--T;. .iif!M i I i 1 3 COMMENC EMENT III NY Indications Aro for Lnrno Attcmlnnco of Alumni Dr. Carver of Harvard to Deliver tho Commcnccinciit Ad dressLast Week n Busy One. UNIVKHSITY OF ORI-XION, Ku gono, May ai. KiithitHiiiHtla work by tliu local alumni of tho univoi'Bity )ui licon produatlvo ol' good roMiillH, for ovory indication polntH to the Inrg est nltonduuco of iiliimnl nt com iniineoiiionl in tho history of tho linl vorflity. StuduutH of tlio university also will roiiinin over for commence ment in much larger numliurH llinn heretofore. Tlio Hlognn, "Everybody rodinm," hiiH been adopted liy ovory cIiihh from 78 to '(HI. Th program for commencement woulc will 1)0 iih follows Sunday, Juno 1011 a. in., bnecu Imironto Honnon, Rev. Luther II. Dyotl, I). I)., puMor of tho Firm Con- grogiilioiml church, Portland (Villard Hall). .Monday, .luiio 2011:30 a. m., ten nis fiunlH, Alumni vh. Varsity, on tho cauipiiH; 3:00 to 5:00 p. m., proni dent's reception at president's Iioiiho; 8 p. in., faculty concert, school of mimic (Villard Hall). TiioHday, Juno 210:300 a. in., meeting of hoard of regents, presi dent's office; 10:30 a. in., mooting of Alumni iiHriociiitinii, Villard Hull; 3 :30 p. in., ptiHlihall contest, Alumni CITY NOTICES. side of Ilcimull avouiio and described In H.200. 20 foot, rato por fool $1 : amount. $2(1, - AHHOHHinont No. 2 K. V. and Emma Hiiiiuutt. Lot 8, block 1, Bjin riso Home Park Addition to tho citv of Medford, Oruuoii; frontairo 75 fcol on (ho north side of IJnniiott uvo- mio and doHcrilicd in H-200; 75 foot, rato por fool. $1 ; amount. $75. Assessment No, 3 K. I'. and Emilia Hoiiuotl. Lot 7. block 1, Sun riNo Home 1'ark Addition to tho citv of Medford, Orcueu: froutiiL'o 75 foot on tho north sldo of linnnutl uvonuo and dcHcrihud in H-200: 75 RMfiLUN:B, MEPKP. ORlsaON. TUESDAY, MAY 33. 1910. CITY NOTICES. elnro ltd Intention to lay a six-Inch wnlor main on Goiichhoo nlroat and to assess tlio coitt thereof on tlio prop erty fronting on Halil portion of sultl Htrcot In proportion to tho frontage of said properly, and fix n time and plnre for hearing proUmts against the laying of unld wator main on nld part of said iitreot and tlio assess- inenlH of tlio cost thereof nil aforo- xalii; and, WhereaH, unld resolution was duly published and posted ns required by miction 110 of tlio clmrtcr of said city; and, WhoreiB, a meeting of tlio council wa hold at the tlmo and nlaco flxeil In the wild resolution for tho purposo CITY NOTICES. foot; rato per foot $1; amount. $75. of considering any hiicIi protcntH, but Gonosoo Htrcot, and doscrlbod In Vol. 70, pngo 124, county recorder' ron- oron oi jncKRon county, Oregon; 120 foot; rato per foot $1; amount $120. AiiRewirnont No. 10 L. Q, Porter Lot 13, block 4, Fruitdale addition to the city of Medford, Ore con; frontngo 120 foot On '.llO Onnt Hide nf (lnnrnm, Btroot, and described In Vol ... pngo . ., county recorder rrconln of Jack son county, Oregon; 120 feet; rato per foot $1; amount $120, Assessment No, 11 , n. HoIIbh, A parcel of land cornmeiiclni! 12 chalnfl and 06 links went and 45 JInkB north of tho southeast cornor of the Packard donation land claim In flec tion 30, townflhlp 37 Booth, ranee 1 wcHt of tho Willamette morldlan. CITY NOTICES. placo for hearing protcato ngalnBt tho laying of Bald water main on Hald part of Bald street and tho assess ments or tlio cont thereof, ns afore said; and, Whereas. Bald rcsolntinn wna iniw published and nostcri as rnnulrv1 nv n i iv 01 tno cnarior or said city; llllll. Whereas, a meeting of tho council was hold at tho tlmo and placo fixed In tho Bald rCBOllltlon for thn niimnan of considering any such protests, but CITY NOTICES. AhhohmihiiiI No, l Kmma llunnutt. "o protests woro at nald tlmo or at, nnd running thenre north COO feet to Lot (1. block 1, Hiinriso Home Park Addition to tho eitv of Medford. Or 01:011: frontline 75 fed 011 tho north Hide of Roiniott avenue and described in ; 75 foel: rato per foot, $1: amount. $75, Assessment No. 5 H. I), Howard. LoL 5. block 1. Sunrise Home Park Addition to the eitv of Medford. Or- cl'eii: frontairo 75 foot on tho north any other tlmo mode to or received the placo of bej'lnnlng; thence north Medford. OrcL'eu: f rondure 75 feet on the north Hide of Heuuett avenue, and described in K-210: 75 feet: rale nor foot. $1 : amount. $75. AsHOHsmcut No, 7 Julia Double- dav. Lot 3, block 1. Hiinriso Home Park addition to the citv of Med ford. Oreiren: f rondure 75 feet on the north Hide of Hounott avenue, and described lt-215: 75 feet: rato per foot. $1: amount. $75. Assessment No, 8 JokcdIi II. Mcdlev. Lot 2. block 1. Sunrise Home Park