Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 01, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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C.rjrlght. 1999. hf B. Applrton
& Co.
"TK other dny yon said yon were
lorry when you left mo in thnt hot
cellar," Bald Coquenll. "Now you're In
a fairly hot place yourself, baron, and
Tin not sorry."
Do Hcldclmnnn-Bruck shrugged bis
"The point Is." said the baron, "I am
String to pay the price that society er
acts when this sort of thing Is found
eut. I am perfectly willing to pay It,
sot in the least afraid to pay it and,
above all, not In tho least sorry for
anything. I want you to remember
that and repeat it. I hare no patlcnco
with cowardly, canting talk about re
Kwrse. I hnvu never for ono nionent
regretted anything I hare done, and 1
regret nothing now. Nothing.' I have
and flvc years of tho best this world
an give power, fortune, social posi
tion, pleasure, everything, and what
ever 1 pay I'm ahead of the game. I
want you to believe, though, that 1
was genuine when I said 1 liked you.
1 was ready to destroy you, but 1 liked
ju. I like you now, Coqucnil, and
this is perhaps our last talk; they will
take me off presently, and you collect
dd souvenirs here Is one a llttlo
goodby from an adversary who was
game, anyway. You don't mind ac
cepting It?"
There was something in the man's
Tolce thnt Coquenll had never heard
there. Was it a faint touch of sentl
Bent? He took the ring that the baron
sanded him. an uncut ruby, and look
ed at it thoughtfully.
lie handed back tho ring.
The baron's face darkened. lie
made an angry gesture. Then hn
twisted the ring In bis Angers.
"Ah, that pride of yours! You've
keen brilliant, you've been brave, but
sever unkind before. It's only a bau
ale, Coquenll, and"
De Heldelmann-Brack stopped sud
denly, and 11. Paul caught a savage
fleam in his eyes; then, swiftly, the
Isaron put the ring to his mouth and,
racking in his breath, swallowed hard.
The detective sprang forward, but it
was too late.
"A doctor quick!" he called to the
"No use!" murmured the rich man,
Inking forward.
Coquenll tried to support him, but
the body was too heavy for bis band
aged hand, and the prisoner sank to
the floor.
I I won tho last trick, anyhow,
the baron whispered.
Coquenll picked up tho ring that had
fallen from a nerveless hand. Ho put
It to his nose and sniffed it
"Prusslc acid!" he muttered.
Two minutes later, when Dr. Duprat
rushed in, tho Baron do Heldclmann
Brack, unafraid and unrepentant, bad
gone to bis last long sleep. His face
was calm, and even In death his lips
aeemed set in a mocking smile of tri
umph. When a sweet young girl finds her
aclf In serious debt to a man and at
tho same time ono of the richest heir
esses in the world, sho naturally
wishes to give some substantial form
to her gratitude, even to tho extent of
a few odd millions from her limitless
-store, which Alice was very glad to do.
At any rate, Coquenll xvtti hence
forth far beyond any need of follow
ing his profession. Whatever use he
might In tho future make of his bril
liant talents would be for the sheer
Joy of conquest and strictly In tho
Bplrlt of art for its own sake.
On tho other hand, if at any time
ho wished to undertake a case it was
certain that the city of Paris or the
government of France would tender
him their commissions on a silver sal
ver, for now. of course, his Justifica
tion was complete, and by special ar
rangement he was given a sort of rov
ing commission from headquarters,
with Indefinite leave of absence. Best
of nil, bo wiih made chevalier of the
legion of Honor "for conspicuous pub
lic service." What a day It was, to
be sure, when Mme, Coquenll first
caught sight of that precious red badge
on her son's coat!
As for tho lovers, thero Is only this
to bo said that they were ridiculous
ly, Indescribably happy.
Tho young American had ono griev
ance. "It's playing It low on a fellow," ho
said, "when he's Just squared himself
to hustle for a poor candle seller to
ckaugo her Into a howling millionaire.
