Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 29, 1910, SECOND SECTION, Page 14, Image 14

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    l'Jjiiln taiA tiiittft 1ililfc mtlil
Sir" 'V. . .. i
,'-.'l h y , -
PUKCON, SUNDAY. MAY 29. 19.10.
Art ordinance declarinc tlio assess
ment on tiro property benefited for
the coat of lavinc u nix-inch water
main ob Bennett avenuo and dircct
xne tbo recorder to enter a state
ment thereof in tbo water main lien
docket. ,
Tbo fcitv of Medford doth ordam
as follews:
Section 1. Whereas, tho citv coun
cil did heretofore, bv resolution, de
clare its intention to lav a six-inch
water main on Bennett avenue, and
tr iissms tbo cost thoreof on the
prnwrrtT fronlinc on said portion of
suid strce t xa croportion to tho iront
airc of Baid property, and fix a timo
and place for henriue protests
m'oinst tbo Invinc of saul water
nuiin on said part of said street, and
the assessments of tho cost thereof
as aforesaid.
Aud Whereas, said resolution was
dulv published and posted as rcnuir
ed hv section 110 of tho charter of
thu said c'tv.
Assessment No. 12 h. 11, Ovor
holstcr. Lot 4. block 2. Sunrise
Home Park addition to tho citv of
Medford. Orceen: frontniro 75 feet
on the south sido of Bennett avenue
and described in U-202: 75 feet:
rnto per foot. $1: amount, $75.
Assessment No. 18 Kninm Ben
nett. Lot 5. block 2. Sunriso Home
Park addition to tho citv of Medford,
Oregon; frontngo 75 feet on the south
sido of Bennett avenuo and describ
ed in R-179: 75 feet: rate per foot.
SI; nmount. $75.
Assessment No. 14 Emma Ben
nett, Lot 0. block 2. Sunrise Home
Park Addition t tho citv of Medford.
Orecen: frontairo 75 feet on the
south side of Bennott avenue, and
described in R-170: 75 feet: rate per
foot. SI: amount. S75.
Assessment No. 15 P. C. Ed
mendes. East 56 feet of lot 7. block
7, Sunrise Home Park Addition to
the citv of Medford. Orceen: front
npo 5(1 foot on the south side of Ben
nett avenue, and described in R-126:
mndo a part of this ngreomont, and
in consideration thorofor tho city
agrees to pny said contractor at tho
following rate:
For furnishing and laying 6-Inch
sower pipe, per lineal foot, 05 touts.
For furnishing and laying S-lnch
sower plpo, for lineal foot, $1.1-1.
For constructing standard man
holes, each, $55.
For constructing standard lamp
holes, each, $15,
It Is further agreed that tLo pay
ments provided for on tho nssoss
ments mentioned In tho plans and
specifications shall bo made by said
city at tho tlmo and In tho amount
named In said specifications In lawful
monoy, or Its equivalent, payable In
tho following manner, to-wlt:
l Eighty (SO) por cent of all mate
rial furnished and labor performed,
according to the estimates furnished
by tho contractor and approved by tho
city engineer, which said SO por coat
chains nml 05 links wool and -15
links north of tho eautlionHt corner of
tho Packard donation land claim In
ectlon 30, township 37 south of rango
1 west of tho Wlllamctto meridian,
and running thonco west 5 chains;
thonco north 10 chains! thonno cast
5 chains; thonco south 10 ctmtnti to
tho place of beginning, containing 5
acres In Jackson county, Orogon, and
marked 1 on tho map of tho city of
Medford, Oregon; frontage 257.5 foot
on the west sido of Genesee street,
described In Vol, 24, page 513, coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson coun
ty, Oregon; 257.5 foot; rato por foot
$l; amount $257.50.
Assessment No. 3- P M. Kershaw.
A imrnil nf l.inil pmnnionnlni' liSR font
north and 1025 feot west of tho south
east comer of donation land claim No,
42, In to.vnshlp 37 south of rango 1
west of tho Vlllnniotto meridian, and
running thonco north 75 feet; thence
west lt0 foot; thence south 75 feet;
A.irl WtinTtvns- n mnotini? of tllOirn .... .. ., ( S1 nmnimt.
council -was held at tho time and c;.-fi
place fixed in tho said resolution for) Assessment No. 16 Sarah T.
tho purpose of considerinc nay suchjw-0ivcrton. Tho west 19 feet of lot
protests, but no protests were at said
time or at any other time made to
or received bv tho council to tho said
lavinc of tho said water main, or the
asi,e.-snicnt of tho cost as aforesaid,
aud said council, havinc considered
the matter, and dceminc that said
water main was and is of material
benefit to said citv. and that all
property to bo assessed therefor
would be benefited .thereby to the ex
tent of the pmbnblo amount of the
respective assessments o bo levied
7 and tho east 31 feet of lot 8. block
shall become duo and payablo to tho thonco east ICO feot to tho place of
said contractor on tho 10th day of i beginning, and marked K on tho map
each nnd every calendar month, tho r tho city of Medford. Oregon; front
balance to be paid as por spec'flcn- age 75 feet on tho west side of Gon
tlons. eseo street, and described In Vol, 72,
It is further agreed that tho said ,)ago 140, county recorder's recordB
party of tho first part, tho contractor 0f Jackson county, Oregon; 75 feot;
above named, shall furnish bond for rate pop foot $lf amount $75.
uio laiuuui lieriurmuiicu ui una vuii- AsRPHSinont N'n J V. IT. Cnnnn.
