Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 29, 1910, FIRST SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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Wlllliim DiivIh, ii Mouiituln diutrlot
I'imnor, oiiinu ovor Hutimliiy, luyliiK
lit Hiipplloii. HIh nloco, Mm. Lucy
J)ivIm, ami family, of North C Hlruot,
will iit!()iiimiiy liim homo for u fow
luy8' iohI.
A. 1). Wiltlu of PiiHiulumi uumo up
Tlnuwluy on u hriuf ImihIiiohh Htuy.
If you want to Htoro u piuiio ior
IIuIu'h plmio Iioiiho, drop a onnl a
lnHHud to Oil N. Cciitrnl uvo.
Tho now North laundry i l'iiK
Mih. William .Ioiioh and daimhtur,
Oracu, of HoiikIo, amo ovor TlnirH
duy, HhoppiiiK
If you want to Htoro a piano for
HiiIo'h Piano Iioiiho, drop a card ad
droHHod to 1)11 N. Contral uvo.
Mi-h. C. P. Huolc "d diumhtor,
Uztfa. vinitod AhIiIuimI WoduoHday.
V. M. Kiinnody of North Front
Htnitit In addliiK attraotivo improvo
iiiunta to IiIh nmidonoo property.
Tho North mdiool groiiiulH aro hu
iiig iniioli iuiprovod hy (trading.
(loniiHoo Hoofing uwardod gold
modal at A. Y. P. oxpoHition. Mado
from Trinidad Lnko nHphiilt und
Kimrantood. No oxpniiHion or con
trnctlon. 08
P. II. ItoKonhurg, Hocrutary of tho
"SVoHlurn Ormion Lumber Mauufao-
turint; UHBonintion of Cottago Orovo,
wan among IIioho who attondud tho
Hoo-IIoo t'ohihratiou. Hit roportH
peoplo of Cottagu Orovo friendly to
thu Crator Lakn highway and that
tho proMpoctH of NoHinith county uro
'bright. Tho proponed WillinmH coun
ty, ho Hlatt-H, iH duviHod Hololy for
tho purpoHo of heading off NohiiiUIi
Como to tho Uijou tliiH wuok and
boo tho Toxiih magician. Til)
C. K. Short of Merlin Hpont Satur
day in Medford.
Now Ih tho time to buy your wood
nt $1 per cord. Call at 4'Jl South
Qrapo Htreot or phono Main 401. (10
JauioH Poll, u well-known hotel
man of Grand ForkH, N. D., i vin
iting IiIh friend, Milliam Hudgo.
f. M. Welch of Squaw Lnko Hpont
Friday in Medrord. Ho reports fiHh
iiK in S(iinw Lake fine.
J. Do P. Schonk fa on n biiKinoris
trip to Soattlo.
Pnvod Htrootn, cotnont Hidowalkn,
wator, cower, olootrio lightn and nil
improvements will bo found in tho
Oucen Anno addition; only eight
miniitoH' walk from tho PoRtoffioo.
Choice Iota $0r0. 18 North Front
F. K. Deuel Iuih retuniod from a
biminoHH visit to Portland.
Tho Hijou offers u vory fiuo
vuudovillo and moving piuturo show
tonight nnd all week. fi!)
It. C. F. AHthurj fa Hponding a fow
daya with II. H. TroiiHon, tho applu
king, at KukIo Point.
F. 0. MoWilliimiH, tho Aslilnnd
booBter, and Senator Mullot woro
Medford vtoitorH Friday evening.
All xtylcfl of legal blanks nt tho
Mail Trihuuo office Ovor n hun
drod forma.
Tho Ladioa' Aid society of tho
rresbytorian church mccta at tho
maiiriu TuoHday at 2:30 p. in. All
tho Indies of tho congregation nro
Como to tho Hijou tlumtro tonight
nnd boo a first clnss vaudovillo and
moving picture nhow. New manago
mont. GO
L. K, Iloovor of Medford is spond-
ing tho day in tho city visiting at
tho homo of his brothor, Dr. K. V.
Iloovor. IIo sayfl thnt Medford's
population, according to tho present
census, will reach tho 8000 mark,
while many of tho citizens nro in
clined to believe that it will pass the
10,000 mark in another year. Hose
burg News.
John II. Cnrkin, attomoy nt luw,
over jaoksou County Bnuk
Qoorco P. Mima of Sovon Ooak
flpont Saturday in this city. IIo
fltatcH that tho residents of his
neiuhborhood hop soon to have tho
S. P. motor oar mako regular sto.H
nt that crossing. This will ho a great
couvouiouco to tho many pooplo who
resido near thero.