Addition to the citv of Medford. Orotreu: frontairo 75 foot on 00 feet; thence w-st 130 feet; thonco south CO fcot; thenco west 130 feet to the plnco of beginning, and marked M on tho map of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontage CO fcot on tho east side of Oonesoo street, and described In Vol. 03, page 2415. county rocord- er'11 records of Jackson county, Ore gon; CO feet; rato per foot $1; amount $00. Assessment No. 12 J. B. Robert. main has been nnd hereby Is deter- M"dford, Oregon) off the south side mined to bo tho sum of $1990, of tho following described tract: Coin- Now, therefore, It is horohy fur- menclng 12 chains and 95 links west by tho council to tho sad laying of the said wator main or tho asscspment of tho cont an aforesaid, and said council hnvlng considered tho mat ter, and deeming that said water main wns nnd 1b of material bonoflt to said city, nnd that all property to bo assessed thcrofor would bo benefited thoroby to tho oxtont of tho respective assessment!! to bo Inv- UM,. ,.r u. 11 1 .i,.u..:i. Med against said property, did order nn.u vi ijuiiiiuvi. ii.tiiuu. nun uiniiiu-, .,. .... ...,. '..., a ..i t.l r o n . ........ ml in If. OR. 7r. fnnl r.in tii.c fnnl """ lli UIMI, mi ijt ui luiiuuan-i ICCI WIBO lana i. .nVm,i-r. Whereas, tho cost of said wator marked N on the map of tho city of Assessment No, fl Lillian M. DnuielH. Lot '1, block 1. Sunrise Home Park Addition to tho eitv of Jther determined (hat tho proportion-'nnd 45 links north of tho southeast ate share of tho cost of laying said cornor of tho Parknrd donation land water main of each pnrcel of nroncr- claim In section 30, town3hln 37 south ty fronting on snld portion of said, of rnngo 1 west of tho Wlllnmetto street Is the amount set onnoslto tho meridian, runnliiK thenco north description of each parcel of land bo-C3C25 feet to a Rtako not for a be low, and that each niece or narcol of ginning point, and from said becln- mi. .. ."-! . .. mj-- lanu oenenicu uy tno laying or saitl.ninK point running thenco north mnln to the full extent of tho amount! 123,75 feet: thonco west 130 feet; so sot opposlto tho description of tho thenco south 123 fcot; thenco cast samo, and that tho respective j 130 feet to the placo of beginning; nmounts represont the proportional I frontage 03.75 feet on tho oast side benefits of nald wntor main to said I of Gencseo street, and described in respective- parrels of land, and also' Vol, C7, page 407, county recorder's tne proportional rrontngn thereof on records or JncKsoa county, Oregon; said streot, and tho council does hero-1 03.75 feet; rate per foot $1; amount by dcclnro each of tho parcels of ($03.75. property described bolow to bo na- Assessment No. 13 D. n. RoIIrr. the north Hide of Itonnott avenue nnd:sosscd and each of tho samo horoby.Tho north part of tho narccl of land described in R-178: 75 feet: rato pcrMH assessed tho amount sot opposlto I marked Q on the map of the city of foot. $1: amount. S75. i0"01' description for tho cost of lay- Medford. Oregon; frontago 50 foot rnontfl and tho lions thereof bo ontorcd In tho wntor main lion docket of tho said city, and that thorotipon notice bo glvon tho ownors or ropuntcd own. ors of said nronorty. nml ihnt , samo bo enforced and collected in tho manner provided by tho chartor of m saio city ror tno collection of as sessments for tho improromen. of tho strcots heroin. Section 3. It is furthor ordered mat mo notico above provided for bo published thrco tlmen In thn nnit Moll rrm 11. ...... .. ...... iiuuiit, ji nowapapor punllsh no protests were nt unlit iimn n . any other tlmo mado to or received by "ii "I'1 of Bnoral circulation la said tho council d tho said laying of said c'ty ,n ,tno manner provided by ordl- wmur main or 1110 assessment of tn """-" i,u- " sniu city. cost as aforesaid, and said counril .V10 foregoing ordinance was paBB havlng considered tho matter and ?ll ? tho cit? council of tho city of deeming that Bald water main was ano is or material benefit io nnl1 rtv. nnd that all property to bo assessed thorofor would bo benefited thereby to tho extent of tho nrobablo nmnnnf of tho respective assessments to bo lovlcd against said property, did order said main laid; nnd, Whereas, tho cost of said water main has been and hereby Is deter mined to bo the Bum of $C54.50, Now, therefore, It Is hereby further determined that tho nmnnrtlnnnio hnro of tho cost of laying said water main or cacn parcel of property front ng on said portion of said street is the 'amount set opposlto tho description of eaco parcel 01 land below, and that each piece or parcel of land is benefit ed by the lcylnB of said main to the full extent of the amount so set oppo site tho description of the same, and that tho rcspcctlvo amounts represent tho proportlonnl benefits of said wa ter main to said respective parcels of land, nnd t-lno tho proportional front age there of on said street, and the council does hereby declare each of me parcels of property described be Medford, OreKon. on tho 2 4th .inv nt May, 1910, by tho following vete: Merrick ayo, Welch absent, Elfert aye, Bmerlck nyo, Dcmmor aye, Wort man aye. Approved May 25th, 1910. w. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFBR, City Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. JH2. An ordinance declaring tho assess ment on tho property benefited for tho cost of laying a six-Inch water main on Howard street nnd directing tho Recorder to enter a statement thereof in tho water main Hen AnnV. et. The city c' Medford coth ordain as follews: Section 1. Whereas, the city coun cil did heretofore, hv ronnlufinn . claro Its intention to lay a six-inch wnter main on Howard street and to assess the cost thereof on tho proper ty fronting on said Dortlon of unld street In proportion to the frontago REWARD $5 REWARD WILL BE QIVE Tt THE BOY OR GIRL WRFTIMt THE BEST ESSAY ON "MM THE MERCHANTS D0NT AB-VERTISE." AsKCHHinent No. 0 Joscnh II Mcdlev. Lot 1. block 1. Sunrise vh. Varsity, ICincaid field: 2 t. in.. baseball game, Alumni vs. Senior. ' Medford. Oreiren: frontairo Kiucaid field; 'I p. 'in., tug of war, in "l0 north Hide of Mciiiiutt nvenue Alumni vh. Seniors, race, nenr mm. I"d described in H-178: 75 feet: Home Park Addition to tho eitv of feet huh! 7?nn 11 in n,.....H 1 r.. . raio ner loot, si: amount. Sio. a parcel 01 ' '. ' ii'iii mi- I ... , v, 1n , , ... olr,lnn n.i.l S C. eoHsion, camp,,,!; 8 p. ,.. PnlHnK. li( 7" ,?' ' ,u car05 "f ", rllnks no tb of rokmm, oratorical contest. Vlllnnl fh'kh.S 1 l5 H lll i, tho Pnekard. " I.,. n.n ,.!iv r m,..u-...i n;";;":" 8Cc"on a- w Wo.lnc.sdnv. Jnnn 00 in . r 'J:..: n.ir. ,' ". 7i..-.T.,i:.Yi.-nB0 J west of th 1 V, ...T " iiiiiuiKu. aj.-i.4f ivvi mi iiiu Miuiii Fine idinn, nnd runnln 'fiiiinviieeiiii'iii iKiiiroHH, iiioiniiH Mx-,01 Henncll avenue, and dcHcrihcil in feet C Inches: Iiik snld water main. on tho east ft'do of Gencseo street, and ASSESSMENT FOR A SIX-INCH described In Vol. CC, pago 253, coun WATER MAIN ON OENESEE ' ty recorder's records of Jackson coun STREET FROM EAST MAIN ty, Oregon; 50 fcot; rato per foot STREET TO WASHINGTON $1: amount $50. STREET. Assessment No. 14 J. W. Derrinn. Assessment No. 1 I?nlnh NIMmln Tho central nortlon nt fhn nircot nt 1 land commoncInK 15 land marked Q on tho map of tho city .""'niJ. yregon; jo reet; links west and 45 of Medford, Oregon; frontago 73.75 I0l 110: r "tint $33. Of said nrnnortv nn.t rt-r n .. low to bo assessed and each of tho 1 Place for hearing nmtnata nfn..f t, samo Is assessed tho amount set oppo- laying of said water main on said site each description for the cost of part of said street, and the "assess- fu.MiiK nam water main. menu or tne cost thereof as afore- ASSESSMENT FOR A SIX-INCH said; and. Morfr WATER MAIN ON EAST WASH-1 Whereas, said rsolution was duly I.NGTON STREET FROM GENE- publlahed and posted as required by i55w,5TIlEET T0 HOWARD 1 section 116 of the charter of said STREET. ,clty; and, Assessment No. 1. J. W. Dressier. ' Whereas, -, meetinB of the council The west 30 feet of lot 6, block 2, .was held at tho time and placo fixed frnltdalo addition to tho city of Med-1 in the said r solution for tho purpose ford, Oregen: frontace 50 feet on tho of considering nnv innii nrni.i. .. south side of East Washington street, .no protests yere nt mm r - and descrlbtt. in Vol. 78, page 418, any other time made to or received by cuuniy recoraer s reroniR nt TncVnn 1 tno rnnnrii n tha nu i-i .1.. . ' .-. " - -..- --- u o.u uniUK Ul U1C nnnw nnv ann.lnl b .a rate per said water main or the assessment of Lrononj Z",": iiiiu cost as aforesaid, and said coun- "uu""' Instruction. Chooso somo morchaut or firm te Medford who docs not. advertise ta tnia paper and writo a story of treat ' 100 to 500 words. Oivo ag many r sons as possible toll ovorrthlns ya can about WHY you think that mu chant or firm docs not advertise. Writo onl7 on ono slda of tho pr and plainly. Below are a number of quoetlo which may bolp you in vriting yawr story. Remomber, tho essay which la or Judgment best defines tho nor.