tfmmvmtmi1 twxrPtoit iw ')linmjit..?vwfir' Af i MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDITORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1910. .-. - If You Want to Buy, Sell, Hire, lease or Find -Want-Advertise! ---- -- -- - wwiiMwiimw w JACK JOHNSON HAS GROUCH Manniicr Gooruo Llttlo Quarrels With Puulllst Over Motor Car and Trainer anil Is Likely to Quit Billy Nolan Probable Successor. SAN KHANCJSCO, Cnl., Jimu 1. -TliiiiKH arc popping in tho Jaok John flon camp. Every ono hns a grouch and tlio lilgguBl ono Ih hooked unto tho system ol' Alaimor Gcorgo Littlo, who ia uoro ovur a number of tiling and who may puck up and trundle buck to Chicago any day. Liltlu nnd Joliniioii liavu fpinrrcllod and with Hilly Nolan in tho offing it would not liu Hiii-prising it' thu negro worn to inako a Hwitoh in iiiiinngorri within a vury short time. liiltlo'H imrtiuiilnr grouch hooiiib to lmvu boon inspired by JoIiiihoii'h rac ing uar. "I'm JoIiiihoii'h miiiiugur and I'm bowii of tliiH oamp, don't you for get that," (loclaroil Littlo, oinphatio ally. "If Johnson IiiHiHtH uhhi koop illg that racing car around liuru I'll blow it up. JohiiHou and I had our firat fall-out ovur that car. It's nil right for him to go chiming around in thu car after thu fight, hut jiiHt now thu fight in tho thing. JuhiiHon'ri grouch (h tho result of tho attack Littlo mado on Big Hart, thu ncgro'x diminutive trainor. "Lit tin ituiHt buhavo or got out of camp," Baid Jack, wIioho feelings havo boon further lacoratod by tho rocuipt of numorotiH threatoning letters. In some of thuHo commuuicatioiiH ih ooutainud thu iufonuatiou that John boh will bo killed if ho knocks out Jeffries nnd othorx doolaro that harm will ooino to him if ho docu not cchho 'OOiiRorting with white womon. Mart in thu posHOHHor of peovo No. 3, tho boating Littlo gave him having raffled up bin feeling ns well ns bin countenance. All in all, tho John son camp is far from boing a dovo cotu. XLIMDS MT. 8HASTA THROUGH DEEP SNOW SISSON, Cal., Juno 1. J. A. DIoRHor, an nrtiat of Snohomish, Waflh.. hnK broken tho rocord for tho enrly axcout of Mount Shasta. Blossor reached tho summit yoster dny uftor digging a trail through lcop nnow. Tho trip was mndo from UorHo Camp in 11 houra. Lator in tho hciihoii only four houra in re quired. Blossor brought back Hovoral pho togrnpliH from thu Hiimmit. KLAMATH FALLS TEARS UP OLD HORSE CAR LINE KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Juno l. "Klamath Fulls' fUrcotcar system in now a thing of thu piiHt. Yostordny tho Klamath Falls Laud & Traction company put a crow of mou tearing up tho Main-street track, which has l)eoii ordered by tho city council to lo taken up and out of tho way of the Houor and Having work. Tho fltrootcar company ha nuked tho city council to grnnt a now fran chise for their Hiioh in tho city to take tho place of tho old ono, and if this is granted thu company ngrous to completely modornir.u thu entire nystciu. IiiHtead of tho old, obsolete horso car which wuh brought from San FranciHco bore mid placed on tho run for thu first time on thu Fourth of July, 11)08, a largo motor car will Hiicccod. Tho present line in something over two miloB long and when tho now frnuchiHo in granted tho company ex pects to build what it will torm a bolt lino around tho larger portion of tho town. Whou thin in done tho lino will bo throe mikm long. DR. COOK WILL NOT BRING BACK RECORDS NEW YORK, Juno 1. Captain B. If. Ofihorn, a cIoho friend of Dr. Cook, declared today that Cook did not intond to bring back records from Utah. ITo fluid :thnt hoiiio othor man would bring tho reuordH baok this wintor and would provo that Cook renohod tho north polo. :CHANGE IN FORESTRY SUPERVISOR AT SISSON SISSON, Cal., Juno 1. W. B. Ridor, proBont BiiporviBor of tho Shniita roBorvo, with offiooR in Sis eoii, will Boon mnvo to Yroka, whoro ho ih o Hiiccood It. L, Frommo, who gooB to Omuls PnHR, Or. Mr. Rider will bo Buoooodoi by R, F, Ilammatt, formerly of tho distrlot office nt Snn IFrnnolBOo, WRIGHTS' AFTER CURTISSJI 0,000 Inventors of Aeroplane Expect to Win Suit Aijalnst Aviators for In frlnncmcnt of Patent Send No Connrattilatlons. NKW YORK, Juno 1. Wlilla the local newspapers are vioiug in the offering of prizes for long-distaneo aoroplauiu flightH, the Wright' Brow, are Bilent, and tboir hIIoiico given riso today to Bpeiiulatiou and comment in thu world of things noriul. Tliu Wrighln have patent hiiiIh ponding and it in believed that (hey aro certain of winning thuHo Hiiitn. Aviation exports declare that Wilbur and Orvillu aro holding back, willing to lot tho other risk their Hvch while they collect tho prir.o money through ordora of thu court. If the WrightK win their Hiiit agaiiiBt Qleun II. Cur tiHB, that aviator must turn over to them the $10,000 ho won for IiIb dar ing flight from Albany to Now York. The Wrights claim that tho Curtiss neroplano !h an infringement of their patentH nnd that thoy aro entitled to all benofitB accruing from Hb use, as woll an to a court ordor rcHtraiuiug CurtirtH from flying in machiucH mod elled after thcir's. It wiih commented upon freely that of all tho congratulationH poured on CurtiBB from nil parlB of tho world by distiuguiHhcd nvintora, commenda tion by tho Wrights was withheld. It waB thought that tho WrightB might sot aside logal considerations for tho time being and prniso tho daring of tho man. It is boliovcd, however, that thoy feared such action would hnvo jeopardized their case. Tho Wrights aro silent regarding tho joint offor of the Now York TimcH and Chicago Kvening Post of n priro of $25,000 for n flight bo tweon New York nnd Chicago, and tho joint offer of tho Now York World nnd St. Louis Post-Dispatch of a prize of $30,000 for a flight bo twecn St. Louis nnd Now York. Representatives of tho papers woro scheduled to determine tho conditions to bo impoood on tho flyers. RINGS OF MAGNESIUM FOR THREAD IN SURGERY CHICAGO, 111., Juno 1. Tho Bub Btitutiou of rings of magnesium for tho thread in surgery makes possible tho grafting of Bcvorod limbs and tho repairing of diseased artories, ao cording to Dr. Victor D. Lcspinnsso today. Tho Burgeon announced his diboovery to an alumni of physicians of tho Northwestern University Med ical school. Dr. Lcspinnsso said that ho had experimented for five years with magnesium and obtained a porfoot blend, bo that tho rings dissolve as tho artories or bonos grow togothor. Two rings aro placod on the severed ends and theso aro joined by threat holding tho ends togothor. Dr. Los pinasso shid that siuco ho obtained tho correct consistency of maguos ium no experiment had failed. Tho doctor's operations were per formed on animals, Ho successfully knitted broken bonos, joined arteries, livers nnd prevouted hemorrhages. Tho surgeop claims the now suture will mako it possiblu to repair artor ies weakened by drunkenness, ASHLAND ASSESSMENT IS NEARLY COMPLETED AssoBsor Patrick, who is still go ing tho rounds, oxpootod to wind up tho major portion of his work tho last of tho week, although there still romaiiiB some minor dotnils of as BosHiuout matters to attend to in the outlying districts. Each year adds to tho volume of business in this im portant dopnrtmout, and tho docon- nial census ouumorator isn't in it whon it oomos to filling out tho yonr ly assessment rolls. Tidings. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notlco ts horoby glvon thnt tho annual mooting of stockholders of tho Paclfto and Eastern Railway will bo hold at tho oftlco of tho company, In Medford, Oregon, on Monday, Juno 0, 1010, at 10 o'clock n. m, Dy ordor of tho President. 0. P. HUMPHREY, Socretary. nankins for TTottlth. STATISTICS Horn, AHLSTItOM At Aohland, May 20, 1010, to Mrs. and Mr, P. J, Ahl- Htrom, a daughtor. STEVENS At Aahland, May 20, The Want Ads Are Full of Facts That Have a Cash Value to You Tho classified adii iiohlotlmoo called "want ndc" aro .ilwaye rich In "caflh-valuo facta." It depends upon whnt your lmmodluto personal Intoroata aro an to what thoso facts aro aa to how much they aro worth to you In cash, Hut tboy aro there and thoy aio for you unless you should b a porson of no personal Intoronti. Which you aro not. If you hooIc work, noino of tho classified wnnt ads will bo of "cash valuo" to you. If you sooU work orn this Ih ntlll truo. If you want to soil something, YOUR USE OF THE CLASSIFIED WANT ADS WILL HAVE A DIRECT CASH VALUE TO YOU and bring you dlroct caBh rcturnn. It you wnnt to buy property of any sort, tho classified ads contain offers that will cnablo you to choooo INTELLIGENTLY, and to buy to tho host POSSIULE advantage. If you nook an Invcotmont or a bargain In a used artlclo cf any kind tho classified ads again hold tnnh-valuo facto for you. Home pooplo go on through tho troublous days of their lives but vnguoly awaro that tho classified ad vertisement aro constantly holpln pooplo all about thorn making tho dally routine easlor and more worth whllo. 1910, to Mrs. and Mr. G. C. StovcnB, a daughtor. Married. IIUUIIEB-EDSALL At Klamath Falls, May 25, 1910, Chas. H. Hughes and Miss Lllllo Edsall, both of Dly, by Kov. Vallnndlngham. LANE-HALLARD At Ashland, May 29, James W. Ltino and Mrs. Sophia Dalian, both of Medford. RU8H-ATICIN Orllo B. Rush and MIbh Mabel h, Atkln, May 29, at Ash land at tho brldo's homo by tho Rev, II. J. Van Fosson. ALLEN-TOSTBVIN At Ashland, May 29, Sldnoy R. Alton nnd Miss Edna Tostovln, by Rev. W. T. Van Scoy. FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE Two acres near city limits, $700. Cornor lot, Oakdale and Tonth, fiino. Cornor lot on West Main street; sidewalk laid nnd paid for, S1000. Two D-room cottages and tbrco largo lots, ono lot containing tbrco- quartern of an aero, 10 blocks out, I3G00. Other bargains In land and bear Ing orchards. D. H. JACKSON & CO. Oppoclto Hotel Moore. FOR SALE 20 acres of fruit land In tho valley two miles from post- oftlco, ono mllo from city limits; good houoo and barn; epan of mulos nnd wagon; two holfcrs and ovor GOO chlckons. A bargain aB an In vestmont or homo. Inqulro J. II Crcagor, G39 W, Palm Bt., Medford. 64 FOR SALE 48 acres of flno land, 3 acres a ttno garden as you ever saw, most nil In potatoes, all can bo cultlvatod easily; GO tlors of wood cut; wator right; can bo Irrl gated tho your round; prlco only 12000; I1G00 cash, balanco In 6 months. Address H. H. Hozlo, R. F, D. No. 1. FOR SALE 10 acres good gardon land, on main road 1 1-2 miles from Main stroot; all undor ditch. Price S3.G00. Will tako $1,000 In city property as part payment. Aylor & Darnott, noxt to Mall Tribune of flco. tf FOR SALE 498 acroa land In Scott Vallo, ono of tho most 'joautltul and foitllo spoU In California, mostly In alfalfa, and can bo Irrigated; woll Improvod, good foncos, nui". flrat class buildings; $45,000. tor fur thor parMculars addroca Walker Pros., Etnn Mills, Slolclyou county, California. 