Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 30, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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0A Mfc,.,'",l- '
- h. -viiiH'tHl''mtHiJ jMimmh nap.? m
i." mk -
-Fairly Good Game of Ball on Llcal
Diamond This Afternoon Mdford
and Central Point Meet.
Hertford seems to hnvo the- Indian
sign on Grants Pass this senson nnd
continuos to win games. Sho took
tho enmo Sunday by n score of 5 to
2. Tho game wns fairly pood. Os
botirno struck out eight men, Burgess
six and Coleman three.
This afternoon Medford plays Cen
tral Point.
Tho scere:
AB. R. PO.
II. Fnubinn, ss. 5 0 0
Bowers, lb 5 1 8
Williams, c 4 0 0
D. Fnubinn, rf . . 5 0 1
Smith. 3b 4 0 0
Biggs, cf 4 1 2
Cook. 2b 4 0 3
Osborne, p 3 0 1
'Crawford, .If. . . 3 0 0
WANTED A good steady, middle
aged man who understands tho can.
of cows and garden work. Good
wages to tho right man. Addrcji
P. P.. Eagle Point. 66
FOR RENT House, cornor Eighth
and Central Avenue; good business
corner; can bo used a3 rooming
house or for stores and offices. An
36 South Central Ave. 61
Twelvo New Members Are Initiated
and Elaborato Banquet Follows at
Louvre Cafe.
Totals 37 2
AB. R.
Blnckie, rf 4
Strain. 2b ..... 5
Miles, ss 4
Isnncs. cf 3
Wilkinson, 1st.. 4
Becbe. 3b 4
Hill, c 3
Antel. If. 4
Buttress, p..... 1
Coleman, p.. .. "1
Totals"- 33
24 10 2
A. 12.
0 0
4 2
1 0
0 0
0 0
3 0
1 0
0 0
1 0
0" 1
The Hoo IIoos, on organisation of,
lumbermen, at their first session in!
Medford on Inst Saturday evening
initiated twelve now members nud
had a jolly time, both at tho initi
ation and tho banquet which follow
ed at tho Louvre cafe. Tho new
i members were: J. II. Anderson, Big
.Pines Lumber Co., Medford; A. Is.
Largo audiences greeted Dr. Oil- Uildebmud, Medford Lumber Co.,
ver morning, afternoon and evening, i Medford ; W. W. Woods, Wjoods Luni
Three great mormons characterized her Co., Medford; T. Moffat, Med-
Mi ,1m. Tn il,A ninr-iin- tho sub- ford Snsh Door Co- Medford; 1).
Joct was "The Heroism of Christian
ity and Its High Standard of Life."
In the afte-i'oon the subject was
"Manhood, and What Constitutes
In tho even.'ug tho subject was,
"The Unpardonable Sin," the text
being Matt. 12:31. "I say unto you,
every sin and blasphemy shall bo for
given unto men; but tho blasphemy
against the Holy Spirit shall not bo
forgiven, notl-ei in this world nor
In that which Is to come."
Dr. Oliver in the evening said In
part: ,
There Is no hone for tho man
T, Lawtou, timbennnn, Medford; II.
A. Thierolf, Big Pines Lumber Co.,
Medford; O. F. Curson, Carson
Smith Lumber Co., Abhlnnd; P. O.
Hansen, Medford Sash & Door Co.,
Medford; II. Pine Knott Lystul, Lys-tul-Stovelnnd
Lumber Co., Glendale;
A. A. Snyder, Gleudalc Lumber Co.,
Gicudnle; T. S. Bergman, Bergman
Mfg. Co., Portland; Win. Valve
Gerig, P. & E. Railroad Co., Med
ford. The officers of the I loo IIoos in
this section arc:
Snnrk, F. II. Rosenberg, Cottage
Grove; Senior Hoo Hoo, A. B. Wood.
