- -"""HC. ; MEDFORP MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OllEdON, WEDNESDAY, .JUNE 1, 1910. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL MIhh Mario Mllln of Ihlti city Imti rolurnod from u vIhU with Mro. H. II. llmioy of JiiuIihoiivIIIo. Mr. iiml MrH, W. II. Burr, uoooiii jmniod by MrH, Kulph Woodfoid, wore rouunl vIbHoI'h itl tlio county neat. It yon want to Htoro u piano for UiiIo'h piano Iioiimo, drop a card ml ilroHHoil to Oil N. Central uvo. Ilormiui Offonbnohor of tho Ap plognlo was a rooont Medford vlHitor. Mr. mill Mih. IJIaliio Klimi vinlted AHliland roeontly to participate in tho AhIiIiuiiI high hcIiooI aliiinni re union, Uoiiuhoo Hoofing awardod gold ,mudnl al A. Y. I. oxpoiilllon. Mado from Trinidad Luko aHpliait and Kiiurnntood. No oxpiiiihIoii or con traction. 08 Mr. and Mih. Kulph .loniiingH of Apploguto woru recent visitors m Medford. I'rofoHHor and Mih. Colliim huvo lieuu vinitiiu: with .Mr. Collins' brother, Honj. M. Colliim, oiiHhlor of tho Hunk of Jaul(Honvillu. I'nvod Htrootn, commit nidownlkH, water, cower, olootrio llghtu and all (inprovomontH will bo found in tho Onoon Anno addition; only eight ProfoiiHor llormann CIoiikh hii.vh of IiIh pupil, Grace Itrowu, In Hpuuking of hor io 0(5 nt ron Hal: "Klin h a won dor. If thin program had Iicoii given in Uuiinaiiy it would havo al once OHtahllHhod hor an a groat art int." (Ill xoii-noro orchard tniotii near Kitglo l'olnl, IiohI locution, very IiohI hottom laud; no paymont down, ton yearn' timo at (I por coat. Aylor & llaruott. 02. HorvicoH will ho liuld WudncHday and ThurHday ovoningH in oaolt of tho ohtiiohoH participating in tho Ol iver iiiooliugH. All momborrt urged to ho proHout and all oonvcrtH invited to attend HorvicoH at tho church oi their choice. TIioho meetings are oh puoially for tho uowly converted. Coino and got aotpialutod with tho church people. If you waul a now Bleeping room or two, cool mid oiiHy wnllc, call ii Main 'M7'l. HoiiHouahlo price. Hurri Hioh., wiio claim WiiHhing ton, I). C, iih thuir ichidcnce, Iiiiw loonled novornl quartz properties on 1'ooIh crook, on railroud laud, They claim they roproHont a WiiHhiugtoii nyiiuioulu mid wmit nothing except on S. 1'. laud. Chorrios for Halo Hoynl Ann, Illacl: HcpuhlicaiiH, IJIuek TiirtnriitiiH and Ox lIonrtH. Walter U. Stoke, phono Kimiior I700U, O.'t Tho Lyric Stock couipuny of Portland will open in thin city on 4 iiautoH' walk from tho PoHtoffico. Juno J3. Tho company arrive from Ohoico lota $050. 18 North Front) Portland Friday iiftcrnoon and will ntrcot. Mru. Walter IContuor of thi city linn hecu viiting her mother, Mih. I. J. Kinney of Juckriouvillo thiH wool;. MrH. LouiH Ulrioh wiih a recent -visitor in Medford. Medford in clad to claim iih hor own tho young nrtint, Grace Drown, -who roceutlv created quite a hciihii tion in tuiiHical circle in San Frau jico. 02 All Htylon of lentil hlaukH at tho Mail Trihuno offico. Ovor a hun dred fotTOH. Mr. .1, A. Crulg, wifo of tlto I'. & "K. railroad contractor, Hpont Tiich luy in Medford. , TIioho Iota on Quoon Anno avenue nro going rapidly; bettor got in be--foro vnluoH advauco. Enay tonnn. 18 North Front Htroet. W. F. Tumor and wifo liavo gone to Portland, where Mr. Turner Iiiih been appointed general auditor of the Oregon Trunk and Oregon Klectnc lillCH. ' Can you oHtimato tho value of n 2uoeu Anno avonuo lot a year from Jiowf Only $050, at prenont, cash or term. 18 North Front ntrcot. J. M. Shoop, who for 12 your wiih 'United States maniliat of Alanka, left yesterday for Portland after a week' viHit at .Medford. Ho will .prohahly return to mako invoHtmentri Sam Lock wiriho to hoII tho Can non HcHtaurant for $100,000,000. Ilnlo'H pianos will arrivo about Juno 10. 