Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 02, 1910, Image 1

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..,.lrtflM SOOW''
"Half a Chance," a Thrilling and Gripping Serial Story By Frederic S. Isham, Starts in Today's Issue of the Daily Mail Tribune
Medford Mail Tribune
Full Leaned Wlro Itcport.
TiiiiIkIiI anil "rlilny Cltmr
mill wurmor,
Tho only papor In tho world
publu-hod In a city tho iIm o
Medford baring a loaned wire.
immi yeae.
No. 63.
Suit Already Filed Is But Preliminary
Move Department of Justice Plans
to Mako Analnst Railroad Abuses
Over tho Entire Country.
WASHINGTON, I). C. Juno 2.
'ffiir'fMltii; of tho HtilL ugnlutit tho
twenty-flvo Western rnllromU which
remitted In a temporary Injunction
ngnlmit rntn IncrcnHcn Krnnted by
Federal Judge Dyer at Haunlbtil,
MlHuniirl, In until to lio tho (trnt inovo
In iv fur reaching cnmpnlgn ngnliiHt
railroad nbiiMCH by tho department of
Juutlco. CoinplnlntH from nil pnrtii
of the country where rnto Increases
are proponed will bo mndo It Ih un
derstood mid theno romplalntn It Ih
Intimated by tho department of Jhb-tlt-o,
will result in Kiiltit Mlmllnr to
that already filed.
In Home catieM prolextn against In
creano have already boon made and
In other canes the action Ik expected
to follow tho filing with tho Inter
state rommerco coiiu:iIhhIoii the
iieheduloH Incrcnnlng tho former
rateH. A protet against the rut oh
between Chicago and SI. Paul, raug
Ini; from 10 to .10 pur rent will bo
made It Ih tindorniood.
(Continued on Page Might.)
Medford Residents Urued to Sign In
itiative Petition Stiumlttlnn Matter
of Ashland Normal School to the
People In November.
The Medford Commercial Club at
ltd meeting WcdncKdny ovonlnc took
action ondornliiK tho Normal School
nltiiatlou in AHhlnnd mid endorsed
tho Initiative movement urKliiK Mod
ford people to generally sign tho pe
titions The reHolutlon adopted la
nfl follewH:
HeHolvcd, That It Ih tho senso of
this Comiuorulnl Club that tho people
of Southern Oregon will Horv tho
bcHt IntcreHts of tho entire Htnto, and
particularly of Southern Oregon, by
dIkiiIiik tho initiative petition which
HiibinttH to tho votorH of tho Htnto a
bill to provide for tho pormnnont hup
port and mnliitennuco of tho Southern
Oregon Htnto Normnl School at Ash
land, Oregon.
And, wo rocommend that all our
people to whom tho petition la pro
Hontod will glvo It their henrty on
Secretary Conrnd of tho Medford
Commeiclal Club Iiiih tendered hla
realgiiatlon to the club and It Iiiih boon
nccopted, No huccohhoi' Iiub boon de
cided 111)011,
I''or the past your and a halt Mr.
Conrad Iiiih labored hh nocrotnry of
tho club nnd Iiiih dono hla work woll,
It Ih with rogrot-thnt IiIh rcalgnntlon
wan rocolvod.
DOVKIt, KuKland, June Q.
CliarlcH Stewart KollN, aviator, estab
HhIioiI a new worhl'H record with tho
aero)auo tlila ovenlng. Itolln flow
acroHH tho Engllnh chaniiel, landed
In 1'Vance, nod after a short rest ,
nuide a HiicccHHful return flight to
Htifie Mob of Women Rush Dluccoats
to Force Their Way Into Court
room to Attend Trial of Mrs. Dora
Doxey for Murder
ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Juno 2. Women
fought and pulled hair and mobbed
the police in an effort to net into
tho courtroom where Mrs. Dora
Doxey, on trial for tho murder of
William J. Krder, won expected to
take the Htaml.
Tho corridorH were jammed lone;
before the time for tho trial mid po
lice were hurried to the courtroom to
in event disorder. The ju mbcenmo
no great Hint tho police were forced
to line strenuous measures before or
der could be restored.
The women endeavored to rush the
bltieeoatH and force their waV into
the courtroom. It wan feared that
Home of them would be hcvcrclv in
jured in the ciiimIi, but the officers
finnlly forced the leaders back nod
tho corridors wore clenred.