-tutwev. tlsej will recoiro a rowud of $5 m pay for aorvlcca performed and wlX bo printed in tho papor. All essays must be In not later tka Friday, Juno 3. Who aro scmo of tho morchaata and firms who don't a'vorllso'r Do you think thoy aro procs8lvT Do thoy caro whether tloro' la r lve dally in town? Do they tako a dally pa'porT Is it a local pr.per or foreign? Aro they hustlers in business? , Aro they crowded with customers' Do they carry tho best quallttea? Do they sell for tho lowest prlcea? Do they beliovo in boosting" Ota town or are thoy knockers? If they doa't advertise do they tho southeast corner I feet on tho cast side of Gencseo street, . Assessment No. 2 L. G. Porter, ell having considered tho n atter, and! Who would you prefer to deal wltk. donation land clnlm anu uescrioca in vol. 78, pane 358,,JC"- '. u,uv- -. rruiiuaie on Minor, rn. i)., Mi. n pro fen-I -.": 11-1.0 lcct: rato per foot. Sl:itiienco south 247 fcot C Inches; thenco ardson. Tho south part of tho parcel Mir r political ncionco, Harvard "'" SiH.oO. east 70 foot to tho placo of beginning, or Innd marked O on tho mnp of tho iinivcrHitv. Villard Hull 1 -in m I AHScHMiiont No 11- Emma Hen- 'containing three-eighths of nn acre, city of Medford, Oregon; frontago imit-nruiY.. ..I : .is.... .'. " ' ''nott. The west 35.5 feet of lot 2 nni!.n?,l.m?rke! J-" tno ma of tho city 82.5 feet on the east sldo of Gonoseo : ' wmi i-i, nu" gym-, n f , , 3 b. . 0 c j, or Moiirord, Oregon; frontago 247.5 street, and described In Vol. G9. page niiHium ; 8 p. in., alumni reception, re. V. " u A?l.l!Unn Jn lT 1!. f Vr? I foot on tho WOflt 8ldo ot 0moseo Btrcot ' r.53. county r-cordor's records of linioiiH nml linll. now ffvmiin.li.rn. ?rmi0".10 .l" cit ot Med-nn(, described in Vol. 48. naco 317.1 Jackson county. Oreiren: 82.5 feet: "" lioril. urcireii: iroiUnCO llU.b loot lll rntmtv rnKunlm-'o m.t. t..i,... mlo nnp (nnl 1. nmnl,nl oo rn addition to 'deemine that nniii nrntar- mnin .ns "" .w. 1'M.W WVU.... .: -- -- . j. ... .. m. ...... 11 n HO nohlp 37 south of county recorder's records of Jackson lnn a y or Medrord, Oregon; frontagoiand Is of material benefit to said ; 73.75 feet; rato pori"" l. . ouia Eiao or EaBt 1 l' ana lDat aU Property to be as- Rlch-,VUI- l PaE il county recorder's tnereoy to tho extent of tho proba o Wlllamotto mor- county. Oregon thenco north 247 'foot $1; nmount $73.75. thenco wost 70, foot; Assessment No. 15. J W. ir.r iT. . ulu 61U "i iui'"Wi uw mai an property to De as- Washlngton street, and described in sessed therefor would be benefited .1V0I. 71, page 471, county recorder's thereby to tho extent of tho proba- , rccoros 01 jacKson county. Oreiren: me amount of thn rMnnnfiri. oe. 50 feet; rate per foot $1.10; amount ments to be levied against said prop-' 55,. terty. did order said main laid; and,! Assessment No. 3 L. G. Porter.' Whereas, tho cost of said water CITY NOTICES. ORDINANCE NO. H. Aii ordinance dcclarini; the iihhphk inent on tho nronortv bunafitml fnr tho coHt of lavinu' 11 nix-inch water main on Heuuett iivenuo and direct ing tho recorder to enter a state ment thoreof in tho water main lien docket. Tho citv of Medford doth ordain iih follews: t Section 1. WhereaH. thn citv coun cil did heretofore, bv roHolution. do-1 claro itH intoiition to lav a Hix-inch water main 011 Hunnotl nvenuo. and to iihrchh the coHt thereof on tho the Houth Hido of I.onnctt avenue and county. Oregon; 247.5 fcot; rato por (described in It-170: 110.5 feet: rntolfoot $1; amount $247.50. Irs. Ada Por ommcnclnir 12 west nnd 45, tho Packard donation land claim, in. Assessment No. 4 L. G. Porter. Hon of each parcel of land bel least corner of section 37 couth of rango 1 west, Pi01 9- "lock 2, Frultdale addition to 1 that each parcel or piece of land clnlm In 'Wlllamotto meridian, and running' tho " of Medford, Oregon; front-, benefited by tho laying of 1 1 Assessment No. 16 Hiram Double 1 day. A narcol of land rnmmnnrlntr nor loot. 3.1: amount. SUll.'.O. Assessment No. 2 Mrs. Ada Por-.'- chains nnd 35 links west and 45 AKHCHMiicni iMf. ii It. Jl Over- '" a piircui oi lana commencing iz uhkb norm 01 tne soutneast corner or holHter. Lot -1. block 2. Sunrise I f'm,nH nn.u Jb "nkB WC3t Home Pnrk mlilliinn in ilm nliv nf ' "ks norm or tno soutneast lioi o. diock n, rruuaaie adaitlon to main nas neon and hereby Is de tho city of Medford. Oregon; frontago termined to bo the sum of $850; 50 feet on tho south side of East Now, therefore, It is hereby further Washington street, and described in 1 determined that the proportionate Vol. 71, page 471, county recorder's share of the cost of laying said water records of Jackson county. Oregon; main of each parcel of property front 50 feet; rate per foot $1.10; amounting on said portion of said street is $55' 'tho nmount Bet ooDosite tho ripscrin. Assessment No. 4 L.. O Pnrtnr tion Of each n.irrol nf lnn ilnn. r.j ' in n,i,im tithnt nnph nnPMi nr. i. t.'j .. ri'0 mo one3 patronized moat ltbr- lllllll IH . -- a morchantt hat asked for yoar business or one that didn't? Do you think that a merchant wb spends money advertilng will ad vertise a poor article? Hero are somo facta which max help you in writing your stery: The majority of users of largest advertising cpaco conduct the larj est businesses. Persistent advertisers most all la crease their business (If the adver tisements uro truthful). The newsiest newspapers are aa a, ". . r . mw i . .. i iii.