MEDFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE, MBDEORD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 30, .1910. ft ! QUEER ANIMAL TALES IN NEWS HHfle Newfoundland Dog Takes Tiger Cub as Own Bulldog Is Trained te Rob Hen Roosts for Master Cat Adopts Five Mice. NEW YORK, May 30. Taken from lits mother, In the tear bIio 'would kill him, young Joff has found a foster parom 01 a lar muuer d 88 GRADUATES AT UNIVERSITY Largest Class In History of Institu tion Finishes College Work Stu dents From All parts of the State Mcdford Represented. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu gene, May 30. Tho present senior class of tho University of Oregon will bo tho largest class that has yet been turo. That sne should caro for him graduated from tho university. The la as surprising as If a timid sheep ( class numbers SS members, not in took a wolf to her heart, for Young i eluding tho departments of medicine Jeff is a Bengal tiger cub, and his and law, whoso graduation oxercises foster mother iu a Newfoundland dog. have already been held, und is inndo RnJnh. a tlgresu, brought a pair t up of the following students' : cubs, in to tho world and the Bostockl Adah Allen,. Eugene; Eva Allen, arena at Coney Island two weeks ago. , One cub died. Knowing Rajah to bo a cruel mother, Captain Jack Bonavltn looked for a substitute. Ho found tho Newfoundland, who was -willing, to forsako her own family and adopt tho tiny son of tho big Bengal. Tho cub accepted tho new conditions without protect, and tho iog has since given tendor caro to Young Jeff. In fact, they havo be come so closnly attached that Bona Tlta belloves tho cub will grow up as docllo as its proxy parent. Bulldog Trained to Rob. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., May 30. Tho polico department at Torro Haute has solved partially tho mys terious disappearance of many chick ens lately. The ownors of poultry bad not seen anyone hanging around their hen roosts and they could not account for tho thefts. Tho polico laid a trap for the thief. They finally saw a horso and buggy driven up to a chicken roost. rThoy were prepared to land their man. In- tec, of a man, however, a fine look lag bull terrier jumped out of tho Baggy and made straight for tho hen- aouflo. He came out Immediately with a plump pullet in his mouth. He hiked straight for tho buggy with it and then came back for another. The way ho grabbed the chickens and car ried them to his owner nhowed that no was nq amateur thief. The polico wero satisfied that the siaa had trained his dog to go after the chickens whllo he remained at a aafo distance. Thoy mado a run for aim, but he escaped In his rig wiJi the do gfollowing. Cat Adopts Five Mice. RICHMOND, Va May 30. In the Virginia bonded warehouse here "Jim Crowt" a huge and heretofore fero cious mouser, makes her home. About a month ago "Jim's" litter of kittens aad been takei away from l-er and, Mke tho true mother sho was, the loss nearly broko her heart. Shortly after ward a nest of five mice, about four weeks old, was found In a carload of flour that was being unloaded at the warehouse. Henry S. Hotchklss, sec- retatry of the company, ordered the Eugene; Leroy A. Arthur, AIcMinn ville; lluth E. Bnldorrcc, Japan; Ethel F. Barnard, Eugene; Harold E. Bates, Portland; Edith L. Beebe, Eugene; Annie Bergman, Astoria; Livia Z. Bend, Irving; Glonu P. Briedwell, Amity; W. Wilshiro Bris tow, Eugene; William M. Cake, Port land; William C. Campbell, JfcMinu ville; Norwood R. Chnrmnn, Oregon City; Dudley R. Clarke, Portland; James Denu Collins, Dallas; Bertha P. Comings, Derby, Vt.; Chauncey Cunning, Baker City; Harold A. Dnl zell, Eugene; Henry R. Davies, Duns muir, Cal.; Pauline Davis, Eugene; Ralph 1L Dodsiu, Baker City; Bertha Dorris, Spokane, Wash.; Elsie M. Dow, Washburn, Wis.; Chester A. Downs, Portland; Ruth Duniway, Portland; Carolyn Duuston, Port land; Barry C. Ensthnin, Oswego; Blanche E. Ferdine, Grants Pass; Arthur JL Genry, Portland ; Irvin M. Grodin, Oakland, Cal.; Essie M. Ha ley, Tugene; Ruth Hnnscn, Portland; Pearl V. Hawthorne, Eugene; Kath leen E. Henderson, Eugene; Vera D. Homer, Corvallis; Pearl Huff, La Grande; Helena S. Hughes, Portlnud; Oliver B. Huston, Portland; Hazel