Mr. Doxev, who alleged that she
was married to Krdor while at the
name time tho wife of Dr. Lorm
Doxev of Columbus, Neb,, was ex
pected today lo tell tho whole dorv
(Continued on Pni;o 8.)
Commercial Club Adopts Resolutions
Looklna Toward Preservation of
All Initiation Rights In Valley of
tho Ronue.
Learning that tho Oold Hill Iwor
Compnny hnH applied for vented rlglita
In the wnters of Itoguo Rlvor and Its
trlbutnrlcH tho Medford Commorchil
Club lact evening took otopa to pro
vent any Interference with irrigation
In tho vnlloy. Tho following resolu
tion wan adopt ed:
We, the Medford Commorclnl Club,
understanding that ono or moro oloc
trlc power companion hnvo recently
applied for vented rights to nil tho
watora of, tho Rogue Rlvor, bollovlng
thnt hiicIi n frnnchlao would Interforo
with futuro Irrigation in this vnlloy,
which Is OHflontlnl to our best eco
nomic growth, hereby petition, thnt
If their application be granted Blintl
Htlpulnto na follews:
Wo horoby wnlvo any nnd nil ob-
Jectlona to tho diversion of wntor for
Irrigation purposea from Itoguo Rlvor
or Kh tributaries, and nuthorlzo tho
atato engineer to ho limit this appli
cation In hla endorsement.
NOltTII 1MND, Wash., Juno 'J.
The South KoiU liimhei' mill, two
miles oust of here, was totally de
stroyed by firo and will probably ho
rebuilt! iiceordiiu; to tho owners to
day. The loss is 00,000, half of
wluoh is said to bo covered by in
surance. Ono hundred mid fifty em
ployes at the plant fought the fire.
Moro than 3,000,000 foot of luiii-
bor wns also destroyed.
BERLIN, Juno 2. Ono hundred
mill twenty-two nutomobilos started
today in tho endurance race inaug
urated by Princo Honry. Tho drivers
will ondouvor to oovor 1200 miles in
bovoii days.
Thousands of pooplo witnosscd tho
start and tho rosults will bo hul
lotiuod throughout tho raoo, It is
probloniatienl how many of the 122
stnrters will finish on Juno 0.
Whipple Hall at End of 15 Mile Flight
Mr. Hall Will Fly Here June 4 and 5
. u
v ' . , .. .
"- $i 4J V a"
- ; ?
Army Under General Lara Retreats
In Disorder Path Marked by1
Train of Dead and Wounded j
Would Seek Safety on Cruiser. I
HLUKFIELUS, Nicaragua, June 2
(By Wireless to .Colon). Couriero
who hnvo reached Bluofields from
tho south toduy nay that retreat ot
tho Miulrir. army under Qoueral Lnra
has turned into a rout. Tho line of
rotrcnt is marked by a train oi i."?ti
nnd wounded. Gonornl Lara is en-
donvoriiiK to reach (Iroytown or
Monkoy Point, whoro the eruiMu
Venus is expected to tnko hit, sol -
diors aboard.
Other reports today wiy the in-
Riirgents under General Menu de -
fon tod the goeriiineiit tioop-, under
Oeneral Chaivarras nt Kmnn.
'Estrnda is planniuj,' to take ml-
vimtiiLM of the vietories so far ouin-1
od and is plnnniue; to out off tho re-
trent of Lara and force his surron-,
dor. Further fighting near Huron is !
Frank C. Clark and J. W. Slingor
hnvo been elected to membership ill
tho Medford Commereinl club.
Tom Hoot, who stabbod Loo Myors
yostorday afternoon In tho English
Chop Houso on Front street, wns
lound over to npponr before tho grand
Jury by Juatlco Canon this morn
ing. Root lntorposod no dofonso. Ho
snld thnt ho had como up from San
Frnnolaco to Klamath Falls nnd from
thoro ho hnd walked across tho
mountains, arriving In Medford Tuos
dny ovonlng. IIo disclaimed any roc
olleotlon of tho stabbing.
M. S. Johnson, proprietor of tho res
taurant tostlflod 08 to tho ocourrnnco
substantially as prlntod tn tho Mall
Tribune- Wednesday ovoulng,
4 i
. ', '
Accompanied Only by His Mechanic,
Local Aviator Soars on Main
Street, to Delight of Large Gather
ingMay Enter Lists Saturday
and Sunday.
