MEDITORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDITORD, OftEGON, SUNDAY, MAY 29, 3910. 11 THE PEAR THRIPS (My Dudley Moiilton of thu nojmrtuiont of AurlcuHuro, oiwnuod In DouIiIiiuiih Fruit lnnuct Iiivoiitlcntlonii,) (Conlliuioil from Friday. Thrlpn huvo dliiplayoil vory doclil ud prufuruncoii (or curti.lit flower jmidi. It Imn lioon tnontlonud Hint tliuy cIiooho tlio Innor nldo of tlio almond calyx ouji. In jiriimm thoy nro partial to thu tiny liloHBum ntoniti and to tlio tlpii of putalu nm!t whoa blomioinit lmvo opened, to tlio Htliiina and ntylo, Thin liiMt Injury Ih onpoolally notlconnlo on rlmrrloii .wliuro tlio wrltor hr-i many linen found tlio Htli;mau and ntyloH lilackoncd mi a roiiult of tlio foudlni; of tlitlpti, wlillu tlio rent of tlio liloHiioinii worn untoucliod. "injury on loaf lititlu ntid on tondor fnlliiKO In almoit h marked nH wlion liloHiioinii alono are attacked, altlioiiRli tlioro ran bo no cloHoly drawn lino of dlatlnctlon, liocauHo of tlio clono Interrelation of loaf and lilo'uom liudit. Treon that havo licon nivnRod for three or four tlnyn cannot attain put forth now leaf IiiuIh and noctiinn a nat ural Krowth for several monthn, and then they appear nlckly for tho ontlro year. Often they cannot nUirt nnow until tho thrlpn havo actually loft tho troen, an tho Innoctn continue to hin der each now effort which tho treon may malco. The penr thrlpn In known to feed on the following plautn, and It Ib proba liln that till- Hut, oxtonnlvo an It Ik, 1m not cemplete: Almond, npplo. apri cot (Kovoral vnrletleii) , cherry, flK. ;rape, peach (Mulr and Nlcol'n clIngM proferred), pear (enpeclally Doynno du Cornice nnd Hartlott), plum, prune, wnlnut (Iilnisllnh). The In fleet nhowa a drclded pref erence for certain vnrltlou of pruneii, pnum and peachen, but of the other frultM all varlellen hcomcI to bo at tacked alike. The pear thrlpH have been collect') from tho following ln dlKeuoiiH plantm blOBKomn from the Madrona (Arbiitun menxlonll) and wild California lilac (CeanoiluiH thyr HlfloniH),and foliage of poIhou oalc (Khun dlvernlloba), All theno plantn hovever, woro near thrlpn lufcHtod orclmrdn, and, moreover, only a few ludlvldualn wero taken from each of the plantn. IVedlnK Habit of the Thrlpn larvae feed a I moot entlroly cm ynuiiK, tender follatfo and on tho Hiirfnco of f j iiltu. Thoy conceal thom nelven In tho terminal buds and ofton, an on tho cl.erry, they a'taclc tho un der nldo of tho lenvoH, unaally near tho protnfiiont volim. Thoy riuwo tho leaven to become much contorted, rniiKod, and full of bolen. Tho In iwjcts Hcom at tlmon to tako advan ttiKO of cortaln tondoncleH In tho Krowth of plantn on "which thoy hap pen to feed. Kor oxamplo, nowly oponltiK penr or npplo loavoii nhow a teadency to roll from tho nldon In ward and tl rlp find thin Innor pro tected nurfneo a mont donliablo food ItiK place. In nuch a cano tho uppor, Inner ntlrfaco In dontroyod, and tho loaf, Inntond of opening oui, bocomon rolled up tls't and eventually dlon. Tho Innect tliua nocureii tho tondor eit of leilf tlKnuo for Hh food, nnd nlno protection In tho foldod leaf. Thrlpn ofton cauno a doadonlnR of tho loaf nmi'Kln. and In nuch canes tho leaf Ih foced Into an abnormal, often cup nhnpod (trowth. This b. a vory char actorlutlo Injury on pear treon. Tho fruiting Inju-y of thrlpn larvao on frultn, enpoclally prunen, la In n way uuporflclal, b t It norlounly lmpalni the appoaranco of tho ripened frultn and jjroatly lenccnH tho valuo of tho flnlnhod product. Tho pruno Krown to be larger than a Kraln of wl-eat bo foio tho dead calyx In nloiiKlied off. larvae feed under tho protection