Humphrey, Eugene; Ethel Jr. John son, Eugene; Harper N. Jamison, Portland; Hnnna JL Kenworthy, Portland; William C. Kiltz, Vancou ver, B. C; Mabel Kuykendall, Eu gene; Grace La Brie, Roseburg; Ho mer Lackes, Eugene; Jennie Lilly, Portland; Roscoe C. Lyans, Eugene; Earl A. Marshall, Portland; Walter Mclnhre, Ashland; Lela T. McPher son, Springfield; Arthur R. Moore, Buffalo. N. Y.; Carl B. Nenl, Buenn Vista; Oliver B. Needhnm, Eugene; James K. Neill, La Grande; Ferdi nand J. Newbnuer, Lents; Enrl A. Nott, McMinnville; Sara F. Oberteuf fer, Portland; Edwin Platts, Eugene; Alfred Powers, El Dorado, Ark.; George J. Poysky, Astoria; Ruby Pratt, Eugene; Edith Prescott, Baker City; Ormond Rankin, Portlnnd; Joel H. Richardson, La Grande; George X. Riddell, Portlnnd; Harold J. Rounds, Hillsdale; Estclla Mae Snge Eugene; Ethel E. Shnrpo, Portland; Essie E. Sechrist, Portland; Clanton P. Shangle, Milton; Isoleua Shaver, Pertland: Loretta Showers, Port land; Leland L. Steiwer, Fossil; THE PEAR THRIPS (My Dudley Moulton of tho Department of Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations.) Agriculture, ongngod In Tho small, fragile, Just exposed") aid of a strong Ioiib, n young thrlp ls blossoms, stoms and lent petioles, and later tho mtd-rlbs and tho volns on the back sldo of tho dloavcs, and still later over, tho leaf tlsauo Itself, aro tho places preferred for ovlpo3 ttlng. A trip always places her okjsb in the temlerest of tho plants tU- 8UO. Thoro is dangor of tho ovipos itor gottlng cought If tho tissue Is hard. Also, It Is necess'rv during egg development that the surround Ing tissue be Jcxiblo and moist, for tho egg coverlug Is elastic and t'io embryonic thrlps within Increases In In size very noticeably befoto tho lar vao Issues. Thero Is spaco within tho adult Insect's body for only a few oggs at a time sovon or eight. A thrlp probably places enly a few eggs dur ing a slnglo day. Sho foods for a time, deposits an egg, and then moves to another placo, and later to still other places, and thero may bo oil on one o" scattored trees. Tho adult thu3 spreads her ptcgeny from tree to troo wherever sho goes. Nothing seems to hinder thlps which may bo sot on ovipositing. Thoy have boon observed placing eggs n't all hous of tho day and night undor all conditions of weather. Tho period of ovlposltlon lasts for sever?! wooks, or during practically all of tho llfo of tho adult insects. Injury from ovl posltlon Is most conspicuous on cherry trees. Oporatlng at the baao of a clustor of fruits, a few thrlps will cut several Incisions nnd place many eggs In a slnglo tttom. This so weakens tho stem that It falls to perform Its usual function, and tho rapidly developing cherry soon be comes yellow and falls Thrlps seem to prefer tho cherry to othor varie ties of fruits as a placo for ovipos iting during tho later season, nnd this fruit s ffers sovoroly from ov ipositing, though It may escape tho suing from an egg. A tiny Incision In tho end of a blossom or loot shows whoro an org has boon placed, and tho enlarging egg within, causing a swelling in tho plant tissue at tho Indlcats that tho Insect is nbout ready to emerge. Tho first sign of llfo In tho nppenrnnco, pushing out from tho Incision, of tho head with lta bright, red eyes. I.ltvlu by little, and sway ing backward and forward, tho lnr vao forces It-jolt out until about ono hnlf of tho body Is oxposed, when first tho antennae and then ono by ono tho pairs of legs aro mado froo from tholr resting position ngatti3t tho body. Swaying backward and forward, with logs and an'onnna wav ing frantically about, tho Inset pushes out of tho ogg cavity almost to Its full longlli, whereupon, leaning forward It eagorly a hold with Its nowly formed feet, and. will' a final effort, pulls itself free nnd walks rapidly away. From four to ton min utes nro required to froo ttsolf from tho egg. Tho young Insoct Is almost transparent and tho green chlorophyll particles taken Into tho otomnch can bo seen tho body wall. Growth Is rarld from tho boglnnlng. A very docldcd change takes placo during tho second larvtl stage. In about three wcoks tho insect roachos a slzo often larger than that of tho fully matured Insoct. It thon ceases to feed falls to tho