70 ALFALFA InndB In ton nnd tweuty- acro tracts, whoro six crops aro cut per year and 10 to 12 tons tho ylold. Irrigated by grnvlty wator supply. A. A. Martin, ngont, Los Mollnos Land Co. of California, Mooro Hotol. tt HiiHincfls Property, FOU SALE Choice businoss prop- orty nt a bargain, on long ttmo; easy torniB. Address Condor Wa tor Power Co. FOR SALE Flno businoss cornor, 100x100 foot, east and north fronts, within two blocks of now rtopot, 12 room house on It, flno location for roodorn hotel or roomlni houso. In qulro of owner at 13G North Bartlett at root. 03 Acreage. FOR SALE 30 acroa undor lrrlga- tlon. Partly sot to pears and applos. On Uno of Pacific & Eastorn R. II., at Fioh Lnko. Ad dress C. T. Forbes, R 2, Contral Point, Ore 100 FOR SALEt-5 nnd 10-noro trnota just within nnd adjoining city limits,-nt n bargain, on 5 annual puy inontB. Address Condor Wator Power Co. House, 'OR SALE 5-roont Iioubo, 31 South Orango stroot, $2000; houso nnd lot on Qonnott avonuo for $1100, En qulro of ownor on promlsos. J. A, Ilondoraon. 04 FOR SALE. Lota. FOR SALE City Iota, $20; for a small, Bafo Investment coo th city lota I offer at $300 and $2G0 per lot; $20 caah payment, balanco $10 por month; no Interest. H. C. Malt by, Palm 1 IdK. FOR SALE Two lots east sldo; big bnrgaln; party leaving town. E. B., Mall Tribune. 63 Farms and Orclwrds. t'OR SALE 00 acres, ttnett building Uto In tho alloy, includh g 30 acres good fruit land; cheap and terms right. H. O. Maltby, Palm BIdg., Main and Front. " FOR SALE: Ninety acres, 30 in one year old applo and pear trees, 100 Inches of water, 2 1-2 miles from railroad station. For terms write "Ownor," care Mall Tribune. 261 FOR 8ALE Atout 30 acres of good orchard land 1 1-2 miles east of Phoenix. Ono-half Is In orchard. Tolophone. Medford, 1,199, or ad dress C. T.vPayne, Phoenix. Ore. FOR SALE Fruit farm In Douglas ceunty: a bargain; 36 acres; 23 acroa in full bearing orchard; 3 acres Spltzorbcrg apples; 4 acres ponchos; 1G acres prunes; 1 acre cherries and poars; 2 ncrsa garden 3 acres hay, balanco pasture; some timber, oaough for wood; Joining city llfmtls; beautiful location; largo fruit dryor and small cannery on nlaco; 8-room houso, barn and out buildings; 3 wolls; also good spring on place; on county road; cldewalk to town; crop, team, wagon, buggy, nnm lie nnri all tnnln en with nlaCO! ..V. .W. .... . w.w 0w " w- M- r prlco $260 por aero; place will bo worth doublo this inside G yeani; slmllor land Just sold fo. $600 por aero. I wnnt to go back Into busi ness roaco f.r Belling. Address E. Hollwill, ownti, Yoncalla, Or. FOR SALE: A flno ton-acro ranch, hnlt in cultivation; three acres al fnlfa; small houso; good woll; one- nunrtor mllo from school, church and dopot; an Ideal fruit, borry or poultry ranch. Address box 617, Woodvlllo, Oregon. 62 Horses. FOR SALE: Good riding pony; wolghB 800 pounda; young. H. F. Cnton, Contral Point, or Holmroth placo. 66 Miscellaneous. FOU SALE At West Sldo Barn, wag- on, harness, two horse. FOR SALE Planer; good hoov 16x26-Inch slnglo planer; knives, bolts, Bhnfts and pulloys; nil com pleto; In flno condition. Prlco $12G. Addrosa Box 617, Woodvlllo, Drcgon. 