MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, QR1SQON, SUNDAY, MAY 20, 10.1Q. Watch This Page for Advertisements of Good Things to Eat GERMAN CHANCELLOR SUSTAINS BAD DEFEAT 12 Look Here i . BERLIN, May 28. Chancellor von Bcihmnn-Holcmes remains In otttco today following a rejection by tlio Prussian houso of governors of tho Prussian frauchlso bill yesterday. Ho -will retain his position becauso of a dearth of statesmen qualified for tho chancellorship. Tho chancollor is believed to havo clinched tho defeat of the govern ment by withdrawing tho bill after It Iiad been voted down. This is regard ed as tho v orst defeat sustained by tho government in many years. Tho press and all parties today aro ridiculing tho chancollor and calling him Incompetent. None, howovor brlng3 forward a possible successor. WM. HODSON'S FATHER DEAD OF HEART DISEASE William Ilodson has returned from Koseburp, where he was called by j the sudden death of his father, E. i 6. Ilodson, for the past 40 years a, resident of Roseburj:, and one of the best-known men in this section of! tho state, who passed away at his home, in West Roseburp, shortly af-' tor 1 o'clock Thursday, death result iaj; from an attack of heart disease, dpe to excess exertion. The deceased came home to dinner us usual at about 12 o'clock, and after partnkhiK of tho meal, retired' to the rear of his residence for thes purpose of exercising a frisky colt. He led the nnimnl here and there for some time, and had just entered the house to enjoy a rest when he sud denly fell to the floor, apparently J Buffering intense agony. Friends rushed to his assistance, but to no avail, death came as! Ihonch. he was but asleep. j The deceased is survived by three aons, James, of Roseburg; Will and Boy, of ITedford, and one daughter, Mrs. Minnie Trimnell, who resides in tho southern part of the state. , Mr. Hodson held the position of deputy game warden in Roseburg district for the past eight years. He ' was well liked and an efficient offi-t cer at all times. His death is mourn-' ed b3 all. j The finest lot of bathroom fix tures just in and you can't ue gleet seeing them. Como now and uiako your selections. We also carry a full liuo of kitchen utensils. Groceries of select quality and tho finest Teas and Coffees that tho market affords. You find these at Allin & Allin 132 West Main. Phone 2691. HUNDRED HOMELESS FROM ARIZONA BLAZE GLOBE, Ariz., May 28. Twenty houses were burned and 100 persons made homeless by the fire that swept tho mining town of Miami last eve ning, according to reports that reached here. The damage done was estimated at $60,000. Miami's entire water supply is brought to the camp by a one-inch pipe and was utterly useless in fighting fire. Our 25c Special A. great many pcoplo know what our 25a special is. DO YOU KNOW? Wo will bo pleased to explain the morits of our coffee, and especially do we recommend our 25c seller. WHITE DIAMOND is certainly proving its worth, for we aro soiling a lot mora low than we did 00 days ago. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE when the goods are meritorious. Olmstead & Hibbard 131 WEST MAIN STREET. PHONE MAIN 571. ACCUSED OF ACCEPTING BRIBE FOR A PARDON STRUCK ON HEAD BY FALLING METEORITE PLANNING TO DRAIN TULE MARSH LANDS SPOKANE. Wash., May 28. John Berg, a section hand from Sprague, Wash., while standing at tho comer of Main avenuo and Stevens street this forenoon, was struck on the bead by a meteorite. The celestial missile inflicted a deep gash in his head and felled him to the ground. The man was taken to tho emergency hospital, where several stitches were taken in his scalp. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., May 28. The largo tule land owners on the Lower Klamath and Ewanna lakes and along the Klamath river are planning to blast out the ledge of rock at Keno, whero the rapids of the Klamath begins, and in this way lower the river at this place suffi ciently to drain thousands of acres ef the marsh lands lying southwest of this city. An informal meeting was held here last night resulting in the calling of a meeting when every man who owns land in the marsh or tule region is asked to be present and definite plans will be formulated for the early draining of theso valuable lands. j New Hatchery Aquarium. SISSON, Cal., May 25. The large aquarium and the improved hatchery equipment have been installed at the state hatchery. The aquarium is a large glass case set in stone and on . stone flooring. It contains Rainbow trout. Loch Leven, German Browns and Eastern brook. The9e fish are of the best stock and are meant for exhibition purposes to allow visitors to view them in their natural state. Prompt, Courteous, Satisfactory Service Thoro is a reason for the crowds you encounlur when you outer this store. You can almost sum it up in tlio four words at tho top, but must add another. QUALITY is tho final reason. Not only do wo givo you prompt, courteous, satisfactory service, but we givo you quality. The surest way to orove this to bo true is to try. PURE. WHITE FLOUR and GOLDEN GATE COFFEE ALLEN & REAGAN Main and Central Ave. Phone Main 2711 MILLION DOLLAR SWINDLE ,USED DYNAIMTE ON OF GREEN GOODS PLANNED) GRAVE DURING FUNERAL CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo., May 2S. Information charging C. E. Ilngar with having accepted a bribe of $1G0 while secretary of the state board of charities, was filed in court hero to day by John E. Wright, a local bus iness man. Tho chargo is that tho alleged bribe was to secure for Sam uel Haas a pardon from state's prison. Haas was serving ton yenrs for assault with intent to kill. The complaint is the outgrowth of reports that a "pardon ring" operat ed in Colorado under many past ad- J ministrations. I. I CHICAGO, May 2S. Secrot Borv Ico agents nnil postofflco Inspectors hero today nro perfecting evidence showing that a $1, 000,000 "green goods swlndlo" was plnnned In Chi cago. Tho federal officials capped the scheme just as Its promoters plan nod to flood tho country with (otters offering to soil Bpurlous govornmont notes at low cost. E. A. Starkloff and George W. Post wore arrested In Philadelphia follow ing their Indictment by tho federal grand Jury hero for alleged connec tion with tho swindle. Ilaskins for Hoalth. COTTAGE GltOVE, Or., May 28. Tho funeral services over tho remains af llarloy Qlueoner, held at Snglnnw yesterday, were tho most longthy In tho pastornto of Ilor. W. A. Elklna, who preached tho sermon. Tho hour for tho services was fixed at 2 o'clock and from this tlmo until 6 o'clock tho minister was forcod to hold his nu dlonco becauso of tho fact that It was found necessary to cnlargo tho grave Tho undertaker could not lower tho casket box, and workmen lind to go several miles distant for dynamite and blast away tho solid rock until tho gravo was given proper dimensions. Haskins for Health. ""I 56 ACRES OF AS FINE FRUIT LAND AS CAN BE FOUND IN THE VALLEY; wfli ! nnATPn? worth A GREAT DEAL MORE THAN IS BEING ASKED. ADDRESS OWNERS. CARE ' BOX 496, MEDF0RD, OR. ' i Not a house, nor an apartment, In (this city ousht to bo tonantless un less It's a poor place to live! Then, even a want ad-campaign ought not to succeed In renting It. - ; RARDON IS BAKING 2000 LOAVES OF BREAD DAILY. WHAT IS THE REASON? -r MEW INDIAN AGENT I "Your" store, perhaps, advertises AT KLAMATH RESERVE1 "your" bargain today! Look and know. KLAMATH PALLS, Or., May 28. Tho new agent for tho Klamath Ihdinn reserve, Edson Watson, has arrived and left this morning for the agency, whero ho will assume imme diate charge. Mr. Watson comes from the Pota irattomie agency at Madean, Kan., where ho has been Indian agent. He succeeds H. G. Wilson, who has had ehargo of tho Klamath agency for the past five years, and who has keen promoted to the charge of all Indians, allotted nnd otherwise, in tho state. Mr. Wilson will leave within tho next few weeks to assume the business of his now office nnd will have headquarters nt Roseburg. MILLION