ground, nnd outers tho ground by somo cracs, or worm hole. It goon down from t'ireo to ten Incl'es, according to tho Btruct uro and condition of tho coll, tho us ual depth boln about four Inches. Upon reaching secure leptl', tho lar vao hollows out for Itself a tiny, spherical or oblong coll or It finds an exceedingly small natural cavity and shapes this for Its convenience. Tho completed chamber, has a hard, smooth Inner wall, nnd It Is about ''j,1,1 i W E ARE BUSY. There's a Reason Cnn You Guess the Rouson? Complete House Furnishers Temporary Quarters Next to Washington School. W. Main &. Laurel Sts. Phone 1451 SHE ! .i I jtfUtoy fPjEWlty Jfljggl Injury. The result Is a one-twolfth of an Inch long, or Just first feedin heavy which In badly infested regions means almost tho whole cop. Numerous leaf and blossom stems In which eggs had been placed wero closely watched to determine, tho length of tho ogg stage. In many cases theso stems becamo dry dur and almost invariably from theso no thlps Issued. Eggs need molsturo for their preservatlonn and devel opment, and tho young thrlps must havo tende and pliable tlssuo though which to emerge. Tho ogg stago lasts approximately .four days. Tho Larvae It Is Interesting to watch with tho dropping of half rowu cher- a llttlo longer than tho Insect Itsolf. i no insect nero spen is mo greater portion of Its life. It remains for sev eral months a qutcscont, non-food-taking larva. Later tho pupal changes aro undergone, and lastly tho adult Insect appears boforo It Issues forth " tho tree. Larvao collected from tho ground on August 23 woro nctlvo, and, strange to say, green chlodophyll matter, undl-o.tcr food, uhlch had been tnken Into tbo sovornl months befcro, was Btlll present in their bodies. Tho Insects nro scat tered through tho soil from near tho trunk to several feet from tho tree. (To Bo Coptlnued.) I sb re ft m u mk . A fa. m 0 w MAY CENTRAL POINT NEWSLETTER In Just Five Months Grew a Full Growth oS Hair on a Bald Head Here's the Proof For iwo or thr run my hair 1"1 Um flllm out an uttlnc quit thin, untl tho loj uf inr liMi nu vntirolr batJ. About fiur manlht asa 1 to nmonwsl ulni ,3st anj Bulitiur. 7I tint botilo rctroI t iln nmo sood att 1 le-t iu:n It ri-culnrlr. until iiow'l ha mnj tJUr tot. !. Tlo whole tjp of my ha.l U now fatrlr i 'ir-l with hilr nnJ It krp cot lie In ttilrkcr. ! tlinll kr; on mine It a iMi nnsr, iu 1 notice a contlant im ' STIU'IIK.S IIACON. lUchccU.-. X T. 37XTe or ::cw Tern: J ,. Coumy ox llonioo J " SU'l'h'n lucun. twine ilu:y sirom. r that hv haa rMl lli ttatnint abuve hi tite4 nni! Hut Ih iciuenti u( a-HJ !( cuut on true. UTKIMIKN JIACUN. Swota to tctor m Ul 31t diy of July. HK3. ilcjiur W. HALU Nuury lutille. Tho blrthrlRht ot ovnry mnn, woman nnd child a hill, henlthy hend ol hnlr. II your hnlr Is fnllliiK. H It l lull ol dandrulf, or it It Is faded or turning rny. II la dlscattcd nnd should bo looked alter without dolny. WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY, n true Hnlr Tonic and Restorer, romovca dandrulf in n low dny, sto:3 hnlr fnllinu In ono week, nnd starts n now growth In a month. Wycth's Sngo nnd Sulphur does not aoll tho skin nor Injure the hnlr: but it Is nn Idenl hslr dressing Hint will rc Ntorc faded and urny Itnlr to natural color and keep tho hnlr solt nnd glossy. 50c. and $1.00 a Bottlo- Or Sent Dlrtxjl. Kxprcxi Prspnld, -At all Druggists Upon Receipt of Price Mrs. L. Hatfield was In Mod ford (Norcross and will at once begin tho soveral days last week visiting with erection of a tomo thoroupon. Tho rodents turned over to "Jim Crow." Clarence A. Steele, Portland; Frank Tho order was compiled with, but Im agine the surprise of tho helper who carried them to her when, Instead of pouncing upon them and making the xabst of tbo feast spread there at her feet, she looked them critically over and decided to adopt t! em! Since then she has fondled and fed them and cared for them most zeealously, and neither she nor the mice have rer shown tbo least indication that thoy aro supposed to be deadly one-Bales. IIG ANGORA GOAT FARM PLAN FOR STERILE LAND ALLENTOWN, Pa., May 30. County Commissioner Henry W. Bloss and M. Herbert Deary, depu ty register of wills, aro planning to establish