. Notlco la horoby glvon that tho Annual mooting of stoclcholdors of tho Pacific and Eastorn Railway will ho hold at tho otflco of tho company, 'In Modfortl, Oregon, on Monday, Juno 0, 1010, at 10 o'clock n. m. Dy order of tho Prosldont. Q. P. HUMPHREY, Soorotnry, OSWEGO PEAR CROP RUINED Entlro Fruit Crop a Failure Plums nnd Apples as Well as Pears Killed hy Cold Weather Other Fruit Is Seriously Affected. (.Special Market Letter.) NBW YOHK, .May 28. Tho nppto market tliin week wiih oaHior on lmr io) Htook, hut firm upon fancy box fruit. Tho mount cold weather Htiin uliitcd tho domand for both kinds considerably and mivo holders of box fruit tho much-longed-for opportun ity of marketing thoir supplies. Three wc-uks ago lioldeiH of box appluH wore worried lent the hciihoii would end disastrously, but tho coiihiiohiih of opinion now Hcemti to favor a very mttiHfaotory wind-up. Uarrol apploK wore in light supply, but the demand for tho bulk of tho offerings wan dull. Only fancy, high colored, dcmrnhlo kinds met witli a good outlet, and theno were in very limited supply. Arrivals on Monday aggregated about 000 barrels, mont of which showed only poor to ordi nary quality, A few fancy Baldwins reached !?f).r0, but -$f wan generally top for tho average best Htook. Com mon and choice kinds went for $1 to f'l.TS por barrel. Hen Davin applos wcro in fair de mand and Hold mainly from $3.fi0 down. Some extra fancy lotH com manded $1 to .? l.fiO, but tho (inuti lity wiih limited. QrceningH are prac tically marketed, and only a very limited Hiipply wiih doforrcd thin week. Mont of thoHo wcro "scalded" nnd wont for low pricoH. Tho range on choice to fancy fruit wa from .n.fi0 to $5 per barrol. Nnrthom Spy apple woro nenrco and in good demand when fancy. Tho lMKt lotH brought $r, and uudergrndes $. Box apploH hhowed a wide range in finality and prices woro irregular. California Newtown Pippins brought .91.7i to .2; Colorado and Oanos, .?2 to per box. ll I I, !!! "Your" storo, porhnps. advertises "your" bargain today! Look nnd know. IS SEHHO JAIL Smith, Who Wroto Famous "H. J. Reed" Letters, Is Sentenced by Judge Bean Upon, Conviction on a Blackmalllnn Charge. PORTLAND, Oro., Juno 2. A. nyron Smith, convicted of having at tempted to blackmail Asfcbol nunh, a 8nlom bnnkor, of tho sum of $5,000 today hegan serving a four months' Hontenro in tho Multnomah County Jnll. Tho Hontonco wns passed by Judgo Iloan of the United Stntcs court. Smith wnn tho author of tho II. J. Reed lettors which causod much ox clteniont In tho ntnto capital in 1908. Tho oplntloa woro nddronHod to baukor Rush and In thorn Bush was ordorod to deposit n grip full of gold In front of a local hardware store under penalty of having bin oyoslgbt destroyed by cnrbollo acid and his granddnughtor kidnapod. Fedornl and pollco dotoctlvos worked IncoBsnntly on tho enso and laid trnim for tho myutorlous "Reed" without BUCCO88. Later Smith was arrostod for rob bing a ntoro. Shortly aftorward ho confoRsod that ho wroto tho threat ening lottoia to RllRll. SULPHUR SHOWER FALLS AT LAKEVIEW , Monday ovonlng nbout 5 o'clock and a fow hours boforo tho moon wont Into hiding a rain storm broko ovor tho vnlloy and a honvy showor wns prpclpltatod. With tho rain enmo a sulphur showor that literally cov orod walks and roofs with a brlmstouo huo. Ah soon as tho rnln had nassod pooplo wont around gathering up tho yollow (uibstauco and examining it to bo cortaln It was sulphur, Tho sulphurous proolpltntlon ro- somblod tho Hoillmont bo frequently soon aftor volrnnlo eruptions In Southern Huropo nnd In tho Islands of tho Pnoltlo, It waa no doubt BLACKMAILER The Want Ads Are Full of Facts That Have a Cash Value to You Tho clunHiriod ndn somollmoH called "want ndc" nro always rich In "cash-valuo facte." It depends upon what your Immediate poroonal Intoroutn aro an to what thciio facts aro as to how much they aro worth to you In caflh. Hut tloy aro thero and thoy aro for you unless you ohould bj a porson of no porsonal interests. Which yoij nro not. If you nook work, soma of tho classified wont ads will bo of "coah valuo" to you. If you Book work on! thin In ntlll true If you want to hoII something, YOUR USB OF THE CLASSIFIED