Hns anybody here seen Kelly?
K E doublo L Y.
Has anybody horo seen Kelly?
Kolly who tried to fly.
His start was fast, ho rose sublime.
And how thnt dam machine did
climb 1
Hns anybody hero seen Kelly
olly, with Ins Uveiiaud oar.
, 'UK1' K- K-JWy. Aviator, is the
, way you write it now.
At his first trial flight hold lnl
'voninjr, JihIro Kelly, Modford'h onlv
locnl nmn-bird, aeeompnnioii '
i Chnrles A. Malboeuf. meohnnie, n.
to boights sublime, to the Rrent !'
lootntlon of a largo Kathorinc on
Jr stioot. where the stunt was
1H1 off. Tho flight was successful I
" vdry particular, and if True Cox
cnu D0 I'orsunded to allow further
grading to bo done in his alfalfa I
field at Oak Park, so that the proper j
"liP-PF fnn bo constructed, Kolly'
(Continued on Page 8.) i
Young Man Stabbed on Wednesday in
English Chop House Resting Eas
ilyAssailant Interposes No De
fenso nnd Is Bound Over to Grand
Pollcomnu Ulnton, who mndo tho
nrreat, Identified tho weapon usod
and testified that tho knlfo was In
Root's hand nnd opon nt tho time ho
mndo tho nrrost,
Justlco Canon placed Root undor
S500 bonds In default ot which ho
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Conference of Attorneys Represent
ing 25 Roads Being Held to Find
a Way to Get Around Injunction
of Commission.
ST. LOUIS, Mo June . A con
ference of attorneys for tho 23 roods
against whom an injunction prohib
iting rate increases was granted nt
Hannibal, Mo., was scheduled to be
held in Chicago today.
It is believed tho roads will en
deavor to hnvo thu temporary in
junction granted by Judge Dyer dis
sohed in order to bring the ease to
immediate trial.
Tho representatives of tho rail
roads sav that reports that they in
tend to make capital of tho eleventh
hour filing of tho government's suit
nro not true. They will not resort
to such a line of defense, they de
clare United States marshals today are
serving notice of the injunction on
tho various roads and tho court or
dors nro being oboyed. Representa
tives of tho roads, say they have no
set tariffs now, as it is necessary to
inform tho intorstnte commorco com
mission thnt the old rates are again
in force, and this has not us yot been
was remnnded to tho county jail.
Leo Myers, who was tho victim ot
the affray, is resting easily nnd will
soon bo about again. Tho wound,
while n serious one, la not dangerous,
as no vital pnrts wpro Injured. How
ever, Myors had a narrow escape Just
how closo ho enmo to losing his Ufa
Is shown by tho condition ot tho blndo
ot tho kntfo. At tho point ot tho
knlfo tho odgo is turned, whllo tho
rest of tho blade la of rnzorllko koon
ness. Thnt tho point of tho knlfo
struck n rib and tho course of the
blow dofloctod, making a gash across
Myors' sldo tnstond ot n puncture In
his hoart was a mnttor of luck for
Commercial Club Arranges to Have
Permanent Exhibit in Chamber of
Commerce In Portland, and Also
Special Exhibit at Chicago.
Steps were taken at last evening's
session of tho Medford Commercial
club for tho farther advertising of
the valley by means of exhibits, one
in Chicago and one in Portland.
A proposition that the club tako
one three-tier table in the chamber o
commerce exhibit in Portland, said
table to be kept filled with fruits,
vegetables and various products of
Rogue River valley, for which the
club pny to the chamber of com
merce the sum of $25 per month, wns
ncccptcd. The chamber of commerce
is to process the fruit, hand out lit
erature and in other ways promote
tho interests of the Rogue River val
ley. Other valley towns will be asked
to co-operate.
R. P. Cross, representing the Unit
ed States land and irrigation exposi
tion to be held in Giicngo in No
vember, wns present and submitted a
proposition to the club. Space was
taken at a price of $720. Details
arc to be left to the advertising com
mittee. "FRAME UP' 'SAYS
California Executive Declares All
Fights Are Fakes and That He
Will Not Have Anything to Do
With Them.