A parcel of land commencing 610
feot north and 1025 feet west of tho
southeast corner of donation land
tract, to be approved by tho mayor of
said city. In the sum of ten thousand
'ftnltn-A fC1A AOn m.nvnntn.tti.f. Mil,
rt - IT - 1)MU1. ti - . ,,--.----. - --
'. aunriso uoinu mu uu' '" ; faithful performance of this contract,
the citv ol Aieutoru. ureeon
ntro 50 feet on the south side
iutt n venue and described in
50 feet: rato per foot. SI: amount,, on account of sub-contractors, mate- thonco cn9t 1G0 rect to tho ,nco of
rrn iiui iui-u, luuuiuo iiii viiivfti i.tiiioit
links north of tho southeast eornor of
tho Pnclmrd donation In ml claim, In
section 37 uouth ot rango 1 west,
Wlllamotto meridian, aud running
thonco north 247,5 foot to n stako
sot for a beginning point, nnd from
said beginning point running thonco
north R2.5 foot; thonco wout 130 feot;
thonco south 82,5 feot; thonco east
130 feot to tho place of hoglnnlng,
and marked P on tho map of tho city
of Medford, Oregon; frontage 82.5
foot on tho cnRt sido of Ooneoeo stroot,
and described In Vol, 71, page 144,
county recorder's records ot Jackson
county, Oregon; 82.5 foot; rato per
foot $l; nmount $82.50.
Assessment No. 17 N. 10. Woods.
A parcel of land commencing 12.05
chains west and 45 links north of tho
southeast corner of tho Packard do
nation land claim, In nectlnn 30,
township 37 south, rango 1 west of
tho Wlllamotto meridian, running
thonco north 247.5 feot; thonco west
130 foot; thonco south 247.5 foet:
thonco onst 130 feot to tho place of
beginning; It being understood thnt
tho grantees are to havo a perpetual
right of wa for road purposes to a
strip of land 40 feet wldo and 237.5
feot long, lying west of and bordorlng
on tho west sido of tho above describ
ed premises and marked Q on tho map
of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
age 247.5 feot on tho east oldo of
Oeneseo street, and described In Vol.
45, pngo 25S, county recorder's ree
rdH of Jackson county, Oregon; 247.5
feet; rato per foot $1; amount
Section 2. And It Is hereby ordorod
and ordained that tho sovoral assess-
rim iuiMi- inuurtrs 11x111 iiiuura iiiiiimii- i . .. . , nn ..-. iu utmnvu iuul viiu buumii uhhuito- i ".,vi ,f. ,..,.,. ,
... . . - ......v.-. i UCKIHIUIIK; ISO a SITU! Ol lUIUl -U lUCl ?..... . .i... , ., . . .!.... Il....l 1.. r..l no nan ...........
Section 2. And it is hereby order-; 'o' '"-- rh,lw . 7 XS "! oxton.llng along the entire east , V,""" ","""; ";.-' ",""." , record. rVo;;V;f,Jn:;
.-.. ! J ! fcH4 t .v. , " " " ' n.l nf thn nllAtfik ilriMAlllfti1 in ml wn Il - --..-...n mviiv v nv 1 . .
50 foot; rato por foot $1.10; amount
Assessment No, 4 L, O. Porter.
Lot 0, block 2, Frultdalo addition to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
ago 50 feet on tho south sido ot Kant
Washington street, and described In
Vol. 71, page 471, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon;
50 toot; rnto per foot $1.10; amount
Assessinont No. 5 U Q, Porter.
Lot 10, block 2, Frultdalo addition to
tho city of Medford, Oregon ; frontage
50 feot on tho south nldo of Hunt
Washington street, and described In
Vol. 71, pago 471, enmity rocordor'n
records of Jnokson county, Oregon;
50 feet; rato por foot $1.10; amount
Assessment No. 0 Ij, d. Porter.
Lot 11, block 2, Frultdalo addition to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
ago 50 feet on tho south nldo of Knst
Washington ntreot, and described In
Vol, 71, pago 471, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon;
50 foot; rato per foot $1.10; amount
Assessment No. 7 L. 0. Porter.
Lot 12, block 2, Frultdnlo nddlt'on to
tho city ot Medford, Oregon; froutngo
50 feot on tho south sido of Kast
Washington stroot, and described In
Vol. 71, pngo 471, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon;
50 feet; rnto por foot $1.10; amount
Assessment No. 8 Sarah T. Wol
vertnn. Lot 15, block 1, Frultdalo
nddltlou to tho city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontage 50 feet on tho north
sido of Kant Washington street, aud
ed aud ordained that the several as
sessments nnd the liens thereof be
entered in tho water main lion docket
of tho said citv. nnd thnt thereupon completed on or
notice be riven tho owners or reput-!1910.