of thin dead calyx, nnd t.r a renult an nbraBfon of tho nkln, tho feeding In Jury,lH4iotlceable, ovon on veiy nmnll frultn. The wcund appearn flrnt bh a nmnll brown npot which onlarKcn and producen a ncab an tho fruit maturcn. Tho HorloimnoHH of what might flrnt Mbum a Hinall Hiirfnco marking In rtoro readily appreciated whoa ono recnlls that when prunen nro bolng cured the tough scabby npot doen not nhrl Ml up during tho procer.u of drying nn iloos tho flesh of tho prune, nor doen It nKBiime a darker color an doen tho pruno. Thrlpn larvae nio ofton can led by varloiiH meiinn from tho o Iglnnl food plant to other ".oatn, bolng blown, for example, from a trco to grans or weed bonoath. Thoy liivo no wlngn nnd cannot fly back to tho tico. A fow crawl up again, but most larvao adapt themaelvcH to tho now plant until fully i'nwn, whn Hoy, too, go Into tho jjro tnd. Many of tho com mon weeds wo thus boon found sup porting lnrvio, although no full grown ItbrlpH havo ever boon scon feeding or depositing egs on such plantn. Tho Innect hnR prov d ltnolf to bo a otrlctly fruit trco peal, and It In carried to weedn and 1 1 vet on them or on other plautn only by accident, lill'K, HIBTOHV AND 1IAIUTH 'J'be ICgg, Tho Ovlponllor itml OvImhIHoii. Tho trlpn egg In bean nhaped, light colored, almoit traunpnropt, and in vory largo In proportion to tho nlzo of tho abdomen when neon within tho body of adult fomalo. It In about ,022 him, long by actual moannrornont. Tho ovlponllor In mndo of four iIIh tluct platen. Knch plate In polntod, linn a nerrnto outer edgo, nnd In oper ated by powor'ul muiiclcn nnd plnton within tho abdomen. Tho palm on each nldo fit logothor nlons tho inner edges with u tonguo-nnd-groovo-llko ntructuro, which In action rondem ponnlblo a nllni'.ing hack and forth, or Hawing motion. Tho oviponltor is protected within n nhenth in tho voa tral tip of tho nbdomou when not tiMod, but boforo and during ovIpoBlt Ing It In loworod until almost at right angles to tho body. OvIpoHltlou accompanies fcodllng. It Kcotiis necoBnary, Indeed, that be fore tho oviponltor can bo inserted through tho plant opldorruls tho thrlps iiiunt flrnt weakon or break r.n opon Ing through tho tlnnuo with tho mouth parts. Tho biiccohbIvo oporatlonn of lacerating tho plant tlnuo, lowering the oviponltor, placing nn egg, nnd withdrawing tho oviponltor roqulro from four to ten mlnutcn, nnd mny bo briefly described an follews: after making an IiicIhIoii with tho mouth pnrta the liiKoct moven forward, dropH and limortH tho oviponltor, and by op erating tiny nnvs nho maken a deep ovipositor otaoln shrdul cmfvyp eta Incision In tho plant tinauo Whllo tho ovipositor !:, ntlll dcopl-' sot In tho plant, an egg in conducted though tho cavity between the platen and deposited underneath tho cpldo. mls. Tho oviponltor is withdrawn and tho egg In thus left dcoply em bedded within tho plant. Doling tho ovlposltlon porlod ono ofton find a branch or n trco, or ovu i."...ny trees, on which nlmont nil thrlps aro ovi positing nt tho Bamo time. (To bo continued.) MK.MOUIAL DAY I'KICES ON CUT FLOWKUS. Carnations 7Gc por dozon Formosa Llllloa )2.u0 por dozon Calla Lllllcs 2.00 por dozoa 8tncks ExtrA Select. .$1. GO por dozon Sweet Peas 25c por bunch Solf-watorlnc coment boxes; water once In 10 dcya, MEDKOUD GREENHOUSE. Phono 3741. 