62 FOR SALE A full lino of Old Harap shtro and Oak Bonds, plain and cloth finish; lottor hoada and envelopes Mall Tribune oftlco. FOR SALE Logal blanks ot nil kinds trespuas and othor notices, at Mall Tribune office. FO RSALE AV'all papor, palntsTolIs. brushes, a vory comploto lino; In formation e.noorfuily glvon by an oxporloncoa painter. M. J. Motcalt, 318 E. Main st, FOR SALE Chandler & Price Gor don Jobbor, 11x14 press; a bargain. Inqulro Mall Tribune office FOR SALE For good wood and good moaBuro, try tho Bunkor Hill Wood Yard, at North end of O stroot. Phono 841. J. A. MoLood, Prop. FOR SALE Second hand surroy, In good ropalr. Mrs. S. A. Nye, 835 E. Main. FOR SALE Or will trado for alfal- fa hay, n $65 Columbia grand con cort graphoplono, with nearly 100 records In two cases; puco $30. Ad drosa 810 Oakdale nvonuo, South Medford. 05 FOR SALE Auto runabout; choap If taken at onco. Addrosa "W. P., caro Mall Trlbuno. 63 FOR SALE Ono windmill In good ordor; also good second hand bug gy, Inqulro at Woods Lumber Co. FOR SALE. Misccllanooua. TO EXCHANGE Income property In Los Angolcs, valued nt $27,600; mortgaged for $3,500; owner's equity $24,000. Will exchange for property of equal value In or near Medford. Thta property Is In first class coudlt'on and 1b bringing In a good ro.ital. It will .itand close inspection. W. T, York, & Co. WANTED Salesmen In every local ity of the northwest; money ad vanced weekly; many mako over $100 month; choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nurse' r Co., Top- SOR SALE At a bargain; light housekeeping outfit, Including good cook stove with reservoir. Address A. C, caro of this office. , FOR SALE Two fine cockerel spaniels, 8 months old; male, $15; female, $8. Inquire 21 South Peach street. 64 FOR RENT. Ilouaca. Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT Furnished front roomB, close In, suitable for one or two gen tlemen. 605 West Main. 62 FOR RENT Modern furnished raoma at 604 West 10th or 124 King street. FOR RENT Two new end nicely furnished sleeping rooms; easy walk ing distance; modern; bath on same floor; reasonable prices. Phone Main 4474. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room for two gentlemen or man and wife. 228 North Holly. tt FOR RENT Furnished room at 128 South Holly. 66 FOR RENT Now modorn furnished room at 128 South Holly St. 66 Office Rooms. FOR RENT Office roomB, up stairs. 133 W. Main. 64 Miscellaneous. FOR LEASE Fully oqulrped gold mine; ten-stamp . mill and concen trator, all oreratod by eloctrlc pow ei. Ownor will furnish free elec tric powor for share in proceeds. See Smith, at Condor Water & Power Co. FOR RENT Hotol, medium elre, furnished comploto; doing flno business in a live town. See owner at this offlco for two days, or ad dress "T," Mall Trlbuno. HELP WANTED. Help Wanted. WANTED Young couple on ranch two miles out; modern homo; all city conveniences; woman to attend to housework; man to assist about place. Three In family. Address F caro of this office. . 63 Help Wunteil Female. WANTED Lady cook at tho Dia mond. WANTED Young lady to assist as partner lu tho show builnoss. Ad dress G-3, care of this ofrico, 63 WANTED Woman tt) do washing for small family. Phono A. C. Allon, 7061 Farmers. Help Wanted Male. WANTED FIrst-claBS survoyor. Call at offlco of Rogue Rlvor Elec tric Company. WANTED Man familiar with tho use ot a ripsaw; ono with box fac tory oxporlonco preforrod. Big Pines Lumbor Co. WANTED Four-horso teams to haul lumbor; ton-mllo haul; ood roads; pormanent omploymont; stato prlco wantod por thousand. Address Im mediately, P. O. Box 212, Klamath Falls, Or. 62 WANTED A good etoady, middle- aged man who understands tho can. of cows and gardon work. Good wages to tho right man. Address F. P., Englo Point. 