DOLLAR FIRE RAVISHES MINNEAPOLIS MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., May 28. -'-Damngo estimated today at $1, 600,000 was done by a fire which broke out Into last night in the man ufacturing district and destroyed n number of warehouses and lodging bouses. Ono man was severely in jured nnd several firemen had narrow scapes from falling walls. The fire threatened to get beyond tho con trol of tho firemen, but nt daylight bad been controlled. Coffroth Left Again. REDWOOD CITY, Cal., May 28. Fight Promoter Jim Coffroth sustain ed defeat today whon Judge M, T. Dooling decided that the supervisors t San Mateo county have no author ity to isauo boxing match permits for fights not held In Incorporated cities f the county, DON'T BE DECEVED By unscrupulous peddlers who are traversing the country offering you buggies, carriages and hacks at prices which they claim to be lower than our prices nt home. We are publishing this circular as advance notice that we aro in position to meet any competitive prices made by any foreign representations and will guarantee to give you better goods for less money. Remember, we stand behind our goods with a strong per sonal guarantee and mako it good. Better patronize home dealers, whore you know you will get fair treatmont nnd any repairs can bo had prompt ly. We ship our goods direct from the factory, thereby securing lowest factory .prices and best carload freights. R. n. PRICHARD & Co., Medford. HUBBARD BROS., Medford. EMIL PIEL, Ashland. FREEMAN & WILEY, Central Point. A.L. VROMAN, PLUMBING & HEATING! CONTRACTOR i No job too small, none too' large. Twenty-five years' practical experience. Office 1 13 South Front Street, i Phone 2751. Savoy Theatre TONIGHT SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION WILBUR MAN WITH 100 VOICES and AMI THE HUMAN DUMMEY MERRY WIDOW TAKES ANOTHER HUSBAND A scream. DEBT REPAID Thrilling drama. COZY, COOL, COMFORTABLE ONE DIME NO MORE ONE DIME ODAK VELOX DEMONSTRATIONS AND PRINT EXHIBITION FREE 4 Special representatives from Eastman's factory will answer all questions for am ateurs relative to exposures, developing and printing. ANGLE OPERA HOUSE Friday and Saturday, June 3 and 4 2 to 6 and 8 to 10 p. m. each day ' vQTff f "VS. PI 111 -VL$ m Sanitation Is absolutely nocessary in order to insure perfect meat. P13RV120T SANITARY CONDITIONS aro found in our entire market and every ounco of meat turned out is guaranteed puro, swoot and tondor. Cold Storage Our method of cold storage is tho finest and most practical in the world. The largest and finest mar kets everywhere use the mothod omployed here.. The public aro free to inspect our plant at any timo and learn that it insures tho BEST meat at tho lowest cost. Warner. Wortman 6 Gore GROCERY PHONE 286 MARKET PHONE 281 Special Rates for tho Portland Rose Festival JUNE 6TH TO 11TH on tho Southern! Pacific Comp'y (Lines in Oregon) of ONE and ONE-THIRD FARE FROM ALL POINTS IN OREGON Sale Dates From Roseburg and all stations north thereof, including all branches, .Tune Gth, 8th and 10th. From all stations south of Roseburg, .Tune 5th, Gth and 8th. Final return limit .Tunc 8th. For further particulars as to rates, etc., apply to any S. P. Agent or to WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent. Portland, Oregon. I wish to announce that 1 havo purchased the Union Livery Stables anil will conduct a general food and boarding establishment. HoraoH boarded by tho day, wook or mouth. I Kiiarantoo a Hqimro deal to all. R. GUANYAW UNION LIVERY BARN. RIVER8IDE AVENUE. J. B. ENYART, President J. A. PERRY, Vioo-ProHidont. JOHN 8. ORTII, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, AsB't CnHhior. The Medford National Bank Capital, $50,000 Surplus, 910,000 SAFETY BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS s TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. In Case of vSicKness PHONE 3041 MEDFORD PHARMACY Near PoBt Otfice AllNight Sorvico Frqo Dolivory i tmm'wm 1m &,. udmaltU nifc. i . tffl