WANT ADS WILL HAVE A DIRECT CASH VALUE TO YOU and bring you direct cash roturnn. If you wnnt to buy proporty of any sort, tho dandified ads contain offers that will enablo you to cboooo INTELLIGENTLY, and to buy to tho bont POSSIHLE advantage. If you uocl( on Investment or a bargain In a used article r.f any kind tho classified ads again bold tanh-valuo fi-cts for you. Somo pooplo go on through the troublous days of their lives but vaguoly aware that tho classified ad vertisements aro constantly holpinz pooplo all about thorn mnking tho dally routino easlor and more worth whilo. caused by our passing through tho gases composing tho comet's tall, but whatever It wan, it began to make our pooplo fool that tho story of flro and brlmntouo thoy Icarnod onco upon a tlmo was not a myth, after all. Lakovlow Hornld. Not a houso, nor an apartment, In thlH city ought to bo tonantloss un less it's a poor placo to Urol Then, even u want nd-cnmpalgn ought not to auccocd In renting It. nankins for EToalth. FOR SALE. HUM, 1J8TATK. FOR SALE Two acros noar city limits, $700. Cornor lot, Oakdale and Tontb, $1150. Cornor lot on West Main street; uldownlk laid and paid for, $1000. Two 5-room cottages and throo largo lots, ono lot containing throo quartors of nn aero, 10 blocks out, 13500. Other bargains In land and bear ing orchards. D. H. JACKSON & CO. Opposite Hotol Mooro. FOR SALE 20 acres of fruit land In tho vnlloy two miles from post offlco, ono mllo from city limits; good houso and barn; span of mules nnd wagon; two holfcrs and over 500 chickens. A bargain aa an In vestment or homo. Inqulro J. H. Crcagor, 539 W, Palm at., Medford. 04 FOR SALE 18 acres of flno land, 3 ncrcs a flno garden ao you ovor saw, moat all In potatoes, all can be cultivated easily; 50 tlora of wood cut; water right; can bo irri gated tho yo-ur round; prlco only $2000; $1500 cash, balanco In C months. Address H. II. Hoxlo, R. F. D. No 1. FOR SALE 10 acres good garden land; on main road 1 1-2 miles from Main strcot; all under ditch. Price $3,500. Will tako $1,000 In city proporty as part paymont. Aylor & Barnott, noxt to Mall Trlbuno of fice tt FOR SALE 498 acres land In Scott Vallo, ono of tho most boiutlful and teitllo spot In California, mostly In alfalfa, and can bo Irrigated; well Improved, good fencoa, ant" first class buildings; $45,000. lor fur thor particulate addrecs Walker BroH., Etna Mills, Slolclyou county, California. 70 ALFALFA Inndti In ton and twonty ncro tracts, whoro six crops aro cut por yoar and 10 to 12 tons tho yield. Irrigated by gravity water supply. A. A. Martin, ngont, Los Mollnos Uiml Co. of California, Mooro Hotel. tf Itii.sluetis Property, FOR SALE Choicb business prop orty nt a bargain, on long time; easy tonnB. AddroHs Condor Wa ter Powor Co. FOR SALE Flno business cornor, 100x100 foot, east ana north fronts, within two blocks of now dopot, 12 room house on It, flno Juration for modern hotol or rooming houso. In qulro of ownor nt 135 North Bartlett stroot. (ft Farms nml Orchards. FOR SALE Fruit farm lu Douglas county; a bargain; 36 acres; 23 acro3 in full boaring orchard; 3 acros Spltzorborg applos; 4 acros ponchos; 15 acros prunes; 1 acre chorrlos and pears; 2 acros gardon; 3 acros hay, balanco pasture; somo tlmbor, ouough for wood; Joining city lltmtls; boautlful locctlon; largo fruit dryor cud Bmall ennnory on plnco; 8-room houso, barn and out buildings; 3 wolls; nlso good spring on plnco; on county road; sidewalk to town; crop, team, wngon, buggy, now ill bo nnd nil tools go with plnco; prlco $250 por aero; plnco will bo worth doublo this ln"Jldo 5 yonro; Blmllnr land Just sold fo. $600 por ncro. I wnnt to go back into busl 11088 ronso" fir soiling, Address E. Hollwlll, ownti, Yoncalln, Or. FOR SALE. Farms or Orchards. tfOn SALE 60 acres, lined building Llto In tho alloy, includlt g 30 acres good fruit land; cheap and terms right. H. O. Mnltby, "Palm Dldg., Main and Front trnxt a At m Ml..,. ...,.. in m ... j , yenr old applo and pear trees, 100 Inches of water, 2 1-2 miles from railroad station. For forms writo "Owner," caro Mall Tribune. 