-irunn nn r no inn ti rr inn Mint rr uregou; ironingo icct on t he Boutli :.,,. i VT-- . . ""'"' '2i.fV "' Hide of IJcnnctt avenue nnd doscnb-' S'S' wJsffi T&sVS "- -" - . v nvi tvwii ui'M'iiiiKii in viii :.a nnnn id i nnnn. i $1 : nmount. $75. ' ty recordor'H records of Jackson coun- liott. I.nl fi. liWlr O (!.' II,r.n,tho lllnco of bcclnnlnir. onnlnlnlnr- R I 130 feet to tho nlnro nf hoirlnnlnc "tJ. parcels Of land, and also tho nrnnnr. i..l. .l.t:i:.... i .1 !... r 11.1t i nrroa In .Inplfiinn rnnnfv f.pnr.nn r.n.1 i nnil tnnrknil P nn Min mor. nf tha iiv I Assessment No. 5 1. O. Pnrtor. I tl0n.ll frontace thoronf nn -aM .lr.l . ...r i.iiiiiiiiiii in ijui i-uv ui -iieuioni." ;'. . " .. .. ""'i. """I ".,.:.... . "- . "".' ini in wni. o r-..i.j.t' .jjin" ;.inH n, "Z SIZ. . ""'4, wiiw apim.-a io newapi ui .tiuuiuru, ureKon; ironmge 82.6 .""" "' ... 7' """ uuuuion to " " witu uuus nereoy tieciare iir ,-., m ,(Vl fcot on tho cast sldo of Goneseo street, tho city of Medford. Oregon; frontage i each of tho parcels of property des- . .p.aper "IIM wltn cent away for goods tho same prla ciplo applied to newspapers. A good. up-to-date &- nnd described in Vol. 71, paso 144, 50 fcot on tno south sldo of East cribed below to bo assessed and each ' ve"lslng, denotes a llvo, progressive, county recorder's records of Jackson (Washington street, nnd described In ot the samo hereby .3 assessed the 1 w-ide-awake, hustling town. nronortv frentini: on said portion of Haul Htrcot 111 nronortion to tho front life of Hnid nronortv. mid fix a time aud( nlnco for huitriiiir nrotoHtH iiL-aiiiHt the lavintr of Haiti water mail) on Hiiid tmrt of Kaid Htrcot, and tho llHSOHHIIUMltH of tllU COHt thoreof iih nforoHnid. 4 tit 1 1 anu vtuorutiR. hiiki roHolution wuh dulv nublinhcd anil poHtod iih reouir cd bv Kuotion 1 1(1 of tho ehartor of tho Hiiid oUv. And WhoreiiH, a meotiiiL' of tho council wuh hold at tho time and nlaco fixed in tho Htiid ruholution forJWoivorton AHHCHHinent No, nott countv. Oroimn! 5.2. K font- m.n nor I vol. 71, paco 471. county recorder's, amount set ODDOsite each rfparrinfinn ' !! Kmma Hon-1 ty. Oregon; 257.5 feot; rato per foot toot $1; amount $82.50. records of Jackson county. Oregon; ,for the cost of laying said water main. . Lot (1. block 2. SunriM. Home $1: amount $257.50. Assessment No.17 N. E. Woods. "" Ieci: rate per root 51.10; ;.mount AssEj,b.Mi.. ;t FOR SIX-INCH WA- w v - - Park Addition t- tho citv of Medford., Assessment No. 3 P. M. Kershaw. A parcel of land commencing 12.95 -0D- L x, , iSn., ,.ON HOWARD STREETl I I 1 1 1 1 rl v II 1 Orsuen: frontairo 75 fcot on the A lmrco1 of ,antl commencing 535 feet chnlns west and 45 links north of tho . iVR,s,08?ment No- ? L. G. Porter, i FROM VASHINGTON STREET TO I 1 1 I fU I K ll mnth bWo of " 1 u, nott I n.,,1 north n,ul 1 025 fcot WC8t of "I0 80th- 8a,,t,lcnBl corner of tho Packard do- 'J;0 ; hlo'Vl.TtuJt M to BENNETT STREET. lllllll I lilr IliLJ ""'Menst cornor or donation land clnlm No.1 nation land claim, in cectlon 30. tho ?lty 'of Medford, Oregon; front- Assessment No. 1 Sarah T. Wol- J If II I If J iitHcribPil 111 H-li-ll. 0 feet: rate ncro, In tOA-nshlp 37 south of rnngo 1 township 37 couth, rango 1 west of J?0 B0 fo?t on the south side of East verton. Lot 14, block 1. Fruitdale ad- m lOOl. 51! nnintUlf S..rl ! . ... i,,. .. ... . l. uri.l ... . 1, . Wnhl!1llnn ot.nA. nirf .Tn..lkAJ lM Iflflrm In lla aIIi. , ll..tl 1 s 4 . ;, ,i ,, ... "" WI 4"" 4 IIIIIII1U44U IIIUrilllilH, III1U " .. HII4III4.14V 11IU4 IIIIUII, rUnillDB !, i . .V.' uv-w.uvm tu . "" J "..TCUIUIU, UICJJUUJ AHHOHHinOtlt iSl). Ill I'. (;. I'.il. riinttlm- lintinn nnrlli IT. tnn . .!,., ' t linnrr nnrtli i7 K fnnl. l.nn.A .. I Vol. 71. naCO 471. COlintv ropnrrtor'n frontnCO 120 foot nn Mm mo) oMa nt records of Jackson countv. Oreiren: Howard streot. and closnrihpri in vnt 50 foot; rato per foot $1.10; amount GS, page 3SG, county recorder's rec $55. ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 120 .assessment .-so. i u. u. Porter, teei: rato per foot $1.25: amount DECEIVED $50. jtHsosHinoni ko. 1U Unmix T. nlt..ln.. 