1 'Mr. mid MrH. Qoorgo M. Dordcnux, who for tho pant two years have mudo Medford their homo, loft Wed nesday for Vancouver, It. C, whore Mr. Pordoatix will engage in business Ho o.xpocts to rotuni to Medford, whoro ho has largo property inter lists, John II. Cnrkin, attomoy at law, ovor jackson County Dank Miss Wennor of this city, a recent nrrivnl from Nebraska, in visiting relatives at Ashland. Tho Junior Diblo sooioty of tho ProKbyterian church will givo a lunch in tho church parlor Saturday from 11 to 2 o'clock. Sandwiohos, potato naiad, coffeo, strawberry shortcako (home-mndo) for 'Mi contH. Come. Henry Mnllory of Phoenix spout Wednesday in Medford. Hooks, confootionory, offico sup plies, typowritors, oto., at tlio Morri vohl Shop. 01 A cedar ohoHt makos an idoal gift for tho Juno bride. Drop in and lot iih fihow yon a sample. Mission Fur nituro Works, comor Eighth and Holly streets. R. W. Iliintlov and W. C. Murphy voro rocont visitors at Ashland. . 110 noroH of tho very host fruit land in tho valloy, nonr Eaglo Point, Improvod; small paymont down, bal ance 10 yoars at 0 por cent. Aylor A Darnott. 02 Ilov. W. F. Shiolds visited Ashland recently on business. Dr. niokort wishes to announce that owing to an unavoidnblo dolay in tho transportation of offico para phornnlla ho will bo unnblo to opon IiIh optical parlor at room 2, ICont uor building, on tho 1st of Juno, ih autieipatod. Tho oxnot dato will ho published in this pnpor a littlo Jator. Look for it. Wait for it. TT. W. Stouo, gonoral soorntary of uio rorlland V. M. C. A., was a ro cont visitor in Medford mid othor f valloy towns, A block of 13 largo rosldonco lots uoar paving, nil oast fronts, $-100 oaoli if taken in a bunch ; thoso lots Avould bo ohoap nt $000 oaoh, tnkon aliigly. Thoso lots nro owned by a noii-rosidont mid must bo sold quick ly. Aylor & Hnrnott. Oraoo JoBophino Brown, contralto, nsalHtod by Trono TTampton Isaacs, pIihiIhI, will ho hoard nt tho Medford Thursday ovoning, Juno 2. SontH on snlo at ITnskins'. 02 immediately begin rehearsals for the opening plav, "The Powers That Mo." .Mrs. Henry ICuhli 1ms relumed from Sun Francisco, wheie she has been undergoing treatment. She has recovered her health. Tho famous Toxis extracts are made from pure fruits' the best in tho world. Spirollu Shop. Dr. J. F. Itcddy spent Tuesday night in Grants Pass, the guest of Itohcit O. Smith. Try "Snpogen," tho finest Hhniiipoo preparation on tlio market. Spirella Shop. Professor P. J. O'Gnrn, govern ment pathologist, left this morning for a trip to California points. Hugo Victor, traveling passenger agent of tlio A. T. & S. F. railway system, witli headquarters in Port laud, is in Medford on n short Iiiim iicsh trip. Tho Merrivold Shop wisliss to seo you. 01 J M. MoHcssohn, tho assistant score- j tary of tho Portland chamber ' STr 1 V ' ' I i 111 ' 7 J lit' ' ' I ' Mil i l Stf cji f Here are a Number of Excellent Reasons Why the Particular Women LiKe to Patronize This Elclusive Ready to-wear Store, Very few cities can boast of an exclusive ladies' ready-to-wear store where so many of the newest and Jiost stylish wearables may be found where no "passe" or out-of date goods are offered where quality is tho strongest word, and found in every article sold, and where Everything' is New, Stylish and Desirable. We have a stock free from all undesirable or old goods everything is spring 1910 style and no two suits, dresses, skirts, wraps, etc., can be found alike. We buy large assortments and direct from the largest and best manufacturers and at the lowest prices. Hosiery, underwear, ready-to-wears, petticoats, wash suits, lingerie silk and other one-piece dresses; beautiful lines of neckwear, gloves, handkerchiefs, ribbons, etc. We invite you to call and inspect our goods and feel very sure that you will say that our stock is in splen did condition and everything the best shown in Southern Oregon. T HE EMP O RIUM O. E. Tackstrom Proprietor, Successor to Montgomery sent many years from the "Land o' Cakes," and proposes to enlighten tho Heelaiidors on tho everlasting blessings of the Itoguo Itiver valley. Do you know that Oakdale Park addition, where the bird-men fly, is tlio old Cox ranch? 