wt r9 t Vi i nltAio .1ni,Allin1 Intiil tuL lnl
. . . 7 -. .. IIU Ul ll(U UUWIU UWttU'VM lUU, IfiWlll
!".."'"lc"JS"", strip of land said W. II. Canon agrees
5? "i "".:; ;7""E ""X ", ' " dedicate for street purposes, and
uiajj.&ktui iiuu ail vi atuu ,, uii oi,.,i uu
have caused these presents to bo exo'
cuted on their behalf respectively on
the day and year first abevo written.
awiinst said property, did order saidjed owners of said property, and that; In testimony whereof, tho parties
i.:j I., 1. . .. .1 1 ii....i ih.ivo rmispil thpso nrosnts to bo exo-
mmu iuiu. lino same oe cmorccu .mu vuiivuivu
And Whereas, tho cost of said wn-;n the manner provided bv the char
ter main has ben and hereby is de-,(er 0f the said citv for the collec
tcrmiived to bo tho sum of $1182. jtions of assessments for the im-
Now tliercfore. it is hereby further Drovcment of the streets therein,
determined that the proportionate. Seetion 3. It is further ordered
share of tho cost of lavine said wn-ifhat the notice above provided for
ter main of each parcel of property1 j,e Dubi;shed three times in tho Dnilv
frontmc on said portion of said i Tribune, a newspaper publish
strcet is the amount set opposite theied nn(j of cenerai circulation in snid
description of each parcel of landlCjtv ;n tije ninnner provided bv or
1mIow. and that each parcel or piece j: xt osn p cniA :
" r - . ..,... . .. iiuiiuui-u 'w. -uw ui suiu ..,. I roe ioreKuinK onmuiiiLu wjia iiiiao-
oliand bcnetitcd Pv ttio lavme 01 tue The forcEO;nEr ordinance was pass- ed by the c.'ty council of tho city of
By ..
marked L on tho map of tho city of
Medford, Oregon; frontngo SO feot on
the west side ot Genesee street, and
described in Vol. 62, pago 503, coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson coun
ty, Oregen: SO feet; rato por foot $1;
amount $S0.
Assessment No. 5 W. A. Medloy.
Lot 1. block 5. Frultdnlo addition
to tho city of Medford. Oregon; front-
jngo 120 feot on the west sido of Gon
esee street, nnd described In Vol. 73,
I pago 342, county recorder's records
of Jackson county, Oregon; 120 feet;
rate per foot $1; amount $120.
said city, and thnt thereupon notlco bo'Oregon: 50 feet; rato per foot $1.10;
given tno owners, or reputed owners, , amount r(i.
of said property, and that tho snmo
bo enforced nnd collected in tho tnun
nor provided by tho cbnrter of tho
snld city for tho collection of nscosa
monts for tho Improvement of tho
streets therein
rHsesnmont No. 9 W. II. limn-
phroy. Lot 16, block 1, Frultdnlo ad
dition to the city ot Medford, Oregen:
frontngo 50 feet on tho north sido of
main ot onoh parcel of properly front
ing on Miild portion of imld stroot In
tho nmount not opposite tho descrip
tion ot ouch pnreoi of laud below, and
that each parcel or pleeo of land Is
benefited by tho laying of tho mild
main to tho full extent of tho amount
ho sot opposite the description of tho
same, anil that tho respective amotintH
represent tho proportional hotiofltn
of Hivld water main to imld roupoctlvo
parcoln of laud, and 11I110 tho propor
tional frontngo thoreof 011 mild iilroot,
aud tho council does huroby doclaro
each of tho parcels of property des
cribed bolow to bo tutncHsod and each
of tho name hereby In ansoiined tho
amount sot opposite each description
for tho cost of laying imld water main.
Assessinont No. l Sarah T, Wol
vertou. Lot 14, block 1, Frultdalo ad
dition to tho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontage 120 feet 011 tho went sido of
Howard street, and described in Vol.
08, pngo 380, county recordor'u rec
ords of Jacknon county, Oregon; 120
feet; rnto per root $1.25; nmount
Asnesiiiuont No. 2 K. P. and Km
iim Dennett, The southweat part of
lot l), block 2, Sunrliio Home Park
addition to tho city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontage 170 feet on tho west
nldo of Howard street, and doitorlbod
In lt-200; 270 feet: rnto per foot
$1.25; amount $212.50.
Assessment No. 3 P. II. ONolll.
Tho northwest part of lot 0, block
2. Bunrlse Home Park addition to tho
city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo
50 feet on tho west nldo of Howard
rftreot, described In lt-100; 50 foot;
rato per foot $1.25; amount $02.50.
Assessment No. 4 F, 0. KdmondoB.
Tho east part of lot 9, block 2, Sunrlso
iinmo park mldltlou to the city of
Medford, Oregon; frontage 220 feet
Fast Washington street, nnd descrlb-Jon the east side of Howard ntreot, and
ed In Vol. 76, pngo 320. county re-
Section 3. It is further ordorod cordcr's reenrdn of Jackson county,
that tbo notlco abovo provided for bo' Oregon; 50 feot; rato por foot $1.10;
published threo times In tho Dally 'amount $55.