'PI.,. ...... Ill ... f I . ni. . i Miinuiiun. i III; HUM .111 lCUl OX. KM io nurnoHo ol uoiiHidoring miv hiicIi 7 nml ii, ,.u( ?n rn..i ,.p i..i o 1.1' i. . .... ...w u..n t, IUVI !. 1414 U. 111114'IV buuriHo Home Park Addition to uiondcH. KiiHt 5(1 feet of lot 7. block west 100 foet: thenco south 75 feet: i 130 foot; thenco south' 247.5 feet: 1. ounriHO 1101110 J'nric Addition to inenco oast iiiu ieot to tno pinco or ; uiwnco east uu icot to tno piaco or tho eitv of Medford. Oreiren: front- ,0K,n,nR' nn(l mnrKod K on tho mnp 1 beginning; it being understood that lino 4r)(l feet on-the Boulh side of Hen- OI o ciiy 01 .Mouiora, urogon; rront-;i" Krnntees a-o to navo a perpetual 1 uctt uvonuo. and desori 50 foet: rato nor foot. of Jackson county, Oregon; 75 feot; on tho west side of tho abovo dcscrlb- Washington street, and described in lot 9. block 2, Sunrise Home Park By unscrupulous ncddlors who nm 8 ""u "V"1" V"o city or learord, ore . --. hn ,. .P. Z" rilinVl i. If 1" "K 75 fcet "" tno WC3 8'Jo of Gen-1 right of wa. for road purposea to n ;ot 1?. block 2. Frultdale addlt'on to $150. 11 inou 111 it-j-u.jllRpo Htrooti am, deac-ibed In Vol. 72, strip of land 40 feot wide nnd 237.5 i" S,ty of Mpdford, Oregon; frontage 1 Asai A. i. ninouiii. pnj; -ho, county recorder's records toot long, lying wost of and bordering ?.? f,e.ot on tno ouih 8'do of East nm B nrotoslH, but no nrotoHtH wore at said time or at anv other tiiuo inudo to or ruuoivod hv Iiiu council to the Hiiid lavini: of tho naid water main, or tho aBHosHinout of tho cout an aforesaid, and Haiti council, havinc coiiHidercd tho inattor, am1 deumiiiL' that said wntor main wau mid !h of matonal bouont to Hind citv. mid that nil nronortv to ho iiHHOHsed therefor would bo beuofitod thorobv to tho ex tent of tho nrr.huhlu amount of the rcHDCctivo miHoHHUU'iitu ') liu levied mfiiiiiHt naid nronortv. did order said main laid. And WhoreiiH, tho cost of nald wa tor main Iiiih honn and horuhv 1h do tormiuod to ho tho hiiiii of $1182. Now therefore, it is herohv furthor dotorminod thai tho nronortiounto Hliuro of tho cost of laviiur Hiiid wa tor main of ouoh narcol of nropoitv frontiue on naid nortion of Haiti Htrcot in tho amount Hot opDomtu tho dcHoriiition of ouoh narcol of land bolow. and that oacli narcol or niece of laud bonofitcd hv tho liiviin.' of tho Haiti main to tho full oxtont of tho amount ho Hot oddoh'iIo tho doiiorin tion of tho Hnmo. and that tho ro Hpoolivo .innoimtti ronroHont tlio nro nortionnl boiiofits of naid wator main to Hiiid roHnootivo imrcols of land, and uIbo tho nronortional froututro thereof on Hiiid Btroot. mid tho coun cil dooa horobv doolaro each of tho narcohi of nronortv dotioribod bolow to bo iiHHOHHod and each of the hiuiiu horehv iu miHossod tho amount Bet onnoHito oaoh doHorintion for tho cohI of laviiiL' Haiti wator mnin. AfiHOBHinont for a six-inch wntor main on Hounott uvonuo from How ard Htroot to HoohovoH nvouuo, ABBOBsmont No. 1 E. P. nud Kmma Hounott. Tlio oiiBt 20 foot of lot 0. block 1, Sunriso Home Pnrk A.l.lfi i il fi. ii r -i n a. iiiidiuou io uiu ouv tu iMOdiord, Ui' tho citv of Medford. Oreiren: frout nuo 50 feet on the Bouth tide of Hen nott uvonuo and described in 11-125; du loet: rato nor loot. Si: nmount. $50. Seotioii 2. And it in horobv order ed mid ordained that tho sovoral as sessments mill tho liens thereof bo entoicd in the water mnin lion docket of the Hnid oitv. and that therounon notice bo irivon tlio owners or remit- od ownorrt of Hiiid nronortv. mid that ho hiiiiio ho enforced mid collected iu tho inunnor nrovidod bv tho char tor of tho Haiti oitv for the enllnn. tioiiB ol iiHHOHSiuontH for tho ini nrovoinonl of tho strcots thoroin. .Soot ion !l. It is furthor ordered that tho notice nbovo provided for bo niililifiluMi thrco times in the Daily M"nil Tribuno. a nowsnanur nublish cd and of iroiiornl oirotilation in Haiti eitv. in tho iiianuor nrovidod hv nr- dinnnco No. 250 of Raid citv. I ho foroiromir ordinaneo was imhh- od hv tho citv council of tho oitv nf Medford. Orouon, on tho 21th dav of iunv. 1H10. bv the following vete: Morriok nvo. Wolch ahsont. Kifort ave. Kmoriok nvo. Dcmmor nvo, Wort man uvo. Annrovod Mav 25. 