I'd like to know how tho devil I'm go
ing to bo a hero now?"
"Silly boy!" sho laughed, her radiant
eyes burning on him.
"You darling!" he cried. "My little
Sho looked up at him archly.
"Uoyd, dear, I know a nicer name
than Alice or Mary,"
"What is It, you llttlo beauty?" ho
murmured, drawing her closer still
and pressing his lips to hers.
Then, with wonderful dancing lights
la thoso deep, strange windows of her
soul, she whispered, "The nicest name
In tho world for mo is Mr$. Lloyd Kit
tredget" THE END.
4'iie ads aro taking on that "vaca
tion tone," nowadays.
, Haskks for Healtfc. , "
By A C.
Friday last I visitod Wolf Crook
with tho family of a friend and inin
istorinl brother, Bov. Mark C. Davis,
tho Sunday school missionary for
tho Congregational church m bouth-
orn Oregon. In passing lIohr over
tho route I noticed several changes
that had taken plnce siuco last lnll
and especially with regard to tho
iruit culture, for I could notice that
n number of tracts of land had been
recently put to fruit and that tho
families along tho route were turn
injr thoir attention to tho culture of
berries, and tho general appcarniijo
of things led mo to tho conclusion
that tho fanners of Roguo vnlloy
wore up to dato. I also noticed thnt
tho towns presented n much neater
appearance than what they did a
year ago. At Grants Pass wo were
led to think that wo had arrived at
a city of somo importance, as our
cars were greeted with the crying
of the venders of popcorn, ico cream,
Oregon npplcs, peanuts, etc., as well
as the names and prices of faro nt
the different hotels. I could seo that
there was considerable improvements
going on in the streets, but the main
part of tho town is so far from the
railroad that I could not sec much
of it. At that plnce the sheriff of
Josephine county and one of his dep
uties, H. X. Parker, boarded tho car
with Mr. McGuiries, on his way to
the penitentiary. Mr. Parker had his
family on board, and after leaving
the prisoner they intended to go on
to Washington to visit friends there.
By 8:30 p. m. I arrived at Wolf
Creek, where I was met by Mr. Da
vis, and after a horseback ride of
four miles reached his home, where
I found preparations being mndo for
a wedding tho following Sundny.
Sunday morning bj 9 o'clock some
of the invited guests began to arrive
and by 11 there were 21 of us thero
to enjoy the marriage festivities, and
nt 11 :10 George L. Howard and Miss
Maude Ellen Davis were joined in
matrimony by her father, Rav. Mark
C. Davis, under a beautiful arbor
that had been arranged of ever
greens and roses. After congratu
lations were over and the presents
were presented, photos of the bride
Mrs. Lettie Harvey returned on
Sunday evening from a visit to friends
In Ashland.
J. O. Isaacson and wife, Miss Eliz
abeth Stanton and H. W. Llndsley
picnicked and fished on the banks of
the Rogue last Monday.
Mr. Austin, who a few weeks ago
bought the Kahler tract on Bear
Creek is moving out on his ranch
today. He has Just put up two nice
tents which he and his wife will use
as a dwelling until their .house now
being planned is completed. They
have been occupying rooms with
Grandma Moore during tho spring.
Mildred Hawk, the little ten-year-
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Hawk of Central Point, is a Juvenile
singer of remarkable talent. This
town has its full quota of fine child
voices, but little Miss Mlldrod is
easily in tho lead, and If her beau
tiful voice receives tho proper train
ing at the proper time, It will doubht
less bo developed into a lyric so
prano of high quality In days to
G. H. Warnsley, Mabel Warnsley,
John Watkins, N. S. Wood and Mrs.
J. W. Grover, camo in from Eagle
Point to attend the Memorial Day
services on Monday.