Mrs. Muttio Morrison of Central
Point spout Snturduy nftornoon in
Thoso lots on Queen Anno avouuo
nro going rapidly; bottor got in be
foro valuos ndvnnco. Ensy terms.
18 North Front ntreot.
F. H. Tracy, n "Wostorn Union op
erator in Ashland, visited with
frionds in Medford on Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. Plnino Klum ro-
turuod haiuniay morning lrom u
visit with frionds in Ashland.
Canton rostunrniit for sale, $1000.
Snm Look, propriotor. fl4fc
P. IT. Tlarris Hpont Snturdny in
Gold Hill looking nftor his intorests
nonr tlint city.
Can you estimate tho valuo of n
Quoon Anno nvonuo lot n yonr from
nowT Only $060, nt prosont, onsh
or terms. 18 North Front strcot.
TCdwnrd Martin hns rottirnod from
n short visit frionds in Soattlo.
Medford honks up witli Grants
Pnss on tho local ball fiond today
nnd on Monday with Central Point,
Grnnts Purs plnys Glondnlo Monday
nt tho Pass.
It. M. Ciithhorl lias rolurnoi
a ImihIuohh trip to Portland.
Mih, It. F, Mullcoy of .laokHonvillo
H)ont Haliirday afternoon Hlioppiug
in Medford,
Juffiiim ami Johnson will fight for
the championship of tho world, hut
lloyl, tho groat Texas cowboy magi
cian, is fighting to control public
opinion at tho Hijou theatre. of)
Shirley linker has returned to su
pervise tho completion of tho city's
gravity water system.
Sam Lock wishes to sell tho Can
non Hestaiiraul for $100,000,000.
Mrs. Ilatnill, who owns an orchard
near Jacksonville, spout Saturday in
Medford visiting with friends.
Tho JoffrioH'Johnsou fight is to
bo oiio big thing at Kmcryville, Cali
fornia July 'I, hut tho two Hoyts are
tho big attraction at tho Hijou the
atre tonight. r,()
Tho late fiction and Foust craft
jewelry at tho Morrivold Shop,
Tho Toggery has just installed the
latent thing In canh register. A
clock registers the timo each article
is sold, tho time each clerk reports
for duty or goes on leave. Six indi
vidual drawers, each working sep
arately and independently.
Halo's pianos will nrrivo about
Juno 10.
Poter M. Korshnw of the O retro n
Grauito Company has returned from
a trip to Northern California points.
W. II, Stono of Central Point wiih
a visitor in Medford Saturday.
KI it or Puttisou of the eiitral Point
Herald visited Medford Satunhy
Will soil 'JO acres of fruit land near
Contral Point; price $2100. Aylor
fc Dennett. 00
Mrs. Alice Carlton of Grants Pass
visited friends in this city rcntly,
customers in tho vallov
Frank Kvans, who hiw been re
siding In Medford for several months
past, has 1ft for a two mouths'
with relatives in Portland.
Harry L. Young loft Saturday
evening for a visit with his family
at Hrownshoro,
George F. Jewell, n newcomer
from Cincinnati, Ohio, !iih pur
chased a ranch near Woodville and
will help to make that city grow, lb
states that Medford is higgost little
city ho has ovor soon.
W. H. Blond "of Kaglo "oint was
a visitor in Medford Saturday.
Oregon C. Johnson of Philadelphia
has arrived in Medford with the in
tention of making his homo hero. He
states that his falhor was with Grant
when ho was in charge of the bar
racks on the Columbia nnd that ho
was named Oregon and given in
structions byMiis father to some dayj
locate in this state. He has spent
six months looking ovor tho state
and has chosen tho Koguo Kivor val
ley an tho fairest spot within its
boundaries and so will become a per
manent resident.
Dr. Francis K. Oliver will bring
his revival meetings in this city tj
a close today and will Icavo Monday
for Philometh, Ore., to open a series
of meetings.
ucorgo v. Downing oi 'i nun is
spending n fow days in Medford on
business and pleasure combined.
Mr. and .Mrs. Hichard Caldcr have
loft to take up their residence at
thoir country home on the west side
of tho valley after spending the win
tor in Medford.
Mrs. M. K. Worrell and daughter.