who does not want to clean up, buiio""0.0105 i'r Hoo Hoo, Du-
for tho man who repents and for- V" "V1' lonm DJum' " r-
m dnn t,orn io i.nnn Tn bchnffer, Centmlin, Wnsh. ; senvon-
meeting of this kind a young man ntof' H' n- Ventch. Cottage Grove;'
said that Christianity was Ideal, ho ' Jnhberwoek, L. S. Hill, Cottage,
believed in Cluist, but o said Wia.."10 eusiocnunn, n. ti. iinsKen,
ho could not live tho life. And con-IVor,,ftJul5 nrcnuopencr, D. X. Sny-
Aviation Meet
----------- - - . , M IM
Saturday and Sunday, June 4 & 5
Glen H. Curtiss - Whipple Hall
Aroplanes Aviator
Eugene Ely
- - For the Benefit of the Crater Lake Highway. - -
See fheMen Birds Fly
Auspices of the Crater Lake Highway Commission
Tickets 50c, Children 25c Oakdale Park Addition.
!7 10 3
Went in in seventh.
BOSTON, May 30. Bishop Wil
iam N. McYickar of the Episcopal
diocese of Rhode Island believes that
persons physically and mentally unfit
should be prevented by national laws
from marrying, and that a commis
sion of experts should he appointed
to pnss upon the fitness of would
be brides and bridegrooms.
"I fully beliove that in less than
a generation we shall sec national
legislation that will check indiscrim
inate marriage, and so prevent the
propagation of disease, mental and
"Hundreds of cases are on record
of whole families who are criminals.
Sons follow fathers in evil ways, and
generation after generation is a
means of breeding more criminals.
Persons afflicted with tuberculosis
should be prevented from nrrying.
Incipient or threatened idiocy and in
sanity should bo treated in tho same
way. A person apparently freo from
taint, yet of a family in which there
was inherited insanity, ought to be
prevented from marrying. In addi
tion there are many diseases, purely
physical, that ought to be, and will
be, considered grave enough to act
as n bar to marriage.
"It would probably be necessary
to establish a sort of 'marriago com
mission' in each state or large city,
the members of which should decide
on each applicant."
.DARBY, Pa., May 30. A large
gentleman cat having no known homo
caused several kinds of excitement
and diversion in tho residence of
Edwin Smith of North Sixth Street,
Darby, last night, which for a time
baffled an explanation.
In tho afternoon, whilo ono of tho
bedroom windows wns open, tho cat
entered tho house nnd finally ledged
itself comfortably between the
springs and tho mattress of tho main
bed nnd fell asleep.
Shortly after 11 o'clock Mr. nnd
Mrs. Smith retired, and, nftor getting
in bed, were aroused by hearing a
terrific shriek, seemingly bonenth
them. At first it was thought that
burglars were in tho house, but final
ly, turning up tho mnttress Smith de
tected tho big grap cat, which, find
ing tho weight of tho spring lifted,
lost no time in making its escape.
fldentinlly he said, 'IK I accept
Christ I must go to Peoria, Illinois,
and confess to having taken money
that belonged to my employer. It
was taken years 'ago, and It is not
known that I took it."
"He was fc-ougkt to seo that there
could bo no uope for the man or
the woman vho covers up sin In
stead of cleaning up the life from its
pollution. Ho vent and confessed
and made restitution and today that
m.-tn stands lino Gibraltar for God
and humanity. Many people when
they came to the Pacific Coast left
their Christlarity east of tho Rocky
Mountains, and hero live tho almle3s
drifting life, think that they ci
trine with eternal issues. Neighbor,
hear me! Yon may run from duty;
you may refusn to obey tho voice of
conscience, b t you cannot run ftom
tho judgment. Psychologically, re
peated resistance to known duty and
to the offer of salvation establishes
a ccgatlv attitude of tho soul to
theso things. With repeated offers
theio come with increr-scd empha
sis, No.
"No will bo the eternal requiem
of the lo3t soul. When te Israel
ites were to bo protectol from tho
avenging angel tho blood of the slain
lamb was to be sprinkled on the
dooi posts and on tho lintel of tho
door. To full in this was to bring
disaster on the house. Father,
mother, is tho Hood of tho Lamb
slain from tho
der, Gleudalc; garden, M.
cutte, Cottage Grove.