an angora goat farm on the Bluo mountain at tho arpor end of Lehigh county. Mr. Benry, who was born in Mis souri nnd has frequently vlsdted there, noticed that in that state farmers woro maklnc a success of breeding angora goats on territory similar to that along tho mountain )ere, which Is too lean for tilling or even grazing sttlo, but on such grass and shrubs as exist thero it Is figured the an gora goats would thrive, being great foragers. Commissioner Bloss ens upward f 7000 acres ot these mountain lands saving acquired them for their future Talue as a timber supply and as pro tection for Bprlngs supplying reser Toira In which he is Interested. Tho angora goats aro chiefly valuable on account of their hides, which aro used la make vici kid, and their meat and nllk can also bo utilized. H. Swift, Pleasant Hill; Roy K. Terry, Portlnnd; Shannon Laurie Van Vnlznh, Sprinpf ield ; Frederick J. Whittlesey, Portland; Wilfred Wattenbnrjj, Fossil ; Herman A. Wnt terbortr, Portlnnd; Benjamin H. Wil liams, Eucrenc; Willinm G. Willinms, EuReno; Frances P. Younjr, Eugene; Ella M". Deyoe, Eugene. The master's degree will bo con ferred upon Nellie McNeill, Hertford; Elizabeth Woods, Cottage Grove. NOTICE. My property which I had on the Bsarket for sale I now withdraw un til further notice. 12 It. J. COLE. NOTICE OP SALE OP 850,000.00 SCHOOL BONDS, DIST NO. 40, JACKSON COUNTY, OP.E. Bids will be received up to June 1, 1910, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, by Jas. M. Cronemlller, treasurer of Jackson County, Oregon, for tho purchase ot J50.000.00 (fifty thousand dollars), coupon bonds, of $1,000.00 denomination, to bo Issued by School District No. 49, of Jack son County, Oregon, payable in twen ty years, ton years' optional, bearing 5 per cont Intrest per annum, Inter est payable semi-annually. Bids to bo accompanied by certified check, 5 per cont of the amount of the bid. Tho board ot directors ot said school district No. 49 reservo the right to reject any and all bids. JAS. M. CRONEMILLER, Treasurer ot Jackson County, Oregon, Dated this 5tU day of May, 1910. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of stockholders of the Pacific and Eastern Railway will be held at tho oftico of the company, In Medford, Oregon, on Monday, June C, 1910, at 10 o'clock a. m. By order of the President. O. P. HUMPHREY, Secretary. Haskks for Health. CHERiUES ARE RIPE. Eating cherries, canning cherries, plo cherries. ADAMS BROS. '60 Farnors 700x2 Mrs. J. E. Watt. Mrs. Leomelster Is getting some fine views ot Central Point and its surroundings which she Intends mounting in the shape of post cards. Miss Sarah Bebb was alarmingly ill on Friday and tho report was cur rent that s'nu was the victim ot ap pendicitis. This proved to bo but a rumor, though the young ladyl Is still qulto 111. Oil spread upon the wators does not always havo tho quieting effect attributed to It. Since tho Irrigat ing ditches became full of crude oil from the tank leakage at tho Hop kins orchard, much murmuring has been heard among tho people of Cen tral Point who havo been In tho habit of using the water upon their gardens, as tho oil has made It unfit for this purpose. A number of people have lost their chickens, tho same having died as tho result of drinking tho water from tho ditches. Plain water vithout any enriching is good enough for Central Point. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. demons had a genuine family reunion last Sunday, having with them three of their chil dren from various parts of the state with tholr families. Mrs. J. N. Clemens, with her daughter and two sons, camo from Holland to Josephine County on Sat urday, and Sunday morning J. E. Clemens and family of Tr.iont ar rived. Lator In tho day R. M. Clem ens and wife from Dr. Gary's ranch on Griffin Creok put In nn appearance and a regular family Jollification was tho order of tho day with plonty of strawberry shortcake no doubt, Judg ing from tho size ot Clemens' peres strawborry patch. At tho tabernacle services on Sat urday evening tho music was fur nished by about sixty children, led by Mr. Groy. What was lacking in porfect molody wpb more than made up for in energy and onthuslasm, and that tho largo audlonce enjoyed