a j'i -j- imMr-mm'iwimtijm V '-' pn-T. MEDPORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORDOREOON, SUNDAY, MAY 29, 1910. Hart Schaffner AND -4 W JSJL- Marx Clothes Novcr fail to give perfect satisfac tion. Ask any man that weal's a II. S. & M. Suit and he'll Ml you ihal ho never wore better clothes and in all probability will add that no hotter clothes can be found. The style, tho workmanship, the quality arc all included and all for a rea sonable price. dfiRflk HI HI kXfrr TgCV vvvl Pr v - v-ay m-mJ'jim IlSiJ Goiti? to Town rifMlfilffll fefc- 3&J ., '$al Hart Schaffner & Marx UJKMphS ':; Good Clothes Makers ."fag " Ceprri(ll '' Mift'i A llitx Boys' Suits on Sale This -week we place on sale a lot of boys' wool Suits. You'll appre ciate the saving when you see them. Special values up tfl CA Wash Suits SEE THE WINDOW of Wash Suits for boys. Special values at 75c, $1.00, $1.25 AND UP Bathing Suits Just received, the very finest and most desirable styles in Bath ing Suits for men, women and chil dren. Most everybody appreciates the advantage of owning their bath ing suit. Now is the best time to choose. Only about 30 days left be fore the opening of the natatorium. EVERYTHING FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN INCLUDING GROCERIES H. C. KENTNER COMPANY O'GARA THANKED FORBLIGHTSTORY Pathotofllst's Efforts Appreciated ay Community Minnesota Man As sures Him Elm Trees East Suf fered From Pear Bllnht. ProfuBHor P. J. O'Gnrii 1ms boon receiving tho thunkit of tho orchard iHtK of tho vulloy for his preparation of tho nrliulo on penr blight whioh wiih recently run in tho Mnil Tribune as a Horiul. A groat number of local fruit groworH liuvo called upon him ami have generally oxproHHOil their gratitudo in being ablo to get hold of n comprehensive artiole on thin dincnHo. With nno exception tho groworn have accepted tho profoHHor'H arti cIoh without nuoHtion. However, one man called upon I'rofoBhor O'flara Saturday aftornoon to toll him that ho wiih mistaken, llo iiHHiiroil the profuK&or that tho elm trees of Min nuNota were often attacked by tho pear blight and that ho know it. "Hut, my dear sir," answered tho profoHHor with nn air of ono who knows what bo is talking about, "I am forced to boliovo that you are iiiUtnkon. Scit'iitifio proof de mands that in proving tho cause of a fungus or bacterial disease a per son must have isolnted tho organism and thou produced infection by arti ficial innoculntion from puro culturo of tho organism. Tlign nftor produc ing infection bo must ho ablo to iso late tho original organism which was formed in tho original natural in fection." "Well or or, I didn't do that, you know," oxclaimed tho man, who fled hurriedly down tho stairs be fore the professor's stream of an gulnr sciontifio terms. ITo'll prob ably road up boforo bo tolls tho pro fessor that bo is wrong again. DOUGLAS COUNTY TO BE IN THE ASSEMBLY THREE BENEFIT OPERAS NEXT Ladles of Greater Medford Club Con tinue Campaion to Raise Money for Civic Improvement Fra Dla vola, Bohemian Girl, and Martha. JACKSONVILLE AND VICINITY. Tho next thing on tho program of tho Initios of tho Grontor Medford club In tholr campaign to ralao mon- Joy for the civic Improvement will bo tho prcflonti.tlon of tbrco onorna, the first of which will bo on Juno 7. Tho oporao to bo given will bo 'Tho Hohomlan Girl," "Frr. Dlnvola" and "Martha." Tho casts will bo announced later, hut It Is hoped to lacludo James Slovens, tho noted barltono, who la expected In Medford soon. Tho cast for "Fra Dlavolr." will bo Dlavolo, George Andrews; Loronzo, Henri Gunson; All Cash, A. Hurgoas; Iloppo, Ed Androwe; Glacotno, Quiz; Matteo, Will DurgeBa; noberta, Enid Hamilton; Zorllna, Mrs. Ed Andrews; I.ndy All Cash, Edna Elfort. Tho cost for tho "Doltcit.lan Girl" will be: Count Amholm, George Andrews; Haildeo, Henri Gunson; DoTOlshoof, Krnnk llurgeBs; Arllno, Nolllo Hazol rlgg: Queen, Mrs. Ed Andrews. Tho chorus girls will be: Enid Hamilton, Edna Elfort, Lulu I'ortor, Inon Iloyt Van Dylco, Mabel Kent Uothcrmol, Mrs. Art Ilurgoss, Mrs. Qulusonbury, Mr8. Josslo Dar num, Mrs. nod". Miss Clara Wood, Miss niancho Wood, Mies Eula Ja cobs, Mrs. Kro-l Colvlg, Miss Louisa Aldonhngon. Tho chorus mon will be: MosHrs. Colvlg, Mullor, Payette, Gregory, nolhormol, Walt, Lawronco, Whiting, O'llrlcn, Dnntols) and John-sou. (By An Observer.) Miss Grnco Rnypholtz hnH returned homo after teaching a successful nino months' school in Central Ppi"L Tho pupils of our high school and upper grndes aro giving an enter tainment which will Inst thrco oven iilgs. They hops to realize a neat sum, bb the proccods will go towards paying for a piano. Mrs. 12. J. Itobcrts and daughter, Mrs. L. O. Van Wcgon, made a busi- pbb trip to Central Point on Thurs day of tuts weok, and as they met a numbor of old friends and neigh bors, whom thoy had not seen for somo timo, thoy felt ns if they hud combined pleasure with business. Thoy woro much surprised and ploasod to noto that Central Point had becomo a bustling, thriving little burg. Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Pnnkoy spent Sunday with relatives in Central Point. Mrs. J. Nimnii has recovered HOSKnURO, Ore, May 28. P. 13. Alloy today iasuod a call for a gath ering of Douglas County Republi cans to soleot dologntos to tho Ore gon nopubliean assembly, to bo hold at Portland. The mooting will bo hold Juno 4. Precinct cauousos will bo hold throughout th country early noxt wok nnd it is oxpnoted that a full county representation will bo in ovidonco nt tho county nssombly. Until rooontly thoro has appearod moro or Iobb opposition to tho hh Bombly plan, but this sontiment is gradually ohnnging and party load ors boliovo that tho adoption of tho nssombly will ovontually b tho moans of uniting tho Kopuhlionn fnotinns in this county. IlnBkinB for Ilonlth. NEW PHONE LINE IS IS NEARING COMPLETION KLAMATH PALLS, Oro May 28. Tho Oregon Indopondent Telcpliono Company, recontly ineoiporatod for sorvico in thi country, began work today on a tolophono oxehaugo build ing in Modland. The wire hnB boon ordorod for tho lino from Midlnnd to Klnmnth Pulls and Edward A. King is in San Francisco socuring linemen. Contracts have boon lot for sov eral thousnud poles. Prom this city tho inniu lino is to run to Midland nnd from thoro to Merrill, 22 milos south, whoro tho council has boon nskod for a franchise Prom Merrill it will bo run to Lnkoviow, whoro tho company says it will havo an ox ohango in oporntion within ninety days. PlnnB havo boon drawn for a $0000 hoadquartors building horo. Tho lino laoks only 17 milos of bolng com pleted to Ashlnud. from tho severe fall sho got about a month ago. Mrs. Jason Hnrtmnn had the m'n fortuno to cut her hand very se verely ono day this week. Mrs. Torry Byrne of Applcgato was tho guest of Mrs. Eugene Thompson over Sundny. She ex pects to visit a few daj-s with hei daughters in Medford before return ing homo. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. G. Roberts nnd littlo son woro guests of Mrs. E. J. Roberts nnd Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Van Wcgen last Sundny. George Ford of Central Point mnrblo works, wns over our way ono day this week. Mr. Lambert is furnishing' him fino baso rocks from his quarry. Somo of our farmers nnd orchard mon nro needing help very bndl. Why don't somo of tho wenry Wilhcs from town come out nnd get busy. Miss Nellie Perry left yesterday for a visit with her aunt nnd unch. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Gnll, of Big Sticky. Sho will also visit othc After You Try Youll Know The difference between - - Russel's Ice Cream and the cheaper kind I make u GOOD article and charge a living price. You eat no dope when you eat my confections. Phone your orders in for homo delivery. Ice cream, in bulk, .$1.50 per gallon; quart bricks, 50c each and up. Russel's Confectionery relatives and friends while there. home, not so rich in filthy lucre ab Mr. and Mrs. Henry Conger weit.'"1 experience. They report hnvia?. naa a jolly tme. Mr. Downing took a whole load of Jacksonville people to Medford, Sat urday night to attend one of Dr. Oliver's meetings. guests nt the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Raypholtz last Sundny. The party of young people who were camped on the Rainsford place picking strawberries, havo re'turnid Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church met yesterday at tho home of Mrs. Roundtree. Ball game today at 2:30 nnd to morrow at 3. Haskins for Health. Let Hale Place A Piano In Your Home, Only $6Monthl y They are mndo by experts. They are praised by critics. Pianos and Player Pianos of tested superiority, the Laffargue. These instruments have successfully withstood the test of unfavorable climatic conditions and endurance under unusually severe uso ai:d have become noted for sweet sing ing quality of tone, superior finish nnd such general excellence as to make the Lnffargno Pianos the most vnluablo instrument for the home. When you pay more for a piano than is asked at Hale's Piano House you're not getting better tone, better workmanship or greater durability. You're simply pnj-ing tho price mndo necessary by lack of capital, lack of buying power and lack of monoy-saving, economical methods of retailing. Statistics show .that Hale's Piano House do upwards of 82 per cent of the entire piano business in Southern Oregon more than all other dealers combined. FACTS provo' that we aro not only nble, BUT ACTUALLY DO sell pianos at a third to a fourth less than elsewhere. Terms of course, to suit 3our needs. It's nn established fact that ANY GrVEN SUM WILL BUY HIGHER QUALITY AT HALE'S PIANO nOUSE THAN ELSEWHERE. Deal at Halo's it means absolute satisfaction. Inquire at HALE'S PIANO HOUSE 611 North Central Avenue L All delicate fabrics such as Organdies, Mulls, Lawns, etc., cleaned perfectly at the PHONE 1811. 129 E, MAIN L, A. Cook F.C.ELLIOTT Our Wagon is at your service fTBTH m ii !1 ,i1j ? i; h m n r -r-pjggr- -" "