Mall Tribune, a newspaper published! Assessment No. 10 Jim Horry. Lot,.
ana or general circulation in said city, ! ' oiock 1, fruiuiaio auumon 10 mo
In tho manner provided by ordinance city of Medford, Orogon; frontngo 50
No. 250 of said city. feet on the north side of Knst Wnsh-
dcHcrlbed In lt-126; 220 feet; rato por
root ji.r.; amount $275.
AmtoHsmmit No. 5 C. W. Hobcrtn
nnd wife. Lot 12, block I. Frultdnlo
addition to tho city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontnj-o 120 feot on tho east
side of Howard Htreot, and described
In Vol. 05, pngo 342, county record-
City Recorder.
The foregoing ordlnanco was pass-
said main to tho full extent of tho
nmount so set opposito tho descrip-
ed bv the citv council of the citv of
Medford. Orecon. on the 24th dnv of
tion of the same, and that tho re-rn.. -ioin bv (b. following vete:
soective amounts represent the pro-j rerrick nve. Welch absent. Eifert
portional benefits of said water maini
to said respective parcels of land.
and also the proportional froutace
thereof on said street, and the coun
cil docs hereby declare each of the
parcels of property described below
to be assessed and each of the same
kerebv is assessed tho amount set
opposite each description for the cost
of lavinc said water main.
Assessment for a six-inch water
ave. Emerick nve. Demmer ave.
iWortman ave.
Approved Mav 25. 1910.
W. H. MAYOR. Mayor.
Citv Recorder.
Medford on the 24th day of May,
1910, by tho following vete:
Welch absent, Morrick nye, Emer
ick aye, Wortman aye, Eifert aye, and
Demmer aye.
Approved May 25th. 1910.
W. H. CANON, Mayor.
City Recorder.
An ordinance declaring tho assess
ment on the property benefited for
onnroNANCE no. 330.
An ordinance providing for the ex-; the cost of laying a six-inch water
ecutlon of a contract with Jacobsen-ipiain on Genesee street nnd direct-
mln on Bennett avenue from How-lBada comoanv for excavatine and mg tno recoruer 10 enter a siaiemeni
ard street to Roosevelt avenue. (back-filling trenches and furnishing
Assessment Wo. J. &. if. and , ana laying pipe m iue musirucuuu ui
Emma Bennett Tho east 26 feet of
lot 0. block 1. Snnrise Home Park
Addition to the citv of Medford. Or Or
eeon: frontaco 75 feet on the north
side of Bennett avenue and described
in R-200. 26 feet, rato per foot SI:
amount. S26.
Assessment No. 2 E. P. and
Emma Bennett. Lot 8. block 1. Sun
rise Home Park Addition to the citv
of Medford. Orecen: frontaco 75
feet on the north sido of Bennett ave
(thereof in the water main Hen dock
The city of Medford doth ordain as
Section 1. Whereas, the city coun
cil did heretofore, by resolution, de-
1 claro its mieniion 10 iay a uix-iucu
sowers along and in a number of
streets of the city of Medford, partic
ularly enumerated In said ordinance
and provldlhg the terms of said con-
irUll. 1 , -. ,nn nnrl
The city of Medford doth ordain as jtoaae8m the cost thereof on tho prop
follows: erty fronting on said portion of said
Section 1. That tho proposition of street In proportion to tho frontage
the Jacobsen-Bade company, an Ore-'0f said property, and fix a tlmo and
gon corporation, for laying sewers 1 place for hearing protests against tho
in the streets in tho city of Medford, j laying of said water main on said
hereinafter specified, including exca-, part of said street and tho asscss
vntlne ami bnckfllllnc trenches, fur-'mnntu nf tho cost thereof as nfore-
nne and described in R-200: 75 feet, nishing and laying pipe, be and tneaad; and,
Tate per foot $1 amount. $75 same is hereby accepted and the may-, whereas, said resolution was duly
Assessment No 3 E P and or and recor(ler are hereby author- published and posted as required by
Sun izeu io uuior iuiu uuu ois . wu lSeCHOn 11U Ol lllC UllUHCI Ul BOIU
in the form and manner hereinafter 'div': and.
set forth, and such action by such j Whereas, a meeting of the council
was held at the tlmo anu piaco nxea
I In the said resolution for tho purposo
lof considering any such protests, but
Aconcumnnr XT tl nnnrpn r Tlniv- . . . ! . . . "
f.-.Mv:,,ra u7'r.7n: ;,: ,"r ainy. iuio, by tno roil
iru. iiWl 1-, UIUCK o, riuiiuinu uum-i XforrlnL- nvn Wai
ttnn ! rttti rt Xtttni firnonn I ' '' ' - "V",-V.
lll' " .mkj wi .iiLiuuiMi x vhuiii I ntrt TlAlfitit n vrt V
120 feot on the west sido of iV':,' .. "' "'"'
Tho foregoing ordlnanco was pass-ilngton street, and described In Vol. jor'H recordu of Jackson county, Oro
by tho city council of tho city of...Pgo ... county recordor's records I gon; 120 feet; rnto per foot $1.25;
Emma Bennett. Lot 7. block 1. Sun
rise Home Park Addition to the citv
of Medford. Orecen: frontaco 70 mayor and recorder Is hereby author
feet on the north sido of Bennett ized. ratified and confirmed.
avenne and described in R-200: 751 This agreement, made and entered
feet: rate per foot. $1: amount. $75. 1 into this day of May, 191.0, by
Assessment .No. 4 banmn Bennett
Genesco street, and described In Vol.