Miss Helen, have returned from a
Miss Corlett, as tho handsome, hut month's visit to Portlnnd.
rouuh frontier girl, So charming, con
vinciug and vory capable actress,
Now York Morning Telegraph. Soo
Miss Corlott tonight at 7:.'I0 at tho
Ibis Theatre. SO
Miss Anna Colvig of Ashland wah
n rcent visitor in Medford.
Party owning or knowing of good
proven placer ground, that is diffi
cult to get water to it, that can he
nocurcd on reasonnblo tonus, mny
lonm something to his ndvnntage by
addressing Small, 3.1 Jackson County
Hnnk Hldg., Medrord. 01
Mrs. E. L. Mooro of Contral Point
spent Saturday in visiting friends in
this city.
Foust Crnft Guild jowelry for
graduation presents nt tho Morrivold
A. IT. Carson, stato fruit commis
sioner, slntes thnt ho never saw u
more porfpot crop or frtiit in the
Itnguo Hiver Vnlloy than tho present
one. .Mr. Larson Imr just returned
rrom HoHehurc; where lie organized
a now horticultural society.
Mrs. Dr. Parsons or Aslilnnd was
a recent visitor in Medrord.
Miss Maud Allan or San Francisco
is tho greatest Salome dnncor the
world ever know, but Espanitn Is tho
greatest globe dnncor on tho Ameri
can stage today. Sho can bo seen
at the Hijou then tie tonight. fiO
T. IC. Anderson or Ashlnn wns a
visitor in MedTord Fridny on n short
business trip.
Miss Rtelln Steiger or Grants Pn
tnrried n short tim in Mdford on
hr way to Jacksonville to visit with
Airred Huggorth at Grants Pass
was a recent visitor in Medrord.
A lnrgo number or nnglor-i nro tak
ing ndvnntage or the stop mnde by
tho Southern PnciHo motor car at
Savago Rapids as this is an idea)
spot on Hoguo River to fish. Eight
anglers left tho car thero Satur
day nftornoon.
H. A. Holmes, tho insurnneo man,
devotes his whole time to insurance
nnd can give you bettor service
Honm 10, Jackson County Hnnk.
William C. Rtillwell of .Tiickson
vilU was a visitor in Medford Snt
urdny. Mr. Stillwcll recently pur
chased a homo in Jacksonville, com
ing horo from Modisnn, Wisconsin.
TTo stntos that in his opinion Jack
polvillo will become tho favored resi
dence section of tho Hoguo Hive
H. A. nohnes, tho insurnneo man,
writes n vory liberal insurnneo con
tract. Room 10, Jaoksou County
Rtolln nolmos of Gold Hill spent
the week end with rriends in this city.
James O. Francis or Woodville
wns a Snturdny business visitor in
A. C. ITowlott or Eagle Point wns
n recent visitor in Medrord.
Tt costs no moro to insuro in tho
big cnmpnnies thnn tho smnll onos.
Seo R. A. Trolmos, tho insurnneo man,
room 10, Jnckson County Hnnk.
Willinm IC. nervoy of Tnleut
brought in somo vory rino rtrnwhor
rios rrom tho "Gordon Contor" on
Snturdny. no bolioves in the "in to
1" policv 1(1 slrnwborrios to n box.
Cnnnda Corlott & Co.'s western
plnylot hns cronted n profound im
pression nnd drow somo of the larg
est nudioncos ovor rooordod in the
history or tho Arcndo thentro. To
lodo Nows Hoo, Can bo seon at
tho Tsls thontro tonight nt 7:fl0. fit)
Onorgo F. Truo or Tnlent was n
visitor in ModTord vestordov.
L. E. Tihhnll of Portland is intor-
Canada Corlott has nhility fnr be
yond tho usiiul vaudovillo players.
Sho wins her audiences at once, and
then displays her many sided na
ture. Sho is well supported.
Washington (D. C.) Post. Com to
the Isis tonight. SO
Tho Medford Huick Company has
rocoivod n Huick delivery tmck. It
wns ordered nt tho instnnco of scv
ornl locnl firms nnd if it proves to
bo whnt tho mnkors claim for it
sovcrnl will bo ordered for this city.
John Miller of Aslilnnd spent Snt
urdny in Medford on business.
Mrs. A. Wilson hns purcunscd the
interest of Mrs. Riddle in tho Spi
rclln Corset parlors nnd will in the
future conduct tho business by her
self. Wilson C. Hendricks oT Ruch wjib
n roccnt visitor in this city. Ho is
dolivring wood to vnlloy customers.