261 FOR SALE: Alout 30 acres of good orchard land 1 1-2 miles east of Phoenix. Ono-half is In orchard. Telophono, Medford, 1199, or ad dress C. T. Payno, Phoenix. Ore. Acreage. FOR SALE C nnd 10-ncre tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Water Power Co. Honaca. FOR SALE 5-room house, 31 South Orange street, $2000; house and lot on Dennett avonuo for $1100. En qulro -of ownor on premises. J. A. Henderson. 64 Lots. FOlt SALE city lots, $20; for a small, safe investment coo th city lota I offer at $300 and $250 per lot; $20 cash payment, balance $10 por month; no latere l. H. C. Malt by, Palm 1 lag. FOR SALE: Two lots cast side; big bargain; party leaving town, EJ, B,, Mall Tribune. 63 Horses, FOR SALE Good riding pony; wolghs 800 pounds; young. H. F. Caton, Central Point, or Hclmroth place. 66 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE At West Side Barn, wag on, harness, two horsoa. FOR SALE A full line of Old Hamp shlro and Oak Bonds, plain and cloth finish; letter heads and envelopes. Mall Trlbuno offtco. FOR SALE Legal blanKa of all kinds trespass and other notices, at Mall Trlbuno office. FOR SALE Wall paper, palnta. oils, brushes, a very comploto line; In formation enoorfuily given by an oxporloncea palutor. M. J. Motcalf, 318 E. Main st. FOR SALE Chandler & Price Gor don Jobbor, 11x14 proas; a bargain Inqulro Mall Tribune office FOR SALE For good wood and good measuro, tiy tho Bunkor Hill Wood Yard, at North ond of C Btroot. Phonu 841. J. A. MuLeod, Prop. FOR SALE Socond baud surrey, in good ropalr. Mrs. S. A. Nye, S35 E. Main. FOR SALE Or will trndo tor alfal fa hay, a $65 Columbia giand con cort graphophono, with nearly 100 records In two cases; puce $30. Ad dress 810 Oakdale avwnuo, South Medford. 65 FOR SALE Auto runabout; cheap If takon at onco. AddroBs "W. P.," caro Mall Tribune, 63 TO EXCHANGE Income proporty In Los AngJlos, valued at $27,500; mortgngod for $3,500; owner's equity $24,000. Will oxohango for proporty of oqvnl valuo in or noar Medford. Thio proporty Is In first class coudit'on and Is bringing In a good roital. It will .itand close lnspoctlon, W. T, Yorh & Co. WANTED Salesmen In every local ity of tho northwest; money ad vancod weekly; many mako ovor $100 month; cholco of territory. Yakima Vnlloy Nursn'j' Co., Top- SOR SALE At a bargain: light housokooping outfit, Including good cook Btovo with rosorvolr. Address A. O., caro of this otflco. FOR SALE Two flno cockorol spaniols, 8 months old; mnlo, $15; fomnlo, $8, Inquire 21 South Ponch stroot. 64 FOlt SALE lllcyclo with gootf oqnlp mont. Box 51, Medford, Oro. 05 FOR RENT. House. FOR RENT A now tnodorn six-room bungalow, well furnished; will rcn j until September 1. No small chll- drcn. G14 S. Holly. HoaMke-cfHRg Room. 'FOR RENT Furnished housckeep- ' Ing rooms, 125 S. Oakdale Ave i5 '. FOR RENT One suite of housekeep ing rooms, 222 South Holly Famished Rooms. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room for two gentlemen or man and wife. 228 North Holly. tt" ' FOR RENT Modern furnished rioma at 604 West 10th or 124 King street. FOR RENT Two now and nicely furnished sleeping rooms; easy walk ing distance; modern; bath on same floor; reasonable prices. Phone Main 4474. FOR" RENT Furnished room at 128 South Holly. 66 FOR RENT New modern furnished room at 128 South Holly St. 66 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for transients, No. 10 North Grape street, next to Farmera' and Fruit growers' Bank. Coolest placo In town. FOR RENT Ono nice sleeplnc room, 222 South Holly. Office Rooms. FOR RENT stairs. 133 W. Office Main. rooms, up 64 Miscellaneous. FOR LEASE Fully equipped gold mine; ten-stamp mill and concen trator, all orerated by electric pow- ei. Owner will furnish free elec tric power for share In proceeds. See Smith, at Condor Water & Power Co. FOR RENT Hotel, medium elzo, furnished complete; doing flno business In a live town. See owner at thtsoftlce for two days, or ad dress "T," Mail Tribune. HELP WANTED. Help Wanted. WANTED Young couple on ranch two miles out; modern home; all city conveniences; woman to attend to houso work; man to assist about place. Three In family. Address F., care of this office. 