. ., pngo ... county recorder's rec
ords of Jnckson county, Oregen: 120
feet; rato per toot $1; amount $120.
Assessment No. 7 Dolph Kent.
Lot 1. block 6. Frultdalo addition to
the city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo
120 feet on tho west sido of Geneseo
stroot, nnd described In Vol. . . , pago
. ., county recorder's records of Jnck
soa county, Orogon; 120 feet; rnto
per foot $1; amount $120.
Assessment No. S L. O. Porter.
Lot 12. block 2. Frultdnlo addition to
tho city of Medford, Orogen: frontngo
120 feet on tho east sido of Geneseo
street, and described in Vol. 71, pngo
471, county recorder's records of
Jnckson county, Oregon; 70 f eot;
rato per foot $1; amount $70.
Assessment No. 9 J W. Hockor
smlth. Lot 13, block 2, Frultdnlo ad
dition to tho city of Medford, Oregon;
frontage 120 feet on tho cast side of
Geneseo street, and described in Vol.
76, pngo 124, county recorder's rec
ords of Jnckson county, Oregen: 120
feot; rato per foot $1; amount $120.
Assessment No. 10 L. G. Porter.
Lot 13, block 4, Frultdalo addition to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontnge
120 feet on the cast sido of Geneseo
street, and described in Vol .., pago
. . , county recorder's records of Jnck
son county, Oregen: 120 feet; rato
per foot $1; amount $120.
Assessment No. 11 D. B. Soliss.
A parcel of land commencing 12
chains nnd 95 links west nnd 45 links
north of the southeast corner of tho
Packard donation land claim in sec
tion 30, township 37 south, rango 1
owing vote
absent, Emerick
ortmnn nye El
rert aye
Approved May 25th, 1910.
W. II. CANON, .Mayor.
City Recorder.
tho 24th day of of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet;
rnto per foot $1.10; amount $55.
Assessment No. 11 -L, G. Porter.
Lot IS, block 1, Frultdalo addition to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo
50 feet on tho north oldo of Enst
Washington street, and described In
Vol. 71, pago 471 r county rocordor'n
records of Jnckson county, Orogon;
50 feot; rato per foot $1,10; amount
Assessment No. 12 L. O. Porter.
Lot 19. block 1. Frultdnlo addition to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 1
amount $150.
Kectlon 2. And It Is hereby order
ed mid ordained that tho mivornl as
sessments and tho liens thoreof bo
eutured In the water main lieu docket
of tho snld city and that thereupon
notlco bo given tho owueru or reput
ed owners of until property, and that
tho utnu bo enforced nnd collected In
tho manner provided by tho charter of
the snld city for (ho collection of as
sessments for tho Improvement of tho
streetH therein.
Section 3. It Is further ordered
An ordlnnnco declaring tho nssoss-
muni on uio property oonoiuoo rorR0 foot ln0 nortl, ,,, 0f Enst that tho notlco above provided for bo
"'0,,c0"' ?vI?i ? n 7xlnc" w;nt0(r I Washington street, nnd described In J published three times In tho Dnlly
Tribune, a nuwspnper published
f general circulation In said city,
manner provided by ordlnnnco
uio cosi 01 mjmg n Hix-incn water, Washington street, nnd described In publlsl
" y.-n.iiVllh,l,?,on. tTC?1' nm ?N Vol. 71. pago 471. county recorder's Mall T
reeling the recorder to enter a ( state- rocords of Jackson county. Orogon; and of
mont thereof in tho water inn In Hon no foot; rato por foot $1.10; r.niount In tho
,lockot- $55. No. 25
The city or .Medford doth ordain as' Assessment No. 13 Lulu Pnrter.
follews: ;Kast 15 feet of lot 20. block 1. Frult-
Soctlon 1. Whereas, tho city comi-tdalo addition to tho city of Medford,
ell did heretofore, by resolution, do- Oregon; frontngo 50 feet on tho north
claro Its intention to lay a six-Inch "o or i;nsi Washington street, and
Lot G. block 1. Sunrise Home Park
Addition to tho citv of Medford. Or Or
eeon: frontaco 75 feet on tho north
Bide of Bennett avenuo and described
in : 75 feet: rate per toot. 1;
amount. $75.
Assessment No. 5 H. D. Howard.
Lot 5. block 1. Sunrise Home Park
Addition to tho citv of Medford. Or Or
eeon: frontaco 75 feet on tho north
side of Bennett avenue, and describ
ed in R-98: 75 feet: rato per foot.
$1: amount. $75.
Assessment No. G Lillian M.
Daniels. Lot 4. block 1. Sunrise
Home Park Addition to the citv of
Medford. Orecen: frontuee 75 feet
on lite north sido of Bennett avenue,
and described in R-21G; 75 feel;
rate per foot. $1: amount. $75.