66 WANTED Exporlencod stone cutter and quarry man. Call at Condor Wator and Powor Co's. office. WANTED. Help Wanted Male. WANTED Al lathor; marrlod, sober, reliable, wants contract work. Addrosa Lather, Park Vlow Hotol. 67 WANTED Compotont stonogra- pher; ono with soma knowledge of bookkeeping profcrrcd. Must bo ready to begin at onco. Apply R. R. Fruit Produco Assn., 16 Main St. Positions. WANTED A middle aged woman wants work, washing and Ironing in private family, or help in kitch en. Address "Theo," Mall Tribune offlco. Miscellaneous. WANTED Setting hens and little chickens. Call up Main 441. tf WANTED Modern 8-room houso. Call Main 1771. WANTED To borrow $1300 for one year; will pay 10 per cent. Address P. O. Box 172. First-class secur ity. WANTED To rent Small modern houso, furnished or housekeeping apartments, by Juno 1st; will take excellent care of tho right place. Ad dress Mall Box 474, Medford. 62 WANTED A mule, weight between 110-111 pounds. Charlea W. Isaacs, 115 N. Oakdala Ave. tf WANTED To rent on shares a place for this year. Address Brown, care this office. WANTED Anyone desiring to com bine shipment of household goods In car from Minneapolis, see R. L. McBrlde, Hotel Moore. 63 LOST. LOST A kodak, on the road be tween Jacksonville and Col. Wash-h burn ranch. Please return to this office. i-OST A roll of fUm for kodak on road between Jacksonville and Col. Washburn's ranch. Finder please return to C. W. Wllmeroth, care Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE. FOR SALE Or exchange for conn try property, 2 3-4 acres, 10-room house; pumping plant, 40 fruit trees; 6 blocks from Mala street; on North Riverside; Bear Creek bottom. Inquire at 317 E. Main FOR EXCHANGE A slx-cyllndor Ford auto In good condition. Will trade for Medford real estate; town lots or acreage. Walter McCallam, Nash Hotel. 67 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys. WITHINQTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm boilding. At E. REAMES Lawyer. Over Post- office. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attorneys-at-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor, COLVIQ & REAMES W. M. Col- vig, C. L. Reamos. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank build' ing, second floor. B. F. MULKEY Attornoy-at-law. Offices room 30, Jackson County Bank buildinc. Medford. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dortakors. Day phono 351. Night phones: C. W. Conklin 3001, J. H. Butler 3571. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mackoy and die with joy." Over Al len & Reagan's store; entrance on Seventh street. Medicines. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will cure rheumatism, asthma, paralysis, sores and pri vate disoases. These remedies may bo proourod at tho Sing Lee laun dry, 123 S. Riverside avonue, Med ford, Or., whoro they will be sold by tho proprietor. Dr. Chow Young has treated sev eral severe oasos with his remedies sinco oomitif.' to Medford and has for roforouoo some of the best known nnd most intelligent citizens in Sonthorn Orocron. Call on him. Messenger Servico. MESSENGER SERVICE Messen gers furnishod nt nil house of day and till 9 p. ih. to any part of city, from lOo to 25a. Phone Mnin 1812. Painters and Papcrhangci-s. GERWOLF & WARD, contracting painters, paperhangers and deco ra tore; signs. Estimates given on all kinds of day and job work. Pari View Hotol. Phone Main 1801. Iilfc Scientist. MRS, LILLIAN A, ELDER, Life Soi ontist Privnto instruction in "Now Psychology" and "New Thought" prinoiplos. Cnllors roooived Wod nosdays, 127 South Grapo street. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hospitals. SOOTEEItN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C hL, Medford, Or. K. W. Hisoy, Matron. Offioial keapitaJ P. & E. R. R. BUI rosters. VERNE T. CANON-BJU Peater ai Distributor. Ail orders pveaaptijr filled. Room 29, Jaekaon Casatr Bank building, Meiford. Or. IU1 Estate, SEE WM. E. STACEY & CO. for some of the choicest bargaiaa in real estate in this valloy. Also Brit ish Columbia and Alberta, B. C, and other parts. Call on him at Bitoar's office, Phipps building, or at the Medford Auto company'a amrafte, where we start oat oar agmta for the AJadden Mantle Lamp ana hid den window screen. We will treat you right. Come and see. Printers, and FabUahera. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. ha. i& beat-equipped job offioa in Beath em Oregon; Portland priee. 37 oath Central avenae. Billiard Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs,,. Young & Hall building. A nice, cool place to Bpend the hot afternoon. Architects. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects an Builders, office 7-8, 235 Main. Phone Main 347JL Besiaenea paoca 2471. Carriage and Aato Palatlas;. VALLEY SIGN AND CABBIA'GJI WORKS High-class work oaraa teei. Signs. Riverside areas. Phone 80L Faraltare. H. F. WILSON & Co., dealers ia new and second-hand furniture and hardware. Agents for Mound City kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh at MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly eta., Medford. Mission Farnitnre made to ordor. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stovea and Ranges. New and Second-Hsad j Furniture. Bads' old stand, 18 ffk F st South. Phone 91, Medford. Or. Naraeries. QUAKER NURSERD3S Our trees are budded, not grafted. Oar stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out We are not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office ia Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER NURSERY CO- INC. C. F. Cook. Dentists. DR. W. M VAN SCOYOC, Dentist Office in rooms 203-204, Farmers' & Fruitgrowers' bank boilding, '7eat of the traoks. PbysfclaBS aad Surgeona. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Office and resi dence phone Main 3432. CONROY & CLANCY Office ia Stewart building Physicians aad Surgeons. Office phono Main 341; private phane Main 612. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia Physicians. Mission block. Phona 291. Medford. Cigars and Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse Dealers in tobacco, cigars and smok ers' supplies. Exclusive agents of Lewis Single Binder, El Merito and El Palencia. 212 Wcflt Main street. liuilding Contractor. ALEX. TAYLOR, Building Con tractor Houses, bungalows, alter ations, repairs. 31 North Central avenue, opposite postoffice. Brick Companies. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Goo. W. Priddy, O. D. Nnglo, Geo. T. O'Brioa Contractors nnd manufacturers of brick; dealers in prossod briok and lime. Office in Postoffice block, room 5. Phono No. 3181. Brick Layers. BRICKLAYERS K. Kuain, at Smokohouse, first-class bricklayer, stoneworker, cement steppisf stuoco and moulding, fireplaces and tilo work a specialty, European plan; day or oontraot. Legal Blanks. LEGAL BLANKS All stylos of la- gal blanks for sale, a hundred dif ferent forms. Medford Printinr Cn Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tia shent iron ware on hand and mad to ordor. 128 North G Street. Stenographers. ELLA M. OAUNYAW Palm block. Stonogrnphio work done quickly nnd well. M. FORTESCUE Stenographer, 11 N. Front st. Phone 231. J -j trsigxm