tho Innovation was ovldencec? by tho applauso that greeted sovoral of tho members. Frank Weston, who last woel: sold his orchard on Bear Crook to At torney Beckwlth of Now York City, has purchasod sovoral tots ot W, H. lots cost him $1,100 and his house. which will to Lullt in tho bungalow style, will oit in tho neighborhood of $3,000. In this column last week tho prin ter mado tho editor of tho Nowslots say that Centrhl Point ban purchased among other flro equlpmonts a 70 foot ladder. This was n mistake As most of our buildings nro less than five stories hist, wo decided that a 10-foot ladJO' would answer tho pur po3o for a year or two and that Is tho kind wo ordered. Tho work of tho big ditcher Is nearly done and nil that romalns la to finish laying tho wnter mains and our wnter system which has boon so long desired will bo a reality. From hero tho workmen will go to Tacoma, Washington, where a similar work Is to bo undor',' Iron. Tho baby daightor of Professor and Mrs, Gene Chllders went to Grants Pnss ono day Inst week to visit with Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Roper, tho latter bolng a sister of Mrs. Chll ders, Frod Ponengcr and family loft on Sunday for their now homo at Eu gono. Tho rood wlshos ol a host of frlonds go with thorn. Quito n njinlicr of Central Point peoplo wont down to Medford Fri day to tako J' tho aviation moot and camo homo disappointed, but with n courago and determination only matched by tho people who woro put ting up tho show, thoy wont back an Saturday and woro well ropald for tholr trouble Henry Fiirnum has bogun tho oroctlon of . homo on tho lots recent ly purchased by him of J. J. Grim. Tho tabernacle was beautifully dec orated with flags and bunting on Sunday morning in honor of tho G. A. R, and tho W. R. C, who woro prosent In :t body. Rov. Johnson spoko touchlngly of tho debt that tho nation owes and will nlwayB owo to tho woarora of tho "llttlo brown but ton." Manager Grieve ot tho Control Point baseball team lino courteously announced that thoro will bo no moro basoball plnyjd In tho city on Sun day, whllo tho tabornnclo mootlngs contlnuo. This kindly doforonco on Wyeth Chemical Company, ?&"&?!&. Leon B. Haskins, Drug Store his part Is greatly approclatod by thoco conuoctod with tho mamtgomout of tho revival work. Rov. M. E. Coon ot Woodvlllo was In town on Sunday to attond tho tabornaclo mootlngs. E. E. Emerson, who with his family aro spondlng tho summor on hlo homestead noar Butto Falls, camo down for a fow days' visit In town. His family accompanied him. Mr, Joo Murphy ot Seattle, n friend of Harry Hall do .Goz, Is visiting tho young orchardlst at his homo In tho Snowy Butto orchard. Ho, too, is contemplating tho purcbMO of or chard land It Is rumored. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notlco is hereby glvon that tho nnnunl meeting of stockholders ot tho Pacific and Eastern Railway will bo hold at the offlco of tho company, In Medford, Orogon, on Monday, Juno C, 1910, at 10 o'clock a. m. By order of tho President. O. P. HUMPHREY, Socrotary. Real Cut Glass The finest assortment of Hawko h Cut GlnsB ovor nliown in Med ford Glaus that is cut from tho solid blank. Evory pteco bears tho trade mark. MARTIN J. REDDY Jawsler, near P. O. SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER Siskiyou Natural Minora! Water, bottled at tho spring by J. M. Wagner a cloar, sparkling, health-giving drink. Delivered to your home by B. C. BIGHAM, Agent. cPBsLsaiast WHERE YOUR MONEY HAS GONE will not puzzle you if you havo nn account ut tho Funnon' & Fruit growers' Hank. Your bnnk book will tell you how much you had. Your chocks will tell you what you havo Hpoiit nnd what for. Tho Farmers' & Fruitgroworfl' Hnnk nocoptH no cmintH from women iih well an men. Its inoroiiBiiig number of women do positorH hIiowh thoy hnvo found such nn ncoount an ndvnntngo. FARMERS & FRUITGROWERS' Bank. For Sale Land that will cut six crops of alfalfa a year. TJ. S. Government irrigation. If you aro interested, address S. F EHORN & SON ORLAND, CALIF. P. O. HANSEN TOM MOFFAT Wo mako any kind and stylo of Windows, Wo carry Glass of any size on hand. i MEDFORD SASH & DOOR GO., Medford, Oregon, I iHrWrslHeB9rW! MlllllllllllllOfWWi tr,i,