Assessment No. 7 Julia Doublc
.dav. Lot 3. block 1. Sunrise Home
,Park addition to tho citv of Med
ford. Orceen: frontaco 75 feet on tho
, north side of Bennett avenuo. and
described K-215": 75 feet: rato por
Moot. $1: nmOunt. $75. -1
Assessment No. 8 Joseph II.
y,Mcdlov. Lot 2. block 1. Sunrise
'llome Park Addition to tho citv of
Medford. Orecon; frontaco 75 feot on
tho north sido of Bennett avenuo and
described in R-178: 75 feet: rato per
foot. $1: amount. $75.
Assessment No. 9 Joseph II.
Medley. Lot 1. block 1. Sunrise
Home Park Addition to tho citv of
Medford. Orecen: frontaec 75 feet
on the north sido of Bennett avenue
and described in R-178: 75 feet;
rato per foot. $1; nmount, $75.
Assessment No. 10 I. W. Harris.
Lot 3. and tho east 39.5 of lot 2.
Moefc 2. Sunrise Home Park Addition
to tho citv of Medford, Orecon;
frontuee. 114.5 feet on tho south side
of Bennett avenue, and desoribed in
1M04: 114.5 feet: rate por foot. $1;
amonnt. $114.50.
Assessment No 11 Emma Ben
nett. Tho west 35.5 feot of lot 2 and
all of lot 3. block 2, Snnrise Home
Park Addition to tho citv of Med
ford. Orecen: frontaco 110.5 feet on
tho south side of Bonnett avenuo and
described in R-179; 110.5 foet: rate
per foot, tl: amount. $110.50.
no nrntests were at said time or at, west of tho Wlllamotto meridian.
and betweeu the Jacobsen-Bade Com-'any other time mado to or received !nnd running thenco north 600 feet to
pany, an Oregon corporation, nerein-Uy the council to tno sam laying 01 -tno piaco or bcflnning; tnenco norm
after named as tho contractor, and
tho City of Medford, a municipal cor
poration, hereinafter called tho city.
Wltnesseth: For and in considera
tion of the covenants hereinafter set
forth, tho contractor hereby under
takes and covenants to furnish all the
the said water main or the assespment, GO feet; thenco cast 130 feet; thenco
of tho cost as aforesaid, and said, south 60 feot; thenco west 130 foot
council having considered the mat- to tho piaco of beginning, and markod
wntor mnln on Wnshlugtou street nnd
to assess tho cost thereof on tho prop
erty fronting on snld portion ot said
street In proportion to tho frontngo
described In Vol. 72. pago 382. conn
ty recorder's Tecords of Jnckson coun
ty. Orogon; 16 foet: rato por foot
$1.10; amount $15.50.
of said property, and fix a tlmo and. Section 2. And It Is hereby ordered
plnco for hearing protests against tho land ordained that tho nevernl assess
laying of said wator main on said moats and tbo Hens thoreof be entered
part of said stroot and tho nssoss-1 In tho wntor main Hon docket of tho
monts of tho cost thereof, nH afore-Hn Id city, and thnt thoroupon notlco
said; nnd, bo glvon tho owners or repunted own-
Wherens, snld resolution wan duly ors ( Bn,(i Proporty, and that the
published and pouted au required by Ba, ,)0 forced and collected In tho
section 116 of tho charter of said city; I!""""0,1", I'vldcd by the charter of
nmj ' the said city for tho collection of as-
',. ,. , .. ..isessments for tho Improvement of tho
Whereas, a meeting of tho council '8treotB heroin
was held at the 1 tlmo and plnco fixed Section 3. It Is further ordored
In tho snld resolution for tho purpose thnt lho Il0llPU nl)OV0 ,,r0V,i,., for
of considering any such protests, but ,,0 published throo times In tho Dnlly
no protests were at said tlmo or at Mn TribI10, ft miwspnpor publlBh
any other lino mndo to or received by , nnd r Kon0ral circulation In snld
tho council to the snld laying of nltl rIty n tho manner provldod by ordl
wntor main or tho assessment of tho, ,,,,;... v or.n m i...
cost ns aforesaid, and sn d council Tho for0goliig ordlnnnco wns pass
having considered tho matter, and 0(1 ,,y u,o city council of tho city of
deeming that said water main was Medford. Oregon, on tho 24th dny of
No. 250 of eald city.
The foregoing ordinance wan pass
ed by tho city council of tho city of
Medford, Oregon, on tho 24tl dny of
May, 1910, by tho following vote:
Merrick aye, Welch nbnont, El fort
aye, Emorick nyo, Demmer nyo, Wort
man aye.
Approvod May 25th. 1910.
W. II. CANON, Mayor.
City Rocordor.
tor. and deeming that said water
main was and Is of material boaeflt
to said city, and that all property
to bo assessed therefor would bo
necessary materials and labor and do 'benefited thereby to tho extent of
all of tho work of excavating and
backfilling ditches, hauling and lay
ing pipe on tho following streets and
avenues In tho city of Medford, Ore
gon, to-wlt:
Washington street from Roosevelt
to Genesee street, 8-lnch cower.
Grapo street south 521 feet, 8-Inch
Cottage street, 6-Inch and S-Inch sew
er, 1000 feet.
Fourteenth street, S-Inch sower,
720 feet.