01 Tho Medford Commercial club will meet this evening in regular session. Madame Julia, of Wells-Fargo building, Portland, Or., and late of Chicago, wishes to announce to the Indies of Medford thnt sho has re duced tho prices of her beautiful tai lored suits; also her evening, after noon and street dresses. It will bo her pleasure to moot any of tho la dies of this city. Tailored suits from .()." up; drossy gowns from $75 up. 02 A largo number of townspeople are planning to visit tho Ashlnnd rose carnival Thursday mid Friday. William Johnson of Trnil spent Spirella Shop. John II. Tracy of Evans Crook is spending a few days in Medford. n. W. Hntnilton of Asldand is vis iting friends in this city. Charles Guy, deputy game warden, has returned from a trip on Big Huttc. Miss Elizabeth Gibson of Centrnl Point was a recent Mcdford visitor. SIio has just closed a very success ful year iu tlio Ashland schools. A call at tho Merrivold Shop will save you trouble, time and worry. 01 William C. Priictt of Klamath Falls is spending a few days in Med ford on business. Joe Pnrkor, erstwhile cashier in tlio Southern Pacific depot, has as sumed his now duties ns general freight agent of tho Pacific & Enst- oni. commerce, is in .Moment on a snort Wednesday in Mcdtord. Lentrnl roint pastors arc enuenv- business trip. Hobcrt G. Smith of Grants Pnssoring to have all 'stores closed nn Jack Itobortson mid wife arc con-! spent Tuesday in Mcdford on Imsi-, hour in the afternoon so employes tomphitiug a visit to tlio old country 'ness. can go to revival meetings. It is a next week. Ilonuip Scotland being tho Men, try a cako of Fox's shnving . surprise another wicked city needing objective point. Jack has been al soap (only ono lathering necessary). reform so close to Medford. CANNOT STOP KING BATTLE Attorney for Church Federation Ad mits That He Cannot Stop Fight, Though He May Prevent It Final Action Tonight by Churches. The Roosevelt Party at ....- The Hague and Cheering Crowd. DEPARTURE OF COL'; ROOSEVO. T AND PARTY rnqri7tittiAOU. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal June 1 Tlint tho Jeffries-Johnson fight probably cannot be prevented, but thnt it may be stopped, was the statement today of Attorney J. E. White, of the Church Federation here. White announced today that an executive meeting of the federa tion will be held either tonight or tomorrow night to determine whnt action tho organization shnll take following tho granting of the July 4 fight permit to tho Broadway Ath letic club yesterday afternoon by the board of supervisors, This permit will bo turned ovor by Jim Gnffin of the club to Tex Rick ard and Jack Glenson, promoters of tho Jeffries-Johnson fight. "Your" storo, perhaps, advertises "your" bargain today! Look and know. SALOME DANCER PUTS CONTRACT IN STOCKING NEW YORK, June l.Vriicn Gert rude Hoffman, the Salome dancer, sailed for Europe on the Prinz Frcd erieh Wilhelm she carried u contract for $130,000 in her stocking. Asked by a reported where her contract was she replied, "In tho safest place- a woman knows." Merchant messages tor you today a plenty, and Important! Van DeCar. Graduation Gifts Wedding Gifts IfrfrtHIK'll )Wllllzzj?mrmlL rmmwmmmms iziirn fU'VH i WHK" lU !! l HtI I IT"W.H -f-Bi L jff7H M W ? IWSEWlTANDWRTnMMHHl 'Ihl fift&mSi--J$MVTm'M3 ' i: vwi . n- i!tmw3;h,Jmm--:vmm ' mSmmmMmBr IF r.JLjByVflSrSflvlifiVKZ'rVHfNXlESjD iMMwWmm!BmmBL&2S& col.rooseie.t Atib fmKZ SWmSKrTBSmi' Amercn minister 223E&m&WxMwf!!3lm oeaupre going totml WTSfSSSnis.MmmKmlAMeRfCA legation ' imLKmiYzrm'.jfrwmr)V m ? i 1 MKIK-lrmKiHMb ' M o l'BrV.7Tl.'TrTlkjr MMt . VI MB I ' MHNNnSXSPi ' liGrHlK. BVlW ' ILhhMH ununrnmMVU. I WB,,Wi:VIP:. .1 1 qiBMPn HBBON, in' ? it' rL.r wmmm mRYaaRQN.x .rww. t ; iha p; . .vj VUN tKDUaNffIXi!Mm H9 1HiiiB oosEvsLT. uxm mmv. w mmm Vli4K.WiKi mV TT r ,nK yv v.ws Afsm lir m tx i ' ML:'$&.3V;'47ViW7i TITIT; lu v- -" TV ',.;vv'-J."