Miss Esther Morrltt Ib expected
homo Thursday morning from Sacra
mento where she has been spending
the first two weeks of her vaca
tion with a girl friend and school
mate, Miss Isabel Curtis of tho above
city- Miss Curtis accompanies her
and will bo a guest at tho homo of
Mr, and Mrs. Merritt for some weeks.
Central Point's younger social set will
be very much alive durlrg her stay
as many little parties and "at homes"
aro being planned In her honor.
Dr. Kirch Gessner camo In town
to meet his wife last Sunday even
ing, Bho having returned from a visit
to friends In Spokane.
Mrs. J. B. Welch, postmistress at
Asbestos, was In town on Monday on
her way to Griffin Creek to moot her
brotbor nnd wifo, Mr. and Mrs. Hull,
from Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Hull were
visiting othor friends in Griffin Crook
and express themselves as greatly
pleased with the cllmato, tho beauty
and tho general advantages of this
Plumbers camo from Medford Mon
day evening to put tho water connec
tions in tho Central Point hotol and
lay pipes that will connect with tho
water mains. The work of remod
eling and renovating the old hotol
Is certainly being thoroughly dono
in all departments.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tex and llttlo
Paul leayo for Portland novt Sunday
morning to bo gone a number of
weeks. Tho little ono will thero bo
placed Under tho care of specialists,
and bridegroom standing, under tho
arbor woro taken, and later n photo
was tnkon of tho ontirc group and
then dinner was announced, and .the
dinner corresponded with tho other
arrangements. In tho afternoon tho
young couplo movod to thoir home
that Mr. Howard had nrrangod in ad
vance. Mr. Howard has n store and
postoffico in Placer and is a young
man of promise, whilo Mrs. Howard
is a lady of fine accomplishments.
Whilo I was away from homo Goo.
West, who has been in the Big Butto
country, came out to visit his fnmi
uy and fneuds and started this
(Tuesday) morning for his now sta
tion, Silver Camp.
There was n largo crowd of Eagle
Pointers went a Mcdford and Cen
tral Point on Decoration dny.
When I arrived at Eagle Point 1
found Charley and Al Morino on
their way to their homo on Elk creek.
.Tiilm R. Alton, nf . rnlrnnil fnmo.
was tho guest of Fred Pnlouze Inst j
The Phoenix ball tonra met the
Eagle Point ball team here last Sun
day and the game stood 12 to 11 iu
favor of Eagle Point.
There was n large crowd in town
that dny and thero were between 50
and GO persons took dinner at the
Sunnyside, and during the day there
were IIS meals eaten nt tho hostelry.
That gives some idea of tho amount
of business there is done in Eagle
Point sometimes. Mrs. Howlelt fc
having n tent put up to make more
P. McIIugh, one of the railroad
contractors, stopped hero Monday
night and Tuesday morning procured
a horse and went up on the line to
look over some of the work that i
to be constructed cast of Butte
Miss Bertha Peachoy came out on
tho P. & E. Monday evening and was
met by her brother and went to Yan
kee creek.
There is considerable complaint
being made about the condition of
the road between here and Browns-
boro nnd I am requested to call at
tention to that part of tho road
through tho Mail Tribune.
and it is the fervent hope of their
many friends in this city thnt suc
cess may attend tho treatment, and
tho little fellow may bo made strong
and well.
Chalmers Gilmore's friendly coun
tenance now looks out at you through
the stamp window at tho loct post
office and will continue to do so
for a month at least, as Mr. Gil
more Is going to fill tho plact of
Postmaster Tex during tho absence
of tho latter.
Mrs. C. V. Beeler and Mrs. J. C.
Barnard of Ashland, daughters of
the late Mathlas Welch, camo up Mon
day to lay floral decorations on tho
grave of their father, returning the
same day.
Medford People Must Recognize and
Heed It.
Kidney ills come quietly mysteri
ously, '
But nature always warns you.
Notice the kidney secretions.