Thirteenth street, 6-Inch sower, 570
Laurel street, 6-inch sewer, 376
the respective assessments to bo lev
ied aualust said property, did ordor
said main laid; and,
Whereas, tho cost of said wator
main has been and hereby is deter
mined to be the sum of $1990,
Now, therefore, It Is horeny rur-
M on the map of tho city of Medford,
Oregon; frontngo 60 feet on tho enst
side of Geneseo street, and described
In Vol. 63, prgo 245, county record
er's records of Jackson county, Ore
gon; 60 feot; rato por foot $1;
amount $60.
Assessment No. 12 J. E. Robert.
A strip of land 63 3-4 loot wldo (and
marked N on tho map of tho city of
Medford, Oregon) off tho south sido
of tho following described tract: Com-
Roosevelt avenue,
438 feot.
King street, 8-Inch and 6-Inch sew
er, 1251 feet.
Twelfth street, 6-Inch sower, 675
Oleson street, 6-Inch sower, 648 feet.
Alley between Queen Anno and
Reddy streets, 8-Inch and 6-lnch sow
er, 1974 feel.
Alloy between Queen Anno and
Bculah streets, 8-lnch and 6-Inch sew
er, a974 feet.
Sixth street, 24-Inch storm sower,
545 feot.
Do Anjou street south, 8-Inch sow
er, 1539 feot.
Main street east, 8-Inch sewor, 2390
Jackson ctrcot from end presont
cower to Columbus avonuo.
Ivy street north from Third to
Tripp street.
Howard utrect.
Bennett avenue.
Said contractor agrocs to perform
all of said work In a first-class, sub
stantial, workmanlike manner, In ac
cordance with tho plai.0 and specifi
cations thorofor, on fllo In tho office
of the city rocordor, which plans and
specifications havo boon adopted by
tho city council for such work, and
upon tho terms and conditions In said
plans and specifications sot forth,
which said plans and specifications
aro hereby expressly referred to and
ther determined that tho proportion- imonclng 12 chains and 95 links west
ato sharo of tho cost of laying sald,nnd 45 links north of tho southeast
water main of each parcel or proper- corner of the Packard donation lnnd
tv frontinc on said portion of said claim in section 30. townshln 37 south
street Is tho amount set opposite tho j of rango 1 west of tho Wlllamotto
description of each parcel of land be-'meridian, running thonco north
low, and that each piece or parcel of ,53c. 25 feet to a stako net for a bo-
land benefited by tno laying 01 saio. ginning point, and from said begin
ning point running thonco north
123.75 feet: thenco west 130 feet;
thenco south 123 feot; thonco cast
mnln to tho full extent of tho amount
so set opposite the description of tho
8-Inch sewer, ! same, and that tho rcspoctlvo
RillUC, UIIU lliui. mv --"- 1 inuill-v DUUU1 J&o lout, lliuiliu vuni
nniniintH ronresent tho proportional 130 feet to tho nlnco of beirlnnlnu:
benoflts of said water main to said , frontage 63.75 feet on tho oast sido
respective parcels of land, and also J of Goneseo street, nnd described lit
and Is of material benofltto snld city,
and thnt all proporty to bo assessed
thorofor would bo benefited thereby
to tho extent of the probablo amount
of tho rcspoctlvo nssessmontH to bo
lovlod ngnlnst said property, did ordor
said main laid; nnd,
Whoroas, tho cost of said water
mnln has been nnd hereby Is deter
mined to bo tho sum of $654.50,
Now, thoreforo, It Is hereby further
determined that tho proportionate
shnro of tho cost of laying mild wator
main of each parcoi of nronorty front
ing on said portion of said street Is tho
amount sot opposito tho description of
May, 1010, by tho following vote:
Morrick nyo, Welch absont, Elfort
Tho Southorn Pnclflc compnuy has
announced a rnto of n faro and a third
for round trip, points Roseburg to
Aslhnnd, for the aviation moot to bo
hold hero May 27, 28 aud 20. Tick
ets returning good up to nnd Includ
ing May 30.
Notlco is hereby glvon thnt tho
annual mooting of stockholders of tho
Pacific and Eastern Railway will bo
held at tho office of tho company,
In Medford, Oregon, on Mondny, Juno
nye, Emerick nyo, Demmer nye, Wort-jc, join, at 10 o'clock a. m.
mnn nyo.
Approvod Mny 25th, 1010.
W. H. CANON, Mayor.
City Rocordor.
the proportional frontngo thereof on
said street, and tno council aoes noro
by declare each of tho parcels of
property described bolow to bo as
sessed and each of tho samo hereby
Is assessed tho amount sot opposito
each description for tho cost of lay
ing said water main.
Assessment No. 1 Ealah Nichols.
A parcoi of land commencing 15
chains and 32.6 links west and 45
links north of tho southeast corner
of tho Packard donation land claim
in section 30, township 37 south of
rango 1 west of tho Willamette mor
Idlan, and running thenco north 247
feet 6 inches; thenco west 70 feet;
thenco south 247 feet 6 Inches; thonco
east 70 feot to tho piaco of beginning,
containing three-eighths of an acre,
and marked J on tho map of tho city
of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 247.5
feet on tho west sido of Geneseo street
and described In Vol. 48, pago 317,
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 247.5 feet; rato por
foot $1; amount $247.50.