CHICAGO, 111., June 2. Governor
Gillette of California, discussing the
Jeffries -John son fight, declares it is
a "frome-up" nnd thnt Jeffries will
"All fights nre fakes," said the
California executive. "I don't want
to hnvo anything to do with them, or
with anybody connected with them.
"Tho Jeffries - Johnson fight
scheme is simply a scheme to mnke
a lot of money out of tho credulity
of tho public. Anybody with nny
least bit of sense knows that the
wlii 1 6s nre not going to allow John
son or nny other negro to win the
world's championship.
"Johnson knows thnt, so he's
ngreed to lay down for money."
LONDON, Juno 2. Tho story of
tho discovery of tho North Polo was
told to King George today by Com
mander Robert E. Peary. Peary
was received by tho king who asked
tho Amorlcan naval officer to toll
about his experiences In tho frozon
King George said ho hoped Cap
tain Scott, tho English oxploror, who
Is now on a voyage In tho Antarctic
In an nttompt to find tho South Polo,
would Buccood.
"I wish Captain Scott would dis
cover tho South Polo bo that tho
Anglo-Saxon raco would got credit
for discovering both ends of tho
enth," ho said.
President Taft loft Washington to
day for a four-day trip. Ho will
sponk nt Bryn Mawr, Pa., Ada, O.
and nt Munroo, Jnokson and Detroit,
IIo will deliver tho commoncoinout
address nt tho commencement exor
cises of tho Ohio Northern university
nt Ada tomorrow.
Local Men Visit Dam to Inspect Wsrfc
of Men Employed by State ts Re
pair Flshway Conditions Will
Colonel Frank L. Tou Velio. J. D-
Hcard and G. Putnam loft this morn
ing for the Ament dnm, where tbojr
are inspecting tho work of construct
ing nn adequate fishway over tha
dam, in order to stop tho wholesale
slaughter of fish at that point. They
made the trip at tho suggestion of
Master Fish Warden McAllister.
who directed Deputy Fish Warden
Clanton to take six men and plac
tho dam in the proper condition. Tha
local men will make such suggestions
to Mr. Clanton thnt they sec fit.
It is thought that an adequate
fishway can be constructed in a day
or two, which will fulfill all require
ments and allow tho fish to make
their way upstream.
The local men will also meet Attor
ney-General Crawford, who is at th
dam today, to see to tho enforce
' 5
ment of the state law,
$635 A YEAR '
Soliciting Committee Reports That
Good Progress Has Been Made
Have Not Completed Work Not
Satisfied With Banks.
At last eveniner's session of tha
Commercial club F. V. Medynski re
ported for the soliciting committoa
thnt so far they had raised $C35.5
per month.
lie also said thut the three lareer
banks in tho city hnd offered to con
tribute only $16 per month, and the
fourth one proportionately, but that
tho entiro subscription of tho four
bonks ot that rate would not aggre
gate as much as tho subscription of
one bank alono in Hood River, which
hnd smaller deposits than nny ono of
our three older bnnks. Ho rend let
ters from other Commorcinl clubs in
tho state which showed that local
banks wero not doing their shnro.
The club agreed to stand behind tho "
committco in whatever action they
NEW YORK, Juno 2. That sev
eral stock exchange houses are ioi
trouble as a result of speculation is
reported in Wall Street today. Iai
spito of this, however, it is oxpoetoii
that thoro will bo a gradual market
Tho big factor in the btook mar
kets just now, Wall streot believes
in tho railroad factor. The 25 west
ern rnilronds ngainst whom tho gov
ernment has already brought suit, it
is beliovod, will bo undor heavy pres
sure for somo time, nnd this in itsolf
makes tho financial outlook a little
gloomy.. Wnll streot holiovos thnt tha
government will win tho Ilnnnibn,
Mo., suit, nnd thnt tho victory wilt
bo followed by an attack on tho enBt-
orn mnnngors trnffio association
and this, it is beliovod, will keep con
ditions unsettled tor somo time.
Besides this, thoro nro dnngors of
further rnilrond complications.
Twonty-two rnilronds, comprising
the Central Freight Traffic associa
tion and oporntine botweon Cincin
nati, Louisvillo and Chicngo, today;
tiled tariffs with the interstate coin-
(Continued on Page 8.)
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