1010. W. II. MAYOR. Mnvor. Attest: HOIlKltT W. TKLPER. Citv llooortlor. of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front- aKo 2-17.5 ieot on tho enst Dido of Genesee street, and described In Vol. 45. pngo 25S, county recorder's roc rds of Jackson county, Oregon; 247.5 feet: rato per foot ?1; amount ?::-.7.5(i cessment No. 2 E. P. and Em. Bennett. Tho southwest nart of rato per foot SI; ainoim $75. ,ed promises and marked Q on tho man ol- i1. Page 4'1. county recorder assessiueni rso. i w. u. uanon. A pnrcol of land commonclng C10 feet north nnd 1025 feet W03t of tho southeast cornor of donation land clnlm No. 4 2, township 37 south. rnngo 1 wost of tho Wlllamotto mor idtan; thonco north 80 foot; thonco west IfiO feot; thenco south 80 feot; thonco enst 100 feot to tho placo of beginning; also n strip of land 20 feet wldo extending along tho ontlro osst OHDINANOIO NO. 310. An ordinaneo iloclarlnc tho mrhorb. mont on tho proporty bonoflted for tho cost of laying a six-Inch wator main on Gouosco Btroot and direct lug tho rocordor to ontor a statement thoroof iu tho wntor main Hon dock ot. Tho oily of Medford doth ordain as ioiiowh; Section 1. Whornnn. Mm nIK- onnn. eu'on; froiitaco 75 foot on tho north1 ell did liorotoforo, by rooolutlon, do- nd of tho nbovo doscrlbod land, which strip of lnnd said "V, II. Canon agrees to dodlcato for streot purposos, and marked If on tho map of tho city of Modrord, Oregon; frontngo 80 feet on tho west Hldo of Goneseo streot. nnd described In Vol. 02, pnKO.503. coun ty recordor'H records of Jackson coun ty, Oregon; 80 foot; rata per foot $1; amount $80. Assessment No. 5 W. A. Medley, Lot 1, block 5, Fruitdale addition to tho city of Medford, Oregen: front- ago 120 foot on tho west sldo of Gon eseo streot, nnd doscrlbod In Vol, 73, pngo 342, county rocordor'B records or Jackson county, Oregon; 120 foot; rato por root ji; amount ?120. Assessment No, 0 George W, How ard. Lot 12, block 0, Fruitdale addi tion to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 120 foot on tho wost sldo ot Goneseo Btroot, nnd described In Vol. . . , pago . . , county rocordor'a rec ords of Jackson county, Orogon; 120 foot; rato por foot $1; amount $120. Assossmont No. 7 Dolph Kent. Lot 1, block 0. Fruitdale ntldltlon to tho city of Medford, Oroson; frontngo 120 feot on tho wost sldo of Uonoseo stroot, nnd doscrlbod in Vol. . . , pngo , . , county rocordor'a rocortis of Jnck- boii county, Orogon; 120 foot; rnto por foot $1; amount $120. Assessment No. 8 L. G. Portor. Lot 12, blook 2, Fruitdale ndiMtlon to tho city of Medford, Orogon; frontago 120 foot on tho east sldo of Gonosoo Btroot, and doscrlbod In Vol. 71, pngo 471, county rocordor'a rocorda of Jackson county, Orogon; 70 f oot; rato por foot $1; amount $.70, ABSossmont No, 0 J. W. Hookor smlth. Lot 13, blook 2, Frultdnlo ad dition to tho city of Medford, Orogon; frontago 120 foot on tho enst aldo of . , .., ,...Bv, . . ., lulling 1VI.U4U4.-4 O ...... 4V. llli: 4.44J UI .UClUUrU, UrB- , l,..! il,- i . records of Jackson county, Orogon; gon; frontage 170 feet on tho west I, .B . country offering yoa iiu ieot; rato per root nu; amount siae ot Howard street, and describod , ""gKes, carnnges nnd aacks at ?G5. In H-200; 270 fcot; rate por foot prices which thoy claim to bo lower Assessment No. S Sarah T. Wol- $1.25; amount $212.50. thnn our nrinM i i.m rtr verton. Lot 15. block 1. Fruitdale, Assessment No. 3-P. B. ONelll. iwol ," If- -at ,hm0, are addition to tho city of Medford, Ore- The northwest part of lot D, block P.P thls mrcuInr as ndvaac gen: frontago 50 feet on tho north 2. Sunrise Home Park ndiihinn tr, tho, odco that wo aro in nositioii t Section 2. And It Is horoby ordered ifl.u, ?.f F?8t Washington street, nud city of Medford, Oregon; frontage : meet any competitive nricea mnil br n...i n...i..i...i n,.i i. i Ilioserlhoi! In Vol fiS nnro SSr. inimlv fill font' nn tit a nn .i.u ii i ' i . .. .Mill 4J14IUIIIVU ments and the 1 In flirt u-nlnr ,..,. .....v (. ,.. IIWI.I44J4 UI IU 1 . .. said eitv. nnd Hint tlinrnnnnn nntlnn lin I amount ?5& given tho oi.ners. or ronutod ownors. . Assossmont No, of said proporty, and that tho samo 'i.i'cy .. In onforrnil nnd pnllootn.l In tl.n i.ion tlltlOIl tO tllO nor nrovidod by tho chnrtor of tbo frontago 50 feot on tho north sldo of on tho east s said city for tho collection of assess-1 hns,t Washington streot, and describ- described in 1 that tho sovoral assess- described in Vol. 68, page 3SG, county 50 feet on tho west side of Howard any foreign ronrosontations nnd will o lions thereof bo ontorod rpcordor 'si records of Jackson county,, street, described In R-199; 50 feot; Uurnntel LT?n ft . mnin Hon dockot of tho Oregon; 50 feot; rate per foot $1.10; rate por foot $1.25; amount $62 50. Bunnte Kvo you better goodu oo. assessment .o. 4 F. c. Edmeades. iU4 "st,!' IUO"oy. ttqmomDer, wo stand u?nA ?' ,W. H. Hum- Tho east part of lot 9, block 2, Sunrise ibohind our goods with n stromr rwr ot 16, block 1. Fruitdale ad-'Home Park addition to the city ofisouul cuarantoo nnd