P. Gnr-
Hasldns for Health
Mr. and Mrs.
Piano Needer.
nnd Is called tho Great Westorn Mng.
It Is not likely that as small a town
In tho world l:as as many nowsimpora
as Farmlugdalo, and thoy nro all wait-
for tho final proof harvest to
MITCHELL, S. D May 30. Tho
Increasing number of settlers has
given an added ImpctiiB to tho ostnb- i Ing
lishment of newspapers In tho west start.
orn part of the state to get llo final ,
proof business which will eventually ! DEATH OF HUSBAND
stain, wan also killed and Chnrlos
Babbitt fatally injured.
The men were attempting to break
a speed record from Mnriana to
Wnshincton when tho machine struck
a bridge and wns demolished.
The dream corresponded in many
details with tho accident.
bo handed out. Tho papers have
grown numerous In tho past few
months, and at Farralujdalo tbrco
world protecting your noys and girls
from tho avenging ang'jl?
"A young Southern soldier boy
was aerlo-isly wounded and his
life's blood vas fast ebbing. When
arked what message ho had to leavo
Tho question is staring you in the
face about the musical education of
3'our beloved boy or girl. What are
you going to do nbout the mnttor
just linger along as you hnve in the
past and let them miss the greatest
opportunity of a lifetime? Why, you
can't afford this. Think about it
seriously, then come to Hnle's and
spend 19 cents per day nnd get one
of those unstained quality pianos, in
dorsed by the music-loving public of
Wc will absolutely guarantee to
sell you a better piano for less money
when quality is taken into consider
ation than any other concern can, ns
we nr direct factory dealers and do
not contribute to the maintenance of
beautiful warerooms in any of the
lnrge cities, which all concerns will
frankly tell yon thnt it actually costs
them from $7o to $85 to retail each
piano they market. Why not nut the
largo savings in your pocket by deal- '
foundation of tho intr with Hnle's, the factory represen
... --. l ' -
newspapers on u PopulThnt Jcnth of , , b . .
latlon of about 25 people and thrco or , .,
four business house. , automobile accident followed n
The editors of two of tho papers drentn in which sho saw him killed
tiavo adopted uniquo names, ono be-, was tho declaration today of Mrs.
Ing called Screwdriver and tho othor John Datig. Tho dream ciiino tmo
Glmlot, the former being tho latest Sunday when Datig wns killed in on
accession to tho town. Tho third pa-.automnbito ri'k near here,
per takes on a moro dlgnlflod name I nnrry Whntley, a well-known mu-
You nro cordially invited to at
tend a lawn social in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. U. G. Smith, at tho beau
tiful rosidonco of Mr. and Mrs. J. 12.
Watt tomorrow (Tuesday) evening,
May 31, between tho hours of 8 and
11 p. in. Thu committee in charge
may iihboiiiIiIo for n plouHuut evening,
together. Cordially yours,
NEW YORK. May 30. Attorneys
for Albert Woltor, tho youth con
victed of having murdered If tit It
Wheeler, a stenographer, and nuii
tenced to bo electrocuted in Juno,
filed notico today of mi appeal from
tho judgment mid verdict.
Tho court allowed a stay of exe
cution and an apponl will ho heard
in October.
lmvo arranged for music and light
rofroshmontH and sincerely hopo that I t, n,,l nr taking on thnt "vacn
oll friends of Mr. and Mrs. Smith ' tlcm tono" nowadays.
tntivo for 15 of the world's lcadinc
makes of pianos, such as the world I
best Knnbe, Ivers & Pond, Henry F. '
Miller, Krell, Lnfargue, Sterling,!