Assessment No. 2 Mrs. Ada Por
ter. A parcel of land commencing 12
Vol. 67, pago 407, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon;
63.75 feet; rate per foot $1; amount
Assessment No. 13 D. B, Soliss.
Tho north part of tho parcel of bind
marked Q on tho map of tho city off
Medford, Oregon; frontngo 50 feet 1
on tho east o'do of Goneseo Htreot, nnd )
described In Vol. 60, pago 253, coun
ty recordor's records of Jnckson conn-1
ty, Orogon; 50 feet; rato por foot Frultdalo addition to tho city of Mod-
$1; amount $50. ford, Orogon; frontngo 50 foot on tho
Assessment No. '14' J. W. Borrlnn. south sido of Enst Washington stroot,
Tho central portion of tho parcel of land described In Vol, 78, pago 418,
land marked Q on tho map of tho city .county rocordor'n records of Jackson
An ordlnnnco declaring tho assess
ment on tho proporty benefited for
tho cost of laying a iilx-luch wntor
main on Ilownrd stroot and directing
each parcoi of lnnd bolow, nnd thnt! tho Recorder to enter a statomont
each nlocoor parcoi of land Ik benefit- 'hereof in tho wator mnln Hon dock
ed by tho laying of said mnln to tho,0
full extent of tho amount so sot oppo-, Tho city c' Medford doth ordain ns
site tho description of tho samo, and ' follows;
that tho respectlvo amounts represent Section 1. Whoroas, tho city coun
tho proportional bonoflts of said wa- ell did horotoforo, by resolution, do
tor main to onld rcupoctivo parcels of 'claro Itti Intontlon. to lay a six-Inch
land, nnd alno tho proportional front-1 wntor mnln on Ilownrd stroot nnd to
ago there of on said street, and tho assess tho cost thoreof on the propor
council dooa hereby declare oach of ty fronting on said portion of said
tho pnrcoiH of proporty described bo- street in proportion to tho frortngo
low to bo assossed and each of tho of snld proporty, and fix a tlmo and
samo is assosscu tno amount hoi oppo
sito oach description for tho cost of
laying said wator mnln.
Asaossmont No. 1. J. W. Drosslor.
Tho west 30 foot of lot 0, block 2,
Hy ordor of tho President.
nnHkiiiH tor Honlth.
of Medford, Oregon; frontage 73.76
foot on tho east sido of Gonoxeo Htreot,
and described In Vol. 78, pngo 358,
county recordor's records of Jnckson
county, Oregon; 73.75 foot; rato por
foot $1; amount $73.75,
Assessment No. 15. J. W, Rlch
nrdson. Tho south part of tho parcoi
of ldnd marked O on tho map tit tho
city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo
82.5 foot 011 tho east side of Gonosco
street, and descrlbod in Vol. 69, pngo
553, county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Orogon; 82.5 foot;
rnto por foot $1; amount $82,50.
Assessment No. 16 Hiram Double
day, A parcel of land commencing
12 chains and 95 links west and 46
county, Oregon; 30 foot; rato por
foot $1,10; amount $33.
Assessment No. 2 L. G. Portor.
Lot 7, block 2, Frultdalo addition to
tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo
50 feet on tho south sido of East
Washington stroot, nnd described In
Vol. 71, pngo 471, county recordor's
records of Jackson county, Orogon;
50 foot; rnto por foot $1.10; amount
Assessment No, 3 L. G. Portor.
Lot 8, block 2, Frultdnlo addition to
tho city of Medford, Orogon; frontngo
50 foot on tho south sido of East
Washington stroot, and descrlbod In
Vol, 71, pago 471, county recordor's
rocords of Jackson county, Orogon;
plnco for hoarlng protests ugnliist.tho
laying of snld wator main on snld
part of Bald stroot, and tho nssosii
monts of tho cost thoreof as aforo
Hitld; and,
Whoroas, said rsolutlon was duly
published and posted as required hy
section 116 of tho charter of said
city; nnd,
Whorcnu, a mooting of tho council
was hold at tho tlmo and plnco flxod
In tlio said r solution for tho purposo
of considering any such protests, but
no protests wore at said tlmo or at
any othor tlmo mndo to or rocolvod by
tho council to tho imld laying of tho
snid wntor main or tho nssoHsmont of
tho cost as aforesaid, and snld coun
cil having considered tho n attor, nnd
dooming thnt wild wator mnln was
nnd is of mntorinl bonoflt to said
city, and that all proporty to bo as
Honsod thorofor would ho bnnofltod
thereby to tho oxtont of tho proba
ble amount of tho roHpoctlvo assess
ments to bo lovlod against iiald prop
orty, did ordor Raid mnln laid; and,
Whoroas, tho cost of said wator
main has boon nnd horoby Is de
termined to bo tho sum of $850; j
wow, tuerororo, it is norooy fiirinor l
determined that tbo proportionate I
aharo of tho cost of laying said viator
For Sale at all Grocers
Tho old established Medford
Uakory and Dollcatoeaqn havo
again roauniod buslnoss with
now mon, hotter goodB, prompt
Borvlco. Everything up-to-dnto.
Our motto la to ploaso our pat
rons, aivo 118 a trial, Re
Hpoctfully, A. F. REINKIMG & Co.
PiioNia main acoa.
i I
S& J-&