See if iUc color is unhealthy
If there aro settlings and sediment,
Passages frequent, scanty, pain
ful. It's tirno then to use Doan's Kidney
To ward off Bright's disease or
Donn's have dono crent work in '
A. Z. Sears, 231 Fifth street, Med
ford, Or., says: "Since publicly rec
ommending Doan's Kidney Pills iu
1007, I havo used them occasionally
and they havo always brought Tine
results. I wns afflicted with severe
pains in my back and I often found
it almost impossible to stoop. Tho
kidney secretions passed too fre
quently and this weakness was a
sourco of much annoyance Henr
ing Donn's Kidney Pjlls highly rec
ommended, I procured a box at Ilas-
kins' drug store and by tho time I
had finished the contents I could see
that they were the right remedy for
my trouble. Gradunlly tho pains nnd
other difficulties disappeared and my
health improved. I cheerfully rec
ommend Doan's Kidnoy Pills to ev
ery ono afflicted with kidnoy com
plaint." For sale by all dcnlors. Price 50
conts. Foster-Milburn Co,, Buffalo,
N. Y., solo agents for tho Unitod
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other,
My property which I had on the
market for salo I now withdraw un
til further notice.
62 R. J. COLE,
In Case of vSicRness
P II O N E 3 (U 1
Nour Post Olfico AllNight Sorviou Froo Dolivory
J. E. ENYART, Prcsidunt
JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier.
The Medford
Capital, $50,000
Surplus, $10,000
Buy Where Yoi Get
Your Moneys Worth
When wanting high-grade Ico Cream or Sherbets in
any quantity we are at your sorvice: QUALITY is
our watchword.
You remember the QUALITY long after the price
is forgotten.
We have our own delivery and can supply you with
milk, cream and buttermilk'
Ask your grocer for our Creamery Butter.
Rogue River Creamery
Office: 209 West Main St., Medford, Ore.
n 92. ".-". .i '.
fiiiiti'iii'', mgmmwM
JtfSmMU' MSN iil&HiH
'lei jJJIiyfcMBBB
HHBU Kltmiif fflwiWSMk Mi itaaaSSSaiM
iKv.Hr TiRliH
Reaching Out
Every effort to attract trade helps even if it
only draws a child's wiah for candy. Electric
light for windows and signs should be given a
chance to be useful Every merchant can now
get double electric light at no increase in cost
for electric current by using General Electric
MAZDA lamps. Made in all sizes. We havq
them and will be glad to tell you about them.
fc ar
J. A. PERRY, Vico-Presidont.
W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cnshior.
National Bank
at Gold Ray, Oregon
for Business
--"-- - --- - --
Medford Iron Works
E. E. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor.
All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, PmnpB,
Boilors nnd Maohinory. Agonta in Southern Oro-
gon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & 00.
All Work Gimrnntood PriooB KunHonnblo
11 North D St.. Mutlford,
Timber and Coal Lands
Engineering and Surveying Contracts
Taken and Estimates Furnished
Medford, Oregon
Office in JaclUon County ISanlt, Upstair
Farm Land Timber Land
cf Orchard Land
Residences City Lots
Orchards and Mining Claims
Room 10, Jackson
One of the Most Beauti
ful Resident Sections
of Medford
Ronnoko Addition is just fur enough out to elim
inate all noise nnd bustle of the business section and
yet it is just right for tho man who is in business.
Only ton minutes' walk from the railroad. This is
becoming one of tho most finished residenco districts
of Medford. Tho lots all fnco on Main street and
Rose avenue. Cement sidewalk all in. Sower and
water mains laid Tho lots aro high and sightly,
which gives them a great advantage. Building re
strictions $2000. There aro already sovoral fine now
cottages on tho property. Thoso lots aro quito largo,
being 50x137, which gives plenty of room for gardon
and garage and othor necessary buildings.
Como and make your selections early. Prices $735
to $750 for east and west front lots.
Selling Agents
-- --
Phono uoa
Realty Co
County Bank Building
-Ula:,.. ,, nafc&-