Huntington, Mendelssohn, Plnyers:
Apollo, the world's best; Chase &'
ana c.'icro una the
mother gave mo when I left home Free, beginning June 1, 1010
with the Injunction to pillow my Songs nnd instrumental music of tho
he said: 'Put your hand under my i Baker, Sterling, Lnfargue,
nlllrw firw! rinrn flrwl tlio TJIhlf. I Plnvnn Tin.
j-...wtt .... .hw.w .. . ...jv. A MWJU'7.
head on God's promises. Ssnd the
Blblo to her and tell I-or that I
died like a Christian, not afraid to
go. ' Neighbor, resist not tho striv
ings of tho Holy Spirit, and Christ
will not be ashamed of yu at tho
Dr. Oliver wns given a fico will
offeilng yesterday of $900. Mr. W.
H. Gore took tho offering. In his
remarks ho waa frequently applaud
ed. He said that ho had not seen
latest hits. Fill out the following
coupon and mail to nalo's Piano
House, Medford, Or.:
Send me n copy of tho Latest Hits
in Sheet Music, ns offered in your
Name ,
it possible give us tho name of
someone you think should have a new
nor heard all that Dr. Oliver lnd piano or wants a player pinno. Your
dono or said, but In so far as ho
had seen and heard, ho gavo Dr. 011-
Tho annual Memorial services of
Talisman lodge, No. 31, of Medford,
Oregon, will bo held at the Medford
Opera houso at 3:30 p. m. on Sunday,
Juno 5, 1910.
All Knights of Pythian and their
famllloe are most cordially Invited
to bo present.
Rev. Paul 8, Bandy of Sftlom, Ore
gon, will deliver tho pration and
services will go according to ritual.
All Knights nro urged to bo present
at the hall Monday night Work In
tlrst nnd tlioe ranks and banquet
will t follow, Monday night Is last of
the 'contest, 60
ver his unqualified endorsement. At
these worla an audience of 2,000
people brol'.o Into loud applause,
when Mr. Gore said: "I seo tint
I am not alono In a high apprecia
tion of Dr. Oliver."
When Dr. Oliver rose for the pur
poso of addressing tho people tho
whole audience roso to their feet and
gavo him the Chautauqua salute. It
was evident yesterday that tho
people have highly appreciated Dr.
Oliver, desp to the slandor of thoso
on tho street who never heard him
and tho papers that misrepresented
Dr. Oliver Is a great preacher, and
bo gooslionco with tho pooplo's ben
ediction upon him.
Ho had with him a band of noblo
helpers. During the meetings about
500 people lined up for ChrlBt,
name will not he used.
Name . .
Street .,
Want to go to work without any
moro "como-around-a-llttlo later?"
Add Distinction
to any costume.
The Pasadena
of Oregon
People of refinement; people with means; rotircd business men; professional mon;
college and university graduates, are coining to the Rogue Rivor Valley by tho score.
Within the past two years almost a hundred Chicago and Evanston, Illinois, people hnvo
purchased homes near Medofrd, and nearly every one of them has a friend or two
whom they hope to induce to come and locate in tho valley.
New York, Philadelphia, Boston and many other eastern cities are almost if not
quite as well represented, while St. Paul and Minneapolis have more representatives
hero than any othor several cities combined.
Think these statements over and get your thinker,gomg. Write to tho undersigned
or the Medford Commercial OJub for detailed informtaion about tho country, and you
will never have cause to regret it.
Bearing Orchards
Near Medford
A,.oat of the producing orchards have been held in largo holdings until recently.
9 St: weeks ago the Eden Valley Orchard, containing 605 acres, was placed on tho
-';.'.. .;ot in any desired acreage. Wo have been authorized to offor the bearing apples
nnd pears for sale, and if you knot" anything about th country and want a desirable
block of bearing trees, write or come soon. During tho past weok over $150,000
. worth of tho property has been disposed of. It is located within two miles of Medford
at an elevation of about 100 feet above tho city and is ono of tho best kept orchards' in
, . the world. Parts of the orchard offered for sale have paid tho owner over $600 per
acre per year for four years straight.
Do'not come unless you are prepared to stay, for just so sure as you do come the com
bination of fat soil, grandeur of scenic beauty and Italian climate will steal you, body
and soul. After one visit hero you will bo miserable any other place on earth.
John D. Olwell
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