Louis C. Doano of Hilt, Col., is
visiting friends in Medford.
A lnrgo number of stores in tho
city hnvo announced their intention
of closing Mondny nftornoon in
honor of tho votornns in order that
thoir employees may attnd th memo-
nnl oxcrciscs in tho city pnrk.
mt. nun .urs. w. r. Isaacs nro
planning nn extended fishing trip up
Hoguo Jwver. They will Icavo to
dny. Tho old distillery which hns stood
for n score of yenrs nenr tho north
boundaries of tho city is being razed
to tho ground. Ono by one tho his
toricnl landmarks of the city mc
boing removed. Tho old wntor tank
in tho city park will bo tho next
to go.
Spooinl sconory nnd accessories,
accurately costumed. Specially
posed motion pictures perfectly in
troduced nt tho Isis theatre. 59
George Swoning has returned from
n visit in Southorn Culironiin.
Chiof Shonror reports thnt tho
Inst of tho hoboes has quietly evept
nwny to pnrts unknown. Tho city is
ontiroly freo of Wcnry Willies for
onco. Whon ho stnrted to "elenr
up" ho hnd twonty-tlux'o nnd it took
a weok to clean them out.
Howard S. Dudley visited Ashland
on business Snturdny.
C. C. Tnylor has returned from a
visit of sovernl months in Senttlo.
Mrs. Mny Grunt of Gold Hill spent
Saturday in Medford.
Loon H. Harris, who hns boon in
Medford for n fow days on business
and renewing old ncqunintnucos re
turns today to his homo in Chico.
County fruit inspector H.nrnum of
Phoenix spout Snturdny in Medford.
IIo roports tho orohnrda In his dis
trict in tho best of condition.
Tho 'uttention of tho automobile
world is attracted to Miss Blanche
Stuart Seott of Rochester, Now
York, who is making a transconti
nental trip from Now York City to
San Francisco in an Overland Road
ster. Sho will mako all her own ro
pairs and is accompanied only by a
nowsjmpor woinnn Miss Amy Phil
lips. Miss Scott is making th trip
purly for plasuro and hor nttompt
is attracting tho most widespread
attention. Tho wonderful simplicity
of tho Overland automobile mnkos
touring for ladios possible. Call at
Medford Auto Co., for demonstra
tion. ro
John CK Fnllawny of Woodville
was a visitor in Medford on Satur
day. W. D. Phillips of Povtlnnd is
sponding a fow days in Medford on
Dr. nnd MrB. Gale nro spending u
month in Grants Pass on business.
Hall gamo today at 2:30 und to
morrow at 3 p. in.
Mrs. W. J. Kennedy of this city
lias loft for Cadillac, Mich,, hor
daughter and son, Miss RuHcmond
and Mr. Vernon Kennedy, taking ino
trip nlso. Many frendB waved fnrj
woll to tho purly. Their return is
looked for in August.
All members of Talisman lodge,
No. 31, Knights of Pythius, arc
urged to bo present at tho meeting
Monday evening. Work in tho first
and third ranks nnd announcements
in regnrd to mcmoriul HorvicoB for
Juno C.
IC. of P. mcmoriul services will be
held in tho Medford Opera House
Sunday, Juno ft, nt 3:30 u. m. All
Knights und thoir families nro urged
to bo present.
M. J. Huckloy, general superin
tendent of tho Southern Pacific com
pany, is sponding a few days in Med
ford. Tho motor enr on her nftornoon
trip south Snturdny met with n bunch
of had luck forcing the compnny to
send nn cngino to haul her into Ash
land. Sho wns repaired and mude
the return trip Into in the evening.
Forrest C. Smithson. the world re
nowned hurdler is in Medford nnd
will probably invest in n fruit ranch.
Willinm Henderson of Ashland
spont Snturdu" evening in Medford.
John R. Tullonson of Weed, Cnl..
is visiting friends in this city.
Captain Eggleston, city recorder of
AsMnnd, "spent some timo in Med
ford Snturdny. Ho says Medford is
the "Paris" of tho valley. Ho rpnii
licd this by snying ho referred to
life nnd not wickedness.
A. E. Jerfs, nssistnnt superinten
dent of the Western Union Telegraph
Company, wus in Medford Thursdny
and stated thnt tho compnny would
lemovo its office from the depot to
more spacious qunrtcrs. Mr. Jeffs
fctntes thnt tho business of th-j com
pany hns increased so rapidly thnt
it wnrrnnt8 the establishing of n
feopnrato office.