mnU it J, i mo or Howara street, and , ",, -""" uOU10xa, waero U-126; 220 feot; rato per ou know J'011 wil got fair treatment -io. a any ropairs oan bo had prompt- C. W. Roberts lv. Wn nliin nni. .J .1! : S5S.TV?.i ?J,"S.5.is.?,f.V1"?l0 ! the factory, thereby sccurine lZ i . , ,. " V"V ,'11' " 44V:4114.'4 4, Ur- Pi , " --'-" .4Boi.poiin.ni.iMi.au jiniuorry. iot'bou; tronta:a to root on the east """j mo una uost cariour 17. block 1, Fruitdale addition to tho sldo of Howard street, and described freights, city of Medford, Orogen: frontago 50 In Vol. 65, pago 342, county record-1 feot on tho uorth side of East Wnsh-'or's records of Jackson county. Ore-I- H. PRICHARD & Co.. Medfora "" "'"" "" ,l"1""1 ,UI- iui -w eoi; into per root ?l,25; uuiiilAlfD BROS.. ModPnr . . , pngo . . , county recorder's records , nmount $150. I vrn pirr ah i oaiota' nientH for tho linprovoment of the ' n ,Vo,! 7fi- l)nK 320 county ro-,'foot $1.25; amount $275. streets thoreln. , -"vi recorus ot jacitson county, Assessment 'o. 5 Section 3. It la furthor ordered that tho notice abovo provided for bo published threo times In tho Dntlv Mall Trlbuuo, a nowapapor publlshod and of genornl circulation In said city, In tho mnnnor provldod by ordinaneo No. 250 of said city. The foregoing ordinaneo was nass- ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford, Oregon, on tho 24th day of .May, mil), iy tno rollowlng vote: Morrlck nyo, Wolch absont, Emorlck ayo, Hommer ayo, wortman nyo El fort nyo. Approved May 25th, 1910. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ItOnT. W. TELFBR. City Recordor. Oregon; 50 feot; rato per foot $1.10: and wife. amount oo. iu jRCKson conniy. uregon; 50 reet; section 2. And it is hereby order- WpvaTaw Wr rato por foot $1.10; amount $55. od and ordained thnt tho sovoral a3.l"EEMAN & WILEY, Central Point. Assessment No. 11 L. G. Portor. IsessmentB and tho Ileus thoreof bo' - - Lot IS, block 1. Fruitdale addition to 'ontorod in tbo wntr mnin n.. ,inni, I : . - mmmm OHDIXANOE NO. sti. An ordinaneo declaring tho assoss mont on tho proporty bonofltod for tho cost of laying a six-inch wator main on Washington stroot, and di recting tho recordor to ontor a stato mont thoreof In tho wntor main lion dockot, Tho city of Medford doth ordnln as follews: Section 1. Whorons, tho city coun cil did liorotoforo, by rosolutlon, do olaro Its intontlon to lay n six-Inch wnter main on Washington Btroot nnd to nssesa tho cost thoroof on tho prop erty fronting on said portion of sntd Btroot in proportion to tho frontngo of said proporty, and fix a tlmo and tho city of Medford, Orogon; frontngo of tho said city and that thereupon 50 feot on tho north eldo of East notice bo clven thn nuMinm n ,.. Washington street, nnd describod in ' od owners of said proporty, and that I Vol. 71, pago 471, county rocordor'a i tho camo bo onforced and collected in records of Jnckson county. Orogon; tho mannor provldod by tho chartor of I 50 foot; rato por foot $1.10; amount tho said city for tho collection of ns- $55. Assossmont No 12- Lot 19, block 1, Fruitdale addition to tho city of Medford, Orogon; frontngo uu ieot on tno north side of East Washington street, nnd describod in Vol, 71, pago 471. county recorder's rocords of Jnckson county, Orogen: no root; rato por root $1.10; -.mount $55. Assossmont No. 13 Lulu Portor, Enst 15 feot of lot 20, block 1, Frult dnlo addition to tho city of Medford, Orogon; frontngo 50 feet on tho north sldo of Enst Washington streot, and doscrlbod In Vol. 72, pago 382, coun ty rocordor'a rocords of Jnckson coun ty, Orogon; 15 feet; rato por foot $1.10; nmount $15,50, Soctlon 2. And it Is hereby ordorod nnd ordained that tho several assess- sossmontB for tho Improvement of tho! L. G. Porter. I streets thoroin. Section 3. It is furthor ordered thnt tho nottco nbovo provided for bo published tliroo times in tho nniiv Mail Tribuno, a nowspapor publlshod I "uu uV Bouuiai circuintion in Bam city, in tho mnnnor provided by ordinaneo No. 250 of said city. Tho forogolng ordinaneo waa pass ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford, Orogon, on tho 24tl day of May, 1910, by tho followirg vete: Merrick ayo, Welch absont, EI fort ayo, Emorlck ayo, Demmor ayo, Wort man aye. Approvod May 25th, 1910. W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. Notice Tho old established Medford Bakory uud Dolicatesson hava agnln resumed business with now mon, bettor goods, prompt sorvico. Everything up-to-date. Our motto is to pleaso our pat rons. Qlvo us a trial. Re spectfully, A. F. REINKING & Co. BOUTH CENTRAL AVK ' PHONE MAIN attSS. J H u l M .'. r - "-OH ; iATB5fca&ti "nnniimw-