923 East Main. 50 Haukins for Doalth. BMRTI DRIVERS that know the country RIGS that cover the ccurliy QUICKLY AND WITH COMFIW TO YOU AJIK ALWAYS TO Y. FOUND A'l TUB FAItLOW & DOW INO, FOFRn5TOIt8. WEST SIDE STABLES I'HOKH 2481 S. GItAPE 8TREKT PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING J All Work Guaranteed Prices Beasonablo COFFEEJN & PRICE i 11 North D St.. Medford, Ore. Phone 303 Roanoke Roanoke One of the Most Beauti ful Resident Sections of Medford Roanoke Addition is just far enough out to elim inate all noise and bustle of the business section and yet it is just right for the man who is in business. Only ten minutes' walk from the railroad. This is becoming one of the most finished residence districts of Medford. The lots all face on Main street and Rose avenue. Cement sidewalk all in. Sewer and water mains laid The lots are high and sightly, which gives them a great advantage. Building re strictions $2000. There are already several fine new cottages on the property. These lots are quite large, being 50x137, which gives plenty of room for garden and. garage and other necessary buildings. Come and make your selections early. Prices $735 to $750 for east and west front lots. J. W. DRESSLER AGENCY Selling Agents WA NTED Timber and Coal Lands Engineering and Surveying Contracts Taken and Estimates Furnished B. H. HARRIS & CO. Medford, Oregon Office in JacKion County BnK, Upstair Medford Iron Works E. E. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in Southern Ore gon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Roanoke Roanoke Geo. W. Priddy O. D. Nagle Geo. T. O'Brien Medford Brick Company Contractors and Manufacturers of Brick. Dealers in Pressed Brick and Lime. OFFICE IN POSTOFFICE BLOCK, ROOM NO. 5 Phone No. 3181. Medford Is Certainly Entitled to Be Named The Pasadena of Oregon Every advantage connected with living in a city may be had with an Eden Valley Tract The Best Class of People Are Attracted Here v People of refinement; people with means; retired business men; professional men; college and university grad uates, are coining to the Rogue River Valley by the score. Within tho past two years almost a hundred Chicago and Evanston, HI., people have purchased homes near Medford, and nearly every one of them has a friend or two whom thoy hope to induce to come and locate in the valloy. New York, Philadelphia, Boston and many other eastern cities are almost if not quite as well represented, while St. Paul and Minneapolis have more representa tives here than any other several cities combined. Think these statements over and get your thinker going. Write to the undersigned or the Medford Commercial Club for detailed information about tho country, and you will nover have causo to regret it. The Most Fascinating Investments Are In Bearing Orchards Near Medford Most of tho producing orchards havo been held in large holdings until recently. A few weeks ago the Eden Val loy Orchard, containing 005 acres, was placed on tho market in any desired acreage. We have been authorized to offer the bearing apples and pears for sale, and if you know anything about this country and want a 'desirable block of bearing trees, write or come soon. During tho past week over $150,000 worth of the property has been disposed of. Ik is located within two miles of Medford at an elevation of about 100 feet above the city and is one of tho best kept orchards in tho world. Parts of tho orchard- offered for sale have paid tho owner over $600 per aero per year for four straight years. Do not come unless you are prepared to stay, for just so sure as you do come tho combination of fat soil, grandeur of sconic beauty and Italian climate will steal you, body and soul. After ono visit hero you will bo misorablo any other place on earth. . An Eden Valley Orchard will pay an income the very first year Buy now JOHN D. OLWELL EXHIBIT BUILDING MEDFORD, OREGON ,ji .,1 ns Ul jMCBDj a n. hi WHmHirw- t