Editor Kaiser of the Vnlley Reccid
wns in town Snturdny evening inter
viewing friends.
One of the "bocs" rounded up by
Chief Shearer proved to bo dement
ed nnd hns been' committed to the in
sano asylum. His nnmo could not
be learned.
Chnrles E. Short, n real estate
last week,
operator of Merlin, wns in Medford
W. T. Grievo, county nssessor, wns
in Gold Hill recently greeting old
friends nnd looking nftcr his official
duties. ui
Dr. C. R. Ray, with Mrs. Rny nnd
dnughter, Mnbol, wero recently down
to Gold Hill in their touring cnr.
Dr. Kelsey of Gold Hill, reports
tho arrival of n fino little dnughter
nt the Gnlls creek home of John
Grnhnm enrl Sundny morning.
Mother nnd child nro both doing
Stovo Jones of Gold Hill wns in
Medford recently for n chof for his
Bnll gnmo todny nt 2:30 and to
morrow nt 3.
Q tJWu.r
20 Years Experience
In the Retail Business
Over 20 years' experience in the retail furniture
buHineas certainly fits us for selecting the goods most
desirable to the people of this community. Wo in
vite you to call and examine our lines and learn our
prices and feel absolutely certain that wo will ijot
your order.
24 Hours on Display
The $500 Circassian walnut Bedroom Suite only
remained on display 24 hours before being sold.
"We are prepared to show you the finest lino of
house furnishings ever brought to Medford.
Medford Furniture to.
- -r
Christian Science.
Service Sunday morning nt 11
o'clock. Subject of lesson-sermou,
"Ancient nnd Modern Nccromnncy;
or, Mesmerism nnd Hypnotism Ds
nounced." Sundny school nt 10
o'clock; testimonial meetings Wed
nesday, 7:30 p. m. The public is
cordially invited to these services.
128 North Grape street, north Sher-mnn-Clay
music house.
German Lutheran Church.
Fourth street. Rev. E. Meyer,
from San Jose, Cnl., will preach
bunday, Mny 29, nt 11 o'clock. M,
Mnrkort, pnstor.
St. Mark's Episcopal Church.
Right Rev. Chnrles Scndding, D.
D., bishop of Oregon, will officinte
nt St. Mark's church todny nt 7:30
p. ui. Tho rite of confirmation will
be administered.
ALBANY, N. Y., Mny 28. Much
to the evident disgust of hundred
of spectators, Avintor Glenn H Cnr.
tiss, climbed into his neroplnne touny
nnd then climbed down ngnin with
out nttempting flight.
Decoration Day
"We have flowers. of all kinds for the day on wliicli
we pay our silent tribute to the dead.
The placing of flowers on the grave Memorial day
is a custom that is growing each year and is distinct
ly one of American origin.
Medford Greenhouse
923 E. MAIN
PHONE 3741
Buy Where Yon Get
Your Moneys Worth
When wanting high-grade Ice Cream or Sherbets in
any quantity we are at your service. QUALITY is
our watchword.
You remember the QUALITY long after the price
is forgotten.
"We have our own delivery and can supply you with
milk, cream and buttermilk.
Ask your grocer for our Creamery Butter.
Rogue River Creamery
Seasonable Wearables
This is Medford's Quality store for women. The very newest ideas in women's seasonable wearables are al
ways on display. You can come here expecting to find something new every time you come. Every woman
and child in southern Oregon can find something to please them by visiting this store.
Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, Hosiery, Underwear, Corsets, Etc.
The New Waists I One Piece Dresses
The new "Waists are here and we will
keep them coming every few dtiys. You
can expect to find the newest ideas every
visit vou make, and all at
Just received, a
largo shipment of
tho popular Lena
Garments. This
combination muslin
garment is meeting
with public favor
vory fast and you'll
want ono when you
soo thorn.
The new one-piece silk Dresses are here
in variety. Silk foulards, pongees, etc.,
and lingerie dresses are very stunning this
season. Wo '11 be pleased to show you.
Wash Suits
Now is the very best time to choose a
"Wash Suit, while the assortment is in
first-class condition. See the new three
piece linen wash suits. Botter choose
early. Come and seo our line anyway.
Only a Few Wool Suits
to Close Out
O. E, TACKSTROM, Proprietor. 5u3oeiior to Montgomery's