63 Help Wanted Female. WANTED Young lady to assist as partner In tho show builness. Ad dross G-3, care of this of.'ico. 63 WANTED Woman to do washing for small family. Phono A. C. Allen, 70C1 Farmers. Help Wanted Male. WNTED""--" FirsNclosi surveyor. Call at office of Roguo River Elec tric Company. WANTED Paper carriers. Apply at Mall Trlbuno, betweon 3:. 10 nnd 4:30. WANTED Man familiar with tho uso of n ripsaw; ono with bo.c fac tory oxporlonco preferred. Big Pines Lumber Co. WANTED A good etondy, middle aged man who understands the can of cows and garden work. Good wages to tho right man. Address F, P., Eagle Point. ' 66 WANTED Experienced atone cutter and quarry man. Call at Condor Wntor and Powor Co's. otflco. WANTED Compotont etonogra phor; ono with somo knowledge of bookkooplng proforrod. Must bo ready to begin at onco. Apply R. R. Fruit Produco Assn., 16 Main St. WANTED Al lathor; married, sobor, rollnblo, wants contract work. Address Lathor, Park Vlow Hotol. 67 Positions, WANTED A middlo aged woman wants work, washing and Ironing In private family, or holp in kitch en. Address "Thoo," Mail Tribune office. WANTED-r-Posltion by young man, Havo had oxporlonco ns material clork and tlmo kcopor. References. Address F, F, Hood, general dollv ory, Medford, Oro. " 63 WANTED. WANTED Lady of business ability alno good hounokeopor, wants po sition In a respectable gontloman's homo or some trustworthy placo whoro work is not too hard. Write or call, 414 North Front St. 65 WANTED A business woman with road tenm and buggy Is at llborty for engagements. What have you to offor? Address, J. L., caro of this office. 68 Miscellaneous. WANTED Setting hena and little chickens. Call up Main 441. tf WANTED Modern Call Main 1771. 8-room houso, WANTED To borrow $1300 for ono year; will pay 10 per cont. Address P. O. Box 172. First-class secur ity. WANTED Furnished housekeeping rooms, 125 S. Oakdale Ave, 64 WANTED A mulo, weight between 110-111 pounds. Charles W. Isaacs, 115 N. Oakdal3 Ave. tf WANTED To rent on shares a place for tbl-s year. Address Brown, care this office. WANTED Anyone desiring to com bine shipment of household goods In car from Minneapolis, see R. L, McBrlde, Hotel Moore. 63 LOST. f-OST A kodak, on the road be tween Jacksonville and Col. Wash-h burn ranch. Please return to this office. J-95T A roll of film for kodak on road between Jacksonville and Col. Washburn'B ranch. Finder please return to C. W. Wllmoroth, care Tribune. LOST A receipt booK belonging to Chan. Palm. Finder please return to Brown & Wakefield's office, Palm Block. FOR EXCHANGE. FOR SALE Or exchange for coun try property, 2 3-4 acres, 10-room house; pumping plant. 40 fruit trees; 5 blocks from Main street; on North Riverside; Bear Creek bottom. Inquire at 317 E. Main FOR EXCHANGE A six-cylinder Ford auto In good condition. Will trade for Medford real estate; town lota or acreage. Waltor McCallam, Nash Hotel. 67 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys, WITIHNGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm building. A. E. REAMES office. -Lawyer. Over PoBt- PORTER J. NEPP, WM. P. MEA LEY Attorneys-at-law. No. 9 D street, grouud floor. COLVIG & REAJrES W.'M. Col vig, C. L. Rcames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank build ing, second floor. B. P. MULKEY Attornoy-at-law. Offices room 30, Jackson County Bank building. Medford. Architects. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and Builders, office 7-8, 235 Main. Phone Main 3471. Residence phonf '2471. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phono 351. Night phones: C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H. Butler 3573. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mackey and dio with joy." Over Al len & Reagan's storo; entrance on Seventh street. Medicines. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will euro rheumatism, asthma, paralysis, soros and pri vato diseases. Theso remedies may be prooured at tho Sing Leo laun dry, 123 S. Riverside avenue, Med ford, Or., whoro they will bn sold by tho propriotor. Dr. Chow Young has treated sav oral severe eases with his remedies since coming to Medford and has for reforonao somo of tho host known and most intelligent citizens in Southorn Orecron. Call on him. Messenger Service. MESSENGER SERVICE Messen gers furnished nt nil houso of day and till 9 p. m. to nny part of city, from 10a to 25o. Phono Main 1812. Painters and Pnperhangora. GERWOLF & WARD, contracting paintors, paporhangers nnd deco rators; signs. Estimates given on all kinds of day and job work. Pari View Hotel. Phone Main 1801. Llfo Scientist. MRS. LILLIAN A. ELDER, Lifo Soi ontist Privato instruction in "Now Psychology" and "Now Thought" prinoiplos. Cnllors rocoived Wed nesdays, 127 South Grape stroot. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hospital. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 341 South C st., Medford, Or. E. W. Hisoy, Matron. Official koapital P. & E. R. R. Rill Postern. VERNE T. CANON BUI PosUr ta4 Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 20, Jackson County, Bank building, Medford. Or. Hal stato. SEE WM. E. STACEY & CO. for some of tho choicest bargains ta real estate in this valley. Also Brit ish Columbia and Alberta, B. C, aa4 other parts. Call on him at Bitntr" office, Phipps building, or at the Medford Anto company's garag. where we start out onr agents for the AJadden Mantle Lamp mi hid den window screen. We will treat yon right. Come and see. Printers and Pabltehers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. hM the best-equipped job office in Sooth era Oregon; Portland prieM. 37 South Central avenue. BUlfand Parlor. S. T. BROWN CO. Billinrtf, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up atalra.. Yonng & Hall building. A niee, ttttUt place to spend the hot afternoons. Carriage and Aato Paiatisg. VALLEY SIGN AND CARB1AUJB WORKS High-class work gaaran teed. Signs. Riverside afMnc. Phone 80L FarnltHre. H. F. WILSON & Co., dealers ia new and second-hand fornitare and hardware. Agents for Mound City kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh nt MISSION FURNITURE WORKS - Corner 8th and Holly sts., Medford. Mission Furniture made to order.. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook 8tove and Ranges. New and Second-Hand Furniture. Eads' old stand, 18 W. F st. South. Phone 91. MedfnrH Or Narserieo. QUAKER NURSERIES Oar trees are budded, not grafted. Oar stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put oat. We are not in the trust H. B. Patterson, office ia. Hotel Nash. E0GUE RIVER NURSERY CO., INC. C. F. Cook. VZrsssmKSS tttihUsttf, DR. W. M VAN SCOYOC, Dentist- Office in rooms 203-204, Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' bank building, 7eet, of the tracks. Physicians and Sargeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Office and resi dgnoe phone Main 3432. GONROY & CLANCY Office in Stewart building Physicians and. Surgeons. Office phone Main 341; privato phene Main 612. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY, Physi cians and Surgeons, Taylor & Phipps bldg., rooms 210, 211, 212. Office phono 501, residence phone 612. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. mJ DR. F. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians. Mission block. Phone 291. Medford. Cigars and Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokohouso Dealers in tobacco, cigars and smok ers' supplies. Exclusive agents of Lewis Single Binder, El Merito and El Paloncia. 212 West Main street. Building Contractor. ALEX. TAYLOR, Building Con tractor Houses, bungalows, alter ations, repairs. 31 North Central avenue, opposite postqffice. Ilrlelc Companies. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Priddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manufacturers of brick; dealors in pressed brick and limo. Office in Postoffice block, room 5. Phono No. 3181. Brick Layers. BRICKLAYERS K. Kusin, at Smokohouso, first-class bricklayer, stoneworkor, cement Bteppw stuooo and moulding, fireplaoea and tile work a specialty, Earopeaa plan; day or oontrnot. Legal Blanks. LEGAL BLANKS All stylos of le gal blanks for sale, a hundred dif ferent forms. Medford PHnfinp r Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin she-it iron ware on hand and mad to order. 128 North G Street: Stenographers. ELLA M. OAUNYAW Palm block. Stonogrnphio w.ork done quickly and well. M. FORTESCUE Stenographer. II N. Front st. Phone 231. lMteiij'.iiiir!niiii'iifit""ti"h" ' ' ""