!M,m Xhvr.,.. .v uMxiiVVIH&TV'sywffCi! v..3Kf9BfCvt BOTTOM ROW, MISS ETHEL KOOSEVEUIMR. !8EGm wfflm 'TOPKQWiBIR QUCHANA fWl. MfVISTfAf RKAtlDtoe CQL.ROO$eYElT AN01R&, ??& AT AMERICAN jM wnry fi w ffi?JLY&8& Send a Messenger that will meet with the ap proval of the recipient of your message. Any old kind of a messenger won't answer. The best should alwa3rs be sent "if" you wish the re cipient to pass a favorable verdict. What you think about busi ness stationery isn't quite so important as what your corre spondent thinks. Don't buy Tht itJnJjrJ f.itr or butUist tlititnttf "laokjfr ikt UMtir-mar" because it pleases you, but because it influences the man you write in your favor. Old If AMrsimiW Bund ii a clean, criip fuper, mde lor clean, crop buiinau olL. Ic it sold on' the anstumpclon (hat (here's rconomy in quality, A nanjionie specimen book given upon request, show. Inj; letterheads and other baunen forms, printed, lithographed and engraved on the white and loutteen colors, Made bv I Iaukiiiuk PArix Comi-any, the nly paper makers in he world malum: bond aperetclusively. Medford Printing Co. 38 SOUTH CENTRAL AVE If you will inspect our show window you will readily see that we have a substantial reason for extolling the merits of our stock. Our desifjns are "different," rich and fascinating. Tho young girl gradu ate will bo pleased with a gift coming from this store, because all of our stock has been chosen with exceeding caro and with an eye to the artistic. This, by the way, is emerald time, and we have a large as ortment of emerald jewelry, including brooches, handy pine, links, lorgnette chains, bracelets, etc. The emeralds in many cases are u.-ed ia combination with other precious stonos and present a dazzling hnr mony of color. Those who are partial to silver or cut glass will also find many good things hero in that lino. Suitable, gifts will be found hero at prices to suit tho convenience of all. B. G. Van DeCar 229 EAST MAIN STREET, MEDFORD, OREGON. I Excursion Ratesto the East DURING 1910 PROM ALL POINTS ON THE &)iiji)?l Southern Pacific (LINES IN OREGON) TO RATES Chicago $72.50 Council Bluffs S&60.00 jmana .............. ......... ...................tpou.uu Kansas City ... ...w.......$60.00 pt. dosepn .m...M...., ,.,,,..., .wai .,.,.....tgHs,vv St. Paul via Council Bluifti S63.90 Minneapolis direct $60.00 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs $63.90 Duluth, direct $66.90 Duluth, via Council Bluffs $67.50 St. Louis $67.50 Tickets will be on sale May 2d and 9th; Juno 2d, 17th and 24th; July 5th and 22d; August 3d; September 8th. The above rates apply from Portland only. From points south of Portland, add ONE WAY local rate to Port land, to make through rate via Portland. One way through Californiavadd $15.00 to above rates. Except that fares to St. Paul and Minneapolis one way via Cal ifornia will be $2175 higher, and fare to Duluth $24.75 higher than fares via direct routes. Ton days provided for tho going trip. Stop-overs within limits in either direc tion. Knal return limit three months from dato of sale, but not later than Oc tober 31st. Inquire'of any S. P. Agent for complete information, or WM, McMURRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon I s i i ! IS r .: Y. ( ;3jgijSfrVii 0H-tliJu J ' 1sv fcix